LONG TUNKS ARE NEW FEATURE OF ENSEMBLES! !T< The**' Kcpluir tfir IIImiim-' und Servr In liitrudticr Lighter Nolv of < olor in the CiHinnr of \m> sn.\ 1:1; Fhirk of Black !<? \ITord Ortilru*! or SoiiM'iiiiu'* Knsrmhle Arranged (lilt vr Way About ll> \II.KKA i \mo\t fct T:.? *????'/) Now V?rk. N'n. _M Mouses have been replaced in urn uv nt . h? onuemble coMiunii-<( by lmit iuui> ? These nerve r?? 1 11 r r< ?<l n ih? light er., note of color into ih" ???? mine When lh?? frocks ;? n?| rim: are black the tualf is very ] 1 1; ? 1 v to !>?? of gold or silver .?r rmbroid?re<| heavily in ihe*e ?olors. It 'In metal cloths an* u>rt|. the iiihmk ? re neverely plain and devoid ? trimming. The Citlm l.ine * Almost at* much emphasis is laid on color in the ili'siiiiihu; of the new aftcrniMin frock* of *-anio or velvet a* in il?e llhlnelander case. All shades of bine are used, according hi arrivalK frolu I'aris with bnls de rose. In-own. ml. pink, faded cvrlnmen und jcreen also popular. Often two ninnies of the same color are jcomblued in the name frock. Day Time Hoots The modern head may be ahingled in the day time but it it covered by a mansard roof of hair nt night . Those women who have been fore-sighted enough to keep their long 1 ream's arc liaviuic tln-m made up into elaborate addition* for evening wear. This docs no* aeem to threaten the popularity of the bob in day I line however, ruffs and Kirks Kida oil the Kaat Side have been tiaed to cuffs and kicks for gener ation* but kids ou the range now Qtjays are tenderly treated so 1I.?\ ran supply materials for >utf* and kicks. The newest soft kid glove* are dlfttitiRufshed by the most ex traordinary cuffs, decorated with embroidery and perforations. The kid shoes are far plainer, but re quire the same softness and deli c*cy of leather.'"" Kun ami Sea Shades Most visitors to the southward, after a touch of ratihhejtn sun. do not need a broad biui to Induce ?? them to wear a broad bat. The new Southern ii.iia are mad" oi the finest bali> buniyl in the ami and sea shades and trimmed with Velvet hands. The hats j; i ? short In back but broad in front. and the wearer can enjoy a broad Four Wars Til" I I.;, t I fi.-l; U..I- <1U;|!K |?t?- J:. 4.| M . I: /|' *-?h I!m- I f \? .ion K.IH.. wl ?? r.ilM J.t-* I., r vT'lli ) r\l! ?' v . s.'l hi.' n.i" ? I\ ion ? ? ? nnt -Ajili l!ir?f i>f 1 1 1* rt. H. r ;u ? tt..* U:l)i <| ,11 th?- V. .11 Willi r?i? ? I>?t *" ni'.il fnuuht ??iiii; ll.i- I My! War. ;i?.| li\ ?? y. v.-si* iri ? >?-? W'oi I J VViij, -uiili inn: In v hnii j and hiii hill'. Itcttrr ami Hlmnlcr llh<iiil? nr?- Imrk. iii ? Iliiii'liuht ll ? ???!??# i] . ili<> wi-ii' ? ver mil of it Tin Iml i ilii ss* i * hold r li?? ? lili.i.d I H'*?i i< lid much heller wiili 1 1n in vimiH- lor llii* pnst*-l sl:ud?s in * v? ni n a frock* than do iii* iluik't hwkn. ('DnHHiiiiiinl). r.'i' ?- a i' i ? iioiiinu patrons i hronUi < Inhiii'Mli' alia in pons |o briiiK out ill'1 llubi'T Mm s of tin- hail* or ai? linllliu tin* locks to 21 ^oh!<u h-i.v (dram ami (ilou Many ;i I oust has horn drunk I'm ??ii a Hi Ik* u nlf |?|i?*i'. Imi (ash i-uinhhs now an- drinking a loast to a stocking, a stock ini; of n iww shndi', known as unitcmt'. Tli lini show* tin- uli-iim of nold nnd tlw Blow of wine. What more could any woman aak. except where to buy ill fin. The larter informatton. howi-vir, will not be liivi-n h-re. Tho?' ItiiHHliiii Steps The steppes of ItiiHala arc re sponsible for t hat lateat of fool wrin lad*, the Rtiaalun hoot. Hut wearers here have diacardcd Rua sian dance utep* for those of the (Mini loRton. The hoota worn here are fur higher than the original Russian design, Mince aklrts arc short and fashion decreea that there hi- no margin of stocking vhdhlo between skirl and boot iri|i. Mrs. Rudolph Valentino sponsor.. I hi1 It^issian fi)Otw?-nf. PENDER'S YELLOW FRONT STORES Pender's Old Virginia Fruit Cake 50c 2 jiihI I ll>. Dccoriilcil I in I'oiiimI Stomach Bloated With Gas Was His Worry /'MrT D. Zelinka, of New York, fcl. Y., writes: "I want you to ttnow that no day passed for months and months that did not find my stomach bloated With fas arid shooting pains darting through my stomach' I felt hungry at times, but as loon, at I started eating, food nauseated me and I became bilious. My tongue was coated, had bad tast* and breath was offensive. I never thought this could all be from my liver, but ?n y liver it must have been, for the very first day after taking your wonderful Carter's I.ittle Livet. Pills 1 felt like a new person. The small dost makes them easy to take too." Foe sale at all druggists.., Christmas Shopping Is Getting Well Under Way Thv itlagf of "Shop Early ** lias Takrn Hold of the I'll hi ie at Last ami Holiday Hnsiiiess Is Start - itifi (hit to IriuVi the Rush Il> I. ? . KOVI.K IColpull. I''H. t) 1h? Afniici) N'-w York. Nov HunIii?*k? ?*????! in net arlfvt* tins ?>ek. The uiiiiK** ahjmi sho|>i'i<iK mrly has taken liuhl ?f f t h?- jiiililfi' Hi |ea>;. Mm* feminine portion ??f ij. Tin* holir|.i> jn 11 k1" hi i j ih register* iilr?*j?ly has lii-uun. ulihoiiKh Hi" ?'hrt?t inus l?u>iiiK h?>'jsiiu i> uu< sn|i|M>"f?l io ?.tart offi'-ially ui'til ilie iIjiv after Thaiikr:tvluu. Mer chant* in all parts oi ?he roi.uir: ?ire ii'iHii'j inu heavy *ales ?? :i'l ex mm Ii? Iji ulii'iitly ii.i> In < n ins* a! 'cil in many Htore*. DEER BOY TAKES PLACE OF COWBOY Willi l)u inching of ll??H S 1 1 1 * 1 1 1 \ !\??h liouiutilir Figure Appear* it> si>: M<\ \M\it\ l*2J. U> 111* Xlvj'.rl SciiIIIh, Nov. 2',\. With ? !??? rapid dwindling iif Amerieuu'* lieef supply ;i HiruiiKH new figure is appeariir/ on lilt* national hori zon. Almost colic is th?> romun lir eowlioy with liiri gallon hut. rolored hiiiidkerrbiHf .mil wild "fmiw." Iii his iilui c ronifH the round cvhI hohIiiui Iiiowii figure swathed hr furs who Is just lie KiniiiiiK to master ill** Amerh-an "hooray." IIh is Mm* dwr hoy, or reiiuloer herd*'!*. Keindeer m?-at from the North Is hfitiK brought into Seattle on every hoat (or distribution hII over ilie country. A hi* trans continental railway feature* the new delh'su-y on it h meutie and ev en supplies its pal roiiH with a booklet of reindeer reripes. It will not* bp long before Am erirji will have to look elsewhere for its beef supply, said Hill U a 11 FREE! VI i lit every Kflicrcii Itungp Sold One S<-l of 31 I'iecp China Ware Given FIIKE. A ydlrlt HnnlMnrf ('/-k f\ ki-im wniiT st. A 1 x *? I'llONK V/ Three lurtor* art* In Id respon sible for ihix situation. the u,?ji ??ral prosperity. nu*'*paper adve?-. tisinK. and traffic i oiiKest ion in the eiflev. Advert liti'iii in th!,-t.* ? ?f tl??- lancer it i#?? of ih<> rouillrt iiaK (tallied nine per ffnl, or !!*?:? ? ? ly 1 li.ono.non attate lines In iIm* past month compared with the cor responding period of laMt year. Shippers are niakitiK a sincere ef fort to avoid ilie rush. reali/iim fully just what the holiday Jam 1.1 crowded streets and stores will mean thin year. ley. trig OrcKon raltlp man. to the writer reeently. "The graxlnu land l?? u II disappearing." And as If ill answer In lllf pro phecy ^arl Lonu-u. reindeer rals er. stepped tiff the lasr~hoat from Nome, accompanied liv three es kiuio herders, or deer boys Thomas Sokwettna. Toutulc and Amuk Toollk. Umen is going to New York to make arrangements Tor vast shlpmenrs of relnriecr meat to th?* ('lilted Slates. Tin' doer boys view with alarm the whiiizlne aiiiiunoltllog und on rushing railway trains. They ore almost too seared l>y strange new. sights to yell "hooray" which they were laitKht to instill American pep Into I heir souls. In winter the deer hoy dresses in fura and sleeps in huts: in summer he . Hero lH tlve charifM Hammond ... th - Mu?l:*ffon. Mich., poliro forr?* w .i . -hot unit kliwi "Dutch" Ande: *?"?. lanjiiu-* n>>id up rr.an and pal of ..;uM cvji.|ut,.in. and nan himself l,y Anrffmon. Hot faintly In P' re,*lv" th" rowiirds that ha.J ..ff,.r.d f?r th(. < ?i?*. ?,r al.i-p. of a Win--' ordinary dcnlni or khaki. "Wjililn l"> y*?a is Alaska will lie able i ? ? furnish American 7*?. ?v?iii toits ?? f meat a year." I.omeii xaya. "Thi* territory lias I 2a. miii acrw of uraziiiK land. Tin* liinlnKiral survey litis established the eraxine a nil at acres per iininial ami hr. N -lsnu of Hie mir vi y htait-s thai t h?? r<*iii(lfer in - dustry moo n will f?ia:i| if u<>i ?*x eeed the Alaska fishinc industry. Engraved Christmas Cards The Holidays are just 'roll no the corner. Have you ordered your engraved (Ireelintr Card* as yet? Don't wait until the last min ute. Our assortment of beautiful and artis tic Christmas and New Years cards is now complete, and there is ample time for us to (five you our most careful attention and service. Bright Jewelry Co. A. JAMKS. M?r. 'Nother Champ Nearly all Mlwr title* having been claimed by mini^nno else. 12-year-oUI r? III Leader of St. Paul. Minn. ?Up* out an the "Junior auuerkraut making ? -hampion of the world." ||?? won thl* rrown In a content which & St. _ Paul charitable Institution. re ? cently ?taice<] There ure now -tao.ooo reimleer In Alaska arid a li?-rt| doubles very three yearn." BALL BRAND mill Lambert ville B(K)TS at Mitchell's l'rir#** lourr lh:ni any sh?rc. GIVE Ft O O K S for C KltlSTMAS Our IhmiK ilejiui-f i is i i'miIji for 3<Mir ins|K*?'f ion. Xnv if'|?iiols jintl Jllio nJIrs. P. W. Melick Co. We Don't Wish You A Merry Christmas We M,ake It So Slii'\ Thinking Noh of :i < II IM S I M A S I) I A >1 O N I) M;?kr L'ooil on \otir |)i*?iuiH,!?? "niiifl ' trm* ( -liri*ltiiu? morning Itip; srlwlions ami valine \ou uoii'l ? 1 1 1 1 1 1 i?-;i I <? clM'Hlicrr, S25. - *.?(/. - $75 - SUM) Diamond* <->?? 1 <i <111 Iwrlvr equal inoiillilx |i?\ nit'tll*. LOUIS SELIG YOl l< J Ell ELEK SIME IUH2 Main mid Water Sis. Photograph For Christinas Paul M. Taylor, photographer, oT Norfolk, will open hi** temporary studio at the Duke Inn for two days this week, Friday and Saturday, NovemU'r 27 and UN. I'rifp*: SI 0.00 lo S.'IO.OO for }/> dozen. S I .>.00 hi S.->0.00 for one ?lo/ni. Call the Duke Inn for Appointments. No Home Sittings This Trip / DO YOU NEED MONEY? \\ r will make yon :? loan thai you ran repay liy the wi'ck or nioiith H 1 .OO |hm ui'cl. or S Ti.oO |?n month il K ."?(I.IHI loan, x 2. on per \%r?*k or js 10.00 |M*i- in 0111 li |ki>?? at #100.00 loan, s ;t.oo 1 n' I* Meek or sir?.oo jmm month pay* a 1H1.VMMI loan. 1* l.oo |M-r ?M>k in- #20.00 prr month |ui>m a #200.00 loan. X .*i.OO jwr Hfek or K'iTt.tHk per niontli |Mt> s 11 92-1tMMI limit. ?S 10.00 jii'i' wifk or V.*?o.oo |K*r iiionlli pnjs a >S.~?oo.oo loan. Industrial Bank .Main Slrfcet ? Nrxl to SpII^h KAMO AND I. KB ANON BELLE II. Or IS ?re absolutely flours of qualify soM by the leading jfror?*ri?. ? I>ISTI{|IU TKI> IIY ? A. F. TOXEY & COMPANY . m ? ? ? ? p? mmaBtamtiM? Don't Put Your Paper Down Until You Have Read the Classified Ads CLASSIFIED DAILY ADVANCE CLASSIFIED RATES Thla slse type (8 point), otie cent a word each Insertion: minimum 25 cents, ofte time; 76 ceuts week; 16 word*. Rtandlng ads. Are cent* a word per w?-?'k. Twenty cents per month ? In advance. Wlilte space and para graphed art*. 50 cent* an Inch. Copy must be In the office by 6 p. ro. day before Inser tion. Announcement! I FAMILY WASHING? Rough dry and damp wash. Men's work a specialty. A Ihemarle laundry Phone 12f?. KMmbeth City, N. C. 5(fnp. MARK TUB GRAVES of your loved ones. High class modern design*. Marble Works, D. T. Singleton, prop. 22tln WK BUY Second Hand Furniture. The Auction Store. 120 Polndex ter strtet Phone 772. If Autoniohnra^ 2 j'REO CARS advertised In this section will sell If you are spe cific. tell the truth about Ihe car and name the price. tfa Bargain Counter 27 ONE CENT SHOE RALE' for la dles' ahoes or slippers. One pair for 12.00; extra pair for one rent. These shoea sold from 17.60 to $lf? r.n cnllop * Tox eyflhoe Company. Nor. 10-27 n. Hrmwililnn 17 can Inereaae their business by telling tli?> pub lic about It Id tills section of The Advance. tfA Found \ IF YOU FIND ANYTHING that In the property of somebody else, brine It to The Advance office and we will help you find the owner with an ad In the ?'Lost" column. tfa For Rent 10 FOR RENT ? FARM, 70 acre* un der cultivation, locatrd ?, mlln from State hlghwav hriween Gregory and Shawboro. Imme diate ponH?'HHion. Addre?* Hex 13*. City. 20-27n FOR RENT.? Desirable seven room dwelling on Second ntreet. Apply Room 48C Hlnton bldg Phone 959. 20-27n FOR RENT- Desirable house on Olade street on returnable terms. M. B. Simpson. lltfn For Sale 1 1 FOR SALE at my home, on Per kins Ijene. Friday. Nov 27, 10 o'clock, hogs. mule. Jersey cow. farm wagon, riding cultivators, potato planter, horse cort com plete and other farming utensils. Oacar Nurney. 1C.1 ft. 20.21. 2Sp FOR SALE ? -Urge feather pil lows. Apply (01 Southern Ave nue. Phone 461-W. 17-2Sn FIREWORKS sod Pop Cap PIs tola at I^ast Chance Filling Sta tion. D. F. Webster, Mgr.. N. Road St. Extended. lit f-n GroffHeo 5 GROCERIES OF QUALITY at low prices all th#' time. PhoM 296. Holmes and Rurgess l9-25n Hrlp WinltJ 6 WANTED? Young man with high, school ? ducal ion to %ork on *n- L gineerlng party. Apply Itox 253,. 1 H-24|> ~ 7 LOST ? nno largo hound dog. black on hark with yellow lenn anil head. Loat Friday. Aiihw ern to the nam* of Rlock. Liberal reward offered for recovery of the don by R. E. Flora, Shaw horo. N. C. Nov. -20-27 pd. NOTICE Small dark Jersey Cow escaped from pastura on 412 Maple street. Monday. Novem ber 16. Kinder pleaxe return to W. T. Swain, or call 'Phone R7S-W. Nov 1 7-23pd Millinery ({ WB HAVE a full line of ladlen, misses and children* hats all re duced at Walker & Company, 11# Polndextf-r St. no543lp Oygtfrn 30 OYSTERS' OYSTKRS! I have n flue load of crab nlcw oysters just come In. real fat and nice. You can net them any way you want them, xhell or opened. For the beat always call. "The Man Who Known Fish" Phoneii 204 and 410. 2l-24n Opportunity Knorku 20 ir IT'S A DIAMOND ring or wrist watch see M.'L. Rrltt. Wrist watches $S.B0 to 147.00 Dia mond rliiKfl $ 1 0.00 to 9250.00. M. L. Rrltt. Snvlng? Rank Rid*. 17-23n. BALED PAPER for aalo ? 8?rap atock not HulUble for wrapping bnt food for packing In pface of excelnlor or other filling. Tan cents a bale or take our antlr?' atock at your own price. The AdVftttrr. Utf Position* Wanted 9 EXPERIENCED SALESWOMAN wko has taken buslneaa courae dealrea position, preferably one In whV h she could add to tier experience In taking dictation, typewriting and other office work. Now Mfeptojred hut Mil begin work at onre and must make change by I>eceinber 1. Write R M Ctrl The Advaiu <? or rail Miss Mount at Advance Office. Jfnfn Placr* To Eat 22 LICJ1IT LUNCHES DAILY at Bine Tea Room. Dellolous sandwich es naiad* and pies. uct 8tfn BUSY BEE CAFE? Old reliable eating headquarters Senrke ah solutely unsurpa*?ed In Elisabeth City. 22tfr.p REGULAR DINNER Stic af ?a*lc Cafe. It's cooked right and makes you think of home rata. :f Plumluttc 13 PLUMBING? -We take Jobs larpie and small. Service our motto. Owens 6 Oarrett. Phone 9G9. Riverside. 29tfn Srcotid Hand Furniturr 20 FOR SALE ? H^nna hand furni ture. The Auction Store, 120 Potndexter street. Phone 772. lXtfa Shoe Repairing 13 SHOE REPAIRING ? Work called for and delivered. W. F. Wil liam* Shoe Repair Shop. 108 Water street. Phone 769. 29tfn Tirff ID GOODYEAR and United States Tires. Nationally known and rec ornlaed. Auto 8upply A Vulcan- , Izlnc Co. Wanletl 25 BIDS DESIRED DEC. I. hy the Pasquotank Highway Commis sion. Elisabeth City. N. C. 8. G. Scott. Chairman, for the hnrd surfartnji of Salem and Rasllp Roadways, approximately I miles Iohr. Plans may be seon In Iho offlrp of Ihc Pasquotank IIIkIi way ('(immiHiilon, tillznheth City. N. (V. or plans will l?o hoiiI upon rwplp! of H10.HU Right lo ri'ji'Pl all It III a rMPrvwl. 2'l-2Hu WANTKD TO IlKNT a ty|M?wrlt it. :?ny tiink*-. Call 910 lft-2f?p I I Notices SAI.K OF IIKAI. KM'I'ATi: 1'inln ^Itil l? ?||'1W 1-4 it rcrf*l?l lMi-i| rf Till-" aH'illitl t ? vliOi-i- .H'il \u |W'I.M>-ri Ix.ltlllL III llM-rli.lM't II ?>?<! rvs: ?>,rwl in H- k*I. "?'? imik?* Ti?. 11 t||i- ?!<! i of Ml* IS-ki * * i M IhxK i.l l'<?i<|i> i?nl t'mitiM I .'mli r>n Naini'la'. . ihn IWh i]m if !?<-? ??,??< I. M 12 MVItvli M.. HI III' I "? "II I lllHIrf lIl-M in I'^x.llllt^ni l>Hl(l|l. KlTlt tni .sir ?? p?lWir NMi-iK>n I'M ???!? ?h?- iwnfiirtv ?iimonl ll" I. n- III ?aiil dn ?l III 1|M*I. I'> *,<: rrif aiii ini in Kli?iTwii I if*, S'oiih ? niilinn. Ivmnildl irn1 ilwM't il?wl fr.lli ?*. 1*1 'lip N"l'li h* flir Inl .mtifl Ik- 111 tiilfti* 0*?ii|--?i. mi III* I'j-I li.- \|i| I lr ii . ?n Hie Ki?i*h >n >li.? Kli>4 I'nirhiiit ami i-n Ihn \VH In Itiiail Htiwt. ami li?inu 111' ??m<* pi f* ulii-if li'ilnrt' llnHHt .? rntf HI llll' . tll.M' >4 fill- rlM'lllllifl 1 4 M|? i ' ?*! ?t Innf V Thi? Vn+nilwr l*'h. I''.'". I. M:X>??N WII.SOY n?l MlW.ilw.J Tut-' < \(?tich: vmi-K! 11' t'MWr f' rmwir *n>l ?mhr-rlrv *r>M in nr. hi KMTION NO. ifar 4i|MtUlat*l Stal'il* LAWK l?r NORTH I .% Illlf.l N \. I -l.all on i li** "iih "t ItfrMniwf. ini'i. ?*n at PiiWu AwlMi. ?? "ir I'mirl IMtw Iwwn . in I'ax.io ??nl I'minh. ??!?? I?ii?i*?^ lii?lrtrr li?? i-a?li, in Kll'li a l.ihiiif i '. ?ii-l Mtirmi Km nl'li' i ' ? lirtl. Wli'i I I . Ill- |||? ljl?if I t ? r fr|T 1 f mud- and miiii-i ial- fuiiii-hi?' ll Kiahuic I' |vlr? wi'ifll I'iml Ti'lrln* far, >i I'fiiini ?n Attr< Ibttia liank? .iml Mi in m\ ?hi ?<'??!' fir t i?ii< in If i |i|< in \lai I iiii' f"ll"?lM? ?!????? ll? munnni'illi' 1 1 w.-l iim km i: iv\!<si:\<:rn ? ? i \iO|?ki. FORIi ,(ttHMllHll.i; Min-r N' III li'lt IMN'K n|IITK ?.??ini.f. X?*. Ii?. WS. iii Tim* j majikimsi. V(fTICK. ' MIBTII ? \IIOI.I\A i*.?Mqr<rrANK iorvr\ l> Till: HI prill on roi-RT M ATTir. I. hlMl. I'lalnMll. iiKRiu.rr i. Kino. ' Th? Itrfim lain -tr %r n?^ a ill hrr. In lall? ?F??l'-r (hai an ai-'l'-n i-piiti. .( ?. alvrv' liaa 'WllllMl 111 Mm- .4q|lrtwi l>Mr1 nf l'a? ?iHMank 4 o,i?i. V. (? ,,?tp^r nf vai?| a<-?k? l? ..l?a.n ?'?hoin ?|rw.?,-?. ira...n aH< .nH.l^rW i i | |a iff* iff and kn Mulllr.n Th? il f*ml?l!i Wll' lii'Hirr !?k.i* l)?il|r> hr h Irt amv?r Mnti- III- lin<W?l rn-4 af hu r^T'r* in |||? t in M?tcH"Ii ri!>. \ I 141 Mill 4 1 t4 n^mirr a?w 1 -waft .? iVn.ii, m I 'n*n|4a.AI ? I.--II V ill !?? nir.l ?a? n? h*...r .aM rtalr. H?IIW.# Will aiTlf U> IW I'nwr* IM III* ...I" NOTICK S?l?* ?f IVnwrty for T?\f? for Vmr of 1MM I'-f tha ii >n iwitn.ru nf ij<*? ?!???* 1W <"?'? * Hi/ah-th ni\ J-tt ilic oar 1 '21. I ?lll -rll ? rim l\?| ! <4lnt;w |lc*.r in ?* I'Hv. ?? V|'-ri<U> l*r<-rnilirr Till. JHi'j. ?? 12 o'i'Inl >1 ?hi> lollomna ? l? v |ot. (,.r I Mi T?ir- ami laii-l l> In; ill >:ii7.itw'ii I'd* Ti-wn-Jtir ?ii?? uMi-i i.;>i|hI H* ll?*'l Ta*?-? lulr l?i.l h"r? |>aW1 An Il-.!|<tli?l r??l U JO r'W ? making ini? I ?> !?.(?? -Irnwn o. II. wnon. ? i?* To i Cnll#rirtr WMITf Nam'. No. ?! la*?. C?tlt Tola >lr? ll?tl> lln-?'t I nV' I S'? ? M???l tiaiUiam I ?i!> l?? ' MM Wilkir r j ?lr*. ram- Haw- i ?v H ? IVwl |l N'-trtnwifi I !*V I j,?l Ik.' w. Mnrlli-.cn I IV II 0*? Jatn?< K. WlM I !? 1 VH r ? YM. I 1?V I* 11 VII l?fl XflTICK OF ,-%|?MI.\ ItfTII ATION IIh im qnilllM i< K*?r*ift* 't Ikr l?i? Mrv V.ll/ahril. II Haunt I krriln ?l?* IW*?ra In all In tiff Mil* I" IOWW l<Mn?4 arxl buk? In.mr4iat? -?-iil??<-tn, an<f Ihaaa hokt* Ina rlainu ar?i?<i ih* wmr In K*?rw lliaw Inf |m?nl mll.in Irn^K ir>mil?? from tlir (till m tin* i>r M mil V pli-ailrrl m har ?f tllilf IHW1T Tin: ruisT * ritmcVH watwmjU. Hamk. KTiabrtti M'ir. N <? . Kiwuir. Ilv M II. ?IMM. Tni.i H?-i tamh-r 71. 1MV wi II M.iwh I NOTK I <il VdMINIHT || M ION llatin? ijnalN??l a. Artmmi.irai'lt ?r i|?r l*'? ? l^nnlf I' I'rwi I lir-rrln i ?>? nnilr# in all in^-i*-"! tn h'r r.??i? m mm< fn.n?<<i and fttaka inwnrrtiaia ni'l?mriii, *nrf |?,/>?a h?M ini rlalma aaailW ih* tama in rrr<rnt ih-m ft MIIWIII WHhln IWrlrr n^nlh* ftntn 'ha ?i f ita? in***. *r It n il hr H<ait?t In bar ? t KANNIK r I'OIIOOV nnt |... M. a ????.??? ii AttilMatiaiilf. win: or vumimstii vn<>V IU In, mil Admin1 'ra'i.r f< ?!>?> I.i *na Oraitif> I/*, | f,ar.-*?v fit? nm-ra in all prt?r.n> n?t-Mw| y. h,, | n inni* lni*>"l ami ?.ava stimuli. iM I !??'??? M>l<l na rUlm* a ca in <4 U.r -imr tn Ih-m tut l*< wti' nlili in larrHa n.n??.i , finm l?f .lair nf (Ma nMIr*. nT || W||| tv )n har nf mr|r i.-?m*rn i?r ihdv w k. omrriM. *IW.I?JU?.4'.T.I| Ada.iMi.irafcv.

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