CIRCU LATION THCKBDAY 2.5?0 C?pk*3 ???- ? . j THK WKATHhK Kan mid coolor trniluht and Sal urdrty. Fronti northwont winds. VOL. XV. FINAL EDITION ELIZABETH CITY. NORTH CAROLINA. y I HAY KVKM.ST.. (WTOIiKli !'. 1025. SIX I'AGES. NO. 250. Toe Nail Insanity Plea Of W. B. Cole, Lawyer Tells Jury Trying Case Coolry So Charurlrri/.m Kv idrncc of Ingrowing Tnc nail Introduced by Coun sel for D?*fen?c LOCKHAKT KIKES HACK Tell* Jury Andrew Jackiuiu Killed Two Men Whu Slandered Hi? Wife willi Implication wus JiiHtified Itorkliuchnm, Oct. 0.? The hktor) of the bible m t? I the tak of Aimrlriin bra \cr> in war to rt*}- ww taken before the Jill) hi hIiimp humlii mmhi will reM the nwc of W. IK. (V?lf, \ttor M) I/Ockhj*rt for the defence told the Jwry that Andrew Jack son a native of Xorth t'arolhia, I killed two men who slandered hI? wife nnd declare?! that Col" I could not be condemned for I protection h In daughter'* name. Richmond County Courthouse, ' Oct. 9.?W. B. Cole pleaded "too I nail Insanity" In his defense for j killing W. W. Ormond. Harold | Cooley chanted today, character!*-; Ing the wealthy manufacturer'* j plea an "a fraud against public Justice." The Nashville lawyer, who was the first to addrens the Jury for i the State, was referring to the evi dence that Cole suffered from "??? I ingrowing toenail" on the day he killed the former sweetheart of hf daughter, Elisabeth. James A. Lock hart of Charlot'e followed Cooley for the defense. Larry Moore of Newborn. A. L Brooks of Greensboro and Solicitor Phillips were still to he heard he* fore court delivered Its charge to the Jury. W. B. Cole, wealthy manufac turer of Rockingham shot nnd killed W. \y. Ormond on the street of Rockingham. Saturday after noon August 16. The young man j was standing near or sitting lit*] side his automohilo when Cole np-' proached and fired the shots' which resulted fn death. Immediately after the killing Cole returned to his office and J subsequently to his home where he was arrested In a few hours and lodged In Richmond county; Jail. The defendant remained In j Jail without privilege of bond un til his trial opened at Rocking-j ham on September 28. With the killing there appeared! a confusing mass of statements j relative to Cole's relations with! Ormond prior to the killing. Out | of them it was possible to ascer-t tain that Ormond. formerly eler-! trklan of State College, had paid ; considerable attention to Miss, Silita bet h Cole, daughter of the efendant, ^or a number of yearn. Ormond apparently wan received Into the Cole home for a lengthy j period but recently had been de-1 nled this privilege. A number of letters were said ' to have panned between Colo nnd , Ormond following the request of, the former that the latter cease, his attentions to Mins Cole. Prior to the trial the contents of these ^ letters were not revealed though there were vague reports as to what they contained. On the day of the killing Or mond had left his home near Ra leigh for s trip to one of Carolina's beaches and decided to pans thru Rockingham. Before leaving Ra- f lelgh his parents urged him not to . not go to Rockingham. It wan generally believed he wished to communicate with Ml*n Cole but It was not known whether he ar compllnhed his pnrpose before the shooting which ronultod in hln; death. It was later In the day that lie was killed. Flrnt report? were that he waa unarmed st the time! and lster It was ststed there w?n ' a pistol In the pocket of the au- J tomobile on the side opposite to! which he had been standing. Ormond's funeral, held In Rock-1 Ingham, was ssld to have been at tended by the greatest throng which had ever gathered In that little city for a similar service1 This young man was a veteran of the World War and had been gassed In art Ion and for a num ber of years suffered s? a re*nil Governor Mrl^ean was request ed to call a special term of court for the trial on September 21 but It later wan decided to hold the term on September 2R. The Governor requeated former Chief Jnntlre W A. Iloke of the Ko-i preme Court to preside over the court hut the sged Jurist replied that he would be unable sn he ex pected to enter a hospital for treatment sometime before the trla*. Karly in September he un derwent a slight operation and died from heart trouble on Sep temher 13. Governor McLean then appointed Judge T. B Fin ley of Wllkeshoro to preside st the trial after announcing that he would not appoint any Judge which either nlde urged | Attorneys for Cole for a num I her of daya refused to state what his defense would he and np to f the time of the trial no definite! Continued on pec? 4 1 Corn Husk King Here 1? W E. main, of Wlchltn. ,. clulrhinu m balloon f>lK lightly under h?*r arm. and auIIImk for Mil *h"? who worth, proclaimed to the world that ?he whs lout nt the Fair (?round* yenterday ?ftornoon. Sympathetic folk In the main exhibition hall wont to her r?a run. and finally restored her to r frantle mother. She waa a roly poly tot with hI? hrown eyea. When her plight wnn flrat learned, kindly one? qiient loned her. Rh" would nnawer a query or two. Rianca affectionately nt her balloon pllt. and then burnt afrenh Into team. Two ladlea at the around* took her In char*e while othera want on a search for her mother, whlrh finally waa atcceaafu). NEWSPAPER WAR ON IN HERTFORD RIVALRY IS KEEN Col. Floyd J. Triplet! Turn* I.oos?* Broadside at New Publication in I'crqui man* County Scat FRAUD IS ALLEGED Incident of "Misplaced'" Fair Advertisement 1? Aired by Editor in Very! Peppery Fashion. A war of rival newspapers In! on In the neighbor (own of Her!-* ford, with the appearance In the Isst two weeks of the Hertford j New?, edited by Aubrey Shacked. | Ron of R. G. Shackell. editor of J the Rdenton New?. The new pa-i per Is decidedly attractive in con- t tent and makeup, and newspaper- i men in thin part of the 8tate are , watching H with keenest Interest, j Not leaat lntereated among oh-1 server* of the new paper's pro gress la Col. Kloyd J. Triplet?. ad Itor of the Hertford Herald, which In now midway of Its seventh vear of existence in Hertford. Colonel Trlplett's Interest Is reflected In the following article In this week's edition ot the Herald, un dor the caption. "Making New Bid for Kasv Money:** "What purports to be a new newspaper for Hertford entitled the Hertford Newa" was circulated over portions of Perquimans coun , ty last week. It claimed to be published In Hertford by the News Publishing Company, with an office over the Hertford Bank ing Co. The paper carried advor l tlsements of a few business con cerns in Hertford, several from I Edenton and that of the Albemarle Fair at Klizaheth City, and the | statement that It 'had dubbed It : self the Official Organ Hertford I Chamber of Commeroe.' "The circulation about town and the nearby section of the county Thursday morning created a good I deal of rrtfifimten Wwr rptfrs-' j lions were asked the Herald man about the change In Ita day of pub lication. Its appearance and mat i ters about which nothing could bo learned from reading the paper ! Itself. The editor ot the Horald I had hoard for two weeks or ?o. f first from underground aources that ar*? familiar to the newspaper and printing craft, and later from a fow people In Hertford who : soemed to have retained recollec ; tlon about the matter, that the Kdenton Newa waa to lasuo a week ? ly newspaper for Hertford and was being 'backed by tho cham ber of commerce.' "The Herald man. nor any one I connortod with this newspaper, j has not been approached In any way by any one interested In the venture, and the flrat real Intima tion coming to this offlco that thara was any serious Intention of launching such an enterprise we? when Secretary O. W. Fslls of th.? Elizabeth City Fair told tho editor of tho Horald of having s*?nt an advertisement for tho fair to th? Horald. When told such an ad vertisement had not been received, he insisted that he had been ap proached by a young man named Shackell who ropresontod himself as soliciting advertising for tho Hertford paper. Shackell gave him an address to send the copy to, snd assured him It would be In serted In the Hertford paper. When Mr. Falls learned th?* frati 1 ? he supplied copy for the Herald and left to call up the Kdonton News and countermand the order. Th? advertisement appeared In the paper from Kdenton Thursday morning, however. "A oumbor of other similar cases doveloped at Kllxab*th City in which the solicitor for "the Hert ford paper" was not succossfu'. But In the caae of the young men 1 who opened the Hertford Cafo la:?t week, ho succeeded In landing a one dollar space on the represen tation that ho was reprosr-ntlna the Hertford newspaper. The man sger of the cafe fonnd his error later Monday, and succeeded Ph placing an sdvertisement In the j only Hertford newspaper, the Hertford Herald. "This newspaper has not fight against any legitimate newspaper which may rome to Hertford. The editor recognises his shortcomings, and his Inability to cover the Held as he wishes It could be covered. If another with experience and ability and honeaty will come In and do the honest, hard work that will have to be done, carry on the light for progreaa and prosperity In the county, and establish his newspaper, no one will congratu late him more sincerely in the end. nor sympathize and encourage him more while he Is going throuKl) his tribulations, than thl?> same 'dltor of the Hertford Her aid, sh" probably knows more about it Ihan any one else in the world "In the mean time, this news paper wishes to recall to tho mind of its ?eaders tho number of times people of this town and eotnmun Ity ha\- been taken In and neatly duped person? who promlaed much *nd represented much, and were very affable Mlows until they g"t Hi? easy money and were fone, % i Throws First Ball Governor. Clifford 1'uiciiot ??f l'?*iin?vlvanUt lout <1 fir i*? I touch to the ll rt*' juiih *hn. irrontinx I? ? i !mu--Iioik>i-?1 ru' toni. In- threw nut llie fitiil hull. II? in mIiowu Ii? i I iimviii. lie hall from IiIk box. whno ho uatch- i in t ii cra Company ?ih wi-ll reretlvuri, ?by t-be mihor small whlrli whh left lift or i In- Fair h?'l taken It? loll for the firework* and carnival. The Woman's Club. which spon sored t ho Lyceum Course for the season. Ik In a hole financially, but hopes thai the next two at tractions will roach the ?||y al a moro favorable time and that puhlic Miipport will nue the club through the venture. The next attraction In Ihe Clove land Symphony's Quartet with vocal selections. violin, flute, col lo. and harp. The last of the three Is |h<* House Sisters In the All Sistem Quartet with ? program of music, son* and sk- ?lies. The dates will be announced Boon so that Klllz-ahcth City pt-oplc may plan to attend. PIUHT WITII Alltl'LWH Itaton Rouge. La.. Oct. fi Th airplane has been used to "dust" the boll weevil in eolton fleld with calcium arsenate und n-?w I!?? experiment Is h?Ing Irleil r? "dusting" sugar cane to coiitr >1 the borer. Tiiousands of ilollat will be saved planters If th?- expe riment is successfiiI. MrVt MM! I.MIIO\ I OMM WIH-.C Omaha. Oct. f?. John It. Mc Qulgg of Cleveland. Ohio was elected National Commander of tho American legion on the firs: ballot at the legionnaires final * :?! tli?* Allwinnrtc IHilrh-l I'itlr Kl i/.ilni li l ily, Milton Hull Mi'rtfirtl Wh- nirNrtlitl nine flint |?rt'inliiiiis on ti?>Ks :i I cliii ki-iix ami lit?* mm-oihI pre mium?. All Nrrotlll |?lViMillli|H, i'vn |*i on?-. rolloivif M. .\lllOllllt of <-n*lt nwarili'l. On?* ftltv?ar lii\hiK ?*ll|? mix |(ivi'ii li i m for cxIilliH Inji llif Im'?| mal?* ln>K i'?'U.ii*illr*?s |{ I ti lling Sunday. Mn?lr will he un der Hi" direction of l.nrrv Kn it In Skinner. choir (llriiilur of llliii-kwell Memorial Churrh. Spe rlnl mimic will In' rendered ouch evening. si'KKim i t* icoivmon sinr Mii< hi holm, del. !l. An im provement mi Ftetlner'H famou* rotation nlilp hurt been eoiiat rudert by the engineer. Frank Strii/lna. Ill:? vetwo'l i? e?jnI|?|h-?| with l wo atiiiiouury totrrx. By mean? of liirgn air funnels that can lie re KUlaied lo point In any desired direr-lion, the vrsnel In etialiled to utilize th<> wlml eomlfiK from any point of the runipuMN. wherehy It ft Hpeeri i* mHlerlally enhanced. At the trial trip it atlMlu?* Dralli Siiirr l<< 'ticue III IIAftltY r. KI.I.KK (Copyright. H2J, by Th. Los Angeles. Oct. 9.?Playing I In* roll? of n hero in real IKo in not u bod of roses, according to Otis K. Slantr. chief radio opera tor of the seaplane PN-J-1, who. Willi other member* of the crow Of I ho Hawaii flight flag plane, havo boon almost "feted to death," alnce lheir reacuc off the coast of Kami I. Slant* and It I'opa^chU/ nvla ? ll?n pilot, don't believe a contln j tintI6n of being lioulzod will bo j conducive In'oithcr happiness or longevity ami as a con*cr|umife j I hey have asked for and received .'!?i-dav furlough*. They ?re now cnroaio homeward, where tliey ran enjoy bomc cooked monlH and a welcome lo the arms of their fam ilies and home town folk. Slant* goes to Torre Haute, and Pope 1 to Montphla. Luncheon*, banquet*. parilo?, entertainments, tens, lawn felon, more luncheons and Introduction* to the city'* "best people" havo been lb?? order of nearly every day ( 141 lice llioy returned lo California. No sooner was San Francisco through with Its programs of wel come than t bo men wefe hurried to Los Angelca and four days of festivities. Then It was San IHego's turn. Now the three men sent this way are worn out: they admit it Hut the barracks, then fur I'omh. came at last. Slant* and Pope were allowed to escape for a month. They were given special permission to discard their regu lation uniforms and travel In clv ? les. So in this disguise Slant* came to Los Angeles and boarded a trans continental train, while Pope went Kast from San Diego. In St I >o u i s and then proceed lo The two men agreed to meet again their rcHpecllve homes. "We all appreciate how the American people feel about its." said llie radio operator after be recovered from the surprise of be Ing recognised at the railway sta tion here, "but when speaker aft er speaker tolls you over and over again how brave and great you are. It become* wearing, for days after our return and In Hawaii, {too. we didn't eat a thing that didn't come from banquet or luncheon table. I began putting on weight and wasn't able to sleep at night. "It was all so unmual and com ing after our loiffc fa*t. too. well It was loo much. I am going back home to spend the next 31) day* In bliss and happiness with wlfle and the kiddles. Ves. you bel. that's me." IIOY HUE ikS 4KM IT F MR i.KOt YDS Whll?' w ilk in? the f'-nr#? nround 'ho rara track, In emit !??? Ir.ii ?otna of iho acrohala h?? liii'l '"ii nt lb* f?lr. < nI II narcaaary lo taka two x i.iv photograph* lo determine i? ' *ianl of the Injuria* It ia I- ' vad that lha hoy will not ? I*t permanent Injury from t> M'-rldant Crowds Thronging Fair Grounds As Big Event Slowly Gains Momentum Defies Dentists Although John McOee of Superior. Wla., will be 100 next Jun?. then Ian *t a (iIm tooth in hla mouth. He has smoked since ho waa & boy and attribute* hla loogevlty to tho fact that ha never bothered about "bal anced dleta." Lansdowne Widow Tells Her Story Produce ? Ground for Her Claim Husband Opposed Shenandoah Flight Waahlngton. Ort. 0.-?Mrs. Mar gaiet K us.s l.Hiivduwno, widow of Commander Zachary Lanadowne, captain of the Shenandoah, reit erated today Itpforc the naval court of Inquiry that the Navy De partment had ordered the air ahl|i on the Woatcrn flight fc?r political jdirpoae* ovit the proteat of her 1 huahund. To Hiipporl her atate ment alio read from official co'rea , pondencc introduced Into the rec ord, allowing thai i?anadown????! Funding CommlMlo?i which wan due to gall from Cher bourg for the |'nlt<-d Statea to morrow haa cancelled Ita paaaagc. MORE EARTH TRgMORfl FELT IN NEW RNGUND Manchester. N. H . Oct. A. ? Slight earth tremoia were felt throughout the Morrtmack lllver valley In New Hampshire about 9 o'clock today. Franklin. N. H.. Oct. !?. A ahock Ilk" a quake wan felt here at fl o'clock today, accompanied by <* aound lik?- mi exploalon. koii um >: roi,. Ill 1,1,V ItKtTMKM TO T.II.K Washington. Oct. ft Acting upon advice of counael. Colonel William Mitchell refnaed twice, Thursday to become g wltneaa be fore the navMl court Inquiring Into the wieck of the Shenandoah, which deal red to queatlon him eot. cernlng charge* he haa made aaxinai the Navjr Department In connection with that dlaaater. nitO%|M KI MKT HI'KWM M??\lco City. ort. ?? Wh'-n Prealdent Callea ;?. with apoclal attractiona for ; colored vialtora. For inatance* .tho racea that day will be limited to horaea driven by colored Jock I ey?. Not on the Program Kaeh night thouaanda are thronging the grounda for the < midway attraction? Orcaslonelly, they are getting a thrill that Isn't on th" program. For Inatance, Wodnoaday night at sbout 9:3? o'clock, when the revelry wss at Ita height, the lights went out. Darkness hung like a pall over ths grounda for nearly hslf sn hour, i until the broken circuit was re palrod. A few enterprising show i people hung out lanterns or lit torches, hut for the moat psrt the loadou gloom waa unabated. It fallod to dampen I ho merriment 'of tho crowd, however, and there wan "bualnoaa aa uaual" when the light* flaahed on again. Offlclsla of the fair, more er 1 leSs dlacoursged over the relative ly nmall attendance on Tuesdsy and Wednesday, gained freah en thusiasm yeatorday. when the vis itor? poured through the gates In a veritable torrent instead of .1 woakly trleklo. They are antici pating oven largor crowda today and tomorrow, with the grand ell mux tomorrow night, whon ths big exposition closes. It la oxplalnod that th*? llrat e# th" week waa "good cotton pick ing weather," cloudy and cool, and many of the farimra In this part of tho Stalo Mvalb-d themselves ef the excellent opportunity to hsr voat thla Important fall crop, wltli tho intention of attending tne fslr Istor In the week Secretary Falls and thoae asao clatod with him already are bus/ planning I'aaquotank County's ex hibit at the State Fair at Raleigh next wwk. The Hoard of County Commissioners In regular nesalon Monday appropriated $250 to e?v er th?> coat of sending the oxhlblf, and thoae sponsoring It sre conft* dontly counting on taking honors st the big State event. rorroN markbt Now York, Oct *? Spot cot ton closed steady: middling 21.10, an advance of 45 points Futures cloalns M4: Oet 21 ?2. November 21.72. Dee 21 ?0. Jas 11.31, March 21.51,