i m TU K WKATIIKU Stn?mr*-r< toiu.;ht ami WVilnen- | ilu> Sllghtlx Mi f liorlImmhI and wind*. VOL. XV. FINAL EDITION ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, Tl ESDAY KVKNINfi, OCTOIiKl: 13 l. SIX PACKS. NO. 202 PITTSBURGH PIRATES EVEN UP SERIES Senators 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 6 2 Pirates 00201 0 00X 3 7 1 TOMORROW BE DAY OF DECISION And Dope Is Once More Weight Of Entire Series Will Rest On Shoulders of Walter Johnson Poi-Im-s Field, I'illsiiurKlO Oct. 1:1.?-Thirl,rn proved :i lucky iiiiinliiT for the I'ilts-' ??ui-kIi I'irates, so far as dnf.-s go ut least, when J (?day 11 icy won their third game or I ho world series and put themselves in a pasi t ion to fight it out with Washington for the seventh and eriiciVI contest or the series on even terms. Loday's score was .'i to 2. Onre m?,i, fortune during i|,.. lifts! |.?w i||IIi||MlllillMl ?.|| Wi.sll liiKlon. ami nncy nioie tin* I'irul?-.-, ranit* from behind in tic the score i and.then to iHkn Hi.. lead uml *h, III o I lil* r wnrdH. I'IIIhIiiiikIi in il.. ,'rlU series has dun?- precisely what the Irani did In t|M- w.a*on noi hit to a had start to ih v.Hoo a O rilllr and smashing ?Mack for the finish. WhHh. r thai attack can carry the team to its ihird ?.ra. victory In tin- next and lU,4!' Ka.,"*'1 ,H mixtion I hat ' rock t1'" h;iHe ball world from center to circumference tonight. Krenier and Mi iii.-u ,l,n"' null sixth ii,nir. UK. I ittKhurt; did miiri' than Iter ?hare of rh..in,t ihrnuiihoiit ih. '''?"?y i*l,.ere,| wildly wh.u J,,, t!!.'*.', "" ",l"1 will, Washington II,,. M.(,r . Hi" lunini; cum,, i,. i?".V ' " "" " while Illiii-K,- Wuh throw,,mil llarnhart at Orel ami Can t .sciui-l when Trayuor lilt over first base. ? *'""1 for a W.iyliI?. Ion rally in t|?. almi, , J- "?rl* and Jndce ...I,ill,k 1? bat. Tli,, fan? yelled f,? i;,?o? lo.sijij. another homer hut h. ||, -v ?Hit to Moore after making many , ? J"i' Harria ?latlllu.il out a two bailor hut J,?|SI. **!., ? |?,lt Ills third of II,,. ?prl,.?, Kr.?i,r lhr? w out Jor Harris at first. (>??. rtlfi, one hit.- no errors I'ltli-huri I,- M.Hirp ? hi, a! . "y," 11,1"""Ilk III Brat hall Idlfhod. i arcy ? ?. tit a ' "y ? '"??? Moore huldln. *... ; lllilPBo threw out II,,,,, to v" ,?k,iiK Ihe I'lrale . h?l Ktuaah thai cutiie rlcht at 1,1m '>0 rnns, ope hit, no error*. Sccoud loiilou ?i? . "!,,nKto" "lashed n '??<> um'! ii k- med i? ra*.""1 "?*? W rlKhl on a hit and ay , 7 l'"ck ilouhleil Kremer threw wild to r." 'V '*?* ?"'I IVrk dai.1,?1 f.,r i'H? llarnh.n i,?ik S,v,.,?|,|. M?,, m huldlna third I'.-r GUylrr One | m, "I" "?? -"or, .in.'i j Traynni .hot a ?r-flt. ." ??"" Harrl?'. head H.J?i. ur?d Trayaor, Peek l , Mclnnl. .truck out. Hmlil, "I" '.'" "v'?r "?"ii lat' 11 > gel Minut- untl ('ur -v wan also nji ft- till lb-Idem' rhiiHT. : t'uvlei- luirrilircd. Itlilege t?? tla, iIm. Moor?* hcoii'il wlill? Itliieg * wat throwing mil Itarnliarl a*. I IIrat. <*ar?*y went to iliirii. Car?y i si*ur?'il mi Traynor'? singb- ov?r , second. Traynor i?loli- second ar.d , went lo tliii'?J mi Sever??ld's wiul throw. llbo-go tossed out Wright. Two tun*, on?* tills, ?uie ?*rnir. l-'oiiitli lotting Washington Joe H a lis hWilliu \ii'ioiialy and miss??! lh<> third l?> ii font. Judge uIhii struck ?uil su* llilril inside liiij. itluegj' cracked a single over Wriuht's In ;nl and was cauulit olf I first. Krem?*r lo Mcliiuls lo Moor** In Kremer. No runs, o in* Ml. no mom. ' Pittsburgh?-Mclnnis sent out a long high fly to Rice. Siultti Hi i n?*!; i lit missing a ?InkiT liall liy n fool. ' kremer struck out for mhooiiiI I Inn*. ! No runs. iio hltH. no i*rrors. I' ll III I llll III? Washington?Perk popped to Tfciyiror, Who ran lo pitchers box . lo make I In* calch. Wright ioss?-d ;oul Severeld at first. FYrguson I fanned, taking third calivd strike | whirh struck over rorner of plat *. J No ruiiH, no hitM, no erors. Pittsburgh? Moor?* got u home j run In front of acoreboard. Carey I lined out to Jot* Harris. IVc!: I threw onl Cuyler at first. Ham - hail g?>t double against b*ft field fence, hall almost clearing fence for a home run. Ciosliii look Tray nor's Ionu drive. One run. two J hits, no errors. Slxlli limine i Washington Traynor threw (uit Kirn. Wright took Slan Hnr Iris' slow roller and with quick nn rderhattd throw nailed him nt first. JCosliii walked on four balls. Moor** took Jo?- Harris's ground? r and ,lhr?'W him out. No runs, no hits. ! no errors. Pittsburgh Wright struck out. -letting a curve no by for III?- thild {strike. Mclnnis slammed u sin I Kb* over lIn- middle hag. Joe Unt il Is took Smith's liner near th<* urand stand, Mclnnis holding first. Kremer struck out for the third time. being nnahle to futbom I'er iguson's hook. No runs, one hi*. ' no errors. Set riilh liuilog Washington? Cuyler took J ndge's lino; liohd mar Hie f?-ncc. I Traynor u??.k lllaegf's k rounder I and tlireW lOW ??? lirst but Mrln , nia made a One pickup and the halter was out. Peck Med out lo Itarnhari Kramer was pitching ' wonderful ball, lie was mixing a 1 fast ball with a drop curve which ' he bad under perfect, control. No tuns, no bits, no errors, j Pittsburgh I'eck lo?ik Moore's i L-rounder and threw badly to lirst, : Moore being safe. Carey sacrl jllriil. Ferguson lo Judge, Cuyler j tlied out l?i Coslln. Iliirnhart got ; a base on Imlls. Traynor forced illarnhurl. l'?-ck lo Stan Harris. N*? runs, no lilts, ho errors. l-;iuhrh liming Washington Hevereld got a long single Inlo left. McNelly ran for Hevereld. Ijelbold hulled for Ferguson. McNeely stole second j on I he lirst pitched ball. Lalbold (s?'Ul up a high fly lo Moore. Mc liuiis iiHik Hire'? grounder and I touchcd first. McNeely w?*nl to ihlrd. Vearh batted for Sfbn Har iris who look himself out of III* iramr Afoora threw put VciHi at i lirst. No runs, one hit. no error*, riltsburgh Itiillmi leplared rerguson In the box. Ilio-I behind .llo- plnte and Adams w?*nt lo aec jond for Washington. Wtighf tcnl h Imisc oii hulls, bill Mclnnis hit inlo a ibnible play. Judue taking I tils pop fly and racing back an I j touching first, doubling Wright.! ' Marge III raw out Smilh. No fa as, | no lills, no errors. \llllb looiitc i Washington flosllo fb-w out to Moore. J. Harris doubled Inlo d?'?'p renter. Judge Hied out to Wright. | | niuege grounded out, Traynor to Mclnnis. No runs, one hit. no er i rors. I (ri iirrul Patrick Not lor Mwlilrn'? I'ropOMi Washington. Oct. IS. Major General Mason M Patrick. Army air chief, opposed before the Pros-1 blent s air lioard today s proposal advanced yesterday by Chair man ; Madden of the Hons?* A p p rop Na tions Committee to transfer all, airrraft experimental work from I tha Army to private entarprlsaa. | i NO* MUKDEK CASE BEGINS IN DUKIIAM Duiliam. Od. 13 ?Charged Willi ?!??> murder of lil? wife and lialph H Cordon of Columbia. ' Sondi Carolina. Itobert Wllkw of | ? Columbia today faced trial In Su 1 perlor Court b?n'. The eflme was roinmllli'd last August wlie*i Wilkes is alleged lo havo found his wit.- m Cordon's company after following them from Columbia Vcnir?* I* to be drawn from Ala 1 mum*?* County. n\VIS STEPS IN TO Sl'CCKKI) WEEKS Washington. Oct. 13.? Dwight F. David of Missouri today waa up , |iuini<-d Secretary of War. lie iak?M tin* place of John W. WmIci j (if Massachusetts. who*? retire ment because of ill health bus , been formally announced at the | White House. Am assistant secretary. Mr IXi vIm has lieeti the actual head of the War Department sluce lust sprln*. when Mr Week? wan sent to New , Knxhind by physicians for au op eration and a Ion* vacation ITSIIKKMEN SEKKINi; TWO MISSING BODIES MellMiuriio, Fla.. Oct. 13.?Fish ermen and othera were today pa trolling tin* shore linen iu aearch I of two missing bodle? while authorities InveatiKated the cap ! sizing nf the yacht Clara III the ) Atlantic Sunday which took u toll ;Of 14. That vlctima of the yacht Clara A. which capsized Sunday, came lo their death through an "un avoidable accident" waa the ver j diet of the coroner?* Jury which i held an Inqueat thla morning, i Four wltnesaea besides the eap 1 tain were heard. security T:onfkheni:e SCHEDULED END SOON i l.nearni>. Swltwrl?iu?. Oct. 13? Tim security conference between j Germany and the Allies \n expect led to end during the present week i with Germany's signature attached to a "gentleman's agreement" un der terniM of which Germany will {agree to Join the League. Great I llrilain. France, Italy and Jlel gluui will uIho sign the compact. GltKKCE IS HIPE FOH ANOTIIEIt REVOLUTION Vienna. Oct. 13. ? General , l'lastlrss. who led tho revolution which expelled King George from the throne In Greece disappear?*! Just as Premier 1'angaloa. head of !the present government. Isaued an ' order for his arrest. Several of I'lastlru's collabora tors have been arrested. Including I former minister of the interior I'a . punadreii. Feeling In Greece In reported to I be high and conditions are ripe for another abrupt change In govern iment. Many parties are bittei I against the decree dissolving pai liametit without calling new elec ! Hons promptly. Plaatlra's hiding place Is atlp ? posed to be near Athens. All sta llions and porta are being watched to prevent his escape. Measure* ?also are being taken to prevent u | coil p d'etat against the govern I ment. . i (^Itnrlrr Million Dollar j Silk Tli?-ft I* N-'W York, Oct. 13. ? Silk v?i tied by the owners at flbO.OOU | was stolen this morning from a j building In Madison Square by j four robbera who left the watch- 1 I man handcuffed and gagged. The j I watchman lay helpless In the 'building until lie was found Heven I i hours after the robbery. The silk j was taken from the ahowrooins of I ! Samuel J Arenaon and Company and hauled away In trucks. Titi M s I %NIMUN H STFMiK.lt HFtilNS WITH l-OMP HMltVi Vienna. Oct. 13.?The trial of Stanislaus Stelger. charged with! throwing s bomb against the auto- , mobile of 1'real d en t Wojeichowskl. \ as the bead of the Polish state was ? returning from the opening of th-; l?eniherK Kaatern Sample fair, b? ran In Deinberg yesterday The bomb passed over the head nf the president, hit the hoof of one of tbe horses In the escort and j burn* <1 without exploding. No on" was burl Stelaer Med. together with the panic stricken crowd and entered a doorway with a lr ?? motor In tli* operator*? booth ui tin' Alkrams Thcat?*r last night .shortly before 10 o'clock CadHVll <1.1 lW^<' istlmsltil ut $1. 250. It wax t xliiiKiilHli'Ml within If* i tulnuie? it lu?U Lrok?n out. j accoidluc 'o Shelby ItuinoaK, man J ag?*r of lb*' theater. Repairs w?*re t under way early thla morning with ? view to "butdnea? UK imuni" to night. Mr. Bulges* ntat?.'d. i Only comparatively f?** people w lu tin* theatoi ul tlio time, aud the building waa cleared with out panic or confusion. Mr. Itm getu* declared. Th?- daiuufc*: was ! couliued to tbu booth ?lid It* c?n . tenia. Major MorrlsctU-. operator ' of the uiovb* machine, ww j scorched about the head, hut hi* ' Injuries witi' of a minor churac j ter. j When t ho motor "shorted." it : aluioHt Immediately s?t tire to a. I reel Of Ulm that wuh being run through the machine. The Ulm fa ? mad? of celluloid, h lid in highlv | lutluiniuahb*. Almost In mu Instant th*4 entire interior of the little room waa a masa of flames. FIretuen wero on tin- job from the start. It happen?-d that Hto 1 Chb'f Jerome Flora aud Fireman | Milton Haskett wero hi lending th** show. Ah soon aa hi? W arned that Are had broken out in the booth. I Chief Flora ordered everybody in I the theater to go out In an orderly ! manner, and thua possibly uv?rl | ed a rush to tho doors which might hnvo remitted In injury lo several. Chief Flora and Fireman Haa kett then ran upstairs. rceli-d out I thn hose in the theater, turned on j th?? wutei. and quickly brought I the blase under control. Others t from department headquarlei.t I soon arrived and a sal s ted in coiu j pleting the Job. A clock in IM booth, showim; evidence of having beeu iu lin? J path of the flames. had ?topped at 'three minute? to ID o'clock. d?f * inllely fixing the time of the tire "Wo hope to have our r?-guior 'program tonight," Mr. lluruoMi ?tuted this morning. Klectrlclans |and other workmen w?-r i thn | Job before 9 o'clock, repairiug th ? ' damage. I Tiie booth la of nre-proof con istiuctlou, lined witli ah??-! metal 'and asbestos, and the fart lhat th | Htm was conllned to the limited area In which It originated la at trihuted largely to that. INQUIRY INTO KIOTS LIKKI.Y PKOVE U TII K Though Hofi?e of 11?in< -?i Have Agreed TeMlfy < hlm-w 4li.no | b?*i- Flgtitlng liiv?-\tigaiUHi By BF4il%A1.IV HWKCTI.*MI I ifovirlabt. 1?M W TW ?<*??<-> Hhanghal. Oct. 13 - The In ; qulry into tho riots aud shooting j of Chines? students by foreign l?o lice oil M.) So last ban rerun " veneti hero, but every, Indication ' points to the futility of the Inquiry IowIiik to the Chinese refusal to i participate Justice flnley John i son from Manila preside* I Counsel retained by the nmnl ' cipul council has announced that three Chinese have offered to tea tlfy despite tho rigid Chinese hoy i cotl of the proceed inns and the Chinese chamber of commerce's campaign ordering Chinese to Ik nor?* the Inquiry. The Chinese chamber in daily, running a full paKc of denunciations sKalie?! the ! Inquiry lu tho leading foreign newspapers. An attempt by agitator* to cnli a one-day strike In British cotton mills aa a proteet against the In quiry failed, however, the em ployei? of four mill? striking hut promising to work Sunday In stead when they learned the agl tatora had forced the name of the CliIncite chamber of commerce to th order for the atrlke. KI.KVKN-YK\K-OI.I> IS HRUTAI.I.Y MtlKDKIIKIt Ht. Paul. Minn.. Ocl. 13 - Th. mutilated body of Francih IMoleiti. 11 -year old ftephew of Rev UrtlH t'lolettl. pastor of the Cathollc Church of I h<* Redeemer. wi? fonnd today In the attic of the third floor of a vacant house her. The discovery of the body W; made hy Patrolman John llosc. Police expressed the belief that the boy wmp murdered at inothet place and the body taken lo tlv vacant house. The boy wuh lan t aeen at a Columhua Day banqmt Monday evening I K\I)KK OF l?AM) Tliii man id Lh-ultruaiil l*!int I1. S. N.. liiiiihiiiiHlcr. II ? i wax culled upon whi'ii (In- t lov. m ? t Uli'tlt M i :?t d< rided that ii p.-rina nt'iit, nationilly known Navv llaud. In he Matiorod in tl. ? t!.i;?i Al. WHX iifi'i'KUir). Allhottvlt onlr ??: year:? old, but with a hm;; r?-i* or; of hulldim; ii|> mi o:uanixa II Ion t hut would becoiu?? nil ||< kij* i porlors denired. Hut In- looted I lilKltcr than I liny dretitucd <>l ""I'll ? i Navy I land." hnown antl i band wa*i formally niilhorlzi'il a?< a perma I iii-nt ntlllln in tin* t'api'.il and llnnd Masi? r Iteiiter u;h ii:im??l Umilt'iiflni, Snuior tirade. I'. S. N. Agreement Reports Need Discontinued , Rolieved Coine From French Sources and Lack Authen tic French or Germana IIt IV\!'I. S4 0TT MOWhltlJC lUnriihl, I v'i. k| Iti? AilvanM) Locarno. Orl, 1'Kwicwi'il rumor* tliat an nui'eemvnt ha** been n'Holii'd on |>i Helically all point* and tliat tin- security puct coufoi ence i? oi'i f exgrpt for final ? adjust m*-lit of a fi'W d? tails vhoilhl I m discount??!. j TIm?*o rumor?, rinamito lary.oly I from Pri iirli sniirci-H and aro not continue?! I'ltlu r t?v tin Mritish or OtrtirjiM. It in Indieied lliat lb?* Prentfti by iKMit.ng pr?*innrure ?dat? ? uiHiiiH of Miirfi i*, hi' try Inn on Hi?* < no hand to ha*l? ii tin* iifKf tmtioiiH and on tin- olio T to cr?* i ali? a nlfualion whereby, in i hw .new diffit itlth-rv me eiiroiiulir? ?Il?l. N'l TO IIUi: SIN VVCAIt Mrxlro Cily. Orl U. I\\ten ion of Motlto'l nr. Kid lit ial I'ifi of ofTIr?- from four to elk yearn l< f.ivored hy tin* majority lih'rk In Hie Chamber ?-f h? pulb-t. H Is i liably leultied Th#* dfpulh'M point oil t Miicti -i extension Would ::|\'* lit ? pr. ? nlrnt a lair* r opportunity to develop I'a ? h-rloral program ami allow th > d.'VAloptm n? without political In terftrenco ef plan.? nicc*aarlly ?f long dtirathiii The ma|orlt> bio" In the sen a t ?, th? approval of which would In* ncc? unary, In ah ? n |M>|"t?*d to lie fltv iRilie. I'pwardH cf lf.0 di pulh-n h?\ - already irtrn<-d th Ir upprnval of tli? projec t thUf Idndlnr th? m to vol?- for Iho aarnr wlo-n II In IntrtMlurrd In the chamber lat*r on. STDX OPERATOR FR ANKLY ADMITS ClIll.T; IS FREKD Mail?* IJqiiur I .ike h Man and Kcady lo Tuk?? Mrdi triii?? Like a Man? lie Tell* COI'HT WOKKING IIAIU> Niiilit ScMion Held in Kf fori lo riiNtr Dorkrt K*> |M*diti<; Italy; Nuiiiitoiu? iw* Of "Judge. I owned a drill Inter ??Mi ni ihat Ktill I went Into tl?? ilium like a man. mad? liquor Ilk?? ;i 111:111. ami am re. id.v in take my medl in?* like a man Tim- did 1? A Sla. k of Nor folk. pres?*i?l. Ills* case In Ki'tlcrul Court lieir Momlii) afternoon tie U.lS ;irr?>Hf(Ml with ll'll ,?llllTH III 1 In* Kclzurc ??f a large ill ??11 Jot*!* Island. In Pasquotank Ulver. 1-arly in August. "You're tin* tiral man in III?' ? r?'\v?l who lias (old a straight si?.r\." Judge Mi'fklim observed. '?V?iii may go That. however. did noi dispose ? f ^lack's l roil lili**. II?- wan want ed in Virginia ?111 a similar charge, along Willi .liii* W. Hell licit. who |ili*:id k 11 lit v a I mo In connection Willi 1 In- Jo??'* Inland raid. Both had Ihm-ii in Jail lieri' sliicu Au i* 11' i and Im it Ii were turned ov ??r lo ilii' Virginia aulliorltle* af ter having lii'i'ti fraud of tli? ' charge* here Tin* other nine defendant* in this rase entered plea* of not guilty, and were duly convicted, with 1 lie except Ion of Ir*ln Tladale and W. S. Smlil.non. for whom the court directed a verdict of not guilty. (*. ,hH II.iker. acting postmaster al 'lyner. who f.o ed the rourl In connection with an alleged nhortaff* of about 11.jim. In hi* account* II? ten deied evidence tliui lie had made good the deficit. Murk llrlglit, convicted of viola tion ' f the VolNteud N?'1 '?> 1*22. wu? Un. -I % I do llrlglit. who I* a re*ld* ii* of Newland Town*hlp., Mils Count v. was alleged 1? hov? dinaiip? ared shortly after * raid on tils preiiiH'-s by prohibition of ficer*. in which a kettle, presum ably to tie ii?? d In ma I. Inc. liquor, and a .|iianlltv of what the olfl ci r* claimed was mash Wer-j *. lornl Brluhl claimed the mix-. lur? wa 1 "mlddllaga" which he used a I'.ig feed, and *ald the kettle h. d been left at his home by 1 le h.hbor n few day* before Ihe laid He foiled I? produce! I he 11 r bhor to corroborate that j ulrf of hi* testimony which re lated lo the kettle. Ml XI I.K SHOAI.S BODY IO KKSIIMK SKSSION \\ ?? hltiKton. Oct II." Mu.rl.. Sin-..Is i1>\ST\\11NK ItltoWA itlt kr tk? Cat Is, tk*t. I J.? Sailors fnen . (.'Orient and other navy yards ami rh'VN of armored cars ami lam. ? have been *iiiiimoii*--d lo Paris to replace but* and trolley drivers .ami subway eurim-ers who Wen ordered b> Ihe executive cummii , tee of the communist party today to Jidn all thu other workmen ol Prance In a 24 hour Mr I lie "as a f hIkii of protest against the blood thirst). capitalistic govern in h lit, which in sending thousands of : you it k Frenchmen to certain deat h , In the Kirriaii moilutnliiN and tie* Syrian desert, fr the Hake of bank i ?rs and conceaalmi hunters." ' Tin* UiaulfeHtoH Issued by tie I coiiiiiiuiiIhIh Were couched In a beautiful florid style, which was j intended to touch t tie readers ol i ten cent novels, hut evidently j French workmen,"even thorn* affil-, iated with the communlHt party, i prefer to "wdrk and get their dallv 1 steak than to strike for something | which doe? not cot.eorn ua," hh whh : atated to the writer today by a ' communist bus driver who wan, i starting to work as usual. i The strike which wan supposed j ; to being t his morning is apparent-i j ly a complete failure except for 90 1 j per cent of the taxi-drivers who. > taking advantage of the strike or , der, went to spend an aicreeabl" ? day outside I'ati?. Only 16 per ! cent of bus and trolley uieu and 7 I per cent of subway englnei*i*J obeyed the CuiuinunlNtlc orders. The railway in?'ii refuaed to Htrlke but promised to slow down | and delay trains which in nothing i new for the French traveler. Tie* I Kovcrnuient not knowing how far | government workmen will obey: cmniuniRt orders, ha? taken extra | ordinary precaullonn to lace an' otncrisency. Since Sunday night : th? city has Iwen patrolled hv strong police squads and cavalry | detachments. Moro Ihan 10.00), ; troops have been call?*! from j nelgrhoring and provincial towns lo strengthen the Carls garriaon and have been glared under orders of (jeucial Oeuraud and <3ener.il ('harpy. It Is true that many of the com , uiunlMt lenders wanted to rail off the strike on Sunday n i m h t but , Moscow's Instrucilons were defl ' iiile, ihe central executive commit j te.i wanting to test today the strength and discipline of the, . French communist party. RUSSIA'S NEW VODKA HAS IKKKIIIC KICK Moscow, Oct. 13.- -The ntaKKcr Ing success of the Kovernmeiir? new -10 per ceut vodka haa al ready broiiKht about offielul ro-j ' Htrlctloiis on the sale of the fiery fluid and announcement that dire i punishment will be enforced upon thoae who fall to behave sedately after Imbibing Sales arc forbid den on Sundays and holidays, and In children and Intoxicated per [sons at any time. The Moscow t authorities alsi propose to re I move saloons from the dlstrlrta ; where working men live. A* the contents of one thirty cent bottle. J are sufficient lo eiitauKle the feet ..i Anybody escapl tha m out con firmed soak, this latter regulation, 1 Is expected to Increase the diffl ? cullies of getting hoine. i I llolstcrous and roiiKh drunks . are promised either a live dollar j tine or a month's imprisonment at hard lulsir, and the latter will I be extended to ihrce moniha fori | aggravated cases. SANITY IIKAKINt; OF COI.K CASK TODAY WilUe-hoio. Oct tt W R Cole, acquitted of a charge of mur der sonda v. was today to kptWII liefoie Judge Flnley to show cail>r? why he should not b?> conllned to J the State insane asylum The Cole parly iravelad here arrlvliiK early j today by automobile from llocv-J Ingham Ft NF.ii \i. MUM. i/mie I in r la I servicea for Mrs. Sue Orandy l?owe. who died Monday morning at the Klixabeth City Hos pital. were conducted Tuesday af-; ternoon at 4 o'clock at the Kplsco pal Cemetery hy Rev, O. F. Hill, rector of Christ Kplscopal Church.; iirrr??\ M mik i i New York. Oct 13.?Hpot cot-, ton closed steady, middling 21.?6, an advance of tpolnit. Future*, eloslna hid Oct. 21 ?0. Dec. S 1.6ft. j Jan 20 HI, March 11.10, May L 21.30, Till* ioU lll?*M4*il|>? ulilr ut- l{?'*iill of Survey j J 11*1 liy I lie Depart ? unit of l.ahor WACKS wa. TKKBLKD ^hile l iving (!o!?Im Show InroiiiparaMy l.owt r III*, errant* AI?ov?? l.cvrU of I \ rar Hrforr \\ ar 11? .1. ?\ HOY I. K lC???l4?M. IWV bi th? Ail.jnn) Wash III g I oil. Ud. Ill Kruiiom condition? a m?*iiit I lio wage ? earner* of America uri' potter j tliau ilie> have ever Iti^n before In Hi?- hlMfi.ry ni Hit* world. Wugfn arc al a IiIkIiit point ?-.eiierally ; than Iln?y huvc I'Vcr been In-fore, i Tli h relation? of wukcm lo purrhaa liiK puwer lixlliali-H a remarkable ratability in Mm* coiimiimpt Ion of i goods In 1 h 1h country In the next J ibrw iiioiii Iin. Tinine are tin' conclusion* plain- ' ly in In* drawn from u nurvey'Of ! IIvIiik and waise conditloim now In ? 11??' making by Him I>epurt meni of Labor. TIiIh has nliown (hut wane i Kcali'tt ure relatively 100 per rent ? higher (ban during the. war In I 1HIS iiml 300 |M?r rent above the i level iif 1913 In all the major In i dust r les. j The uxxrcxate puyrolla of the country are tliu lurxoat ever , known. Am a reault more work- 1 era than ui un lime In the paat are , buying honu'H. Inventing In mar ? kotalila aecurltlen, and starting , HuvingH account?. In dlatlnctlon . j from the boom daya ufter the war, | thrift and economy ure atronic fac I tur? III the ludiiHt rial Hit nation. Report? to the Treaaury Depart ment Indicate that (ho total vol ume of nnvlngn rtepoalta haa , reached the unprecedented lum of 99,onu.ooo.ooo nn Increaae of $!. OOO.OOU.OOO ii I nee 1921. Per cap ita curnlnKH of thoae engaged In manufacturing llnea ban advanced 9 per cent and for thoae In the hulbllng truden K per cent. , . Theae facta are exemplified by the comparlHoii for the different truden. Carpcntera all over the country are receiving so centa to 51 37 an hour ua compared with j 40 to 80 celi t a In 191 H. with A tiiilvernal working week of 4 4 ' hour?. Wage? for brick tuyere | the country over ure from $1 to ' $1 10 an hour a? compared with I i;u centu to 91 Heven yearn ago. \ J lied carrier? are Kelt lux 70 to ; J $1 an hour with a 14 hour week except In t'liirlnuiiti iind New Or laiiH wnere 4u boura In the ?tand ard. Till* Is an Ini-reuae of 28 to i 3R cents an hour. Pay of paint 'TH ran i? i'H from 75c to 91 '11 an | bout. I'laKterern 91 to 91.82 and lidriirtural Iri.n worker? 91 to I 91 f*0. Theae flgurm show advauc e? (if 11 tO fid Cent :, fit) CeilffltO 11 i celit i and 3H to ?:t centa an hour respectively Plumtiera have rained 4 1 to 47 centa an hour, compoal- ; torn 39 to !?K centa and electro | t v pern 40 lo 7 o centa. Itnlldjnc la borer h who In 1913 received 22 to 40 rent? mi. hour, now are In demand at 50c to 91 an hour. The IndiiHtrlal population of the country tdowly in turning Into a properly ownlnr cluae. Moat of them are Reek In k auburban i?r ru ral locution?. reacblnx their work by mealift of I heir own anion or by hI reel car and hurt llnea. Real ization Iimh come to them that they are In a poult ion to command loan* and iieeoiiiinodutIoiim nt banka, Willi b I bey formerly countrified were at the disposal only ot the while collur elaaa. The aurvey of the Department* ! however, Iridlralen that the day of I-the Milk nhlrt and the loud aocka | a*-working apparel have panned. | The volume of nn* inployineut to day Ih leaa Hi an ut any time ?tnce I the war. Thla I* particularly tftfe of the big farming nectlona, where higher prlcea for farm product* and lower price* for other com mod it len have xlven the farmer a chance in liicrcune working force# and make needed improvement*. A tendency whh li I lie Department rexarda aa highly significant la the Increaxed enrollment In Ihe upper grude nchool* In luduatrlal aectloiiH In some coiiimiinllMl thla Increase haa been na great aa |00 per cent over the total* of 1911. Increaxed wage? ami iucreane* | employment haa been uecompft#? j led Ihe report aliowa. by a decided K iln In Individual efficiency of the worker? Thla ha* enabled mana* facturera to hire ?nor?? men. turn out more good h mid make Inrger without appreciable im-reaaeft. In price* lo conaumera. IKM.l)S COI.K SANE Wllk<*liom, on 1 :i Judr* nnlry hclil today Ihm W H.