COUNCIL BLOCK COMPANY'S PLAN FOR WAREHOUSE Albemarle Produce C.oni pany Ordered No! to Erect Structure Proposed oil South Koad Street ORDINANCE PASSED Owners of Tract May Pro ceed Willi Plans and 1 III ? f uiately Ki^lit Out Ques tion iu (ioiirts The Albemarle Product' Com >? pany, it really incorporated to conduct a general produce busi ness here. llnds itself in i lir cin harnissing position ??i having been forhidd< II i<i rrt-ci a warehouse on tin- property il had bought for Hit' inirpiiKi' ?>ii Sihi th lt?>;ui us a result or action taken l?y the City Council last night. Members of tin* tii m today were wondering what they could do abaui il. The company paid ilti.uut) for tin- tract formerly owned by the Pasquotank Warehouse Associa tion. fronting on South Koad -street ami adjoining the light of way or tin* Suffolk & Carolina Itnilrond. Tht' association was granted a penult wmio live years ago (or erection of a produce warehouse on tht- property. The new owners acquired tin* tract a few Weeks IIKO, a lid Were proceed ing with plans for erection of. a warehouse on the uHsiimptlon thai I he old permit stood. They had mil gotten far. how ever. before the City .^Council noti fied them through "the Chief of Police that lin y must mil erect a warehouse on the properly. At their request, a hearing was held on the mailer before the City Council last night. The outcome was tin passage by the Council forbidding erection of a wan-homy of uny type in the urea hounded by South ttoad, Khringhaus, Dyer uml West Church street*, within which their tract is situated. Attorneys state thai the only course open to the produce com pany 1s to proeecd with the erec tion of the proposed warehouse until the city brings Injunction proceeding!* to halt the work. Then tin- mailt r could be fought out in die courts. Member* of the com pany today had nothing to say as to their probable course of action. The members of the produce firm are Klisha and Wiley Copper ? smith, Jarvis M.. Scott. K. It. Fer rell uud W. F. Jennings, all resi dents of the County. They had completed plans for erection of a produce warehouse on the proper ty, und had hoped to open for bus iness by January 1. They were '.represented at the hrarinK by <2eorgc J. Spcnce, local attorney. The only consideration accorded 1 he company by the Council was flic appointment of a committee to confer with the stockholders and assist them in any way possible In finding another location for their warehouse. In view of the fact thai they have already invested their money in the prohibited site, members of the firm appear little aiini eclat ive of this consideration. I Ju behalf of his clients. Mr. ftpvnee presented a petition to the Council at the opening of the iriedting. asking that they he per mitted to erect u warehouse on the west side of South Road street, nesr the Suffolk & Carolina llail roftd, to conduct n general pro dare business. The warehouse was to front 50 feet on the street nml to extend to a depth of IS9 fepj. Opponents of the warehouse proposul offered a petition of pro test- declared to bear the signa tures of fl7 residents of the vicin ity. J. K. Wilson, local attorney and County representative In the General Assembly, objected to the warehouse on the ground that It Would injure the First Method 1st Church prn|>crty, nt Road and Church streets. When the question came to bal lot before the Council, only K, M Marls, of the Fourth Ward, voted In favor of granting a permit for erection of the proposed ware house. Those defending the warehouse pro Jim i contended that fertiliser, its most objectionable commodity, would i>e handled there only dur ing about 30 days In the spring, and If It becMtne obnoxious to res idents of the vicinity, the company agreed to discontinue handling it there altogether. The company agreed also to build In rront of the warehouse atoug architectur al Hues that the city might prefer. In order that the structure might hot be an eyesore. Toward the close of the hearing. Wiley Coppers in Itli. one of the stockholders, asked If there whs any regulation against building houses on the property, lo lie oc cupied by colored tenants, lie Was Informed there was none, whereupon he dropped a hint that the owners might cut a street through their trscl and build a Colored settlement there. Another argument advanced by the proponents of the warehouse enterprise was that ths city was erecting a sewer pumping station only a bout 20 feet from the ware house tract, and that, they con tended, certainly should prove as objectionable as any sort of warehouse that might be bultt In [SQUALL PUTS OFF SEAPLANE CONTEST I,"""'!"'"; Baltimore. Oct " 'V'"1""'"""! Schneider Hu|ih> seaplane r?c. scheduled (or today was formally postponed at ill morning to l?- he ld to, oirow. weather permitting. HlowiiiK -MjiialLs cuuh.-d the do i?m 2, ? .r'rrr . T|" "r<,?ran, chance to qualify r 24 n^m?,re?P"rk- "aHimore. Oct. IIH r. ? l'rt ttkler In Cr.-at Itrltuln 8 reserve i;i?,ter xa?|or seaplane S3 failed ??aluv 7," piano tills niornlni; for the Xchmi ^tiWnZnnCVa *rh"du,,tl '<?' thl. White Youth Fined On Liquor Charge Caught on the second floor of wl'.l, ,"?,o.'h "i"! ?tShl ?III| n bottle of liquor in hlx p05. session, Albert Origin, white youth ?f this cily, was ,ined 110 and ???will in recorder's court Saturday .inning. y second charge of tiaiisporlatlnn or liquor was not pressed. Ililfcht. who is apparently lx ,,r 1J y?ars of a?e. was Aned ?25 and rosis In r.c?r?|er H court Jim,, jt j, following conviction on n charge 1!,Z' ?" '??"> daJ'nl 'h.'",1' Thllra Oih . 7 . t'"l"l,;,,lV Willi two "" 1,1 " ''ark area on the aec "'",r hulldln*. A dance Z ?i "? the third floor at the time bright. not a mem ber of ,|? clul> giving Hie dance, wen III, earlier In the evening and. not having a card, wan denied ad mission. latter lie was periilltted I" go inside for a little while j uiotvly to look on. Soni" time afterword, along Willi two companion*. Iirlght left ,.,",h"nT" hallway on the lower floor, where he was arieslcd subsequently. Officer Houghton, who made the airesi ???-tln.d that the you wasliold lug Hie bottle In question when lie flashed a searchlight on him. No e 'lhlT* , TZ" "re', rr,,'l against ?lllier of his companions. lersona who attended the dance declare emphatically thai It was conducted In an entirely orderly way, aud there waa absolutely no evidence of drinking on the part of any who attended it. Sn ,'m, "'"h "odfr;,>' ""'l Hannah Smith, both colored, also were I [led at Saturday morning's sea. w II of court. They were charged w ill taking part in an affray. In in i " hol,lmer and a llollron In Godfrey woman figured conspicuously as artillery. ? he was flned $5 and costs. It ap pearing that she was the aggres aor. The other woniaii was lei ofr with tly. coata. The case or OcUvlua ISurke, col wi,h abandonment and non support of hia wife An nie. was dropped when It became apparent that the acetic of the al Conntv ?'$ W*2 ''"<I>"tlian? Iiw V .Ju,dK'' s?wycr reminded the principals in the case that he larked JuriHdlctlon to try It. Hum PHONOGRAPH COMPANIES UNITE New York. Oct. 24.? Alliance or four of the loading phonograph com pan lea of the world, represent Ing a total capitalization of ap proximately JI8.000.000, and op. 'rating in 11 countries, was an nounced today by Ihe Columbia heliograph Company, one of the concerns Involved in the (ranaar lirKlt'HR HKAITOINTKn Ellen F. Doiler, colored proba tion offieer hero, was reappoint ed this week by Clerk of the Court 1 K. L. Sawyer, ex officio Juvenile court Judge, to serve u term of one yeur. GREEK TROOPS STILL MOVE TOWARD BOKDKIt Sofia . Oct. 24.~ - l?ar*e contin gents of (ireek troops continue to ; bp sent toward the Unitarian bor der, the Bulgarian t? l?*?rapl> agency announced today. It con aiders thin an Indication that the (Irw'ks Intend to enlarge the scope of their present offensive. The Government says that the (Jrei'kw hnv?' pierced the Hulgarlan i territory to a depth of more than woven miles along a 20 mile front. the vicinity. Property owners In that part of the city argued vigorously that the proposed warehouse would In jun- (he value of their holdings i seriously. A large delegation was present at tho hearing. In his talk on the subject. Rep ?res*-niat Ive Wilson referred to the warehouse as more ohjectlonab that "Cat Alley." the colored heart of the city's "red light" district of a generation ago. "Tat Alley," they declare, ran approximately through the renter of the warehouse tract. At the Koad street end was a high bar room run by a negro, with quart ers upstairs for every sort of 1m- j morality. "Cat Alley" was bor dnred with rows of small shacks I i occupied by colored people, and ; was the scene of wild doings j throughout many a hectic night. | As the years passed, "Cat Al-i ley" fell more and more Into dla- j repute. Gradually the shacks i crumbled away till none was left. | The old dlstlct la now nothing I more than a memory. j * PUBLICITY PLAN URGED AS VITAL Must Take Prompt Steps to Attract Tot rials Secre tary Job Say# I Heron t officiul opening of the | South Atluntic Coastal Highway, coincident with completion of an I important bridge across (he Sa vannah River, wuh stressed by I Secretary Job. of the Chamber of j Commerce. Friday night before i the City Couucll as one of the ur I gent reasons for prompt action by | the city in making an appropria tion for publication of a booklet setting forth the resources, ad | vantages and points of interest In < Kllzabeth City and the Albemarle I district. ( Secretary Job explains that the {opening of this important North I and South highway passing i through Kllzabeth City will tend ! to bring many more tourists j through this section, especially If j they are upprised of the things It j bus to offer In the way of scenic and historic interest, and recrea tional facilities. ! "Unless we let them know what we have." he explains, "many will .he Inclined to turn off and follow I Route 4(1 after they reach North j Carolina. This will take them j through Halifax, Wilson and i (Joldshoro, far from our section I of the State, whereas Route 30. i North Carolina's part of the Coastal Highway, passes directly ?through Kdenton, Hertford and : Kltzu belli City." At present, when luqulries with reference to the Albemarle section are received at the Chamber of l Commerce. Mr. Job has the alter native of Hendlug the quest loners I an inadequate, poorly gotten up i folder that Is severul years out of i date, or of writing a long letter seling forth what they want to know. An attractively designed I folder 'would have a far better ef i feet, he declares. The book proposition Is in the | hands of a committee of the city i Council, whose members are I). I Ray Kramer. E. J. Cohoon. and J. J. Hughes. They are to meet with Mr. Job In the next few days I for further Investigation and fals , cuss ion of the project. Later they will report to the Council as a j whole. I The booklet scheme received at least a temporary setback through ! the appropriation of $1,600 for the Acorn Hill Road celebration. This was deducted from the city's , advertising fund, and left the j Council with hut . little money for additional publicity purposes. . However, through the Importance J of the plan. Secretary Job Is hope j fill thut a way found to set I aside a substantial amount for the j booklet. AUTOMOBILE KACES POSTPONE!) BY RAIN Washington, Oct. 24. ? Automo [ bile races scheduled today nt Lau , rel, Maryland, speedway were called off on account of rain. BODY IDENTIFIED SOUTH CAROLINIAN Newport. R. I., Oct. 24. ? One of the two bodleii taken from the cn ' gine room of the sunken Navy sub ! marine H-Sl yesterday was identi fied today as that of Jatnea Dudley Haselden, Jr., lieutenant Junior 'grade, of Dillon, South Carolina. THREE ARE HESCUED FROM WRECKED PLANE Miami Reach, Fla., Oct. 24 Cal I jit ha in, pilot, and two new* i paper photographers. Al Wlckham and one named Wllloughby, were today re|M?rted rescued from the wreckage of "Miss Venice," a sea I plane which crashed off Miami Reach early today. TAX PROPOSALS AltE ENDORSED BY GREEN Washington, Oct. 24. Propos als for Immediate reduction In Federal Inheritance tax with m peal at the end Of six years were Indorsed today by Chairman Oreen of the House way* and means com- ? in It tee. 1NTKKKHT (.ROWINO |% MKKTINCJ AT Bl,A( KWF.I.I. Increasing crowds have been attending revival service* which : began last Sunday at lllackwell Memorial church and will con tinue throughout next week. The pastor. I?r James II Thay- ' 'er. Is doing the preaching A very Impressive feature of the service Is the mimic. A junior and a aen lor choir have been organized and under the leadership of L. K. Skin ner these choirs have grown In number each night, The pastor Is urging more study and reading of the Bible and the number of chapters read hy the congregation Is reported each night. Prayer services begin each ev ening at 7:16 and the aong ser vice at 7:30. Services close esch evening promptly at I: SO. There will be no service tonight. Mr. and Mrs. W. Ben Goodwin and Mrs. Anns B. hewla. County. Welfare Officer, metered to Nor folk and back Friday. They Will Try Army 'Hell Cat ' HOW ZK (Jit A VKS KING MAJ. URN. C. 1\ SI MMKIJAI.I. Srven nii>nib^rH of t !??* military court which Im lo try Ci?lom*l Wil liam Mitchell. Army "ln-11 cat." are pictured here, (ii'iii-rjl Sum iiM rail, president i?f th<> court. is comma n tier nf th? Army" SitoihI 1 Corps Aria with headquarters at (iovt rnorV Inland N?-w York. Tin* others; MaJ. <?? -11 . Kohi-rt L. IIow/?-. command' i Second Corp:? Area, Columbus. Ohm; Ma). Octi. Dou^la* MrArtliui. commander Third Corps Aria. Ilaltlmorc; Mnj. W .S. flinvth, command- i i?r Sixth Corps Aroa. Chicago: MaJ. Ci-ii. Itenjaiuln A. I'oore. commander Seventh Corps Ann. Omaha; Hrfs? (Jen Kdwnrd L. Kin;;. rommindani Army Service I School, l-'t. Leaven worth, Kansas; | IIiIk. Ccn. frank It. McCoy, com mand* r Third. Infantry Hrluudc, Ft. Sara Houston, T>-\at<. Mr VIC I llll; IM >ORK ; a Time Ripe for Action In R&ce for $3,000 In Prizes ! ' ' v Put On By Daily Advance ! ?"? i ' '? - ' ? ' I ? ? ? No U orkcr us Vfl IIiik Got \wa> lo Such a Slarl a* 1 . ? ?erionnlj Ilantiica|? IhiI Knlry Period lta|> idl y Passing Now and Working Period at Hand Vote Totals Start ' To Climb ; Folks arc just starting to get busy in The Daily Ad vahce subscription cafapaign. You arc invited lo enter alid shal e in $3,000 or more of prizes to be awarded by ttaib (lapor. Vote for yourself by clipping the free 100 vote- coupons from the paper each day and secure other votes by having your friends renew their subscript ions. 'Everybody wins something. Mrti. Mattie llarrell, U. F. D. 2, City 5,400 Mi's., Sidney Bufkin, 703 N. Road street 5,700 fc' PMry Davis, North Road street 5,200 MM, Li 0. Tadlock, C. regory 5,500 M. D. Stevens, Camden 5,100 ' "Mrs". Sam Hughes, (>06 Southern avenue 1 4,800 ' Mrs'. J. M. Bell, Snowden 8,800 E. C. (Jibbs, Point llarlioi- 9.300 Miss Violet Baker, G04 Sixth Street 8,200 Miss Lillie Cordon, Route 1, South Mills 5,800 J. E. Wood, Route 1, Chapanoke 7,200 Mrs. I.. C. Fletcher, 515 Morgan street 14,900 Miss Margaret McCal>e, 213 West Main street 7.000 Mrs. J. E. I'rovo, 105 Ehringhaus street 7.700 Mrs. S. R. Jackson, Koute 1, City (>,800 Miss Shirley Bateman. Ill Cypress street 12,500 Miss Edna Boyce. 204 Ehringhaus street 13,400 Miss Gladys S pence, 207 East Fearing street f?,l(>0 Mrs. Richard Phelps, 709 North Road street (>,700 Mrs. Tom Williams, Belcross 10,700 Miss Vivian llnmpton, Poplar Branch 5,(!00 Miss Bonnie Dixon, Maple street, cor. Elm 0,300 Mrs. M. A. DaVenport, Columbia 5,300 ? Miss Mary Louise James, 105 W. Fearing st net 5,400 Miss Elner Italph, Route City fi.300 Wallace Speight, Weeksville 5.000 Mrs. Ida Sanderlin, 1 Panama street 13,900 Miss Gertrude Sawyer, Riddle 5,000 Miss Alice taster, Weeksville 5,300 All thou- who liar* her n think i n r obout pnlrrlng thi- ftuhncrlp Hon cam0?l8ii of The Dally Ail vnnee ahonld not lore any nun tiino thinking It over. Thinking | aloft# wfll n< vor erf yon any i? ward In thl* rnmpulgn. Jimt 4 few hour* M ron i upm tlifif BeVM^d to the rani|?silKft I bo on on* h lo hrlnx you an m.m> [ vote* all any one no far entond. l-'ree toii|M>nn oil f?|M i] f > ? i in I Itr p? per t hat ar?- Rood for I heir fneo value of |0() vote* hi. to I. timl on every h?n<l for the nuking. Voiir friend* will |m* u'.nd in r* ne?v their K'lhunipt !<<n lr> The Advanc throNKh jroii on wlilrh you will 1* Hlven ? eertaln ntimlMT of vol# c, And nU Oter the Albemarle i?n folks who have heard what n |0o4 Continued on pa<(o 4 BEAN HARVESTER RATE IS REDUCED Miixalirlli < il> Maiiiifm-lur n> I'.lutril Over Vrlion liv ICuilroiiil Si?y lira 11 hurvoHiiT mannfactur i<rn ??i' tlii-* city arc elated over re reipi ??!' a letter from J. F. l?ai I mi. general freight agent of llie Norfolk Southern Itallioud. in tin* rff'-ri I lint their harvesters huv?* been reMored tn tlilnl i-Iiism from doubb first class. Willi a iiiatrrlal reduction III fiviKht cosls. Thr reduction whs effl'rtwl Conform II ?'??>? between representa tive* ot tlir manufacturers ami Secret a iy .loll, uf (lie Chamber of Commerce. oil ihe one hand. and Norfolk Southern freight officials oil till' olliri*. When llie rati' WUK raised from third lo douhlr first class. I hi* harvester maker* here were roll f roll led with a *11 nation thai "threatened lo drive them out ?if this territory, due to (lie ex - cej-sive rost of shipping their ma chines. As illustrative uf Ihe difference. K. V. Seoti. manager of the Scoti Sales* Company. harvester manu facturers. staled Saluday moruiiiK Dial dolllile rirsl elans to Ml. IMeas si lit . \'ii . was $liMi? as compared Willi J? it . 7 "i by third class. Mt I'leasuut is a short ilisluiu*e oul of Norfolk. lie added that the double first i lass rate to Ctolds horo w'iih $ I. till per lan pounds, as to in pa led with $l.4!i hy ex press. ma ki iik il actually cheaper lo *hlp lher? hy express. Local harvester makers who have liecu shipping their machines "knocked down" hy tloiihle firs! class will receive refunds from the railroad, these lo eoiiKtilute tll? difference between Ihe I wo freight rales. Mr. Sroti siuled. gi IWION THK I1WT Washington. Ocl. 24. ? The Na val Court of Inquiry Into the Shenandoah disaster today aHked the Saturday Kveiiiug I'oat wheth er lis recent article on Ihe Shen andoah appearing postthuinousiy. Vinler ihe name of the late Com mander ZucUury l.unudowue wui authentic. accuraltj and complete i-s it uiiiio from hia pen. YOUNG BANKER OF WALL STREET DIES New York, tin 24. -Oilbert E. j Jones, vice president of the Hunr-i aiily Company of New York, and : president of i li? ? itoiid Club, died: today afier a n cenl operation for j appendicitis. lir was one. of Ihe yoiinu'^t hankeis In Wall street. [ Tins liAin NEEDS \ CAIIItlAGE BADI.Y A I mi by at the Pasquotank t'hll-i dreu's Koine at Nixolilou Is hudly j in need of a carriage and M I'M. \V Hen tJoodwIn asks I hat some I kind hearled person who owns a baby carriage that is not now be ing used call her. I'hour 4 21. in: regard lo the matter. THREE AUK KILLED IN l!OOTI.E<; BATTLE New York.' Oct. 24. -- Three1 men were killed early today in What tile police believe was a hat tie between I f? bootleggers In the I basement of a rooming Iioiimo. I Two men were found dead lu the! hall and tho third died later in (lie hbnplta 1 from a bulltif In his brain. John Magllorreltl. said to lie part owner of the house, w as arrested < lunged with suspicion \ of homicide. HWI.MH.KI> WOMLV st l?oulMf Oct. 2 4 Accuaed of Hwindliiig six women whom he | met under various aliases. John ! V. Weidemelr failed to appear In j criminal court here today to mi- 1 nwer charge* In conned Ion with t the Chicago Inquiry Into bin ca reer. Ills $ I*. uon bond was or- i dereri forfeited. Til ? (MM i r HI V i\ III A telegram was received loday hy lb'. S II. Tem pieman from Dr. | Kllla ; Ful tar of Atlanta, Geor gia. who haa charge of evangells- , lie work for Ihe Southern Baptist Convention. Haying that lie would be here lo assist IJr. Templeman iu revival services beginning ai tile First Itaptist Church Novem ber 22 Only Two Percent of Children are Truants Ibllulh. Ocl. 24. Only two per! cenl of school children are truants. I hut in this l wo per mil are fiO | per cent of delinquents, said James A Stark weather, assistant' snpervi or of Dulutli schools lie n|Hil:e In-fore Hie meeting of the National Iyengar of Compulsory Fd lu-ai Ion and Child Welfare. j delinquent Rlrls rarely steal.; Mr Stark weiil her declared. but. when they do sleal. they steal < aim. V. lien boys sleal I hey pll- 1 fer l*i groups of four or more. ? 1 1 < pinks# said. COTTO* MAIIKKT w York. Oct. 24 Spot col-! Ion dosed quiet, middling 21. RA. with points unchanged Futures, j . i ng bid Oct. 21 17. I>c. 20.49. , J<>. JO 72. March SO.ftl. May :<? 1 1. v York. Ocl. 2 4 Cotton fit in is opened today at Ihe fol lotting levels: Oct. 21.3ft, !>ec. ?6 1. Jan. 2?.K7. March 19.11, May 2?.fc7. .iJlHL: i - riiiifiifBi First Potato Warehouse Of Albemarle District Nears Completion Here JIMMY WALKER UTTERLY FAILS PROVIDE THRILLS Kid C.aiididat<? of Tam many llall, Broadway Ratty, and <?rr?*iiH icli I ro lirkrr Disappointing Son' I'KDAL IS ON Slillm*** In .\p|?alliii|? and IWtciid* Tamilian) Vir lory ^ illi l)app< r Voting Mayor in OflTirr Hv ItOltKICT T. sm.\i,i, llop?rl|M 1*24. Uy IN* Adiincr l New York, Oct. 24 Willi per MonuliltcH mm diverse (in n panther ami |iiihh>- rut. the I wo leading candidates f?ir mayor of N ?w York City utterly have failed to pro 1 vide the campaign with the nem l?la llrr of uii IhnUO. Frank \V. Wati*rmati. the big htMucHa man and captain of In - UiiHiry, slightly rot n ml. slightly i Kruy. 'HllKlilly muni ached. has | proved io In- jiiNt ulioiit UN nerepe aw a l?lt Republican business man l and captain of IndUNlry. slightly > rotund. ought lo bo. lint Jimmy Wulkor. the "kid" I candidate of Tammuny Hall. ih?* I H roadway "baby." tlo* Greenwich 'Village frollcker, has been Hie real 1 disappointment. Instead of ael i In k like a "randy kid." the "go getter." the real Peruvian snap ! per . Jlmmlo. too, bun been acting I like a bit; business man and rap tain of InduHtry; not a hit ro tund. however, not the least hit j ?ray and ax smooth of counten ance an a new horn babe. Jimmy wan supposed to put some "pep" 111 the campaign. but Jimmy haa been a little church mouse, nuy I ii PC nothing and doing loss. The wlxe leaders of Tammany | Hall, after tliey got rid of the somewhat hltitant Mr. If ylan an u prospective candidate lo Hurraed himself at i he Clly llair. decided an a prospective candidate to auc ceed himself at tho t'ily Hall, de cided thul I h in should be a "hush hush" campaign and the aoft ped ul ban been on ever Mince. The sllllunsn Ii a h been almply appall ing. nlnce the last day of regls t rat Ion. According to ull the shrewd polit leal observers And hln torlaiiH in thin section the elec tion wan decided thnt lant regln t rat Ion day. It Iuih been the lighten! registration In yearn und the overwhelming majority ot thoae who made themselves ?>| I Klhle to vote, enrolled an demo rratn. According to the "hooka" Tammany and Jimmy \^tlker should win the heat the firm Tuesday In November by any where from 200, ODD to 400.000 votes. Tammany got Its people lo the registration hoothn. The Itc publlcann. lacking a cohesive or ganization. failed to get out (heir voters. The "Independents" ip pear to have been too busy try ing to get into the eabaretn before they are all padlocked oil of ex Intence. Ho the registration dayn left Taminuny "Hitting pretty" and leader Olvauy immediately gave Instruction I hat nobody, not even Jimmy hllDiflf, should do any thing to rock the boat. The kepuhllcann have been d la appointed, but Ht 111 are making a pretense of expecting victory They any a lot of the enrolled "demo crats" are ex-llyluu men and will vole ngalnnt Walker for purpone of revenge. They admit they are sunk unless something like tills happens. The Tammany Tiger just smiles and rubs his tummy In anticipation of the feast ahead. The ItepiibllcanM have failed In their campaign because of their Inability lo raise an Issue or a j rallying cry; something that would catch the fancy of I he peo ple. something that would stir them up. When the people of New York appear contented and unntlrred up It In a mire sign of Tammany weather. The Kopuh Means were all net to fight fly land and would have beaten him no doubt llut the Democrats Hplked the CI. O. p. giiun when tliey threw "lied Mike" to the wolves m( their primary. The !(-? publlcann had armed themselves with cannon balla to destroy an "ogre '? They haven't been abl< to find the right ammunition lo fire :ii the nioune-llke Mr. Walk er. One or two of the Republican; candidates for minor offices have endeavored to rekindle the old story that a Tammany victory this year means an "open town." Hut what with the Federal authori ties raiding every place In night and threatening to put one grcut padlock on Broadway from the Mattery lo the flronx. the plain people regarded Ihe "open town" prediction as something of a fliv ver. Now that the Federal Gov ernment Is poking Into every-} body's hiislnens and asaertltig Its, authority In waya that were uu-1 ; New Opportunity for I'rPHfiilcil (irtiworm ' of Sweet? in Section Thru Kucilitie* for Curing ItKAUY IN KKW DAYS Produce anil (.inning Com pany of I lain ( -it) Ijiiliich" ??* New Industry in North erns ?th Carolina , Sweet potato growers in the AlUniarle district, who hitherto have lieen compell?sd to depend hugely upon the condition of the market when they harvested their crop,* are keenly interested in the new potato warehouse of the Produce & limning Company, now nearin^ completion on the company's property on West Main street. extended. 'I In' warehouse will l>e ready in the next few days, accord t ing to John <1. Pinner, m ' rlmrgc of the compiiny's op I orations. * u' .1 The im-w siructure, Mr. I'lnner ? | explains. will iiiuk?> II possible for l in* funiM-r I ?? stoic and cun1 his , I potatoes In IJn' r :i ? I ami hold them \ for more favorable prices the fol < IowIiik spring. instead of virtually having to put them on the market when h. dlu* Ihi'iu. The curing or dehydrating proeesn rcqulree uhuiit two weeks. he declares. This 'consists In the removal of the bulk I of the water In the potatoes, ren dering I hem far less susceptible to 1 rot. The wa rehouse is of hamc con- j Rtructlon, und In practically air tight, being sheathed In |>ullding paper and weatherboardlng. and lined on the Interior with tongue and groove woodwork. It Ih built . afoot dint; to Federal and State specifications for such structures, und is provided with a complete i ventilating aytdem. Two stovea will tie installed, to Im used In the dry ' lug process and to prevent free*- !, in 14 In very cold weather. The hullditiK lH i;u feet long and 24 feet wide. niul houses 24 storage bins with mi ag?;ri*Kate capacity of about 0,200 bushels of potatoes. Though many sweet |H>tatp warehouses have linen built In otK- I er sections of the .State, and have I proved highly profitable to grow ers. thin In the first to be erected , In the district north oT the Albe marle Sound, the nearest one be ing in I'antego. mar Helhaven. I The Produce 4. (Sinning Com pany. Mr. I'lnner states, plans to 'buy thousand* of bushels of pota- ; I toes this Tall with a view to curing laud storing Hum. und placing ! ) them on the market in the spring* ! when normally the price should bs higher. The company also will store potatoes for individual grow- 1 !ern. lie adds, evplulnlng, however, j that Inasmuch as the warehouse j is in its ? xperlnu'iital stage here, the company will not guarantee the owners against loan. A nominal charge will be made for the cur- i lug and storage. ^ | The uve rage toss .on potatoes : cured by thin method. Mr i'lnner declares, is f> p? r rent, as against , an average of to :'.0 per cent pi) potatoes cured by the old fash ioned method or storing them In hills of earth ami pine straw. Tng warehouse curlux process requires i about two weeks, lie explains, dur- , ; lug which the potatoes must he ; kept at a temperature of 86 to 90 ? degrees. The warehouse* Is dlvld- j ed Into two distinct compartments, I either or which may be operated Independently of the other. j The total cost of the structure j will be about |?,r?00. It wag I sponsored largely by County Agent (J. W. Falls, who Is a stockholder In the company, and Is keenly en- ! thuslastlc over the new venture. 3 MF.IU M.WTH TO MKKV The Merchants' llurean Of the | Chamber of Commerce will meet | Monday night at fi o'clock for j further discussion of the recently launched credit rating campaign. ! Supper will be served by a group of Miss March* Alhertson'e club , girls. ' \T l-llllKWII.Ii flAITIHT I f It, I'ugh will aildreas the Freewill f la fit 1st Sunday School ou Parsonage street Sunday moffi- I Inn at !?!?:!& o'clock. The pub lic Is cordially Invited to hear hlm*a dreamed of ten years ago. no "op en town" Is safe for l>emotrft?y.J any more and It Is vlrtua lly lai posslhlc to rouse the people to virtuous Indignation as to what 1j tip authorities might gjrl mlKht not do. It looks as If the Create? city j will surely have Its boy mayor af i i November ? its boy wini tho , turned down hat brim, the snap* , py, form-fitted clethee. the swag Her walking stick and tlie dapper | spats. Jimmle Walker is a soft of a political Oeorge M. Cohee.

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