Britain's Not Displeased By Decision America To Bar Indian From Parley Ill Fad Action nf Stale Department in A<lvi?ing British Government Saklutvala Persona Non Grata al Wash ington Extricate* England I rom What Might Have Brtumr Kather Ein harassing Position V* By DAVID LAWRENCE _ (Cwjrll*!, Wti. D* Tb? Ad'toce) .'Washington, Sept. 18. ? The British Government is not ft all displeased with the action of the United States Gov ernment in declining to permit Saklatvala, communist mem ber of the British Parliament and one of the leaders of th'i ?evolutionary movement in India, from entering this coun try to attend the inter-parliamentary union to be held in Washington next month. 4 1 The British themselves can-! Hot very well suppress the in-' Aammatory utterances of the ?idian delegates to parlia-! inent. Nor could they re-' ttraitt the communist member $om coming to the United Sttaes. "" It was left to the American' Government to act, depending on Whether the Indian delegate's! Duence would be embarrassing tb the United States. He wan in BO sense an appointee of the Brit ish government and It in staled that the British government did |t0t~h4k that special consideration be given Saklatvala. * The Stste Department's policy te barring the Indian delegate Is baaed on the Idea that foreigners who visit American shores should not be allowed privileges which are prohibited to residents In this country. No alien living hero can ; get up and advocate the over- > throw of the existing Government I by force of arms without running1 lAto contact with Federal and atate laws. To permit a revolu-f tlonist from India to presch his dpetrlnes would be regarded ns inconsistent with American prac- , ??? with respect to won Id -he rev olutionlsts who already live here. ; Senator Borah, chairman of the' foreign relations committee, plain ly does not like tho State Depart ment policy as he thinks more harm than good is done by sup-> prsaslon. In a sense his view 1 coincide With what was published here yesterday as a part of the ! memoirs of the late Vice President ' Thomas R. Marshall. Mr. Marsh- 1 all wrote: * "A government should always [ keep the cork out of the -bottle of BOILING WITHOl'T HTKAM The President of the Men's Bl- ' ble class is about to boll over, he j says he wants more steam. He Is j asking all members of the City : Road Men's Bible Class at City, Road M. K. Church to be present Sunday morning rain or shine. ; snow or blow. We are preparing . for an out of town visit the fourth i Sunday, Sunday week, as we j want to get lined ity In shspe for ; the trip snd slso for the fall work tbafc is ahead of us. Come and hear the announcements Sunday moaning and also the different etanges made in the school. Our dlfesa gained up 25 per cent last Sunday In attendance. There will alao J>e a new enrollment made of oar class Sunday morning. The will open and close with the J. Boys, don't disappoint us. Oiar?Uacher wants to see every member's face Sunday morning aud io be on time at 9:30 sharp. Come and hear the children sing aad hear the men sing. K. L. Ho- | tfsrs,' class president. ,/? P. II. Wllliaroa, teacher ?Ar. 1 Its principle*. It ahould let effer-| veace freely and min-st rained the Kaa of all thoae who art* not Mat tailed with what the Govern ment 1m doing- Tin- meeting** at Hyde Hark and Trafalgar Square. London. In which the dlHContented get ofT of their cheats all that they have to xay about tho Iniquity of the British government have done much in prexervlug that ancient Democracy. If I had it to do over again wltli in y recollection of two Ki'+*at warn) in which governments Mortght. if i not to control free speech, at leant to punish the Haying of anything! that did not agr**e with the poll-; cles of tlie administration, I think' thai in justice to the administra^ j tloti and for the preservation of I tin* republic 1 should he opposed; to any of these lawH. "Many people criticised the late; l'nttldent Harding for IiIm pardon I of KuKciie V. Debs. 1 approved] of it. Not ttiat I approved of ai word that Debs said, not that I I did not think lie watt legally con victed. not that I do not believe that there was sufficient JuntiAca- I The Hub Men's And Boy's Wear We buy for cash We sell for cash and We sell it for less The Hub Poindcxlrr St. I\uxt Door to thr Expren Office 3000 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS WE ARE SERVING We will gladly nerve you. Conir n and let im mukr you ? weekly or monthly ? payment loan. / Industrial Bank Main Slrffl ? Next to Selig'a A Fresh Vegetables Snap Peat Celery Roasting Corn Ripe Tomatoes Sweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes Apples Crapes I Snap Heans Nice Lettuce Salad Creens Country Cahltage Onions lemons Pears Bananas .1 at our show window of school supplies. We ? Tablets, Composition R<>ok?, Spelling Blank*. ^"*1 Pens, Oayons, Paste, Ink, Mucilage, Ktc. Shannon house & Son V, PHONE 1H7 I tion for his conviction but because i ' 1 Ml that the longer he atayed in | Atlanta thu greater martyr k( would l>?come to the diacouti-nted i souls of America. Martyrdom | ought to be the great goal nought i by every man who in in the wrong. ! Put him in the penitentiary and' the Idle, discontent, unruly aoulai of the republic will resent hia In-' carceration, will look upon him as I a man set apart to foe punished by 1 a cruel and dictatorial (Govern ment. ltut let hint gel out and the robes of martyrdom slip from him and ho become* once again a plain every day brain-disordered I agitator. Don't worry about the overthrow of the vital principles i upon which the American Govern-! ment rests." The freedom which the British! jiermlt Sakiatvala in London Is, due. partly, to the fact that they ' have a serious problem In India ; and must give the Indian delegate) the right to express himself In iIih' British parliament and outside, but It also Is due to the fact that! communists have free rein In llri- J tain. This policy Is the subject of ; divided oplulon in England as in ! America but in this case Depart ment of State here saved the llri-; tish from possible embarrassment j by deciding the question at the very start, in the case of Cortnt J Karolyi, the Hungarian radical, the gag was put on after he ac- j tually had come to America. The policy now is to refuse passports to persons whose opinions are not desired by the -America n Govern- 1 ment. It Is an Important piece- j dent In diplomacy. Sweaters For Every Memlier of the Family For Mother, Fath er, Sister, Brother or the Tiny Tot ? a large assortment in pretty colors and color com binations as well as the staple shades ? coat or slipover style, light or heavy weight, with or without collar. You will find just what you want here. Rucker & Sheely Company Elizabeth City's Rent Store Intelligence Tests Are Replacing Examinations ff'ith Such a Ruth to College*. Educator* Find it Xec # eitarv to Determine Who Are Capable of Really Acquiring the Higher Education H> OWKX L. SCOTT ( C**jrr>?ftt. IRS. T*? A?*<Nt) Chicago. Sept. 18. ? The ever-,y??ar Chicago junior high school! increasing rush of high school . have tried out the organized grad- : graduates to college, with a rec- Iok of IntelllKence. ord-brcaklnte mart already under ,way for thi* year. Is bringing tb? intelligence teat to the fore as a j iiieaua of ?orting out the ponnlbl reul student* from Die mentally, lean fit. Old-fanhioned entrance examination* appear (o be Hcrapped in la rice uieaiture for the new fangled mental tent*. Sorting and cla.Hitifyiiig of minds apparently give* promise o( be- 1 coming as mechanical as the grad-'< Iiik of livestock. Old Army meth-j odn. brought up to date, but with i the Ha tne general Idea of qurRtlon' tents. are being fitted to th* unl-A vernltleH and college*. And thla Rn rouM tests for prospective , fresh tmti at Northwestern ITnl i verslty are being held, and the ' flock of candidal*** for admission jar- U-Idk put through a two-hour B^-.slon of questioning. When their replies arc completed the university believes It can tell not only the unflt, but can guide In dividual students In ihe selection of courses and determine what the individual la best adapted for as a llf* work. Thirteen other universities and colleges. Including Columbia, Min nesota. Chicago, and Dartmouth apply somewhat similar tests ar You're the Judge For years well dressed men have endorsed D. Waller Harri s Clothes, and prices, and by their approval they have made these Clothes widely popular. Nor have they been wronK as D. Walter Harri x Clothes are smartly tailored and trimly fashioned ana priced right. All the quality typical of 1). Walter Harris Clothes in the past are typical of the latest models. We Ask You to Cull and Be Convinced. D. Walter Harris " The City Tailor and Clothier" PHONE 970 You may l>e doing a job that you cannot ? leave, yet you need something in Hard ware to finish. Just step to the phone and tell us your needs. We'll deliver it at onee. "THE HARDWARE HUSTLERS" Garrett Hdw. Co. "O EE how that clutch collar is worn down. That comes from keeping your Coot on the pedal all the time. Keep it alongiide where you can reach the pedal in a jiffy* whenever you need to. If you keep (lipping the clutch like that the plates or sur faces are going to get worn down quickly." The Fleet Boss knows what he is talking about. He has learned by painful experience to watch out for details such as this in order to cut down expensive repairs. Profit by other people's experience whenever you can. Take this matter of motor oik. We have been refining good lubricating oik for fifty-five years. So when you buy "Standard" Motor Oil* you are profiting by the accumulated experience of two generations of refiners. No wonder Standard" Motor Oil* are the Fleet Bom's choice in lubricants. STANDARD OIL COMPANY {N*w Jer?y) I ranged by the American Council ' of Education, l'rvaldent Walt?r Dill Scott of North w?uum t'ul rersity believes that the use of the t?*ats will spread and become uni versal amoiiK higher educational Institutions. "The gap between the high school, and the college Is too bit; . for mauy who wish to start a co> lege career." President Scott *ajrs. "The number of tut*n ami wonn-n ! ?**king u college education 1*1 growing each year, und It has' come to the point when* it l? n**c- : eaaary to pellet, rather than film inaie. tin* kind of men and worn* n wtio ar?? dfwrvInK or the oppor tunity. Particular')* In the pro t.-snii.nal mcIio??|m i? tliix practice !iHces?ur> SOITHKRX POWER I'lUH'O^K.S SKXT charlotte, Sept. 1#.? Tfc? I Southern Power Company ha? Ka. iiounivd It will la-Kin immediately : ronxtruction of uu auxiliary ?mer Keiicy Mt earn power plant on th? Catawba Hlver. with a capacity of >?,u?u horsepower. to Kuaran< t ??** liiilusirial consumer* that fu ture (IroiiKhtH would not cbum similar inconreiiience to that suf* f^rt-tl this year. (,a.mi?axv l'KOloi The Improved Ford Body Types Are Now On Display In Our Showroom RUNABOUT TUDOR SEDAN COUPE FORDOR SEDAN f. O. It. Detroit I'ricrs: t.lo&itl Cars In (Utlurs. $260.00 $580.00 8320,00 $660. 0(1 THE TOIJRING ? $290.00 K O. II. Detroit Color: lllark. All-steel stream lino body. I>otibl<'- ventilating windnhleld. Ford leather rltrth, niie-niaii top. Fu??l tank under row). Tool box under fiiMit Kent. Weatherproof Ntorm rurtjUim Quit open with all WindwlilHd wiper, polluted nickel head lamp rim*, and four eord Urea are Mtandard e<|ulpuMnit. Starter and demountable rl?n* IPH.'V extra. Bal loon tire* |sn extra. WE EXTEMJ YOU A CORDIAL I WIT tTIOK TO ItHOr l\ AND SEE IT. Auto & Gas Engine Wks., Inc. 105 N. Water Street This is the last week of our HEATROLA CLUB special offer. Join NOW and you get absolutely FREE with your Estate Hentrola ONE TON OF COAL. All you * pay down on this CLUB OFFER ia $2. You pay the balance in easy installments on this liberal plan. Installation of the Hcatrola made ut any time you may specify. Sept. 19th co, HKATROl.A CLUB OPKKR will ?nd. W# have left only a few of the limited number of Heatrolaa offered under this apecial club plan. Plrat come, A rat aarved. So if you haven't joined our HKATROLA CLUB, do it now I Katate Heatrola in the new - day way of heating for ?mall homaa and bungalowa, atorea, offuea, ate. with or WITHOUT BA8BMKNTS. It looka like a phonograph and worka like a furnace. Inatalled in one of the living- rootna, it cuppliea midst warm air ?o all connecting rooms ? upstair* and down? juet like a furnace, yet us?a no mors fuel than a Mov*. Kstate Hestrola is finished In handsome, grained mahogany enamel. Kasy to kaap clean. No i?o" to blailc. No nicks! to pollah. Juat rub It and duet it with a cloth, as you do your furniture. J?Hn the HKATKOLA CLUB NOW. ON? TON OP COAL KKKK. Only $J down and ua balance in ea ay, convenient payments. Act tt o*iiaf There's only one Heatrola and that's made by the Estate Stove Company. There's only one sold in Elizabeth City and we sell it.

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