r ? ALBEMARLE DISTRICT FAIR EDITION VOL. XV. FINAL EDITION ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBKR 6, 1925. EIGHT PAGES. NO. 2*4 Great Albemarle District Fair Opens Toda With Gay Parade Through Business Distri Everything In Readiness For Mammoth Exposition Embracing Ten Counties yinguard of Visiting Thousand? Pour in l>y Automo bile, Train, and Boat for Opening Event? of Sec t ion's Greatest Display of Agricultural, Industrial and Home Products. * With, the dawn of a day idylically clear and cool, pros pect? were brighter than ever today for the Great Albemarle District Pair, which was ushered into existence in fortnal fashion this morning with a grand parade through the busi district at 11 o'clock. i ne vanguara 01 a nosi oi< ?iaJtors from all parts of the Albemarle district rolled int? ?town by automobile, train and boat early today, along with.others from outaide these ten Northeastern " Carolina counties. Yesterday wan spent In Intens ive preparation for the event, and the finishing touches on the be-! "fclMtorfag array of exhibits in tha | hails at the Fair Grounds were! b^ng put on this morning. Hun-i dreds were busily engaged In the multitude of tasks incident to put ting all to readiness for the open log of the J>lg exposition. The fair will continue for alx days, closing, Saturday night. In tho Agricultural Hall, the women were predominant. Thfy were doing most of the work, as sisted by a few half hearted mem bers of the so-called sterner sex? and they were making a good job of the business of arranging in ?tastefully attractive fashion a mul titude of county, community and individual exhibits displaying (he diversity of resources of the Albe ?arle section. A Scene of Activity Strolling about the grounds In' more or lows aimless fashion, the newspaper man with nothing much to do except write about what was going on found himself con tinually getting In the way of busv workers?and being summarily Jostled out of the path of impend ing achievement. The spectacle of a woman driving taekn lato a pine board, with the evident?If mis guided?Intention of attaching a strip of paper to the board, fas cinated him. It ^^as an even break, when she swung, whether she would hit the tack, the board, or a thumb and forefinger that she daringly held within the range Of the barrage, to keep the taci? In place. Her surplus supply of tacks was parked In her tnouth. She was Indulging In animated conversation with another lady ?ear her. All of which prompted the observing one to speculate oi the probable number of tacks which went the wrong way. in a manner of speaking. But enough of that. 8he was still hammering away when he departed. ? The llvostock building wan crowded from one capacious en trancoway to the other. There ware purebred horses. csttle, mules, calves, colts and their Mk. with pedigrees as long, probably, as that of the EAgllsh royal fam ily. And perhapa as illustrious. It Is such a livestock es^lblt as ?ever before has been gathered Qader s single roof in this psrt of the country, veteran slockmni ?tree. I>tver?ifl?-?l fHspUys Everywhere. It Is the same. The! exhibits, from crabapple* to hsnd | tAbroldcred bed spreads, s re In a j diversified range such as nevor be-! fore Jism been attempted In thes? [ parts. Superlatives grow InefTec- '? taal In describing them. The Tip Top Shows, midway at traction at the fair, constitute de-! elded I y the largest aggregation of the kind ever assembled at a slml- j lsr event here, it was necessary I to elaar additional ground to mak'* room for them. The tents were be-1 Ing erected, and the straets of the 1 antueement village laid off yester day afternoon, with half a hun- ; drad sweating, straining property men on the Job. Todsy Is being observed as1 School Day at the fair. Hundreds ?f youngsters from throughout j the Albemarle came for the day's events, many of the visitors being ; transported In school' trucks.' which took part In the parade. A 1 special ev?nt la honor of the chll-| dran?or rather, fOT their specisl benefit?was promised for 2 j o'clock In the afternoon. In front } of the grandstand The nature of i It ?as kept a deep aerret until the performance Tomorrow ?tH be Albemsrle Pay, or Home Coming Day. with' '?> attractions for the Tir! Who have taken up res'-1 tes OUUMn I h? Aordr-r? V>f th :'sfe. Xnd who ha v I old acqusln t 4 BUYERS OF HUGE TRACT IN NEARBY COUNTIES BUSY ? Tidewater Realty Corpora tion Begins' Development of Acres in (Para den and Currituck COLONISTS COMING Thirty Families of A'inish Have Bought Farms Al ready; New Road Will Bi sect Properties Energetic step? toward t rani forming a Virgin wilderness Into richly productive rwudji lands are being taken on the Fontaibe trac'. In Camden., County, and the ad- < Joining tract In Currltuc>. west-] wardty from Moyock, preparatory to the coming of some 30 familiea of Anllsli who Will'begin the eol | onlaatlon of the combined prop erty thla year. i The development, whereby It la! I Intended to add some 20.000 acre* of highly valuable farming terri tory to the cultivated landa of Northeastern Carolina. Is being < sponsored by the Tidewater Realty! Corporation, recently chartered undor the Isws of North Carolina. I I The project la financed by a group! ; of Middle Western cgpltallsta. fort which Charlea C. Rartlett. of Chi-( cago, Is attorney. Mr. Rartlett' war. In this city over the past week-end. arranging detalla of the -work. One of the first tasks undertak en by-the new owncra of the com f blned property la the clesring of h right of way and the bulldlai of u road along the drainage dltc'i which bisects the Fontaine tract 'In roughly an eaat-snd-west direc tion. This road, when completed will reduce the dfotsbce from Mo lyock to Elizabeth City to H miles, according to Mr. Rartlett. Thei present dlatance by State highway is about 25 m ilea. Plan Karl) Cultivation Thlcty famlllea or Amiah al-' ready have purchased farming! tracts. Mr. Jlartlett says. adding] that he haa assurance that 1 S01 to 200 neres will be cleared and > In cultivation along the new roalj by negt spring. The corporation i which he representa la plahning an | Intensive development of the en-l tire property, he declare?, with a I view to making It one of the gar den spots of the Atlantic Sea board. Mr. Rartlett la Impresaed wit i the posalbllltlea of NorU)<*aatei ~\ Carolina. More, he Is extremely enthualaatlc ever them. "Your ell mate la unaurpaaaed." he aays. "I know of nothing like it anywhere( In the country. Florida can ' touch It. With the (Julf Stream' flowing north to a point ofT Hat-; t era*, the air of thla region I?' tempered the year around. Flow ing In the oppoalte direction, cold | current? from the Arctic render the weather equally mild In anm m?*r. Your rainfall la distributed as well as any one could wish. I firmly believe that aome day li; the early future, thla aectlon Villi be one of tho rlcheat In the1 world. "Beflldes your unuaual climate,| you have a remarkably rich and productive aoll. The number of; crops which can he grown here. successfully .J?..astonishing. You \ do not hava to depend on a few staple?, as so many communities! do. And you are bleaa'd In pro-1 portion ^ * I "There la another factor, too, J without which your other advma Continued on page 4 FLAGSHIP ARRIVES AT NORTH SYDNEY Norti gfdiMjr, No*? HrotU. Oct., ? Th. ntsalnfthtp Bnwrtnln ? kip ol Um?MscMIII?s Arctic i ADDITIONAL MEN ON POLICE FORCE URGED AS NEED Mayor McCabe Painta Di? IrcMing Picture of Unpro tected Womanhood As sailed at Midnight Hour no actionTs TAKEN Motion Offered by Council man Davi? for Employ ment Another Cop Fail? to Receive Second Revival of the Often raised ques tion of whether Elisabeth City ha h adequate police protection, and a general discussion of the aubject, with moat of the Councllnten agreeln* that a larger police force waa needed, though the city couldn't afford to put on additiou at men at thla time, helped mesa urably to enljven the tedium of a Council seSgton last night that threatened (line apd again to drat, wearily. Midway of the dlacuaalon. Councilman pavl* offered a mo tion for the employment of "an additional police," but the motion failed to receive a second, and died almoat before It waa born. The queatlon came op through a statement by Mayor M?Cabe that the Police Commission, of which he la ex officio a member, *had been Investigating mm allegation that a member of the fdrce had gone to Camden Cotfctr nne night recently to assist Deputy Sheriff Seymour in hunting down liquor law violators. ?? The Police Commit? it i> peared, hadn't got far with the In vestigation. It had been unable to determine whether the officer In question had gone to Camden whllrf the waa off duty, or not. In fact, there was cqnolderabie un certainty sa to Just thorough day and night police protection. He urged thst an officer be stationed at police headquarter* at all hour*, and that the city have a dsy sergeant snd a night sergeant, together with s police blotter, on which all complslnts should be record ed. He told of receiving frequent complslnts ^from resident* that they were unable to locate so of ficer. Chief of Police Holme*, who had been sn Interested listener throughout the discussion, here Interpoaed with a statement that, people who msde complaint* ua usllv Iscked sufficient grounds for < the iasuance of a warrant, and | thst. generally speaking, thel* complslnts were not worth s pica yune. Mayor McCabe then urged that the Council co-operate with th-| chief by giving him at leaat two | more men. Councilman Hughe? aaid he felt that the elty had enongh policemen already. Coun-1 oilman Anderson took Issue with! him on thst, declaring Ellxabetri City hsd only half'a? many ss oth er town* of'the same siae. "I never see a policeman in PettRmouth," Councilman Kramer I remarked at thla Juncture. "Don't they have any there)" "Juat try apeeditffe through j there.'' Councilman E. J. Cohoon I suggested. "You'll find one.' The mayor then painted a dl?-| tresalng picture of unprotected womanhood ansstled In- the dsn; hour* of the night, snd unsble to reach * truaty officer. He declared! the crime wave which waa swsep- j Ing other cities eventuslly would ! reach here, and the elty ahould i adopt protective measure In gd vance of It. Chief Holme? agre* I i that ihr time waa eomlng whon mor?- officera would be needed, predicting thst good roads would 1 bring an increasing stream of law - breaker* here. It waa at thle Jwnetore that Conndiman Ifcvl* moved for tho' *mpi"vment of another poilc M.n The motion per la h ed. sad the M illy Frisco, b. m., Hanford i Frlaco, G. W. Bright. Elizabeth I Clt|r.1 . TfMB Ha r roll, b. g., Hal Chafln,. , Frag* Alberthon, EfltabetliCttF^ Nancy N., b. in .. r hi fee, W. W' Simpson, Elisabeth Cltyj Nellie Polettt. s. m.. leoaq witch. L. B. Armstrong. Elisabeth City. I Bady Direct, i. m.. Director M.J W. L. Davis, Weeksvllte, Marie Comery, b. m., aire got glevn. R. R. Keaton. Hertford. | 2:15 pace, purse 9100: Corbln, b. ft., Atlantic Express, L. R. Armstrong. Elisabeth Cltv. Billy Mack. b. g.. Gen. Hark. H. F. Bartlett, bartlett. Oroao, b. in., Ormonde, Gray Coburn, Plymouth Bill Taft, b. g., aire not given.. Perry Davla, Belcroas. Lee Trllba Direct, Walter Di rect, R. J. Random, Suffolk. I Jane Todd. b. m.. Echo Todd.i Frank Bowler, Norfolk. Loveberry. b. g.. Lord of the Manor. Frank Bowler, Norfolk. Choice Peter, a. g.. Dardcman.J Grandy Brothers. Norfolk. Jess Wlllard, ?. g., Sydney I'rlaoe. J. C. Lewis, Norfolk. Princess Hal. b. m., Hal Chafin, J. C. Lewis, Norfolk. (Continued on page 8.) DIRIGIBLE RETURNS I FROM TEST FLIGHT Pelham. Eng.. Oct. i.?The dir-, Iglble R-33 returned to her moor Inga here thla morning withoutj completing her test flight, hsvlng developed engine trouble. The flight van the first since1 the ship's speetseulsr sdventure of last April when she waa torn from hmooring mast In a high gale and blown across lbs North Sea to the Dueh coast. ITALIAN MISSION WILL SAIL SOON Rome. Oct. f.?Count Volpl, fi nance minister, snd Other mem bers of the Itallsn dsbt mission to America, today definitely decided to sail from Naples October 22 sbosrd the steamer Dulllo. D1KH OK IK Jt'MEM , New Bern. Oct. f.?H. W. Ollv ey. superintendent of bridges snd building for the Norfolk and Southern this district, died todav of Injuries received In a atreet railway accident. (tH HT THRr.ATKNH REVOKE MCKNIK POOL OPERATOR* Vance Bailey, minor, was flnsd [ 91 and (pits In recorder's court , Tuesday ssornlng for playing pool J In a public pool roenT^undcr tb* legal age limit ordlaaac*. County Judge Sawyer Intimated stroaglx, that pool room operators found to be fatten lag on the trade of youngsters under the legal ag? limit were llfcely to lose their ll cense to do hnahiees In the elty There was sound ground to be llove. aa the court saw It, tha' Dawson's pool room, whore younx Bailey was arrested, was permit f ttng these youngsters to play with eat registering sad giving their J. K Burgees was MuiOd With the cosfs for vlaistloa of a c*r parkfrg ordinance. i UKuUHNiH ' Mirt I matters \zir" \ ta MUK . _ _ . a miM of de ti.ll. was sifted through, and much routine work wan attended to. V The Council roted down a pro I poaal to purchaae the hoapltal ambulance for $4 5?. The rote I waa divided evenly, and Mayor McCabe broke the tie. I A request from Elisha and ; Wiley Copperamlth and othera. purchasers of the Pasquotank j Warehouse AssociatIon's property I on South Road atreet. adjacent to j A he Suffolk ?l Carolina Railroad I crossing. for permlaalon lo erect n platform over the canal at (hat point, praa referred to the City Manager. j An amendment to the ordl-1 , nance regulating cemeteries here.' ^?making U unlawful to bury "any deceased peraon" In the. city ex-1 cepl 1?, a recognised. enclosed] W' burin! of tlrfnR persona,. and by passln* thla amendment. the Council felt that It waa taking care of t he, alt nation from the last remaining angle. An ordinance waa passed re-J quiring that aewer, water or gas |>fpea to be laid In' the courae of atreet Improvementa under way or projected be Inspected bv a qua I- : Ifled officer, and that the Inatal altlon be according to regulation* laid down by the Utllltlea Com-] mlaalon. \ The condemnation Jury on the extenalon of Matthewa atreet to Cherry atreet, recommended awarda of $560 to W. N. Prlce? $100 to Captain M P. Hlte. and $200 to the Flrat Raptlat Church, with condltlona aa aet'forth in the report on the matter. The re commendatlona were adopted' Stepa were taken toward the! eatabllament of gn eight foot aide walk along the paved atreet cir cling HollyWood Cemetery, and connecting South Road street with the Weekaville Boulevard. A motion, was passed -directing the cemetefy committee to lnvea-' tlgate a proposal by M. H. Sam ple that the city aerve aa truatce for the new cemetery which he la eatabllahlng on Peartree Road. Mr Sample offered to set aalde a sub stantial share of the proceeds from the sale of cemetery lota, the money to constitute a trust fund: for the upkeep of the cemetery. W. T, Culpepper offered an es timate on the coat of psvlng Ron-. noke avenue from the terminus of Body Road to South Rond street.1 In concrete nine feet wide. He set the figure at $6.483.70. ex plaining that the Job might cost more If additional dirt waa need ed for fII 1m. The city manager reported that | ?he propoaed widening of North ' Water street, from Main atroet to! Polndexter Creek bridge, would eoat about $400 If clndera Were used aa temporary hardaurfaclng ? for the eight feet of additional atreet width contemplated. He' waa Inatructed to move the curb ing and lay the clndera. If the property owners concerned would ( agree to pay one-hqlf the coat. MARTIAL I.AW IN FORCE IN GREECE I,ondon. Oct. <1 --Special dis patches from Athens say that the i Greek government ban pro claimed martial law. The Dally Telegraph quotes Premier Pangalos aa aaylng that the purpose is to establish s cen sorship so as to prevent political ealders from using the newspapers! to disturb ptfhlllc opinion. Paris. Oct. ?.?A dlapalch -from 1 Athens ^respondent of Informa tion says the Pangalos govern-j ent hss proclaimed s state of ? throughout Greece. n2h.* Om Oct. 1 President' Coolldge'f arrival here to attend i ho nib National Convention of the American Laglon beaded (he lint of today's activities fallowing an addresa the Pree Men) waa to lead the annual pa rad? ovar a mile of Ita rente and then retire to the receiving itand while .three mi lee of former d?< tahofe. sailors arid marines , ?cbi Procession Moves lusinesfc^Hj Opening While thousands on th? sidewalks cheered lustily, grand parade marking Um official opening of the bemarle District Fair moved In orderi. . the business district this morning, reaching iu the Southern Hotel shortly before noon. * l*mAtna t ho WEST HOLLYWOOD 19 NAME CHOSEN Old Father Tin? had a hand In the dlapoaal of prlaea awarded by Milton B. Sample in a con t flat ihla ??k (or Um naming at hi. new cemetery M Peartree Road. Thar? war* Ira coateataota whi offered the nuw Anally decided upon?Waal Hollywood Cemetery Aa atlpulated la (ha contact ran ulatlona. lima waa tha decldln? factor lo tha eaac Mlaa Mafguer Ita Slmpeoa, Box ? ?. Hartford, won tha (I rat prlia of lit In cold. Har contain Blip waa datad at t o'clock en the. afteraooa of Octo ber 1. ~ Tha aacond prlaa, fl.lt la (Old. warn to T. W. w^liem?. of th}a o'clock on tha afternoon, or Juat .an hour later than Mlaa Simpooa'i. Tha other three iWanaafut eoa teatanu who will redgive ?J SC each ar?: C. I. Halalaad. pro prietor of t be Standard Pharmacy. Of Ihla city; Mr., d. A. Balama. , 10 Weal Burita.? atreet, and Ro ; land Oarratt. of tha Garrett Hard ware Company. Mr. Sample waa able only to oh I tain enough ?old money tor the Ural and aecond prliea. Tha other : winning conleataata will be paid ! In curreacy and allvcr The prlia ? money haa been dapoalted at tha i office? of The Dally Advance, aad ! will be paid over to the winner? upon application. la three and one-balf day*, Mr. Hampie aaya, h. ?old more than 100 Iota in Wwt Hollywood Cem etery, He declaraa huadreda of I paopla hare hare aaaured him ther I regard tha alte aa Ideal for tho parpoae, and eiplalna that a aub gfgatlal ahaye of the proceeda frora tha aale of lota will be placed In; a permanent fund for (ha care ot I the property. Weat Holly wool Cemetery la high land, bounded j on two ?Idea by paved road? anil conveniently adjacent (o Holly wood Cemetery. The eemeterv committee ot the Clly Council ?? coaalderlng a propoaal from Mr.; Sample that the eltl aorva aa I truatee for Ibe property. i STEAMEK HERMOSA IN GREAT DISTRESS fleattle. Oct. I.?Radio reports are that the steamship Hermo*? la sending oat rtlstmes signals. The location la given aa 144 de areee from Fort Stevens. The na ture of the trouble la not an nounced. The cutler Bear la go- j Ing to the reecue. TH.4IX M I KLKH WHII.R KRKItiHT COVfMR? UP Two flat cara along the track of j the Norfolk flouthsrn railroad be-I t ween the paeeenger station a\4 the Kllsebeth Cltjr cotton mill cell < i the story of a sntssb Monday night that occurred when the freight ! that followa train three wae coup* ling up for departure. In picking up his train, the en gineer Is believed to hare role-1 Judged his distance and to have! ! hit the stationary cars too hard, j j As sny rste. the flat csrs w#r* I caught between heavily loaded bos j I cars and In the crash the train buckled, the box cars piling up on 1 the flats. The flaj cars were torn from their tracks and one end of one! of ihem was smashed. This waa the only visible sign of the wreck I Tuesday morning. WIRES LEMON TO BE READY TO HEW Washington. Oct. 4?ftepreaen tatlve frank Held of Illinois, who. will act as eounnH for Colonel Mitchell If courtmurtln] Is ordered by the War Deperiment. wired the Am?rl<*n Ijeglon convention in Omaha tAday to ' select some of; j your beet lawyers to aaalst In cafe' of trial." -, ?,? ? ?quad of rrnr* back, riding a fMhion m the U nature of their permit Next cam* I Band, CO itrong, in . ?at white uniforma in gold, and enlivening t caaion with approp The band waa cap?__ Lealie Waldorf, director. Tkan nkt Mayor MeCak Manager Kerr be?, Pri Howard Smith, of the ri elation, and other fair and directors In auton three trucks which < major equipment of m*mm Qlty Fire Department were nei line. The trucks had be?? lahed to ?e ultilmaM^ a gar spectacle. _ Than there was the e? WeehatlUe High School on ? float?great, brown heme, variety of vegetables and farm products arranged In ful fsshlon. This float atti more thsn usual attention part of the throngs of spe? In turn csme a fleet of of the Texas Company, the ' Purity Ice 4b Fuel Co.. an ? of the Hlllott wardrobe, an mobile full of fair maids a< lining the plsy. "floeetlrae." new Chrysler car, two troal the Albemarle laundry, aa representation of the fsted I hie ZR-I, by C. A Cooke. ' of tha new model Ford ad lowed, succeeded In turn number of new St ude bake of which carried Flat's Oi In a compartment on the 1 Then there wss tha Spali lowell Compsny's exhibit 01 proved fsrm machinery, ai number of school buses oar delegations of youngsters Wceksvllle, Newland and I high schools, on hand to ta the opening dsy of the Ore? bemsrle District Fair. In sddttlon to the Hoys' snd Flat's Orchestra, music fc parade was furnished by a from the Tip Top 8hows. attraction at the rair. TH :K BTs'roRlioNC OW SALE WEDP Season' tickets to the ly course sre on sale at the tk Jewelry 8tore and reserved may be secured there Wedfl? end Thursday for Thursday's cert, the first of tha season. The first concert. It la | Ised, will be veil wortb th* ] of the season tlchet. The Tooley Opera preeenta opers la Kagl_ gorgeous costumes and a|i ste seenery. The concert Thuraday will be held In the high m auditorium snd the curtain I rise at S o'clock. Those on hand early Bright Jewelry Store We morning will get the chofc This exceptionally high i trsctlon coming In the Oi Kslr Week Is eiportod to full houne. ? AR.WINK AI'THOnUCRD KMKOntK LAW AT I , ?? ? rn.nl.tlon _ Hoard of Konnty Cnan.? In rtnlir aaatton Monday, Charlaa Carmln. wai dir. aatknrlaad i? ?ur in , d??utl?a aa ha rait ha m It to aaa that law and nrdar w ohaarrad at tha Albanian. ] r?l' thla yaar oorros harkwt rut nr.. cloalac hid net Ilii, Jan II Z t 11.??. Mar >1.71. Ji Maw Tork. Oct. < , tqraa opaaad Ia4ay .1 m? larala: (V m bar aaakar It.?t. j.nna ?Uwk 13 tl May !J 73