VOL. XV. FINAL EDITION ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAHOLINA, THl'KSDAV Former Elizabeth City Girl Denied Heart Balm Of Wealthy Hotel Man Mrs. Charles S. < lonsolvo, Npc Miss Evelyn [.ami). Asked 8100,000 for Wrecking of l.nvr HK.lt CASE DISMISSED Baltimore Judge, After ' Hearing Evidence, Says Kliialietli < lily Girl Has ?x No .lust (luiise for Action llaltimorc. Nov. 19. ? The J 100. 000 stiii against Chan. H. Consol vo. proprietor of the Belvldere Mo tel. Iiy hiK daughter-in-law. Mrs. 1-vclyu Lamb Consolvo for aliena tion of the affections of her hus band was dismissed in Superior Court, i hi*- afternoon, hy Judge F.li Frank The judge directed a verdict for tin- defendant after attorneys in thf cttM- hud devoted more than two hours :o argument on a peti tion presented hy clarence A. Tinker, attorney for Mr. Consolvo asking dismissal of the HUit. JuiIkc Frank in dismissing the hill staled that he found in the testimony no evidence of malice against his son's wife by Mr. Con solvo. In alienation of affection t suits In which a parent Is a de fendant a inulicc must be proven the justice stated. before the case can be submitted to a jury for a decision. Judge Frank declared that even though Mr. Consolvo had accused his daughter-in-law on his occa sion of his first meet ins her of be ing Ultimate with her husband be fore their marriage and also of being intimate with other men. this was no Indication of ill will on bin part. The Judge said this was partic ularly true In view of the uncon tradicted testimony Hint she hud udntitted the truth of the accusa tions. Furthermore. Judge Frank as serted. the fact that tho older Consolvo would not allow his son to live with tho young Mrs. Con solvo was justified as the son was still a school bay and had never done anything to earn money. "It would perhaps have been fine," said tile judge, "If Mr. Con solvo had given the young people his blessing, taking them under roof and supported both of them. Hut be was under no legal obli gations to adopt this course and the fact that he did not cannot be taken as an Indication of mal ice toward bin daughter-in-law." The defense offered no testi mony in the case. As soon as counsel for Mrs. Consolvo stated they bad completed their side of tho case. James Thomas, associate conusor for Mr. Consolvo present ed bid petition for dismissal and argument way started. The Jury was told to leave the court room and retire to tin Ir chamber during the arguments. Motion For Dismissal t'pon conclusion of the plain tiff's case today, motion was made by James Thomas, counsel for the hotel owner, for dismissal of the proceedings. Mr. Thomas argued that the plaintiff had failed to show caus* for the action against Mr. Con polvo. He said that the witnesses bad merely testified that young ( ' i ? 1 1 - o 1 \ i ? W.:s Ht 1 1 1 ii. love with his wife but could not live with her. Tills, Mr. Thomas argued, does not constitute alienation of affec tion, as the plaintiff claims that Mrs. Consolvo said that young Mr. Consolvo Is still In love with her. Trial of the suit opened yester day ' In Superior Court before Judge F.li Frank and a jury. Mrr. Consolvo was on the wit ness stand most of the first day. N. Carter Hammond, her counsel, pur the la;t witness for I he plain tiff on the stand this morning. She was Mis. Marlha Denlcalo, Mis. Corsolvo's sister. J ud u** Frank at the opening of court today ordered stricken from the record all testimony given >. terdiiy to tile effect that til" elder Consolvo wan preventing his son from living with his wife. Hlrirkrn Krom Iterom II?- explained thul he had ad mitted thr testimony yeaterday. hut Innt night had looked up authorities which lt d him to bi - llevo ho had bi mi in error. Coun sel for young Mra. Connolvo look an ? x^piioti to thli ruling. Mrs. Don Ira lo, who Malod that hor Hater now liven with her on Norlh Charlen street. tcMIAed that in Ihf did not know what lie wet doing at Ike RAPID PROGRESS ON SLIGO ROAD (.ounlry C.liil) Detour Prolh ulily W ill Im' hlimiuat mI by Drcrmlwr 15 itapid proKmu is being mud** on paving the Stat** highway from tin* Itoblnsotf larm in Camden ' County lo Sligo i ti Currituck County. Thii psving crcv will probably rmrli the railroad today and It i* b? Moved that by the middle of Dtffmber the road ran be open?d up to the old State road which runs by Camden Courthouse atj-i tliui eliminate the Country Club and Shlloh road detour. Thin i would mean a saving of two miles in distance and a saving ttf t'roru | 1C to :t0 minute-; in linn*. With the road opened at thin point, coming to Rllzuleth City from Currituck and Camden counties this winter will be leas difficult than it was last winter. Many sections of the road which were being w??rked Isst year are now well packed. "The run" in Currituck County just before Gregory station Is the only bad place in the road now from here to Sllgo and though this Is very rough it always remains passable I ? if the cars will take it one way at a time. The section of the detour from the Country Club road to the old IShtSoh road which became very bad during the last rain was filled in somewhat by the main tenance crew Wednesday and two cars could pass each other in this section today. EXPECT COMPI-ETE TESTIMONY FRIDAY Washington. Nov. 10. ? The de fense notified the Mitchell conrt martial today that it expected to completo the presentation of Its evidence tomorrow except for the testimony Colonel William Mitch ell will give in hlR own behalf. Hepreaentatlve Frank- Held, chief defense counsel, indicated thai the Colonel would require about two days for bin testimony. FLORIDA TO HAVE AIK MAIL SERVICE Washington. Nov. 19- -Air mail service between Florida's three principal cities. Jacksonville. Tam pa and Miami, by April 1. next, with extenalon to Atlanta not lat er than June 1 has been decided upon by Postmaster General New. IRVING BERLIN SAYS ALICE WAS MISTAKEN New York. Nov. 19. ? Irving Merlin, song writer, today followed A1 Jolson. comedian, in denying that he had ever met Alice Bea trice Rhlidindir, negro wife of Leonard Kip Rhlnelander. who Is now suelng for annulment of their marriage. Berlin returning to New York from Boston today said that he wa? in Kurope at the time the girl wrote young Rhlnelander that she met him at a summer catnp. TWO EXECUTED FOR MERCHANT'S MlllDKIt Bombay. India. Nov. 19.? -Two of the men convicted of murder ing Abdul Kadir Bawla. rich Mo hammedan merchant and protec tor of the dancing girl. Mumtaz Degum, were executed today. NEWLANI) PKRHONALH Newland. Nov. 19 - -Mrs W II. | Bell and little daughter. Kmma, of Oceana, are visiting her mother. Mrs. W K. Khtrtdgt Walter Wlnslow of Moyock spent the week-end here with friends. Julian Spence of Washington. | I). C.. Is visiting relatives here Mrs. W. K. Ktherldge Is ill at her home here. time of the marriage. Thin was I denied by his wife. l*ater Judge Charles F. Stein In the Circuit Court ordered young Consolvo to 1 pay his wife fr>0 a week alimony A week later, however, he changed i It lo $H a we?-k. Sent Aflfr Couple Much testimony was Introduced during the sessions of the Balti more court yesterday Paul Ho- ' sano. a house detective at the ' Montlcello Hotel, testified that fol lowing the elopement of Consol \o, In itplf bif, 1 r? 2 4. h" wasj sent by the hotel owner to bring the couple back to Baltimore. The! ??topers were married In Klllcott I City. Maryland, and went on a honeymoon trip to Wlnehenter. Virginia, wher^ he found them. j Bosano said. Young Mrs. Consolvo while on ' the stand declared that ex cept for his father s Interference her husband would hav;?d conspiracy :o have Ivr placed in nn asylum for, th?* lindane. Th?- ram- oprio'd Tties- ? ? day morning >>t Superior Court i hero. [ Venturing the opinion thut Mrn. Cctsingcr huh mcutally uusouud. l.?-mufl Mathius. of Corapeake, a . n!lPto of t h'?* t ?? o hllllil:i!i r.r ? u i. on llu* I'l-nr^ylvanla |{ailr?iai! eollM.il nar %!? ii.iouih j ??. hiald*?n l?v |o>- rii- r\|?ir.-.. ? <1 :: mas- wr? ?)* mi h whtvfi i rut is li i 1 . ? h . |iA*?rtMti-r?. RENEW EFFORTS TO GET COUNTY TO (0- OPERATE Stair and fVilrral (iovrriH in cut ?4 Anxious to Add l'ar>4|unl;ink lit (^lliilirH I rri' of 1 iihrrrular Tattle l'I? TO COMMISSIONKKS And (.ouiily linttro Will Face IhMiii* in All I'rnlia hilily in Morliitfs i?n Hr.*l !M(in??*mhi*r. to wmru the ?'o-op?- ra tion of Pasquotank County with the State and Federal departments I of agriculture in u campaign to wipe out tuberculosis* In cattle in til In County. i Dr J. K I'etcrman of tlir hu rra n of animal industry of the Federal Hepartmont of ARrkui t ii if ha* h?'?*n in the city tills week calling on leaders of the KIw:iiii< and Kotarv cluhs. and of.thi* v? rlous k'hihi'd'h organi/at Ioiih in tin* city. ;ih tyell ?h oi? County offi . rials. In un effort. to win popui.ir 1 support for the pt ((position *'ln*n P is proK^ntcd to the County Com missioners. Pr. Peterman explains that the iMi'iai coht to the County would harilly excecd < 1 .000 and thnt onr * ;lhe County was freed of tuberru ! lohis in cattle all additional ex pense Incurred In keeping it free would be met l?y State* uml Fed eral funds withouth further drain on the County treasury. "Seventy per cent of the tuber miosis In children ran bo traced to milk from infected dairy herds." I>r. {'Herman *ayH. "and I do not well are how any County can afford to turn down the very liberal proposition that I ex per' to present to your Hoard of Coun ty Commissioners! at their next , meeting " FRENCH AT mm WITH A It MO 15 El) CAKS Rlilnn. Syria. Nov 19 Kron?li roinfon-rmonta comprising of 1 00(1 infant rymni with tanks ami armorvd cars hare ronohod ihln port A doatroyor also has ar rived. OfflrialH arc promising the people adequate warning of ?laii ?or irotn any of the r?M>> .1 S. IWIK.I TT I?K.?I> J. S. I'adKolt. f?a years of ate dlrd Thursday mornlna at ??? 'o'clock nt Ills homo on Odor stroot. lie ha?? boon in falling health for tho last year and wuf taken M?rlously ill about a weok a*o Mr Padgett was horn In Lau rel. Maryland, and came to Kliza* both City about ton year* ago. He In survived hy his wlfo. by n datigh tor. Mr? Kdlth Lunt of Syk vlllo. Maryland, hy a son, Arthur I'adRftr of this city; by a Brand daughter. Klalm- Lunt of Kyle* | vllle. Mar) land. hy a s|w'*>r. Mr Katharine ItutM ?'f Ptttabnrjch; and hy three brother*, William K PudRfll. Ilerlvrt N I'ndftett .mil Marlon I'udrotl. all of Washing ton i -ottos m\hh?;t Now Yoik. Nov. 19. -Cotton fu tures opmrd tudny at the fallow Infc level*: fVr. ZO.ftji, J?i, pi 7 ? Mar.h 19. *T. May 19.5*. Jnlv 1 9 n N>w York. N?>v. 19.- flpot ??.< ton closed quiH, middling "21 <>rt. i a itwllno of 10 point a. Future. cloainft hid I lor J0.?. Jan. 19 73. I Marrh 19.*r., May 19 .no. July 19. U, Oct 18 15. Spends $200,000 c.i Rock Tomb John i: l.ywi "f v . V . ? i' ?r r.'.an ! !minr: a hupo loll". ! <11 Jim l.i.'iwlf i r : V : I .1 ' 1 ? ?: *?'.-? |-|?rij?.v Ihr Ohio ] s ill** ' ? Cav.itJon'in thf ruk. It viil i I i ? ? . . ? ?1 ?;r.u ? i> I ts i I CAPTAIN TKI.I.S WHY SEM yr VIKMKM Washington. Nov. tf? I ??-n y inp, I liit I he had Miuclil '?? Infill '?ncf tin- testimony Mih. MarKaret lamadownp rnvo iH-forc Mu Shen andoah court of tn?|olrv . J;# ; in on tli. Captain Paul I t - - ? i i ltd today before I hat hody Unit tin* Matetnent he ????*?? l? ?*r "ei.n talned nothing thai Mrs l.-ini (!nwii<* hail not paid in in*1 In Hi ? liri'Menc** of three tlinwiu's." The Malpnient ulih'h It wjr. In ???nil"! thai du* i?. I^tisdowtii in a dig nified position "? itlpkitki: nvui imiivwv TO Si:i.I. % Vsll I ti;s I.I.. Hu CulpppPI I I with Gcoriv ' ' ui|?"|?|M in i DUOr, will "? ii Natdi a- i ?mol 11* in I'aKnuotaiiK. fainuh It. I'lttrl liick, IN- run I mans. ChoV/a i. and Dar? roiuvln / Spac?' for a p.araw* will he rir ranged w ithin II.' lie Nl !? an a i? t ? ? ? il banian. huUi--: sold ? ' i ? ? ? il lap. HtudPhiik'-r, at ?l ?? '?? r popular PUtomohll'-f. < I imifirpiirp AitpiIph hi Dri'iiniil* Poll Inr. NOV 1 f> Tlir pi.Wi'rS repr*a*ntPd at the f'hiti" ft;* torn* Coiifrreiirr today nn:.n .have opi-p'-d a frail and fund/ >!'?!? hv th name of William* ftrorher* ?>n?l will RMw a ,ki i? 'I V f ' r . : V l\i? "I i . t ll<* ^imi.Ii'h ' r? tM f;?nr? |>.?p- roin- H I" fill/ ih.J?Hy f*>r 1'? s id. '|'k? |Sij\'<-.; iVI.ili' o' < *1 I 'f. t? >? !>? ii? -.v worn on nri initial ordir f - i ? ; 'T J .on > rt tl< ri h>n? of Its ' . ITHio" loiaJh., 1A.090 |u.k?'. TlH-y ??! 1J ?'<* tMV-ial t liOMK.'ind iii ? ' ?!i. h?? ci'tjf ??! I' fi'i l>ofor?? I.},; i ard Hi i.i.ii ? Mirlv i i'i r- t?i ? vili ptohn hly hi.. *> . .i j ? r ffi.vtai or 1 Mft,. O'l :? . iliijfiJ T j: '<{;? -ril'Tn I ?v i ? ?>n placid *p;? ?? ... ? -? ?s hvic f4. J> . ? ? . ... u?.< t'lt The 1'iO-r. r.'.uii i I Vro vi?m? I i ? 4- i n ? Will l?" fi;:? <1 i ;i> |> i {i ?': f |' n> i f. jojh 1" ' ? tp' ioa! pro uii'Mi ;? ?:? v.' k!i|isi'.lbnr?. . >?; ? <1 ?il?tril?uHon of "Tim ? ? ->? ' d? I h" ?u i>:o! r#.n-|vi plan* i-l - . v v/||fi |t I]} jrl| vnl iii.: f >. Kilt ii ? Cifjr. c: ; . KKICN3 \\ \ Kit ki/.vs apim:\?um:k Point. V v 'V Qui' f . ;?? i *??.?? ji>, > ? .?r?t Monday ? ? : i.'l. m-fonj'rv ? 'i rotn?? of ? ? ? *' nl. on ?? 'i.l*I hn?*i? ? i M pin fait v.P?i l.i'wrrn fi'l i:> " rt Kti Klux i d- ilu-lr :irunn- lu 'i ? lind p. i.e.-, dr<>SK"l ? ir whit* f?5 and IiOoiIp. ? ' '-rotvda cT if !' ? a (hat ur.> nally .ir??und the ptorra nnirkly 'No Parking Signs Mean Just That Chief Warns : 1 j? ? i ? Li< ?? ? "iin (?a i k i it l. " vu;ii: in Murk ? in W !????*? W.i It f |)ij>r llj:>l.-|ll,l! Il?ll I. :iImiih in |m 4iii. ? imi; ;?:? I- ?;ik> n ill f;?; 1 1 i?*l ly ii?i' fo In- i '.it . - titvit.il iiiri?; > u'I'.iil |'I|I> i r?>!ti . lloliitcs h:i ? I" suv i?ti tin- Miliject In H ?? l:?vt l- ? ?l.i>.i. polir-? h.iv?- I. . .I im-im sioi. til M l.il 1. 1 1 ? n> l"i : hurl i n ' i ? Is a! * .? i ? I |i. int-* ill til1* i|?ih til??iv n ? li. 'lit I, Mai j-?i|ii" HMl . riu.'l llwllin s la 1 ??>. Mn ? ??viili'iifi'il a l? n?J-*in'y !-li:llli,<< ??f ? ln? ? ? I'*!-- r I'liliv viil 1?> tin* Hi. puli.t- i ln. l w.i: ii. Hint t Ii ? * will Im an- >!???! 1 1 ?? lak'-s il? t:i.i?l that i In* .-ii n.- iN.mv'h? ? 'UfTloli-nl warm Hi WORK AND WIN REALLY WORKS <;<-orp' II. Jon."* ^ "" I* Kojjular llo rulio AI(5 \VIM(I> N.Vvnrk. N..v, !'? Il-nul" Alger stories have passed out or ,j?i ? a ii Ii th.? fining young genii at ion. I.ui Wall Hlrcet Mill is turn inc out f?>r new one*. l.eorgc it J4.11.s- wlio ha* Juki been elect ed chairman of the board of direc iocs f ?f tin* Standard Oil < ompany of .Ww Jersey. Is the luteal. Tlil?:> ??Iglit yarn ago. t.eorro Jon. a. son of a poor carpenter of Carl liiif. N Y got hlM flrKi n-K; ular job in a chair factor at J? cents i ?lay. Today, after a "work and win" carter, which In almoin unexampled l? Its luduMry. he lins become till* highest official of one of the greatest oil corpora tions In i he world, with a salary of $12.r?.H0'? a year nearly 8.?.?0 ? 'Ahuo. lal. -s of Mr. Jones point to hi in as 11 xl'.lnliii? example of tin fallacv of the. old saw that . . all work and no plav makes Jack a dull hoy." l-'ruiii the day h?? g"> Iiih flrsl Joh. they say. George Jones has coiiecnt rsileil on w ork to the exclusion ?.f practically all else. And. i hey aver, he In far from a dull hoy. though he Mil. in as hard a worker as he wn* v. hen he wan mounting ilie first it low rounds of Ihu business lad 1 Vl- never WMoked He ***** drank. He Isn't interested In bridge. poker, or otlu-r curd games, tic never learned In love ihe the. aier. lie doesn't even care to drive hiH own car. He was persuaded recently t" join two golf clubs up In West chester. where he liven, mid ndi Kiouxly about six limes a year he plays a round of golf. Itui lie couldn't l?y any stretch of the i'u imiuatlon he called a golf etilhusi iast. . What does he do for amuse ment?" why ho works. "He almost never leaves I lie office !??' (ore 7 o'elork In the evening" -said one of his associates today. Ihe vacHtlon he Is taking In Kurope is the firsi since I can remember, I have never seen a harder worker In my life. It seems to be his one end in life. ' Hut if you think that all woi k has mad.- fieorge a dull boy. yoii ha V" nnotlvr guevs coming. > on should s?-e him with his grand son he has three the children of his two daughters. O rand pa and grandson are just about the most hilarious pair of pals you ev er saw. and they understand each other thoroughly." MOTHKR KING CBOKCK IS I.KIT1CAIJ.Y III. !.ot.ilr>n. Nov. 19 Quern Alexandria, mother of King ' Oeorge, Is critically HI from a heart attack Tile queen whose eighty first birthday falls on December On? suffered the ntinck this morning A Mutement Issued from her home described her condition as criti cal. on. mkhckk a?;ain IIFiAOS CONVKNTION } Charlotte, Nov. 1ft. t?r I. M Mercer of Wilson wan this morn ing re elected president of the flap! Is' State Convention. A resolution endorsing the pro hibit ion statutes and condemning ??point - il leaders" who seek to overthrow 'his wholsome law war* 'adopted today by Ihe State tlapllsts urK.ii i or absi'IUUTY AMI SI.ANIIKKS l?KAI? Wiisli.ngton. Nov. 1ft. Any In stall*' Hint C ommander Za- h ary i.misdowne deliberately leop ardi/. l 'I"' Hhennandoah and her crew i ? ? .mly reaches the "height of sb nhdlty but slanders the hf|? Has I 11 riTjhcil Siiht I hat Time lit.' M . : i " i ' l? i ? -? i:? 11 I Vdcralion ? ?I Kli/.ab. tli Cit? will celebrate Its lit -i .1 * 1 1 1 i \ ? i > n*\t Monday, wmIi In-, \ H D. WiKon iih leud ? r n'i a federation s i fxl that. locether with ? 1 1 ? ? fact t! .t ill** meeting Ik an amiivt'isari occasion, leads many to look f ?r a m-iiiil .it tendance. Tli'- Men's Cat i.;tia:i ration of I '..??! in )?.j uk Couion was or;-,an ?l la t V <\> in tier during the llrttr. -I{:*nisay ie??\al here. It holds a clow n town iiray.T meeting ?v ? ry w ?-? k ?!a\ in h fiinu. and has ??"I mi.-. ,| in* ???rum since Its or gn li/ai .mi I i ? i si i line after the revival atti ndat c. :it tin- prayer in* et iiii', v re* ri? adlly, hut during i th.' sipuii! v ii r. II off to a consid erable ? \lenl .?nd haa never . re gain- d th - hi; :? 1 ? \ ? I it reached In -r. spro.^. I,. ;nl< is nf tii>- r. d rutiou hope that th- aniiiN . rsa-y service may be an i i >-ii>-i'<'i lor a r? vlval of in terest on the 'tail il the numbers and that regular attendance may thus one*"' more 1"' brought up to i to- high level* of liifit spring. Th?- federal ion w.? organised In the assembly iooin> of Chamber of Cmioiih ic.? headquarters in the V. M. c. A. building and untll'the Ham-ltamsay i-\lval cloned the morning pray, r meetings were held in tin;-- room*. When these quarters w. re outgrown, howev er. I he J. lac. o| meeting WHK changed iirxt to Hi.- Junior Order ball in t he Kraut- r building and later, when tfo obi gymnasium of th-- V. M C \ hi came available, the < i in J,.* wire changed to that plac and have been held there ever slllCe. am; smhimn<; woods FOIC Sl'KHM.K BANDIT .Suffolk, N?.v. 19.- Possca of avnod ne n wen souring the wooi!.* tieai Holland Wednesday nl'.rbt on ih" I.. Mini; trail of a loii?' t*;? mt 11 who held up T. 11. Iloyr,'., assistant cashier, in the Hmk of lloltanil. Iti miles frotp Suffolk, at ihe iieOn lunch hour ,\V'i dn> sdav and .-Kile $4,000. The i;iiuiiri'i dropped a package roitiaiiiin;: $ 1 .OoO in the bank lobby wliofi Im- sm.n-lu'd. a plate i.-hiw in the rlooi in effecting lila i -scape after Mr, Uogera had iol oil die burglar Miir in. In ? ^inhering ov ' a barbed wire I nee behind I he bank. pursued by shout Jim townspeople, ho dropped anotliei package of loot, this eio containing I 100, and made ??lire, tsiiil dash to a denae .woods about' o'to yard* from the 'batr In ib?- woods he quickly shook Ofi lil: pursuers. TWO FOICDS WKKCkKD l-owells I'ldw. N >r. 19.? VTwo Fords were y t.rkid here Sunday as the ri-Kirli of a collision, when a Ford lou'iir ? i; driven by John I pton. of the highway force, Jonathan Cullop, elderly nun of I'oplar llranch dis trict. The front of the body, chassis and all the riiniilng gear of rpton's car were completely wrecked. Mr. Callop's car was also hndly damaged. iimiim I K. VANN I'd' nti. ;i. Nov |'i. The funeral service ,,r < bail' Spuriceon Vann, who dii-d at bis home on Went Church . t r ? ? t Tu- lay altcrnoon, wan h? Id at the ..raveside In flea vcr 1 1 1 1 1 (Vin?-f? ry at J o'clock Thursday nft? riw n Dr. It. T. Vann of ll ib l :h oi:?c|0tlng. The active and honorary pall le ;.r !"? w. ie as fellows: Aethr#~? W 1 1 f ' r s While, Henry Gardner. Jos. pb I 'otiu- r. W. S. Harney, ' ' h a r I e s II Wcod. tirabam White, W J. IterrMiian. Junius Davis. Hoi run 't ' hackrtl, Jullcn Wood. Sr . J \ Woodard, J. C. I ! ' 1 1. d . ' 'ori'. Major. K It. Con r. W. S. Sninro- rell. W. A. I^eg i;. it, l> I: Dill ird. II H. I'rcs |nn, M 1 Lrtyd n. D M. Warren. T. II Shepard. Frank Wood, Dr. H it, I ira ne. I! ?' Hiidham, Dr. 1. i w t M ?; Flrown. l.|o>d i , riff in and W. S I'rlvott. Mr, V a tin would have been i years of a^ m ' Junusry. Bom in Wlntoii. llert ford County, he cam-- to Fd* nton in years hko and joined \Y l? I'rud- n. to whom h* Was relah d as . rood coualfl. In practic' of l.iw wnlch partnrr b i : In led i" 2? yegrs. la I'M 'i bis son in hi w. Itareael c Holland, becatii- his law part ner. Fr ! as Itepr- *> ntallve In the, f}en? . J \sw?ml?ly and later an Sist" i i tor. Mr Vann nenred bin Slate well and falthfulljr. As mayor of Kd' nton and town ?*oua ^ilmati he conlilbuted hla part to Hie city's Welfare.