. DIRIGIBLE SHENANDOAH TOTAL WRECK WHEN CAUGHT IN OHIO WIND STORM Murder Mystery Slated For Term Of Currituck j Court Beginning Monday Riddie Capps and Mr*. Dura Kent resit lo Face Trial in Connection With Herman FeiilrnwV D?*atli SHROUDED IN SECRECY Detail* of Evidence Result ing in Arrest of Pair Vtitlilield from I'lildie; Whole County Is Apifi Currituck Courthouse, Sept. 3. . ? The rnont sensational cane uii the docket for the full term of Currituck Superior Court, which will convene Monday. Ih that of Mm. Dora Fentress and Itlddie Capps charged Jointly with mur der in connection with the death of the former'H husband. Herman Fentress. young Currituck Coun ty farmer whose body was found lylnK in the farmyard at his home on Knotts Inland on the night of November 9. lust. An abrasion ou his head wan taken to Indicate that he had been murdered. Vindell Waterfled. a neighbor of the Fentress family, was placed under $r?00 bond us a material witness In the ca'se at the time .Capps and Mrs. Fentress were ar fc rested. They were taken Into cus fttoday as the surprising sequel to ? he release of four young white men living In Virginia, not far from the State line. The grand jury failed to find a true bill uaalnat the quurtet, who had been suspected of having caused the death of Fentress, and the arrest of Capps and Mrs. Fentresn oc curred the fpllowlng day. Both were freed under bond afterward. Veiled In Mystery An Impenetrable veil of secrecy has shrouded the finding of Soli citor Walter Small and other as sociated with him In obtaining the evidence which resulted in the ar rest of the pair. This came like a bolt out of the sky. the general supposition having been that In ordering the release of the four y&uths originally suspected, the grand jury had come to the con clusion that FentreRs's deuth had rosulted from natural causes. Driblets of information flint have leaked out, however. Indicate that Capps will be charged with mui der and that Mrs. Fentress will face trial as an an alleged acces sory. V Subsequent to the death of her huHband. Mrs. Capps obtained employment as matron of the teaeherage at the consolidated hlKh school at Currituck Court house With her were her daugh ter by an earlier marriage. Miss Vlolu Litchfield. and her two children by her last marriage, tola of three and five years, re spectively. Riddle Capps, who apparently Is scheduled to be the major defen dant In the case. Is a tall and pow erful Knotts Islander, unmar ried and :iu years old* though he appears to be nearer 40. When arreated. lie denied all knowledge of the alleged murder of Fen tress. The death of the young farmer occurred on a Sunday night. The four youths originally charged with murder went to the Fentress home on the night of the tragedy after having been drinking, and an altercation ensued. In the course of which Fentress Is said to have ordered them to leave. Th ? youths were Barly Hallance. lis ter Davis. Claude Tlndell. and Tom I'allett. Th.- four r. fused lo depart from the premises, according to testi mony at a preliminary hearing of I the case, and Fentress left by a bark door lo go to the home of hi* father, a few hundred yards away, to obtain help in driving them away He failed to return, and when h search wan-made late that nlicht. his body wits found In the farmyard No marks of violence were found on the body except a small Bbraalott of ihi\ scalp. -A post mortem examination said to have ?It? c?*?duct?d crudely with t*e a ance ?n ordinary hack ,?:? ?/*?ort<*1 ?o have disclosed youths followed swiftly - Th** protrau* their InnocMin from the firm, and ?f|?,r ? u'Mm H 5 w'?< lo Nor , ?nd ?norge lt?'iuiiH. Imm?||?'u klliK, orri*?- I l*'l* today from Atlnnla pen itent In ry mul mm tnkeii Inum illntely to ItaUon lo Nfnf a yenr'n iM-nipmi* for niMlntMln injc m nuitanre at hi* farm hw ? luring alleged Illegal lk|Uor ??|HTHt toll. FISHERIES BODY MEETSTUESDAY ; ScMhion of State ('omnii* MlOll Will Ih- Held in Elizabeth (lily I Many matters affecting the fifth- 1 litfe industry of Northeastern Car-! jollna will be taken up al the meet-, j lug of the North Carolina Flaher ties Commission Hoard to lie held {here Tuesday, with J. K. Dixon, of Trenton. Chairman of the hoard, j ' presiding. 1 The commission will consider] the paaaage of regulations re-dls trlctlug pound net fishing In this pari of the State; establishing an earlier closed season for taking shad; undertaking more effec tive protection for all natural shad spawning grounds, and keeping open a third of the width of all sounds and rivers at all times to facilitate the free pass 1 age of fish. j "Fishermen and people gener ally who are intereated In the re habilitation of the State's great fishiniy industry and in proper j conservation of the fish, should .write or give their views person ally to the commission before the | meet lug." Chairman Dixon de ( clares. NORMAL SCHOOL TO | OPEN NEXT MONDAY | Teaching Staff Is Strongest In ' History of Institution, Prof. Moore, Principal, Declare* The fall term of the State Nor ' mal and Industrial School here will open Monday, according to an nouncement today by Prof. P. W. Moore, principal. Professor Moore in engaged now ill preparation* ' for a abort program for the opcn ' Ing day. He announces that he haa obtained the atrongeat faculty In the history of the school, and Is hoping for a highly auccenaful year. In all. about 20 teachers are employed at the achool. and these are exceptionally well pre pared for their work, he say*. I?ast year's enrollment at the achool. which la maintained for colored studenta, was* 578. Indi cations are that this year's enrol ment will be equally as large, Professor Moore declarer Com- 1 paratlvely few local students are admitted, due to n regulation which doe* not permit them to enter until they have flnlahed their third high achool' year.*. TRUCK OVERTURNS; CHILDREN INJURED A achool truck "uaed In tranr portlng pupil* to and from Mo yock High School overturned on | the Northweat road, about half a rmlle from Moyock. Injuring sev- | I en children, none dangerously, on < I Tuesday, the opening day of I school, according to news brought I here by I>. T. Singleton, of this ! city, who ha* returned from a ? buslnes* trip to Moyock j The truck wa* loaded with chil dren of varying ages on their way ! to school. It Is declared to have i been traveling at a comparatively1 | high rate of speed when It akldded and crashed Into an embankment, turning over sldewlse. according I to Mr Singleton. One little girl 'sustained *evere cnts. but the oth er *lx hurt escaped with minor brulaes and abrasions. The In- t Jured were brought to Moyock. where first aid waa admlnlatcred by Dr. S M Mann. FKENCH FORTRESS IS TAKEN BY TRIBESMEN j London. Sept. S. The Keen-! Ing News correspondent at Jem- j **lem says It la officially reported ; that tlie French fortress at Huedla ! has been captured by rebel trlbee men and the garrison massacred j French airplanes afterwards I demolished the town with bom be, Iter* the report. * TWENTY PEOPLE ! HERE PAID OVER $100 INCOME TAX C. O. Kolmison and Wife; Hfud Li*t fur Elizabeth rity, Willi' Totals of $2,> 867.20 and $2,62 1.8 I L. C. BLADES IS NEXT Judge I. M. MerkiviH In Fourth on LihI; No Ayd letla or Kramers Included in Figures Given i Twenty Klizab. th City residents | | paid Federal income tuxes] i amounting to $100 or more fur lam year. % aocordliiK to flgur?*l taken from the records of Collec- 1 | tor OHIIain Grissom. of the North | Carolina District. and |iubllHhfd in1 the Haleigh News & Observer. The ' highest single tax. $2,867.2(1. was paid by C. O. Robinson. and Ills wife, Mrs. Ivey H. Robinson. Ix , second with a tax of $2,624.8':. Mr. Koblnaou In the son of C. H Robinson, president of the First 4k I Citizens National Bauk and a lead ' ing figure In the business life of the city. Mr. Ruhlnson. Is not Hat ed among those paying $100 or more. Mr. aud Mri. Robinson are the only Elizabeth City folks Hated as | having paid as much as $2,000. L. | C. Blades, however. Is close be I hind, having paid $1,984. 65. Judge I. M. Meekina is the only other income taxpayer here in the thousand dollar class, his tax ha\ , Ing been $1,270.02. An Income j tax payment of $t,000 to $3,000 'shown an income of $30,000 to $36,000 for the year, and a pay . neat of $1,000 or a little above indicates an Income of $20,000 to $25,000. "Dark Hon*" Lintfil I r. H. Williams, president or th j Savings Bank 6 Trust Company. 1 i 'it nt a Federal tax of $8C7.2I; In I dicatlng a taxable Income of $15. 000 to $20,000 for the year. Ne xt Ion the list. In point of aniourt I paid. Is one Jonss H. Clark, with !? total of $574.90. No Jonas H. Clark Is liated In the city direc tory, and the natue possibly In it* - eluded In the Elizabeth City col umn through error. Mllea L. Clark, manager of the Texas Com pany. says he isn't the individual | meant. He suggests, however. | that J. H. Clark, of Elizabeth ! town, is the taxpayer In question. H. I*. Pendleton, supposedly , meant for Dr. A. L. Pendleton, president of the Carolina Rankin? * Trust Company, paid a tax "f $566.05. He concludes the list of those paying as much as $500. Others whose payments to the , Federal Government equalled or 1 exoeeded $100 are: W. A. Brock , 1 9103.42; W. H We?therly. ! $240.40; J H. Wilk Ins. 9350.96; IS. W. Twlford. $294.61; L. 8. Blades. $233.01; J. T McCabe. $131.09; Taylor Orandy. $161.94; J. C. B. Ehrlnghaus. $192.20; P. . W. McMullan, $298.72; H. B. Mar tin, $113.60; A F. Toxey., ,$118.14: W. o. Saunders. $157..35, and J. Wesley Foreman. $396.78. Under the law, a married man I Is allowed an exemption of $2. ?500. with an additional allowance ; of 9400 for each dependent. Thl* I mesns that a man of family in USt | have made above 97,500 to be I listed in the 9100 class, wherean an unmarried Individual niu.it j have had an Income of between . $6,000 and $6,000 for the year. F(?rfl?Cn Bonds, K\fni|K , Securities of foreign corpora - ; tfons yielding up to $6,000 are ex empt from the Federal Income tax. ; Hence, u man 'might have $100, 000 Invested In six per cent bonds. | and yet remain outside the circle, | whose incomes are bared pltll"S.v i I ly to the light of day -and the curious eyes of their neighbors. | A survey of the report for Ellz abeth City dlacloses thst a num-i ber of persons regarded as among I jthe best fixed financially here ar. i not Included. Among these are V \ F. Aydlett and other members of I the Aydlett family, not one ??f whom Is listed; W O neither, E I C. Conger and C W, Oalther. No, members of the Krsmer or Sawyer families Is Included, and only onu; member of the Foreman fa mil y The Hat does not Include a *Ln gle practicing physician, or I druggist, Indicating that the safe-; guarding of folks' health is not | the most, remunerative of profes sions Not a minister Is Included, or a school teacher. The list give* two Hertford res idents aa paying In excess qf $100 In Federal Income taxes These are Geor|e E. Major, with a total of 9340.94, and K D. Wlnslow. who paid 9182 69 For Kdenton. three are given.. The estate of the late Dr H M. S Canon paid 91*3.94; H. M. S. Ca- I son. 9127 69; and Henry O Wood. ! 9108.37 The Foreman- Blades I. umber Contlaaed on pegs 4 Against Babe I '/MHlHHc* | Cul. Jacob Itupi'?rt. owner of, I the New York Yankees who in ?* .peeled to reinstate Babe Ruth Saturday as the outcome of a con I fereure with Hie Suliau of Swat In | |New York Friday. The 15.00" fine imposed by Manaxcr Hugglnn | however. Ih exported to stand. Tells How To Be Ready For School | Sept. S. L. Sheep of the Ell* abeih City schools makes the fol* I low ing announcement* of Imports |anoe to many pupils and patrons: I "All pupllH who are conditioned | In the fourth, fifth, sixth. 9:30 o'clock to urrunge about ex laminations. , I "All new families In' the city i whose children expect to enter; , either the fourth, fifth, sixth orj 'seventh grades please have your, jchlldreu at the satue bulldiug at j 10 o'clock promptly for clusslfl-l ' cation. j "All High School pupils who! are conditioned and desire to take| the examinations, except those at tending summer school under A. ; B. Combs, wfll report at the High | School building Monday. Septeiu 'her 7. at 9 o'clock. All new pu pils will report at the aame build- 1 Ing at 10 o'clock for classlfira-i Hon. |* "All Prlmory pupils who are entering the city achools for the| first time will please report Krl-j 'day morning. September II. at 1 9:30 o'clock for registration all | the Primary school building " | ! NEW BASIC ELEMENT I.N METALLIC I OHM I j CoiM iiliae. ti. Hvpt. 3. T? . I | ounces of the new basic element hafnium, have been produced in metallic form, one ounce of which I has been sent to the United! j States. It is understood that the! new element may be successfully I used In the manufacture of aii-i jdlon lamps for radio. I Niels Bohr, discoverer of, baf I ilium and winner of the Nobel prize for physics In 1922. wax not! able at first to turn the new ele-j ment Into metallic form. He has) now. however, accomplished I Ills assisted by I'oul Berglund. u civil i engineer. Success was attained1 hv oxygenlzatlon of a mbtianct . called alvlt. found in Norway und| [France, and containing six pen J cent hafnium VARIED EVENTS SCHEDULED FOR ROAD FESTIVAL Enlerl?iiim?*iil I loiniitilli'i' Bu?y Arranging Sprviu! I'Vnt urrH | or Ai'orn llill Olrliration Srpt. IT ItlKIMItl K MAY COMF. Monslrr Itlimp from Yartl ?l I'lirtnii'i"!'1 Sought; l'o|?l,al' Kiiui laiiiTs from Norlolk Ariallaetnenti. Ml li.-w and "? uanal entertainment ' the *?#%?! a?-t|uailit?'d rflebraliult to Im- ImM Uw 4,11 TliMiHUajr. , Ieanl>**r l.\ In cuniMTiiiin Willi II ? official opening >?' Acorn toad fruu. t! county. lit'- nolnu A ll 1 1"' III.- fOlllll.Ull-.' ?Illllil" 1 Willi Hie Job <.r riilaine III.. .'Will i? KolllB "111 I 111" aolicltlnii autnnrlptlona. 1> Waller HmrU. I?r I* llulla and Tli.-y obtained tlie I'lly Manager J'-rvi-y. of J" " moutli. In I heir . fforla '"lu,v Navy Yard Hand coin. Her.- I" ' event, and to arrange. I . ' . . ; for a Saw dirigible alri.lll|. to *a. uv .-r III.- city l"?? J;l> Vol'!" " Jervey promiaed tli.-m hla full < ..pernllon In the nintter. While In Norfolk, the commit l... called upon Elder Cobli. popu lar Navy Y entertainer, who a. urcd Hlelli he would coin- h. ic for the celebration. and who j.roi.i help I ll. Ill to get III. Soul l? land Jubilee Entertainer an gr.f utlon of colored atngcrn who a , much in demand In Norlolk and vicinity. Will, the aaal.rai.ec iha' lh.- KllaalH" h Oily ?>"> _ Band will b- "" hand tor the oc coalo.1. and th.it a l.rosranif ?hort aud entertaining ? pe.cl.e,. hi arranged, .he program ronimlll - l? Juhilaiil over the miens* "if Hn nude Making. ? litis '"special Invitation* have l>. "ii mailed l" Hover nor Mrl-anand ? Highway Com in laaioner unit. ?" " eKIrJt Matricl. ." -".-".J-Vi" .-..l.-liratlon, aud a general InvilJ lion baa been laai.e.1 I" olhe' . la officials Several are expected I" W prea.1 II and deliver ad.lr.-a The mailer raining inon . for Ihe event I" the moat ? ngron In .. ,a?,U of K**n?TH? OHIIIIII' t?... Member* fiwv** encouiM'rr an allllud I'" ' ? luertliant" and oitn ra to ?li' > ?n ,hn. n r>00 contributed l>? "i CltJ Council will t?. ail-ilia.. ?" n,,ay0Ce the celebriltlol, KH.Hlia lea tilare III'' probable Hlfc? ?" crowd at 5 000 lo 10.000 peraoiH. mid lli? committee 1* working ' a mini.,,.. in of ?4.00n reeling t ... Ihla amount la nurr?*HH of the uiid**rtnk?n|.. ??Wi-'d better ???t have uny ?? I ^^!,i:.:,o.'er'.r^^r:^ 11 The event will be |.rlmarl|y I" acqualm .he i-.pie of .1;..- I ty with K.ll*abrih < Hy ?? foIkH will l?- honor " an welcome, and lb? d.if ' InZ ""mile, of Kllxa helh .-..y over a dependable hUllW"? I J. of which l? already pav.-d 1 ? vlll?> Ih 36 in lie* away, or a pi a ant automobile drive of !?" '"an an liour and a hall PLANS FOR CHOWAN BRIDGE APPROVED Approval liv the War Depart ment of plans for the Rde"hhouae Km per or bridge Ik announced In a letter received Friday from Frank Pane, chairman of the State Highway Coinmteaioii , by Blale Senator P. If. William*, of thta city. "f am glad to report to you that the War Department ban approved the plana for our bridge on pro ject 109," Mr. Page wrote. "and Mr. Craven la now proceeding to complete the plana for thla bridge and 1 hope to offer thla for letting at an early date." Mr. Page advised alao that the . ? nurpmi of I'ulillc |{(i?(ln. havlnic charge of I ho deal* nation of l?nlt*d Htatea road nmp*. H:ih promlnei) that lloulf 30 through North Carolina would l?* one of the Federal- route* aeleded. ttoute 30 In the State Highway from t h?* Virginia line at Corapeaka ikiom the Winlon bridge. and then<-e southwardly along the coaat to Waahltiftlon, New Bern and Wll mlngton Mr. Page advlaed In conclunlon that he w;?* leaving on a two month- trip to Routh America, and would hurry completion of the bridge and road from ICIIza hath City to Windsor upon hla re City Entertains Strange Guests KH/jiIn-iIi i lh ?-til?*rlaliMtl a sliuiii*e nsM'iubliiice ??l utirM >?'^li'r . w?'i?* kimm! iui HimsI ?-imlit:h as Ioiik a*. Ihri wi-rt' Imiictl and it Iui|?|m'|i?m| dial imbmly was in iIImtcH t'lioiiult tit t iimi Ihrm utlirrtvKt1. Hemr lhe> l?-ft iui ? asimli |i~. in lln-lr wake, h- lar as <*??ii I?l Im* asl this inorntnu Tin- mii'sls H?r?' spvpmiI itnniKaml stroiiK, ami il?aH|iilf llit'lr iiiiiiiImth. I Iii-) %t??rr nirm Im-i-s til a slnuU* 1 11 1 1 1 i I \ ? a \a urant s?aiin of lw*rs thai iium* from iii>IxkI\ kimus wliw, an I went ii?iImmI\ kiHtWH wlilllii-r Th?*y lit lirst in ih?> \iiril of .l;?iiic? 1-ViflHM-, hi hkihi llnrK** N fill' ||H loll'j ll-S thej rairil sin i. Til hie nl* lln-lr II i*s| stopping JiflUe, (lu'> jlMirtll*>?Ml III H Xoiili ttnilll llrri'l. 'I'll!' ??!!? tin* mil III "|nirk?a?l" mi a limb, l?t?-ktMl into a rlo*e uui**. Many |iasMM-s-li> \iewe?l llii'in curl ? ?iis| \ man u sale ilisiame, ami iioIhmU r- ' rion Square project. Thin In the! largest of the great n?|iiarea of1 Dublin and the proposal to con vert It Into a public park, rivalling St Stephens Green Ih recommend - ?d an ii boon to the poor iwipula tion and the children of the poor streets In the neighborhood wit ? require a playground. Merrion Square In at present the private property of the owner! of the liounen on It. pud an act of1 parliament will he ncci-snary to ef feet the Irannfer, OKOKIIS IIH.H I OK I'l.ANE I'OSTIHINKI) San Francisco, Hapt !l Search continued today for the mlnslng naval seaplane PN-9, No. I. which disappeared In mid-Pacific Tneadftj on Hi Hawaiian flight Secretary lloover todpjr ordered the proponed flight of the PII 1. net for tomorrow, postponed In definitely. MAKANVIIXK k!s|7,NS AS CHICAGO MANAC;KI5 Chicago. Sept 3 ? Walter Mrfv-' an vllle rewiirned today an mans , Iter of the Chh-ago National*. (leorg* filhson. coach of the club, wan Immediately appointed' a* acting manager Maranvlllei will continue aa player on ? the team. 1 Death List 15 Navy Reports First Report Put Number Killed at Only Two, but Later Dispatches Revealed Added Fatalities , W usliiii^lim, .'i. ? I'll.- ilir rriiiM-r >lnn.itiiloali ? itukIiimI to rurlli ill u wiml ntorin < inlil niilt-M imrlh of IIuIiImtII, Ohio, lliix inoriiiim, tin- Navy l>?|>urlment wu? informed in u iiietotujje rr Smart will occupy the pulpit at the First Methodist Church. SLIGHT EAKTIHJllAkh IS FELT AT BIJ'ITK Butte. Mont . Sept 3 A slight earthquake was felt here at 1! .30 this morning. MISTOOK OFFICER FOR \ CUSTOMER High Point.' Sept. 3. ? Cllnrl.H Heflln, while man. has been arrest ed hero on u charge of violation of the prohibition law all because lie mistook an officer of the luw for one of hln customers That Is the opinion of Officer B. C. Woodell. and the other offl cera. . In any case. Ilcflln, the officers aay. walked straight Into th- of ficers arms and handed him two pints of liquor. The officer* found six more pints on the man's preni Inea. It is alleged. MTMIOAN s pa RTNKR DVC All N*w York. Heyt. 3. Kdwanl K Stettlnlns. partner In tin- bsnk In firm of J p Morgan A Co.. died at his IxH-ust Valley home here today, 'after several weeks' |||> ness. DKBT < (>MMlHH|ON \ AMI 1 1 Parlf. Sept s. French cabi net today named the personnel of ths debt com mission which will go to Washington under Call lawxs leadership The Conimis sion consists of four senators, four deputies and two bankers cor roa hahkkt New York. Sept. 3. -Bpot .cot ton closed steady today, middling tt. 90. i^ji advance of 20 points Futures Closing bid Oct. 22 Ml Dec. 22 *2. Jan 21. SO. March 22 69. May 22 92. New York. Sept. 3. -Cotton fu tures opened today at the follow ing levels October 22 30, Decern ber 22. SI. January 22 07, March If. 37, May 12.72. I lit* enu*er. hlieiiando?> I uIi'm Hriiior ?iarviving offi eer ri'iNtrlcd' to the (Navy Department hida\ iIlu| 15 were killed, I h ii injured, ami one remained nnac collided fur in I lie wreck, i .(.out m under Zaehary l.an?dowoe and rnmmaiMl er Hancock were naiiied 1 among iIiom* dead. L ai/h <1 o w n e war* in eharge of the *hip. The Mound** ille. Went Virginia, aviation -field tel egraphed the Navy Depart inent today lliat the Shrn- . aiidoah >a.H Struck U} '* I lightning" at 5:35 oVIoek this uiurning. The uieMHage indieated that the information wan obtained from Army avia tor* who had heen to the neene of the di^anler. Col. Chal uirrs (J. Utile of Salisbury, North Carolina, aboard llii- Shenandoah as an official observer, was not injure*] and recounted * tlie Htory of the accident. Every effort was made here to rush relief to the shipwrecked crew. Major General IVtrick, chief of the Army Air Ser vice, culled at the Navy air hcudqiiurtcrs, volunteering to give "everything the Army has" to its sister ser vice. The Itcd Cross is making preparations for all pos sible relief from the near est chapter. , The first message said two men were killed atid that tlu* airship was a total* wreck. Forty-two men and officers were ahourd. Belle Valley, ().. Sept. 3.? ' Twelve officers and enlisted men including Commander * Uiiisjlowne were killed in thu : crash of the Shenandoah early i today, according to infot m'i i lion assembled here. The exact number of ens- - 1 unities was not expected to he known definitely until there . had been opportunity to check hospitals and morgues in the surrounding towns, < 'iimhrtdgc, Ohio, Sept. 8.-? The Naval airship Shenan doah brokv in two over Ava, a small village noar here, thi>> morning. One section is reported to have landed in a cornfield i four and a half miles south oi j Pleasant City, while the other is said to have floated away in j an easterly direction. j ?; Caldwell, Ohio, Sept. 3.?? j Almost the entire population . of this village, some eight j mile* from Ava. where the Shenandoah crashcd th'ft a morning were at the scene of J Continued on p.** i