< ll:< tl \T|o\ MO\|?.\V 2 . 4 v | Copies J VOL. XV. FINAL KDITION i ? I THE WKATHKR Fulr iuiiIkIit and \W?lne*day. Slowly lixiiiK t*mp??rutMr:^J0 o'clock. All iliwi will Im- held ut tile First Method! >t. Church. which Is designated as convention headquarters. Aiiioiik the former Slate presl depiH of 'the orKaniulioii who have arrived for llie convention ure Mrs. Ii< nrv A. London, of IMtlshoro; 1 M rs. I. H. Falson, of (Charlotte; J Men. W. It. Overman, of Salisbury; . Mrs. Felix Hurvey. of Kinslon; ' and Mrs. Marshall Williams. of" Pa I son. Oilier S41. Tempi* man. from tin Kiwanls Club; and J. C. It. F.hrtnghnus, from the itotari nnn. m There will be brief addresses al so by Mrs J Kdwln Oregory. of Salisbury. Slate prcRldenl of t In tl. A. It.; Mrs. J J Yates, of Ku leigli. State president of ihe Con- , federate Memorial Afnoclntlon ; Dr. W. I', Calloway. of Wilming ton. State commander of the Sons of Veterans; MIsh Katherine Hob inson. of Fayet tevllle. president of | the State Hnsiness and Profession al Women's Clubs, and others. Mrs. Sidney I' Ci;oper, of Hen-| iferson. former president of thej State Federation' of Women's j Clubs, will respond to the address* of welcome, and Mrs Marshall Williams, of Falson. will formally present the new State president of the Daughters, Mrs. l| < 'Inn t h. 1 to 2 I*. M.? I.mtrluitii n( ihf rliurrh. 2 to I'. M. ? ItiiviiK'SH sos nIini hi rhiuvli., ?"? 13 7 I*. M. ? tiPiirinl rm'|i? lion til limit* or Mi>. I*. O. ltot>ill?i?ll. H |*. M.? 4>l?M*r\an<'i* of (liil ? lien's Kv?*iiliiu in new liiuli school uiHlilorillin, with ?|ie> ? i:i I phHiinnio. FIRST TEN MEN OF WALL STREET DID NOT KNOW When Started Stork Ex change I 'nder Button wood Tree l.ittle Knew How It W oulil (?rim SET NEW KECOIIDS Hulls and B. *ui> S?*t iNi'w Standards in Saturday's Irudinu Session and Is Still Shooting lly ItOWi.AM) \V(M)|) lCc?)n?H|; IMS. By Ihr Aidents Mill Pond Sect inn of New land Cufejr S. Evans, white farmer of the Mill Pond section of New land Township, about 14 mlleti from Kli/.al>eth City, and McKln ley Pnn-tor and 1. II. Roach, both colored, appeared in recorder'* court this morning on charges of violating a variety of sections of the Turlington Act. Proctor ami Itoai li entered plena of guilty Evans denied 'the charges against him. t'pon the request of W. I. Hal stead. of South Mills. attorney for Kvans. the rases ol ull three i were continued to Thursday morn I lug. Kvans was placed under $500 homl. and that of the col ored men was fixed at $250 each. The arrest of the trio resulted from a raid on a still in the Mill Pond section last ulght by Sheriff Carmine. Deputy Sheriff Prltch nrd. Special Officer J. Bryan Veil* i tern, and Dry Agents King and iMtnkford. The squad arrived at the still early In the night, and waited until late for the opera tors to appear. They did not. The dry ugeuts, accompanied by Sheriff Carmine and Officer Ven ders. had visited the still Sunday ' night with similar results. Along toward morning, having decided that nobody was coming | to the Mt ill , tbe raiding party went i out and arrested Kvans. Proctor i and Itoach at their homes. They ' brought them to this city, i Proctor and Koucli freely ad mitted their guilt, claiming that they assisted In operating the 'still largely as a matter of accom modating Kvans. They declared they received little for their work, oilier Mian a few dollars now and then to buy groceries with. The | still lind been in operation since ! sometime In August they suid. I ! The distilling outfit was of the double header type, with two cop I per worms, and was operated ' with a steam holler of two to four , horsepower. It had a capacity es timated 3R gallons every ten j hours. In addition to destroying , the boiler, (he rniders poured out 1 .000 to 1.600 gallons of mash. They brought the two copper worms and other paraphernalia from the still to this city, and ex hibited them In court. On the path to the still, the dry , agents found five bags of coal, ob ; vlously used as fuel at the plant. Itoach claimed to have served on ! ly as fireman for the outfit. He 1 said he returned recently from i Pennsylvania, and helped nt the Mill because he couldn't find much work elsewhere, and needed the ' little tliut he could muke. ANOTHER FLOWER FOR MRS. LEWIS I A need which has been felt for I a long period of time, will be filled when Mrs. Anna II. I^ewls will be gin her duties as probation officer and police-woman for Wake Coun ty and the City of Italelgh. Mrs. lewis's work will be with delln-; quent women and girls and she will be vested with tbe power and' authority of a member of the po- 1 lice force. Mrs. Lewis Is considered one of the finest welfare workers who have been welfare ^iperlntendents I In the State. For several years i she has been superintendent In Pasquotank County and has done outstanding work. She organized a Mother's Club among the mill wo men in Kllzabeth City and estab lished a detention home for delin quent children. ? Public Welfare Progress. ECONOMY I'KOOIOM FOR THF; ITALIANS Home. Oct. 20. ? Economy will be the watchword of the Ital-' Ian debt funding mission under' Finance Minister Count Volpi, | which leaves for the United States Thursday on the liner Dullio. which Is sailing for Naples. All members of tbe delegation under the rank of principals of the ex perts wll be lodged In second class, cabins. rOMtllKI) ItKFKMMXTH liKT OFF WITH COUTH Charged with using profane and indeccnt language In public. Mary Johnson and Ethel llollowell. both colored, were dismissed upon payment of the costs after a hear ing In recorder's court Tuesday morning. John Ferebec. colored, charged with failure to list his taxes, was required lo pay the taxes and court ' cosls. This Wire Was Good Medicine fleoricp CamVHI Carton. Ran Pnnclwii lalmrcr. v.-nn n happy lio?plt:?1 pntlcnt after I tic hi rival of (he trleirritiii wiil.'h plotute uliowa htm reading. For It reLittil thct a 1* 8. supreme i-oun decl ?!on had open H the way for him to colU* Ul!loiu in rov.iltlrn from 15 t>lg Amrru-iin copper roiopanleft Ciraon anal for ?nfr'.nfrcment ??f ? pttf-Iting patent. Pasquotank ' Right There' At Fair, Bill T widely Writes, Praising Ham "Send IhoH) fellow* back next year, uml I'll bet you they carry back home with llit'in the blue rib- j lion, but they won't carry hack the country hams," writes \V. C\ Twid-j dy, formerly of th!? city.und now manager of the Italelgh branch of the Dalton Adding Machine Com pany, referring to Hit 1'asguotank County exhibit put on by County Agent Kails and Si-crelary Job, of the Chamber of Coiunierce, at the State Pair last Week. "I Just want to t?ay it wan not the fault of those two fellows, nor, wax tt the fault of the way the display wan arranged. Mr. Twi4-' FEDERAL PRISON ; NOT BAD AT ALL Deputy Sheriff Seymour Tells (?lowiii? Tale Af ter Atlanta Trip The Federal prison ai Atlanta is a wonderful place, and is much more like an up-to-date hotel than an institution for the punishment of lawbreakers, according to Depu ty Sheriff Horatio Seymour. ?.f Camden Coifnty, who returned yes tenlay with Deputy Marshal IV ter 1). liurgess from n trip to tic (teorgia city. Tin- two officers took Warren May, of Canal Bridge, Currituck ' County, who la to serve a year and a day in the prison following con ! vlction In Federal Court here last , week on a charge of violating thei prohibition laws. "The prison Ih as clean and neal | as a pin." Deputy Sheriff Seymour said, in telling of his trip. "They ? have plenty of good thing* to en: for the prisoners, and give them; aH kinds of opportunities for rec j reatlon. It Isn't like a prison, ai all. They have baseball diamond*, j tennis courts, moving pictures, and a beautifully decorated chapel. . with paintings on the walls These were painted by a prisoner. I was told. "The prisoners are divided Into three classes. I whs Informed. The worst ones are confined In dun geons until they are willing to h< - have themselves. The others. 1 classified according to their be havior, are given light work. They do not wear prison stripes, but are dressed In suits made of blue over all material. They look healthy and mostly contented enough. You'd nevei take them for prison er?." Messrs. Ilurgess and Seymour, left here Thursday night to take May to Atlanta. They aaid he gave them no trouble on the way. but after bearing glowing reports of the prison fro?i people aboard the train, appeared decidedly anxious to get there and observe condi tions for himself. CHANG'S TROOPS AUK IN KKTKEAT Peking. Oct. 2?. Continued.' withdrawal of Chang Tsolln's troops before the advancing Che kiang forces gives point to Chang'* repotted determination not to he drawn into conflict except as a Inst resort. The Manchurian War l Mrs. William H. Turner, who Is said to have received IIS. 000 Insuranee on the "death" of her husband In an alleged murder fraud at McCarr, Kentucky. ha* been indicted hy a Pike County grand Jury In conneAttan with th ? case, county officials announced today. dy conl ilium, in a lettei to I in* ? ?l i tor of Tli?' Dutlv Vdvauce, com | tai ??mi ii t: on |';iK.|tiotutik "s failure I to take lirst t?ri . "I wi.-h yon I could have seen it. We wen' right ? I !???!%? with Ho* r*-M ot iIh iii. ami b*'li?*ve inc. it tiisi?l?- in*- hone-sick Well, 1 boiiKlii tlti hie liam tiom Mi. Palls and that niulil I was hack In Pasquotauk cat I hi; Pay quoiunk County fried ham i? :? I liam. too - for luy supper. I u.is back home for one hour, ai l?-ast. "Thi'ii, for your information. Pasquotank had one fellow who took lir?-t prize. Tin- Dalton hootii 'not the l?lu. rihlmn, and I'm vcr> ? |?roud of it." SALESMAN HURT ; IN ROAD CRASH .Cmiiir r??llid?'s W illi Mulr rurt Whirli |lorr No l.ifghl* J. ii. Crnrkctt. KaWuian for lb" Kli/.ahcth City brunch of th< T**\ < an Oil Co in pa nv, fustaiiniJ a ia ] vert' rut on tiir r iuh I I*-::, In low the knee. early Monda> night vrhi-n the Ford coupe in which h*? wax Mil i nt collided with a l.iule '??art on I Ik- Hertford highway, iibout a mill' cnxt of Muck II* :a?l 'Sign Pont. Tin- coupe wan vii tuully lifiuolislii'd. ! Mr. Crockett was on his way [from I i?-i*t lot . Walker. it Is' expected that l?* ? will Im- out in a f?*w day*. The collision Is attrlhuted to tlio circumstance that III** m n !?* carl bore no light, and Mr Crock - ell did not ?*??? it until too Ih I * - to avoid the accident. The failure of bills repeatedly offered In tb?* ' General Assembly to require liorae drawn vehicles to carry llfslilM Iiim been attribulf-d to fear on tin- t*a 1 1 of legislators opposing tin m that they might lose much of the rural vote. Many accidents have lieen traced to tills lack of lights. SUMMONS SKKVED ON BKOADWAY CAHAKKTS New York. Oct. 20. Ilroad ?way caharctn i.tm supper clubn were the objective today of the moat *woc|ilnK prohibit ion drive yet waged along the famous thor oughfare. Thirty of these night renorts were nerved with sum mons and complaints today by tnem hers ??f the Culled Slate* l>ia trict Attorney lluckner's staff. IM)N.\IK llltUOKH C.\HK TO HKACH .11 II V Toil \ V Hendersonvlllc. Oct. 2" K T. Cam>l?*r of Charlotte made fin al plea for the defense today In the trial of llonnie llrooks. ? barged with the murder of form er Mayor llryson. Solh-ltor Preaa will make the final argument late today for the State. The cane in expected to be given lo the ? before adjournment of court to night. NKW ONION II M OlU> t>nnver. Oct. 2?.- .A new rec ord for onion production will In set hy Colorado this year. The crop in estimated at 1. 04 2. nun huahels. as rompnretl with HI* ? bushels last year. FOLKS WHO PAY DEBTS TARDILY MAY GET SHOCK Mi'ItIiuiiU4 Kinrrati Hr^ino I a-L ?>f Olilaingi^ New rmlil Kalin^?? on IVnpIt* of I III- SlM'tioil l?KKIV\KIIN<; I on<; LIST I Iiom* W jelling lavoraMc ( Purification Kriiiiiwit'tl TIh'V Should Olili gallons I'ronipll) i:ii/nlu-t It City folk* who have h< I'll yit lilliiK l? liic temptation to ?l -lav such onpli ana lit ilulifs as pa> inu their bills an* in for an in .?i*t? lit if uncomfortable awaken* in>:. Tliejr may find thai no-r eliant* here have turned uvi'r a lieu (??ill ill tin- tit-M ::o days or ho. TIm' Merchants' llureati ol tin f'liaiiilii i nf fontitn-rci' is lauiirh inu a campaign ni brlna credit ratings Ion- tip In dull', and lo I In-Ill Nil. lolks wlm fall to mi'. -I their hill* I'iirli ;!? days may sinidi nlv lind that they can'l nel rii'dit lo ! and 21. Vi, li'ii'lno an a youiiu man of tlv wnrld. llvltiff In South Amtrl ?a InoiriK been educated In ParlH It iHiroiheil to a *lrl i.ilsed In a ii rivent and whom he hnn nerar ..ii I' i* a cftae of love al flral hIkIi* for iMitli. and then the happy i 1 1 riven only to have her hut it would he npoltlna everything lo n t more. H'h a Rood plrl tire. "A Sainted |n \ II" -and Valentino appears In i i 1 1 role In thin Hex ll?*a? h story. First Subscriptions Are Turned In By Workers In Great Circulation Drive 4 . ? ^1 J. K. Wood of ( lliapanokr uiul Mi** Kilnu Itoyrr, Kliring Iiuii* Si reel* (iily, (>H t'mlrr Wire for hourly j, ^ Slurl in tli?' Harr for IIihUoii unci Ollior Prize* OflVrrd liy Tin* Ailvuncr ^ j S'l iftSt'.MPT IONS TO "FNIENDS" Ol ITSIDE Al.HEM ARLE A HE NOT (MOD EOK I OTES Again | ho attention of all who an- considering conipetlnK lor tin* Hudson coach. and otli ??r prizes offered by Tho Ad vnnro In lis circulation, cam paimi inauKurated -Saturday. Is directed to tho following provi sion In the ruloN Kovvriilnc t li ?* ?ampalKn as published in the opening announcement ami to which spi'Clal utli'iition was di rected in tho odltoriai columns of the same Issue: "Vote* Mill not b?* iillouvd on siil?M-rl|itl?Mi.? n-cuii-*! ixilsidc or hli/jihcth Cltj'M trade territory ol l'4is4|iiotiuik, l'oi-4|iiImanN, I'aindou, Currituck. Cho wan, Hertford, WitshliiKlon, Ikrik MniHii. Tyrrell, ?l>do. and Piiiv nmnilcN." in other words, when a imb scriher otters a contestant a subscription for his son or daughter at college. or when lie offers the contestant a subserlp tion for a friend in any place beyond tin* bounds of tho roun tb s en numerated in tho forego ing paragraph,* he is not doiiiK ih<- contestant a favor, as such a subscription will not entitle her or hlin to any votes what ever in the contest. Such sub scriptions are expensive to han dle ami a higher rate in chanted for them, $5.00 or Iti.OO a year, accord ing to their distance from Kllxabeth City. Moreover, such subscriptions are of Utile or no value to tho advertiser, and therefore they are not sought after by The Ad vance In this canrpaiKn. That Is why no votes will be Issued for them and no commissions will he allowed on them. This same rule has been in force in the. last two subscrip tion campaigns put on by this newspaper and explains largely why ground gained In those I wo campaigns was held, while ?10 per cent of the uronnil gained In the first campaign was lost. Kxperlence has lauKht us that It is a wise rule tnd that in the long run it works to the advantage not nnly of the paper but of the real workers ainonu the con testants themselves. I' IK ST RKSIII.T IS TIIK WITHDRAWAL TROOI'S London. Oct. 20. ? The f Irnt , practical result of the Locarno ae CMirlty pun will bo tin- withdrawal of the Ilril IhIi troops froai Cologne; bridgehead. It In stated In offl rlul utiarlers, and thin should he accomplished within three month*. C.AITAIIN CURRY SAYS CHARGES ARK FAI.SK New York. Ort. 20. ? Clyde lino, of f trials were today In communi , cation with Captain K. K. Curry, niaHltt of the Comanche, who re Iterated h In denial that there was any undue excitement among the crew during the fire of the veaael Saturday night. Charged have been made by survivors returning here thai the negro crew was drunk, and in Nome InHtancen caused passenger* to be hurled out of the life boats Into the waters. IMirff < I. \IMI\<; %'ICTOItV IN TKMCCilUI'HKIIM' Milt I K C Wilmington, Oct. 20 The Slrilgglr between the Atlantic Coast Line Hallway and strikiim telegraphers continued today wltli both sides claiming victory. Ily ? using teb'phones Instead of lele k ia pit in many instances, railway officials were planning to main tain schedule* on all branches of their system. On the other hand, union officials throughout the sys tern sny that the walkout which started yesterday will become gen eral today and declare the railroad company will be forced to accede to their d< mandrf for a aev? n cents an hour increase In pay. I ' l , \ v WITH I'MK-Vols i >: \i? KM K IMIKII TICNT II I- '.It I : "Ten Nights In a Bar Room. claRsic of pre Volatead days, will be presented Thuraday evening under a lent theater on Houth Dy er Kir'pfl by ? company of 15 play ers. according to the advance agent of the show who wan In the city today. (DTTOJI MARXIST New York. Oct. 20. ? -Cotton f?i- , lures opened today at the follow ing levels Oct 21 90. Dec. 21.731 Jan 2o *t. March 212R. New York. Oct. 20. ? 8pot cot ton closed steady, middling 22.15. an advance of 10 point*. Futures, f closing bid: October 21. K7. De- 1 cember 21. fit. January 20,10, March 21 20. May 21.3i, I i Tin* Daily Advance subscript ion campaign - ? M well under way to day when J. K, Wood. Route Onf, jChapanoke. turned in the first 1 subscription rirclvt'd by thf cam paign manner since the drive J started last Saturday. M Ims Kdna Hoyce. 204 Eh ring- | bans street. city, followed Jyjst J about nny hour luter with the first subscription to In* received from a worker entered from Kllzabeth i i City. Just a sliuht difference was 1 n uted ill the votes given these early workers on their subscrip tions which is a strong indication gathered from past experience? pr the campaign manager that there will be a hot fluiit put up for the -i prizes that ibis newspaper Alfpni j the public on November 28, Juat in little less than six weeks away.. - 1 Several other very promising workers received their recof$? J books today and it would, nqt be a bit surprising to learn that at this very hour they are well onthe road to victory and one of tnjf 1 automobiles. This spare lime proposition thai i The Advance offers to the public j is certainly proving popular, ! eral new names have been added i to the list today, all anxious to j earn one of the seven valuable j prizes that this paper will award to those who clip the fre^ ipy vote coupons from the paper dalil|r? | have their friends save them alio j and then secure other votes ' tt? 1 having their friends and nelKhty>?a j subscribe or renew their suuMn^'.| t lnii to this newspaper. Kach suo- & script ion earns a given number of votes as shown by the voting sch?- u dule which will be found on IB- -8 other page. The prizes Include a Hudson , coach that sells delivered f Of. $!.?*? .-j :5 2 r? . purchased from Stevens ic Son Motor Car Company, a Ford ?] coupe, valued at I&K0.70, and ? 'j Ford touring car, sold at $490.10. j Hot h of these Fords are purchaMd1 J from the Auto A (Jas KngMo Works. Inc.. Elizabeth City. j J Two suites of furniture arc of* a f.-red as fourlh and Aftli prize*. A j I any $:r?0 living room. bed room or dining room suttofl from the Qiiiti n Furniture Conk- J puny is fourth, while from the If. c(, Mm risette Company the winner ?>f fifth prize, may exercise, 'ft choice in a suite of furniture v*? j tied up to $17f?. Winners of slxttt j and seventh prizes will be award* ed cash. $100 to the former and 1 $50.00 to the latter. In order to insure all who IftkO A an active part of being awarded something worth while, The Dally \d vance will allow a cash coniJUUt- i slon or 20 per cent to thote who j fall to earn one of the seven prto*'?| f renewed , subscriptions secured during the j campaign. The same boy will dr- 1 liver the paper as always case of those who enjoy carper I service, and the carrier, as a rule. , prefers a paid in advance to a col- j lection subscriber aA. t In the case of those subsc)rll9W il who are paid In advance but who wish to renew during the cartl pulgn to help some Worker, The j Advance wants to say that tl?0y j will lose nothing The nvw sub- | scrlptlon will simply be added to i the old when that one expires. J Wednesday l he first list of cow- j testants and their vote totals will 1 lie published If you are smbltlotlg 1 and have the spare time and would like to own a brand IM[ J automobile In less than six ?????. ? time, send In your entry coupon H which you will find In thin Issue. 1 The campaign manager will ex plain this free offer In detail eith er through writing, a persoaftl call at your home, or by answer ing all your Inquiries over phone fl78. i The campaign office is on .Ml? second floor of the Savings llank K Trust Company llulldlng, cor- ] ner Main and I'olndexter street*. All are Invited to call and Wan* the details llecelpts books ? are now ready for delivery and work ers may begin their csnipulgo..f0t votes without delay. soi iu4\? SEVENTEEN 1MJI RED at grade csossinp MomphK. Oct. 2d peiKOllH WW IlllUMCl. ver'ely. when a bus and the Illi nois Central passenpier train. aol tided at a grade crossing on the outskirts of Memphis today. SCIIOOI. CHILDREN victims accident M*con. OH.. Oct. JO. 4- Two school children were killed and two seriously Injured early thl* morning when the automobile dd I which they were going to Vln+?jg v lib* school crashed headort ' III an outbound Vlnevllle street near the city limits.