WOMEN'S INTERESTS Social Happenings llo>s hinlcrlMii) (ilrltt The boys of H. Terry Davis' Sunday school class of Black - well Memorial Sunday School en tertained the girls of Miss Nellk Hastings' class on an enjoyable picnic Tuesday eveulug. Due to the Inclement weather the young people boarded a truck at the church and went to tli?? home of Mr. Davis where we in era were roasted and served with buns and cold drinks. The usual round of picnic games were played after which block cream was served. Those going were: Misses Violet Baker. Evelyn Pritchard. llarel Jennings. Virginia Baker. Ilallie SMverthorn. Jodie Baker and Nel lie Hastings; Messrs Walton MelggK. (iarland Hastings. Jour neay Aydlett. Winfred Munden. Carl Scarborough and 11. I'. Davis. Mother** Club Me<et* Tha Mothers' Club met Wed neodrfy afternoon at the Commun ^ ity House on Fleetwood street with 14 members present. The hour of the meeting was changed from 4 to .1 o'clock for the win ter. The club maiii< plans to have float at the Albemarle District ilr. Nlnftlrtoii.MftfiHfit-lfl Miss Addle Mao Mansfield of Norfolk and Robert Marshall Sin gleton of Norfolk wore married Wednesday afternoon by Dr. N. H. D. Wilson at his homo on Kant I Church street. IVfwmals Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Davis htve returned from Rocky Mount, where they spent a few daya with Mrs. Davis' sister. Mrs. Chartos Haughtnn J. B. Owens of Point Harbor1 was In the city Thursday. Frank Benton. Jr.. loft Thurs-: day for Charleston. South Csro-i Una. where he will enter the Clta-' del ? John tJard of Poplar Branch wan In the city Wednesday. J. H. Wllkins and K. T. Burgess returned Thursday from a motor trip to High Point and Greens-; boro. Miss Ida Jones left for North | Carolina College for Women at | Greensboro Saturday. Mr*. R. C. Dalleglv of Alvarado. 1 Texas, motored here for the Acorn Hill celebration. She wan accom panied by Mrs. C. A. Foster. Mr*. | Ij. K. Milton and James M. Broughton. of Portsmouth. While In the city they were the guest* of F. H. Zlegler. Julian Ward left Tuesday night to reaume his Rtudien at the Uni versity of North Carolina nfter /spending the summer with his pa | rents. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Ward. Mrs. Harry Kramer and daugh ter. Dorothy, havp returned from Savannah, Georgia, where they were the guests of Mrs. Kramer's; mother. Mrs. Sam Rolllnson. Miss Ijoulse Jennette left Tues day for Plymouth, where she will teach music at Plymouth High School. Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Sawyer and son. Walter Jr.. returned Wednos-' day from a motor trip to Lynch burg and Bedford, Virginia. Walter Pearson left Monday night for Raleigh to resume his studies at North Carolina Stute College. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Forbes and daughter. Miss Km ma Forbes, of Bertha, were in the city Thursday. W. O. Barnette Is improving af ter a few days* Illness at his home on East Burgess street. Jack Jennette left Tuesday to resume his s^ufllea at the Univer sity of Nortn Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. (lard of Mann's Harbor were In the city Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Perkins and Vance Perkins, of Portsmouth, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fashion Decrees New Coats Fit Shoulders Like Glove Sack Effect May He ill Kiplit for English Judge Bill for Milady's (.'mil It's Decidedly and Em phatically a Thing of the Past By All.KKN LAMONT <C?iy"M>?. IMS. h t Tt?* Ail??n<?) New York. Sept. IS. The wool nark may he all right as h dis tinguished and envied and mark of English judges. but an a fem inine garment it lias moved inlo the pant. The .woolen couIh now In vogue are far from sack like. They have the most perfect fitting shoulders of nearly any feminine garment and ranee In price In di rect proportion to the skill of the man's tailor who cuts them. The fur collar above the shoulder* may he of the most expensive pelts hut It does not redeem a garment wit* the slightest sarkliki' ten dency. Pin Feather* AIxmc Pin Money Pin feathers, ostrhh pin fe?th | ers. are special adapted for ruffs and many eostnmes at present are Incomplete without a ruff fulling from the sniHil hat and winding about the nerk . The neck enrlr i eled may be rmich also, but the I purchase prlre of i he ruff goes far I beyond pin money. Two In One "Have 'em both." That Is the selling argument of milliners to day to customers who hesltnte he tween felt and velour for head eoverlngs. Then thev hrlng out an English hat with a felt crown, round and rather high, and a ve lour hrlm which Is flexible enough to that It may be twisted Into nearly any shape desired. Holding The flag Leave her holding the bng. That I !<* sound advlre If one Is desirous of pleasing the modern woman provided the bag she holds Is one of the new large pouch shape re ceptacles of suede or safij^wlth a heavy metal frame. The flat en velope shapes also maintain a dis tinct popularity, however. In Two Piece* Lurk, they say. always comes in A. C\ Minn. 206 Broad street,' Sunday. O. P. Gilbert.. Jr.. left Monday night to resume bis sludieK nt j Riverside Military Academy, flolnmille. Georgia. after spend ing the summer with hi* parents. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Gilbert. Sr. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Barnette and little daughter. Mary l*ee. have returned to their home on i Kant Burgess ptreet after spending a few days with their daughter. Mrs. Charles Haughton. at Rocky Mount. Miss Mildred Carter Mldyette of Jackson returned home Wed-J nesday after vlxitlng Dr. and Mrs. i jC. B. William* oil Kant Burgess street. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Halstead and daughter. Mrs. Lucille Clarke, of ?Norfolk, were In the city Wednes day. Renew Your Health By Purification Any physician will tell you that*, "Perfect Purification of the Sy.i tem Is Nature's foundation of Per j feet Health." Why not rid your self of chronic ailments that are undermining your vitality? Puri fy your entire system by Inking a thorough course of Calotabs, once or twice a week for several weeks ? and nee how Nature re wards you with health. Calotahs are the greatest of all system purifier*. (let a family [package, containing full direc tions. price 3G cts.; trial package. 10 cts. At %ny drug store, (adv) 'two placet*. So do the most fash ionable sport nultes for fall. The. latter are usually in two pieces of balhrlggan weave. Thle material adapts Itself to evorv posture and movement and Its resiliency leaven it uuwrinklcd and trig af ter a hard afternoon on the links or at the veranda bridge table. < 'tit In Ini|M?Hjint When it rontes to evening , Rim nx. fiit will be the first Im portance this winter, but this does not m?'nn rut prires. The changes from tho present silhouette will be noticeable hut will not he ab rupt. The woman In moderate circumstances who wakes up one morning to find her wardrobe passe is likely to disregard fash lons' demands and the chsnges in evening frocks will be eased to her gently. (irifn Hutn Whether "the green hat." pro duct of the pen of Michael Arlen, < Is a theatrical success or not at , lt? New York premier scheduled , for the near future, green hats will be popular on Park and Mad Icon Avenues as s head covering Green la vlelng with hols de rose | and the more ardent autumn i shades as a millinery favorite, es pecially for the small hats. Name* of Another Color Colors have not changed since the days of Michael Angela hut names have. Few elerks can now be found who cannot and do not talk of shades such as Amaranthe ! black, cuckoo, drapeau blue. Ror j deaux red. Ides de Vln. rose taupe. | queen bird, waterspout green. Ty rolean greCn. ,'lettuc* green and spinach green. Spinach is not fashionable hut "It la so good for you" that the color-lsta could not overlook It. .Spots Nol Out Any cleaner can take out a spot but the furrier who attempts to deprive a customer of a single spot on a new African leopard skin coat finds himself in trouble. One dealer attempted to excuse a flaw in such a coat recently by dedar Our entire stock of Lamps 25% off This Week Bright Jewelry Co. For Dancing rh9?~ MV from pa for evening vmi ire of gtM brocade, with a ?uggei tlon of th# (bridal about them. tmi *lth ttrapa owr the !r?at#p fn*t*n? arlth ft rflt boekle. They are itiud tDOra_comfor table for darning Ibni tha on#ra mimn . ( Inic that it was the place where1 the deadly bullet ? i?f th?? hunter Ifcot In Ha worth- "(iive me one! (hat waa poaioned" was the reply1 of hia customer. KKSH ra<;rant LOWERS for rtcrj iteration "I'llca Your Order Direct." Hyatt Floral Co., Inc 8 South Road St. I*hcm? R42 Motorists Visit Ancestral Home ? I ( I nests at the Acorn Hill cele- i brntion Thursday included a mo tor party from Ohio whom* ance*-' lora moTPd from the Albemarle to, th?* Middle West more than a con-1 Itiry ago. The vlaltora were Mr. atul Mm, Isaac Hall and their son. j la-land Hall, and J. W. Smith. a:id j thcv came from Quaker City. Ohio They were the guests of Rev. and ( Mrs. K. H. Scaitergood. The progenitor of the Ohio llalla wan one John Hall, who re moved to the Buckeye State from 1 li?* Hall* Creek community in I'erqutmans County In the early yeara of the last century. While h?-re tills week, they visited their aincut ral home, and before re turning. paid a first visit to the At la title Ocean. Motoring east from Quaker Cl tv. which in 40 miles west of Wheeling. West Virginia, the vis itors took the Tidewater Trail s^nth from Washington. On their return trip they are planning to Re all the way across North Caro lina. through Eastern Tennessee' anil (hence aero** Kentucky Into Ohio. Their Tiff it to Rev. and Mr* Hcattergood wi* prompted by the fact that Mr. Seatterieuod former ly held a pastorate in Quaker Ci ty. "He was the flne*t preacher *e erer had." Mr. Hall comment ed. explaining that he made the assertion without reservation. and despite the (act that he and mem bers of hl? family were Q tinker*. Mr. Scatterrood I* pa?tor of ('ami Memorial Prenhyt??rlan Church here, and. of courae. held m Pre* byterian pastorate in the Ohio ci ty. in New Zealand and 3 ?i in Canada | .during* 1923. Figures for 1924 J 1 *how that for 15S American i eiiiim the automobile accident death rate wan 19 4 per 1000.00U populat lion. cunning not leu* than I "..400 death* in automobile accl HentH. not counting accidents Hhleh Involved railroad tralnM, or street car*, and automobile*. The toll of human life motor vehicle* last year In MM4 country wan at the rate of thfttft than two for every hoar In tM. day. Then** HtatUtle* have b?Mt! compiled by the National 8af?ty Council for consideration at tM Fourteenth Annual Consre*a which will open here on M6nd*y, Sept. 28. AUTOMOBILES Kil l. TWO KVKItY HOI It Cleveland. Srpt. 1R Aincricii'iil death rate dur> t ?? automobile atfl- J denta loa?l* the world, holng 14. R J futallt il?-H for every loo.nno pop- 1 illation uicalnAt r> . 2 in Kngland and Wnlrn, 4 3 iln Scotland. 4.6 NEW FALL COATS (iiid I) H E S S E S Arriving Daily SIkiph for ? lie entire Family M. WILLIAMS No. 1.1 S. Witter Sf. New Autumn Styles and Fabrics are Here SMAKT NEW FROCKS ' Second Floor NEW FALL CLOTHES FOR MEN McCabe & Grice ShopiiiiiK ('.enter Since 1890 Buy Your Coal Now While Prices Are Low Here are our / triref on varioun kind* of Coal, effective Sept. 16 , until further notice. I'oc. It. O. M., 1 ton 8 8.00 ? y. Ion ,?l.OO ? \\ ton . S2.2."> Splint, 1 ton IjMO.(M)? ton M.WI ? \\ ton $2.75 I'oc. Egg, 1 ton $11.00 ? }/> ton 85.50 ? ton 8<'i.(Mt Anthracite, 1 tod 816.00 ? ton |8.(H( ? '/{ ton....SI.OO Wrights Purity Ice & Fuel Co. Phoncn 72 him! 103 ESSHM < TOMATOES, Solid Park Hr.l IU|w. No. 2 ran 9* HAMS AND BACON Swift"* Premium Hum*. Pound 33c SHOCKDKRS, Smoked Picnic*. Pound .. 24e POKK. Kill. Pound 28c; Fat Buck*. Pound 23c 1). P. BACON. 1 Pound Carton SI?j HAWAIIAN PINEAPPI.E SLICED, larne ran 25c BROOMS, l^tdrr Brand, No. 6, Srleelert Quality. rarli .?0c PEACHES, Colonial Brand, in Heavy Sugar Syrii|>. large ran .. 23c EVAP. MjLK. Van r?iii|i\ Tall ran 10c | CORN. CruKhc? Sugar? -Tender, 2 can* for ZSftJ Potatoes, Extra fancy, .hti'I or wliili*. 5 1 1 >w. for I^C ONIONS. I'ii in-) Selected. Pound S? I' R K SERVINi; N E E I) S Maxou Jar* Ideal (ilana Top Jar* Pints l>?i/rn 7.V T'intM, Dnmi ? flfc Qimrt*. IHi/ih ? HOc QiuirtM, Dozen . .. HI .OH JAR BIBBER KINGS. Doulde Up, dor.. 8c CKIITO. Until* :?!c I'UtUt-IMi WAX. |*?. |?e PICKLING SPICKS, Pkg. 1( FHIHT JAR TOPS. Metal, dor.. 2.m i Gl?.??. dot, i E G (; S, Strictly Frculi, Extra Graded, Carefully | Selected, Dozen iu Seal?'d Carton 45? Selcrted Strictly Fresh, Dikcii Me MAYONNAISE and SALAD DRESSINGS 3 ounce 8 ounce Pint GELFANDS 12e 2-Ur. 47i " FRENCH'S 10c 22c 43c PR KM I Ell. Bottle 13c; large Boltle S7? GELFAND\S RKI.ISH, K ounce lw>ttle .30c FLOUR VINEGAR Palace Patent ?? Won- Pure Cider - Her Self Kisinu l-lni. lot " ? "fc. "?? 2JT ?? - ??#" 1- lb. Ila? - 6.V 7 ...... 24 lb. Iliiic JP 1 .27 H*,r IH lb. Itwic -r- - C O F F E E I). P. BRAND, The World'* Bent Drink, Ih. 47? Yellow Front. Hi. I3r Grtlden Blend, III 35c BREAD, Our Pride, I .urge 2 1 iiz. wrapped loaf. ..10c FAMO AND LEBANON BELLE FLOUR ?re absolutely flour* of quality nolrl by the leading ffroeMFt. ? IHHTItllUJTKI) BY? A. F. TOXEY & COMPANY Wnt?r Street. f ? '.'I Classified Ads The Advance Offer Many Opportunities In Economy Alkrama Today The Sky Raider Jacqueline Logan and Captain Nungesser the world'* grralrrt living arc. S E E ? France's Ace of Aces The mi?l thrilling air hattlr cvrr pnl in a moving pirturr. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DAILY ADVANCE CLASSIFIED RAVES Thla ala* typa (* polflt). ona cent A word each Inacrtlon: minimum 3F? cent*. nnn time; 7fi caata week: IS word*. Rtandlng ada, flva ccnta a word per week. Twenty canti per month ? In advanca. White apace and para graphed ada. fiO ccnta an loch. Copy mint ha In fha office by K p. m. day bafora Inaar tMI. Annouficemrau 1 ; HAIR CUTTING. Shampooing, f maaeaglng. manicuring, dyeing. M*a<hlng. curling, marcel and permanent waving at Prltchard'a Realty Tarlor over Prltchard'a , Harbor shop. 4 north Pofndexter atreat. l?-22np NOTICE? North Rtif and juat _ right In all alzea. Another carl rolling. QiSck faalaa and email profit North Rtar Grocery Co. ^ holenalera. nrpMI : On HOT ROM* IMILT for dinner alSd aupper. rive different klnda. Cartwrlght'a Bakery l*1tp RAVE MONEY- The utmost you e*p?ct when you "run an ad" I* to get what you advertlec for.; The Advance rlaaalAad ada get' faaulta at a low rate. WE BUY flecond Hand Furniture. The A taction Store, 120 Polnde* ter atffet. Phoil 771. tf Rt'RSCniBERR to The Advance ahould natch their tfubacrlptlon lahol and to It thlt tHoy do not miftrt a single lamia of Eliza both City* AnHorlattd Prom Newapapor. FOR MONUMENTS dcll?orod anil aft, ara Jackson Marhlo Worka,! 20<> South Road. D. T. 8lnjtl< ton. proprietor. Phonos 9::i Residence 177-J. tf: Finh 3 WHEN YOU WANT the bosl tUb and oyster* junt give uh a rail Wo havo thom coming In dally I Tho* Cra-nk. "Tho Man Who Knowk Finh." Phonos 2*14-410 City Market. lft-21n IX) YOU WANT tho bout In Roa Food which Incltido*. riah. Oya tora. f'lama. etc? If ao call Brr ry Brothora. phono fi&S fit y M?r- i kot. Elizabeth City. N. C. 16 22p. Hrlp Wantrd 6 BOy'wanTED about I ft yetra of | ago to work In store Saturday* Apply Pfcndor'a. Water street J 17.1 An MESSENGER BOY WANTED not undor 1 4|,at Woatorn Union Ap ply J D Hykoa. Mana^r 1 7,1 Kn For Rest 10 MY HOME on tho corner of Cnl- 1 poppor and Churoh slreeta for ront. Call 97-J or ao# ma at tho homo. Mra. W. C. Qlotor 1 *-2 4np. ONE Ff'RNSHED ROOM. no*f to bath, two-men proforrod. Apply, 141 Nortff Martin 81. H 22p PRIVATE OA RAO fc for font Mta* *. A. Po fty. It Eftat Main atreet. 17-11n | FURNISHED BEDROOM. hot! ?frater, heaf. hath. Ml** R A. Porry. tOi Bant Fan r in* atroot. . H-Jint two ftTitMHiiicn n'fcnnooMs with privilege of bath. Apply 201 Wont Church atreet or phonn 307-W 1 4-26n For Sale 1 1 FOR HALK -One RomlnRlon Au tomatic shotgun, Brand now In cluding six fmxea of shells. $fiO. J. h VlllMt. Mptft-ltn KOH HALB Two six foot, floor ehowcaur*. In good ronrlltlon. Ashens K lyes, 6c to 91 ntnrc. Kept. 1 7- 1 f?n REfftONIAB. FKRNH. 0KRANI UMS. other potted plants for Mle. Mm. 'I, W. Hollotnnn. X2 Khrlnghaus street. l7-2.in PIANO for wain -practically new. Ih good condition. Will noil af sacrifice. ^pply to Miss W. H. Keaton. Columbia. N. C. lft-22n H?I?INKS8 LOCATION for Halo? I offer my entire blllllMI prop erty on Rurgess street ffor sale, to ?|ulck buyer. consisting of j Wholeaale fp*d warehouse and offfee. Building very nearly cov ering entire lot 118 ft. deep and, fronting 45 ft. on Burgess street. I near ftteamboit dock and Norfolk I Southern freight station. with | railroad aiding entira length of building. One of the beat loca tion* (or wholesale grocery man. produce and fertiliser warehouae. I With machinery consisting of1 eleetrlc motor, corn separator, j "Jay Her" Feed Mill, four sets' of acalcs and other equipment. Urge safe and roller top desk.; Also Ford truck and one Ford coupe. K very thing In good con-' dltlon. Leaving town Is why I nn veiling out. Apply to N. T. i Aydlett. of Aydlett 4 Owens. Klltabeth City. N. C. L' PHI OUT * PI A NO In excellent ?Addition. Apply to K 9. Cheason. Phone 3f,0. 12-lftnp RALftf> PAPRR for sale ? flornp stoeli not suitable for wrapping hit food for packing In plat? of pifplHlor or other flillnK. Tun cnln a hale or faki- our <-nf lr< alock III your own prlco. Tho Adtanec. 1 1 tf FOR RALE ? flpcoiHf hand furni ture. Th? Auction Rtore. 120 Polndexter street. I'hone 772 11tfn Plumbing 13 H. B. LEWIS COMPANY, plumb i Ins and heating ?p<>rlal attrn tlon to rrpalr work. Phonex Hhop B2fi. Itrnldonrp 393. | o>; Water afreet. If j llrntrrei WANTED FA R M ON RHARK8 \ Have four plow boy*, thrpo horae*. Addrmn John Mnae. Chapanoke. N. (*. lfl-22pj Tlren in! <iOOT)YEAB H?ary Duly Cord Has more pllfa of auper-twl*?. 1 ? ho extra-elaatle, extra -tough. aln*?wy body cord. Auto Supply | A Vulcanising Co. .11 tf Plurrw To Fial 22 RROITI*AR DINNKR ROr at K%*\ Cafr. It'a rooked right and 1 make* you think of home eats. tf Wanted 25 DISTRICT MANAGER - felling NiiprrvlnlnK local territory. Mphiim 1400 a month, right man 908 Invnatment Bid*., Waahlngton. D. C. COOK WANTKD Mont h*~exp^r l#vnr?'d. Small family. Oood pay. t Tall 4f*-W. 12-lAn WANTED ?Housekeeper and gen- , ernl work for 3 In family f> room cottage Apply W. M. Ilollowall. Hobb*?ll1?. I Morning is the most hurried time of the day. A hurried swallowing of ? cup of coffee ? a sprint for the street car. "(Jet to work on time" ? that Is the thought in every one's mind. ' People do not exchange social calls at 8 a. m. It is an unwritten social law that morning is no lime for visiting. When a person has ANYTHING to do, he naturally tackles it in the morning. , These facts should bo remembered by adver- > lisers. There is one elementary fact which should be borne in mind when you are about to ad vertise. Advertising is . . . SOMKTHING TO KKAD. I<et'a say it again: Advertising in SOMKTHING TO READ. Unless it is read it is not profitable adver tising. "Jjr When you have "something to read" ? some thing you want the public to read ? place it be fore them at the. time of day when they hat# leisure to read. ' The day ia divided Into three part* (1) Sleep (2) Work (3) Leisure. The leisure period comes in the evening ? and that is the time people read newspapers thoroughly. Don't try to ask a man to read something when he is flurrying off to work. Invite him to read your message in The Daily Advance, an evening paper, which reaches the family when they are nt leisure. The Daily Advance

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