CI 114 T LA TI ON Til I KMDA Y 2.5:53 Copies - i THK WKATHk'H Warmer tonight. Cooler Sattar?] day afternoon. VOL. XV. FINAL EDITION ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA. F1UDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 16, 1925. EIGHT PAGES. NO. : CIRCULATION DRIVE STARTS TOMORROW Hudson and Two Fords Top Prize List Which Exceeds $3,000 In Value Two Suit?** of Furniture, Liberal C.awh AhuhIn iiihI to, All Non Prize Winner* u GeneroiiM (UihIi (i?iumi^ lion That Will Make Effort of K very Krai Worker Well Worth While This newspaper announces 10-1 day a subscription and prlxe cam paign In wlilcti there will be given ' away to the public more than $3,- j 000 in valuable prizes and cn*h commissions. The campaign will ' open tomorrow and will close in Just six weeks' time. To b?? rxact It will close on Saturday night at 8 o'clock sharp, November 28th. The prises are ?even in number 1 with a Hudson Super-Six Coach headiug tho list of attractive j awards. Tills car sells for 11.325 delivered here at Elisabeth City j and may be seen in a few days at the salesroom of Stevens & Son Motor Car Company, the local Hudson and Essex dealer. For second prise there Is of fered to the ambitious h Ford Coupe, one of 1926 models, con sidered by a large part of the mo tor loving public to bo one of the best models the Ford Company has ever put out. This car sells de- i Ihrered from the Auto L (Ja* En gine Works, Inc., for $580.70. This coupe has the one-pleco windshield, cord tires all around and many features heretofore found only on the higher priced car. Third prize is a Ford Touring Car. The delivered price of this, car Is $400.10. The tourlnc also comes from the local Ford agency I ?the Auto & Gas Engine Works, j Inc. A $250 suit? of furniture pur- [ chased from the Quinu Furniture Company 1b the fourth prize. The one who Is so fortunate as to earn this prise may have the cholcc of; a living room suite, dining room suite, or a bed room suite. Another suite of furniture val-| ued at $175.00 Is ofTered as the | fifth prise. Choice of suites may; be had here as In the case of the I fourth prise. This prlso comes from M. O. Morrlsette & Company, wholesale and retail home fur-, nishers of Elizabeth City. I'rlm* on Display Both of these furniture stores will be ulad to show those Inter ested tho large stock they have on hand to select from. Suites ranging In price to the amounts I advertised above may be selected ? by those awarded theBo prizes. Tho sixth and seventh awards i will be cash prises, one hundred dollars for the former and fifty | dollars for the latter. TIiIk makes | a total of seven prizes lancing In valuo from $1,325 to $50.00. To those who enter and remain | actlvo during the campaign and who rail to earn an award there will be given a 20 per cent cash | commission based on their total | cash turn In. This novel feature Insures, each and every one who enters and takes an active part a ! worth Whllo award. The prises mentioned above will I be earned by the folks who have j the ambition to devote a little of. their spare timo in the Interest of J The Advance. No beauty or popu-j larlty of any sort Is needed to win.' Effort alone will prove the decld-1 Ing factor In the awarding of, prizes. I'rlses will be awarded by Im partial Judges at the close of the campaign, November 28. to those who secure the most votes. Votes are secured by clipping them free from this paper each day and hav ing your frlenda wave these cou pons for you also. Each coupon Will be good for 100 votes. There Is no limit placed on the number of these coupons a worker may vote. The only other way to secure | votes will be on the paid sub serlptlons to The Dally Advance i from your friends and acqnaln- | tances. The subscriptions of those who are already taking the paper count the same as a new subscrip tion. The tfnly dlffiwenc? In votes given sre for the subscriptions of those who live outside of Elisabeth City. Votes on outside subscrip tions will count a worker double. Advertisement Tells the Story The full deUlla of this wonder ful offer will be found on pages four and five of this Issue. There you will find a double page ad vertlsement In which we give you the rulea and conditions under which the csmpslsn will be gov erned. Also you will find a com plete voting achedule which shows just how many votes each sub scription will count. The cam-1 palgn Is divided up Into three pe riods with votes given on subscrip tions decreasing In each period. At the outset The Dally Ad vance and the Campaign Mansger pledge those who msy decide to take psrt a fair snd square deal I with the many prises going to those who earn them according to the rules as laid down todsy. No j | extra votes will be offered st sny time other than what Is pub ConMouM oa psge 4 ' REPAIRING CANAL BREAK JSBIG JOB Will Kr<|iiir<* 6(1 to 90 Days Su|HTiii!?'iHlriil ?1 I^M'kn Doclun'H l'ultiriK 11??* iJismnl Swamp Can al hack into condition to nail ?hips ! on Is going to be a man-*n he returned from s 25.000 voyage to Sou i h Mr lea and Hoiiih America. Ho was greeted at V'c torla Station by the king and queen and other number? of th' royal famllv snd thousand* of ?peetatorn CIRCUS ARRIVES DESPITE RUMORS OF MANY SORTS Army of Small llovx oil Hand Id rlfiiiiM' Walter I? Main Shown <111 \ ii i io Kli/alicth City II WE NINE CARLOADS Performance* at 2 and 8 O'clock, After (Jala Pa rade at Ncmiii; School* (living Holiday Till' drill" I? llcr?. By aunrten. tho vanguard of ?n army or small hoy* hud gathered In the vlrlnlly of llu? Norfolk Southern freight Mat Ion at the fool of Hurgcns street. mid *teadily the cohorts In creased. Clrcua day Is the big day of the year for tho youngster. and lias been from i lino immemorial. Tho oxpectant ones had a long wait, however, luxiead of pulling In on tho wings of tho morning, tho Dig Show failed to put In an appearance until nearly K o'clock; hut most of thetyouthful enthus iasts waited through the slowly dragging hour?/ The coming of la circus. even if it Ih delayed. In too big uii event to ml??. i The Walter L. Main Shown. 9 j carloads strong. and Including I a bout everything that goes to j muko up a circhs. flnully rolled 1 In. and In a llttlo while the busl I nos? of ii 11 parking wan going mor ' lily ahead. Tho small hoy? who scrolled aliout a? Intoronted spec tator* of proceedings wero com I polled to he contcnt with short pliinpsc* 0f mysteriously shroud 1 od wagons, whence Issued occa alonal divortlug snarls. yelps and i growls. Thon the hoys had to hur ry ?ff to school. The schools closed for the day j at 11:30 o'clock, in order to five their Impatient hundred* oppor tunity to view the grand parade at noon. The two performances under the Dig Top wero scheduled to hogin at 2 o'clock In the after noon and H o'clock at night. It is tho first circus of the season, and probably the only one. and thore was every indication that the younger generation In Kllzaboth City would turn out in full force for it. along with many hundreds from outside sections. There nro hundreds of grown ups. too. who would never think of missing a circus. It revives treas urd memories of boyhood days, and still brings to them something or the old thrill. Various sensational rumors had I preceded the Walter I?. Main 1 Shows to Kllzabeth City. There ' were mainly to tho effect that, ror one reason or unother. tho circus wouldn't come. Tho arrival of the clrcua train this morning knocked most of them Into a cocked hat. and elation replaced fast gathering gloom in the heart and mind of many a small hoy. Ily noon, thousands of expectant i?nes, young and old. lined the downtown streets in anticipation of the big parado preceding tho show. The parade, however, was delayed, due to the lateness of the < ircus' arrival here, and It was well past 1 o'clock when II passed through the downtown streets In a colorful procession, heralded by blaring brass bands. That Chero were many hundreds of vlslrora In Kllzaboth City for > mc ua day was cvldoncod by the ract that all parking space In the downtown district was occupied before noon, and dozens of belat ed motorists were to be observed driving about In search or placas to park their cars. The iMilfce were on the Job from the time the crowds began ;o form Chief Holmes and members of his force were stationed at the busiest corner In the business dis trict. directing frame and ke Ing the throngs on the sidewalks within roaaonahle bounds The ? educational value of mualc In the' i United States Ih seen by Lieut.1 Charier Benter. leader of the| I United States Navy Band. In the! 'desire of prominent cltlxens In va-i | rloua communities to secure en-, jgagementn for bla organization. j "Js literature reflects (he i thought, munlc reflects the tem-< perament of a people," say? Lieut. | Benter. "The American tastn is' exacting. In moods of frivolity, the gayety must be complete. Crudity may be excused, but not Insincerity. In moods of serious-j ness, the earnestness mu?t be deep and InHplrational. Independent of i affectation or mechanical make ?kin." Lieut Benter has made It hist purpose to have the members of the Navy Band free to make mu sic their life work, as he ha* made tit his own. and to render Its ex I presslon worthy of n national taste. While the present tour j i of the Navy Band Is its first | : in concert work, in the course of ! its official duties it ban given j ! many concerts and each has . brought Its ovations, a recognl-; , tlon on the part of audiences not of high Intention alone, but of ac-1 lual achievement. Not only has Lieut. Benter set | j a standard for the American mu?-1 ? leal performer, but he ha? afford ed encouragement whose value, cannot be overestimated to fTh* American composer. Bome of the I most prominent features In the | progrsms to be rendered on the prenent tour will reveal American genlun. Hide by ?ido In brilliant a? nociatlon with that of other land? and other times. LABOR VOICES ENMITY 1 TO K. R. LABOR BOARD Atlantic City. Oct. 1?. ? Th? 1 ! American Federation of Labor at the concluding session today voiced Its condemnation of the J Tranaportatlon Act and the Ball road Lshor Board. "The Board.'' . nald the committee report, "no 1 longer has the regard or respect 1 of any political party and Its abol ishment would be but the painless i excision of a dead and withered appendix." i FRANCE OPPOSED TO LOCARNO PEACE PAIT 1'irln. Oct. 1?.- The Council of Minister? today gave unanimous spproval to France'* opposition Co the security paet drawn up at lin earno. H \ \ FY RKMHJXM llaletgh. Oct. it,-- K. B Baney. in charge of extension work In farmlnx engineering at State Col !????? nine?- 1 ?> 1 f?. ha? reslnm-d to accept associate profeesornhlp Of surlcultural engineering at Texan Agricultural and Mechanical Col lege. the mensxerii' and big shows. 7 IS o'clock First number of the concert offered by John Orlf fln and his band 8 o'clock Opening of the even Inu performance. 11:30 o'clock Laat note sound ed for the performance. 12 midnight Circus departs for next town "peanuts, popcorn aad cracker- . lack " {! CAROLINA MOTOR CLUB campaign; BRINGS RESULTS' Organizer* of Branch in Elizabeth City K r port SultMuntial Gain in Local Membership ADDRESSES CHILDREN Director of Areidrnt Pre* vent ion Department (jHh tioiiK Student* Against Duii^erniiH Stunt? With 2 2 new members reported j Thursday and announcement today, of the appointment of ap accident prevention committee the drive for ! local mem bera for an Blltttfcflil City branch of the Carolina Motor Club la now well under way. ,7tu9 Dintrlet Manager D. L. Sykes. Jr.. and C. T. Matthews, director ] of accident prevention, appointed j accident prevention committee* Friday. Many Kllzaheth City motoriste-! have been members of the clljU^-3 since Its Inception three years ago, and theae member? are proving of much aid in securing new mem ber*, according to Mr. Sykea. Carolina Motor Club was organ ized September 22, 1922, and the membership has doubled each year. The tola! now stands Just | above 9,000, 700 of wbom are I leading business men In the State. It Is a non-profit organization, devoting Its resourcea to the ser vice of North Carolina motorists. ' and when additional revenue ao- | crues, additional departments are added to broaden the scope of tho J club's service. This year several new departments havo been added j and others strengthened, Including 1 legal, accident prevention, publio 1 relations and touring and Informa tion. C. T. Matthews, director of the accident prevention department Qf I the club, carried a message of ao* J cident prevention to the graded H school Friday morning. Mr. Matthews pointed out some of the more dangerous practices of school children, and slated that 111 I 1924 traffic accidents claimed a | toll In child life of more than 10.* | 000 between the hrcs of six and j 14 in the United States. He cau- j tloned the children against some | of the causes or this appalltBg toll of human life. The speaker declared that j "hitching on" automobiles, children who are on skates, skoot ers, coasters, bicycles and Ihe like, causes a largo per cent of the In- j Juries and deaths. He also called attention to the necessity of walk- 1 ing on the left side of streets I where no sidewalks arc provided, and on the rural highways. In i doing this the traffic is facing the j pedestrian, and he may better pro tect himself from accident. "Cross at crossings and not In j the middle of the block; walk ! across the street alertly but do not j run; never play in the street or j pull raincoat or umbrella over your face while walking In" the I street/' he advised? Mr. Matthews stated education of pedestrians would go far to wards solving complex traffic | problems In our cities. . , * /g PLASTIRAS RELIEVED BE STILL IN HIDING Vienna, Oct. 16. According tO meager news leaking out fNMl (Ireece, Oolonel Plastlraa in still In hiding. Former ministers I'apendroa . and Papamondlon already hays been arrested suspected of having concealed I'lustlraa. In Athene? Pleraus and I'haleroh troops have been concentrated with artillery In position commanding tho streets and highways. It Is feared that Colon?! Balked } achls la forming the antl-goverri ment forces In (Ireek Macedonia tO march on Athen* at the last nio-^ ment, but a compromise I. hop?d* for. DRY NAVY HAS DONE SOME EFFICIENT WORK Washington. Oct. 16. Th. Coast Ouard's dry Navy has eap^ tured 23* seagoing vessels and sp prokimately 400 prisoners since concentration against rum runnel^ started shout seven months ago, It wis announced today. This result has been obtained with the Ion- of four Governn shlpa and about three members of their crew. Figures made public today by the Coast Guard captures of fdjA has exceeded $10,000,000 in ral? ue, corrov maiikkt , New York. Oct. 16 Spot cot- \ ton closed steady, middling 21.? an advance of five points. Fit* | Hires, eloslng bid: Oct. 21.44? 1 I lee. 214?. Jan 20.7?. March 3 21 07. May 21.2?. ? New York. O.i 1 Cottolf'fl lures opened today at the folio? Ing levels: Oct. 21.52. Dec. 21.?l_ Jsn 20.M. March 21.11. May ?stM