VOL. XV. FINAL EDITION. ELIZABETH CITY. NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 1 ?>. I?.t25. SIX PAGES. NO. 239 Last Preparations Made For Visit of Thousands On Gala Occasion Here Undeterred by Threat of j Stormy Weather, Com mittee* Redouble Effort?* to Make Day Sueeeotf WARD TO BE SPEAKER Honored Native Son of Galen County to Deliver Principal Addre** at Big Road Celebration In the face of a threat of stormy Weather, the committees In charge of preparation* for the Acorn Hill road Celebration Thursday went about the task of completing final details Wednesday with redoubled ?nergy. D. Walter Harris chair man of the program comiiiittco, was busy supnrvlstug the const ruc tlou of grandstand. table*. seats and booths on the courthouse , grounds, and other commit teemen were buay with u variety of Jobs. N. Howard Smith and Hubert Cotter announced that they haJ , formed a committee of f,o attrac tive yonng girl* to assiHt In the work of distributing badges to visitors from Gates ana the other counties of the Albemarle. Dele- 1 gatlons of girls, with grown-ups; ??slating them, will be stationed at points on the roads leading into I lo iHHue badges to all . Jjuests. Other badges will be giv en out at a booth on the court- 1 house grounds, in order that every Visitor may have opportunity to ?tiPPly himself with one. and thereby become eligible for all the major events of the day. other booths on the grounds Will be devoted to registration and to the distribution of free copies of The Daily Advance, Northeast ern North Carolina's leading dullv newspaper. A special edition of The Advance will tell the visiting thousand!* something of Elizabeth I SfH: "" "^vantages, and Ita poasi J DUttlee. and will Invite them to ?lake merry to their hearts' con lent. Mrs. R. n. Cotter will have general supervlalon of the booths Hperlal l-arkliw l?' "?? ? link bottling plants of the city, 1.111 have charge of the task of aui'ldylng the crowd with carbon afed beverage, of which an abttn ??hf supply will be on hand, large UM?"'r"""'Ml Kr*"" by bo' . *"? program will begin at 10 j , ln morning with a con- 1 by the Kliaabeth City Boys'! ~ nq. This will b-' followed with by thA "^uthland Ju- 1 fr ^"ngers. a group of eight i lOlored entertainers, and that In by aelections by the Naval! r ij.i0. ?. S* Wunl- n native i tmb It ij1"1' Bn clock after aHJuvcK-atlnn by ' brlat ? 2?' C It I'uirh. of (Ilea master of r.-r.- j I'b-mir of Iterbeeue ... serving of the barbecue I .prwW;?:^xn i1 i ? his phase of the day s ?ni?.r I "me"', and tile barbecue will I gljt almtnerlng over bricked pit.' the rear of flre headquarter;' 1? hours before serving Cooking It is an all night , and > In charge of a veteran |he art, imported for the oeea by ft. n Parker from the ?uc country further weal I 1:30 to 2:30 o'clock there band concerta and other i a. hi m.". w,,h " "y h> " 'iiflglble from 0 y Field and a monster sea Opera tin/ j h* ?*e makfr an extremely cool suit for iumm?r NO ARRESTS TODAY Monroe, Sept. 16. ? No arrest*! have yet been made here In con nection with the mutUal Ion of Turner Blanchard here Sunday and Sheriff Fowler Raid that none was expected today. K I WAN IS MEMORIAL HARDING UNVEILED Vancouver, B. C., Sept. 16. ? f Belief that "Harding's dying wish ' for the entrance of the United j State* In the World Court will be | gratified,'" was expressed by Sen-i ator Frank Willis of Ohio at the | unveiling of th<> Harding Interna tional good will memorial here to day. The monument w?h erected by KIwanlM International in Stanley I'ark where the late President apoke while en route to Alaska. HELD FOH ROBBERY ROCKY MOUNT P. O. Wilmington, Sept. 16. ? Four men, two Italians, one American and the fourth a negro, were held here today suspected of Implica tion in the postoffice robbery laflt j night at Hocky Mount. The men were a r rented when | leaving the city on the ferry. They j dented all connection with the rob bery. II EKES Y CHARGES ARE I NOT SUBSTANTIATED Flint, Mich., Sept. lfi. Heresy charges brought against I)r. Lynn Harold Hough, prominent Detroit Methodist pantor and former pres ident of Northwest University, were found unsubstantiated by the ministerial Investigating board today. IftORAH OPPOSES ANY MOKE LIBERAL TERMS Washington, Bepf. 16. ? -Coinci dent with the departure from Far Is of the French debt mission, j Chairman Borah of the Senate for eign relation* committee, at a con- | ferenee with President Coolldge j today opposed for France more ; liberal terms than .those given ' Great Britain. COURT OF INQUIRY WILL MEET MONDAY, Washington, Sept. 16. ? The j court of Inquiry appointed by Sec- ' retary Wilbur to Investigate the j Shenandoah disaster will convene I In Lakehurst next Monday. program of free movies will be ! given at the Alkrama Theater, j with Constance Talmadge appear ing In "The Gold Fish," and a spe- , clal comedy. The show Is declared | to be one of the best given here In many weeks. Parking space for the visitors' automohlli h will be provided on . the school grounds on both sides ! of North Rosd street, with com-1 mlttees snd special deputies on j hand to assist and obviate con-| fusion. 1 Mayor McCabe announces that i he will not deliver an address at ,i the eelebratloa, and wishes to tor- I rect a popular Impression to the ! contrary. STOHES TO CLOSE FOK ( ELEBRATIOS All merchanta in thia citv have b?*?*n urged to close Ihrlr store* between 11 and 2 o'clock on Thursday, In order tliat they luav mlugle with the crowd and amidst In entertaining the vis itors. The request comes from the committee In chance of ar rar.gementa for the celebration, and a majority of the down town merchant* already have agreed to comply with It. ac cording to J. C. Sawyer, general chairman. The celebration la too big u thing for a committee to han dle. It la pointed out. and lt:< success depend* heavily upot the extent to which the Indi vidual merchant* give of their time and euergy. A unanimous response to the request for the cloalng ia declared to be eaaen tlal to the full success of the event. The merchanta as a whol* are expected to decorate their store* in appropriate fashion for the celebration. In reaponae to a suggestion from the com mittee some time ago. The ef fectlvenesa of the decorations will depend upon all the mer chanta co-operating. It Is ex plained. RADIO EXPERTS STUDY FADING Bfliovnl Thai Experiment* Will Throw Light on the Subject Hv ROURKT MACK Tti?lll. IMS. k> Tkt A Washington. Sept. 16. ? In ihe belief that accural* knowledge of the aunaet fading phenomena of broadcast slgnala will throw con-: siderable light on the general cauHOH and nature of radlng. the, bureau of standards has under taken to make a series of graphic; record* of the fading of several of the higher powered station* of the Gaat. Such records, while giving a comparative atudy on the varia tions of the field Intensity hereto fore have not tndlcated real val ues. New methods are being de veloped. however, by which the bureau hopoa to determine not on ly the variations In Intenaltles but the values of the intensities an ' well. In pursuing these experiments.; the bureau today Invited any per- j son interested In such a coopera- . tlve program to communicate with \ Ita engineers. Approximately 40 | laboratories throughout the coun try sre lined up to participate in j the study. The recent teats- of auper-pow- j er. or power of fifty kilowatts, for broadcasting waa found by the , bureau to prove definitely that in creased power will In no way de crease fading. Fof that reason.! the bureau haa renewed Its en- . deavors to learn aomethlng more of the nature and causes of fad Ing and. If poaalble, to devise some method of aucceaafully eliminat ing It aa one of the most object-! lonable features of broadcast re-, ceptlon. A speclsl portable apparatus Is being developed for the radio su pervisors throughout the country, so that they may make further, measurements of the field Inten slties of the stations in their dis tricts to be used In the general study of fading. Increase* In power of promi nent class B broadcasting stations: were snnouncad today as followa. I WTAM. Cleveland, Increased to 3.600 watts. WEAF. New York. Increased to 6,000 watts; snd I KFAB. Lincoln, Neb.. Increased to, 1.000 watta. German manufacturers of ra dio supplies are underselling all competitors In the market of Scot- f land, according to a report to the Department of Commerce. The Bureau of Standards today Issued s warning against claims made by some dealers that ccrtaln brands of batterlee have been termed superior by the buresu. Tests of practically all makes of batteries are made by the bu reau, It was atated. but the re sults of the teata are not published or msde known to any person oth-j er than the manufacturer. FRENCH TAKE OVER A MOUNTAIN RAN(;E Itabat, French Morrocco, Sept. 16. ? French troops have captured ; the mountain range of ttlblbane, one of the Rifflan's strongest po- { altlona. M)NG DROUGHT IS RROKEN AT LAST I Charlotte, Bept. 16. ? The long drought waa broken In practical-, ly every aectton of the State with the heavy ralna of last night snd this morning. ARREST WOMAN WHO OWNS WHISKEY SHIP: London, Sept. 16. ? Mrs Mattel Ceares. part owner of the whiskey ship, Oeneral Barrett. was arrest ed today on a charge preferred by a large Oxford atreet firm of ob taining gooda under false pra tenaes Digging for Boy Buried By Landslide The Menu ithnvel uned to din for lite body of Tlioiiiax Zy*:i?-l. 14 ycar.ohl boy of (MiIiuiko, wIk ivas burled under ton* of earth. when pluylnK in a brick clay pit. Tin* arrow point* to tin- spot wh.n ,he body 1h believed to l>e entoipo* ?l under tin- Micky clay. A com pan ion similarly caucU was n-n ?Ued by the tin* department. T Former Elizabeth City Boy Passes Through Dry Lands At the end of a *too-miii> iiiotnr trip from H u 1 1 1 h v 1 1 1?>. Alabama!1 across l-laater u Tennessee' and through North Carolina frmn the western border of the coast. I?e%t] I C. Culrklu. former Kllzal>el h City boy. arrived Tuesday night with, 1 IiIh wife and 1 !? months old daugh J ter, Mac Kllzabeth, to vlt?"> At many ...... dnK well,. ami i "u upon t*ul|.l.i.r wul.-r. Til - I ?ery dhutKreeablc in him. ... . ta b""r ! Mr. (iuttkiu and |, iN f ?. ????i. ;r C"J vi" K""^ ,l"'. Anh.v.11.. I, nil Italelcl, '"Jyaltcr ci.in.ld. ruble jon ,1;;,:;*' '?? in.? "I* ?IroiiKlil. Mr llulrkln , through Hie farf ,}IJIt ' ? ?uppll..,l will, wal.T rrniii a n-iti. "print which bubbles rro, ' . ;;"h -I"- I" II... down,?, . IrlM and pour* forth a 3S million KallmiH .-ai l. far t??r.. than ,.l|y ,.n|| 1)w I -? F? H.I.K1TK K >F.f.O V* S~ FATHKK'S FOOTSTKI'S Milwaukee. Whi7 Sent K ! Robert M U. Follelle Jr f lhe foolalepa ..f hlK l-il.. H-Jrr J" *""" "he I'nfi i c"" i.omlnailon f?r ih., United Hi a l.-f. HenalorHhU. HIm victory cmne In a dcrlsiv. M.ahirr oilier It... Publican candidate*. II,. Into the final election Kept.., rledl'^n"n Hob " car III. .? or ti... 7i counties ?>f the Hlalf, \lnltiiiK I>hiikIi|4t Here J1**- Char leu Hp,, v,. 1 1,... * Hon?'.'1""*"1'"' *""? li-ll-vleve IIIm. rv* "mc'"r ?' Kl.*ll?h unit htlTh . "" lh" Kll*???it? < ny ioile h ", I' -I-II'IIIIK d.^1. 1 *'llv *l?Hli'i; lil? Of hu't rl V,"W|"K III" "poll Mr I " .'""I ",l Kev. Mr Hunt hopea v(l<(| j hllei.lon, t he old |,rlck hoilae. t ra . dlflonary home of rite |?irnt?* Teach, the Dismal Hwatnn an Hiitntal Sfaf?? con-1 yf ,llf. Norlh rMntUna Ire^n. ,r 'r'"'' Whlrh I are now being made The eonrenllon la lo he held In Wltton, wh. re the denomlnntlona I eoll??e I.f the church In tl.i, st?,, l? located, .-arly In November. D, "P'^kcra of ?;,II,,M I| ? reputation .r? c. peeled pr, ? ' .dr""T lh" ''"I:, and HYLAN LOSES TO JAMES WALKER Slorim IVlrrl of !N?*w York 1'oiilir* I h I )(?f??uh'?? the young. and reaped lor law In Kell er a I was made public laat night by Ihe Reaearch and Educational Department of the Federal Coun cil of Thurchea aa a third aectloii of Ha apeclal report ou Ihe ao clal conaeiiueneea of prohibition law" . . .. While pointing oul lhal a lack of complete data makea definite rollclualona Impoaalble, Ihe report mude theae uaaertlona: The tendency of young people of the preaent day to depart from conventional rulea of behavior cannot bo laid entirely at the door of prohibition hut "Ihe fact that prohibition ban made no more declalva effect In helgliten Init their moral tone glvea food for earneat thought " Crime alatlatlca Indicate a ra pid Increaae In violation* of law. chiefly of the mlademeanor elaea 1 but It la "gratultoua to blame prohibition, and "all that 'ran be aaaerted la that prohibition haa thua far not prevented an Increaae In auch offenaea." Available Information Indicate" that In "ettlement netghtHirhood" there I" leaa drinking and family Illo ban Improved uqder ProMM Hon but that Ihe law nev.rt Helena la widely violated and "the bool-( Inciter i? netting rich." Aeaerttona that prohibition haa tended to Increaae the u?e of drug" lack definite proof and would appear to be """"'u . , "The general Impreanlon that reaped for law l? declining lead* many union! aupporlera of pro hlhlllon to believe thai 11" are undermining all cltl.en.hlp. > while the lutler a?aert very poal lively that prohibition *!;!* de Ht roved reaped for all law^ 1 tunately. neither contention In fully aupported by facta. The beat aulhorltle" In psychology and od , " agree lhat a pereoo ? allH lude toward law and KovernmM' |H not determined with feferonci to u Mingle atatute, and that hoa 1 Hlltv toward one law doe* not car rv over Tnlo the -bole field of h cllllen'a reaiponalblllty The a t ^rss^zUr: rr^e^USS.Th.n the fS olhera ?'?r Kntil* Kirxl Month IjikI Year; Main Mori- Ex peeled footbaij. underway Superintendent Sheep Urg es Parent* to See Thai J Their Children Study Regularly ut Home Tpichen and pupils In the Elis abeth City (Iraded Schools! are get ting down io bualnoea now. Pre- , : llmlnary organisation of the 1,500 mid odd boys and girls In thi f.iree departments of the schools Is virtually complete, and clas^ work is l>**l ii k# carried on under regular schedules. The schools opened Monday. Opening enrollment figures give a total of 1,630 pupplls for the high, grammar and* primary de partiuentH a? compared with 1,~ &10 at (lie clos.- c?r the llrst month | last year. There are 1170 In the 1 blah school, a a against 367 In the , first mouth lam year; t?70 In the ' grammar grades. an ugalnat 671, I and 476 In the primary school, ma comparer! with 4H2. The enroll ment In the colored schools la * about HOU. Superintendent Sheep explains I that inanv additional pupils will J be enrolled In the ftrst three 1 mouths of school, due to various cauneH. For Instance, many flrat j grade pupils aro out this week ' on account of sore arms occa sioned by recent vaccination. , These will enter mainly on Mon day. he says. Half lloll that the children can study Intelligently nt home. Home Htlltly Vital "First grade pupils should study from 20 to 30 minutes. Second grade pupils should "tudy from 20 to 30 minute*. Third grade pupil* should study one hour. Clrainmar grade pupils | should study from one to one and h half hours High school stu dents should study from two to three hours. , A ? "When pupils te|| you that they have prepared all lessons In school hours, you can readily see that two or three study periods do not afford sufficient time to prepare their lessons I'lease examine the monthly reports carefully and If not satisfactory. consult the teacher about It and co-operate in getting better result*. The super intendent and principals are al ways ready to hoar any com plaints ami patrons are requested to consult freely with them about any subject pertaining to the best Interests of the pupils. "|)o not expect satisfactory re sults If your children spend their nights on the streets or at moving pictures or social functions. The school will not assume any re sponsibility for the progress of pupils who do so. "Parents ure most earnestly re quoted to visit tile school at any time. To do so will help your children and teachers." preparations for the organisa tion of ii fast football team were launched Tuesday afternoon at a nioetluK at the high school, at which about 26 prospective grttf stars were present. The material this year Is largely new, but by heKlnnlnn practice at once. Prof. F. S Iseuhour. In charge of ath letics. hopes to have the eleven In shape for a game by October 2. No schedule has been arranged yrl . iiohpitai.itt ix>mmitpwi TO MR FT F.AKI.Y THINHIM* The Hospitality Committee for the Clates County celebration to be held here Thursdoy will meet Thursday morning at ? o'clock at the home of Miss Mary Bright, 400 Fast Matthews afreet. The members of thle committee nre Mis* Mary Bright, chairman. Mrs Victor Flnck, Mrs. 0 F. Hill. F II. Rcattergood, Mrs. Dan Williams. Mrs. Ben Ooodwln. Mre. Brandon Davit. Mre. Anna l*wle. A Mrs K T Venters. Mlsa lees Held and Mlsa Marcla Alberteon. J