KI.K. PublUlMr* lUIIIT Pilil. M ti ar s lALfN POOU AnmUIi t?>lar. of Tb? AiMxUtMl l'n* !? ta*? MMT ?M alta U ?? li taarila. 1'Ure? ?t tka m* CHj, H. C.. a? nmN ?Um ailt?. fUu? Bj Carrier. ? c? ?t i .It c??u (ta itfnM) *3 C??ti M (ta a?*a*aa) |l.l Bj Mali. MONDAY. OCT. 5. 1923. i?BErMAKflN You'd never know mi?h> folk?. P" ? ?Mr*!Jon |f ihrv i Iktn' come buck. TIT MnxnfrfHW 1 Ik A*, only imislml Uuo lc?riMNl (o pln> it than it ?MM while you're prarllein' on It.? Again the Fair hiw with u? hkhIii Unlay. MAm and gentlemen, the Albe marle District Fair. And The Ad vance Is Klad, uh usual, t? take Ume and space-to say a word in behalf of this time honored intdi tut Ion. Vjji i? too early as yet to iwks judgment on this year's Albemarle ftkjtrlct Fair. Those who have had charge of the preparations for it have worked hard. The Advanr?? believes they have earnestly and conscientiously endeavored to aaake this fear's fair thr best they possibly could, though their idea'? Of what ts best may not coincide with ours. They have worked for the most part without reward and i Without hope of reward, actuated by an unselflsh deslr?"" to *ee theii "I , home town fair excel any expod ' tlop of Its sort In Eastern North jGarollna. Tholrs has been an ar jduoua and for the most part n ^thankless task. Probably tlio on!y ? comment they will hear as to th ? 1 result of tholr efforts will be In jway of adverse crltlcbim. J The Advance is therefore not 'BloVed to utter anything In way ol ?adverse criticism at this time. VV* ?are confident, whatever there may be at the fair this year which we could wish were conspicuous by it* abscnce. that any one who at tends the fair with a real deal** 'to set good from It will find It The Albemarle Fair Is really a .great occasion. It Is the one event U&t we know of staged by any !town In Northeastern North Cart" Iftta which Is representative of sr large an area and so great a popu Ten counties have been In vited to send exhibits to It, and !more than 100.000 people will n? jroffr*sented In the crowds that at Hand It. The Advance feels no Iwsita-i tlon. then. In extending Its read era, without any reservation*, a ! hearty Invitation to nttend the A! I beolarle District Fair and help j make li a meeting place for peo- ' pie from all the counties that Huh ' ttr about the Albemarle Hound or >*? touched by Its estuaries. If jthi aee there something that you Can not endorse, then by all mean?! ;eoedem n It, refuse to patronise It and help to eliminate It. Hi ? what la worthy of praise, let that have your encouragement and er ioy your patronage. And may you enjoy this year's fair to th* limit and do your bit to make ne\! year's bigger and better. PROUP Creop la frequently ICK? I'ltasc ll<- I'atirnl ? A> heretofore Tlic Advanr? mill give kis lead? rs? ? ach afternoon, b< ginning W? du?-day. a d taller report of lit?* worlil wries um.-a bt-lwi'ii Waniline{ ami Pitts burgh. Wi hope t?? have Tli?- ,\?' vance at your door before dark each day. Certainly tlx- pap? r Will h?' ISSU'd ilK SOOtl UK |MIKKil?lv ; after the report of the final Mtiri 1? rerclvrd. World Herli*? unities are no Ionu -er play, d hv daylight ravine tint' . and waiting for these score? will I put Tin* Advance dally about two i hours? lat? r than us. who ar>* I not Interested in can pot j up for a week with the later de livery of the paper which must lie la necessary result of t lie later prep* hour. Tin* overwhelming I majority of our reader.? d< inand ' this extra service. Ordinarily, complaint* of full i lire lo receive the paper should *;e made not later than ii o'clock, j While win hi series unties are on, [however, complaint* should not be^ln until G:uO and will hv re ceived up to y o'clock. i a i ;i< vrtu M* m: \nv Hill \MIKM.\Kl.i: KAIIl (Continued from rape 1.) lances and observe how lOlizabetn . City and the AllieniVrle need on I have kept step In the march of proRri'M. Thursday will lu- Kllzaheth City Day. The merchant* of the citvj have been re?|ii?>M|*>d to close their | Htorea-, and the fair management' has been given assurance of heart" co-operation along that line. Tie city as a whole will turn out for the day's events. The store clos ing Is set for 11 o'clock, in order ? lo allow time lor the crowd to! reach the Pair Grounds by noon., when the big exposition will be in full swing. net h hi of l.lveMock Friday will be Farmers' Day. The feature event of the day will be an auction sale of pedigreed livestock at 3:30 o'clock iu the af ternoon. affording visitors an op portunity to obtain valuable ani mals at what will probably prove bargain prices. Every day tholr will he special free attractions for the visiting thousand*. A big program of free acta In front of the grandstand is promised twice dally, with a spectacular display of firework*, i In many beautifully Intricate ??>? ? -1 terns, lasting 45 minutes each SHE is worthy of the BEST! If you love HER?she fa worthy of the best?and that's a Bulova Watch. We have a wonderful se lection of these famous timekeepers, ranging in price from $25 to $1500. 14 fct. anlld while snld . _ _ Risa's^s^r: $37-50 14 kt wild wHke |nM $4o.oo Mmry other Birr ova, ttylimnJtkafvi from $21 to$2100 Louis Selij; Yowr Jfuflrr Sliu-f INfU MaIii A Water Hi*. 6 6 6 In a (?rrncrlptlon for MaUrl?, (hill* mid Fever, or Itlllnuft Pwff. It kill? Uio gcrtna. night. Each colored drivers only, and ar rangement? ar? under way for two football Kamen, along with other special feature*. An unusually large amount of parking space for automobiles has in ?'it provided at the Fair i Cronndt this year, in anticipation o( a larue.r crowd of motorist vial tor# than ever before. All roads' will lead to Klizahcth City this we? k. and every facility that care ful foresight can conjure up will Im? furnished for the convenience of the city'* cu^tn. The Fair Cround* are situated ?on lb?' Weeksvllle paved boule- ? ?vaid. alniiit a mile from the cit> limits, and reached by proceeding .directly out Smith Koad street.', following the paved street whic'.:1 circles Hollywood Cemetery, and theiic* over a straightaway rouri" to the entrance gat?*. > SAYS Itol.l, WKKVII. HAH Itl l\HI? TYltltr.l.l. COTTON* ; N. T. Avdlett who has just re-i turned from a trip through Tvr-j rell County says that the ImiII weevil has ruined the cotton crop of the tSiim Neck section. The t farmers who hud good growth and apparently a splenilid cotton' I crop will not get enough cotton | to pay their seed bill much leas j fertilizer and other cxpcuscB. Fori their year's work they will have j to rely on their corn, soy bean I and hogs. < Alt IS STOl.KN Moyock. Oct. l? - The Hudson carl belonging to It. K. West was' (stolen from his garage Saturday' 'niuht. Officers were notified and ! are searching for the car. but as; yet have found no trace of It. t . , j I MIGHT CLOTIIES AT THE ItlGHT PRICK!! We've (jot the biKifcst line! of fe'lothiiiK that we've ever] carried. Men's and Youmj Men's Suits of the latest col ors, designs and styles. Boys'j Suits, with two pairs of pants, one Coif, and the other Long. | Or one Knicker and the other! Coif. C. A. COOKE (Ilead-to-l'oot Outfitters.) Itl'YKR* HI GK TRACT Continued from page 1 tages might not be worth so much to you. That is your nearness tc the Nation'? marketing centers, j You can load produce on motor trucks and deliver It In Elizabeth City or Norfolk In an hour or two. Thence it ran be shipped by fast train to the big cities of the North and Middle We*t in short order. If ?peed In delivery la'es sential. If It Is not. yorr have the advantage of boat transportation at fur lower freight rates than you could get from an inland point." Want Fiprriinent Karra Mr. Jlartlett states that his company is Interested in establish ing an experiment station some where on Its property, preferably on a site that combines both swamp and high lands?two di vergent types of soil. "Wc are ready to furnish the land and I money," he aays, "If your Stat? will supply experts to tell us what to do. This should be of deflnit ? [ vslue to your entire section." j The Amish sect which Is to col onise st lesst a psrt of the Tide water Realty Corporations hold-, 'log* is the parent aect of the M?*n nonttes. many of whom have set tled in the vicinity of Norfolk. They sre hardworking, frugal folk, who contribute materially t> the prosperity of any section In which they sottle. They ur? lawJ abiding and ntrlct observers of th ? tenets of their rellKiou* faith, which prohibit Kaudy displays and extravagance. The Amlsh make a specialty of peppermint culture, virtually con trolling production of the valu able oil In the l'nll<*d Slates. It is anticipated that many acres ? f the combined tract* in Currituck and Camden counties will b. planted In peppermint and Iti i Make Yourself At Home ?at ? MELICK'S ?1>/MYG THE ALBEMARLE DISTRICT FAIR. OUR DOOKS OPEN WITH A SMILE. AL WAYS READY TO SERVE YOU IN ANY WAY. GIVE US AN OPPORTUNITY TO PROVE WHAT WE SAY. WELCOME 4 Flowers For Every Occasion! Ryan Floral Co., Inc. I'llONE ?12 -j. 8 SOUTH ROAD ST, MOM'N POP What Does the Bonn Think BY TAYLOP STOP A MOMENT JAMES - THAT LOOKS LIKE ONe OP MY EMPLOYEES ?WHO HAS BEEN AWAY T*20M"WE OTFICE. FOR SEVERAL WEEKS ON ACCOUNT OT filCKNCSS- I VlAMT T&SEE HOW HE IS ' -? First it was The injury 7? my head Then our noose caught nee ANO I W*3 OVERCOME BY SMOKS AND HAD TO ee TAKeN TO the i HOSPITAL - No ONC KT/VOWS ?,(. A, WHAT IVC BEEN 'TOROOfiH ' IT SEEMS THAT ALL TUC HARD LUCK 16 COM IMG AT ONCE - ?o?1 rvl HM-W fr HAROLD LLOYD "GIRL SHY" ALKRAMA TODAY companion piotluct, "(H-armtnt.' However, they do not con fin ? thonuHflves to mint production, and probably will prow a variety of truck and other crop* on Jhetr holding iu the neighbor r?untlce. Shingles Jiini|H-r Shiiifjlo in iill Crado am] Width*. They cover more nfia?-? fur ill?- Minn- co*t. Also lluck Itrand Perfection Ked Odur Shiitpffs. l ili-) can"! In* beat. Wo carry a full stock at all times. This Only Shingle Mill In This Section LUMBER Rough Lumber, Fencing, Fence Posts, Juniper Boa I Boards, and All Kinds of Dressed Lumber, including Flooring, Ceiling, Siding, Mouldings, Etc. WINDOW, DOORS, and FRAMES .? Chesson Manufacturing Co., Incorporated , I'lionc 615. I*. O. Box 428. N. Koad St. Kli/.ahi-lh City, North Carolina LET US HANDLE YOUR PEAS and BEANS THIS SEASON Wr have luni loading refrigerator car? for hrann nnd pens Ilii> week, mill from now mi run proiniitr prompt service on all con signments. Our connections number ihc best known Iiiiiiho for prompt ness mill fair dealing, iiikI your shipments will he distributed among lilt-.?- dealers in llir various cities wherever demand and priccs arc licst. Buy Your Pea Baskets From Us t* ? We ran furnish any quantity of the most popular make? at very low priccs. Our pasl reeord for getting highcxt market price* is guar iiiitee of our xcrvicc. (id in touch with us, If you wunt the moxl 1 / for your crop. ' ' Brock & Scott Produce Co. PHONE 181 Office and Warehouse Burgess St. EIJZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA