Sells Fear Of The Law And Hopes Solve Crime Problem By Advertising Barron Or Collier, Million-; ?irr Advertising Man ami Polire Drparlnii'iil En thusiast, Fools thr Hills ' f "YOU CAN'T WIN" ' Points Out Futility of Ami Social Lives anil Kndt-uv ?r? to (loiultal Admira tion for "Master Minds" By ROWLAND WOOD _ lUnlttt Hit I, I,, New York. Sept. 24.? New York ? novel experiment In "sell-; ?ng fear of t lit* law to criminals' by a luridly executed advertising 1 campaign la to be extended throughout the nation M? on man's contribution to the nation Wide drive agaimit crime. - The one man Is liar run mi liar. millionaire advertising man and police department enthuittaHt Who has aerved undei police Com fulaaloner Knrlght of New York several yeara as special deputv commission.! In charge of the i public safely bureau. Lndlamayed by the columns of editorial joshlug that greeted In auguration of the ads for crook* campaign In thin city. Mr. follier ! t^ih. ,H.,hal h,H ld**" iH Prar-i t (cable, and obviously he has1 found many followers, for reiila ought lo produce ! ?"fj '? ??mb?r. palm moat MrrUytnit pit I urea ?f ,hadowy (coppers, showing up wllh a huge (automatic at "ready" juat In lime to foil every Imaginable sort of erlnl*. And Ihe lasi of the aerleal depict* In allhouette a terrible inarch through the gloom toward the death chair at Hlng Hlng. ' In enter that little children and law abiding folk who aee the ad*! mar not have continued night marea about shadowy cops, a ae- ' Ids run simultaneously de- 1 1th. #?* ,h? hand?"nier members of Performing such friendly I child, en 1ff?*ta of tLfJl!*1 I* Th'nd at ?r?r n" waU,r,>| l?h.C Ihe'cimMi "r,,vlnK hrSaZ^-:,,:; -r r": produce any lmm4lale ? -ass tr >r* v? ?";;!! Por Mr Collier Wtn* the freight." '"| NHW 4UpnxuiA!t ^tlanla Sep, |, Th. gon|() btlS^!! ".'2 1 1 1 .P 'in a new all- ' [?Hman train from Atlanta to' arii, ?!?.,' 0 f,r* 'or Increased BROTHERS HELD ACCUSED OF TWO CAPITAL CRIMES Ijiwrcnrr Jacob* Charged With Sl?\ i iifi of Murk Whiclitiril, Aged Negri. I'ainter, Four Veari- \pi SLAIN W ITH I'ICkAXF, Brother, General Jin'<>, Awaiting Hearing in I loll ? lection Willi Dralll of Weekwville Merelianl t'harKfil wtlh tile murder ndon. of Raleigh, has re I cently compiled and published a very useful synopsl* of the game ! laws In the various counties. I .oca I game laws were amended or changed In 60 of the 100 counties, of the State by the last Legisla ture. so that up to this time it has been almost Impossible to know just what change* were made. Tb?* booklet can be obtained free on ' . application. COTTON MAKKKT New Vork. Sept. 24 ?Spot cot | ton closed steady, point* unchang ed. middling 23 65 Futures Hon ing bid: October 23-37. Decem ber 2 3.7 2. January 23 0.1. March. 23.19. May 22.40. New York. ftept 24 Cotton Cut or** opened today at the fol lowing levelfl Oct. 22.14, Dec.) 18.61. Jan 1101, March 28.16. Mar 88.60. MERCHANTS HIT BY NEW SCHEME IN ADVERTISING Several Klizalieth (!ily Bn* inc** Men Fall Victim* ?if Stranger W it li Lock and Key Proposition SKIPPED WITH CASH Vittitur VI' it li Car Hearing Trxw Lifrnw leaven Town Without Haviim Lived lip In Promise* A rain several Elizabeth City mere hunts apparently have fallen victims to a clever adverilftlng scheme promoted by a Mranger In town. According to police, a vl?i Itor driving a Bulck Light Six with a Texas license. and giving his name bh W. J. Slmpnun. breezed In with a proposition to put across a novel publicity stunt collected S 6 each from at leant two local merchants -and breezed out. Simpson claimed to represent the Merchants' Contract Amuse ment Advertisement Company. Ho offered the prospective advertiser 300 keys for 16. and promised to advertise each business at the Alkrama Theater. In addition he was to place a board In front of the theater bearing eeveral locks The keys were to be distributed by the merchant among hla cus tomrs. Anyone whose key fitted one of the locks would receive five gallons of gasoline free, provided he bought u ticket to the movies. So far uh can be learned, the only merchants who "fell" for the proposition were D. F. Webster and Jesse Carter. They received their 300 keys each ? and that was all. According to Shelby Burgess, of the Alkrama manage ment. the stranger opened nego tiations with him for theater ad vertising. but failed to complete them. His present whereabouts are unknown here. The experience of Messrs Carter and Webster is remindful of that which befell a number of. Ellza beth City business men who In vented In a clock advertising ven ture several months ago. These merchants signed promissory notes under the Impression that they were contracts. The promoters of the scheme failed to fulfill their purt of the agrement. but that didn't affect the validity of the notes, and about a dozen local merchants ure paying $13 a month apiece yet, though the clock quit functioning sometime ugo. They are very eager to learn the for warding addresses of the pair who talked them Into the proposition. ROANOKE ISLAND SEEKS NEW ROAD Slate Highway ()rad Ralelgh| Sept 24. ? Armlstaad Jones. 19. a leading attorney of Raleigh, died here today of pneu monia. PEACH MOVE FAIIX Sydney. Australia. Bept 24. ? A conference between repreaenta fives of ship owners and seamen. | with a view to ending the strlk* against the recent wag* reduction. . has hroken'down today. WIN* ON rovi New York. Bept. 24. ? Jack D* Mave, New York heavy weight, won on foul from Sully Montgomery, j former Centre Collate football itar. In the ninth round of a 10 roand main bout at the Queens-; boro Athletic Club laat night Montgomery waa leading thro?gh-l out the match De Mave welfhed! 114 1-2 pounta, Montgomery. 210. I Refrigerator Cases Here; Market men Still Kicking Increasi ' in Retail Price of Mints l.ooms as Disifuii'tin^ ProH/H'rl *1# Rem tit of Raisetl Rental s Soon Effective in ( it v Market * - -- The new refrigerator past * fori the Clly Market have urrtved ' aloug with Ih.- Ui lole rrin^crjilui machine and other equipment to < be used lu iustalllug ih** case*. 1 ( The machine and iiiuiui (o oper ai*" U have been inula I led alrrady. laud It I s anticipated that the work ??f putting In the n?*w c^scs will begin In the next few days. L Meat dealers occupying stalls In , ll?e Clly Market protested slieno- J ously over the iyp,. of cases pur phased by the City Council, and threatened le*al proceedings to block the deal. They are still kicking over the cases. but appar ently have dropped the idea of car rying their objections Into court. Though their complaints did not ? block the purchase of the cases by the Couucil. the butcher* declare j that the controversy had at least I one valuable result They say that j I he cam shipped here for iustal- j ? la t Ion are much better lu desig't and workmanship than the sam ple case originally sent here by I the company when the contract! ? was about to be let The new casea. they declare.! | have a much wider shelf, or bun- j die space at the tear of the dln ? play compartments, and in general : are built more substantially than 1 Ihe sample. They ntill maintain, ' f however, that another type of j I case, with large bunkers at the] ? corners for lefrigeratiug colls, - | would have suited their needs farj , better. One of their tuaiu object ? lions to Ihe cases bought Is that"! I hey cannot leave fresh meats In I ; them overnight without danger of . datuagp. | The cases were bought from Ol-J tenhelmer Bros., of Baltimore, at! ?a total cost of approximately $12.-! j 000. In all, eleven canes were pur chased. Kentals In the market have been Increased uniformly fioj a month per stall for butchers' stalls, effect Ive the day the new ; casea are ready for uae, lu order J to pay for them. There Is a strong Intimation ? thai th? butchers will raise the re tail price of meats when the In I creased rentals become effectlv ? .They nay the public will have to pay for the cases, and the Infer ence from this Is that a price' boost is In the offing. ' DRUSE TRIBESMEN Ft.EE FKOM FRENCH Damascus, Syria. Sept. 24 A French column has entered Sue- i |dla. relieving the garrison be-1 i sieged for nearly two months by revolting Druse Tribesmen The tribesmen fled after an eight hour battle. PEACE COMMISSION IN final meetinc ! Atlantic rlty. Sept 21. ? He.ro1 commission of the Presbyterian Church entered upon Its final lab- ] | ors behind plosed doors again to day with promise of making puh . lie a preneut ment regarding Its ar . tlvltles since Tuesday. boat line wins one SUIT, LOSES ANOTHER A verdlnf against the plaintiffs. I "Ttnin and H. D. Newbern, was' I brought by the Jury yeaterdav al ( fernoon at 4 o'clock In a case In I which the Newberns were suing 'the North River Line for alleged | nondelivery of a consignment of potatoes. The Jury found that the evidence did not support Ihe plain j tiffs claim that a shortage exist ; ed. as alleged. I The case of the North River IENB|IR<; accepts j AIJ.IEf) INVITATION Berlin. Sept. 14 - C*? bluet conn ell under the rhalrmanahlp of President Von Illndenhurtc todav accepted the ? II Ice Invitation lo' Ihe security pari ronleranro on the assumption thai the Oermsn note of July to Will he adopted a? a basis of negotiation*. The tier man note maintained h?r right to i strive for revision of i>eare treat lee lo meet changed circumstance chancellor l.uther nod foreign minister Mreaemann will be Her man delegate* lo Ihe roaforen.e GRAPHIC RECORUOF SHENANDOAH VRMK l#akehural. Kept. 14.? -A graph le record showing aiaatty how the line squall caurht the alrshlo gfconandoah over Ohio ?a? pre pored today for presentation to the Naval Court of fnqalry sitting : DEBT PARLEY IS UNDEH WAY (??v?*ritor Mortis in Ju*t u> (lonversu* lioiii Washington, Sepl L* I Til** French and American debt cum iiitsaiouers' meeting today in effect a settlement of France's - debt (?ledged theiiiHelVeM to go Into the l**ue a.M practical liieli rrroKliizlli:: lite problems i?f t-ach other aiul d? ??iruuM of reaching quick a?n-f i llient. Washington, Sept. 24 Conver r.utiona looking to the settlement of France's four bllllt>n dollar debt ilo the United States rormally- were ????nun today when members of the French and American deht ctim i missions assembld at the Trea j sury. \ l.ed by Finance Minister Caillauv j t lie French mlsslou appeared at I the Treasury promptly at ten I o . lock and were met by Secretary Mellon, head of American Mission, jaud actual negot lat Ioiih were on Madison. WIhcoiihIii. Sept 2 4 ; tiuvernor Hlain of Wisconsin to |day made public a teleKratu lie had [sent to Preaideut Coolidge declar ing that before conversations are entered upon with France upon j aeltlement of her war d?*bt. Amer ica should demand "A halt In till* ! ruthless warfare" between the French and Klfflatis In Morocco. I He declared the French war policy | barbaric In Morocco, chancing the | killing of defensele** women and children. SANDY CROSS TO CELEBRATE Church Will Rntertuin Cliu tvun AsMM'ialion in Ceil l<-miiul Year Bandy Cross HaptiHt Church in Hates County will celebrate Its ? centennial next September by en tertaining the annual meeting of the Kast Chowan llaptist A tuto rial Ion. The uHHOfiation will meet, on Tuesday after the third Sunday in September with llev. W. F. Cale on the program to deliver the Introductory nerniau and with Itev. J. W. Downey us alternate. Delegates to the association at Columbia thin year from Klizuheth City reached home last night, the 'aHHoclatlon having adjourned af ter a two-day session. All apeak In highest terms of the hospitality and entertainment features of the association. declaring that Colum hla was prepared to take care of 1 two or three times the crowd that , attended. The outfttandlng feature of the program this year was the address by Dr. Charles K. Maddry. secre tary of the State Mission Hoard, at Italelgh. Notable, also accord Ing to the returning delegates, was the address of W. J. Berry man of Kdenton In behalf of the aged ministers. Owing to the difficulty In get ting across the sound, and to the fact that more than hulf the church membership of the asso elation Is on this aide the sound. | attendance at this year s session wan small. to probe charges iW DEPORTATIONS Ceneva, Sept. 2 4 -The League of Nations Council In special sen slon today decided - to send a league representative to the Mo* ul district of Mesopotamia to In quire Into llrltlsh charges of d" portallons of Christians by Turk ? HAKKISON NOEI. IS STOLID I.ISTKNKH N?-w.rk, N J . tteftt. 24 rlson Noel, who by his own con fesalon kidnapped and shot to death six-year-old Mary Daly, sat in courl today and impassively llsh-ned while state alienists leu HHed that he was sane enough to stand trial for the murder. PLANNING FOR VISIT TO MUSCLE SHOALS Washington, Sept. 2 4 Presi dent Coolldge's Muscle Shoals commission plans to go to Muscle Shoals next Tuesday and spend fpyml days looking over the gre?| project there. %ff?VOft ( AHKH NKAliD W H Holly. Albert Jones an I Hlllard Whedbee, all colored charged With failure to list taxes, wera ortared to pay their tax< s and thetourt coats as the outcome ? of Thursday moraine's session uf J recorder's court. No other eaten were triad. COLORED HIGH DOES 3 YEARS STANDARD WORK I rller Just Krccivnl I roin Slate I )<* pari iii t* 11 1 Kiln ra tion (iivi> SiIhmjI Kating from l.u*l VrarV XVork IIOI'K MAKK FOUR NX ill F.veiitnallv Kliminale lli^li Srliool from Slut** Normal and Develop I' our War lli^li Srh?M>U "Thi' Kllzjbfili Clly Colored IIIkIi Si'IiohI lias been given I In* liiiiiiK a three year standard high hrliiml." announces ttii' pi lu film I. I. S. Iiurford. "A lHi>r from ill*- State supervisor of high schools IimVcd iii ? dottbl a* tu I lie rating m Hi.- school' "To date 2:i students have I?hm'iI 1 1 tun the third yeai al the 1 Colored ilu'.li Si* in mi| 1.1 1 |i?* 1 1 m 1 iii .Vi'iir rl:i(?? a( tin* Slate Noitnal School. IHkIH ill tliCM' xtudents graduated f r? ? in the Stale Normal Srliool las! May i< ml If. entered at lilt* Ih->.IIHIIIi?' ill III** |l| esetit ? I'll hi ? I Tlieie art1 t!J? mi-m Im rs in 1 Iii* picseui Mi 1 1 it yeur f la mm aiitl in. ii-.- are expected ? ?? m ter laii-r. "The family and students art* very grateful in the srimul hoard, parents and citizen* for their co operation and donations" 'I'lii* following lettei io l'rlnrl|ial Ituiford from W A. Robinson of the Stale (>?' par 1 111 1- 11 1 ot Kduca lloii tflvea tlii? railiu; of tin* hcIiouI : "I am writing to Inform you Hint on tin- basin i?f your aunual , report your srliool has been ruif l as a Ii i m It schoul In < S rmi |i 3, Class M. This places It as a standard three year Ii IkIi hc)ioo| and this rlassiflralion means. thai students Iii your school art- doing standard work according to tin* North Car olina ri'Miiin-uniiis and may re ceive year for year credit Iii any other standard high school "I trust lhal Ihi- time will not he long when you may add a fourth year of high school work and have a full four year accred ited high school there. "There Is ho doubt thai the I high school department of the State Normal Schools will he for" 1 very long he eliminated ami good 1 four year high schools must ? he developed before that lime 01 our coh ? red children will lack the ad vantages which they should hav ? at public expense. "I congratulate you on I he prog ress* made and wish for you con tinued SIICCfHS." AM. Alio A It Ii l<)|{ TMK AI.KItAMA ? (io ST It \UillT "If you are a movie fan you have longed Io see Hollywood, It h fascinating studios, its stain lit woi k before the ramera." nays Manager It urges* of the Alkrama. "And now. although you are many luib-s from thai picturesque spot, all you have to do Is Io go Io the Alkrania Theater today and you will i;ee the famous dim work shops wilh such celebrities as Ani ta Stewart, I-arry Se 111 mi and lion aid Keith taking orders fruui their directors. The feature in which you will have an opportunity to enjov a real trip to Hollywood Is 'tin Straight,' one of I he moat tiov el screen treats llie Alkrama The,i ter has offered this season " l l.l'K PUCK ITT OI'T The Hi ?? department was called out Wednesday night al f?:3r? o'clock tn exUnguish a Hue fire at the home of Mrs. L. W. I'erry, on South Koad atreet. Truck No. 1 responded. There was no damage Chief Flora reminds lb# public that now Is the time to clean out chimney*. instead of walling foi the firemen to do the Job He plomlsoH to clean out the flues at his own home next week \i w ci.kick socthkicn Maurice (laaklris who has been wilh the AlhemarIn Pharmacy for the last three years has ut-repteii the pnalt Ion as day clerk al the Soul hern Hotel and will begin his liew work Monday. September 2H ISMl'KCTlttU FN! 'IT Jacksonville, Sept. 24. I'm 1 1 Inspectors have been sent Into the orchards by state officials upon no tification that growers were ready with llielr flrsl pick The Jtilc* standards ate more strict this year but the crop Is heavier than In 1924. . COMI'I.KTK Hit; WKI.I. Houston. Sept. 2 4 Dally pro durilon of crude nil In the coastal on?l Southwest Texas field la?t week was 179.096 barrels, a gain of 1.07f?. This was due to the completion of a big well at Lock port, l?ouislana. lltlMlf t'INfJKtC I'KIXT IIA III IS Dublin. Sept 24 An Increase In the number of deserted babies prompted the Union Commission ? rs to order that finger prints be taken of babies under three < months of ace who are discharged from the maternity hospital of 1 I'elletstown. The action waa In- [ spired by a letter from M!*a Dug gan, a woman barrister, who pointed out that such a scheme would facilitate the police In die covering the mother or foater mother of a deaerted child. Tigress Did This} This picture atteeta to the fury of a mother tlgreaa. Shortly after the tlRren gave birth to two cube, ah? Jumpvd iwrou her cago during a clrcua performance at Ardmore, Okla . and savagely attacked Robert McPheraon. trainer. McPheraon'* heed, face, arnta and cheat were lacerated by thv claws of the moihfci H? la eh own holding one .?f :be c-uU*. WELFARE WORK GOES FORWARD l.ieiileiiunl Will Tell of Work Anions Nigrum When Speaks Here Halelgh, Sept. 24. ? Welfare j work anion*; Hit* negroeM In the various countien of I lie Staff in go lug forward rapidly, and in many ? liiHtancfa la be I ii g undertaken by , the tifgro citizens thetnrelvea, file j Staff Hoard of CharltlfH and Pub llr Wflfuri- report*. (lliiHt rative of the Htafenient, ' the hoard callu attention to in stance* of wHfaif work among the j negroes In thf Staff. In Alamance] County, for example, a large masa ? uiff Hiik wan recently held with repfesentutlvea from fVfry com . Hi ii ti it v in Alamance County and a dfflnlff plan of caring for negro welfare wurk In the ronnty win adopted. Tlif meeting was bfld In llurlliiKlon Thf. meeting was In cha rge of j Dr. r II Fleming. superintendent of public welfare In thf county, \ and J r. fJiinn, thf principal of . tin- Huilliigton negro schools. One* ffaturf of the nifclltiK wan tin* Hinging by thf various choirs 1 i of the ni-Kro rhurrhtw. After lb- ; various problems of Wflfarf work i 1 had hffii presented hy I >i Klein- I Iiik, Lieutenant Lawrence A Ox ley. head of the Horfau of Work , 1 Among the Negroea, dlitcussed the MllbJfCt. A re*olutlou wax adoptfd favor InK a dfllnitf program, and I>r 1 Fleming was asked to appoint j committee of five negroes to nerve an an advl*ory rommltree to deal | with problftua of negro welfare i work. The uifetlnk also went on \ record b* In'Iak ready to *uh*crlhe i 4 1 .000 toward the nalary of a ne gro worker. and the hope wax ex- I preKfted that the coontv commit jsloner* would HUpplenient this ] amount A similar meet Iiik I* to be held In HruiiMwh-k county In October, j and another In I'anquotank on ' September 27 Lieut ()*ley will I be the principal wpeaker at both 1 meetings. The meet Inn In Pas quotank County will be held at mi Lebanon Churcli hi 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon. The Hlnhop Tuttle Training' School for negro welfare workers wil open October IS. it In an nouticed. The school In to be maintained In connection with SI Auguatlne'n School Iti Italelgb The Hoard of ChartlleM and Pub lic Welfare helieven that auch a nchool will fill very real nefd that of training negro worker** In their own Mate about their own prohlema. Lieutenant Oaley, the Hoard ' announce*, will addren* the 37th , annual meeting of church work- . era among negroea In the Tuttle School The meeting will be a national one. SHKNANIM?AH FOIIOHT KOR HALF AN HOttK l 4 iiiiih'iI mid I lililir* I !tiiiiilli?*Min \ht|?Ih liitl* fail' I'rojrfl* in /.one* i mill :s TO 111 II h W \TFK TANK Fifturi' mi I i t-l u I Dam for Rnolilix Crei-k |{i>Kurdrd A? Too llifili. uuil Is I'in allv Kt-jri-li'il Contracts for much of the mate rial uiul worli of inftallation inci dent to carrying to completion Elizabeth CUV'" ??'W water and sewer H^lcm were let Wednesday afternoon at a joint rpsrIod of the City Council and the ITtilitieo Comml- i.lon. attended by City En gineer Ol2??n. Who wan present In an advisory rapacity. Mr. Oleen expressed the opinion that the only bid ofTered on con struction of a tidal dam acrouH Knohhs Creek, above what Is re garded as the head or navigation, was ion hir.h. and recommended that it be rejected. as well as aft* other on about ten and one-half I miles of sewer pipes. His recom mendations In both Instances were followed, ami an a result much of the work to he done Is held In abeyance temporarily. Contract was let for a tar.k of hair a million gallons capacity to I be erected at the rear of Hre head quarters. on Matthewn street, at '923, 350 t