I I r FALL FASHION NUMBER THK WKATIIKH Probably Hliowi-m tonight uml I v M(i*|i*raii' nuriheait I VOL. XV. FINAL EDITION ELIZABKTIl CITY. M0RT11 CAROLINA. Tl KSIIAV KVKNIM; M I'TI Mi:iT -) " 7. v , ' ......... Ma I A And All in All KiKinm Outlook for Kail und f Winter 1? Itegardcd a* Exceptional!;) lirijilil H> ?. C. Itovi.K high rate in moiio sections The anthracite sit out ion Is becoming more tense with operators placing special stress on the necessity for arbitration as a move toward :i permanent Settlement nfher thai a patched tip trsde. Mine work ers' officials are turning their im mediate attention toward Increas ing the number of men on strike In the West Virginia districts and toward organizing thoao fields New orders for lumber nr? r keeping well ahead of both pro I duct ion and shipments. Par load ? tngs are maintaining a splendid ^ pace with shipments of fruit and vegetables a feature. The latter are expected to reach a total of 1,000,000 carloads by January 1. The speculative markets In corn and wheat found low levels during the week on heavy European and Canadian harvests. Hut th? fact Wap not forgotten that the I'nlted 8tat< s wheat yield will he hut lit Me abov. home consumption and ?hat low prlcod corn makes toward blgh profit? from hogs. The cotton underwent the usual flue h n" to recent pubU casts*1" ?ov,>rn,n''n* rr?P f?r '? EMINENT FRENCH STATESMAN IS DK4I) _p.na. h*m M _ r*" K?* MalMinmi an? former pr?ml*r. rtl.? h,r(. ?H TKKKT* NO ON mXk Ticket? for "Row Tim?. flu to bo Siren here Friday nl?h> under aunplcee of thp local chap far nf |lw United Daufhlrr* of lb- Confederacy. will ao on nalc fliuraday ntornlnn al ?: 30 o'clock ?be Bright Jewelry Company. WWtln and Mirtin atr.en Karller ft P'trchaai rp* of ticket* ma? obtain I '"?tr r?aerrcd mta then alno Th? tlakat sale will continue through ??rid?/ st tta at or?. CHURCH AWARDS STORE CONTR ACT I ocul Mr i vim L?w Hitliler* on Wiring anil IMuinlv ing for Strnrtiirr* Contract?' for erection ??r five i rpactous and altractive st..ren on the t'lir 1st Kplwropal Church pr?t> ert> ul roiutlvMH' and t'liurch ?treets w?*iv let Monday, and con-j rt ruction will begin at aii early date. Hi v, ili\eis helow the Kiirfuee teeking lost seamen of the Kuhuiarim- S HI. On 11?? ? bidder at the end of the small heat may 1? ? m? ? n the tivure of a diver goini; l?e|i>\v in Join the exploring crew. In the foreground are the wing and landing pontoon ol the seaplane m Mhleh l-Yutik M? rtu. NKA Ser ' tier cameraman, rushed from N-w Vork to the scene of the disaster and brought hark these lirst piMitoi-ruphs for The .\d\i?i?**e. Crest Of Golden Tide Dollars Flowing Here Cotton I'irking arul (lotion Marketing Quicken the Movement of ('.ash .4rruu (.outlier* of Elizabeth City Merchants and Stir S/krit of Optimism Fall Fashion Advertisers Firm. Subject. I'au*'. Ant?> ic (!ik Knclik Work? -..New Ford 3 Aydlett Hardware Co Krw Oflsr G r.urrnlt Hardwire Co SoniethlnK Fre? ... 4 (Gilbert's . Fall Millinery ...? 2 I). Walter Harris Men'* Clotliex .. .... fi Tin* Hub ~ .Sweaters fi McCabe & (Jrlw ....Draperies und Clothing ??... 3 M. O. Morrls?*tte fc (To. ........ Sloven _ f. Owens SliOf Co. Fall Mod?-* 4 QiiIiin Furniture Co Sloven 4 Tlucker & Slieely ....Stylish Coat? 4 M. I?elgh Bhwp Co. - Autumn Moden .1 T T. Turner & Co. Chlldren'a Wear K Weeks ? Sawyer .. .Fall Suits 0 The ereat of a golden fld?* of, dollars Ih pouring Into Klltabeth City lhfnc days-the first wave j from thin year's cotton crop?ami ? merchaiilN and business men Ken-1 ??rally art* expreasiug greater optl-| mism than In many months. Tin1 summer Just passing >??? been a hard one. There has been llttl?' money In circulation, and the first picking of cotton has been looked forward to eagerly on every hand an a harbinger of better times. i That IhMfl pleasurable antici pations of Kins Cotton's advent. | bringing additional dollars Into, the Albemarle. bear promise of bringing fruit wax established by a series li tnalyl dispose of the crop, through the fact that the later cotton squares were devastated by. the boll weevlft. About half a< crop Is expected In Lowtr Pasquo THEY ESCAPED WHEN S-51 SANK In (?InnkPtM nnil rluil und*-rnfal li only in tloir iinrtfivo.n or pa jamu*. Itt?- Ihri-c na I lorn who wit?- rcHrucil from lh?* milnnarliir S SI wln-n ii Mink aft? i ?? ??in; , iatiiiii?-il l?v fltn Hlt-fniit-Im-u Natil ||?M|iil;il. I if 11?> flu- worst- for tliolr fxpcrli-Dm Init xuiily in n?>?-ti of n??w mitlilH. Loft to it^lii, lln-v iir?- I) C Kil*-, of I'?orlu. M ImhIknI |>|i|, ?*iik I n?-mu ?> flint t-lans; M. S. Lira, of St. I<4<11I<<. tiroma 11 fill Ha .*<, ami AI f 1 <-?l Ut ir. of \fw n-dford. MaHHufhuM-ttH, t-lcrlriria n'n malt* wrond Hhh*. MRS. LANSDOWNE IS INVITED TO SI'KAK I?akahur*t. N J . S?>pi 29. i Mrn Margaret Rohm l?uii?dowr.<\ ?Idnw of f'imimHiidiT Ztnliry ' l.aiiftdown#? of tho Hlioiiniiiloali, to i flay a<-ri>|)lf>(l llm Invltiitloii of t ha ! Koval Court of ln<|iilry to appear ' mul muk?* a Mlulfinrnt Hit tal?* I K rain to fIt?* rouri MiiKKi*at?' of liar , I hail tin- fli'Hlrf lo mnhi' It lhi> lulml posallil?* limp. rom>N MAItKF.T I Now York. Hapt. 2?. Hpot col ton cloB.il qul.t. middling 23.f>0. m drflliic of 2? poln!?. Kuturi-a. donim: hid Oct. 23.2.V !>?t 2*sr?. Jan 22 r.O. March 22.7??. MnV 2.1 00. Naw York K#?pt 29. Cotton futnra* o|H*n?M| toda* at t to- fol lowing l?*\i)?i 23.So. 23*40. .Inn, 22.62. May 21 SO. MWy 23 09. tank Con til v. arrorillna to ilia farmar*, though azimuti"? from oth**r Miitrros flnrp fh?> vlold naamr two third* of normal It la explained, howrvn . that n ahorler rotton .crop mikca :i m duct Inn In th?> coat of p| WhltehurM ( KiMrliu: . H?-n ry Whit?.hiirut H'ypr??*? fclruli, II? nnii* MpjiiIh. W ? . Maw*?i. M K. I?avli. Waft?r limiti?!-]?, .? ?' Itcifhiiry and J A I'll??-. From ihi'Hi' L' jurora. M\ will b*? chomn I?? try tin* raw. M?m>p waa arr*-Hi?oida) oii tin- liani? of (Hftiiniony l?> a rolojod d? f?-n?t unt. John Hlni|?aon. t?? tin* ? f.rrt that Ik- Imd - iti??i? d lnt?? ;i <)?-:? I with ih<- wmi. mad wh/r**hy h< would r? I.ill ll?|iti?i f??i Mih tin i, ronnnliitiioii ligplx Moot?' ?I?-iiImm rvrr havlio , t? r?d Into any aurli tr?s?!>??? ?-lI???? | and Indicate* thai ht? may *|?riti* a r#?al aortni**- at Saturday inorn Ing'a pmrIiiii of r?nod? r'x roitrt ITM KI.Ki TION IM*' IN UlH< o\H|\ \oU Mllwa'ikfT. Hep), VoIah rum in th?* ilalf'trldo rlrrflnn 1" day will d??'ld*? whether |:oh?'H M. toPoMll1 la tO llfflH III fathrr on rnltrd Htat*aH Hi imior || IIII?I il?-f?-liN<- t oiIm V ?mini*- final pr?*pari?lloiiK for Iho trlul. A roiif??r*?nr# among ?Horn#/*, to whom tiaVi* l??*??n hiMimI four from I'iiIon County, wnn ih?- or ?l?*i of tlio.rtny. .luilio T It Kin lev i>i|ir<*MMl h;iIIxfiutIon with ill?? programi of ih?4 ? rii?I. Tomorrow mul Thurw ?ln\ morning art' ?-R|M>rl?>i| to Im> t.iki-li u|i with tin* M-lfrllmi of the Jury, wlfli tin; l?**timony to folow ?miii?'dlat?-ly. t 01 om:i, MITCH El J. IIKSUMKS atiack Wii liIiikIhii. s?>|il 21 Colon?*! Willliihi MH'lo'll todny riigumnd Mi onHlmigbl again*' ?h" iinllon'?? nlr polici** ln-fi.ro ili.? luv?*t|ftat In k hodni Thp tinny nlr MTflro I? not ?nli'iuiilo to miM t tho onu-r K??nry ?ml many ?hnng?*? nhonl I I.?- mail?* Ill-Army orgnnl/afIon In- , rliotlnK Ml?? I'llUlillHhmiiil of *?-p- ; uniti* Jirillh-ry rorp*. hr Th?1 l?r??H?*tit ?-i|u-|l|?mnitt of nlr nrrrlcc wm* <1 ?*?il im of unthcmt?*!! | i vi#*? In m lo'i'loruM** condition, hirlglhh- nlr?hlp* for rarrylnK airplane*. Iii> a**??rt?d. ctn lx? hiillt to fly from th** United Htatea to Kurope and return. Ml f.K.S f ! V/? MM?? OA JOII\ I.. W*% l.omloii. Sr|il. 'ill.?The ImmI> of John I., (ilhsoii, ?*n? Khieiiinii flrM rUiHH of l*ort lainl, liri'K<>ii, uhs iriniKcil from I tu* wri rknl Niihnuirlne 1 H-AI i.nIh) l?y itUem. I'lil* PlH'lHl'fjr lui|i?'lll?*ll III I lIk?m' nt til?* *uhnu?rlni' Imm1 l luil i|lv*'r? lun I ?t latt liffii siiiivMilul in their nttfrnptw to K*'t Insiilc tlie Huhiimrtni-. 1.1 h?, on* s ImmIv u.in fonntl hi | th** Iwittery room. Newport, l(. I.. S?*|K. 211. ? I % Siiv> nftli cr Mild It tins hn |H>ssihh* t lint the rc|mrl?l mis hm of thi* HufHWirtne S-fil Ion I Ih*ii HiT rniseil mi l nil wen? ile0 each. A single admission to the fair will 'cost 7fl rents, and hence a consld j erable saving may he effected I through purchase of these six-day pickets. Persons hoIIIiik as many I as ten of them, or $25 worth, will , be allowed u commission of 10 j per cent. ] The fair committees and their , assistants are busy each day at ithe fair grounds. In preparation for the event All advance Indl I callous are that Ihe exhibits. In number. t|na 1 Ity and variety, will exceed those of any previous fsir I here. i Deficit Worries Road Committee Looming like a spectre as inev . liable as the crack of doom Is a deficit in the funds to meet the j cost of Ihe recent Acorn lllll lload j celebration, which wan enjoyed by many thousands The finance ' commit tec. whose lask al l?e?t was an onerous one. graced by few Ihaiiks, Is Hpeuflhug many uneasy hours over the situation. In which It Is manifest already lhat Ihe ' Mils will exceed the funds In hand by fino or more | Recently the committee, which I? headed by (J. It. Little, set forth the situation In a published ar ticle asking that all who held bills I present them at once to Mr. Llt I tie. at the Carolina Hanking A Trust Company, and augmenting i that any individual contributions < toward wiping out the deficit i would not be unacceptable. ' Mr Little reports that a few ! additional bills have come In since publication of the article; but not a ?Ingle cash donation. He adds, however, that several contributors have come to him and staled that they were willing to Increase their gifts by whatever sum wan appor tioned them as their rightful j*haro of the burden. The committee, however. Is re luctant to go to those who have given already, members stale. In view of Ihe fact that a number of business concerns thus far have given not a red rent toward the .celebration although they have benefitted by It a? much In many Instances, more than others who contributed Mr. Little atlll Is hopful that voluntary contribu tions may wipe out the deficit. He a*ks lhat these be turned over to him si Ihe hank, and promises thai those contributing will be given due credit. Those In cKarge of the celebra tion are exceedingly anxious lo psy up the bills at once, and wipe the slate clean. IHMN t IT* It Wk hits %RK ATTKKDItfft vriov II "j"',?. " ?"?< II Jon?, ca.hl.T., rcapectfvcly of ???Inn'. Flank * Trii? Cn?i f..ny .ml ?h. Pirat * CHI?.?, Na ? lomi Hank, arc afl. n' Ih.. American Annocl.tlon In Atlantic ' 'y lh ?' Jono 1? ar crnnpanlcij by hla ?lr?. They are c?^ct* |I;i\ lYliotl of Mirari1' Drawing to i Hose, IIOK ??ver, \\ i 111 Nothing I >?* 11 nilr in ^iglit last ma iu: $77,300 Karl v Improvement of the IYo|t* rt\ in tli?* ll?>art of DohiiIomii Itu-iiM'^s Dih* trie! Ki-^uiiinl as l?rtain Although Tuesday wart the lint ?lay mi which tin- latent hid ?>n the Uradtord tiacr. lin? city's mo?t vuluuhl? unimproved downtown proper!), m 1 k lit be raised again, and despite th- fact that under the h or fac?- of liiiioi'i there wan a persistent impression dial rlt<^ bid would In- laiHfd, nothing of tht Kind had happened up to noon, accurdiiiK to ?i?rk of the Court h h. Sawyer, m who^e hand'i the I Li:?11 ? -1 l - 1'lit* Bradford property wa-, sold at auction urn malt.* ??it July 27. Tli?- i.upirfNhliii bidder at tiiat time was l>i a I, Pendleton, whose Ik K o i ?? was fiO.auu Inder tho terms of tin- Hale, a |>?-iiod of 20 day;*. \.a.*. allowed, m which any one lin* h t raise this hid to a flg II r?r. leal estate deal ' ein. A second ?ah* was ordered, duly - ud\ertlsed. and h?>ld on September f?. This time the property weut to Gallop & Sawyer at 177,300 after a hit of lively biddiug on the pslrt i f Dr. Pendleton. Again, un > der the terms of Hale, a 20 day period wuh allowed for new bids*/ and it in thin period which now Is drawing to a clone. I Should there he no increase In thin latest hid. Hid .sale would be confirmed by Clerk of the Court Sawyer in I he next day or two, in (lie normal con rue of events snd provided tber?* wuh no objection on the part of the commissioners of the court charged with the duty of adininiHti rliiK the estate. It is not anticipated Ihnt such an ob Jectlon would be raised, the gen eral impression here being that j $77,300 Is un excellent price for ? the properly. However, in lie- event that the Idil is raised in lhe last few hours before expiration of the period of "grace," the entire formula of or dering a resale, and of holding an-, otlor public auction within 16 days, must be gone through with iagaiu. And so on, until a 20 day petIml had paused in which there was no laiKcd hid on the property. The property was the home I place of the late l). li. Itradford, I one of (his city'n leading business men of the last generation. Liti gation over Mr. Ilrudford's will I kept the tract involved for a con siderable period after his death. This was settled Anally, and the sale ??i up property la going ahead iiuw in the course of administer jlflg the estate. The llrndford tract has lain un improved, in the very heart of the retail business district, while Im provement* in keeping with the changing timer, have been made en J every ?lile. The fact that it Is des tined to sell at a figure In t|ie {neighborhood of IH0.000 is takfn ii : h hI i oil k indication that who I ever filially becomes owner of the I property will he obliged to Iftl |iro\? it in substantial fashion In I order to meef the carrying charge, ii for no other reason. Interest 'snd other expenses, incident to owning the land alum- will' run well above I&.000. ,, , The property has been regard ed as an Ideal location for the new hotel which probably will be erected in Elizabeth City within the next year or two. as well as altogether suitable for a com bined store and office building, ? wlih perhaps an attractive theater also. It has frontage on tforee streets Mall). McMorrlne and Kearing and thus provides fadl , itles for business development along a number of lines'. IHIIVIW S\I'?',TY is A MKNTAI. ATTITUDE Cleveland. Sept 2!?.?-Human nately in a mental attitude while i mechanical safety is simply jn phvsical reality, in the opinion otj Captain A. A Nicholson qf Texas Companv, a? expresM an addre s today before tJ tlonal Safety Council "More logical ?a M v IhUf on the part of t lie humans \ 'the mschine* Is our great he declared, snd added thatj rjod made man, man mada 1 cldents. Captain Nicholson does I lev?* that accidents are ?h of modernism. Industrial^ excessive ambition. The speaker urged th* lives to become better aoBnlsM with their safety engineers: 'o de sert their swivel chairs And visit the men in their mill* *f#here hu man flesh Is straining ftmler the desire to suit the retpin < nienta for production." T>r. and Mrs J. H. White and Mr and Mrs Bnxtof White me tored to Yorktown, Virginia, Suw dsy.