?lice V f K , holrlmcr b(Hi?leci;er . u$U*r Dr? <*hlr f Lincoln r. An- . dmrn% Is bmldin an Italian tllla. I Avcan^resstnnn sajs lie's carried i th* i&uir tunbrclltr (MI5.O00 miles,; bvt h? don't say uliiwe It Is. Jha leaves are turning on tho trap: the moon look* like a piece oftfhtete V That's fall poetry. ? hlph. and coal li too. Kar? had a little lamh. which ?1 ' cot Into a Jam. about which pqpodr #leea a dern. m - ?winkle, twinkle, little eyea. look llfl thoughtful and ao wise, like a <*gple of mince pica. ? And 'When ahe *ot there, the cup HW*wa? bare, because her poor taQtMBd had found hla corkscrew. come. oh. what'll w? liit.OccaHion for Pride | Che Old Home Town did Itself I prtud Thursday In the entertain- 1 mSpt ot Its thousands of guesta.j It^eems to The Advance that not efittJfU foment event In the history otyfyttown ever went off quite so ?HMothly and creditably from 6*ary Standpoint, if there was a clltumstance to mar the enjoy- 1 mfpt of the city's guests, we. have ncf^OiM'd <)/ it. that nothing of tin kip had ever been undertaken] btfr before and the further fart tlMl the crowd handled was so laage as to double, practically, for i tbTKT the population of ICllza-' beih City make the success of ityirsday's celebration (he more remarkable and praiseworthy. Kv erfbody connerted with the event J Is due a vote of thanks from the! community at Urge for the highly efficient manner In which the sit ua}ton was met and In which t h?? ; program of the day wan carried; otif. the success of the celebration, Is til* more gratifying on account j of! the Importance of th" event i crtebrat^d. Not one whit. It j acorns to The Advance, was the' va{ue of the new highway formal- 1 ly ^opened to traffic Thursday ex Mllrttsd by the speaker who compared the building of this [ to the coming Into the town of ith? Norfolk Southern railroad. |>m a sentimental standpoint the Thursday was the more of celebration, for it unlt ^nclghbor counties of the same and gave Pasquotank and [ counties north of it an open ray Into the heart of the of which they heretofore been a part. Indeed, but an dlngly remote one. I Advance ventures the hope Gates County neighbors Utftrly were pleased with the bfi and that, alnca having 'the way to and got ac j with Kllsabeth City, they k* Vial ting th? Queen City Albemarle a regular and ?t thing among the good tfc# County of Oates. PUBLIC SERVICE IDEA STRESSED On Keeorda of Service Will Broadca^era dome Into Favor With Hoover Ily IIOIIKHT MACK IC??>riffM. !???. y, Tkt Alitaco Washington. J^pt. 18 "l?ublic service" broadcast Iiik Rct-niM du for an era of popularity. For on their records of service to the peo ple will broadcasters roiuc Into fa vor with the Department of Com merce hereafter. The public service Iden is not a new one with either Secretary ut Commerce Hoover or the official-* of tli?* radio section of the depart ment. Hut recently the Secretary lias determined to bear down on the point and to suggest that pos-' slbly inu>fuln<'i>!) to the public micht be made the ultimate test to be panned by applicants for broadcast Inn license* In view of the approarhinu ra dio conference and the general d? sire of all broadcasting stations t ? be iii good standing with the De partment on that occasion, "pub lic service b likely to be e\n ? d lnt.lv popular with program man agers and station directors while ih< (internment in deciding what to do with the present unsatisfac tory congest Ion ?>f the ether. Of the approxltnatley f?nn broadcasting stations new on the air. a ;:ood majority have favor - to a of the Department ? a change in wave length, often tl?? tranr.feT from a division of time to a wave l^n^th exclusively their own, an Increased power ratio::, or some other thinr which onl> the Depat tniept can give. There arc aim th?si .tatton -.? - only a mall number, to be aure, who are net tn particularly fcooi tandlug at present in Wajhlnii ton because of their failure to make any teal effort to serve any ends but their own. Although there Iiaj been no suggestion -o far that provisions be made for the revocation of existing liccni.es in such cases, such action luioht bo considered eventually. Chle'f Radio Supervisor Terrell believes a complete record of the activities of all broadcasting sta tions over a certain fixed period. I giving the hours on the air, tlfe type of programs presented and a commentary on the manner in which the radio presentations were made, would be a very in teresting volume. Although no such data complete has been a? s?mbl%d. the machinery with which to grade the stations thrnimhout the country on thelf performances already i~ In exiit ? nee in the form of the district mi pervlsors' offices In the several radio districts. H< KF.KN CJKTH RK.IIj HKRu IN THK SKY RAIDKIt A story of love and haired, war and peace, adventure and thrill* is told in "The Sky Haider," the En core Picture which brings to the screen the world'n greatest living Ace. one of the war's greatest he roes and France's Idol. Captain Charles Nungesser. whose war; record Is one hundred and five en emy planes brought to earth, who was wounded 17 times and hon- , nrably discharged three times and who has been decorated with the highest honors every Allied coun try had to offer. "The Bky Haid er" comes to the Alkrama Thea-; ter today. MATTAMIKKKKT TO HMMt.M IF li.AXH WOICK (Continued from page 1 ? . January 1, the Innd In trie district might b?* sold- ? this applying both to the lake and the adjacent high land ? subject to further orders of the court, by Commissioners W. H.$ Rodman, Jr.. and H. C. Carter, of Washington, and J. Kenyon Wil son. of Kllxabeth City. A provision for re-organization of the drainage district whs in eluded In the order, and It is ex pected that prior to January 1 tin remaining assessments will be col lected by the re-organixed district, and the bonds will be paid ofT. in this event, the New Holland Cor poration will be free to proceed with Its development project. ADVAttt'K TKLKPHONK IXHVXTOKT Minn Blount ,.._3B7 II lM IIaJ In ?**-?? IS? Minn Miindpn . ? : 366 Ralph 1'onl The editor may b#> rrarhfd on either of th* foregoing tele phone* but before anklng for him the caller nhould make sure that Jhe matter hr wlnh'a to present In one that requires the editor'* personal attention. IS KAI'KKIK.NCK WOftTH ANYTHING TO YOU? We have just rounded out thirty-two consecutive years in the mercantile business, twenty-six of which have been spent in the Exclusive Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Cloth ing, Furnishing and Shoe business. Today our line is full and complete with the newest col ors, shapes and designs for the fall season. And to what ever extent that we have prof itcd by reason of our long ex perience as a specialist in the clothing business, we ptss on to you in the saving in the price. C. A. COOKE (Hend-to-Foot Outfitters) Norfolk Cops Down Roundhouse Men, 7 to 6 RALLY IN NINTH IS UNAVAILING Wlerun I. on Stanlr> I'ittrri AfimiM >nli!iii l/4a^ll(*r Jolimix J oiH'? ill ill' I |)-? ;iii?1 I)ov>ii Smash iii v: 1 1? f?nj s.'. il l N'orTnll: & Wom.-rn il* fer.> Hi** Nut fnik cojm Klu^kiMl H . i; ?.?> i*i vi??or> v*-hl??rU*y ;?n< iii>M?r? m i?t. ??icliih inning of ? vain. ??! jnm.v U|?s ami downs, in ? h kit ;i mill it inninu rallv liy I !l ? ? lOlfm! !,{>I|M> IIM II *??? > M? :irly tut it ? - ? I ilf in!#-. Tin- J ncoi.- w;t* T to ?. Tin- -aim- ?v:r on?- of flu- m.iIv ,i'ii'ii)??i|i ;-lirar . I Inn* o| llt? A???tn 1 1 il I t? le bmtion, ..ml ? I ? ? ? \v a t ? ? : ?l crov.ij. Kl'.i|ld:?'i ii v | ||< x f mi. in ln I) l.llll|- .l? W l|l| III l?H I '.M'.i W.11 |o I! It'll. 1 1 >1 i?H ? lii-ti h< .1' vrloprd wiMni mi < |i|i|? in i? pro portion. in tii> tiint Vi Tlie N?'l l"l ? * \V? I ? fit l.l'.r ri.ifk?fj tlo i' ? in lie Im i I ,?n i ? ll " n Ml |i If -| Udlkul, ?' ill |q lljii'l on Hood' .in Ii- j ml im,. | n|i Mver.V rtoulil. . HoMm 1|,.. r?.p Iiolpl. . . iIm * ?:dd? d j'-"|i" i i'if 'in lh? (li'til a ' i-m*I ilonlil* |.> Mv* r . brm :i?? . iioni- I'njl'. 'i. ?H?n al:o had r?-,irln *1 ur i in a ba.L on ball . Til' Nuilii'V '?'!??.?> tWM'.vd the titbit if< t*o run., ii^i-wi. aii?r ClUIIIPJr11' hdd ll!pl?v! and rwin| 'in th? fourth. .\ 1 n ,.b b* i". Lindbay to ?1- ? p I'll bi'ju.bt in Stanley ami Kru'?i\ Tb< nc? forth ! the- copb lield t !??- Ita4 t'?rou.h ^out the e-ani?-. Hatting feature- tor t>?' notice were two double; a>"l a in h b\ Krui^r, nnii a mph b\ Cham pagne. hveiybodv ul < on t team except Rhod".- jtm1 I). f.ltid say sot .? '#in-l?*. J ur llo; Nori (oik 6i Western, Mv rapp* d nut two doublMb. and Uynl a double and a sin:-k. For tl??- cop' . C. I.ind. a> mad a jonsational running tah of Byrd'r< pop fly in the Inn* and tu balance 1 1??* count. Hood r??m in pnlh-d ?????? (IoiiIiIp play. .Winter popped in I). I.md s.iv in IhivHfVoiiih. and ihe pitch* or trapped Hood hy a throw to Cooke al first l-'nr I !??* Norfolk ft Western. Jones, Mycrn and .Win ter flRured in n douhle play r?drr I it K Hippie and P. Lindsay. Tin- Norfolk I'olirc will pla> Ihe New York I'olirc nine in Nor folk on Saturday work. Tin' box Acore: N. * \Y. All. It. II. K. A. Hood, us . ? - 3 1 0 1 M inter, 1l> ...3 10 ft Park or. cf 3 1 o ft H. Hood. If 4 0 10 MyorR, 2b 5 0 2 0 Ilnxter.- rf 3 1 ft ft Byrd. 3 b . 3 1 ft ft Eokert, c ?! 1 l 0 Juni'M. p 4 ft 1 o Tolala 33 ?'? 7 2 Norfolk IV>llc u lorx Ovrr Brooklyn SIioh ?? Tram Hard to Br?l i W it li i'iii>lMir^h Fam in I ihr IIIiwIhth li% John it. H>:?1 KK I92X by lt?? A4ti?>n ea*on ha nu?l< lhat fart more M^nifl r.u't i'mw thrir victory over " FJrookljii In the .'-eric.- just fln i. h? d. Keturnlns from St. Louis vlKf they mad*- a terrible mess 'of thln?;-. ?h' National Ltague ? l'.i'kr> at cnc*> recov? red their confidrnc-o and b"t,an their svs tctiiatir (l?nniu; up of a cham pion. hip. which imi.-t be won on i heir own ftMd. If I:: tru*' they ?haw tour ramf:- left to be played j on ?he Cincinnati field, but if th* ]Pln?t*:> should falter and post pone Ihe winning of the pennant I until that ,-eri*:v. lh?*y would have Ui'ir honi'- backers nearly crazy with an \iet v Hrool.lyn w.i . fxprtrd t'? makf a ? troiiK showlnr, Pltls l?>irKh an<1 there wi-n1 some who I limi l lil t h<- flrooklyn* mlcht ko : it far jik to win lli?? wrlM from i in* I'iratm, IinhIiik thrlr rea?on inp ??ii what happened t? Pltts 1-iiDili In Chleauo and St. LoiiIh. Ilia i hack on th?* homo lot, the Pirate* were another team. Even with their suiccprs nuainst Norfolk Police 000 120 04# ? 7 Bffltpries: Jones and Eckert; ? Stanley. D. Lindsay. Richardson .and Hippie. Umpires: Harrison and Dunn. Time ? 1:55. Moving Fast (!omr Src What a S Will Buy for You. Aydmctt mm*, Itl- IK Water St. \J I'llOIH* Brooklyn, It is out of the ques , Hon for PHUburRh to approach th?* record for names won In a season. Even dreams of a "cen tury ? of victories la fading. Nine ty-five wins should put the Pir ate* safely Jnto Pennant Harbor, howvver. following Brooklyn at Pitts burgh come the Phillies and if th?- Pirates are as successful against tfkem as they were aealnst | I'licle Robbie's team, they will b? almost "in." If Johnny MoHtill keep* )i |*? l?>p* limbered up for the few remain In;: days of the fteapon. h?- haw a fine chance of winning the Ktolen bn*"1 record In th?? American I/CitKUP for 1925. And If he auc ce? ds*. the Chicago White Sox will | hav had it three year* In i?uccei? slon. Moxtill will have to make 4 2 Mfrtl* to equal the record of Col lin* In 1024. and 49 to equal the record set by Collin* in 1 9 S rt. His cnance* are poor of equalling Col lin"' 1923 figure, but with 10 at?alH alrcadyl^arhleveri, he c?-r tainlv xhould pa.-s tile 1921 high mark. It muat be recorded that Mnn ( il i hann't had very much rompe tliion in the American l.eague thi-? neason. Of all the dilapidnt ed. run-down at -the- heel* bane running. that of the American , league thin year com* \* pretty j el""'* to netting a record. If how player would '-tart to I run wild on the ha:>e^ he probably, would f;et away with a lot of [ 3t?al- becauBe the catchers have had -o little experience throwing , to ?>cond that It Ih even-Steven the* wouldn't com*1 within ten feet of i?. Washington has the two play er who ar*- "ie.\t best to Mo&MI at ^ai-e r.tcalin;:. alttoueh there ar?* some foln:. who Insist that there i&n't an> next b*^? ? that ' Mo til? i. th" only man in the 1 lc?*-'Jr the catcher:, have to watch. W j hinpton s pair ar?* L;am RiC" ' an?l iiooif Gcalln Neither ha?: a chance to beat Mor.ttl! om? hut the far- i!idt Fie*- and fjo'ttn have be? n attention to ha>e run ? , ni> i. nil' rea on wh the Wa ???? In^tou1. af uinnm . anothei ch*n?pi'?n hip Tl?e vcrv best runner on th' UhVtic- hat achieved onlv tee Metis all ea..'?n lm?j*ioc th ?? f jr a team that I:, second In the racc. - AY FEVER If you can't "gal ?wiy," the attacks with ? WICKS -?.jtess?'-"" Ymarly Louis Selig gi AIJTY HINTK 18M2 Main & Wafer St*. WOMAN'S Ivll) IlOtOOIIt Heavy Hilk pompom. Medium toe. Straight tout. Leather turn soli' at) I mi: ri \ v (Ccayrifht IKS br "Hi? Adv?"c> New York. Sept. IV- Is Jimmy MrLarnin. t li?> "l ?-y?ar-i?id Vaiicoii v# r boy. who held I'nnrho Villa t*? a dinw Juki a f?-w w?'ehs liefm* tin* I'hllippino dh'd. mil lit; to Ii< the nrxt wclvht rhainpion? So k?-?-n a judy*1 of nphtfts a> lluli Shantl. om> of California '<* ' most drpmdabb* hiiwccs anil bo\ ; in k critics. thinks so. Shand lias si -in .McLirnin in nlnv battle*. s' ? vi'ii of whicli h* rcfi'h'irt In all ilnw bouts. Sliand av?Ts. Mrl^irniti was nrv?-r hit sol 1*1 1 y by ail opponent. "He I* tl?' rhwr'.-t il* li-nsiv . hn\i-r s? en in tin- rinv; ?inrr th djiys of Yt'iint Uiiifo," :-?? ys Shand. who by 111 Way. was rlnsi* In I'r ! tfKbt aame when Ah. AH' II was : al Ills brsl . ' Mr I. a rr?lii. it will be |-i mciii - i ber*?d. in add it ion to winnirur a ; virtual, v h-'??i> over Villa, ha* iw? 1 victories ?v? r l**id?d I .a liar ha to liis ! rrprlit. H?- is rapidly fakiUK on weight and henre Sha nil's pr?dic i lion thai In will ? \entua1l> climb to the lirhtw? i"hi tlironr. B?* hem: rb \er. Mr I. a rnln can hit, a In ha howii ii|iuii a number of important orca -ions. Leo Flynn. inana:-.? ? Dave Shad''. I-' ^.oiri;: around the ureal White Way wilb a roll ??f hill., the size ??f a quart pail, otlniu? to YOU CAN Hl'Y II MiY CAIIIilACiES ' IMII Ji \ V1I K NOW \\ r Nerd Kooin mill fttoiiry. P.W. MelickCo. bet that David knocks Mickey, Walker kickltiK next Monday i night. So far no one has taken j him tteriouvly. but if some on?-, docs, it will be intercntinK to see 1 what odds de'niundb. MAJOR LEAGUE SCORES AMERICAN l.KAtiLE Score* Yenlerda) Philadelphia. *1; Detroit, 12-U. New York. G; Ch veland. 0. lloston, >.'-4; St. Louis. t??t>. Standing of the Clubs NATION A I. I.KAt.lK Sn lit* V?**>t?>i'ditv l*||t*huri;h. 11; llu^t'iti. 2. Cincinnati, a; riiilad>-1phia. IV Standing; of the Clubs Washington l'liihidei|ihlii St. l?ouls Detroit I liiraco Clcvcla nd New York lIUMtOII \V. v? K1 71 L ret. 4!> .64 j 57 .5?7 I. I'ilthliU lull New York Cincinnati St. Louis .. Itrooklyn W. I.. vh r?4 >0 lit) 7 i. T, .??* 7 I . fiti 72 4 J .17* .4.1 1 mi . i ? KO .420 ?i". .53.1 74 .47!? .17* I'ct. |ti?St'>ll , Chicago Philadelphia BRAY'S FltttM'll 1>I?Y ri. T. Hlnnlrton, Proprietor. Kvory stone delivered uud ?et. 20? 8. Road St. ?'hones: OR I; Hrxtdenee 177-J New Metalic Cloth Hats $7.50 to $10.00 Gilbert's Hlvrox lllJMi. We make ? Aprflnlly ot All WASH SUITS PHOJdi 1X8 Albemarle Laundry STOVES OF ALL KINDS Now On Display \YuoN'T BE C300D FRlENne V I'LL TAKE THtl BOUQUET C* VLOVUERS \ OMCR AND APOLOSI2E S More Troultlc r HELLO ThERE old Timer! i/m miqhtvglaoto VKNOWI YOU'RE 'MPRWINS So ) NICELY __!/ MERE,'9S0ME ^ FlowERS To? m?i Tv-re -hows HE VtELING ? * OH HE'6 MJCM etTTBft ? XONT ?toO COME IN ANO chat with him awhile ? ?t's been lonesome ft*? Someone TotAix to I VMVNT TO APOLOGIZE R>R ALLOWING My TtMPER T& GET Aw?y | WITH ME - r SHOULD HAVE KNOWN eCTTCR THAN TO TWJow THAT little iron AJTtiMoeuX l AT YOU 0OT - - ' IT WAS A PAD COT ON MY HEAD SOT IT'S HEALING ^ UP RAPIDLY J DOROTHY DARNTT ByxCharles McMctmw KIN I ShoVCu) 'V-' WHtLr*Vow<-J ? 2? o>c.? r1 amJ