Pure Food Show Opens Tonight With Special Attractions In Market Krfrigcrulor an.l ||,1({0 Turkry I,. |?. <;ivru ll?l of Lucky Num. Iters in Droning Contest MUSIC HY OKC11ESTKA Cooking Driiionsilrutioii to Im" fiivrn l?y Gas Con,. / l*a,,> : sl>?<-iiil Altrurtion-. Comoirow Night, Too v Special attractions for house holders of Kliza belli City and lis trad.' tun lory are offered al III. city s first I'urn Food Show, which Will I.p, >11 In II,,. city Market 10 night at i:S0 o'clock. Two main I>rlZ4fi. a refrigerator retailing nt ? I -.j and a hug*? turkev, will be given tonight to holders of th.? Hint and second number*, res pec t|vcly. drawn in a fr.e lottery. The winner* must. be present in person At the drawing. A wide variety of souvenirs and food products will he given during the two nights of the chow, it having been decided to hold the event on Saturday night also, in order that Saturaav shoppers here may have opportunity to inspect the new sanitary refrigerator counter system Just instHlled in the City Market. Wholesalers and others takiug part in the show today were busy putting the finishing touches on their booths, ana a large baud stand was 1)01 II n erected near the market entrance This will ho occupied h\ llio 1',-d Men'* Orchestra. which' will fur nish music for the occa aion . The music will begin at s 0 clock. and tho prim awards will bo niado al 9:30 o'clock. Tho re frigerator will bo given bv llit manufacturer* of I ho nriv market counter system. and tho turkey will be awarded by Marlon C Love, uiarkotman, .Mr. Love an flounces that the bin bird will bo li renewed the winner tonlfcht or Juat before Thanksgiving or Christmas, as he may prefer. The Gas Company will give demonstrations of cooking entire meals on a gas range equipped with tho new oven heat control, whereby the housewife may put dinner mi the oven at 0:30 o'clock In the morning, for Instance, and not bother to open the oven until noon, when she will tind it ready to serve. These demonstrations will be directed by Mrs. J. M. Whitehurst and Mr.;, J T Stall ing*. Elizabeth City Arms taking part In the food show will include: \v H. Weatherly & Company. J. ||. Mora ? Company. D. It Morgan t Company. W. J. \Voot||<>. the Elizabeth City Coca Cola hot (ling Works. Hanks * Hughes. Stanton & Burgess. J. K. Howden * Com pany, and Cart Wrights Bakery. .Special awards Saturday night to holders of lucky numhcis il|V? ben announced by several exhibi tors. in all instances, the winners must be present at the lint, of the drawings, else the awards will be determined by drawing addi tional mi in (htm. The lias Company will nivo a handsome Itndlanlflro na? heater Saturday nlglil; w. It. Wenlherlv *. Company will award a IH'e pound Jar of choice candle*. Mar lon C. Love will give ?2 r. cv-edlt on moats pure baaed al his mar ket; and the Kllxa both Cllv Coca Cola Company will give three cases of their principal beverage ?o as many holders of luekv mini bora. I'eiaons attending il?. food show tonight may register for ?Saturday night a awards Tllij $ 1 26 refrigerator lo be given tonight Is a Hool. present ed by Ottenholnier Bros.. of ||?| timore, manufacturers of the mar kel refrigerating equipment. A J McKay, an official from the ual llmoro office* of the company, and J T. Harris, of Now Bern. Kast erir Carolina representative, are In Ihe city to he on hand for the awards. Other prises at the Kond Show will Include 16 bags of flour by W. J. Wood ley, and canned goods for everybody, to be glv.-n by J Jl. Flora Company. Virtually all the exhibitors will award sou venirs and other articles. The Food Show is Inlng put on by business Arms, city officials. *nd marketnien. w|tkj*he assist ance and co-operation of the KHz abeth City Chamber of Commerce. PMK TACKY PARTY FOB NOVKMIIKtt iio ,. "hrlst Church Rullil Is Issuing !.i? , '?"ow'nK announcement Don t make an engagement for November 20. for , here's a Tacky 1 ariy on with fun a plenty. Christ Church Oulld will show you a good lime, and the price Is a quar-' tar. not much more'n a dlnie. '"'n" !V'y ?'"! atay late al the ,. ' hall, whether you're old or young doean'l matter at hiktiwo rkportkb Ct BBITt CK HOI XB ni the continued rain. Reached by long distance tele phone this morning. Dr. J. K. It a wis. at I.akeview Hospital. Suf folk. slated a thorough examina tion of Dr. Newby disclosed only a sprained hip. Dr. Newby. he added, left for Hertford this morn ing after having spent the night at the hospital. " cocks. A 11. Worth, W. A. Worth, Howard Smith, and S. H. John son. Besides Dr. Newby. inpinb?Ti of the party were Charles Johnson. Who was driving. the K?'V. Ed JiIIkoil Charles Whedbee and C. V. Wllllford. None of the others was hurt. Th" car skidded com pletely aMund, according to Mr. Wllllford. and was headed hack towards Hertford wh?>n it over iti rned. Through the use of a tractor, the others managed to pnlt the car out of the ditch, and ascer tained that it was not badly dam aged. My that time It was 8:30 o'clock, too late to attend (hp Suf folk Rotary supper, and they ire turned to Hertford. The roads wore extremely sllp pery on arrount of the continued rain. Mr. Wllllford stated over long distance telephone today, and the car skidded continually before it finally overturned. MKS. I.ANSIH)WNKS TESTIMONY STANDS Washington. Nov. 1 3.- The prosecution In the MltchHI court martial case today failed In Its ef fort i o throw out of court the tes timony given yesterday by Mrs. Margaret Lansdowne. After hearing the argument* by the opposing counsel, the court overruled the proaecutlon's objec tion that the evidence given by the widow of the Shenandoah's com mander waa Irrelevant and Incom petent Shortly lifter the accident. Dr. ;Newby caught a ride with a pass ing I ravelins salesman, and ar rived In Suffolk shortly after the Hotarv supper. He was assisted .Into the banquet hall, and col lapKed during the second speech of the evening. lie was taken, out and put to hed. and later was re qiovcd to the hospital. A numhe of Kllzaheth City ilotarlans at tended the supper, among whom were the Rev. Frank Scatter Rood. J W. Sell*. J. CI. (iregory, T. T Nelson. .Tamos Alderman. Miles Jennings. Dr. Zenas Fearing. Dr. Ike Fearing. Wr. W. W. lawyer. Rosroe Foreman, W. (I. CJalther. E. C. Conger. J. T. McCabe and ? guest. Dr. J. H. White. Herman Newbern. Camden Blades. L. C. Blades. Sam Parker. F. (J. Ja Handsome Pleasure Craft Docks Here For Repairs Hit rudder smashed in a ml** Uap while docking at Beaufort. 150 miles south of here. the nunip tuotiKly appointed seagoint; cruis er yacht VuKabondla, owned by W. L. Mellon. Pittsburgh million aire and brother of Secretary of the Treasury Mellon. Friday wan undergoing repairs at (he ship yard of the Elizabeth City' Iron Works. It was expected that the work would be finished some time Saturday. The Vagabondla was towed here by the Coast Guard cutter I'amllco after having stopped at New Bern, where Captain Rich a rd Carney, in command or the handsome craft, was informvv that the work or repair could not be done for lack uf facilities. The Vagabondla arrived iate Thursday afternoon, and repairs were begun Friday morning. The yacht Is 150 feet long, and is propelled by two Diesel en gines of .100 horsepower each. It is ono of the finest craft that has ever docked here. Encountering delays all along the way from New York, her starting point on the present trip, the Vagabondla already Ik far b< - hind Iter schedule, under which she. was due at Miami November 20. Mr. Mellon and a party of friends are. planning a cruise in the West Indies, and are expect ing to go aboard the yacht at M iarni . While hacking in Beaufort har bor preparatory to docking, the rudder of the Vagabondla slruek a shoal and was put out of com mission. Hence the trip to this city for repairs. The cruiser had come from New York via the In land Waterway. At least one North Carolinian is Included in the crew of the Vagabondla. He is Chief Engineer Nobles, and he hails from Dar> County. DESTROYER AGROUND AND CALLING FOR AID Boston, Nov. 13. ? The Coast c.uard destroyer Cummlngs went aground this forenoon on the mAh emsha breakwater according to radio advlcea picked up here. The message asked the cutter Aeush net and (layhead station lor aid. M4YOH Oh son I is tss tssi\ tun Soft*. X?iv. I;*. ? >1. Muiljm ion, mavnr ?il' Sofia and sm of tin* IIiiIkhi Uin sis! h\ a former tniinirlpal who liiol been ?I1 rluii-ur M*r?iill>. The riHiimlili'il *ui> ?REAT SMOKY WILL BE ASSET Major Wrlrli Brliovis Will br More Popular 'Mian Montana Park Atthevillc. Nov. 1". r.reat Smoky Mountalna National Purk. when created. will he the ureal tramping and horaeha? k riding park of the country. tin' cqiihl in i his respect. If not the superior, of (iladcr National Park. In Mmi tana. thinks Major William A Wolrh. a inrmbcr of the federal Southern Appalachian Park Som-. mission. who has hen I:i the rtiiN* i ?cent ly In connection with park business. Thr demand for saddle horses will revive the ImihIih-ss of horse breeding In the state* of North Carolina and TeiineKsee. in his opinion. At leant 4.?wi or S,?"H horses will he needed lo fill th'1 demand of tourists, who will flork from all partH of the en at, lie predicted In talking over the pos sibilities of the park As horses I'-nt. lie khM, for from $1 to fr? a day. the income to the hreederH and those who will rent the horses will become important economic factors In the country adjacent to the park. In horses for the use of the visitors. and in the rnHch town* arijninging the park many make their living by renting horse*. he pointed out. It la practiciilly impoMlhl. to cross the proposed park otherwlae than on horse-back or on foot, there heing no transverse highway com pleted. DANIELS SPEAKS IN BEHALF OK ORPHANS Fayettevlllo. Nov. 13. Kdltor Jonephus Danleln today addressed the North Carolina conference of the Methodlnt church declaring that I ho greatest duly of th? Christian la to care for orphan children. WELL KNOWN ART CONNOISSEUR DEAD Tolprta. O.. Nr.r. 13 Kdtfaril Drummond Llbbey, mlllfc>nairc glass manufacturer and Interna tlonally known art con no lane nr. died at hi* home here ahortly af tor nine o'clock today * I,. HHKKMM'K DK.%I> (i. I?. Sherlock died Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at th*4 aire of 47 yearn after a lingering illneaa of nix month*, at his horn** In the Four Fork* community, nix mllea from thin city. Mr. Sherlock In purvlved by hlr? wife and seven children: Mr* lom Albertnon. l<|iiol;ink Junto IvM KKS M I L DKM \L Di'lVniliuii liisrlaiinii All KiiohIciIp' of Planner in W liirli Afgcd I'ainlcr Met Dralli in I <>22 N?.i u: til y was v i it- verdict of ilic l'as<|uot.ink jury which tried . Ill'- Ci'.vr of Jai'iilix, ac " citsed ?i| murd-r. shortly after 11 o'clock I hi.- Hiii't noon. Till* after noon'*' session concluded the wiM'k* term. Judge Calvert hav ing d-cid.d not to hold a Satur day M-xnioii A IglllieUt* III tin- Jacobs case, in which tin- defendant wax ac ciihhI of the iii ii r?l?- r about the time Whichard's hotly was discovered, was forthcoming late in the after noon w hen T initio Held, sister of Jacobs. testified Ni'WHome. a boarder in their home, told her Whlchurd was dead, parked up his clothes and departed. It appears that New-some had made thi.. statement to the Reld woman before the body of Whlch ard was discovered. ller teatl inony yesterday was to tlte effect he made it on Ihc morning of the Thursday on which the body wan found The body was discovered in the afternoon, police slated. | On t he Htand in his own behalf. Jacobs denied having Raid any thing to his brother about the death, of \Vhichibrd? and subse (|iientiy denied all knowledge of the manner in which the elder ly pain'er luol met death. He testified lie had worked In part nership with W'hkhard for sever al months prior to the hitter's dentil, and thai they were on en tirely friendly terms. Chief of Police Holmes, on the stand in connection with the dis covery of YVhiehard's body, testi fied that when found, it was crammed head first Into a small hole beside a wire fence not far from the Suffolk & Carolina llall road tracks between Seidell street and I'rltehardtown road, lie stat ed the body whs found by Charles llaulfs. who was attracted to the spot by his bird dog. The fence opposite the spot where Whichard's body was lo cated. Chief Holmea Maid. was pre scd down, and there were hcv eral specks of blood oil it. Tracks, of a man and a woman leading to I hat pari of the fence were discov ered also, he added. 1 C. K Patterson, colored Insur ance agent now serving a term in Jail here, and "Judge" Hllas Al bert son. Jailor, were culled to the .?'and to testify to Heneral Jacobs having written a letter which later was placed in the hands of Sheriff Carmine, mid which led to the arrest of Lawrence Jacobs. The defendant, by the way, gives his name at Kllhu Lawrence Jacobs The civil docket opened lau? Friday morning with trial ??f an : action by J <2. Cart wrl?ht iiKnlnat M M. 1 1 ii ri mistrial on the ground 4^'it errors had occurred In the , ,1 ml which waa conducted before Judge W M. Bond. It has been Continued on page 4 M KM ll Nlateincnt thiM iHM.ii r\|iri'*Mi| doubt ronciTD* ii >1-1 had b?'n loraltil. IM> mouth, Nov. 1:1. ? Sub marine M-l wax located t?wln> on tlw IhhI of tin* aea 12 in ll?' MilllliurM of Slur I'oint, I>ev? ontdilre. Thrrr In it ?dl|tht chance ( li.tt liiemhri-N of iIm- crew of WW might Mill In- it live. The M-l which tlliwt|?|M'*r?Ml during maneuver* In the chan nel Is nald lo b<* lying h( too KirHl depth to |h* nil It either diving o|?crittlon* or ittt?*n?|>t n to hrlng her to the surface. The theory In advanced here ihHl the submarine tint) have Itecoine folded hi the wiwk of one of many tfWM'li wnt to the bottom of the KiikUmIi <*lut unci b> ( German submarine* ? luring thr World War. Naval nnii believe H |mm< slhle that thr crew might exist 4 H hours unless thr vessel It flllrtl with water. TEACHERS LEAVE FOR CONVENTION l^ir^c Delegation from l*us qiiotunk Atlendiiig tlir District Meeting A large delegation ??f city and Con n ly ipucImtm l?*r I Friday morn ing I" ;? i t?*nd lh?* sessions of the 1 North* astern District of the I Norili Carolina Educational Asso ciation in Washington. N. C.. Fri day and Salurday. The teachers were chaperoned' by Superintend ! ent M. T. Jennings, of the County . schools, and Principal A. It. Combs, of the Eliza belli City High School Mont of the party made the trip In a .school bus loaned hy I he ? County Hoard of Education, and ? driven hy Miss Jemima James, of . Weeksvllle. Others were In auto mobiles driven by Superintendent Jennings and Mm. Lloyd Hal stead. of the Weeknvlllp High School faculty. All expected to arrive in Wanhington early Fri day afternoon, in time for the op ening of the conference. Those in the delegation includ . ed Principal II. L. White, and Misses Margaret S. White, Alnta Fonter, Edna l,asslter. Laura I Went, Nannie Bray and Mllllcent Hayman, of the Newland High School faculty; Principal R. T. Ityland, C. M. Prealar. Mra. Lloyd Halstead, Mrs. Jatvln M. Scott and \flss Marguerite HiiKhen, of the Weeksvllle High School fac ulty; Miss Koma L. I'arls, of the Minks Scoot.;. and Miss Mary Hell, of Elizabeth City. Mummy King Tut Disclosed At Last Cairo. Nov. 13. ? ' The mummy of Tut-Aiik-Amen, with his hands clasped on his breast and a tall golden crown on bin head, baa been disclosed at last, says a me? sage from Luxor today. Experts' examination established that the I'liaroah was only 50 years old when be died. On his breast were found two large golden scarabs and strapped to his side were two gold lillted swords and two gold handled knives. INorlli Carolina re today after the rle feu fl? tit had comn off the aland The JudRo Raid that he woiiltl mo charge the Jury. SHAKEN BY QUAKE Manila.. Nov. 13. ? A atrong cHrthf|iiakf* occurred here at (1 : 1 r? today Thf tremora continued for half an hour The weather bu reau estimated the center of dl* turhance to be .TOO mllea from Ma nlla No damage la reported al though I lie (mlldlng* In Manila Were ahakfii perceptibly.. TONIGHT'S SERVICE TO CLOSE MEETING 1)?!?plt" th?- *lorm In h t night a joodl) niimbir attended th#? re vival aervlc ?* mi the Fre* Will Ttapifot Chdreh. Kev. J. c. Orlf fln preached on "Howlnit and Reaplns." It was a strong aer nirtn and ?ven after the aervlcea hurt a number came und shook the preacher's hand aaylng that t Ik y dealred prayer. TonUht'a service will clone the incetin. Th<* mihject will be I "The I npardonahle Hln." A large j crowd ?" expected. The public la Uiviied. INDUSTRIES ARE UNAFFECTED BY STREET FLURRY Volume of Kariim#* Same Today as Before Traders Were Sent Scurrying Af ter Safety Margins PRODUCTION AS USUAL But Leaders in Industry Had Previously Warned That Stocks Price Levels Were Too Hipli ll> 4. C. ItOYLK 1*2). H? Til* A ??????> N?>w York. Nov. 13.? The con dition. prospects. rate of opera* jtfon and volume of earnings of American Industrie* were the 'same today a* they were before tradt-rs in Wall street were sent scurrying alter margins of aafety instead of margins of profit. The drop in price* on the Mock ex change. which sent some Issues down five to 25 dollars a share i was not caused by conditions In J commerce1 or Industry. Manufacturers today are mak ing as many automobiles as they were Monduy and making an equal profit on every car. Yet the motor shares were speelally ham mered. In the last month the Hupp factory, for example, turned out 2.779 eight-cylinder cara as compared with 1,397 the previous month. The Oakland factory, part of General Motors, broke all previous monthly sales recorda In , October. Hen hunt: up a similar (record, Chrysler. Hudson and Studehaker nre not only turning out a multitude of cars hut selling them. The Dupont Company, which suffered in conjunction with the fall in Ceneral Motors stocks has Just perfected a new nitrate production proceaa and Is doing a wonderful husineas In ar j linclal silk. dyes, dynamite and, ? paints. The men who are identified with actual production and sale of motor cars have maintained that profits and prospecta had been discounted and redlacounted by the advances in stock prices and that quotations Tor motor shares were far too high. Today i these men reiterated their por tions along with their continued faith in the prosperity and stabil ity of their industry. The steel stocks suffered In the 'street. Dispatches from Chicago i today say the steel market there Is the strongest of the year with orders for nearly &00.000 tons of rails and a large tonnage of bars, plate, sheets and track materials entered in the last week. The leading producer part of t'nlted States Steel, is running 84 per cent capacity. Higher quotations on ateel products have given the Pitts burgh market more flrmneaa than it has had in some time, with exe cutives confident of continued prosperity Into 1926. The ad vance by American Sheet and Tin Plate is understood to be for Im mediate shipment, since the booka are not yet opened for first quar [ ter 1926 orders. Telegram* from Cleveland and Youngstown report marked Im provement In the steel Industry In Ohio this week with operations In the Mahoning Valley abova tO per cent of capacity. Sixty-two of ?7 open hearth furnacea are operat ing at Youngstown with 131 of 129 sheet mills running at a close to 100 per cent of capacity. The railroads are atlll hand ling a tremendous volume of reve nue freight and their proflta. It la (sure, will be the best in msny years, yet Atlantic Coast Line lost over Seven | points Tuesday snd other rails were affected In the stock market. Many of the public utility stocks lost around on the floor Of the exchanae but their earnings aie known to be larger this year than at any time since the war. The electrical equipment compan ies are known to have a record volume of orders on hand In most Instances It wan notable that many of the auuar anil oil atock* which are In relatively poor condition ao far a* earning are concerned. with Mood the bear attack* better than laauea on a llrm dividend baala. l.eadera In practically every Una of Induatry have In* tied warning* lecently that nioeka price level* were higher than warranted and hold today the action of tha mar* k justified their aland. g The nominal ratine for the alump waa I h?* advance In the Boa* ton Federal fteaerve n-dlacount ral?-. In (hla connection. It la pointed out that about 120.000.* ?00 has been withdrawn recently from Maaaachuaett* waving* banka ? lone for Inveatnient In Florida. While that tendency may have af fected the money lajp la New KnKland. Ihe volume of caah which haa flowed Into Florida ?Mnka from other part* of the country ha* been forwarded right back to New York." where, ac cordlng to I'nlted Statea Treasury ofTlclala Ita volume haa dona much to keep money eaay and * toe It e* chanjee bualneaa at high tide. Mr* R C. Abbott la upendlm several days with relator** la Hulelgh unit New Bern.