CIRCULATION SATURDAY 2.635 Copies r Till: \\ K VI IIKK I Fair tonight au?l Tu?**?lay Mod- I ?hlfiiiiK t?? north- f Lerjf?* northwest ??anl u III.Is VOL. XV. FINAL EDITION ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA. MONDAY EVENINlI, SKI'TKMBEK 2S. IU26. SIX I'ACKS. No. 249 ITS ADVENTURE A LITTLE GLORY AND LESS MONEY Thai'? ill?' I.ure hich Make? Appeal 1? Air ami Underoea Servirc Irresist ible to Naliim'? Youlli ENLISTMENTS HtM.O 1U* Recruiling Stations < Mi nerve No Falling? Off^ ill Number Who Seek Ser vice on Planex and Suits H) HOW I.ANII l?4 A**?"?1*1 New York. Sept. 28. Adven ture. a Utile glory and on?- dollar extra pay per dive? That ik what seameu attached to th* submarine an? s'".v1a service get lu exchaugo IIlH rtak of belo k aent suddenly to Davy Jones' locker as members ?'! the crew of the submarine were sent. without warning Hi day Olgbt. when lh".fr,'.^nf rammed by the st**euiship tlt> ?? Home, while on a practice dive on Block Inland. The accident to the S-61, torn* lug bard on the heels of the wreck , of the giant dirigible ShenandoaU with a loss of 14 live?, and the near tragedy of the loss of the ?? a platie HN-y No. 1 on It* nou stop flight to Hawaii, might he expect ed to dampen a little the urdor of American youth for the two most modern and moat daiigvruua u' war services. But recruiting officer? stationed In New York declared Saturday that thevroof of the air perils em phasised by the latest two flying aeddents, coupled with Colonel ??Billy" Mitchell's charges of gross Inefficiency at the Navy Depart ment. had not decreased on^ whit the denlre of young America to get Into the flying service. They wen confident the sinking of the S-51. if It had any effect on recruiting at all. would stimulate Inquiries an to chancea of getting into the submarine service. "There"? nothing yellow about these kids that Join up with the ( Nary," ?aid one grlixled potty of ficer at recruiting headquarters. ? They're looking for actlou, and a I little extra spice of danger makes It Just their dish." "Pay? No. there's not much In the way of extra pay to draw them. Men In the submarine ser vice get an extra $f? allowance known as dungaree money, to puy for extra clothing made necessary by the effects of ga? and grease on their clothes. And they gel $1 a dive for each time the sub goes under, up to $10 a mdntli. It the nub makes more than 15 dives they do the extra ones without pay. ??In the atr service, the pay is a little higher. Enlisted men 1? the air service get SO per cent . x tra pay if they are on 'flying or der?.* They have to make one flight a month to qualify for the extra money. "It's not the pay that draws them, though. It's the thrill of the ?ervice- air and under water, the young fellows love It." The wreck of the submarine 8-&1 came. Just as the Navy De partment was pushing Investiga tions to rob the depths of their grestest menace?the abysHmal darkness which pervades the sub's territory. Commander W. W. cither spoon. of t lie Oversea? Salvor *. Inc.. who recently completed an under-water examination for the underwriter? of a ves*el which sank under mysterious circum stance? In Lake Michigan, told the *rlter today that the Navy De partment had evinced k<*ene?t In terest In the diving light used on the Lake Michigan Job. "Admiral Eberle, of I lie Navv staff wrh especially Interested In knowing whether a practical Searchlight for undersea use could be developed from It." Commander WlCherapoon ?ald. "Such a light, could It be developed, would go | far towtftd ..eliminating such ac cident? a? that which overtook th*? PRESENT APPEALS IN TEAPOT DOME CASE Chevonne. Wy , Sept. 28 -- Clyde M Watts. United States Dtstrl? t Attorney for Wyoming. I? to srrlvo today In 8t. Louis with ft score of appeal? In the Teapot Dome naval reserve oil lea??? an nulment salt. The appeal will be filed In the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals. Pending the decision of the ronrt of Appeals the Teapot Dome reserve continue? in charge of re ceivers appointed by Judse Ken nedy. WHEN Y?H' MURKO! If It I? Ned Magic, the special flection given free with The New York Sunday World, you will find putties- cross word and others - tricks. Illufllon?. psrlor magic, something to Interest eWery mem ber of the family. Bfciu?e of tke grest demsnd. to be sure of a Dpy tell your newsdealer In ad ince that next Sunday you want ! TIS New York Sunday World adv 1 r B. E Parson? of Cradock I? vls-1 ?Ing hI? mother, Mrs. Viols Psr* ] L-g, City Route Two. Norfolk Youth 'Borrows' Auto For Trip Here Having "borrowed" a green I ax I f?r an emergency trip to Eliz abeth (Mty. along with a watch ami chain and a quantity of doth- ' Ing said to have belonged to one , who had shared a room with him. nuynmud King, of Norfolk, fell ' Into the clutches of Officer An derson. of the local police force, shortly after he arrived here Sun day morning. King wan arrested in lesponse to a phone message from Detec tive Sergeant Hetiton. of the Nor folk force, to Chief of police Holmes here. Chief Holnict noil-, fled Sergeant Hetiton of the ar rent and the Norfolk offleer rame down In the afternoon with the owner of the green cab. Thev es corted King bark to Norfolk to answer a variety of charges In volving his temporary possession ? of the cab. the watch and the. ??lot li In g Although he left Norfolk in the green cab. King arrived afoot in Kllzabeth (Mty. according to Chief Holmes. who states that he rau out of gait on Marhelhe Inland, bel ween the two bridges Shortly after arriving here, lie Hold the watch lu question to Ceorge James, and disposed of the chain to which it was attached, the buy er of the latter being McKlnley Sawyer, lie told the purchasers that lie wart In hard luck, nud therefore waa able to offer them real bargain*. King's explanation of hi* trip to Kllzalieth City wan that he went oil a "joy ride" with the taxi driver in question, and both be came hilarious?so hilarious. In fact, that the driver abandoned his cab somewhere iu the vicinity of Norfolk. In endeavoring to return to that city. King asserted, lie lust his way. aud finally ar rived In Elizabeth City after en quiring the way. He did not ex plain why he did not ask the way back to Norfolk, Instead of com ing here. j Tli m taxi driver's story was that King approached him Saturday j morning at 3:45 o'cloclc, and un 1 dertook to borrow funds suffl I clent to make the trip to Ellza | bet h City, offering a watch as se curity. The driver ?aid he re fused to make the loan, and after , lingering around the taxi stand awhile. King crawled Into the back 1 seat of another cab there. The driver went off to answer a call, he continued, and upon re turning 'discovered that both King and the other cab were uilssiug He promptly got In touch with the Norfolk police, who In turn noti fied the Elizabeth City authori ties. and King's arrest followed Before King's departure. Chief Holmes recovered the money paid him by Ceorge Jame? and Mc Klnley Sawyer for the watch and chain, obtained them from the purchasers, and turned them over to Detective Sergeant Benton for restoration to their rightful own er. The watch, chain and cloth ing were valued at $K(J.f?0. King Is a small, slenderly built fellow, apparently about 21 years old. Pasquotank Couple Married 56 Years "Only a Few Skirmiahea" Mark Wedded Life of Capt. and Mri. Spence Already a challenger has come forward, assailing the claims made for Mr. und Mrs. Hezekiah Owens. Sr.. or Currituck Countv. that thev are the couple longest married In this part of the State. Mr. and Mrs. Owens have been married 63 years. Capt. It. F. Spence, of tills city, states that he and liU w!f? have enjoyed nearly 6*1 years M conju gal blessedness, having been mar ried January 1!?. ) *?." I l.ey have passed through the years to gether. Captain Spence sa,v.?. with "no regular battles and only a few skirmishes." Captain aud Mrs. Mpene? have reared a family of six children. Both were horn In I'asq'ioUnk County, and have spent nractlcally their entire lives In Ibis County. They have lived In their prenant renldence on South Bond slrc.-t for 4 7 years. Captain Spence "ays. Captain Spence will be 7V years old In January, and hla wife m a few years younger. He served un der the Stars and Bars In the Civil War. taking part in the Battle of Boanoke Island when a boy of lfi H? spent 13 years In the local; post office, having been assistant postmaster at the'-tlnie of his re? tlrement a few years ago. This pn?iiInn, by the way. now Is held by his son, Klbert Spence. Steamer Peary Is Back From Arctic Curling, Newfoundland. Sept.i 2* Steamer Peary of the Mac Mlllan Arctic expedition waa In ' port today. She arrived during j the aiffct. ONE LIQUOR CASE BRINGS ANOTHER IN POLICE COURT ? (?ruliuin Moure, Young W hile Mull. Haled Before Becorder After Negro Tell* of Allien! Deal TO BE TRIED SATURDAY, John Sinipwn. < '.olored. Claim* lie Entered Itilo Transaction lu Handle Liquor on 30-3U Basin Oiaham Moor?*, youm; whit" man living mat this city, was put under $&uo bond this morning lu recorder's court for Mb appeal ance in court Saturday morning t t answer charge.* of violating va rious counts of the State prohlbi tiou law. The charge were pre ferred after John Simpson, col i ured delendaut in a similai case, had testified thai he purchased the liquor In question from Moore. Judgment In the Simpson cane was continued to Saturday uioru ' Ing also, and Simpson was placed ! under $1&M houd for his appli ance th?*n. Simpson was arrested Saturday night after police had searched his home and had dlacoveied a suit cam* containing 15 4 pluts of 'whisky In a bedroom. He admit ted possession of the liquor, and ' stated that lie had received It fiom Moore for purposes of sale He t entitled that Moor?- had ap proached him several weeks be ? fore with a proposal that he deal In whisky for him, and added that, alter some hesitation, he had I bought one gallon and has dis posed of It at $1.50 a plut, pa> tng Moor?- |fi, or oue-half the re lail price. Moore brought him the second consignment Friday night. Simp . son told the court, adding that lie . was unable to pay for It, and Moore left It with the understand Ing that he was to recelv?? pay ! meiit after he I Simpson 1 hud sold tli? liquor. Simpson's wife, Beatrice, wan , arrested on a similar count, but ; the charge? against liar were dis missed, the testimony of various witnesses Indicating that she had I had no part in the transaction. ' Alone with the liquor, the police 1 had seized three and one-half gal J Ions of wine which she admitted , having made. County Judge I'. jO. Sawyer smelled of the wine, d< . elded that It had been inade ouly i a week or ten days, and had not attained "authority" conflicting wiili the prohibition law. Will Overtou. charged with as , .iault and battery 011 It. K. Sprulll, , and with allowlug a vicious dog ) to run at large, was convicted on 'the former count and acquitted of the latter Hh was flped SI" and I costs. It wan in evidence that a Herman |H?odle belonging in Over 1 ton's small sou had bitten the youthful son of Sprulll, and thnt subsequently sprulll ami Overtoil , had had au altercation ov?*r tin* .Incident. Sprulll brought a black eye Into court this morning as a ? memento of the encounter. Judg* (Sawyer ordered that the chief of police kill the dog. j Flat's Orchestra, aggregation of .colored melodlans also known as the "Big Four." were haled Into court Monday morning on charges ! of operating a gambling house lu "Goose Hollow." at the Intersec tion of Shepard and Oreen street* They were dismissed. Judge Saw yer holding that the State hal failed to make out a case against them Evidence that Saturday night was not observed by everybody lu I Kllzaheth City In strict accordant*? with the diy laws was forthcotu j Ing in flv.. submissions to the charge of simple drunkenness. Those submitting were fined $r. and costs each They were. W a Humphries, Itiifus Hundy. Ilill Richardson. Seth Hrlckhouse an 1 Kphralm Bright Lester Tlllett, also charged with belug drunk, was absent. Members of the po ; lice force stated they had Informa ; Hon that he had gone to llalti j more. Noah Seymour submitted to a charge of ualng piofane language In public, and was fined 9r> and ? costs. Annie Woodard and Milton Jor dan. both colored. charged with prostitution, were given suspend ed Judgments of 30 days lu Jail each, conditional upon payment of fln?*s of $10 and cost*. Inet Wil liams. In whose home they were arrested early Sunday morning, was placed under n suspended Judgment of four months In Jail, conditional upon payment of a An" of $10 and costs, on a charge of maintaining a house for Immoral purposes. FRENCH POSITION IS ARUHCD BY CAILLAI'X Washington. Kept. 2?. ? The French position In regard to her $4,000.000,000 debt to the I'nlted States was argued again todav by Finance Minister raillaux In the third meeting of the French and American debt commission The meeting was held at the Treasury shortly after ten o'clock. The two missions went Into a Joint session and less than 10 minutes was re quired to complete the business on hand. 1U KNS WOMAIS IN FUKNACK II? r%* 1? Ih?* furiiuc'?* hi w)*4?h Hwirg?* SymuK iIhmhIi. u |* :?!?. lover. pluci*d Mi> So|?hl** I't^kl of N**? York. after twalm;* ??? i i to uiiruimcluiiMn ss with win** hot II?-*. 11? r l?o?|v \v:ih ? liarr??l most lieyoiKl riMMitMilltou. Pique At Son-ln-Law May Re-Unite The Vanderbilts Wealthy ( i m/tle if ter Fifteen Yearn of Se/mration Hml (omm.m (.round ut Weihlin# of Their Ihmuh ter, Muriel, to Frederick t '.ameroH ( hutch Ilv IMIUF.V \NI>F.KSON lC??rri|til li '?? AliiMrl N'hw Port. H I Sept 2S Mn I iia I ph|iie at i >??*ir nun-Ill law. I Frederick Cameron Church. of Ronton. Is the common ground ov er which Mr. and Mrn. William K. \ underlillt ar? treading toward re union after n separation of flf j teen year?. If gossips In tlie "Font Set" that urates ihe peaks of what was once known as "high society" read the signs aright At any rate. 11 is a fact thai since the reeent woddilig of their daughter. Muriel, to young Mr Church. at which there was .1 ver bal passage at orms between Mrs. Vanderhllt and Church. the form er "Itlrdle" fair and tlie dashing "Willi?; K." who wooed Ijlid won Iter out In San Francisco, loive been seen together Willi IniTi'MK iog frequency. The dlsHcnlon arose, over the question whether the Chun.It-Van derbill wedding ldinnld he solem I lilted hy a I'roteHiant or a Cath olic clergyman. Mrs. Vanderldll made no secret of her objection to the services of a Protestant. Mr. Church was as candid about his [objections to a priest. Mr Church . won out. The resultant coolness between Mrs Vanderhllt mid Church bur geoned into open hostility at tlie wedding, when Mr. Church ex-j pressed in no uncertain terms his objections lit her request t hut a Catholic priest be allowed lo add Ills blessing on the union to that which already hud been conferred hy the officiating clergyman. To the surprise of those guexi* who heard the verbel encounter.' Mr. Vanderhllt was moved to take j his estranged wife's side In the discussion Members of the !>??! rlchs and llavemeyer families, who are on lutimatn terms with the Vuuderbilts. insist tliut this Incident Is at the bottom of the growing cordiality betweeu Mr. and Mrs. Vanderhllt mid openly' express the belief that a full re conclliatIon is Just around the cor ner. HA VH C IN NOT ATT KM FT WKIiFAHK OFFK*KH'M .It Ml Since the aDnouncemeut In The Advance 1 hat Mrs. Anna I?ewls. County Welfare (iffleer, will leave soon lo take up welfare work In Raleigh, numerous friends ??r Mm J. (). Fearing have urged her to file application. Mrs. Fearing wishes to say.I however, that she Is unable to; take up this work, having already so many public duties. She thought the matter over quite se riously and made her decision "I am pretty much worn out from my work at the Club Home and Tea Itoom this summer." said Mrs Fearing, and as soon as the District Meeting at Sunbury Is ov er Fin going away for n rest where there Isn't even a telephone WHIP AIRPORT SENDS TOUR ACROSS WKSI Detroit Sept. 28.?The com merclal reliability tour of I '*00 miles flight through the Middle West wsm formally Inaugurated at the Ford Airport this morning when the flrrt of 19 plane* en tered took to the air on a signal from Kdsel Ford. The others followed at short In tervals. I'OISON (iAS IS MOST HUMANE ( |.en.l?.rlur.- it H,,r|* Vim |.cm. Ilian Kv|il?i>iv<* H, OWK.N I.. H< * l.y .t.en.1"'" ???' kn..? ? I?-"' ?? "" human.- li.xlruni. nl w-irfur... .U-va-tutlliR ll>?? 1,lKh "V " ?lv,. ?h.ll?. ,,iiv '""rit ..f II,.' in?'" Mil.-rl. :.?' .I' l'" Inn .HI" ?'I .'.W.'n ? lie ||.-?I ?>' Ihr.ntKll a K.i" , ???.rrliMl ???? Irt' tli" us?' nf ulr i'ta,,?.; .? d.-.-li.r.'.l 111.- |>r;"l..'-lJ*'" il.*.'l? A,n*" fiehtlnK fiMW'il ~? * i lll.lh. ln .1..- A".'',1?;'"""* ?II >uir rollt 1? ll"' "r"' , . .1 rswwsssSS ,.,l American cmnuuMUm '? i.v ifHH In* ilvrlnrfil. amount t ?? Furthermore. l,r ? asKST?.?' ?11 town 11? ????*?? ' ? ,ri. riplodnl I';-'1;"'" ?-. .1 II. limn d ,1... l??i V"v i?.l?..i. i:xr.^ si.:;?:?......... S2.?:?a I? .1. v. l"|.i?K inK ma*** . 11??. w?y. v.. with rotnf?rt. motmmc. .MB TI KHI??* ,h* M'',hTlJ?"o.l - r^-lll ?" liotin?* on I- |?.*iwoo?i p.. "?V' J"::;!". .??".?? - rhcri- will I," "" i"'01 r.nh.,i""- w'?".r SSri?Sa.? thoM folnfc to Bu?bury. MANY TO EXHIBIT 11KKK NEXT WEEK AT DISTRICT FAIR I .ur^c^l and Mo*t \ arinl Array in Ili*tor\ of Kvrnl INoh in I'rusprcl, Strrr lary Kail* Says i. \TKS Hll.kS \rrivE Will l!oiii|M*lr for Hand tmiii?' Siltrr < !it|?* and i !a?*li I'ri/ri < Iff?*ml; I iuiiiinitt?*?* at Work Tin* lin????*! array ?>l iigrlcultur- ' al t-xhlbUK in in history ai?- prom ImviI for Ilii:< year's (in-ui Albe ni.tiDistrict Fair. which will op en m*xt Tth-wday. October H. ami rlitN?* thi- following Saturday night. Count> \Falh?. o'lifral Mi'fri' lary of I In- fair, declar?-* lit* Is ? 11II I'iauo Company, tlie community nip hy N Howard Smith, and 111?- countv lr?iph> hy tli?- liuxtoii Whit?? Seeil i oiupany. I'a s?| not a n k County will m?t ri County Ih expected to Iimv?* a highly creditable exhibit at tliiH year's fuir for the first lime in th<* hlHtory nT the event Mm. 'IV W. Cornell, nf 1iat?'Mvill?a. Ih in charge'of III?' women'h department ??t the Cat?H County dinplav, and prumities nil attractive exhibit. Others In dates who are co oper ating in preparing that futility's oft -ring Inclmh' Charh'H F.arly, , chairman of the fair committee, l .-l.-r CriiHM and M Iks Rtliel l*ark ? ?r A Ijiniiiiih?-r of prli?*.i will h?- offi-rcd for individual display* iu a wide variety of lines, ami many ?'otupelHorn for these are: already. in pm?p?-cl, accord ing to Mr. Fall . MAKING DENT IN CHICAGO CHIME BY COURT ACTION Tor tin* Firm! Tim?* in Muny a Day ill?* lii^ Oily Show* l)?'4?r??a*r in It? (irime Hcconl ll> OW'KM L. W ()TT M ??yO*il im 1? Iki A?itrnl t'blca>:o, Srpi 2H Stralrht ?hooting by policemen and effec tive court union due in largo mi-uaure lo the prodding of ni*WM paper*. appear* to he making h drill In I lit* t'h ha ko i* r I in** nil na tion. t Ionu;lit to In* Impele*?? a i liort Hint* iiro. Chief of I'ollee Coll in* announ (ph Hint for tli?* flrr*t three week* of t h I* iiionth there Iibh been loo* ? lino- In < hlrago than for any I Hlnillur period dnrlng the la*t 17 yenrx The qucHtloti now In. whether tli** record ran b*? con tinued Tin* chief think* II ran Kxt lint Ion of I lie criminal Hp?* c|ea ban played a large part In the *eemlng clean-up. Forty aeren: of till* clan* have been killed by 1 polico no far tlil?< year, whllo nlno moro were nlaln by civilian*, mid anotlo-r Kroup killed through their own deadly fight*. "In addition." Chief f'olllnn polnta out. "during the 12 month* ending AukuM I the number of peri'ollM Neiil lo the pen It out la r y 1 and other correctional Innl It ill Ion* Increased aeventy per cent over the cofrenpondlng 12 month* the y?nr before and 100 per cont over i wo yearn ago. The record of the la*t year lia* never been equalled In the history of the city " police li?ve been du active of late that they Increased the jail populutlon to I 100. with quarter* ili. ?? 111?^ !?!*? fur li u t 6f?0. Work ??.?on H to atari, however, on a H?ell new bant lie which wilt leave primmer* with nothing to be do ? wired In the way of additional comfort* The chief of police la hopeful that the advertlnlnft campaign of i banker*' organization* aimed to! convince proNpartlve criminal* of their Inability to win agaln*t the law, will have a helpful efffet. I At any rata ha I* convinced that J < rim.) la at laat on tha run. (Ol.E ilURI.El) ?rmi mikoeh m THE t.K4\l> JIIK\ Rlt luiioml 4 t ?ti i* t > Court house, K?H-klnK>uiiii. s?-|?t. 'JN. ? %n liullrtnu-nf i1i?rKlii|{ W. II. Colt*. Mi'Mllliy t*?>ll??n null oMiii-r, vt ilh murd?*r ?>f U. \V. Oruioiul win return? tl h> Hit* Krmni lury In-rc I?mIh>. In lit?* Iniiicumk?' of lit?* In ? II?Inifiil III?- grnnd jury fouml "llinl W. II. Col?* <11.1 kill, *?In> und murtli-r" W. W . Orniiiiul ??n ur ithout IhM Vukiim IfV. Kotklngluim wan rmmliil (?>? ?Im\ f??r I In* trial. K.%rry hof?*l Hits t ill? ?1 nn?l I ruins wit?* , bringing In nddllhinul rrownls. i Tin- Kremi jury ilrllbcrnlml les* Hunt nil hour. 4'nil* Mho huil been In-Ill with out bontl *'ntcr?Hl (Ih* rourl j room aft?*r flic linlltliin-iit wai , return?*?! h ml ?al n?*?tt> ilrMiMHl ?1 (lit* ilrfi-tiM> im!>I?*. I'??!?? will pltNttl lint K ti III > Winn Hrrnlicniil. Hollrltor l'tilll|M iiiovetl tin court t?> ?-aII >? h|m*?"IiiI vrttlrv frnni n lint Iter ?ouut> from whit h In wlwl III?* Jur>. Tin unit Inn, u Mur|iri.H?* t ?> t k?- ?!??? Ions?-, man ?nr?-?*il u|h>ii niul ?IikIk?- Flnl?*> aiinounc?*d In* would rail 200 v?'lilrrlii?'li f??r dufy Im-jcIiwiIiik \\ ??dn**tla? from ih?* county wI?-;aid today. Dr. Alderson admitted that th* handling of funds under the hii perlntendeiicy of Mr. Crahhe was under scrutiny. It Ih Indicated that one of the} mailers to be Investigated will be the use of the league's fund i for rertaln political candidates ami m 1 nettle whether rertaln state offi cial* had received money from the learue'* roff?rr< I IKK. W AS TIIF. CAIISK OF THIS COLLISION i Driving a Packard sedan and arcornpanied by his wife ami by Mr. and Mrs Howard Kramer. Warren A. Pinner, --?n route to Norfolk nhortly after nix o'clock Sunday afternoon had Just made the turn toward South MIIIn from ihe Newland brick road at the A K. Jone* place, when, swerrlna to ihe left to avoid a dog lying In Ihe road, he collided with a Paige touring driven by Norman New hern Hot h earn were badly dam aged but fortunately no one wan i seriously hurl. Howard Kramer. M who wsm on the front neat, suf fered a cut on the chin, and Mr*?.!] Kramer, on the hack neat with1 Mr* Pinner. had a thumb sprained when the shock of the colli*ion . threw her again*! the rear of th?! front *eat. When Ihe car* came together the 1'slge niruck the Packard head on a glancing blow on the front end of Ihe left ?Ide. Resides Ihe broken wlnd*hleld the Packard < basni* was bent and throw out of alignment and the engine dam sged The whole front of the I'alge was wrecked. When Mr. Pinner swerved to mis* the dog. Mr. Newborn thought he vi* getting ready ?>? pans on the left I list end of the right side He turned to Ih? Iflft. then. Just a* Mr Pinner turned again to pa** on the right, and It was then too late to avoid a col lision. t | No one in the Newbafn car was hurt. BUS LINE CASE REIilNS .HHJRNEV THROUGH COURTS rj^ur \\ ill?.nn? l-? Defend a ill in Acliuil to Delei> mini- Intent ami Meaning of New Slat?- l*?> I IM M $."?0 AND COSTS A|*|H*aU lo Superior ( ourt; Cusc May *? *)|?iition A case winch may ultimately re.-iult in ? list m in? constitu tionality ot lin* hew :-Mt?- law gov erning upeiatlon of motor bus Hues in North Carolina began in journey through the courts Mon day mot nine. Willi the conviction Of Kdgar William:., ot this city, In recorder'? com i on u charge of fullinr. t? comply with the Stat?? Iiiih regulation:' Williams wan IIncil $fiO and costs. and upon fn t.-link notice of appeal, wan f?* leaded undei Jioo bond for his appearance ai tin- tiovembor term of Supcrioi Coni i here. Williams-had beeu an. slid at the Hip t a nc ot an Inspector from tin* Stal? revenue it* pariment. Ilia contention was lo* did not op* rrat?' a bus line, as defined by the new :'-tate la*. Iliat lie had com plied v.lili city. Stale and fc'ederaj iegulationu I'uVi ruing the cpera tiuti ot im hli?* cart'; and that therefore In- h .id not violated the law K t> Stir. lb-Ik of the North Carolina Cot poi ation ? '??uimisslon, came to ihrt city and leHttflcd In t hi* cane. Mm testimony wan, In ?fleet, that William:; had not com .plied with the Inw governing bus operation. Mr Self left ut noon on III?* return trip to Italelgh. Supporting bis contention that lo- did not operate a Iiuh line, W'll llauiH testified hi< maintained no llxed schedule and advertlaed no HUch HChedule. He admitted free ly that be made many trips be tweeu thin city and Norfolk, tak ing whatever pa*kicntfera he could get. but denied tnat he operated between fixed termini He said he had undertaken to procure a li cense to operate a bus line be tween this city and Norfolk, but had been Informed that he could not, through the fact that he would lie In competition with the Mcl'herson line already In opera tion between the two cities, and would constitute an Infringement upon the rights of that line. Prosecuting Attorney LeRoy contended, on the other hand, thm William;? wan running regularly bet ween Kllxah*III City and Nor folk. which he characterized as llv..d termini, within- the meaning i of the law, and that therefore ho was operating what was designat ed aH a bun line lie held that WIllianiM should be required to lake out a State Iiiim license. The case, aceoidillg to oliaerv ers here, hlnpes t? 11? >111 the ques tion of what conatituloH a bus line, within the meaning of the law it Is thin question which Is to be derided in Superior Court. in the event of ;i verdict ad verse to the defendant In Superior Court, there Is every proapect that the case will b. curried to iiii Supreme Court, III the opin ion of local attorney * And there 1m a strong possibility that, tie for? the thing h> Ulnpos?'d of QAalfy, the constitutionality of the Stata law may be attack? d. and the mat iii m i. go before i he I'nlted State I Mil pre III - I 'oii r| Somewhat t initial c i iei have be. o passed up on by iIiIh Cfiurt, coming from two We.tern states, and in each In stance the Supreme Court haa de cided ar.altiM' the state courts, ac eordiiiK to Walter I,. Cohoon, who Is representing William* In the piesent action. Heavy Seas Force Suspension Rescue the effect that heavy seas had red suspension of rescue oper- i iiiih for 8-M for the lime be- J Jew l.oridoli. Colin . Sept. 28.-*? K er being sheltered from n heavy [ New London, Conn . Sept. 28.? Adviees ashore here ut noon were to the effect that heavy seas had forced lit lollH Ing Ne* Aftei ? i! te fiie lee of Itiork Inland dUf?f Ing t lie early hours of the morn*' inc. the Monarch giant derrick, la which I he naval uuthorltlea pflpl their hopes lo raise the S-51, waa started toward the scene of dts anter at seven o'clock, an message to the submarine here stated Newport. H 1 . Sept. 28. have foilnd one of the Interior hulk head* of the sunken ambma rine s r. I bent but not plerMMI ra dio dispatches from the wreck to day said The inensage did not make It i lar whether the compartment wa* forward or aft. COTTON m \kkrt \ w York, Pept. 2t.-j-flfH.t cot ton closed quiet, mlddllnit 23.70, * decline of 20 points. future?, rloslne bid: October S3.48. De cember 23.81, Janusry 22.80, March 23.00. May 21.28, J?*/ 23.86.