ClltCTI.ATlON Till'-|<*|>%V Til K WKATHKIl _ . ' ' I*?at?!y wiili onaHionally light 1 2.r.7r. Coiil?* ilVf.llll HiJI.'^ % 1 I ?hou.-r* t..uiietir uI.?? I VOL. XV. FINAL EDITION ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAU0L1NA, FRIDAY EVENIN'C. OCTOBER 2. H>25. . SXI PACES. No. 253. BESTCITIAN IS MAKING SUCCESS DOWN IN FLORIDA Kd II. Ilummoml, Bo>lioo|>on*il>le for Great Development BEAT PONCE DE LEON Bv Wonderful Spring II?* I1?'I|H', Rronksville. Florida. Oof. 2 ? A dozen miles lo 1 lie south mil went of this beautiful old town in the high hilts nJ Meriiandii Cottntv la n marvelous spring which yield? 144.nnn.onn gallons of pure wjiter nnd forms n navigable ajrerun through 12 miles of scenic wonder a? it winds its way to the Gulf of Mexico, and around this sprinp and along the river hanks there is being created one of the most corneous and exclusive res idential nuarters of Florida. Half the distance to the north and east is the highest hill of all Florida, uud upon and about it there Is being created on?* of the most uniaue agricultural 'com munition of the country. The exclusive residential quar-! ter nnd the unique agricultural ' community are ihe result of a' North Carolinian's (renins. The' fellow who is responsible for bo'h Is Ed II. Hammond, native of Elizabeth City, a childhood play mote of Walter f'ohoon and a large number of other youngsters who since have found a place in the Industrial and political history ( of North Carolina and the Vat ton. ; Mr. Hammond left North Car-' olfna many venrs ago. He has op-j erated lumber mills in Michigan and Alabama, developed real es tate projects in many states und j found the hills of the gulf ridge, recognized the value of this won drous country of lakes and for-' e??* and sprine? and streams and hills, and est a Id i sh o 1 headquarters here. lie heard of Weeklewaclile : Rnring?a wonderful fountain j which escaped the attention of Se-1 nor Ponce de Loon who nnested so j long for the waters of the spring' - of eternal youth. Tie viKlted it. end was I m nr eased by its posalbll- j Hies. With Charles Monroe Price, local hanker, and some oth-1 ers. he formed a syndicate for the I purchase of the spring and about . <1.000 acres of land around It and along the rlvor it forms Immed iately afterwards the city of St. ! Petersburg offered the companv a million and n half dollars for the apring nnd 40 acres. The offer was refused. W. R. Martin. In ternational hanker; E. J. If. I^o vett. New York capitalist; Rex. Reach, the novelist; J. E. R. Car-; nenter. snld to be America's great est architect, and other men of large wealth became Interested. A new companv was formed. Now the Weeklewachle coun try. owned almost entirety by Mr. Hammond's Company ? C.lenar den. Incorporated?Is engaged In a gigantic project whose total ex penditures will roach approximate ly Sf?O.on0.00t) before the devel opment has reached that degree of perfection Mr. Hammond lias vis ualized. The (Jlenardon property is about the most exclusive of aH Flori dlan exclusive properties. Refore one may purchase a home site within the boundaries of Its far flung lines, one must meet the strictest requirements of a body of folk who want neighbors of the most desirable type. Only cer tain types of homes, to cost not less than a certain suni of mon ey. can be built on Ihe property. an?l no mutter how much one I* wilting to spend for n home. It Is not procurable there unless ihe prospective purchaser Is In every way acceptable to Ihe sellers and those who have purchased be tore. Cllenarden will be u haven for gentle folk who have the means lo procure the exclualveness they de sire. The farm community, however. In Its way. Is about ns exclusive hs Olenarden; only Its excluslve neas Is not along the same lines. Mnnden Hill Is the name choeen for the new community. It Is be ing cut up Into five-acre farms up on which the averngo American family may make a comfortable living and attain independence. The slogan of tho community la "Five acres and Independence." It Is a home for thrifty and indus trious people who will make the moat of the opportunities provld ed by rich soil, excellent climatic conditions and the Hammond Idea. b'Sexcluilvely for such people. Their homes will ho served by electric light and pow er and water ayatems. They will have good roads, good streets, good schools and churches, and every other thing conducive to healthv community life. Ceotaln K. It Salisbury, who recently came to Florida from Southern California where he waa t. the guiding force behind aom? of the more Important community de- i , v&fcpment projecta. Hi aaeoclated I with Mr. Hammond in the Mun- | den Hill development Bo. loo. la OoatinttW on page 4 ?\IIC EDITION Tli ? amiiiiil Fair edition of The Daily Adance will uppear ?111 Tuesday. October ??. the op ?*li i M K day of il?f Albemarle Di.sfrirl Fair. Subscriber* should bo on lb?- al^rt for thin edition which will hrinu them the final und authoritative word in way of announcements a* to th?* Fair program. Advertiser* should have their ads in The Advance office by 6 o'clock Saturday nlfihi and not later than noon on Monday. T how detdrini: ?pace will avoid disappointment by making res* ervation for it on Saturday. "AL" IS POPULAR i IN MIDDLE WEST II?* Praise?! (lliicupo and At-' lurked the Admini*lru- j lion of (loolidgp Ry OWKN L. W'OTT l-CV by TK? AlSiftMl Chicago. Oct. 2.?"Al Smiili for President." received h noticeable Ik?ohi on his Middle-Western de bui here recently ? umi without so much an mention of beer. The throngs seemed to take for. granted that part of the New York governor'? attitude and acted ac cordingly. They formed an 1m pre.-odve and enthusiastic audience of nearly lon.noo at the Beverly 11111? Forest Preserve, an "Al" | gave them a five or ten minute i talk, attacking the Coolldge econ-1 omy program which he called a myth, and praising the Democrat-, I?* adminiHtration of Chicago af fairs. Piercing cheers and wild yell?. | characteristic of a political rally' were common. Governor Smith' seemed to get away with his stuff i as well in the corn helt us on the sidewalks of New York. There was no mention in the governor's brief speech that he hud come West io launch a Pres idential boom. Thut part of it was left to the Inauguration, to the attack on the Coolldge admin-' Istration. and to the thousands of bedecked car? whoso banners her alded "A1 Smith for President." j It was a day of political booms for Illinois Democrats. Resides wanting to start Governor Smith on the way to the Democratic Presidential nomination, they were launching a whole ticket for, Illinois state offices and Chicago city offices. Mayor Dever was getting under way his campaign for a second term as Chicago's; chief executive. He discreetly failed to mention the fight he has( made against beer. Prohibition, proved a tabooed subject. The day's principal political nc-| compllshments were not made on the field. While the vast crowd waited for a chance to see and hear A1 Smith, the governor and Democratic political leaders from ?ev?-ral middle wentern Mates were holding a confab nt their suite at the Dlackstone Hotel. This fa-j molts hostelery hna been the scene of the making and breaking of many Prealdentlal ambitions. George K. Hrenu?n. Democratic hoBR In Illinois and Governor: Smith's manager In the last Dem ocratic convention, led that meet-j Int. Several states hereabouts, with a very large Democratic vote, j but with worth-while representa tion In conventions, had represen tatives here. Governor Smith met these Dem ocratic leaders and general Pretil-1 dent la I prospects were talked ov er. according to report? from those In attendance. Though the gov-i ernor's visit wan abort and snap py all the way through, the 1m-i presslon he created and friends heralded ure considered to have made the trip well worth while! politically. BUSINESS GOOD IN RECORDER'S COUR T Flevenuo from the f'aaquotank recorder'* court roae to a new high levol last month, with a loixtl of Si 160 in flnea collected. The highest receipt?* for any prevloua month wa* $1084. Only two caaea came before the recorder for trial Friday morning and. with a plea of guilty In each caw. thcae were quickly dlspoacd of Alexander I^elgh and J. fl. Ilolly. up for failure to lint taxea. were required to pax taxea and coat a. County Judge Sawyer haa re queated the poltre department to keep a record of these tax delin quent thla year, declaring that In caaea where repeated delinquen cy In tax llatlng la brought to hla attention, he will Impoec n more nevere penalty. MAIL AIRPLANE HAS NOT SHOWN HP YIH Wllllnmaport. Pa.. Oct 2 ? One of the United Rtatea mall plane* weatbound. due at flellefonte at 11:80 laat night, haa not yet ar rived and Ita whereabout* are un broken. SPANISH TROOPS ARE AT KRIM'S CAPITAL Madrid. Oct. t-?Spanish troop* entered AJdlr. capital of Abd Kl Krlm. Hlfflan leader, at 11:30 o'clock thla morning, accordtnc to official adrlcea from Morocco. Preparing to Take Dead Ashore Rfir Admiral H. H. Christy nnd rntmiiamler Newton - wii'i l>nred head? an the bodi.s of William C. ToKchemacli?r. of ttanfcor. IVnimylviini.i. ami John I.. (illt won. of Portland, Oregon won- ?roiirht up from th xiinkeii wr rk of tin* shIiiiihi ix S ;.1 ami laid od t ho dock of (ho Camden. After huI Ion? had urranptl tin- hodl?'H ii?*:it|> hi blanket;; tin- dostd nun wore lakon to Newport, llhod?- Inland. l?y a ihsinijvr. THEY WALKED ON SILVER STREETS Crushed Kock Had Queer Color mid Proved Too Vidiialde for Paving By HARRY C. KLLKR cr> Long Reach. C||., Oct. 2.?The discovery that Jxaig Reach haw two blocks of pavrd street that should vie with the "street of for gotten men." "one way street," and other thorougafures came when the paving contractors com plained to the Catellna Island Company. ru?-nlshltiK the crushed lock, that the material was off color. This is not a publicity yarn, not a "come on" for tclde Irip to Uoanoke Island. Tli caravan will start from A?hcv e. and will pick up motor deleg tlons from Charlotte. Raleigh ant other cities on thet way across he Rtate. Wllmlng-j ton original r was selected an the eastern tern inus of the trip, but ! Becretnry Jr i reminded the spon sors that t|n Albemarle district Carolina, and thev ng extension of the, tour to Indole thi*? part of thos Htate. was In Nor are consldefi STII.Ij IH IICHTIUIVKI) BY C A MI)K X OFFM HI A 50 Kalian still Improvised from a meti I gasoline berrel. was destroyed 1 r Deputy 8tierlfr Ho ratio Reynfcnr yest?nlajr on the I?ake tr;?cti In Camden County, about five miles from Camden Courthouaa Hepu' Sheriff Rey. mour brought a ?"Pl>er worm from t lie mi ill to the courthouse as mut? testimony of the raid RheYl'f Seymour aya he dlscov ered th atlll about s month ago but left It. hoplm later to catch I hose < i>eratlng It He gave up liope, however, after occasional visits. The appe.iranee of the atlll Initiated tha? it had not been In operation In a l<>ni line, he de-, clnrea. Youth In Tiny Sailboat To Dare Ocean's Perils Hound from N?'W London. Conn., i o Miami. Fla.. in a liny. Sponson i-nnnc, A. J. Holler. fx-j ti minor iti Hie life saving r.ervlcp of i he American Ited ?r-| rived here today, accompanied on-i Ijr hy hin Cerman police dojc. Son-i ny. a pup of about two mom lis. Hi?< trafl, a Hi-foot affair with a nail) and paddle* iih lis only motive power, was towed her#? from the vicinity of Norfolk by the Texan Oil Company'* tanker Waterlily. Ilclh-r Im 2^1 yearn old. and In a veteran of the World War. lie I:? going from here ucrosn Albe marle and Pamlico Sound* and out into ill?- open nea at Heau-' fort. He Hayn he lian done life naviug work all it long I ho coast.? anil in not dlntnrhed over the per-' lln of op?*n water, hat Im dint runt-; ful of the houiiiIs through which| he muni pann l*for?' arriving In n?*8iifort. On hi.* i rip fi*?>tit Norfolk horn. Ilt'll?-r iuimmmI through ill?* I ?izlili? 1 Swamp Canal "Say. |il*'UHr ilon't forgot lo Hiiy thai I wont through the Croat IMsinal Swamp." he re miixli'd a iieWHpapcrtmiii." and tell >n? I found ii v??ry m*>Inn ckoly " 11*1 lor oarrloH a IImIfsupply of prnviHlonM for himself ami lii-> m 21.10 fraiKH at tin* opening of the bourse to 3I.::0 franca at I o'clock. This formula wax thrust into the breach yenterday to nave tlo Fro nro-American debt tief:otl;i t Ion h from utter collapse. Kidnapers Sold Child for $1.50 Aftfr twine hy alleged kidnap*!" for |l !?0, two Inner nil*?? and n f<*w K.ill'ifM of r lllll* Martlm Kmm# llorton. 4. hum reus or Hi in her parent?. Mr. and Mr*? Willlain T. Iloilon ut M*fti|?hK Teirft. Tli? llorton? m?y that former nelfthbor? ?t?to tha tKlld from a lilnnlncham, AlH . hwfHtal. Tha < htld ?a? aold In Arkantma. but iMt^r pla< <-d In h fcleinpliJ? or|?h*na" >>om*. 1W arr?t ui the alleic*?! kKlrtiippii at Ja?txi, Al'? , on other chart**, ted to tha parent? finding Martha. GREAT BRITAIN HAS NINE SHIPS TO AMERICA ONE Thin* Say Shipping Mn?, W ill Im? Point Brought Oul in Survey ?if Situa tion Or?li?r?''iia'N oit ? mul hint- l-imhI ships to olio poor o lit-. Th?i 1? Willi I fllippilti; m I'll Militi today Would Im Mi?- important point hroiivht nut ihiouitli i In* ilii? i initiation t.l' I'rrsitb'iit Cool Idee Im ?rri |o Hut bottom Hi- President. rm lln* hilihllllg of ;it least i\vn more liters the jii-lteiul I VI**- of I hi- l.i v iui li.tu anil I In- Ma lido. which I.? now under coiim run ion. Wht-tlii-r ihii? rountry Ih-IIi-vi* in preparedness for peare or pre paitdncss for war. arcutditiK to Will In m I-'. Cihlis. lu-ail of Uu* linn wliirh reninditionod lln- |.e viaihun, iiuiiiIhth rn I?- i h?- Ki-a. "It iloi'H not mutter ^whether w.- no hark -lo lln- tiiir- of diiv-out ru no?'* or talk in terms of the sleari tin hitlers." In> said, "in trade or Iwtlli-. i In- nation with tin- moMt sh I |m rules i h<* hi-a. "l-'l^hiiut: kIiI|I!< arc nnly n.4 ?lronk h.i iiiv auxiliary vessel* which supply t hnn A lle.-t is ab solutely depend?-iii on nierrhant v easels for ?uppurt If. out of ihr ioim before the la-nuii?* oi Nation*. m as a tesnil of railing another disarmaiin-nt rnnfKT?-lir?, whlelt I'nsident t'mil* Id??- is iimlm stoml t i ? hi- mushier* ? inc. a proposal should come lo ?crap i-M ry liL-litinc vessel in tin1 world. Cn-ai lliiiain would fall mi tin- inch of tin- proposer ami kiKH IiIiii. I'or lliitaln. with tin* nine ships to our mu-, ?-i.iihl still iul<* t In- si a u?.t only in lime of war hill in i i iT. i oi traih." Mkc Admiral lli-nam ami oilier Aiuci lean'slilpiiiUMleiv., Mr. Clhlia is a strong advttcafe of itn- so railed "IIII1 pi- .ships" im-thod of iraUH|M>r,iiition. 'this system sim ply nii'aiiH I hut Ihriiiifh operation of three llnrra of :i|ipro\imat?'ly lln- ?ano' lypr. wi-rkly .sailings ran he iiiiiintaim d ar runs tin- Allantir. Tin- 1.1-viatlian. operated a loin*, riin only In- roiiniid on for three wrrkl.v sailings ho ihat tin- line In unable to secure round trip iiuf lir rvi'ii from lln- passenger? sull ini; on lo r onr way. Toiirlala, 'who wish to siiil on Aim-riran hunts art' uhiiuIIv him hi- io nuikr their plans ronfoiin with such a Krln-dulr ami oilier lltirs obtain tin- profit of at Ifiist pari of the trip. i'art of Ih?1 Shipping Hoard IIimm now ru?ilna in American ch liiarii-H ran b?- ii:??-?l. arrordliiK lo Mr (libbn. "Siiiih- of ItiPM' vrn s> Is a- h?-I rnclnrs Is fxpriiHlvr hill it is fin I it i-ii I ly worth wlill?' If vi-hhi-Ih ran lir krpl at s?-a. Tlir value of Dirarl rn kIiu-h lit-s in sayltm of furl. If u vrssi'l is il?-d up nt a dork uml hum in k no fut-l, fthvioiiitly the Dl'1 si'l rnxlutM rannni snv?- any rnon ?y. "Stum- of lln* vi-HHrta owned by Ih? (Ionrti lire ohr.?i|rtr and there ?diould be no more liesil Iltl y ll Krra(ipiu^ Ihr m and r?-plarhm I hem wllli up-lo-d.ite rrafl than In dlarardlnu any oilinr pirn- of uhH'dete ri|iilpim-nt in any olhrt Imlii'tt ry." A ::o day leal -of llie first I wo Ilii-MMi l t-ni:ines lo he rnniplrlrd ror Instiilliiiion in Shipping lloaiil reasrln at Hie order of tin* (lov I I iiiim nl. Ih rxprrlf-d lo slarl this wei-k a? Ihr lluffalo plant of lb" H h In k ton I 'o m p if Marhlnri> !*orporation. Thh trnt will t>r -?|iilvalent In h non-alop run ?round I he woitd ami should *e r v? * to indlral?' Ihe r?-l la hI III y of tH<* two ?vrle Hctlna lyp?- irV?!* ?ped liy Ann rirnn rnitlnrrrii. "They outw<-li:h to an extent whlrh o|tena rnilnlv n?'w posslhl1 Hi' s ? f lift- on lln- tilah sraa," Dr. i'. I'. I^irkr. hrnd of the ui?-rhan If-al ? nelni-erlna department of Co lumbia I'l'lvrr-lty nab! today. Kor iln- first time forged uteri has been used In roiistrurtlon of thr rylln b-r* Wtirihlnatnn rmelnrera elal*fi (hI? jifiord* i:reat?r Hlmpllrliy In ttri nuili and teslntanre to he t xireixea than raatloKx. stk\\if:K8 sailing SOUTH FROM AHCTH; r .irlin* N??foundtnnd. Ort. 2. The ?f?-nm?r Peary of the Mnr Mlltnii Arrtlr expedition Mulled from In r?? parly today for Hydney. Nov i SfOlla. Thn ?icnmor Bow doin with the NU of ihe expedl IIoii ->>?<>iird I? M|wrlfd lo leave lli'tll?- Harbor, Labrador, today iitul Join the Peary at Sydney ? hfi"* b?4h will proceed to \V'NraiMtt, Maine. Overton Case Dismissed In Dramatically Sudden Fashion at Camden Court CHARACTER GOOD SAY WITNESSES IVslifv in Kcpnl to Mi** rolr AImiiiI WIhiiii SliiMiiin?; ( K'cnrn'il Hlchinond (Niiinljr Courthouse, Uorklmehnni. CVt. L* A number of Hliiimm today testified that Miss Kl Ira bet It r-de. daughter of W II on trial for the nlay Ing of W W. (lituond, had a "pood reputal Ion." llcv, P. nice llenton. pasior of lh?* Flint Haptlnl church. h aid he hnil known Minn Col., never:*I vonrs ami her general r^piilatlnti wa* good Oilier prominent t-iii wn? of the commuuity told i??.> Jnrv ihe mime. MIhm Oct a via Scale*. flniiee of Don l*li 111 |?n. director of Hie pro* edition. lent If led fur I lie defense thai In ronverKHlion with ..Ihi* you UK woman lu*t fall MIhh Cole hail cxprenned hernnlf sin glad thai *he mul Ormoml had "broken up." Freil H VII urn. who net hi! a* rep reseiitntIve of ihe Cole ncgolia tloiiH last npring with Ormoml. tol.l of Orinond one time telling him lie would hIiooI Cole If lie ev er met him ami huIiI that he nt the time advised Cole to arm lie told of going to Kalcigh and meet ing t)rtnon 11 ~ ? <1 i K ti Ik b t of the Hrlllnli . ' empire, Thornton wan connected] ' with Ihe l?ong Inland railroad. a( Pennnylvauia subsidiary Ill* prenent aalary an head of the nov-i ernment owned Canadian linea in' j f7r?,000 n year with $25.?no ad ditional na expenne? Klllott wan I for yearn connected with the New York. New Haven nnd Hartford [road and In therefore thoroughly; , '.imiliar with rail condition* in Long Inland nnd Pcniinylvanla ; territory. The flrnl action of (Jeneral Al terhury today wan to Inniin a dec laralion that lie wun determined to maintain the tradition* of the road, nnd ngge**lvely protect the properly of thono who have in-1 , vented in Pennnylvatila ntock. WARNED THAT SYSTIM WAS NOT FOOI? PROOF l.uki'hiirHf. N J.. Oct. 2.?In MnpprovliiK Iho Kim vnlvo ?vmMhi ' rhnnfro In (ho ulrnl?i|? Hhonandoah i ih?> llitroaii of AomfwutlCN nl I \VanhliiKioti warned Hi on?? oii tho ? whip tliut Iho now HVrtU-m wnw not' ' hm "fool proof' iin ?hi? orlKiniil In* Mt a I In t if ?ii unci oxtroino run 1 v Ii?* ii Id ho taken In I In* o poru I Ioii | of Iho whip. i COIONEI. M ITCH Ft.I, TO BR DISCIPLINED W/ihIi Innton. Orl. 2 Dlaolpll narjf union axalnNi Col Will tan MHrholl. Air Sorvlco ntorm cen tor. will ho ronowoil hy t ho War Department on noon an Col Mitch- ' oil complete* Ii In loMilinony lioforo , Iho Prewldent'a nlr hoard wlilrh Im i expected within ll?o noxl day or i two. Col. Mlti'holl will ho directed to : rofhirt to t ho Innpector general of iho army In ronnortlon with the invoNt igat Ion prevlotmly ordered ? us to whoihor ImiKUHK'' ho em ployod In tho ntutcnieni made pnh- . , lie In To*?* and whlth preclpltat od tho appointment of tho npocImI air hoard conatltutM conduct lo tho projudlro of good ardor and , military discipline. (irrron munkkt Now York. <>rt. 2,?Cotton fn i liirM cloaed today at Iho folk)* 1ns lorola: Oct 2?**. Doc. 23 02. Jan 12 22 March 22 f?o. May 22.71. July 22.:'.'? Rpot* cloned, nil lot. middling 21 IR. a decline of 40 point* Now York. Oct r.-J-Ootton fu ture* oponod todnv nt tho follow Inn level* Oct. 2.1.11, Dor Jan 22.56. Marrh 22 77. 21 00. IOIIO w 23 !*0.| May | Jii?lf;|Hiinliii(*nl o f (?iiunliaii for Afxt'il Man TKSTIF1KS VI' I ? N^TII 1) v I v ii ?1 a ii I \-l??ni>!i in i .mirt anil S|M'etatur* Ii\ Kecital Manifesting I lear !Vleninr\ of Detail* Camden, ()ri, :!. (S|Hvial) ? - Dismissal l>\ Judge Thomas II. Calvert Imlay a few iimp nil's before iiooii of the art ion against Charles <)\?.*rtou, aged fanner of tin* South Mills sec tion, in whirl i his grand daughter was seeking to have a guardian appointinl to ad minister his atrairs, brought, t ho ease to an unexpectedly sudden end just as attorneys for tin* granddaughter were ahout to eross-evnminc the defondanl. "I have I Or in*-?l :i | ???-? 11 >? deOh it ?* ?*|itiii?>li ahoul I liis caae," JiiiIkc Calvert will, in announcing IiIh decision to (liKiiiissilhc action. "All I Ii rii ti i* Ii the examination of (he dcffiiilaiil, I liavi* had i i ? mind Mm a??-, anil In* has riven about a:- remarkable an exhibition of In lelligcuce, roii: i?1* rl 1?i* that factor, an I liuvr I'ViT witnoHRod. Ilia memory of delalla in uittonlrihlliK Indeed, I am willing to admit that II probably l:i as ^iiml a* niine-^ pos^ibly Mlitr, ".So proper :.?'|ii:r i'f juntlce would permit I In.-? e|endntif ink? -. Stand The Clveiton rum* opened Ih Camden Comity Superior point Wed m ad ay nflerunou with welee i ioh i.t i In* Jury. Yesterday niorn i h k lin* examination of wltnesseM hi uan, and continued through the day. Thin morning Mr. Overton took tin* aland, on direct exau? I no I Inn. in- li'Hlilhd In detail t!? biiHincHK traiiNactioiiH extending over a n n in her of you ra, display ing an astnni 'bing memory for de tails. He admitted that lie could not read and write, hut raid he could figure after a fashion, and could count money. In ica|?ijiiiii' to a question, he confessed thill lie liked a little "toddy" occasionally, hut denied emphatically that In- kept a Juk of liquor on hand in the house, explaining he "couldn't hardly" afford a pint at the time It waa brouuht out m tne cotirai} 'ftf^thc examination that he. hlma?li. de spite hi:t fourscore und-odd y**or.?, h id cultivated a 2? acre crop Hi la v? .1 I lu dUcunalng his farming, he told with many chuck leu of u little ??vpeih nce tlmt befell him r?ceu4? ly. Ho was plow in i* in a rt?rfi II*'1*1, he naitl, and aceidentally ov art m lied a beehive. "You shoul4 have iiMii jnc and that mule cut* ting acTosfi the held, with thoan Iii'hh after lin,' he laughed, "hut It wasn't very funny to na at the llnfe " . Aflir Mr. Ov?ilnn'? illroet a\ , a m t nation hud Ih-i-ii concluded, th*? court ord? r? d u brirf Winn to m I low tli? wltin-- |o rout. ThtH wa? ulu ftly In -for?- I I o'clock. TIh'ii followed ni'Hrly nn hour of whlapi r?>d ri?nfi'rriin?* h? iwron Mu- defendant and attorney^ and wlimmMi fur both aide*. Whan court rocnnvon^d. I) K. Aydlett. of coiiiihcI for ih< defendant, nakfd pcruilacton to a*k lilin two 4tf ? tltri'? question*. Thla waa RrfeDtfifi Trli?, of llmi mu'ortloned J your properly" wax i ho ni?*t qUeat Ion. "I Kitvr half I" my nrnnddauglt- \ trr. and Iho ftlh^r half to Rosa," the wiinrnn explain? d. addtn* haallly that ho niMint the dluponal ?>f hlf> property ?ft??r h la <1??th. Mr wan a?*ured that wllla do not Iwcome npcratl c before then. Ily "Itowa ' infant hi* adopted dau <;htt>r. Mfn, Kosa Albert won Tin- action for aPiioliitiiifint o( a xuardian >h* r Mr Ovcrt-OQ? ] whom- nj,'e In *lr?'ii by hlnm^f nn M vi-ar?. hut la-ewt varloitaly at HI to 8fi year* by "thpri, wan bronchi hy |ilft inly direct d?ae?\?i- '?* dant, Mn, Maty lamb ltho