Elizabeth City Extends Glad Welcome To Gates County Folks and Others At Day's Festivities Rare Opportunity Offered For Friendly Intercourse y And Profitable Dealings ______ A City of North < jiroliniaii*, fur North ? ui'oliiiiun-, Vhow People Have an Interest That I* More Per sonal Than Commercial, ami Whiwr Store* I lave Attractive W'aren at Reasonable Price* Elizabeth City today welcomes the people of (latex Coun ty and the Albemarle district into her confines, and hids them make merry to the fullest. Nowhere on the coastal plain of North Carolina is there a city of comiurahle size that has richer natural resources, more attractive stores, or better facilities for friendly and profitable intercourse. First of all, Elizabeth Cily* is a North Carolina city. Folks from dates County, as] well as from elsewhere in the; State, are at home here. They ' deal with neighbors, not strangers. They find an in-i terest that is more personal than commercial, and is im-| bued with the spirit of neigh borliness that makes business j transactions something morel than a mere exchange of dol-j lars for commodities. Elizabeth City ho* retail atorea that are the pride uf thla hmiIoii of the State, anil that vie In M tractiveue?? with tho l>eat that nearby cities cau offer. Rent* are! relatively -low here, llvlnx expenw-4 es are not exceaaive. Hence y,,e merchants are enabled to do bual jt nets at lower coat than In many ? other cities. The customer gets the benefit of this In lower price*. Old American HU*k Shaded with venerable elms. Elizabeth City Is a city of homes whose beauty and refinement greet the eye of the visitor with refresh tag proof that thin If h city Peo pled almost exclusively from the old Anglo-Saxon stock, American all the way through. The foreign ?lemeut Is negligible here. Unlike many a Southern metro polis. Elisabeth City today Is im bued with a spirit of progressive ness that promises many things fot the years Just ahead. Many worth | while enterprises are in the mnk ] lug of this strictly North Carolina city, a city of and for North Car-, olinlans. i One of these Is the taking over ? by the" Government of the Dismal Swamp Canal, a historic water way surveyed by George Washing ton and maintained as a private enterprise for a hundred yeanr Congress already has authorized the purchase of the canal/ and it . Is to be opened as a toll free wat erway by ilext spring or earlier. . ? when details incident to the pur I chase have been completed. Kllubeth rlty l? on the route ol the Houlh Atlantic Cnaatal Highway, a ureal north anil Houlh , tranaportatlon iirtei v traveralnK ; t the coast country from Washing- 1 ton, O. C.. to Jacksonville. Mor Ida. 200 mllea shorter than any other route between these points. | and already having more miles or bardsurfaced road than any other, | The State has authorized a bond Issue of $<500,000 for const ruet Ion i of a bridge near Edanton which ; will prove a vitally Important link | In this highway, and will bring I ( additional thousands of tourists \ thin way. fc A country club representing an * Initial outlay 0. Views of Downtown Section of Elizabeth City %? 8irt**t h.? Everywhere there was orderly haste, bul nowhere confusion. The early vtages of the celebration moved along with a well oiled pi? clslon that harbored well for the day. A lively air by the Elizabeth City Hoys' Hand opened the day < fesilvlt les In Stirling fashion promptly at 10 o'clock. The l?oys were resplendent In their white uniforms, trimmed in gold, and the sunlight glanced In fitful shafts froin fhelr brightly polished hand Instruments. Ity that lino the crowd had begun to assume major proportions. With eight thousand pounds <>f barbecue, a tot) of potato -ad. cooked I)ix|e style, mid feftlfttefit upon regiment of tasty pimento and ham sandwiches, to say noth Ing of many thousand bottle* of cold drinks, every Indication was that the monster throng would be fed to veritable repletion The Southland Jubilee Hingcrs And the Portsmouth Navy Yard Hand contributed a liberal quota )f vocal and Instrumental m? h?dy ? during tlx* morning, after Hie J lloyM' Hand hud opened t li?* pro . gram. and tin* speech-making be , Kan promptly at 11 o'clock. willi iC. K. I'ugli >im master of cercuion ' lea. Hallt'i S. Ward, former mem ber of Congress from this district. ' i was the |*i liic-l |?u I speaker. hmm r ? Congressman John li. Small, of , 1 1 1 1 h district, also made a short ad drpKs. i In introducing Mr. Ward as Ho nrs! Kpcuker, Mr. I'ukIi reft-rri'd to 1 the occasion as iiiii|Uestionubly the 'most auspicious since the bulhlinr. of the Norfolk Southern Hailroad. through tilt* fact that t|M' Acorn Hill Koud made possible tin- iniei ? mingling of the people of t hi* en tire wet ion in a fashion hitherto impossible. through lack of high way facillt I* m between Hates and Pasquotank counties. K J ?* stressed tin* fact that the people of other counties, n* well as those from Hates. Were (lie gile*tS of the city, and all were equally welcome Pointing (o tin- Acorn Hill ltoml as evidence that KlixiihHh < "i t y ijnd the Albemarle section i?en? t ally had a goodly sprinkling of In telligeiit. forward looking leaders, backed hv a progressive citizen , ship, Mr. Ward luiiuched into a discourse on the merit* of co oper atlve niarkotliig. urglnu Its addi tion on a broad scale by the farm < rs of Northeastern Carolina II ? predicted that this section, huvlnr solved the problem of adeqiial | highway connections, would meet .still greater problems In the early future, and expressed the hope that tiie people would deal with. (Continued ou I'afce 4.) ? . _ . I CAN UNI) NO TRACE OK KKI1HM KI) WltKCK Aalievllle, Sept IT lO-poris early today that a motor bus had j turned over between Ashevllle and, Johnson City. Tennessee, kill ????; . seven people, nre thought to be ' without Infsls, ii h no trai-e of IlieJ accident cun he found. KI.IKKS WILL SAIL ON PKIDlY MOItMNi; Honolulu. Sept. 17 The ten ? alive sailing time of tlw> ship ] Which will lH?ar the fliers of the PN-*. No 1. hark to San Fran- , flsco has been set for eight o'clock Friday morning. WAT KM MIHHOUNDS 9 HUNDRED TOWNS Peking. Sept. 17. Nlhe tiQP ilred villages are surrounded hv water In ciHisequenc? of the break, of the south dike of Yellow river ( at Yuan Chenslan, official advices from Shantung state ? HILLY MITCHELL Tit HE CHIEF n IT \ ESS I V tlM K ih T I'KOItE i lit Tim I'fm* I \\ a-liiiiulon, 17. ? ( 'ol 11111*1 William MlfHii'll, nIoiiu) |M*t|-?*l llf till* nil* !???>, |ti'iiluilil) will In- lli?? tiik'f wit im'ns Iwfoii1 tin* \rt\al r?nn1 w li l?li Is to lni|iitr?' Into fJu* ui-nkliiK of I III* Vmil iiirstitp SIm'ImimIohIi. KELLOGG BARS ONE BRITISHER Communis lVlrmlirr I >?*Ic? pillion I llillkn AllM'I'H'llfl Too Aristocratic Washington. Sept. 17. Thft American ii(ivi>rmii?'iil hat* iliruwn up tin* bar a against Hhapurjl Sak , latvala, Communist member of the Itrltirdi lloun* of Comnioijtt, who roukIiI ??? atUud 11m- Intor-Parlla- I iiipiiI a rv I'ii ion' here next month. ((evolutionary utterances we rf to-Ill an tin? reason t?y Secretary Ki'llnjji'. who i'f>vnki'il llic visa. Umiloti. j?f . 17 - KhUpiiJI Sak lalvula. ha r red from the 1 ' n H ?>?1 States ii m a member of the llrlllsh ili'Ji'Riil loti to tin1 luter-l'arllantcn tary Conference hi Washington, I Matties Secretary Kellogg for h 1h Iron l?l or. 1 I to Maid today thiit t li<* Secre tary hy former association with thi? pcf-rx lioro had become I mimed with iht irlaioentic Idem of tSreal llritnlii, ami expressed the opinion that hy revoking Ills visa the Secretary had violated consti tutional practices aft well us laws regulating ' Inter parliamentary [ ninfiTi'lu'^H. I OI K NBW AIM MAIL IIOtlTKS APPROVED WafthliiKion. Kept. 17 I'ont tliaster (*encrul New has approved ; pet ii ions for air mall service on I four additional routes ami will Is- I sue a call shortly for proposal* ' frf crop?, including such staples as corn and cotton, hihJ an abundance of May peas and Irish and sweet po tatoes. It is the soy bean center of the 1111111*1 States "IT""" bu.h.l.'of HetjT \ """ "r"d,,r"l no Toil' aeed' firm "h '*d purP?trs -hipm, .?,? of ,bhrhr?*Jf.r iniiiiil t..r . ? a ?n.tant de I Wale. ???"??? "I the All .!} ,T',rl,ln? SKl? & s=?;?s|vH:;s dlllon (? furmnhln'/.r^,,1.0 nr?/, v;:,p.urK^*b*,.h ihi?S5 h ? n rt h II'k" YuaM ,* " < of both comrtiodlllc. ?-ai l, year KlUubnth city ?a, ;*?- - Err .-7ud'rnr.r.^ . u furniture factory ' "lluii ii ml hosiery inlllH ,hln 'yard. machine .hop," a.' ?? io,u;":vbr,,? lory a brick yard. a tent and 1-w.iinr Plant. ? ti?llr mill .everal fi-rllll/cr pl.nl. . Ill" 1,1 ?ra?a ?auli plant I " harvester manufactories In,?, peeking and banket factories .h J,!'" '!!" h,K flv" 'our white and one colored It ha. - :?r?l" hoaple.l. a motor^J 'kit ? municipal mar r.h i " lhor"?Khly modarn tsoo oia"!*"!; J' ISOO.OOO In bonds f?r th, Dur, li.hT '"'.d m?darnltatlon at 4ta !h- WI "?**r plant., aad M work of rehabilitating them I. ?ow It ha. mil., ?f paved .treet. and .15 mNen at, paved aldewalk,. ,nd I, on tha ,m# uroho. Them are nine In all reprinting ?" the malor d.' nomination.. The nvweet ll tfce Klr.t Methodl.t Church. at Road and Fearing atreet,. which U re garded a, one of the finest roll J edifice. In thl. part of Ue a yen .ru M hf'? ' K|""''"p"1 Church. .Venerable temple ?f wfefellfn dating hack to ante helium day, "mr""*h mod.? Hallon which will |ean> ,h? ,everely be.utlful Zt thl! fttrurture unmatred. The Ban ambition, building program prMf the .tllir marie Hllaahelh City'. .i?re? are the pride of the Albemarla. Many of hem recently hay* been re huHi i and refurnl.he.1 along mod ern line,. and hare been "?'"'a, "r Vlaltora fr," fST Z. I.* ?!" ?Pon them r*1 for * ftny?hera ",1" ?nd declare they ""I" '"en favorably h tho.e |? ,h<1 metropoliiaa (Continued on