>EVEN MINE MULE GETTING A KICK OUT OF STRIKE He In Hoisted to the To|ij for u Hrr.it h <>f I'urr Air and a Blinking I,?ok at thr .SuiiKhinr HUSH TO FLORIDA 4fany Miners . Who I^iid z Down Their TooIh Never Expect to Keturn to Work iu the Mine* By HOBKRT T. H.MALI, IKS by Th? A4,t?ce) Scranton. Pa.. Sept. 1. ? There la not likely to be any news of import from the hard coal "strike" region for nome time to come. The miner* are leaping; into their hoi-; Iday in a joyous mood. Every body seems to he happy, except possibly the "maintenance men" who are condemned to remain at work, manning the pump* and otherwise keeping the mines "fit" for the men whenever they choose j lo return to work. The hard coal country Ik ac- i cnatomod to "suspensions." That is ih?4>nly word you hear in this section, the miners being very 1 careful to assure you there Is no j strike. Working agreements have i expired. No new agreements have been made. Therefore everybody , quits and everybody Is wearing a Klin. Even the mules of the mine are j getting a kick out of the situation. ; A mine mule's lot never is a hap py one. The mule lives for month*? t and possibly yearB In the stiginn ; blackness of the underground . workings. Today he is being hoisted up for a breath of pure air and a blinking look at the i summer uunshlse. v 1 There la one phase to this ; year's suspension which differs ironi the dramas or conn-dins oi i? tfce past. Many of the men who I today have laid down their tools I will never return to work In the mines. They aro going to Join the rtish to Florida. The news of | Ihs land boom ?lo wu that way haa penetrated the industrial under I world and hundreds of the an ? - thraclte workers are going SoutVi F 10 seek fhelr fortune. They will f go well fixed financially and as ? investors rather than workers. Most of the (migrants will drive their own cars to the Southland. I figuring that their strike will per mit thenvto seek Florida fjrst and I decldo as to whether or not they I will remain, before peace has been established in the coal in- , i dustry. Auto trips In other directions! ? have been planned by the suspen \ ders. This is the bi-annual vaca I tion they have been waiting for and they intend to make the most of It. Clothing merchants and haberdashers throughout the re f gion reported today tho usual brisk trado which always follows an order to quit the mines. Tho miners, expecting to spend I so much time abovo ground, are * dolling up" for thftlr holiday. They also are fixing up the wife and kiddles with new dresses and for what the public generally re gards as a strike country, this re- j gion looks almost as If It wer?- eel- : ehratlng a national festival. That is It. In fact what the coal sus- J Pensions have come to be to the parties immediately concerned. Tty?y are anything but that to the poor consumer. This year's suspension was a foregone conclusion down this Wsj?-long before the negotiations svsr were begun It must not be forgotten that these negotiations k ?rJ. ? Wrs are held at the neigh! of the summer season ?h!T -.J A*,*"tlc City. There by the side of the sad waves, ens ers and the operators begin a ?a? 1. n,nft time* out ton re "V; ,n " Thr tlatlon. are lone drawn hul US? " n"y" J.0"0" ,h? H>m? rourar || ?ui,h| not to be dill' cult lo negotiate by the In Bum mar, but It appeara lo ho quite ? problem to deride |? ju>, h parttrn ,r Ur pub! Ilr Khali be dealt with a. th? yeara no by Everybody around here knew there would be a miapenalon be C?u?e (treat atorka had hern accu- ! mulaleil at the mlnea. The pub Ik not buying roal. The e? m pa ! K of mine nwnera to get ??? public lo huy In the aiimmer w" Proving a failure. Thev ,he ,hr?"' ? atrlke ll! i!Ib?r bul ?!??* pub mlnl?T*l.n!!1 oul market. If ' ' h?w,rt bave been re ?ii J M il' lo """* ro"1 Th|? ?ore "he *^.ou"tht of- Ther. corn, ii ue depleted, until the market h"" l?on booated. ? "mi dem. rallied a^'tC^b" He clamors for relief. p Governor Plnchot. who at*nn-H I. to Ihe breerh Iwo snd brought about a settlement af ? brief auapenalon la holding aloof thin year. He took the It problem off of Prealdent Cool ? handa In ItJI. but he dlda't I ?at any (real credit for hla Inter (?'?tlon ao thla yaar ha may let ConttmiM 00 pe fa 4 ' rms is Tilt: way MILLIONAIRES PAY f).\ THEIR INCOMES ?w York, Hp|?I. I.? Jniiipm B. PMkp, former president of Ihr .\mrrimn Tobacco f *otn* pany, | Mtltl 1(111.2.50 Im oiup Ih\o; ami NtMllnr Duke SI^I.OOO, according to figure* made |>uli< IIC today. Detroit. Kept. 1. ? Henry Ford ii in I F^I?W Ko?I today m Ith the Port! Motor Car < orn pany |Nibl tlie largcMt Income tax In the Flint Michigan Din i trlrt. Henry Ford palil 92.' ftOH.OOO; telnet paid 92,41)H, 000. New York. Sept. I. ? John D. Rockefeller, Jr.. paid In come InxcK of 94f.277.000. l?on .\ngclen, Kept. 1 Many MurprliM'N In movie (Ht returns were Indicated today. Charlie Chaplin paid 934.1: Fatty Ar huckle |mli| 9M.OI2; Douglas FalrbankN paid 9182.000; umvirate on which many men's lapses from grace are blamed. It is said that he has shown a strong predilection for youthful feminine companionship on occasion, and that certain young women have prospered mightily by encourag ing his attention. Though he. himself rides in a mPe cart, his neighbors say he has been known to buy an automobile for a maid l who caught his fancy. Little to support this gossip was brought out in the trial of the case. It was contended by the plaintiffs, however, that a girl taken Into the Overton family a i number of years ago. and brought up In It, was getting hold of much { of his property and probably would have It all within a few years, unless a guardian was ap- j pointed. There was no hint of scandal In connection with her. She In Mrs. Charles Overton, and also lives In that part of the county with her husband. After brief deliberation, the Ju ry In the case found that Mr. Ov erton was incompetent to manage his affairs and directed that a guardian be appointed. Through counsel, the defendant appealed, and the case was carried over to, the term of Superior Court In Camden County which convones September 28. The action has stirred wide spread Interest throughout Cam den County, where Mr. Overton was regarded as one of the wealthiest residents several years ago. then owning as many as sev- . en farms He Is declared to have disposed of a large part of his property within recent years, and sn estimate ss to his present ft nandal standing Is available here ST. JOHN'S FESTIVAL MERKY CELEBRATION Koine, Sept. 1.? The tradition al St. John'a Ere festival, one of the many quaint religion* and folk holiday* which hare *urvlvod Into the 20th century from the Italian middle agea. waa celebrated thj? year with a wealth of popular gus to which helled the tale of Rome * fa*t growing modernlaatlon. emulating the example of their enceatora, acorea of thou*anda gathered In the apaclou* wiuare of the Ba*lllca of 8t. John Ijinteran. and. with whlntlea. horn*, bella and liberal wlne-blbblng. made merry almoat through the night with a ?plrtl more remlnlaccnt of 500 yeara ago than of today. Great torehea flickering from atop the ancient Roman wall, tip on which the dignified facade of St. John'a look* down, lighted up a milling m**a of old and young, all making a* much notae a* po* alble. Rickety bootha and itreet huckater* ?old bella and penny bank*, made of rough elay and adorned with crude peaaant-madc deelgn* Other ?ldewalk merchant* did a thriving bu*lneaa In freeh lavender *prlga and carnation*, for It la a tradition of the holiday that the betrothed ? and nearly betrothed exchange carnation* Elder hnlldayer* obeerved more i carefully another o( the Bt John'Ji Eve tradition* by Uborally patron-. Iilng bootha which eold plquant ly Savored analla and . ; WHH placed Ht $2 1 .KOO.OOU |ml?v ' whon the will a nd inventory * { wen* llled in T'robatc Court. BABE RUTH IS LEI OH WITH PUBLIC APOI.O(,\ New York. Sept. 1. - llj.i Iluth kiM today, after m ronli ence with Col. Kupert, Yank" owner. that ho would pul?lirt> ! apologize for hla derogatory ???? i menta concerning Manai(< i Hu. gluM. Rupert Huid In that he would aunpend punlalinc'iit TRIED FOR ASSAULT Wilmington. Sept. J Tom Hoblniion, nemo. wrut on I rid I her? today for alleged hhkhiiIi up on a in -year-old girl laat Aiik-u>i 1 2- F^llnic th n high at the tlui" and the negro wan carried to IT ? lelgh for aafe keeping. KKVl I'HIl'I.K IN N'OIH'II CAKOIJNA Itiili'ich. Sept. 1 Although ap proximately HO.OOfl Income tax returns in North Caro lina. ovt-r one-third of tin- rnuni tot U I Of $.*1,000,000 KHMniNnil'lllH of the Federal (iovernint'Dt wan against Ichh than inn peraonn' rec orda today. W. N. ???> noldx of the It. J. Reynold* Tobacco Company lit' d the iarwat income tax r**turn in lllO Slate, totalling 1243.000. TWO ltl(, I'MOBLKMS confront c.ooi.iim;i; Hwampacott. Sept. 1. ?Two do mestic Ihmupm confront inc the Hrl fnlnlnt ration. the anthracite sit uation and the shipping hoard coii Irowrny, ovpnthadowd h It oth* era In importance today in view of President Coolfdge'H approach InR end of hia vacation here There waa no indication of hix taking a hand In the anthracite strike. Novel Ways Bootlegging To Beat The Coal Strike ItonllrgffiiiK In the Hifflil It ?rd for l.ii/iinr la (Jliitr f ree ly Mixed t \> in Sonic of thr Trannnrtion* fit Serurr I iirl ,\on ntltiva Hi KIIV t MAII.HII \l,l n?wnAi *i nr. n? New York. 8epf I Some nov *1 way* of "boot leg* In a'' to bo.tt Ihe coal Hirlkn arc bolna pr?< llced here. New Yorkor* chariM-d with Ihr ronponnihlllt y of keeplm I arffe bulldU?*? vara and "Iwi WlM?" to 1 1 f ( 0 II iriiNtlDKly to I porta. 'there may bo no ahortai:' ire laying In bin auppllca. "HootloRRlnR" la the proper word. Tho auporlntendent of one largo offlro biildlnK. ordered to (tot coal enough to lust till t b?* first of th? year, approached the igent ffom whom ho alwaya bnvs But the intent waa hII aold out to Dthera. antlelpatlnK ?he I>Ik mill. "Oet me nil tho coal I need hmI I'll get you all the Rcotch and rye pou ran uae. the superintendent told tho roal aaleaman. tho Inner sdmlta The order ban been |?lur*frt ?but the saleaman In at III debat ing whether to try to fill It "with or without '? The run oh New York 'a r-oal lupplylna rompanloa atarfod Hat urday and haa boon continuing with such rising Impotua that cer tain companion frankly admit Lhey will not ha able to supply all waats Oa? aaleaman whose Anfnat hiMlnen* ha* equalled all the first M-voji mouth* of III" yr#r put to Rether. Wan ill desperation when order* continued rnmllKt "I couldn't promlne to nupplv h not her ton of roal after Sunday '' he said. "Then >? friend of h friend of mine phoned to nuk inc out to dinner. I* went mid lie ?darted iim . off with a powerful cork tail. "When I came to n few hour* later In hi* home h< wavptl a hill of aale In my fare. "Wiry fold me I'd have to *et enough to tide two apartment hou*oa thrnttjch the winder' he Bloated 'N'ow you've *ot to *rt It for me." Whfri' to utorn tin- roal In c**.*h of Immedlute delivery. \n m proh lem that In vn*|im many haver* At l?*nnt three nk vnrrap?TH will erert bin* on the roof, where roal may l>e *tored when the hnwiin-m overflown If the *trlke In effective and long, one Hnle*nian reported after converwal lonti with hi* htiy era. A big factory In the middle of the clly In clearing Ita warehouse* to afore thousand* of tona of roal Id. If delivery In made pronto a* Ifa owner* har? demanded. SIMONDS CREEK , ROAD CONTRACT LET AT $65,591 K. I W illianiN, 4 !on tractor ? ' U Only llif a nine fool concrete high way of iho type adopted for all. tin* others in ilic "feeder road ' program ..undertaken through Is suance of $250.!. no. or a little under Slfi.Otio a mllo. Contracts on similar road*" radiating from this city have approximated $16.A00 a mile. and the iUgher figure on the Weeks** lllc to Slmnnds Crook highway is ascribed to the higher coHt of haulage. The matcrlala must he transported by motor truck a distance averaging H'n 111 Ilea. Mr. William* wax low bidder also on* count ruction of a bridge at Simonda frock, in connection' with the road. Ill* figure was $2.0-1 2. fin for a bridge of creoaot ed timber. The next lowest hid. Miibinitted by \V. L. Jones. local contractor. was $100 higher. Th?' Simonda Creek road la to 1m- "of plain concrete, eight incheji thick at the sldea and si* luchea at the center County Engineer J. It. Ford eatlmated prior to re-' celvlng bida that it would coat 9G6.400 to conatruct. The toad will run from Old Weekavillo to a point about 2.1 AO feet hcvond Simonda Creek bridge, and will follow the preaent high way as cloaely aa ia practicable. There was Home Hiiggeatlona that, the paving be Increaaed to 15' feet in width from old Weekavillo 1 to N'cwhegun church, but the ; commissioners took the attitude that they could not .afford the added Initial outlay. The con tracor Ik allowed 1.10 working daya to complete the project. In connection with the letting of the contract. K. I?. William*, who waa preaent at the meeting, told the coinmlaalon that tho County could aavo conalderable ' money by reducing the hold re ?l ul red or the contractor. Thla at preaent la Ho per cent oi' the contract coat of tho Job. Mr. . VII - llama 'explained that other aUt^es ? Virginia, for Instance required a I mnd of only 3fi per ceil . which i lie said was far leaa expensive.! The commissioner* appeared to feel that the additional expense wan justified, however, by the added degree of aafoty. Paul Walston, local exprean agent, appeared before the com mission and presented a claim for $137. HO for extra cxprcHMagn on fh<' recent shipment of 92r.r1.ooo in bonds from thla city to buyers In the Middle Weal. lie explained that the clerk who handled the shipment figured the charges at, $A0. whereas they ahouhl have been * IK 7. AO. The commission 1 agreed to pay the difference. After some discussion. the com-, mission decided to take no action on m proposal to pave the Fork* School road I R feet wide acroan the Knohhs Creek swamp Just out side the cjry limits. The distance Is about *00 feet, according to Knglneer Ford, and the additional coal would have been about $1. or.o It ifcaa * x J ? I h liif'l that the* County would experleneo contdderahle difficulty in keeping up the nhiiulderN of Iho road where It rrrmHcd th?? swamp. fommlnalon er l#eiiry ?nggeMted that f-runhod rork might ho liaed to advantage to protect the road Hhoulder* at that point, and Knglneer Font agreed with him. hut Mr. Wil liam*. contractor for the* road. de Hand sufficient atone fhr the pur pone would rout a third an much ax concrete. and would laiil only a year or ao. Toward the rloae of the meet-' Inc. the 'luentlon of routing Pear* tr?*e Koad. already a subject of ex* tended controversy. hohbed up agMln In desultory faahlon. There wan extended discussion of a sug gestion liy Vlee Chairman II F. Sample. presiding in the shsence of Chairman H. (I. Bcott. that an altogether dlalnterestpd attorney In* employed to paaa on the lejcal Itv of thn action to rr/ute the road diagonally a'-roaa the farm of Kh rtngbeufl * Small to ItoMt'l Fork in I he event that the commlfttilon nought ]?t*l wdvlrc In the matter. Mr Sample explained thai Wal ter Small, counsel for the rommis Hi4>fi. wan part owner of the farm In question. and that It might! place him In an emharraaalng po- 1 sitlOQ, One Plane Off Other Disabled Km 11 IVh ikImo, Kept. t. ? W illi half lit voyHRP to Hawaii Meeom pi tatted. (he flafrihlp <>f I he two 10.300 |Htun nautical nilli'K from Han Kranciaco with the dwtroyfr William Jonea atandlng by. The ileatn?>er*N captain intsM?KHl that he would take the rila* a bled plane In tow. Keport* from the Jone? were that the plai?e l*N-W, No. wa? In diffi culty ?tue to bmken oil pre<*Miie lilies. Han Franclaco, Kepf, I .?The Mataon liner Manoa M-nt a wire lean report to the Navy ra dio lien* today Raying that I'X-O, No. I, |MtNMr<| the I.24M) mile idtlp at <1 : 1 0 thin morning. Honolulu, Sept. 1 .?The dis abled >eaplanc IVN-tt, No. :l, will try another m?n-?*top (Hk1ii I'roin San I ihiii Im-o to Hawaii. word wan rerelvwl here |?mIav. TODAY'S PICTURE ONE OF CLASSICS Ten (\ Some pictures arc J Keen and then forgotten." Shelby ( Burgess. booking manager of the Alkrania ThPHtnr said Monday ev ening. "Tho life of all ordinary movie, is about two years. Classics of-llt orature like 'Hamlet' 11 through- 1 out generation and are read again and again. " 'The Ten Commandments.' has a theme so great, a sweep so I large, and is so elaborately pro- j duced that It is one of the small group'bf films that will never die." j "The Ten Commandments" will bo shown tonight and tomorrow night at the AlkrAma Theater and , In the afternoon of each day. HANKY REITERATES REFUSAL TO RESIGN Washington, Sept. I. ? Bert llaney of the Oregon Commission of the Shipping Board today re-i Iterated his refusal to resign un der the circumstances requested by President Coolidge. FINDS RICH ORE IN SOUTHWEST ALASKA Ketchlnkan. Alaska. Sept. I. Oordon Beetles, here this summer on his way to Seattle to buy sup plies. reported" that he had made a rich strike of cinnabar, the chief ore of mercury, on the Kuskok-j wim Klver In southwestern Alas- 1 ka 200 miles from Bethel, a town at the mouth of the stream. Before tho I'nlted States bought i Alaska from Russia In lRf>7, Bus- j slans mado good profits by recov-i erlng mercury from /cinnabar' floating near the mouth of the] Kuskokwlin after a landslide: . They used a retort made from an j old bolter. In 1920 the property on which J Beetles has made his discoveries passed Into the possession of "Cin nabar" MarDonald after he had sought for 20 years the source of; rich specimens he had found lie was frozen to death four winters j ago. I?ast winter Beetles Investigat ed the properly extensively and. located three veins. He found I MacDonald's body directly over | one of the veins. < I.KNKM'Y IIK.MKI) Will I'AMgi OTA.N'K I'HlHOM-.lt Kalelgh. Sept. I. -Clemem.v yesterday denied A. K. Jones of f'asquotank County by (lover- i nor Mclean and I'ardon Com hi In- j nloner Sink. OKT CONrKftKRCIS HABIT Oxford, Kng.. Kept. 1. ? Where do undergraduates go during the long vacation. Is a question often asked by the uninitiated who lin- i agine the colleges and grounds to be deserted for several week*. Be fore the war they were, but the conference habit acquired during wartime has stuck and developed, and for only two weeks In the va cation Is there nomplete silence In ' the buildings. There |h a constant Inflow of j guests to industrial conferences, educational courses and commer cial conventions during which the conferees are housed and fed on I the linen of s modern hotel. Stu dents for (b?M conference* lead the lives of undergrsdustes. occu py their rooms, dine In the big halls and by so doing assist the ? economic problems which Is urg ent In the cases of some colleges. COT rOW MAIlKKT New York. Kept. 1. ? Spot cot ton closed quiet, middling 22. .IS. sn advance of lfi points Futures, closing bid Oct 22 11. Dec 22.14. Jan 2 1 .HO, March 22 10. May 22 43 New York. Sept. I. -Colon fu tures opened today at he follow ing levels: Oct. 23.04. Jan 21 72. Mrb JI.H7. Mav 22 3*. MERCHANTS SIGN . CONTRACTS, FIND THEY ARE NOTES Twelve Elizabeth City Bti? incM* Men Trapped by Smooth Stranger* IVoiiuh ling A c! vert i ? in# Project PROMOTERS VANISH \ ictiniM Squirm Periodic ally ^ hen Monthly Pay ment* of SI 3 Fall Due; Clock Quit Altogether Twelve Klizabet h City mer chants arc- I'xrppdinsly anxious to get in peraonal touch with one Arthur KmIiii and one (Sen Hlrsch smooth talking Individuals of He brew extraction whose present whereabouts ?n> unknown locally. !f ln|PrHM ln PHlr ia inter, sifted each month on the day thnt I hey are called upon to dig up tho *u,u ',f ?" meet a note t hat fulls duo with monotonous and un? falling regularity- -and which they dldn i know they had signed until II w.is too la to for tho knowledge to benefit them. Kahn and Hlrsch blow into th city rarly in April with their pock ets hii I Kin k with testimonials, and offered local merchants a proposi tion 10 erect an advertising clock in a prominent downtown loca tion. Tho clock had a storoopil con arrangement whereby lantern slides wore flashed on a screen for paaaeraby to sec. It looked like a good advertising atunt. In consideration of the service the merchants were to pay $13 a month. Some were under the Im pression that the slides wi re to be changed weekly, without addltlon ?l cost to them. Others under stood that tho change was to bo tuade each three months. Tho 12 merchant!* signed what they be lieved to be contracts, voidable tn the event thnt Kahn and Hlrsch failed to fulfill their part of the Agreement. The contract waa OMtenslbly In duplicate, the aigner keeping one hair and the promoters tearing oil and retaining .tho other, duly signed. Some of the morcrnfflta -1 wore given to understand that the clock face would be four feet across. affording an adequate dis play. Others gained the Imprea slon thnt It would be five feet across. Ileforo leaving town. Kahn and Hlrsch had a "disagreement" and "Pllt up their partnership. in stead of having algned contracts ?s they thought, the 12 local mer chant* actually had signed prom laaory notes, collectible regardleaa of whether any sort of contract existed. Kahn and Hirsch divided the notes, and discounted a num ber of them here. Others were discounted In Oroenaboro. The clock was erected over tho steps leading to the aecond floor of the Blades building, at Road and Main stress. Instead of be Inu four or five fort wide. Its face measures three feet across, or leaa. The location of the clock face Is f?r from conspicuous. The service began on April 11. and tbua far there has been no change in the slides, despite the fact that the first three months ran out July 11, nearly two months ago. Aa a matter of fact, the clock cased flashing altogether ahout two weeks ago. this being due to the clrcuiiiHtanco that the roof leaked,. It rained in on the slides and the colors ran. rendering them vir tually Illegible. First Intimation that 'bey had signed notes. Instead of c >utracts. came to tho merchants when they were callcd upon to meet the Ini tial payment a month after the service began. I .oca I holdera of the notes were Innocent of fraud ulent Intent, and demanded their money. Some of 1 he merchants paid, and others decided to await the Inevitable- the service of Judgments against them. 80 me'"* signed for six months, and others for 12. The clock Is an eight-day af fair. snd runs faithfully enough. It tells time under dlfflVultlee. however, due tn the fact that somebody climbed Into Its "looat" and- yanked off one of tho hands. The company furnlshlnic the slldea hss sent word hero that It haa ceased business relations with Kahn. and no more slides are In prospect The inM heard from Kahn was that ho was somewhere In Kansas Hlrsch has dlaep pearod utterly, so far aa th* t wain's Klltaheth City patrons know. t The business Arms signing up for the clock service were the Lane Motor Company, the Herv-L* Filling Station. tTie ( Drive ft Company, the Klizabeth City Coca Cola Hot tljng Works, the Crystal Ice A- Coal corporation, R. A. By rum Company. Cooper Cleaning Works, the Albemarle Pharmac/. the It y a 11 Floral Company, the Al bemarle laundry. W. A Cotter ?( the North American Life Insur ance Company, and White's Sweet Shoppe. - S All ?!?