ALL RULES WERE DISREGARDED IN COURT MARTIAL ProM'fiilmn K\ plain* Thai Col. Mitchell l> a Sir! of Sii|M i-ltrin- ami IW Is Not "!\oniiul"" mi rciiM.i. \vks w in IK* and III. (.oiiiiM'l Arc Sat for Tlici l.ook . llcyinil the |);,\> of III. ' Militant l.ifc I!) lioliKid r. SMAI.I. L ICanmohl. 1-jJi. U, the AtfvancO Washington. Oct. :JJ. Colonel William Mit. liMll i,.IH fail, .,l to lull his trial l?> ill.- many special pleas interposed in Ids behalf hut he lias succeeded in K(. i tint before Hie ? ?.li HI , y f;u., if,.,, ||H haM been t '"?*;* i * 'i I ill most e\tru-ordl narjr inannVr All ?.( the prc scrjbcd nil? ? ?.r eouri martial pro M ilui.? were disregarded nr. vlo lii it-el la hts ease up to ill.* hour lli?? trial opened. The explanation on behalf ?if the prosecution lias been that i ulotK'l Miii hell is a sort of super beiti;-.. net amenable to the usual order. He tliti not went to have a commanding officer ai the time flu? court martial proceedings lie. 1 van. President t'oolidgc has been plot i, red as scanning tie hori zon far and wide in an effort to find a command i, ik officer for Colonel MHt hejl H.. < .ml in't do it. He foil lit not even find the prototype or kuvIi ah officer. it ha** been made lo ap pear in the record that Mr. Cool idge. exercising his constitutional fights as commanding officer of tlif Army and the Navy, ordered Mm court martial on his own ini tiative mill directed the tiling of 'no charges, i ho arrest of the ac cused, and the appoliitmt nttof tie* conn, li has l> en ?\pluln-f| in court that Colonel Mitchell's care "is not a normnl cm*." Maybe that iH why there Is u large lire ho*o Hgiit outside i he court .room, la beled "rescu ? number nine. Through his counsel. Colonel Mltchel has demanded to know why his ease was so abnormal, why he had no| been I rente 1 as any other officer would b.? treat ed. Counsel stated that Military Jaw and military pmccedure pro leer the right* of a" j. ecu Bed in a more careful manner than is pos sible under the civilian statutes. Hut in Colonel Mitchell s case all l ho rules were disregarded. The lateat court niartial rub's, bv the way. were promulgated by presi dent Woodrow Wilson. Despite Ihe admitted irrc^ulari fles. the court decided to ? on to 4 lie bitter end. Colonel Mitchell nnd his counsel are satisfied. They have f? It from the first that I hey Were trying the ease before the bar of public opinion. Th?'y aro looking beyond the lime that Col . will be a part of the military establishment. They also Mr?> looking forward to their rinal ap pearance before President Cool idge In the event of a convict ion. As to this conviction there is much speculation in and about the court room. There are ten mem bers of the court left of the ortg* Inal 1 ."C . It will require seven votes to convict . Friends of Col onel Mitchell say they believe lie can count on four officers to vole for him If Colonel Mllcloll wins mi acquittal ar even a Scotch ver dict. it pro t in h]y will be due lo IiIk attack which l?d to the reduction t?f the court from 13 to ten. The observers at the trial are confident the court is divided but just how far the division koch no tine can say with anv degree of certainty. There b evidently n stand pat cl ement in the court find a progress ive bloc. Whether the progress ives are strong enough to save the outspoken colonel in for future events to determln' . Ci'-nera||y f-penitlnt; Itio ' progressives" on the courl are believed lo be Major Genera I (louglas Mac Arthur, the youngest major general in the Army but second in seniority as ihe court is now composed; Brig adier General Frank It McCoy; ttriftfidicr General Kdwln It Wln ans. and Itrigadlcr General Kw(ng E. Ilooth. General MacArihur Is only 4a. He made a wonderful record during the world war. General McCoy's progressive n?ss may he understood when It Is recalled he once was an aid" io Theodore Itooscvelt and afterward served otv the stuff of General I Leonard Wood. General Ilooth Ik one of the two non-went pointers J'1. It!n1 ?ourt. Colonel ilia. no., '""nip. a native of Georgia, law members of the court. Is the oth er. ( olonvl Winnhlp has proved s great stickler for form Mrs. Mitchell la looking ex tremely snappy these days In a ?ort of blue tarn which reminds one of the headgear worn by thr lllue Devils" of France, the fa mous Chasseurs Alpines. Hpenking ofedepriving a person of freedom of ep*ech. the Judge advocate of the court says abso lute freedom would permit any fool to cry "fire" in. a crowded a:Mf*mhlage and cause a panic. Just what his intended Inference was no one seems to know. TWO GIRLS HURT IN AUTO SMASH H*ry Koudn and Blind ing Kain Blamed for Accident Near 4'ily Slippery roads ami a blinding rain arc blamed (or an automo bile un iilfUl nil I lit- Nl'Wland Komi Friday night. shortly after dark, in which Miss Gertrude Sample.' daughter of Mr. and Mm. Warren Sample, of this County. miHiaitifil :i severe rut on the temple, and ' her companion, a Miss llowd<*n. was stunned temporarily, but otli erw js?> eHruml Injury. The ear was virtually demolished llighwuy Commissioner Henry F Sum pie. a brother of Mlaa Sample, was driviuK the ear. He was bringiig the two girls froin Kure Station in Gates County, where both are teuehinK- His lit tle Min accompanied him. Muddy roads had delayed him mnsider aldy in crossing from Huitbury, and after ho reached the paved load, he speeded up a tilt. Citable to wee clearly through Ihe rain spattered windshield. Mr. Sample accidentally drove partly nt'l the narrow puved road. When ' he did. the rear of the car swerve .1 around and struck a con crete abutment at the end of a road drain pipe. This checked ilie machine abruptly, and pitched i lie girls forward, resulting in In juries io both. Mr. Sample and ! his sou. who were occupying the! front seat were unhurt. An approaching motorist picked , up the four, und carried them to the Klizalieth City Hospital, where the girls' Injuries were treated. Miss Saniple, the Worse hurt, remained all night at the hospital. She was reported much better Saturday. The rainstorm Friday afternoon was responsible for another acci dent in which Elizabeth City peo ple figured. Charlie ltell juid Jinimie Dozier. accompanied by M itMcH l^orena Koontz und Mat tie White, were on their wny to Nor folk to attend the musical com edy, "Bringing I'p Father," when they were run into by a motorist coming out of a side road about three miles this side of I'orts ? mouth. The front of the automobile, a Ford tourini; car driven by Mr. Bell, was smashed up consider ably. but the other cai was only slightly damaged. While a ser vice truck was preparing to tow it to a garage for repairs, another 1 1 uck came along and smashed Into the rear of it. completing the havoc. Tie driver of this truck ! said lie was blinded by bright liphts on an approaching car. Nobody was hurt In either ac cident. and the party continued on to the show, the girls return ing with relatives who had at tended il also. The hoys remained in Norfolk to attend to repairs to the car. GOVERNOR ORDERS TROOPS BE READY Raleigh. Oct. 31. ? Governor Mclean today ordered ' Adjutant . General J. Van B. Metis to have troops in readiness for a call In case the situation should arise In Buncombe county In connection with the trial of two ncRroes for attacks on white women which might necessitate calling out t roops. j General Metis slated today that he would go to Ashevllle. Just when he would go he did not state further than to say that he would be in Ashevllle before th?? special term of court opens Monday morn , lug. No call for troops has been issued, the Governor said yester day. The order to have troops in ' readiness is purely a precautionary measure he said. MITCHELL TRIAL IS OVEK TILL MONDAY Washington. Oct. 3 1 .--Counsel in the court martial proceedings Iltnlllft Colonel Willi,. Ill Mitchell are tnking advantace of adjourn ment today over the week-end to prepare for the next stage of their legal tussel. This will be the ac tual trial of Hie officer on a Charge of conduct, violating good order and discipline. Colonel Mitchell and his counsel are go ing to decide during adjournment whether they will ask the court that the accused be confronted there by the accuser, moaning either President Coollduc or Sec retary of War Davis, or both. VETERAN PUBMSHEIt HIES IN BALTIMORE Baltimore, Oct. 31. - General Felix Agnus, veteran of two wars, and newspaper publisher, died ot his home here early today at the age of 87 years. COUNTRY SEETHING DECLARE REPORTS l/ondon, Oct. 11.- Dl*patch to the Kvenlng New* from Ifafla. Palestine, says the situation In Damascus where the French re cently put down an Insurrection Is still critical while the surround ing country In "seething " GENERAL FRUNZE IS COMMISSIONER WAR I Mmcot, Oct. II ? (l?ner*l Mltrba*! Frump * > ? buoim) 80 jvlet Comalm for war tod?r. TERRIFIC STORM 1 SWEEPS SOUNDS; BOATS DELAYED Passenger* Alxiurd Hattie Oepf, Bound from Vlan Here. Patw Thru Nerve-RaekittK Ordeul HSU N ETS 1>KSTR( >YEI> Steamer Trenton Delayed in Making Hun from Manteu In Thi# <.itys No Damage to Ship." Report Tin* livuvifst w lint within 111** rrci.ll.Htli.ti veteran marlnera In tins viol tilts Flrday ulKht churned lino lury lh** ' Albemarle anil Pamlico Sounda and their tributary rlrem. and hwept away many tliouaand yard* i.t Ilwh net*. N? l"?? "? "r damage to "hipping l??a been re ,MiriiHl. however. moat wamet having rfinuineil snugl-y iu port throughout the night. Th<* oil burned Hattie C reef. a (5 foot rrufi of 17 net Ion* which might be termed the mother of all the rraft plying Albemarle Sound, hove into port here this morning at 2:30 o'clock after a i memorable struggle with wmn land wave Thin boat plys between I Elizabeth City and Wanohese. on lloanoke Island, toucbiug also at other down the sound landings. Ordinarily she arrives here at midnight J All night long the wind blew a Kale from north-northwest. sub HidiiiR somewhat at dawn. though skippers reported there was still considerable ?blow" Saturday morning In commenting upon his trip. Captain B. H. Davis, of the flattie Creef. said the gule was the heaviest In the six years he has been on the Elisabeth Ci ty- Wnnehese run. ??We had ten passengers aboard." he commented, "and they all got seasick. One was a preacher, and we called him the Jonah of the crowd. They were ! scared nearly to death. though 'really there wasn't any danger. 'The boat is tight and seaworthy It was the heaviest wind I have ever crossed the Sound in. "It took us four hours and fif teen minutes on tho run between Caroon's l*olnt and Wade's Point, which we generally make in two hours. It was blowing a gale, all right." The two points designat ed are on the south and north hides of Albemarle Sound, respec tively. and the run to which the .captain referred is the stretch across the open sound, where flit wind had dearest sweep. Despite the lull Saturday morn ing. the Steamer Trenlon. running between Manteo and Elizabeth City slid, touching en route at Sags Head, popular summer fl sort. was buffeted about consider ably. and arrived here two hours and 20 minutes late. Captain Martin Johnson, skipper of the Trenlon and one of the ^ best known ship masters In the Sound country, ascribed the delay large ly to the low tide resulting from the gale. The extent of damage to Hsh , 11 ft s could not be ascertained even ? approximately toduy. through the fact that the fishermen had been unable to check up their losses. II was predicted, however, that a survey of the fishing grounds would disclose havoc running into ' many thousands of dollars. T. (i. tilMJAM, Hit.. UKAIi NotlAed of the death of T. G. Cillllam. Sr.. promlennt bank* r or Windsor, early Friday morning, after n short Illness, relatives of Mr. Gilliam's wife, who formerly was Miss Alice Outlaw, left here Inter In the day to attend the fu ineral. which was held Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock ut Windsor. Those attending from here Includ ed Mrs. Gilliam's mother. Mrs fc. It. Outlaw. Sr.. her sister. Mrs. William McQueen, and her slster In law. Mrs. K. K Outlaw. Jr. Besides his wife. Mr. Gilliam Is survived by two sons. T. G. Gil liam. Jr.. and P. R. Gilliam, both of Windsor. kin<; winter on reinforcements N,w York. Oct. ill Or lobar snow ii nd free*?a ?rr helna axper t.-nrnl by a larae portion of the ? Atlantic seaboard following simi lar conditions In the midwest. AtlanlH. Oct. XI. ? DMe todsy continued to muster forces to re pel an Invader from the North, King Winter, who brought up re llnforcements during lh?- night In th?* shape of snow, his deadliest 'ally, so far as the South Is con teemed. Jupiter Pluvlus 1s to at tack the upper South. Including 'North Carolina, today. ItKLATlVKH OIUW T Relatives of Claud Harrison Uvinit in this city request that publicity be given a statement on their part to the effect that Mrs. l.llltan Harrlaon, arreted In con* ? niTtlnti with lb- aliened aelxure Of H 'titantlty of ll?uor Tburaday allbt. I? not the wife of Mr Har rlaun. th* two ha?ln? baen dl- , ?orr time they , left t h t- water ?iii Chantilly It-'ach. they had reached rusuuotunk I i K h I . "From that point I could sec an far to the eastward us the break ers ot ih?* Atlanlle Ocean," Mr. Itladi'H declares. "and to the south. Honnok ? Island and the mainland wire plainly visible . It was a clear day. and the view was beautiful." Crossing Albemarle Sound, the ail man look a short cut across the northeastern rim of tin* Dare County mainland, coming again over open water al the soo'h of Roanoke Island. "At one time we could jfw six countie.*!." Mr. Itlades says, "with Mattaiiiuskcct ' Lake and Alligator IJiver to the 1 west of us. ramlic.).. Sou nd below, and Mantco. Wanchese and Nags Head clearly in \lcw hack of us. "Lone Shoal and Cull Shoal, extending far out into I'amlico J Sound, were plainly visible In the shallow water. In fact, we could FAILS TO EXCITE CHICAGO NEGRO Oimmuuist* Effort* in I-ji hur (ioi)gn'h> Dnm Only Small (inl luring ll\ o\vi:x I.. HCOTT ICtll'ltM to* 1 Chicago. Ort. 31. ? Enticing -promises of social equality, polit ical power and of influence in in dustry throuich racial organlzs tioti. offered l?y the American Ne gro Labor Congress meeting here. ,?re failing to excite the 200, lino " colored residents of thin city. The first effort to organize ne groes along racial lines In fart is ? proving somewhat of a flop in the 'hands of the radicals supporting jit. Despite promotion nnd out spoken hacking of the local com munist press the meetings have fulled to draw moro thun 500 col ored persons. Scarcely f?0 dele gates are on hand. Those attending however, say 'thai they are laying the footida ?tloti for a movement that will spread rapidly among the millions of negroes in the country. The 'demand Ihey made for social (?quality and for liihor organize lion along raHul Hues Is expected by them to be popular. Something of i hi? way they in tend to sprend their gospel I-. shown by the fart that seven Am i erica n negro young men and three girls are at present In Russia tak Ing a three year course of t rain in g for the Russian diplomatic sei vice. That Is tantamount to train ii g for entrance to the communist propagandw organisation. Fort Whitman, promoter of the Con greas has spent considerable time In Russia and has been given un usual honors by ihe Russian au thorities. Hut the negroes in gen , eral have failed to become Inter Jested in Ihe activities of the group which seeks to gel them organized ! racially. The popular cry against "Jim crowism" and against "While imperialism" hasn't reg istered Its attendance at the pres ent meeting Is any Indication The communist press looks at It different ly . It says: "As Communists we hall thli Congress an the beginning of a movement with far reaching Im plications. Not merely can it be the means of starting to mobilize the negro workers for a struggle again*' the degrading restrictions | Imposed on ihem as a race, hut as American workers they can be 'come a power In the labor move ment FRKMII LOSSES IN SYRIA ARK COTNTKI) Paris. Oct. 31. ? French losses In Syria since the beginning of ihe ? tribesmen Insurrecton are !?*!? killed or minting. COTTO* MARK FT New York. Oct. 31. ? Bpot < ni ton closed quiet . middling 19 #0. a decline of ;*> points. Futures. closing bid: Dec. 18.88. Jsn. 1H 21. March 18. SO. May 18. *3. July 18.80. New York. Oct. SI.? Cotton fu tures opened today at the follow ing levels Den. It.f1. Jan lH.RO. March 18.77, May 18 92. July )Mf ?Hi" llOl tolll pt act icall\ .ill li? 1 .11: ? | Wi- o\t-r I In* Walt r l? i in a \at h-ly ? t rohn> 1 mi* it j tl>*-rr 1?u?t !??-?? n itriy iv i l?i I ftitni^li. w i*>?u!tl h.i\- 'k- il ? i i iim. " I Tin* i?l;ii.f w.i!t HitiL'iii. ?! wi-* ' .1 lull t; at all aMil ild* til im j 3.CM# f ????!, and l |-;a \ ? I at ? la.. i ' bright Inrliiil a lot ?.( Iirnu- si 1 1 ? ? |k>'lht'l' romlm la >d<- on a a*3t fell ? day. "Wi* n.-ai 1 v :."i ?/.!? Mill . M. ' lll.i ?!?*.-? dorian- - J mu.tii u.. ? !?? jiIiik a IU" lim il i-.itr>i trout.* ImiI h. fan - 1 I. Ml. o It- t jlliuti I did. I had in a |..a'h?*r 'rial, loo. Imt it wasn't w.nnily " [ IttM'oinln,: inn .'.siiil;. ? i?l . ? > II >*? i and hh th?y ?.iiii d ? uliiiik; Tln'V ^jm-itI i?? mui-?t> Jtlni>*. ami thfii routinm I 1 1 ? - 1 ** ? IfiKlil "Jiisi <.v< r il' iii?ui;1i i I I.I I. : liru itlvvr. w. ohfiTVfd .i hi |whirh wn,? huniinv hi h.ii \. ? liM.k In l<>' a hWHiuii." Mi I'latb ? "W' rouldli'l iiVim .-mi jii: 1 ? what II was. and. i?r c.uii ? . didi. i ) tdup t?i liml nni I '.???? m.i * jir?*:at ileal ?'f ^ in* ik ? . ami ?!?'. '????? cuiniih rahl.- n:< Al'livll-L' ill, \Va>hllr ? ui a ii.iV |)i*i <>ri* - ii'i'liH'k in th all* i ii?.?iji . .Mr Iliad, s ii iiiriM'il i" Kli/ai * m. liOliy by automobile iiUlii wil'i ?Frank V Srott, t?f. thl.* nr.. i-oiii ' Itlt: hy way ot Will;.ill^l..K Wn: lnor, William . Stnilairy' and i Ii ? ? ' Ar??rn Hill llond. "I maiiy fn./?* , on tin* way bark, t ????." " ni?*nt.*d. | MISS I)\N I ES W II I CONTINUE MKKI1N'. I Mmibrr <>,.,?.i timllli ? M" '' I'nbl.i lira* M i ^ on .yuoia* p.sidlc lh*' i"'" ?"?o?llv ri.i .i '? ! |* A I hinv lit aid Mix |)ulM ,n;' ?woman rvon 'lift '???* I III Ih. First M.-i:..H|?ai M ill ' i Friday. Th. prrial * 1 j thr wmim in th. allerm..u 'opportunity for th. f!".'1 , 1 . . preatn thr daiiK.MH whirl* 1 ' ' en th.' hoin-n ??>'? <1"" "" 1,1 . the Nation and nisi*'* a *" , 4 ' ;>I>pml I" II"' ?H'? ill"' ?? '' " ' la wnll. *?l' '' r ' '' lion ui Hull' f ii In 1 1 1' Vl ' '' lorri nii:'! mln 1111(1 1 11 ; COUld "III k- I' " p.-DVl" liimi I;"' ??I'lii'i' "1" 1 '? ih- villi' ?' mwllliK ill wliirh ii; ?' ?!"???;' mill th.- SI' Tin I I' "I ' ' 10 Ihilr riinn i'liHi. ill?llv* a flUIIIK Willi'- <"? "Faith ' Saturdny niornit?!* ?' ?'? mhh.?iiI.Ij of tht" 1hk'? frliool lit' *1'' rl..i(n of Jwni* Thrift on th. lt ly ? urday aftrrnoon ultr Kpok- "? "" 011 licit ? ?i 'if rlly. Th? iirouraiii Co* Min?la> all nn ??pi*?riitnl?y t.? I>H Vll'M At I I ? ?? ' ?" m. will H?r?u ??? ronicn *?ilon. At ^ ?* l?i N H l? Wilson. "l*Vw wotiifii now llvltiK ha \ ?? touch, d III ?? ,o many point . :ih fh. and t. u at. hrttri nhh- ?o >.??? and aiial w 111 Hrr lliPHHttU-- wlU l?g < pnrhal. Siindnv aftrrnoon at Wrrk of Pray or "t th'- Woiua-n < , Mianlonary S -rh-ty or tin- rhjii. ' will tn-Kln with h *? iUr. rcml o - i ui by th?- childr.-n n ftirl.'lv All thr Worm n of Ih. rh.i.rh an* urftrd to alt. tid that im- tinv Thrn- will l?. nirrllita>* bu !????> r Monday. Turndiiy and VVMlmnda. aftrrnoonn. Mix* . V 1 "j",,1' on Sundav morninj; will takr Ih plarr or th'- annual . r:non ?.f ? t lift paidoj* tH-forr t li?* \\?Hian> Mlaalonnry Horlrty. Mlaa Davb s will rontinu. h# i work ihroimhonl m \i w. upraklnc morn! ni: orcl iilulil ? ??' " day. It lw rxportrd that thi* in." in k will ruimliiat.- and roiu lud with th.- arrvlr. - or f?tiidH\ v> vembcr K. whlrli \r al?o II"' rl??? Inu Sunday or th. foiib rvm" yrar. IN IIOSIMTAI, AKIIII ATTACK BV I'HIV M E Now port N'WI. Or!, ni Klrat Idrutrnant Joarph T. Motrin an' Mra. Morrla won attarkrd in thrir liomr at l.amtlry Fir Id u-a h-rr hrfora mhlnlrht Thitfad.n ami miliary ftn'l rlvll nuth'.rlf arr xcarchln* for ??rlrat.. I^wla k Neil, it waa Irarnrd today. Llrnt cnant and Mra. Morn- Jfr al Fort Monro* hoapltal auff? ?lnR fr,,in *v riotia ln)arloa to thrir hoada. Major Oarar WnioW. >r"Tni tnandrr at l.anairy Flrid. drcU*. d in m atatfnn ni today thai N? ? harbor rd a arudao axalnat l.h u itnaul Morrill li?.?aw lh? I ^lnrl?llnM him for lnfr?ril..ii ?" military r?le?. llotii'' I* "' 8itMM?Ii. Judges I "ial ?l!l 1 1 y c..| i ;?'i I! Mil. Ki ll f?r ,,,. ituilitimf A nil* M? \! .11. V ,'"1 3 J ? T tli- ;ii ii i> , .it,, | M i j i;,.? |. w Sla.l.., ? ?'trn..ifij,uit of \\V?t Point MM.Uiy AtuJuny. WIIJ HE REMAIN JIMMY WALKER? Or Will Yv, l|,j?r ?Nru \ oil. \<<|nir<> ifjfr. "il> V. ill, Till,-** Itl lit >\\ | \ \1? \\ ( h lit ??? ?!.-? Ailannrr I V;1,1 ;:i ???? ..I "|.rjc-. !? ? ?? ?? * > If m ' "" *'i o|||> oho " Ml I II I, . I . . > ,? ||,,.v. , ,11, J-? .1. IV.- |I? i, ' ' >1 .1 I llM'S J . V i ' rhali ? ? 1 1 ii in ii :ic|?-r lly Ml -.1 li.-r liaVf Ihm'II re' r*iii ii i ? 1 lfc,,r l' ,l, ' > J!.. \ ??. Ih IMo lorili . u, |.? |M;( ;|H ? j|niM|y.. "r I"- KlVi' II Ii |,s ("I,, . . ? J. Walker. 'Hi' 1,1. . vru% ' 4> Wl,,lt Mr ? " ' '? ?' " 'I ill*- mayoralty ' i mi i n "i ,,,v Wallivr, one ! ?iii.-,' ,,i Tlti-I'nn Al . 1 iir. ?. r. .,n.i i.,o,#r of v", Ik ,i,' i ho ' 1 ' 1 f ii |? licioro ? .? ? : ... . .t | IIVII || | j,| I 1 -ml flowing 1 i ?????iv,,i ,hl. L '"1' '? Tmi. lor ,\| V l"1" ' J" -' *< 1*1*5 Ills il?< ,? ,vvh" . 1 ,m' w?h |,v lt,?iia\ ftil arc* 'a ? ??i wii: i, "Jimmy" Walk - , r 1 ?,:i ahininii- . T'i. ??(,.? |K, tl> Wnlk-r " ?. ?? ??-till, ..i?. 1 " ' ? ? Hi ut.. M v ttnrkrm Ml(, II ; ' ' 1 1 v ' ill" m.lyor l,y "" ' . ' iiiiiiuih 1,1.1 lor II V . i ii i,t ,,r |,,H ' ;,t ")'r T"'"1 " Wilier ? It. mil., I,, i;,lllllirtl, | " H" mi ' " 1 *?)?"' llylun V i, ' ' "III! ".I .III r,t|.t I.. .-,.11, ,1,.. It. ; ? ? 'i??iiiic on mi iii, I,.,,, ,, ?I'll' I: l.-r Ilia ,|..V..|?|?|,??,H "111 I, I I? ,l?. ,al?? II. " ??'? Ii litlil l li -m I,?|?v VValkcr'H i-lfvullon If ? i . i.l,. I lm?M .,,?v|??? '? I i>lil-t*Mhl.ti,. ,| Tin,, '??' I inilsji.l.. ?.tN rlf,Mll. I"- l.i-u i|.il ,|,.? -i? V " ; "" ' Ill", II i.l llll,y,,r 1 ""I " 1't.t.ri 1,' " , vv",k"- i>" 1 hi Hit. itrimary ?""I "If "I II,.. If". , lip l..|,|,,,| Wall.,, ?r ,h. ? Ii I'll lifld i"'t i. iir- .s, i?,i,,r i.iii,., ,i ,|V. ?I' it'-liall . Till- li. -1,111.11,,, UH ' ,i -'I . ?im?k h,i,.?,,. I In* (li'iiosi'd mavor lo I urn lit" " v II, h,i, nil p|,i,ri,.r,, a ? "iinn n i <;?.i > i in: \ son i-'oij UH. s | || im \\ .SUIT ? y..-k i?i :? i u-|??. ' 1,1 "i<' lul'tr Sllll, mm I """??<11. i, . <..i,ll,??-,| ??Tin- I I, l.?l?y i |,,ti ,a?,f ? r.- ' !"" ' ' ' ' 'I' 'lull. , ,- ,?r " " 1 ? ?tf lit" -uii l, v M,? iikiiim'.i .1,, ,,,,-s 'i- H?. \,-v. >.,rk Am,.r ?'?' ?"?ill,.,:,,, I, li- III-,, I..- fr,',. ir, m-? ??'???ji,h ' '???? ' ? ? I ?"ii ..i I hi* it,,,, fa '? "" ' '? ?' ?? i I.iii.- i.. , il,. ':"'t ml I'Hklin: 'III ll'll.fTU l .,?|0ally I". any l H li i not mis or in mtoi iioni \ Of ' U>|||. . '')"? >y. 1. 1 ?on ni , ' r. - ,1,., -. inmfor of , | Haptl.,) .- ..roi,. j,,.,, i ? .iiilnit of i,,.. phablo. 1h. ?? h?,.n i , i'- 11 it '-w III ? iii jii '?n nf |'oi.|ar ? "1,.h w?? In >1. rity Krlday I ? "o|?jiiag ailfl WH(llli|f fl,,.0l K?'|ku1s of lli?* Day: All Workers An* K\|nrlrd lo Sel tlr Dohii lo Krai Work \r\f Week ALLEGED STILL OPERATOR FREED Suhvit DiMllisM'S Wlion A^Miibt Ike Jones in |{rn?n!rr% l.ourl Falling to find Huff it'lf nl grounds for convb'tion. County JuiIri* I' (!. Snwji'r this niornltiK dHlllisSed churK*'H UgillllHl lk" JotiM, colon**!. In connectloii with I lit* seUure or ;i si 111 in I 111* "des i'i'l" at ilu* hark of ill*.* Foreman Stock Parma. on the Hertford Highway. Jornt, whose home l? wiili in perhaps three quarters of a mile of the Kl HI. wun churned with violation of most of the pro visions of the Till liliKtoil Act. Sheriff Charles Carmine, who seised the .still anil arrested JotieN Thursday night. testified h?- fol lowed a |ialh from the outfit to a feme in tlo* rear of the farm, wh- iii'M ii branched lu ik'o direc tions one hranch leadiuK to the negro's home. He arrested Jones at 1 hi* hitter's home. t'l.iitile llarriM. while farmer llvliiu in the neighborhood. iden llfleil a "liiish hook" seized at the nI ill a h 0.11 e of Ihu type used oil Hi* K-.r.-irun farm. Outride of the testimony an to the path, no I villence w as offered lending I" any way to connoct Jones with tile ujierallon Of the illst illiiiK plant. The Ht 111 seized wan a crude af fair. improvised from a gasoline barrel, and was of limited rapa< Ity, Me ri ft Carmine staled, adding Unit it "'(ii not in operation a> the time lie raided It. WITCHES KOAM TIIK 1 1 II. IS OF kKNTl' Frankfort. Ky . Oct. 21. - On ibis Hallow* e|| there are t> w oth er places in 1 lie Cnglish-speaking world when- superstitions con ci ruing witches receive so niucli credence y.i ill the Kellllickv mountains. Kentucky 1 1:1 s been foillld to have ::.'i5 1 superstitions. Daniel Liudiey Thomas, laic professor of Pngliah at Ole Centre and fontid ? r and president of lb- state liraiich of the American Folk Lore .Micleiy, today brought them out or record in the stale lllirarv ar* ClllVes. At r.usl lour of the iiuuiIm r will shari- a nation-wide obser vance touluht. Amid traditional merry-niiik Ing. playful ccri-monles and charms lo disc lose future hus hands and wives, are r li? ru lea of looking Into a miror at midnight; walking in a graveyard; biting a hohhlng apph*; In si i* oii. ' i in leiifled. to hi' holuvd by I lie pet son named. The superstitious beliefs III retain* d by tie- >?l?| type ?;f 11101111 InineeriH are in u n'etal I ties* brought lo Kentucky hy Kngllsh mid Scotch Irish ancestors,- naiil lir. Thomas, although supersti tions are not alone routined to mountains hereabouts. H> said thai a canvass of believers In sii perstll Ion at Harvard onlv as far hack as I ft I I show d bill jH.l! pt-| rent of the faculty to be enllrely free 1 1 0111 Sll pri st II ion. Dr. Thomas d?-( lured supersti tious beliefs Were more pi-rsi*!! it I ami wiib'sprend than most persons woufd fill peel. ||>* IriMd t heir oiiuin to desire of mankind to l>ro|iliatc fate, avert evil, display the mystery of llf?- and lit iinl \? rse I'rlinltlve man. In bis f> or of ? vils that he did not uudei slii ud. sought lo avoid III.- aster bv any means he could find. One of K- nlucky s native ncn*. A lira ha in Lincoln, used to walk on c? rlaln vides of lh ? street. of tin 1. ooo superstition* list. f*!|l w? r?- d?*voted to marrlag 51.1 to haul luck. 27? to good luck. I'S'S to death and to nmn cy. \ faiorlie Minn fJTnuj, belief, that a filly cannot win the Ken tncVv D?*rby. v/a* clt* d an Stipe ? stitlon No c . 1 1 4 . with the com, however, that this tradition wan hioken In IftlS pool ball warrlsf*, tattling in Ilay. were cautioned Hint til'* teams that loat flrat blood would Ime I.KM.UK ASKS KHANCK ABOUT DAMASCUS 1; II. VJI. <> i In many vote* on 'm I c.?-i i | ?t lun.i . Tin so two work j ?-i-s entered ili< lr iiann*!< hodi** few I ilnys but yesterday was the tirst .l:t ih.-v had i rally turned In any Mit.M-ilptloiis. Ti? Miss Lister . goes the high raini?aik'i honor of tin* day, which In lisoji should prove the incen- , live fin tliis ambitious girl to car { i y tut in i things. The ler- ' Ktoiv around W?*eksvllle offers ' sjil. tidld opportunity fur these two wml1 i : (?> forge their way j in the tup hi the list and to. an aiiiuinuliili- ;i u.i nl There Ik noth ing in Hi*- inli-s to prevent two automobiles r.uiaj: to WcckRVltle work?is soli', will win and votes are to In- had oti'y on the patA j .subscriptions to The l>aily All-!) \ a irAl One year's suhscripSlon from ' it??\\ till November 14 counts 7>| | Mi > vu'. s ,r secured here in Ells- | alu ih ?'it> a tid I.'.UOO voles If se euri-ii uiitfii!- Hi" ?'Hy. Thus It will ? In* Kt't'ii thai those entering from ilw count iv have just an ?ood an upput*' unity t i earn the loading j prizes a.s I hone f'cni tin* city. Af 1 ter NiivimlM-r It votes given on subscriptions will di-creuse sp pro\iiiiat?-l> on? -lift h. From Nd^J \ .-in 1m- i 2!i to 28, tin' Inst week ol f h i ? campaign, subscription* i will earn o.nly a little more than | half a* man) vulcs as they do at I present. Thus early workers gain .a di'cid? d advantage. ConteitantH who have 'do^fn gond work ilnrliiK Ihc pant two days, besides the two Just men- i , Honed, include .Mrs. Ida tfander^j Itii. <*" 1 1 \ . Mis* Alellila L ft Iggs, City Route Thre??; Mrs. Mattle I fa ir< l I. City IC ??til ?? Two; Mr?. T. I <; Will lam.", it- i-tohh, and Mrs. ; ; I: M. I 'helps, City. Monday, ih" lirsi big week Of i tlo- campaign I* expected to opefi. ?T i?ic who ii j'?' ik w being carried ! on the Hat us active workers are jiml starting to warm up to the r?-ri 1 work of canvassing for votes which may be had on every hand fin the asking New workers tto j don lit will continue to enter and ink?- an urti.u part hy lining up their 1 1 lend* for a renewal to The ! . \iivance or io take a new KUb- j I scrip! ion. Th" prize* are all niluhty flue j 'and include a Hudson coach (?'1,- j .... y > i ?l con pi ? ? $r.S0.70 |, Ford lour lilt- car I $ ? 0 fl. I 0 I . $250 suite of I uriiliii i ? . $l7.r? suite of furni ture. and I'lUrt and $fi0 In cash, he.ddcs a I'o pi-r cent cash com- 1 mi'-i'iii in all who fail lo earn 'one nl 1 1 n M vi-n awards, j Stationery. which is free-will ! j In- j;lvn out at llo- campbfgA of- ; 1 li' - r : VP C.\ I.V.% RY st'NDAT An installation service will be j held al t^nlv li. prist church Sunday afternoon at three o*cloek for the new pastor of CalvaYy* 1 Riverside an I Hamoth cilend, i Her. M F fbioe. 1 Dr. s II Tem pieman will prA side hr I H I buyer will npftak In behalf of the Maptists of the city, Rev . (i F. Hill for the oth? j cr denomination* Rev. J. M. ifc : erett of Salem will speak for the 1 rhflstlnns of the County and tf. S Davis will rpeak for Calvary Church The response will he mada hy ^ tlie pastor. Mr Hooe, and a num ber of musical selections will he