NO. 242 ALLEGED BANDIT QUEEN BACK IN HERTFORD JAIL Mary II oHjiril or Violrt Barrin^tou \\ liiclicviT Vim Like ? Krccd of (ihurgOH in (>rri'iivill<' HALS Tlt\ TO KSCAI'K Build Kiro in Krunl of Oil Door; (>irl K?'|>rini;m<lr<l When Sheriff \\ rif-lil Sti? pertN Hoolli'fsciiif: Mary Howard. duhh.d bolihod haired bandll ?'""'J; l2?S~i i^JgSXj Charcot, po"n,'rl t",* ,, m?,?V rrront robbrrlea. rhUK u? i Perquimans Count > 1,1 1 uaj? Mine two months aeo i* ?????" (*"> .... l,.'? r- "' quartet ar;- Krllj't *?d;r0H"n^..l|,. ^uul'aV'V^'N.- n.'.ir Superior Court In l"rtji. , Mary *avt? ahr i?* y,a , v/lv hark to Hertford jaH and HM r>" cud. friend*. and aorrv. b< icau? ? , uvs she had far nioro rmninri.M" r?/rtX in the rut county *.<1 it Greenville. \??rv an nr?d 1 '? not I. o r "la ??.?? ' wU??- ^ Harrington. Her r. ^S:iW.d .Tn^o,V Ine tor her 1". *.vial \ - ' without rrtiult. SI""' ??" ? or Violet, her new name. "Whichever Vou liOu Queatlonrd .. >? -'.'""'i ...W - IT, VwaVve "Take ""Urn d Friday a''""'"1 ; Mary was ptayln* ?> 7' "" my with Hartaoll. For ?..? hen." lit ot l ho unlnlllnt'd. . nlalned hero lltal "rummy l? ?> card B?l?e. ?hlrh """"?"^.?'Vwo ^ ?? card. tt.rot.Bh the Lara. poneil th?. 5l",??;' , ?oi, When ylslled Friday . tho BUI ?'?? atllrod " w" " ' , ro.lldnt kcr,. anything rlran n jail Ah a matter of fart, looked tidy enoiiBh. but It ?h fj-m inlto- m-rond nature to mak" apol oglea alonE lhat line. . Mary or Violet ? lake whirl.. > ? yon Ilk. apparently I ? ho wor?>- (or atay In iall I haw (or lh" roaann II... alio la deelato.1 to ho tl.<- llral white w . nian over thn? liieareeralod It. I qulmana. Mo- l? a-enrdo, 1 ?t? courtealoa and - *' w I . . , ' the rMcf of whirl. I* lit" ?"? "> of the Jail corridor Not Ho Dry In , She whh threatened with Irwlna thlt. privilege Friday however Short fT Wrl*ht. havlnu ohaorvod what lio took n* that aomo of Iho n.aaoullno in- ni hora ot Msiry'a pnrty had not lo-en adhorlttB rlBldlv to tho provla ?n' or ll.o prohibition law. told Mar> that wl.llo ho waan I aeoiiaini: hor ot anything. tho only way th" rould havo oht?lno.l anylliln-. atronnor than water ??. throi.Kh hor. and If ho ololor.r.l alinllar V'ThohVhorTf|r waan l In tl.j; ; ho?t M.rl of a humor, anyway. I ow? ll and I.O.IBO0 nro oonflnod In a roll foKothtr and ll.o ?l?ht h.-toro thoy had wroakod oonaMorablo h.ror in an ill "'V"^ oaoanod r, I. -akin* ..I' a olialr or I wo whirl, had hoon loft In th'lr roll, thoy hr..l !"??' ?' tho coll door. aooklnB t" roflan tho o.olal fiifllrlnit I" por in It thom to pry tho har? a|.all and get out. Sohtehow or oth? r. 'ho l',a" failed to work. When. SVtIJT Wright wont to the Jail to mtvo hroakfant Friday mornln-. h? frtund ? I ?V ?f oharrod onihoi about tho door, and tho paint on the lowor bar a hurnod eompbtol; away Tho Intorlor of the j?H had Juat boon painted, and that didn't help matter*. Ono bar had boon l-rlod partly olll ot play, hut tho othara woro Intaol. and POWoll and l^itlttoo woro whoro tho ahorllT had loft thom . Tho allompt to roh Chappoll UM ono of tho moat aonaatlonal ; ? rooordod In tho rrlmlnal annala of ' Nerthoaal?nr fiarollna iJito at , night. ^a larao IpurlnK rar droyo > iib |?f front of hlf aloro. whloh la InAhr I'lnoy OroJe aootlon of Tor ttiilmana. aomo (IVOi^c^alx mlloa j Cont1ntt?l on Pit* 4 two in \oi<t:o si\ ( in\t:st: tT tom us FOH DEVOUT iTI<>\ Nrw York. Srpl. IM. ? a n-sull ol iiiiMil Time iimr (|?*is liott i wiw in fin' ToiiiIin iiKla) jiuaitlng ?lr|n?rta I ion. i mm of mi tilM'f I in two niifh this urrk on < 'lilnnlon n. fin im* iit tin' loml.s |ta\<* !??*???? iinnlil*- lo pr?Hlm-?> i-rrt iflrat?"? or iT|iM ration a* l?> law for thHr iiri'M-tiri* in tl?i* rountr> . NEW CEMETERY FOR THIS CITY V ill In- Situatrd mi Kucliil llriulil- Ailja mil lo 1 1 < 1 1 1 \ M(n?l \ ih-w t ?'i v lias In fii or uaui/>-d | fir Klizabeth t'itv stud rliilll'l 111 tile naine III tli?- N ? ? w Hollywood t*emet? t y As sociation. Incorporated. 'I In 01 uanizers ;ii<> Char!"* J. Field and Willi ? i licrb-lipiinnV "I ("lurau ?. Tli 1 ? I iii' t* is well known .is ;iii orKanUi r and builder of cotm-ier I ios 1)1 roii ghoul tlx I ' ii it ? ?1 States. | and Mi lleck"lmaiin is a builder : of mausoleums. They Im lit III" l beautiful mausoleum in Forest l.awn CYiiitcry. Norfolk. !?' H Kli'lskr. Klizabeth C'ity un dertaker. and t". It. I'ugli. local attorney. an* interested in the project. Tlir ceineli r> is laid out on t h" park (itiin A Mr Kicker. land scape architect of Chicauo. -i|??*nt llirci' weeks hen* to survey and lav out the |ilan. Tin- sit* ? is 14 acres of I In* W. A. Ilrook land, on liuelid Hcliihts road, formerly o win 1 1 by <*. T. Spoil This sit*4 was selected after a careful mir vi-y of nt her places near I he city, and in addition to its being on thf highest elevation of any available Kite, ir Is tin- only ?it?* that can ho connected with Hollywood ' Cemetery. It Is propoaed lo con 1 nect the now cemetery with the present cemetery by a nistic ' hriflKP HCIH^ HO In addition to tlje park plan, ! which is Hip iiiodorn layout for i cemeteries, admittedly adding to lis beauty over the old checker board plan, it will have as its prin cipal feature the perpetual care fund by wliiofe ir, |?cr cent of the 'sales will be set aside as a trust i fund, the interest on which will J he used e:\cluslvely for care and maintenance, thus not leaving the care to charily and individual lot owners. It will have a complete drainage system Insuring against water In burial lots. II will also have a board of governor*, who will make plans for uniform embellishment ami decoration. It Is proposed eventually to build a mausoleum at a locution set apart in the area, with a beautiful background of cy proas trees. Itlne prints, planographs and newspaper pictures will likely be shown the public about October , I. and sale of b?ts bi'uun very I soon thereafter. The sab s will be made on the instalment plan. ' A look hI the plans and a read ing of the explanatory literature, i convinces one that this cemetery, if carried out according to plans. , will be a credit to the community. I, IN Kit \<,IM?INI> IN MIDST IIAGING S'lOKM Sout hum pi on. Knu.. Sept. 10.- ? The royal liner Orbita. hound for New York. w#-nt iiground on Shln Klea Hank off the (trie or WIkIiI in the Kngllsh Channel today. A heavy Ktonn was hanging and . the whip wsiH reported list inn badly . AUK HIMiKI) to votk FOR UNIFICATION Chicago. Sept. 19 l,nymon of the MnthodIM Episcopal church and of the Method!*! Episcopal , Church. South. were urged In h statement Issued today by the ex ecutive cnmmltton of the General I*aymen's AsHorlntion of the Meth odist Episcopal Church to vote for unification. The statement was signed l?y George Ulxnn. Chlcano, president, and was sent to all I bishops to be read at the annual [conference and by secretary at lay men'? mecjlnsn. JAPAN IS PLANNING Hl ll.l* GOOD KOAOS Toklo. Sept. 19. -Good road* | In Japan are as hard to find as the proverbial havHtar-k needle, but If a bill which l? being planned by the llotne l>epHrtment la enacted by the next Diet. automobiles In this country will come In for their own The proponed plan Is either to build new highways or Improve the present ones at a cost of some 300, lion. nnn yen. one-third of which will he furnished by the government Under the proposed bill the gov ernment grsni* would rome In ten yearly Installment-., the first be ginning next year. It Is planned to widen ?nd pave the Important highways In rural districts, which ?t present art unfit for automo tive transportation, and to Im- , prove such public roads ovar j which railway construction Is projected COOLIDGE FLIES IN TROUBLE TO AMHERST BLOC Turn* hi Little ( iolrrir nf I'Yirml* Hp IMaclr nl <!ol Irfjr A* One* Whom lie Luu Tru*t MOKKOW HEADS BUM Natural, Therefore, That lie Should Be Found Heading Aviation Inquiry for the President II) KOllKItT T. SMAI.L ms kv Tfc? Washington. Sept. 19 - PrPi*l dent Cool id ge has the homing In stinct. In lime of stress or trou ble ho file* unerringly hack to the 'Amherst bloc." hark to the little coterie of friend* he made at col- , lope, ax the ones In whom he can place Implicit truat. Iiwight Whitney Morrow has been hi the forefront of the "bloc" ever alnce Mr Coolldge waa called , unexpectedly to the White llouae. It la hilt natural that Mr. Morrow should he found today heading the central aviation Inquiry Inatltuted hy President Coolldge. Mr. Mor row's presence on the hoard Indl- , ca tea how Herloualy the President , regards the altuation created by the aircraft failures and charge* All I he members of the hoard fully understood the closeness of the re Intlotia exist lug-bet ween the Proa Idenl Hiid Mr. Morrow and ther?? waa no douht of hla selection hk chairman and director of the whole courae of the Inquiry. Although he la an extremely bu sy man. Mr. Morrow never hat* hesitated to reapond to the Pres ident's call, whether It he for h week end aall down the Potomac on the yacht Mayflower or for an assignment to puhllc duty which will keep the hanker away from his Wall atreet office* for two mouths or more. Home of the old time politician* here In the capi tal never erase to marvel at the Prowldonl'M tomorlty In aligning himslf ho cloaly with n member of t he firm of J. P. Morgan and Com pany. A few yeara ago thla would have been conaldered political aul- J clde. The very name of Morgan had to he mentioned In nothing aho\4 a whisper, preferably in some back room of a hotel, along alaiiit 2:11 o'clock In the morn ing. Itui the President Is fond of flwight Morrow and lie doesn't 'care whether he la a member of the Morgan firm or not. The Pres ident likes Morrow not because he waa a classmate at Amherst. lie liken hint because he Is a trustee' of Amherst and the President has been thrown In constant contact with him. He llkea Dwlght Mor row because he ha* faith In the hanker'* sound judgment, both in politic* find in hualnes* affairs. 1 The President ha* consulted * Continued on Page 4 LEAGUE ASSEMBLY MAKES PROGIIESS Geneva. Sept. 13. The sixth assembly of I hp League of Na tions seems In fair way to finish work hy the end of the coming week. One reason for thin belief In thai I ho sub-committee on dls arniH ment virtually has agreed to rwrnmmfinrt that the league'* co ordination committee go ahead with the technical preparat lon? for the Disarmament Conference. AGED MAN MEETS DEATH INSTANTLY Salisbury. Kepi If ? C. P. Good rich. aged HO. was Instantly killed at Kannapolla near here today when atruck hy a southbound Southern passenger train. SOON KNOW VALUE OK BHYAN ESTATE Mlama. Sept. 1!?. ? The world will know the value of William Jennings Bryan's estate the early part of next month when William Jennings Bryan. Jr.. returns from California to tako up the work of nettling the estate. Present estimates run from half a million to more than a million and are merely guesses, according to W. K. Thompson, former sec retary of the Commoner. who now stands In confidential rela tion to the family. WIPK DKrKNIM HI shami < H M(i. I i) WITH AHH.M |.T Claude Hewitt, young white man. was fined $5 and costs In recorder's court Saturday morn ing on a charge of assaulting his wife. He pleaded guilty. and In order to ascertain the facta In the rale. County Judge Sawyer sum moned the wife to the atand She ff?Dl loyally to tho defense of her husband, admitting that he struck her hut declaring with emphasis that he didn't hurt her. and she thought he was playing. In fact, nhe said, she waan't at all sure ihst he really meant to hit her Charged with failure to list their taxes. Luther Fenderson and James Hlade. both colored, were1 required to pay th?lr back taxes i and the costa of the cases A aim- i liar Judgment w*t brought against. I Hewitt on the sgine charg* The First of the Bourbons Kentucky* alwaya haa'hoaMed of Us beautiful women and It n/*w " MIm Edyth Draffcn. of l-Awrenccbura m th* prrUW*t *lil ?" tnc ? the will wear a |100ft gown when ?he repre.?cnts the International ? leum exDoaltinn at Tni?? ??? nrmu* Lively Legal Bout Waged At County Court Session After three limits spoilt ill inx evidence s? ltd hoarlnu iilltU incuts, t'ouiitv Jildue |*. (! Sawyer imposed H hue (if $."|0 ail'l entslji with mi alternative sentence ?-i mi days on the road* each fin M (ioorh and James Feiuiell. ml* nrod. in recorder'* court Satiir day iiiorninu on rhnruey of carry ing concealed weapons and assault with m deadly weapon. The Freneii admonition, "t'h'-r rlicz la fcininc." was proven worth while advice in HiIh particular can**, for a woman was Involved She wan one A Hern Rhodes. and it ?wan because she refused t!ooeli a date that lie and Kennell m if haled into court. The two aie employed on wwrr Installal Ion work now In progress here. Alicen not only told (Iihm-Ii she ' wouldn't uo to church with lit in. hilt on top of thai kIio wtike-l down the Ktr? ? t with another bean I Accompanied hy his |?mI. I'< nn? ll. I he rejected suitor Met ?>fT In pur , mi it , overtaking the ulrl ?t Up- In tersection of Initio and IStus hIwIk, In the colored community buck of Went Church slr?et 1 (Jooch demanded thai Alleen hal? She didn't. "All rlnht. woman. I'll make you luilt. then." Oooch Is >>:i Id to have told her. With tliHt, lie lioi row ??d a cun from hiincll. nccord ItiK to tin* testimony. ii nd H<*lr.itic the till hy tin* miiii. whirl* d her nroiind and thriMt It mid* r hrr nose She halted. I'rosecutiiiK Attorney J H !.?? Moy. Jr . handb-d Ifie State's end of the esse. and llobert l,owry ap l?? ar? d an attorney for the defeni" . For the benefit of thorn* who do not attend recorder'* court n un larly mm a part of their mornlnu routine, it may be ?pld tiiat Messrs f<eltoy and l.owrv ar? keen. If altoijei lie r~Tr fend ly rival-1 and have been for many mouth* T?? borrow in anH? nl Myln wan IdarkKiim attains! thumb r Mr |j**l(oy waft determined to win a conviction, and Mr l.owry wn? equally bent on olita ItiifiK a vei diet of acquittal It wax soim thlni; more tliau a mere pcrfune tory prosecution and defense ot i cane thai within Itself, way t'-la lively unimportant The <>xNiulnat ions and cro*.' ??> amlnafl'Uis were conducted at ex treme lenuth. wit ih-shcs wer?* questioned most specifteatly an In the number r f times ftooch de ma tided that his lady love halt, and as to the e\*ct words and In tonalion that the dlfturuutbd ???ill or used When both sides had rested Mr l.owry scaled pinnacles of di ? matlc oratory In defendlm: bis ? II enta He represented that ;? sin later Innuence was behind the whole prnceeftink : that the wo man sppearlnK as ehl?f prfeelit Ins witness was not a fr?e aitenl In the case, and that in conae quenee of these and other facia Ihe defendanta should Ik- a<quit led Mr. l<elfoy disagreed. of course He argued that ffooch was guilty by hla own adtniaalon. and that Kennall was equally culpable In ?hat fh*re *a? "tron* ..^|#t,.nc? | i. tSOU\IC lit- hi ( Eh II il l (EM (. \ l l <>\ Ni?w York. S(|?(. I!?. ? 'Hi. Sliiml.ilil (III of \?-w li-rwj (it Ilk UH|{ mi luilf ji mil a |{nl lull In rrrlilili Nlilli'K, lirinu I fir iit'W |irlrr In North 4'nl'nlliiji t < ? IU i riifN. MUTILATED MAN HAS CONFESSED Turner Ithmrliiird of Moii ror Krvoltin^ I' 21 tii i I % Srrri*lK Monroe. Si'pi III Turner Itlaurhard today slt;n<d a written statement thai a Klrl relative of Ills wife performed all i I I?*k:? I op r-raflon on htm after li W wifo and the Kill had arensed hint of helm: untrue. The operation wan performed Sunday. Itlaiwhard and his wife tried to k'-i-p tin* doetol'K arul the offlenrs out of the affair, and told varlouH *1 or lex after they were obliged to en 1 1 in phyfdriaut Thev ascribed the deed to ji hooded hand and later Ha hi that Ilium h ard was told that lie nni?<t pay his grocery hills. The sheriff kept on with III* Invent igal ion. however, and soon found that Mr* Mam-hard's wtep dauchter. a I ft year old Klrl. was connected wlih the affair. Yew. terday th?- Kirl confessed t" im proper relations with Mate-hard, and today came the man's ron feanlon. iNOIU Ol k \\ II I. MOID FA 1. 1. OI?KNIN<; SOON Norfolk. I '? Norfolk will pt>-x?nt <i kmIh j?p l?"i?rMuri- n?\t w??'k wl??-n pra** tlrally * v# r>" r'-tnil i?i- r? h;n l in Ihp cllv will hoM ?i fnll o|??*nlw*j Mlnmltmi) ou*|y. I'm |i!inithn^ ?i" l?Hnic miikI" to ?nk?' of umtI I It roil kh nt |i optf fioiii t II |i;hIm 'if Tldi'wnti i Virxtfil'i ;if??| KmcIi iii Noilli f'ni oliiiri. who :i r phiiitiliiu vlfiltn h?-ri' fliirlne ? v??ii'. IIKTIOX MUCKKT New York. Sept. !'? Spot col - ion r|nw<l on let. mi'Mliuu 21 point* tin?hiin*? 'l Knliir***. ln* hlil: Uii'ilwr 21 I*. I)^<-. 151 .Inn 2-1. ft". Mi/rrh 24.17, M?y 24.47. July 21 1 ? N>w Y??rk. S**pt t !t f'offoit future* opfiifil loilny mi Ih?? fol lowlnx |fv?'N Oct. 2 4 2". |k>( 24 fiH. Jmii 23 A*. Mmti h 2 4.1". M*y 24.50 t It ?f h?* ? IihiI mi ppli*'l ||i?* jinn Jndifo H*wy?-r look hi# view of th? ftltuatlon. nnd rl'Tliiofl agalnM llo defendant# They wore iclven un III Monday morn I ni k aeaalon of fourt to d?*elde h? iw#M.|| th?- fln? ? nil t h?- tall fcn'fiid' COLUMBIA HIGH BEGINS SESSION mm CROWDED I no Nru I ioom** I .on?l met* nl I roin \uililoriiiiii to I akr Cjiri* of I'npiU I'rom I \ ru ll < .011 ii In mum; i ki < ks \i;i;m:i> Somr I *11 pi I- \lti'ii<l (?iiiu \iik llijrli School W liil. nihil* (io Onl-iilc of (!oillll\ III (ilTSKI'll <*??1 ii in M.i . St*pf Mi l'litla* ?'I'tll'il fll.. fll.-l H I'l'li of ill** pi_?r. iv iiicii Sellout s?'si4i<iji with l'r>?r<*sMii i, !?: St u. n i hark front lily lit ? hi** .it Simm I'aiiip I lit* srliool ??|h?ih*?| Mnmlav tiiortilii'it m jih ?*x #*r? ji Mi** lor a t ilmaior. I'ruf. Stuart. i '??h my Sup* riiiifii<l?*iii \\'a|ti*r- itntl others in .1 k i u c ?|M'i*?'h?>M r?llt**l wlili hop** ilio m ? y**nr. On_iit ? iiiini of i!n* * tvi'i'i r<nv?|i*i| i oiitlilitiii of la?l yi'ar. two new it H i ins wcif cmi.-i riii-teil mil nf ih* hi ht?il auditorium ami ;i*l*|i'*l in Hi*' Mitli Si'liuol ?l?*]Mrt nit'iil This I'MVI'K 111*1 M'lltMlt W ithtllll S|Ml'f for pu lil le K:itli**riiiK*? but plnnx have lit rri math* t?? I <ii 1 1 1 1 ,iii amlltorluni tor in'M vt<?r Tin* st hool hoard, t ??iii|him>?| ?tf T J. Oavriiport . t liainnati. \v M Willi.-. flr* S .1 HaN-maii. Mrs \\ II Mr fleea. s ??* iftaiy. iirc now farltii: tin* proh i* in ?>( |i i*' ? v lil in u tliH Iril im I'lt.vt iiifiii . ami ?tf inking ear** t?f Ih*' tvt*r iiuroasliii: II II 111 lit* m rolll iiiu ii? tin* 1 1 ifh St honl Om* liuii. ?lr**i| him! t*-n siurit??l this we**k ami Willi prarllrally I lit* whole roil II ly sending pupils lit* re to Hit* liluli ?t hool ii will In- nerossary. lo roii f.uitly iiii-rt'iiM' faeiliii*** to k?'efi U|? tin* Standard A (?noli* of l ho Srliool. Tliere art* amuml I't.'t or 17" In I ho RrailfH. This srliool iloi's mil <i4l?*t| na ? Iv take t il I t' nf all I 111* srliool rliil ilr?*ti coins: to h Ik Ii srliool in Tv roll County Tho Hum Neek 1 1 itch Srhtiol has hrrli rillililiiK two > ran*. it lifiiiK loo far away from I'oliHtihla for the rlilldri'N to ???' from lhal rnmmuulty to Col unl it la. A Rood ii u in l>o r uo lr? the Crrswoll High Srliool in Wushliti: 1 1 >g? County. Tho only reason that lh?* consolidated st ||oo| here falls in rrarhltiK all I ho pupils within its ilisirlrt la that ihoro aro not t in. null srliool I rii'-kfi opniaU'd ami tiia n \ impll- who would 20 lo reload at Columbia ellher to l*> M-h?io| in other rou ni it or tht not to' at all. Tho lark of hllld* availfiltlt Im school pur posts |; rt sponsible for I his noed. C.ASTI.KS AUK SOI.ll \T ItAIUiAIN ICATKS l?omlon. A<|il, 1 ?? (*hn|I?*k arc Im mu koI?I in Kn?:liiii?l at tiarualn rati h. Historic mansions ??r va lloim xlftr K a ti'l aires hee|? <lli<|M?K*fi ii f recently by member < of tli?- older arlntorracy hi came of hl;;h ItiM'H ami death dllflcH which it ix contended liy many families Iwvc made II advisable to dispone or lion Income hcarlnu l?ro|M-rli'H latliiT than hold tliem In rail xi> o| t lii* j r hlKtorlr v a I il?-. In other inula noon drastic iron ? uiili-s have 1)1*1* 11 made ill I In' a 't - minis! ration of un-at estates. on? of tlif.Hi* In inu that of th>' link - of Norfolk which originally cm braced rioini- Ml.Oftti acres A i nn i|> I f.'IMlll ill SlIMHCX, home ?if I l|l* 17 yi-ar old llnki', ban ln-rn closed f 1 v i yen r s and there I" talk of ?elliur It Tin* llucliCHH of Nor folk khvi? n|i thi' chk!||' for a mod ? ?<** I'ofiaui' In t>\ furrl to In mar Wr M'li who Ik attending tin nnl v ridty. Tlo' ii i *?:?! ri'Ci-nt transfer of a ra il" at a low flcon I*' tliHt of historic tlwvdyr in the Vale of Conway, which wan purchased h> Jay Mitchell of <!o|wyn May fur 2JMMI pound* Merlins;. (Swydyr With thi* scat of a lamoils Welsh family, tin* Wynne*, until I k That i?:i 1 1 of thi- original cmhiIc which >*t 111 aland* was hull! in IT.;,:, l?v Sir John Wynne anil for genera llonx ha.H hei ii h favorite hai|!il of dithtxci'r'K. It was f sl"i? 1H3*. K\TI( \ IKIHIY SKKVICK HMt CIIOWAN IIAITIS'I* 'Mm- one hundred ami twpnilrtli hii filial s< Hninn of |||(' ('liitWHil |t;i|iMsl Axfni-liiii'iii iim'I'Ih wllh lutiihla f'htirrh. *!*>?? r? * I t'ouiity, The*di?y. VVi ?li?? Hf|;iv ami Thursday of ???%? wri-k. .:|i#-"|mI f'-rrv hmyIi-'- hpion." Al (?< iimi )<? Sou ml Ihm Ih<i>ii ariHiucu for. (Hid th' IliM l?*rry It'wl. with :? ?\i|iaHly ? if 12 ??|tOIIIOMI?*H, Will Mo* nound fr'?iii I lii- Kfli'iitoii ?*!>! at 7 o Hnel. Tue^dav moniiiu % m r-tii'l and hi n''li l?rt:(?r In ml will iii^k-- lh?* kihiI" trip ?f * i-i-IitV. and ( 1)1- ?pe< l?il Ki rvln- will ?ii ?ji r'Hiiiimo throughout thi- . it t II ii 1 1 >i??oeliitlon hound mil') inohll' * Iiii v li?-? ii taken care Mkewlsu* no Th ii rxdny. or enrll'-t if th'* H'"i?lon *hould Iw nl'orf rM >-il from lh*? neheduh-d thre? dnyft, ?i*im,**Im1 nervlce will he nmlfi i?lr*'d f'ir the leturn trip The f'-rrv fare ha* r?*r?-nlly In ? n reduced to 12 for one pihnI! ran iinrt driver nnd I2.R0 for ? l?rK'* r>?r h ii d driver. Korty rent* fa r?* In addition will Ik- collected from ? ilrh |im??en?er not Including thr driver*. J ail ? Honeymoon Tho iron liar* of prinon rouliln* stop the romance of Mi and Mr* Oiarlca Fann While tn Jail at I'ocml. Mo.. a^'aitiriK trial on )l<|uoi < hnrcr* they full In love and tv.-i i married Th?* Judge wnt thetn to th? mate penitentiary at Jefferson City i? *|M?nd their hom>> naxm ki *eparatt cHIa Thcv Will Mt- ??Hrb ot hfr (??? tlx* Tiki tint*- aiue* theli iwinti'iiicr ?liirlno ('hrlRlnni* wi-vk Highwaymen Rob Perquimans Man I {? 111 Hp I IV film* aillM'd IiImIi w ay iim' it on tli<< road hi'iwo'n Woodvltl" and Kciilnn'H Hlorr, In thf \lrtnll> of New Ho|h*, Kd Tur ner. I'n ?|iitiiiiiiiK ('mintyim-rehant, WJIS I'OllllCll of -fir, <?? II I H III I'HHIi - ?]| ? money In had with liini a ml a h in 11 1 1 ?| iimiiI It y of im-rrhan dlne la to Thursday 11 lull I Mr. Tin - imt Ih h hroDwr of T. T. Turner, of fills rlfy. and whh rt'lnrnlne home with m 'i 11 it it 1 1 1 y of iwrrhaii dlno he had houfcht whll'' attend ing ih?? Acorn Mill ruml ccleljra l loii . Mr. Turner. who rutin a store nen r N?'*' IIo|m*. w:ih drlvlnu :i horse and IniKity. Hi' passed a i'?r parked l?y Hm* niadKid)', and a mo ment later his horse wjis stopped hy one of the trio Another xlucli a unn in hi* fare. and demanded IiIh riioncy. I f ?? luiHS'fl nvi'i' his pocket hook . A fl'-r rlflintt It. I ho handit lOHHfd II hark Into III'- liUK KV. The liluh wayincn next w?-tit hur rledh through Mr. Tuno-r'n load ? ?f merchandise, and took a small ?|iia ii f I V y of talc'iilii powder. nlon* with, a few olh'-r article* *?f slight value. Then t hey permitted him |f> proceed on h Ih wav. In telling of III*- hold-up. Mr. Turner stated he whs positive on** 'if thi* men was wlill*'. hill could nol Im> f< i la lit ahoui th?' oiImt two. The Incident was reported to Shor I If W lilt Wright . of I Vrq ill in n its. lull' rrlday afternoon. and the sheriff I in m?-d la t ??! y he^ati an In V?-MliKH'h<ll COTTON SI'INM.KS ACTIVITY OH I, INK Wiiithltiitioti, Hopr. in. Cot I on KpinnliiK actlvlly hxd a further d?? < tinn In Auriimi hr Mimpurml with July loii w?ih Rrrnf**r ihwit In Ail. riihI of ImhI yfHr. ih?* On?ii* flu rnni'N report today nhow* A?*Hv?? spindle hourn for AiiRiiHt nurnlior ?mI fi.0M.413 a* fompurrd with 7.297 .M* for July. SNOW \NI> ^I'AKKS VISIT MONTANA CI'IA lloltMtn. Moni . rtppt. 19 Hnom ii ml rart liquato** worr rxp*rlcnr<?d hrr* today. A *harp tremor wan fHt mi H : 4 T* i hi* morning bill did not property dainaKf Thu qiiHkr mmii a* a climax to | nn umiMiial September alorm dur- i In* whl'-h thr??#? ln?-h** of *n??w I Ml. ALBEMARLE FAIR OUTLOOK BRIGHT AS EVENT NEARS )1oit Diversified Virion!* tnral Kxliiliih and Bigger and Better Free Attrac linns Promised lilUNS WITH IWHADK \ alnalde Prize* Offered for Best Deeorated Automo bile* and Booths; Event i )|?eti* Oelolier ft With holt or nKririilittriil and ?Hhor exhibit*. ami ItiKR^r anil hot l? r free attractions sluni'd ti|? than I'vcr In-fore, thin ycar'w (irrnl Al hcniarlo Mat riot Fair, ail expoal* linn of i ho rwoiircPH ??f I H<* ton Northeastern Carolina countioH, promises ii? ho i ho host ever hold In Kllzahoth City. It will opon on Ttioaday. Oetofoor fl. ami will cloao Saturday nlcht. October 10. WHh t ho fair only a little more than two wooka off. County Aci'tit Fall*. Hoeretary. statoH that all commlttcca nro actively at work, and that nrrangcmonlK for the event rapidly are noarinfc their final hIiicon. lie Ik highly ont htiHlaai le over the prosped, statinc that more Man hoeii a e contplishcd this your than Is iih ?i ally ? h ?? raw this early. TIip free attractions Include the Tip Top Shows. declared lo be oiip of the largest mid cleanest midway attractions irnv<?hnx In lh<> Kant The midway will con sist of popular minstrel. athletic and other shows. popular riding devices. and cnnccaKloiis. One or the main fea lures Ih a high dive In flames, declared lo he a real thriller There will he hand con certs. day and night Special Attractions Of the speelal attractions, not the least Is the bicycle team of Cannon and !<ee. which will glva daily lice acts In front of the grandstand It comprises two diilnty maids In a swift moving bi cycle act. with many unusual tricks. The fireat ('urran. a aen satlonal act r?S feet In the air. and two acts hy Klaren* Jane will complete the free hill Miles Hark. In change of ar rangements for the parade which will formally usher In the fair, reminds the puhllc that special prizes will he given for the heat decorated automobiles partlclpat iii k in It. and for the most attrac tively adorned hoot lis at the fair Itself Curses ratifting from $100 to $300 are offered In connection with the fair's racing program. Tom Cannon, veteran of many an Kaslern circuit, will serve as raca secretary and starter. Many en tries are expected. Plana for I ho county. roinmun II y and* farm exhihlia am proceed I ii k most satisfactorily. according to ll c Job. superintendent of this phase of the fnlr preparations. Many county exhibit* are expect ed. through the fart that m fee will ho allowed each county en toriiiR. Instead of merely award ing prizes for winnltiR display*. The winner* will he Riven ribbon* this year. InntoHd of cash prises. A fee of $50 in allowed each coun ty taking part. I-'mi-iii anil Other Kxhihita l? W Morgan. i?f the Corinth coniinunlty. Ik In charge of the farm and field crops department. Illrt assistants are Miles Mrite. Red I'pton and N. IV .InnlnKs. and all are workltiR Kteadlly with the ld?a of holding the heat "xhlbltlon In this line ever attempted here. C. 0 ItohluHon I* superintendent of the exhibit of pecans and other I nut*. and his assiHtants are P. V. Scott and .1 II. Aydlett. In the cattle department. M. C. Love Is superintendent . and hie loelitea are C K Prltchftrd ancj Karl Perry. Prlsea are offered In a wide variety of classen Jamea Height has charge of the nheep de partment. with fl c. Ixiwry, Jr.. W W Jarvls and M W. Cooper assist I ii r him. The swine department, always a center of Interest at the fair, will he managed by II. C. Meade, of Weeksvllle. whose asslatanta are H F Pray. C W. I van. A. L. Whitney and Miles Cooper. W. W. Garrett is superintendent of the horse exhibit, assisted by T. ?<. Ov erman and W P Coppersmith. Carlton JelnnlnR* Is in charge of the poultry, with P. I) Ives. F. F Clark and Willie F*erry assisting him. In i ha domestic science depart ruent. Miss MarcJe Albertson. Mrs 1 l> Hathaway and Mrs. Lliftle Mae Wynn are riueens supreme. Mrs Walter Cartwrlght has charge of the needle and fancy work exhibit and will he assisted by Mrs Walter Itlddlck. Mrs. C. K Prltehard and Mr*. L. P Mor gan Mrs W M. Perry In super intendent of the department of ornamental plant* and flower*, and Mr* Warren Pinner. Mr*. J. N Whltehur*f and Mr* II 0. Kramer are her asHlstant* A M. Comb*, principal of the Kllzabeth City High School, will have general charge of the school exhibit*. He will be assisted by County Superintendent .terming*. K T It viand Mr* A H Worth. Miss Margaret Hollowell. Miss Margaret Che*?.in and Mr* P. V. Continued on Page I

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