VOL. XV. FINAL EDITION. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, j TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 15, 1925. SIX PAGES. NO. 238. Final Preparations Made For Gala Celebration To Be Held Here Thursday Assurances Krrrivrd Thai Thousands from All Northeastern Carolina Will Attend Festivities MOKE PIGS ORDERED Abundanee of Barbecue in Prospect ; Events to In-[ elude Music, Speeches and Flying Exhibitions Preparation for the entertain- J ment of the ihouHandH of visitors expected hero Id connection with the "get acqualntt'd" celebration to be held Thursday, wore Id full ; swing Tuesday. Carpenters were' at work on the courthouse j grounds. erecting long tables to! the west of the building for thoj serving of the barbecue and picnic | dinner, and budding a grandstand ' on the east side for the public j speaking, band concerts, and nth- ' er entertainment features. They were also putting down seats for the convenience of the crowd Assurance that a large dirigible airship would be sent down from , Langley Field for the celebration i was received officially Tuesday ' by Dr. M. S. nulla, a men>ber of j the entertainment committee. I from the officer In charge of the flying field. A huge seaplanr of the type of the PN-9 No. 1. which tell Into the Pacific Ocean a few ? days ago on a flight from Califor nia to Hawaii, Is coming from th?' Naval Base at Norfolk. Like The NhensndtMh Added Interest Is attached to the visit of the dirigible through the fact that the Shenandoah, th largest of this nation's lighter ( than air craft, plunged to destruc tion In Ohio about ten days ago. with considerable loss of life. From all parts of the Albe marle district, and as far west as Ahoskie. in Hertford County, as surances are beina received that thousand* of people will turn out i far the celebration. Many will! make their flrat visit to Elisabeth City that day. and the committees | In charge of arrangements are es pecially anxious that they gain a i favorable Impression of the city. 1 Hence they are calling freoly upon the townspeople lo help In mak ing the occasion an unqualified j ?uccess. All public spirited folks who j are willing to give the use of j their automobiles on the day of ( the celebration have be?in request-1 ed to get in touch with N. Howard 1 Smith, chairman of the reception, comiplttee. Mr. Smith will wend delegations out on all main roads leading Into Elisabeth City, with attractive young girls to distribute badges. He lacks sufficient cars to carry his committees, and is urging that all who can do so lend thelra that day. Forty young girls will meet al the Chamber of Commerce tonight , at 7:30 o'clock for Instructions in 1 connection with the Issuance of the badges, which will entitle wearers lo (he barbecue, attend ance at the baseball game and } I Movies, and other special features. | For those who are not tagged on the roads, badges will be avail able at a registration booth In front of the postofflce, to the east M the courthouse grounds. All out * of town guests are urged to obtain! the badges, slncp without them I thay are mdre than likely to be | left out of many of the best events 1 of the day. All WUI Nnr<l IkuliteN Red badges will bo issued to Cilw County folk n. the special honor guests of the day through the fact that the new road con- 1 ?ecta Gates and Pasquotank coun ties. Persona from other coun ties, and from Pasquotank. will Mcel ve blue badges. Members of khe various committees at work 1 Lpn the celebration will wear while | ? T^e auditorium on the second Itoor of the courthouse, and the Chamber of Commerce quarters tpstslrs over the Y. M. C. A. pOlldlng. at Main snd Martin Streets, hare been given over fully Ko thr use of feminine guests at ! celebration. They will be pro Mtferi abundantly with washroom | k?d other facilities The flro de ?irtmeiit quarters, at the rear of ?Ottlthouae grounds, will be l|ad? available to the men. ? Committees visited Gates and H} Counties to the west Monday.) ?dvertlalna the celebration. They Httrlbuted 200 tree signs. 200 | ?Indow signs and 100 automobile I Binnera. going aq far as Ahoskle ?lots returning home Kvcry Mere they wera told that folks planning to attend the cele Bat Ion In large numbers, ?i l?rte road sign. |g by R feet. been erected' at Sunbury by ^MObl ir Rchmldt. of thla city, ?to of charge. Inviting all pass Mr to attend the celebration A ?nner haa been placed over the | ?iMroada ?t Stinbury alao, bear- [ ?r a similar legend. ^?Pkns for the celebration are | ?ag carried Into effect by the ^?tOiber of Commerce and allied I^Bftlaatlona. Among other ^HTga. the committee on the bar H*. headed by ft D. Parker, haa 8,000 pounds of pork for H1 a'"*1'* i'ea ?h# Mil pf fare After Mitchell Col. George A. Nugent of Ih? Army Inspector general's office at ? Washington has hern ordered to j San Antonio to get a statement 1 from Colonel Hilly Mitchell rola- \ tlve to lila latent aviation charge*.. It Is exp**ct**d eourtmartlal pro- 1 ceedlngs will be based on Nugent's report. STATE FAlIt PHEMILIM LIST IS ATTRACTIVE] Ami HUpLnjs of Fruits K\ peeled } to be largr at Fair Tli Im Yf?r Halelgh. Sept. 16. ? Indications are that the dlsplaya of fruits. veg etables and other horticultural crops will be larger than usual at the North Carolina State Fair this year. This Is pointed out by Professor C. D. Matthews, rhlef of the de partment of horticulture at Stat ? I College and manager, this year, ot j this department of the fair. In \ \ statement Issued today. Approx imately $1,400 is offered In his do- ! partment for premiums this year Mr. Matthews saya. and he has re ceived a number of Inquiries as t<i| space and entries. Some of the hlgheat premiums' will be offered for dlnplays of ap- , pies. For the best commercial en- 1 try. a first prize of f 100 is offered, i the second prize being $50 and the third. $15. Liberal premiums are also offered for the be.it plates, trays, boxen and barrels of the loading varieties grown In North Carolina, Mr. Matthews says. MWe should like to call partic ular attention." says Professor j Matthews In a recent letter to fruit I growers, "to the value of exhibit- 1 Ing at the State Fair on October i 12. Tho premium list Is attractive J this year - a point worth consld oration In Itself, and In addition, ( the ntate-wldc publicity la helpful I to the individual grower In mar- . ketlng his fruit." Kmphasla la placed on many > points In Judging fruit. Professor j Matthews nays. The fruit must ! bo neither oversized nor under- ? sized for the variety; the color 1 should be heal for the aectlon; the j fruit should h<> uniform In ais-*. < color and form, and It should be i clean, free from blemished, rots, j and Insert troubles. In Judging sweepatakes. he aaya. high quali ties alwaya acore higher and Mand a better chance of winning. Applications for apseo arc being received, not only from fruit growers, but from growers and commercial organizations sll ove* the slate, according to B. V Wal bornfl manager. Ho bcllcvea that the fair thla year "will really rep resent the state." ! Thrift will be thouaanda of plmen i lo and ham aandwlchoa. and an abunddtirr of rold woda*. ton?*thrr With plrnty of Iro tltff A rnm mlttco of attrartlv* glrla under the | leaderahlp of Mrn. A. H. Worth, I will help ontertaln the rrowd. The Pa)'* Kventa Kventa of the morning will be gin at 10 o'clock with a concert f hjr the Kllsaboth City Boya' Hand, j 46 atroriK. and will Include a pro 1 gram hy the Southland Juhlle" Hlngora of Norfolk. aelectlona by the Navy Yard Band, and an ad-; dreaa by Hallet S. Ward, former member of Congraaa from thla dla trlct. President C. H Pugh. of the loral Klwanla Club, will be maater of eeremonlea. The barbeeue and picnic dinner will l>?? aarved from noon to 1:30, o'clock. An hour of flying mhlhl tlona and band aelaetlona will fol- j low. Then there will be a half I hour Intermlaalon At 3 o'clock i tho Norfolk Pollr* and the Nor folk * W?>*torn Railway nlnea. | two of the faatoal amateur teama ! In thla part of tho country, will [ claah In a bain>ball game on the 1 1 diamond at the rear of the old high achool building, on North j Road street. At the nam" hour, a apectal program of mo v lea will 1 begin at the Alkrama Theater, | with Conatance Talmadge In "Tho. Gold Flah" aa the feature attrac- 1 tlon. There w||| b? a coined* ODD FELLOWS ARE BOOSTING THE STATE | Take llnoUft About NorUi Carthj llna to Mwtinc In Port land, Orffoo Raleigh, Sept. 15. ? North Car 1 ollna ofllcrrs and delegate* of the Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellowa. of thta State, who left September 1J for Portland, Oregon, to attend the 1 meetina of the Sovereign Gland Lodge In that city Septemb?r SI I to 25. carried with them an attrac tive booklet dencrlblng North Car I ollna. The booklet, which la to be din- 1 tributed at the convention with i the "compliment!* of the North Carolina delegation'' carries on its cover a deaign of green and brown, showing pine leaves and conea. "North Carolina" being ! spelled out In the two colors. Inside, "North Carolina Ideas." a continuous aet of facts and Ideas of this State, la Interspersed with photographs. Among them are , pictures of the State caplptol, the band of the Odd Fellows Home at .Goldsboro, an old slave market at j Fayetteville. erected in 1833.1 highway scenes, the orphans home at Goldsboro. the Odd Fellows ; | Temple In Raleigh, and photo-! graphs of the officers and dele- : gatea of the North Carolina lodge, i In the extreme back of the I booklet, further North Carolina Information appears under auch captions as "North Carolina Has ; ? ," "North Carolina Leada ? ." I "North Carolina Ranks ? i "North Carolina Grows," etc. North Carolina officers of the | lodge in this 8tate who are attend- 1 Ing the national convention are: David Gaster. grand maater. of Fayetteville; Major R. L. Spauld Ing, deputy grand maater. of i Aahevllle; and John D. Berry, grand secretary, of Raleigh. Delegates from North Carolina who have gone to attend the con vention are: John L. Wade, of Fayetteville; S. L. Whitmore. of Greensboro; Dr. L. B. McBrayer, of Southern Plnea; and Howard A. Ballard, of Aahevllle Two wo men. Mrs. Hattie Reed Whitaker. of Southern Plnea, and Mrs. Geor i ft la Ballard, of Aahevllle, are at . tending as representatives of the I Rebekahs. A LONG WORD BUT GOOD FOR PEACHES | New Sort of PoUoti for Itwrct IVttU In Advlnfil by Dr. Lelby Raleigh; Sept. 16. ? Paradlch- j lorobensene may be s long word, but It doe* the work. That Is the .opinion of Dr. R. \V. Lelby. of the division of En tomology. State Department of Ait-' rlculture. who suggests that "It will soon be time to apply para dlchlorobensene to peach trees to kill the bores." "This material." he continued. "Is a white crystal which, whan . placed In a ring around the trunk of the tree, gives off a gas that 1 asphyxiates the borers. It has been found very effective by the i commercial peach growers In the sandhills snd has done away with the laborious method of worming trees with the knife. Growers j who have used It regularly and applied It carefully say that It | gases about 99 per cent of the bor ers. "Entomologists at the state's! laboratory at Aberdeen advlae using paradlchlorobensene be tween Oct. 1 and 15. and that the material be left around the trunka of the treea for three weeks or longer. In the case of trees three years of age It seems best to pull the mounds containing the paradtehtorobensene away after three weeks of exposure, because there Is some danger that longer exposure will Injure the tree. "In the case of older trees. It may be left there permanently. We are advising one-half ounce on treea four to five years years old, and one ounce on trees all years of sge or older. It Is hsrdly safe to uae paradlchlorobemene on trees two years old unless they are quite healthy. Otherwise, Injury Is apt to result." The psrsnt moths of the peach tree borer ars now flying about, depositing their eggs on tree trunks. Dr. Lelby rsports. "These, eggs will soon hatch." hs says "and produce worms that will en ter the trees at or close to the ground level." It Is to combst . these that he advises definite pre caution. Young borers, he said, are easiest hilled. His advice Is: "kill 'em while they're young." , WOMEN TO BE READY EARLY ON THURSDAY All Rllssbeth CUy *om?? who ' will help Mm IN barbecve din ner for tk? vleltora here Thar*-, day ar# asked to Im at the Court- 1 houM at 8:30 Thursday morning, as 1.600 plataa Mult b? raady by, 11 o'clock and aa many more by on? o'clock There la plenty of work to be dona and the woman ara aniloua to help mak# tba day plaaaant for tba visitors. m Aim alao, for tba special benett of tba children. Fscllltles for parking automo biles will b? provided on the high school grounds on both aide of i North Road street, with a commit tee on band *o ? as 1st the visitors "Dead" Buddy Comes to Life Slaty-one year* ago on a Civil. War battlefield Mile* B. Cook (left), of Flint. Mich., threw a blanket over hi* comrade. Charloa 1"). Webater of Traverae City. Mich.. believing be had* been killed. To hla nnmzcmcnt Cook n-et Webater very much qltve at the annual G. A. R. enenmpmen* at Qvand Rapid*. REVIVAL BEGINS NEAR OLD TRAP Ur^e Tabernacle Erected in (laindtMi (iounty to Ac commodate Crowds Old Trap. Sept. 15. ? (Special.); ? A large tabernacle Ik being com pleted midway between Shlloh and Old Trap for a aeries of evangel!*- : tic services to begin tonight at 7:30 o'clock, and to continue through Sunday. September 27. t The public baa been cordially In-' rlted to attend. Rev. ?. T. AdaniH. D. TTT"m Wllmore. Kentucky, an evangelist of wldr repuptatlon who ha* made yearly visit* to thia part of the country since 1 9 1 f? . an<1 who has won much popularity here, will do the preaching. Special musi cal program* will be directed by ? Prof. ft. A. Shank, of Columbu*. . Ohio, and hi* wlf?*. Profeaaor Shank Ib nationally known a* an I accompliahed musician. Servlcea will be held each w<?ek-j day at 2:30 o'clock In the after- j noon and at 7:30 o'clock at night, j On Sunday*, service* will be con ducted at 10:30 in the morning. | 2:30 In the afternoon and 7:30 at night. Dr. Adams and his party have just concluded a two week*" revl- 1 val at Kureka Methodist Church.,' near Weeksvllle, which wras n?- . tended by large crowda and which j resulted in many converta. Preced- ? ing that, he conducted a Hlmilar ; revival In the tabernacle erected on Currituck Shore in 1920. This also was fruitful in reaults, be de clares. Dr. Adams is a graduate of Van derbllt University, and formerly was paator of the First Methodist ' Church in St. I^ouls. He ha* had 25 years' experience in I mln- I latry. FIREMEN REWARDED FOR EFFICIENT WORK A substantial check Id appre ciation for their Mcrvh-ea In put - tin* oat lh? fir* which for a time threatened much of Elisabeth Ci ty's waterfront property on Run <1ajr afternoon. September 6. h*? been received by the fire depart rnent from the firm of R C. Ab bott. Fire Chief Flora announce* Duea to the circumstance that the fire had gained considerable headway, and tl\f adjacent build ings were thoroughly dry and therefore highly Inflammable, the flromen are credited with hav In* done an exceptionally effi cient Job. CRITICISES NAMING OF HOWARD COFFIN Wsahlngton. Sept. If. ? Prrsl dent Coolldge will five bin all craft board a free hand aa to wit neaees to be aummoned and thft course of procedure to be fol lowed WsHhlngfon. Sopt If f t it i clam of the appointment on the Presidential aircraft Inquiry board of Howard K Coffin of Detroit wan voiced In a letter to Presi dent Cool Id Re made public today by the American ftoclety for the Promotion of Aviation. The letter, algned Thorn** \, Hill, president of the Society, con gratulates the President on nam ing the special board but snaerts that In hi* -.pinion the nemlnR of Coffin would breed mletrnnt The letter declares that the Hughea aircraft Invaatlfstlon In 191 ft had forced the resignation of Coffin from the aircraft board of which he waa chairman Dr and Mrs. J H. White have returned from a week end visit to Mr. and Mrs. Mam n el Button st Newport New?. PI T ON CAMPAIGN FOB BABY CHICKENS siHif l>r|tnrtmciit Agriculture Wants State to Hatch It* Oun Kalelgh. Sept. 1f>.' A campaign to provide North Carolina with million* of baby chicks annually from certified liatrhrricH inside the Stale Is being launched by the State Department of Agriculture, through tin division of marketa, II has been announced. "Literally millions of baby chlcks arc purchased In North Carolina every year. and lh<> ma jority of these are ahlpped In [from the oiitKldn." said George | R. Hons, chief of tin* division of I markets. "In order to correct this, North Carolina Ih going to put i t hp 1 f squarely - behind thr hen " Mr. Hoss (hen told of the plan of Inspection and certification that will he put into operation through the diviHlon of market*. He re ported that the division already had applications on file, represent ing more than 12,000 birds. These, naid James 1\ Kerr, ac credited flork and hatchery In spector. will go out Into tin- field for the division, and ahould be the mothera of millions of baby chlcka. "The average healthy hen." he continued, "ahould lay 150 egga per year. Therefore, 1 2.000 should lay 1 .800.000 eggs within the year. If two-thirds of theae eggs should hatch, that would he 1.200.000 baby ehlcka within the next year from the 12. 000 prospective mothera we have requests to inapect:" "Of course they will not meas ure up. but man/ of them will We Intend to make this inspection work thorough. North Carolina should furnish its own hahy chicks and atop sending to other states for them." All birds that pass Inspection will lw* listed and lagged with metal taga furniahed by the De partment of Agriculture. These taga will be sealed. NKW YORK CITY IS VOTING FOB MAYOB New York. Sept. 1 "? New York Clty'a electoral*- wont to the polls today to end with Its ballots a most stirring and far reaching primary catnpRlgn. On the surface of today's bal loting Is merely an expression of Hapubllc and. Democratic voters In chooalng the mayoralty and local candldatea for November :t Underneath however Is the fight between Al Smith and Wil liam Kandolph Hearst for leader ship In state polities. LIQUOR CASES TKIEI) IN RECORDER'S COURT E. C. Tat*m. employed In high way work In Currituck County, waa fined $10 and ronta. a total of I14.9R. In recorder'* cnurl Tuea day He waa charged with beln* drunk, and hud deposited tir? bond for hi* appeHrMnre In ronrt. Ha failed to appeur Judge Saw yer directed thai lb** pollre re fund him hi* nlrkol rhan** wh??n he requeated ll. Lloyd Banhnry. colorad. tin placed under suspended aentenee of four month* In Jail on a charge of pofia?ai?ln|t and Medina liquor the auapennlon hclnt rondltlonal upon payment of a flna of t&o and roata Jim Wlnalow alao col ored. wan the Rtale'a chief wit neaa In the raae. and thereby ea capad proaerutlon on a charge of hatng drnnk Wlnfred 0??>na. convicted In re cordfr'a court Monday momlnr on g, charc of having aaaanlted hi* mother in law and h|p wife paid ft f 50 flno Tueaday mof nine In Itau of *errln? in daya on th? t roada. TRAFFIC IS NOW GOING TOWARD WINTER RESORTS With Summer Vacation* j Just Over Train and Steamer Service llrgiiiM New Schedule* UEAL ESTATE UP 4 Realtors l{cttirniii? From Florida ami C.aliforniH Decide They've Been Sell ing Land Too Low ll) .1. I*. KOVIJC lC*ffn|li|. HI1. fcy Ihi *????<( ) N??w York. Sept. lf?. ? Prcpara- | tlona ar?' already under way today ' to atari HUBinrntcd tralil*-? MM Moaiiwr aorvice to Southeastern and Southwestern winter reKortH, , although th?? volume of traffic to j the Biimnn?r vacation centers Is scarcely over. Train schedules have been worked out to ?o Into effect In October which normally j .art' not Ktarted until after the hoi , Iday* I lie extent or the interest or, land aeekcro in Florida In shown plainly by the statement of Secre tary of the Interior Work thai Iran j Ihan 10,200 nrrea of public land* ' remain open to entry In that state, j and I he annonnrement that all landn within three miles of the Florida. Alabama and Mississippi , ronata have been withdrawn. j In caatlng up results of the Hum mer aeaaon. lendinK reallora from I all aertloiia reported by telegraph 1 today that the value of real estate in the 1'nifed States haa been aug- . men t eel by hundreds of, millions of dollars In the laat year. Thin In crease la moat nollccable In aec liona adjoining the Atlantlr and Pacific oceans. the CS ill f and the ' inland watera of the country. I The boom iu Florida and Call- ! fnrnla landn la held rraponslble , and by some ahrewd operators. They May people who have seen I Florida and California and have ' checked up on increaaea in valuea there have decided property In the vicinity of their homo* have betm placed too low. "In my opinion." said Joseph 1*. Day. who haa handled the salea of a tremendous amount of auburban and reaort properties. including ' the disposal of whole town* for : the CJovernment. "the great actlv-; It y In real estate buying at thin time in ocean front communities ; Ik due to a realization that prlcca I have hern too low compared with | more dlatant aectlona presenting [ no more facllltlea for general prof It. In other worda. we have been . taking up the alack. "The automobile has made trav ellera of everybody. When people | return home and find It poaalhle ' to buy building lota at one-sixth | t?? one-eight li of the auma demand ed for altnllar plota In dlatant sec tlona, l hey wake up and commence I to buy." The panning of au miner han not i checked thla buying or building. 1 Realtors admit freely that some of the price advancea have been out of all reason but they maintain that the general level will con tinue high. Samuel P. I>>eds, pren- ' Ident of the Atlantic chamber of | eommercc. In outlining the situa tion for Inveatora aald: "Sift the aahea out of the coal, j There are plenty of ashea. Don't J buy anything you can t aee and he a tire what you buy In what you think you are buying. That goea for real entate In New York. Chi cago. Atlanta. New Orleana. Flor ida. California, or Kamchatka " i Some of the communitlca of the South are worried at the mlsra-; tlon of their citlxens to Florida. A aerloua effort la being made In Virginia today to promote a wide advertising campaign not only to1 attract Mew resident m hut to retain! preaent Inhabitants Ceorgla. Al- J shama, the Carollnas and Tennea see have contributed both popula tion and capital to Florida hut | Hear headed hualnenn men say their poalllon haa been strength ened. not weakened. In Atlanta, for example, .1.200 j post office addreaaen have been changed to Florida polnta In the last year, but poat office authori ties aay 3.R00 new addreaaes have been added In Atlanta. Telephon" installations have Incrcaaed. hank depoalts have risen $17,000.000 1 and building operations have ex- j ceoded $1,250,000 a month In that 1 lime. Other state* and communities ? of the South are capitalising their share of the great movement of i population southward The lands of the Oulf coast from Alabama to ' New Orleana are experiencing a tremendous activity. W I l,l,IN(? To IJMTKN T? Pl.KAM FOR ('I.KMKVrY Waahlngton. Hapt 1R, ? Praal dant Cool Id ga la willing to llatan to arxumant for m?ciitlTf> Ham nif > for former Governor McCray of Indiana, now aarvlnii In tha At lanta ponlfamiarx. IMKKKH IX HKXHION Hn f fain Rapt. IR.-Naarlv .7. OOrt hak^ra from nil parta of tha nation ar? In aaaalon here at tha Amarlmn Rakers Aaaoclttlon Frad Davla left Sunday for | rhapal lllll to rMurar hta Mudlea I ?t I'nivarait y of North Carolina. Heads Veterans Col P J Hurley t?f Tulsa. OKIJ.. U chf p?w RMtlonnl commander of the Vtleran* of Foreign War*, rtfdrt ft| i th? national i?pv?nlHin *' Tulsa. ' It" h?? been ? roai mm* M>y. cowboy, lawyttr, hanker, ?ok)i< i ?. l\ Oil opcr j ? tor. GRAPE JUICE FLOWS FREELY rHliforiiiuiiH Slocking lip Joyfully on "Prohilii lion" Beverage n> hkn o. KI.INK (CwyrtaM 111) k> Th. Ran Francisco, Sept. 15. ? Call fornia's diamond puhllee has come to h close In h blaze of pyrotech-^ nice, but jubilation In the Latin quarter of the city liax just begun with the commencement of juice grape shipments in wholeaaie quantities. Ah docoratlons and oh-' ?t ructions were being cleared from the city streets after a week of; festivity. tritrka loaded with the! juicy fruit of the vine began to trundle In from grape growing, area* back of (he bay cltleii and' lively activity became noticeable; In the sections, particularly In habited by Italian families. Another large California "juice" grape crop la at hand; Ihe quality In good and the prices low-! er than laat year. New premier* | are being purchased; old ones are, being overhauled and put Into , shape to be used by the owners or I rented out to heads of households | who are accustomed to making their own. Press for rent, signs are appearing, and In a few days they will be moving from house , to house just aa threshing ma chines go from farm to farm In the wheat country. Latins and Nordics as well, will stand in line at the customs house to receive "permlta" relieving , each head of a household so rep resented from paying an Internal revenue lax on 200 gallons of "fruit juice" he signifies his In tention of making. Thla "pormll" does not entitle the recipient toi manufacture Intoxicating liquor, for that Is exprossly forbidden un der the Volstead act. But those who take out such papers In moat cnaea continue to believe they are so entitled and they go ahead In joyful anticipation. "Hard liquor" became an Instl totlon In this state when hard and hearty pioneers and mining pros pectora conquered i the broad val leys and searched ; Ihe hills for gold. The Spanish Influence was toward milder wine from native hillside vines. Later aetilers from the Mlddle-Weet were largely re- 1 sponsible for support of prohlbl- 1 tlon. which c loafed the big wlner- j les and threw the Industry Into the hands of householders and adept foreigners. FRANCE PREPARING TO QIIELI. MFFIANS Par In. Kept. 16. ? France In pre pared for freah operations on a large scale against the ft Iff Ian re (Mil tn Morocco. Premier Palnleve told newspaper men today after ?h? cabinet meeting. He In very much satisfied with the progress Using made and hopes all objectives will be gained during October. READY TO CELEBRATE LANDING OF AIRMEN Han Francisco. Sept 16 -Plans mere underway today to celebrate when Commander John Rodgers and his four heroic companions not foot OR the mainland here September 14. COTTON MAKKBT New York. Kept 16 - Hpot cot ton closed quiet, middling 24 3ft. a decline of 46 points Futures, dosing bid: Oct 14 .01. Dee 24 42 Jan 21 70. March 24 07. May 14.11. July 14 Oft New York, Kept. 11- Cotton fu tures opened today at the follow Ing levels- Oct. 14.1ft. Oee. 24. It. I Jan 14 ftO. March 14 2*. May'i 14.11. HOMER L LYON HIGHLY PLEASED WITH VISIT HERE OingrrttMitan from Sixth North Carolina l)i*lrirt I'raine* Beauty of This Thy anil Section AIDED ON CANAL BILL Wa? Largely liiMriiniental in Government I'lirrluwr of Waterway, and Antici pate* No Ilitrh Amazement Ht the agricultural progroN* of Northeastern Caro lina. and delight over the attrmc tlvene*a of Elisabeth City, with Its shady Mtreetn and beautiful homoN were expreHHod by Homer L. Lyon, rfiprcwnuilvp in Con groM from the Sixth North Caro lina Dliitrlrt. on the occasion of his flrNl vlelt to thin city and Mo tion Tuesday. Mr. Lyon motored through from his homo at Whlte vllle. Colutnhua County, and waa accompanied by W. A. Thomp son, representative of Columbus In tho laat General Asaembly. Mr. Lyon whh one of the moat Hctive aponaors of the Dismal Swamp Canal purchase at the laat HOHalon of. Congress, and hta activity whh Isrgely responsible for the purchase of the waterway by the Government. He ntatea that tho appropriation for the purchase will come up at the aeaalon of Congress which con venor early In December, and e* pre*nes the opinion that It will go through without a hitch aa an Item In tha Rivera and Harbora Bill. - * Before losvng Tuesday after noon on the return trip to Whlte vllle. Mr. Lyon and Mr. Thomp son. accompanied by Secretary Job. of the Chamber of Commerce, made a motor trip to the locka on the Dismal Hwamp Canal at South Milla. In commenting upon the agri cultural promise of the Albemarle section. Mr. Lyon was keenly en thusiastic. "1 was utterly aaton Ished to woe what h fine country you hsvs." he aald. "Like many others elsewhere In tho Rtate. I had an Idea that this aectlon waa Hoinewhat of a wllderneaa. In atead. I find beautiful farma, ob viouiily cultivated by modern ag ricultural methods, and reflecting a permanent prosperity. I am de lighted with what I have seen, snd cxpect to return here before long for a longer visit." Both the visitors expressed die appolntmont that they had arrived ahead of the Acorn Hill road cel ebration, to be held Thursday, and voiced regret that they were unable, on account of bualneaa, to remain over for It. Mr. Lyon paid high praise to the besuty of Klir.aheth City. "80 many cities sacrifice their shade trees when Ihey pave their street*," ho said, "that It la re freshing to find one whose cltl tena prise their treea highly enough to save them. You must have a progreaalve and beauty loving cltlsenshlp here." Mr. Thompson wsa a member of the special committee from the General Assembly which visited tho site of the Kmperor-Eden house bridge last winter. In con nection with tho authorisation of s 1*00,000 bond laaue for Its con struction. CLYDE HOEY TO HELP PROSECUTE W. B. COLE Charlotte. Hept 1 ? Clyde Hoey. wo 1 1 known criminal law yer of thin Slate, announced today by telephone from Shelby thai ha would aulat In the prosecution of W. B. Cole, charged with the alaylng of W W. Ormond. at Rockingham last August. The trial In set for Heptembar 2ft. I,cigh Shrrp Mnking Store Improvement* Kxtenalve alterations at thm I h <1 1 ?*? ' ready to wear store of th? M l*elgh Hheep Co.. at Main and Martin streets. are now neartttg; the final atage* and have addad measurably to the all around at t ra< 1 I vene*s of the store. The dis play wlndowa In the front of fh* building have hern reflnlshed In old Ivory, trimmed In blaek and Rold. and a new direct *-ray light ing system haw been put In. Thla facilitates the dlaplay of the new fall modea which are being placed In the wlndowa The Interior of the atora la ba in* generally reflnlshed, relighted and partly refurnished In a color scheme of old Ivory and walnttt In harmony with the wlndowa. New rugs and thoroughly modern fixture* are being Inatalled In the dress and roat department, and the ithelvaa In tha canter of the atore have been removed to Im prove the Interior display which ?* further aided by the Inatallstloa of prlam glaaa panea above the show window*, flooding the store with daylight The Improvements are being ma(|e preparatory to, the formal fall opening of the atore, to be announced In n few daya.

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