I CLUB OPENING ; IS POSTPONED ? ,'r eepfion |JlM yi/lhl ^dru;^uV;:;>r, BW ui.t, p,?m . ' ltv <?"? ?u>?in.?D- onhT ,',',".!,!, ' ?'? ? ??. ?nii other "'""nil ?WUtanre ><> !? Comiut'r. .. arid ? ... I"nib, r "< vidimi k i iiiinilH'r of I*, .I * , ?""' undertook task of not ify ii)t> ..m V, K a: sssr^ ~ wjoeceuarlly ??*?? ihrourtoTf J.'Xrtll'v Itorolnn and far int.. .il l JO?n. dNont|IIK th" rl, h r* -"ite t ' Officials of i )i(. i'i ?? i. J ?M other vchlclc.. """""Mta. Mother* ( |?h The MothoiH Club iih i w i ??> afternoon nt a ?vt. ,vv"""=" Community ?<?>? atreet. NJhm? ? .. . k?itwiioi| fl&Sfc&S as* 8sS%? f# ?fiSVsw??SJ ?ice? to thom. Mru r ,.?.j I eL%turbeilZu' Ir^sf ?mUuuDsoi) Hcrvi d i,,.f i , #ac!?i<ui. mih? mi ! '~"titi? 'lilt f[r eluh t" ,vl" >'? gsttSfa pasrs&si^ ? to 10:30 Tin. *.! i"v from I PBlig st th? ,Jj . '?> ?i?n was' In* Ji ?P?"nlnK ?f tl?. lllvPt.i jyrlpture v'l?"!!. , pruyer ,,y K ..7.' ?v' fe. i"?d i'TJrv" * t??r ih> ?- ' Nnileliwjji \i T&21? H. r,. purvt'tl ?r7 KS ,?????? Ma, isLv * "Pointex" |r "Brillii.nl II< ??? V ami Colifrii Arrow ?<? finr ?Nb' Silk lliwicry ill Gilbert's $1.95 $2.50 *2.7.> Sre Thf Nrw Metal Shade* WtV MONUMENTS ?? MOWTTMKNT PEOl-I.K iwtoa & Newton Oltut on Work Aw., it lit* St. NORFOLK. VA. Portia Brings the Baby yl A*-1 ' ^13 Mm. Jon* Sutter, of Toledo, O.. graduated f'.?n Ohio Slate ?."niver??ly and wis admitted to tlic Imr In 1921. She eof>im*ed to p-aetiro law after h?r marriage a year and a half ago, and rc.<mily loo': her Imby. Mary Patricia, tu court with li?v whii* urgu'.'l a cas-j. critic McPh??ri?oti? Hattlc and l'earl Carter, Elnor Uelfc, Bertha ami Wilnia I'rltchard, Selma Mot |gan, Elizabeth ami Helen Davis and M i*m. J. J. Smlthson. The vis . Hoih wore: Misses Nellie Mark jliam ami Allies Itelfc, and Dennis i Morgan. Calve Halloween Party I <'aynd?-n. Oct. 31. ? Tlic Camden i Woman's Club will give a Hallo (wcon party al Camden Courthouse -Saturday night. There will Ijo I plenty of pumpkins, black cat*. I witches and fortune tellers. Club j members and their friends are an ticipating much enjoyment. I'nstor Arrive* Hev. W. J. Noble of Baltimore. | a former pantor of rent' coslal | Holiness Church on Oak street, ? K<><*c n long way tn inukr frirndk III. (;KNKKAL Tire ltavis Tire (j?. Distributor ? Plioiic H>5. Martin St. j arrived Saturday fr? take charge' of the work here, which has been j carried on for th?> hint year by | Kcv. H T. Spence. ' Mr. Spruce - Iia.s b< en as^i^nod ?cm-ral evanKo j Untie work by the iialtimorc Con- j jureiice of I'entecoatal Holm, kh , Church with its huadquartern at 1 Richmond. Mr. Speno and fain-' lily will leave Tuenduy for their j J new home. Mr. Nobl?- will occti- 1 j py the I'entecal Holim-h* pulpit , Wanted At Once rliri i' (?mull kniiM'a. Modern cdilvrniiucrs. Apply, THE ADVAN(X DO YOU NEED TO BUY OK TO I'AY FOB Nrw BiiHinriw Equipment I'lumhing Fixture# * lighting Fixture* lloxpitul Accnunls Doctor*' Account* llou*e I'ainling Furniture CJothing Or other nccc**itic*. Wc lend money for tlicac |Hirpo*e* I hut you can repay l>y the week or month. INDUSTRIAL BANK Toys Are Keeping Up With Youth In Sophistication ? Youth Is indeed sophisticated. Tin- monkey that climbs ? hiring. ! toy marvel of a generation or bo aiti' Ik looked ut with Indifference ! by Hie child of today. An electric 1 train set isn't worth a snap of th?r, finger utile** It ban an automatic signal system. A doll that can not walk and talk like a college graduate In not worth the trouble] of making a featherstitch petti coat. Youth Ik Indeed sophistical*! ed. Hut the toymakers are equal to i i?. The n tores thin Christmas season will be stocked with such r a variety of Mimical tops and mechanical birds, j Doll* with :i Kurgeous assembly of wordH Acrobat monkeys and airedalcs that hark. Gasoline boat* with the speed of a shark. Toys by the barrell in fancy apparel ? that any -child is sure to Rasp at i the wonder of it all. Never, say I the stores, ban there been such 1 i a collection of toys as there Is I 'this year. There are several reas- 1 oils for it. RENDERS YELLOW FRONT STORES CODFISH, Gorton's Keudy to Fry, can 10c BEANS, \iin( lamp's, 3 rail for 25c. France leads In the manufac- j ture of remarkably lifelike -toy*. ' Adorable white kittens that walk , naturally, Bhake their headH. and, was bushy tails, are umong the leaders brought over from France. At twenty paces, these remarkable man-made animals cannot be told from the natural variety. Ah it is. people have js one up to them and ? stroked them. There are dogs. ' too. and miniature lions and lea- j pardit. made on the same princi ple. There will be a . great number of toys from Germany on sale this year. Germany has always led the world In the manufacture ' of mechanical tops, and the prices , of them are lower than for those made in other countries. Hut these are specialties. The I bulk of the toys that the stores* will sell this year are made right j here in the I'nlted States. Allj over the country are factories for them. One that the store folks! think will be among the taost : popular Is a peculiar wooden toy.! made by a man today rated ax a j millionaire who five years ago was | working' for a modest salary.; Having a child of his own. he con-.j reived the Idea for this toy. He | interested u capitalist In It; they I staited to manufacture on a small j CYMPAL No I ? 119-3? It IS really remarkable how much ? clock can add to the effect of a decorative scheme. SETH THOMAS CLOCKS ?re in fnu d.-mand rhese days, trj tho<e who love gracious interior!, 'magine a genuine Seth Thomas on Your mantel, bookcase. highboy. deskorwH-brackerl . Weareheai quarters far these famous clocks. ' c,fu ? W*Twm LOUIS S E L I C Quality Mince IK* 2 When You Build or Repair Think of HARDWARE Generally, the * lumping begins in building hIkiiiI llic time the hardware i? nrlratrd. Often the re sult is till equipment unworthy of the quality of other itenut. A good door drsrrvr* good hard ware. A good building demands it. Au important man to see is the merchant who aellti it. / We carry m varied annortmeiit of oilier hardware, too. From the Start Hardware nrali*. and to<lay have Iiuk?* far. torh-tf near Chh-ano. aiul turn <nit ihi.H toy. ami others, oy tms of thousand*. Probably (lie f:r*fttost ? sinylc distribution of toys In the State* Ik nmite in Now Orleans through the medium of two in?ti t ul Ions, the Doll and Toy Fund, and the Christmas (Sift Fnnd. Roth funds are subscribed |?y bin hearted residents of the city, through The Times-Picayune. a dally newspaper. Tin* former Hives toys to poor white ehlldren. and the latter to |Hior negro chil dren. Abou t *1&.IM)0 is subscribed to the two funds each year. Tin nlstrlbutlon of toys is made In a downtown square, and tickets. Nrw I land Just ivceivod u H|>lctidl<l aKHortiiKiit of (he new i>Iiu|h-x ami colors ? beauti ful drxiKiiM ? very k<>o?| val ue# ? l'rlcts *l.oo in $7.oO M. lirifgli Mit'cp <!?. ? ill n Inn: i-iM'li rhiltl ? I ?? wvori loys. miv civi-ii out ilirmi^li t It rllunlfi-M iili'l iU:?ui> (loll*. Tin idea ln:? ioiitiiiu< lor uiort' I hill! a t|U*ri* r ?tf ? ?*??! lu ry. \|l(ti?lr?| IVuwiit !oii Mis. il. I-'. 1 1 i'vicli.tiii l*ii . i tiiiti* *1 ft nut <????? -ii Ih'M, vsi' i flir ;itti lh?? \V. T. 1". ?"'?i \ villi" it. Shi* mIms visih <1 ii iUiikIiIiT, Ailh. I!. J. >!???: iui:i i< ; IllKll I'uillt. Masterpieces of the Classics fivmSikl&liirr To HIM t tin* lit" Ilia llll for (lit' ;? Usui hi ? ly ri?r* ??? ? t lalilc >Hv? r. w last v?* s* ?? ii r ?? tl 1 1n* CMOKCIAN MAID <1 - hikii, famous as a Ma.-' I? I'likfc ?>l tin* Cla -s ics, ami v.iouviu from ja?li?l ;-il v*-r. Bright Jrwrli'N Co. r.li/alM tli < il>. ( . 6 6 6 1? a i? iv script l?n Tor Mnlariii, (liills ami l-Vicr, Dfii^ur or III lions Finer. It kllla tliu s< rinn. Coal Screened Poca I LKJS ACK ? STO\ K ? AIM iOI.A OK IIKATIMH.A Ashes Minimum ( Certified Coal fDKNACK ? STO\K ? AKCOI.V OK 1IKA I ICOi. \ OH COOKE STUVK ? Allies Minimum Briquette S'l'OVK, AKCOI \, IIICATKOI.X <?t ?OOk M OM. PocaorNewRiverr.o.m. IHK1NACK IISI, Splint IOK I IKK PI.\CK I Si; OMA If You Vat' (hir (iml ) on II ill /??? I'li-iixol. II f Sell Only I h<' llrst. Crystal Ice & Coal Corp. PHONES 16 mid 716 OonOTHV YOU Rt A LITTH tonooV WHV DONT vou . PLAY VJTTJJ GIRLS* Out i JustsSw1 ? iVOU WITH A LOT OF (joys what v/er?E ^ you ooi>J<?? f? ? OH VOO CRotL CHILO ! ' * r those poora LITTLE THiMGS HAVE A's Much RIG.HT TO L.IVE. /y^ You HAVE ? I Do PLAt"1"" WITH SHOOTtK' DICE' 1 ? WfAHtl. By Charles MfManm DOROTHY DARNIT I Ltrl* I ? i.iii \t'H York ' M. i |i has- I'ctUI'lK'il ' Iimhi a 'iuviu. ur to \i'W YoiU I'ilt, ?! I Trust Men On face creams Notice niy results By Edna W.i!!#ec Hopper '] 1 *. ?r 1 1? >? -iirs 1 i-'?n lilt '1 I i \;..-ils (ill I If lMlliost in !;?"? :> in . T ? ! ;ix. all In . n Jmi 4 .itid iim'si ! y A - .i i?->nll. ;i1 a fc r^mluinlljer'tf I- -Ul! ii?v?- a haliy >1; ill. M a uy ,i >(iuiiu ~it ! ? my f<?m l<levmn. v.-l! ..;??! Dillon tli ami n?j'. I > ail-In 1! U'?- \\?nld In lllid I Ii<-m' li? l|is. a: >1 vp? lit a fortnm. .\joj?i woini ii canm>i do thai. Sn ! ii in pliiriiit; y ? < rv woman's rail ih> In I|m? I lni\ ?- iiiiiinlV in in*. J . ii- . -4111- ? I i i ? - I am tir^iii'; \ i iii t?? n > ? ti i . Oil.- i.s-Ye.ilh < ' 1 1 :i 1 1 1 . Ii contain* products i.l Imiii li-iiion ami siraw i ry. Ahwi in- ilia' m lewe knows i? i?ni.r, l? i-il ami |irol<ct ll-i siiiii. My own .>kiu, ? -it ? ic-?l h.v in 1 1 1 if ?ii: . slu.w.-' how lutirli i? d?n.-.?. My Yuwh Cr- inn romes in iwo rolil ; imI vanishing. li'Hh I la \ 4* tin- Kami- ?>s.-uiiiil in _i til I aj.|-I> tin- r * i lil cream J;ii 1 1 i iii to 1 1 1: I ? ? l" lav *kij) Willi.' I sleep. in 1 1;? mill r I i li V I itsr tin \ I . po as a p-wd* r bam-, ami as ;ill-d;?y ;!>ui protection. Now 1 iiiii old. y> i. no dfliiiiauli' c-niM Wain a lir.i'r- cmnplexiot:. 'Inat i . lai v ly due to my YOMIli Cii :i m. ? v.ifth I could induce every Kir I and wmiian to tin ,/Wlmt I have d?-ii? . Do lite- mmo.-'t when you i. ?? ii civam. I will Uadly amid a sample free ;u an.vojn\ J.enrn what >t means to >o:i. Clip the coupun now. For Trial Tube I Af J- ; IH,? . " ?atu tj ir/ \uuth Bradley Sweaters for I Ik* I' iimily Myity our ^tiaraiilrt'd io pvr Hill infucl ion. Gilbert's iintl Mitchell's Kxrl?i?ivo \pnts ' for I'Ji/alirtli < J PAINS ALL OVER Lady Says She Took Cardoi tad Never Saw Such Improve^ ment ? Wa? So Weak ; Couldn't Stand. J Weathcrsby, Miss. ? Mrs. .TnmeA M. Hall, of this place, writes that Julio WfiH "petting weaker all the titie" when Oardul, tho woman's topie, was first brought to hrr attention. Alter sbe had taken Cardnl a wljHo, she writes that she "ncvor dld*soo , nuch r.n improvement" "I Buffered all the time and had jiains all over," rays Mrs. Hall# "I was s?o weal; I could not t<tand. ?My skin was fold and flabby. I !dld not have any color, i had always been a very active woman ? us?ea to outdoor exerciKe, walking and going whero I pleased, and to Ret do*u. not able to K?*t myself a drink^*>an Indeed n hardship. * >eftur. see:n? ci to help me, till I begn i < n ('-archil. Tho flr.it iMttU. seemed to treitgfhon ma, aflfl f sent for live moro. By the t,ime 1 had taken these, I was on my feet, going abound. doing my work, gained in health and strength. "I took two more bottlen. add I am well and strong. Can work .my garden i haven't had any mora alcknesx. ' Ask your druggist. NC-165 i

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