rmeiTATIOX TTKSDAV Copies VOL. XV. FINAL EDITION nir. w I \1H ICH KVKNINC. NOV KM I?KK 25. lsvj'i si >: packs. 4>sj? and ] ?ljy r.iln. * NO. 299 Y oung and Old Gladdened As Festive Morrow Nears And Nation Makes Merry Thanksgiving Kat allies tn lie Provided for More Than 60 eetl y Families in Elizaliclh (lily Through ("??-o|? (?ration of School Children Willi (lull- anil County Welfare Agencie* There con.es around again tomorrow tlmt (lay of glad rejoicing and of reverent gratitude for blessings reeeived. 1'. i.-; *?? day when cares aiv forgot, and the Nation feast:; and ? r.iaV.'s moriT, but with due sense of appreciation for the 1, imlly iK'ttelieenco of an all wise Providence. , Thiuiksgiving Day is sec-* and only to Christmas anions the holidays observed in these t nited States. Here in Eliza l-'Cfh f ity, many who will sit down i<> feast will have first ofiVred rowi-ent thanks for t'?e ^ooU thiiiKs showered up o.i them. and will have made provision for families less fortunate than themselves. Th.itikat;lvinK cheer will he pro vided Mi abundant ? ni'MMire for more than CO needy ran,|||N to morrow, through tin. ?f fl)0,| ra r. |'"0 to school yoterjay by c.* (..litlr.T. el ih.. cn). aDll diK| ril>u today by the lt?v. A. II Out I>V. touinv Welfare Officer. ' v. ?' <?'"[<? .if voluute, r so fi.il wcu 3: it s. 1,1 Abundant Mnsuiv ! ,??? ^Ifis ?,f food, in n bewilder WV:??" r?i>Kc. were token '? ' ' , " ' 5V nt?y and I Ilia moru ? b> Ih. children. Katable* in ' , k". :,nd "?<<? ' lilth in the anteroom of Sii I' rini.nd. in Shecp'a <,irirn renter 'Is :ind w. i,- .iuK?, ? J conaidi rably today. The Rev V1"' obtained lists of W(>ithy TainftleH from fraternal (r fcaiii/atior.s ami throusli other ng f. . ."it ,b,"'k,"s w? ?>"d- up I'/I distribution today, lu ord'r "?at all nilKbl l?. remembered n K. ur ioiin fashion. in i'I!' '''"[""A '??' rMFratf,! *"'k of bounding" fatui ii? ? in unfortunate circumstances ear., bctiu' taken thai their lints wr? inn do out ?o as not to In " d w"i> th? w.i *' Mould. It was boiled that 'lot I) family in the entire r|ty rlhy of aid. t-houid b.- missed.' ' hits was II, |. spirit of tlie day ex IT, "1 111 * practical way. 1 hetchools are glvint; a holiday r. m rt:,,?i,,a| time tills afternoon lo ti e stroke of the hell Monday mot tiini; ,,t ? o'clock? the longest holiday in the year. ?av.. that at Christmas older boys ??d girls are retmuhiK from dlntaiu schools nrnl colleges ,o partake of Thanks Jv turkey and "trimmin's" at the family table. There ui.< many K'iid reunions. In I he ("hurt-lies O-servauc of the day In b irches Will be general. ..XP. pt lo the care of the M, ihodlst ehlireies. whiell just ni.w ar<' >n?:iKln? pastors, making n i,?. praeilcabln to hold apocial aervlee, oeroti' the Sunday following .!, f "u>- 1,1 most of Hie ^ ? rehes. special collections will be taken for the orphans' l.oni<? fostered by them. Thanksgiving services will be conducted tomorrow morning at ' "'"J.1' ?'?*?*? Memorial Map 1st Church, and at Cann Me morial Presbyterian Church, with M""CiaI murtir arid MorinoiiH appro priate to tlii' day by the pnntors. "Vefe Dr J H T"?W and ! . J V; ,Frar??< SratterKOod. Th?? Jn'", I Church service 1 'M' '!"*?, a' ,hn ???e hour In wV.i aa . r- A aud,t?r<um. alRo with aprrlal tnudlc. Itevlval Hi tv loon holns hold nt Ijie I lr?t Hapllnt Church will Cou 'in'jo iliroutih ThnnkHRivInK Dav with sermon by Dr. Kills A dan's I ntl. i. of Atlanta, at 3 o'clock In tli afternoon and 7:30 at night. Lar^t crowds have boon attond ? Dr. Fuller Im aiifllHtinK the puMor. Dr. s H. Tomploinan. rlu rt' will ho special ?<M vlces In n number of tho rural churchoa mIho. Th? Hoy. n. w. I'revost win prertch tomorrow mornlnK at 10 o'clock at iinrra Ilapll.^t ? hnrch, and at 7:30 tomorrow ?'*bt at Corinth Haptlm Church J oihrtiouK for tho orpham* win vie,1 n Mf tho Sun<l?,y 1?>r< Information aw to special nor vl^?Jn othor churchex In the city County had not boon rocclvod the ofTIri ft of The Dally Ad vanc?- up to last nlnht. and ?-ff??rtn to obtain It by telophnne w.*r?- un nvQlliiit*, Tliankaglvliif; Dav will bo observed h. appropriate ,M r#f tomorrow. .Many a ' ' roasted to a golden brown. 4,1 festlte hoai ds and in.Miy a small boy will have an un eomfoitnble hulee where younKft f< rn usually huiK.. ?ft?.r pnch a feast. VERDICT IS GtJlLtY Tlcnd^rserivlllc, fCov. 2", 4\ v. rdlrt of KUlll> of rccond drerefl murder wan returned todsy nKaliiKt John Kdney for fdayina Jlui Clarke last AuiruNt. The nen teacc was not pronounced. BIGGEST BARGAIN OFFERED TO MAN SAYS PREACHER Christianity So Described By Dr. Ellin Alexander Fuller at First liaptist ("hureli Tuesday Nijilit AT FEOEKATION TODAY "Christianity in tin* biggest bar gain over offered to man. and hour any one can withstand the overtures of grace is more than 1 have ever been able to compre hend." Dr. Kills Alexander Fuller of Atlanta, who is preaching twice dally at the First liaptist Church this week, told his large and attentive audience Tuesday night. Dr. Fuller has impressed all who have heard him as a man of deep conviction, as earnest and sincere as he is gifted and elo quent. Attendance at the services at the First Baptist Church is In creasing. Interest is growing, and every prospect seems bright tor a real and genuine revival. Dr. Fuller was heard Wednes day morning by the biggest crowd that has attended a servicn of the Men's Christian Federation re cently, with the exception of the crowd on Monday of this week when the federation observed lis llrst anniversary. Dr. Fuller warned members of the federation against .listening to the doctrines of Wfoa in religion who pro nounee ancient sophistries with all the assurance of propounden* of new truth and fail to discern, or are deeply Ignorant of, or reject outright the deep mysteries of the Christian faith. "When you are attaekod by symptoms of a severe malady," he said, "you go to a physlciau or a specialist and have him diagnose, your case and prescribe for It. I f I you were to ask the man on the street to prescribe for you he would send you to a doctor; but sometimes this same man on the street will undertake to proscribe for sick souls with all the assur ance of an expert. I bespeak your respect and eonfidence for the Chrlntlan ministry. Their trail) Ing compares favorably with the lawyer's in law or the physician's In medleine. If you would learn the truths of the Kingdom, go to your pastor. t Launching out upon his theme Tuesday night. Dr. Fuller used as his text the third and fourth vern en of second I'eter, pointing out that Christianity Is the great?-st bargain In the world In that it is a gift of love that enables us to lay claim upon rich and pre cious promises that are of more worth than all worldly wealth aud 1 pleasure and Joy. Moreover, the preacher pointed out, the rich and golden promises that the Christian may claim are sure. In that they rest upon an in destructible foundation, upon a Divine Person. Jesua Christ, co existent with CJod from tin- begin ning. "A Divine Power has in tervened In our behalf." he *aid, "to grant ua all things that per tain unto life and (Jodllness. ' He warned against the teaching of those who say they believe Jestia Divine but who think of Him as divine only In the sense that man Is divine. "Lleware of him *ho would trim Jesus Christ down lo the site of an ordinary man," paid Dr. Fuller. "He Is doing more harm than all the bootleggers In the land." Dr. Fuller then went on *o point out that of all the rich pro visions and promiitep mnde to in. Christian the greatest is that "we shall become partakers of His Na ture, with two things Involved: es caping from the corruption in the world and attaining unto the ex cellence of the Divine Nature, h? coming through Christ a new Cfiiture. Wit It new thoughts, new affections, new pun>os< s, new i practices and new hahlts. "Some folks try to make their Christian ity merely a sort of insurance pol icv." he said, "a proteetlon against material misfortune. There Is no promise of material prosperity to the Christian. Put there Is promise of attaining unto an Inheritance Incorruptible, un-j defiled and that pasaeth not away." CITY MAY NEXTi PURCHASE PLANT OF GAS COMPANY Owner* llfporl to Council Tliey >1u?t Sell Out if ('.uuiiiellitl t?? Make IVo |fO-rd lilMallutitiu* < OmilTTKK AT WORK Offer to Dispose of Prop erty for $160,00(K But Intiiuute Lohit I'imirc Miyiit Be Accepted liaviu" acquired its wjtet. sew er and municipal power plant*, there is a prospect that the Cer poratluu of Kllzaheth City may lie\t plirrhase t It** umn plant. Til*' matter Is li?-i uk investigated l?v a committee comprising D. lia> Kihiik'i, I*. C. Column and Antti'ooii. appelated Tuesday ulkht at a m?TtliiK or i !??? Cityi Council at which tin* statu:* oi the] Southern Has Improvement Cow pany was gone into at wmv iftixth. The attitml?' of tin* f#as Com pany was explained at some length by Attorney K. F. Aydlelt. who appeared before the Couneil as r* presentative of the company. Mr. A yd let t stated that the cnm 1 pany could not utcet the city's re 'quirements as to lavitiK i-xh nslvo system.* of mains and providing connections on a number of resi dential street* on which f? w cus ' tomers for the company would immediately available. The Council has manifested a dlspofitif.n to require the Han Company to make installations immediately ou llroad. Khrlnt: haus aud other Mreets, I:i nrd* r that it will not bo necessary la t ? r . to tear up the paving to ? ? If ? -ct Htich installation!-. No definite ac tion along this line has been lak ' en. but an ordinance to that ef feet is expected ill tile lal'lv fu ture. in response to recominenda i Hons from the I'tiHties Commi.? ? idon. | Mr. Aydlctt submitted a pro posal from the Oas Coinpar.) to !tho effect that the company would sell out to the city for $160,000. intimating that a smaller fi^un | might be accepted It was at this I juncture that lh?? committee to j make a preliminary investigation i of the situation was appointed. .This committee was empowered to j report at the next regular meet I in*: of the Couneil. The city would be within Itrt jrivhls in acquiring the holdings of Ho- company. It is* argued, from the faet that the State Supreme Court has held that y.as falls with in the class of necessltl"t?. The advisability or such acquisition, of ! course, hi another question. | - In the couiee of the meeting. | Mr. Aytllell declared that the Oas . Company would be compelled to 'sell out and quit Klizabeth City in the event the proponed require I menta as to InHtallation of mnitis ! and connections were put into ef fect. together with an added pro ivlso that the pipini: Installed be of ii decidedly more expensive type than that used hitherto. | The type of piplui: now In use , has a lifetime ol only 10 to 12 'years, under normal condition!', aceordlni; to City Ktiglneer Olsen. who recommended the mor.* ex pensive type to which the (las Company objects. His recommen dation. he slated nt tin* time it was made aeveral months nto. was baaed on the greater durabil ity of the latter type. LIQUOR BUSINESS PUNK IN CAMDEN III luck swooped down on ce r- : tain would-be distiller* in the Old Swamp section of Camden County, about 1C mile* above the courthouse. the other night. V|M Deputy Sheriff Horatio Seymour and Kftdenl Dry A Rent Lank lord raided and wracked a brand new moonshine plant and spilled about r?Ort gallon* of mash. The nl III had just been net up and never had been operated. The plant comprised an elpth t | horsepower upright steam boiler and a fifty gallon -opper atill bnr rel. together with other appur tenances. No arrest* were made David Uall. living In South Mills township, near Burnt Mill*, la under a $f?00 bond for his ap , pearanre In spring term of Fed eral court as a result of a visit to his home h few days ago by De , puty Sheriff Seymour and two. Federal agents. In the course of which the officers discover ten pints of moonshine liquor. The business of making and selling whiskey In Camden County I* far more hazardous I ban it utcd to be. rosi Ol I ICR INI) \\ t sl ? rt\ I N ION OIIHKKVK HOI,|f>\\ On Thursday, Thanksglvinr Day. holiday hours will be ob served at the postoffke In collec tions and deliveries by the city and rural rirfiffd. The stamp and general delivery windows will be open from 10 to 1 1 a. in. The Western t/'nion Teh-graph office will also olwwrve holiday hour* which are &-I0 a. m. ' and 6-< p. m Final Arrangements Made And . Judges Selected For Closing Contest Saturday ji ik;ks appointkd ioi: tiik \dv\m.s: < IHU LATION < \mp\m;n Th*' following will act ;?s juitac* ;.t tin* c! so .*t" 1 h-* Daily Advance .subscription contest, tr.ahi;:;: tho vi.;i count ami awarding the prizes: 11. P. 1JKAL, Vice-Prcyidcnt, Carolina l?-inkin>( Trust Company. I). CUV HKOCKKTT. N??U- T.llir. Kir>.t ? Ciii 7.011s National Bank. M. 1*. JKXNINC5S, County Si;;m riiucnocr.*. lie Instruction. Kvcry thing 1st all ci'i for the close of the Daily Ailvanrc sub scription nml p"l/e campaign on Saturday night at eight o'clock. The Judges are wlorii-il am! an nounced and thu bailor box will in- plan d al l"ir.n A t'itiz? us ItanK Saturday mot nine at nine o'clock ready for what votes you may then In* holding in reserve and ready also for your last final turn In for th*' campaign. The ballot l>o\ will he locked and sealed and tlio keys turned over to the judges to b?> opened by then) after tile clone. The judges will count the vot ch found in the hall.it l?o\ and will add :thon? votes to those shown ou th? last published list in the paper which will be Saturday The ?um of th<? i mo will be a contestant's grand total oT votes cast. Contestant* turning in Satur day are requested lo make one job of it ah money Saturday as well as viitiit will hi* placi d in thr?i ballot box. The campaign office will furnish sheets for the con Instants 10 li.st their subscript ions on along with thu number of Coolitlgv Commutes . ( Jui p man's Svntenco Hurt foid. ( ftiin., Nov. '2T?. ? <?rrald ChH|iman this afternoon dwIariNl thai lie will not nc cept the President ial commit tui tion of his n?l?bery urttltiiw. Hurt lord, t'wn., Nov. 2"i.? 'ITw- rwk'tlll WlltWMT Of (jet-Hid Chapman ha* Ixrn commuted by President Coolldgt*. Tin* Kxecntlve order termin al Inn the sentence <jf ??" imprisonment imp'e-ed in l-'cd erul Court at New York for robbery of n ina'.l fitirk ha.* signed by the President at ') o'clock Monday evening and was made public today when tho document was delivered to Warden Scott for service on ( ha point.. ADVANCE TO THY NOVEL AD STUNT Number Succt-anful llu>i liens Men May lie Suli jert Arlinl'H Sketch Many an Kllzabeth City busi ness man, Tin* Advance ventures , to |?r?*cilot . wl!l xit for a sketch by ;& skilled aitist within the next i few Weeks. There's u real reason for I his ! JM'pmlniily rash prediction. The Advance has arranged. If lorn! ! interest Justifies |i, to put on wna* I it believes will he the most novel and entertaining advertising stunt [ever attempted in this vicinity. Th?* outstanding feature of the section or page of The Advance that this novel advertising stunt will occupy will b?? an artist's ; sketch of some successful Klixa- j heth City business man together with a brie/ biography of the sub ject of the sketch. For putting on tills f.-atun . The j Advance has secured the Mitifs of Charles Dennett Moore of , Washington, a graduate of tie Washington School of Art. and is represented as having Studied un der several well known ;irtisls and sculptors, to make these sketches. Mr. Moore has had con siderable newspaper illustrallrr-' experience nml his work, speci mens of whirh have been exhibit ed to The Advance, shows real merit. The first of this series of pais* y or s? f t lotis i.? expected to appear shortly, and readers may w. II he on the alert for It. The' plan will be explained In d< tall by an ad vertising solicitor for this news paper to representative hifslioss nil It of tin city within the f:e\t ? f? v. d.i yn. IflTTOX M\KKKT N?-w York. Nov. 25. ? - f'otton futures opt rv d today at 1 1? ?? f'?l- f lowln:-. levi l? : December 20 '<1, I January 20." I. March 20 2".. May I 19.72. July n.2S. c New York. Nov. 25. ? Hpot ?*?t- | ton closed Mub-t. middling 21 !??. s h decline or |U points, futures, r closliiK hid: December I'l.HH, , f Jan 20. If,. March 20. 1 R. May h 19.71, July 19.37. Delolitr 1 8.60. ' li I i!?lo aj'.ii I'll* 1 1 : ? ? . t : > l : :af-!i* ? .. lull**: Int. i ?J o\.i No will l..? v. : v . i t ?r 1'ln'i k* re??iv??l ;i|nt ? % i*rylhi?i?: mti-?i In- m.nle nui in .?*i onbr'y *:i> so lli:t( no I iui \- i 1 1 I..- 1 ?! I v jii?Ik?>h in ? ??'.i?* ait'! re flM'i'k. t : i order tliul 1 1* ? ei*i:l? inniK and U.Mir friend* i.i.iy k-I l !i?* result* at I to* ??arll--? i>thsli>b* hour. T1io?h wIhi intend fit ?? *1.1 iH?*rr Vote* liv lllJlil III 1M do ? > ill lil!?i* lo r*a? 'i ih?V"7Iinip:il?n m:urv?<r b? fore ??i\ oV| irk Saturday ii'vhi t?o I hat hi? nu* v ox a in iii" t?o? or lificatfA lii-t'iiV.' ?l<-|iin'iiIiiK ilo-m i.? tin* Lll'ul l??\ Nothing lievd bo : ..ij u rv t *i :r I has not been :.n?t ih-r r ?*. .VI alonit th?* rum imiKti in;tirii;er hah ttrred tin- w?irk? w to <1 i ili-lr h' st not only In ciHihi' of tli*> valu able |?rl7i*H nt siakf Inn boeaiiM* tin- ?*lon? ti' -si of iJie r.i'-e . i ?i itsii inr. io luki* :i rieh a*'-.u>i from til""** w1i.? t-iiild ilo belt f ? If iliry thought I hoy wort* 1> fn,; t-rowde.l. There ran In* mi ilonM l?nt ih;?t i?i?* \*ork aivniniiiiV.o-d ihls week by bringing ia i.uIih'tIi' j I' ? us v ill it*l| the Mnr> PARKWAY PLAN GAINING FAVOR City MutiupT Fiti'Im t Ki> iIoiscm Bcaul ili'ulioit Srhrmr \\ a ll till S*i r'-n *-? i ioJ--?r>i iii^*s;i fnr 'In |?arkway i>!;? ra iiiu?J by i. -iii u'p of \V? j?t Cloiirli ntre?r. iti ?: -unri Ins; with lli - tally i. j.aviui: of t L ? Hlro?*l. Is roiri d bv I < ?Ia:ia_ r Mlb*s W. Ferobee, wlin thclapH ho In in arilly In f.iv r of Mich a development b-.idim: ? ? 111-- boau* llllratlon of oiio of tho rliv'n In *t nonil-iiiiburbnii residential MrtioiiN In ron:-id< r:th>n i t tin f.io' tltnt a f. I -font >trrM In I'?iv. I ii k iir v in 1 1? ?? onfiro wiillh fr in property line to property I ir??*. Mr Fir?b? ?? n:jys li- favors a |*l?*a i:i tlm rt?nt?r ?f t--r?at?r wldih than rlKht foot. as Iuth l? .-n pr' po ? d hv ad\V'rr'f?-H 'f tl;r Ii'i|irr?veiiH]it ll?? explains thai Im ai.ipb room for an clclit-root Hd?:w.?l:: on oarh aldo, IM of p.iviiiL, i: ii "1 a 12-foot j?lol In I In* r^nl? r. whirli. ho tli inks. would bo d'Tid odly tuoro attractive. The r?ttfer plot illicit have to In- a lit tl?* tin der 12 feet In order to allow for curbing Advocate of tlm plan, as op poned to an orlti'idi \ 4 ? - f ; t paved Mn-H. which at pitm iil the City Council rinteinplit?-H build Inp. are about to circulate p?ll tloiiH in favor of tin- chant-'. Tin y believe thai every individual who own* property on Wrst Chuich street will Nlrii tip. Opposition oil tin* part of niMit* bora of the Council and the City Planning Commit? Ion. th?* two bodies MMtillltlDK N COttrt Of Iflfct resort in tie mat I . <p ? > to be ditnlniahhiK nt?-adily a.- Hi advantages of th" beaut IP. ea Hon ichemf' become m>?re upoaieiit; and lni>r? ?' il nvldflitft An ow i iik dally more hopeful for the succeas of the plan. REBELS kil l, MANY WOMEN" AMI OUMKUCN llolrul. fyri-j, Nov. 2.".. ! ?ur ??on naturalized Aiia-it^ii Htlas?n< nrho reached IMrut f ???!:# > wlr'i i bout 2,000 ? fjom Ita'tv dya. wopi ??f IbiirmriiM, !??->*? ri.-icp Druao HMarVK W'-r^ t>niH ?*aterdav by n H'-f frotn tie Kr*>nfh cartlson, seiy th?it I tt a land to hfttiri t> ? ?' b?*tw? ? n T 4 r n < ind Christian v??i?int? Cm* nib* ; da klli-d many women and ?!;!!- j If n. niK oxhiro voh.k IIKAKO OA KH RADIO London. Nov. 2.".. ."Thr* Ox- i ord " la ; to l.i'oadoQ't hrouthftnl land It h;i.< 1?< -n he ttuhject i f r.Hirh unfavorable I omuiont In Cuxland. .-nd !n {-.up j lowed to sojihMiIii^ which hould lw? avoided by ?:v ry t ? : ? sp'-rtiiiK man who will nr,t v. 11 )xf-?rd Iibkp ibit Kn^land nin ' iear "tho Oxford Voice" whetio . ( want* to or not. PIAN SUGGESTED FOR ENDOWMENT OF HOSPITAL BED Scithn; ??|" i* i l,%il :: *1 V l^ii ?:? Mrati* til ^uSviri,^ *!v:*ian ni i.lu a* iJy IViiStlviii Il? tv \Y4H I !) MVEV IMiVr ,*ai*\ (Ivcr h'ocnl System, \\ I., rcliy nl ?)??? (?r';:i;u 1 iciittDcnt .1.-4,: ? * ! i v ilhvi, 1 iv.fr !? ill ? i t I- ?. v . ?v!s ? ? 1 *?]?*.? ? I. >u ? . )*? li? - ! I'. 'lAv. J , I .ns. jif -1 Im {? r , j.j ( ,|-| ! i '? .. t ? j-.nn ???? ? I .? Qu. ii .1 : '??? ijkiji-ri . nr i'l : . .1 I1.- ? . ;.|t | . ,:i.r t|. - ??! ? . ;? . ??.. .?i. I ? ' . v. nt at * 1 : * : : ? t ? .tibial t. tl ?. : . a ; !??' *-f i : i- '.i ? t ??: .i.-aty ; ii. I t:- at>. .v. ?. ' ' ? |?n?r ? . ? . : )!? ??;> :r. - ?' 1 ; :i r. j f *? j . 'i t .i'i: ? . m "l? nn ? .?t1 ?!:? . I ? v. - . ui.an J? , i !?.. .i ,it aii<l .i ! .ill in ? i ?- ? 1 '? ? : :: 5- :i y? I* ]?? i i".S !i ?<* tin* !Maa Vi .?i'k. r.r.il.iwu:* . ? ? ?! a in J i.i la - li??s? ! ? i l . ? v.i'. .i,l tc ? ,i ;i (ha: for Ufifi *!..> . i:: Ui?- : v r>4.y |ci l \v ?*:M 1? ? ? I tf full . ir.:* -m i.j?*:i ii i lint ttiii;. ?: Ii 1 v., Ji.il h. av.ii.ahli* at i : . v i 1 1 .? i- i:::j;!u If iii.- ? .? . j ; . ncrivlm: m.t;i t i-.-.i a? oif tlta.*. The ? i.i ui v.- :,;.i iti.into?? an ;v r. ??'.* d-v.*' cart-* t-ach ?? 5 v id* "i* nns a;. :ia> 'latnbiT ? ort* iiiid <>.i th ? !>;:slo ot. : U'-h i ;? iiW. 1-i.r! !.;? .Hit lr_. In <jiv-iriiul r.vii-j iii.i rifilr*-.' 'I hi el i ?' i i.. 'i I l ifi J ^ir.,000 wcuiij i: t i d, iiiuli i* tin* j !.iji u lnt?-rivr oil tiiiH a t*i ??:'? .i t *i> p-r> .ii u.aihl t? t : I 5' i'rl i?a:-'i.i iiy. hr.J iaf? r ?--i w ? iIJ i -h.-tlt'it ?' r!i?- only ti: 'it . M.i' I. I I.. fun ! v.nwld i.i: adaiiui. ?? m i) uy n ?Iiil> co::i?ti .?ii ?! ?. l ?1 ? . r ?.! *? . .<. 1'jnii i !.!:?? .?! -:i-. is j.rrjino I.n a. I. rhi- <? us.ty W.-l :? o. r WfiUl l 1 r-.H IJjuill all i:ij?li'-:.ii' ii fur Mjr.i dim it y ran . UijMi Mli tiic circu::i.<taar ? Hint he is r?i tii im rlly uIi.hi r thrm any or.o ? loi- 1 ? ? ?' f-iJIIlonrl ;il.i' n.; Hii pn-il* - ? r l-?lk i * 'lit' city. 1' lia.-* In ?ill. 'i tl..?t tin* r:i*. a:*i! {V Ita ly i : 1 1 : : 1 1 f i'iii!'.w furh hi <1 sf|i;u at 5> ir ji. hilly. ??oialiii. . u* vi*: I I>..i3; li. rKf il 111'- plan i >1 :i i iri;,i. h- *1. fh?* to tlr- iiMjl v.d'.lal '..a woiil 1 r?. - rr. ? i?. ;! \i!?ii?r|y half, a. f*r ih?* ?' W v i* i-onp.' ifiot!. Mm*v A?l\nnt?v. !!.?? tn.oi.. it <1 ? n !>!.:?;? ;? cf ran h ?/?or t., hit ? r i ?ih . ."vt.n in ulii-ii iliarliy r?M*s Imvc l)* > n handK-d in-r^to f<n ?? ar?* readily ftp pan at. rtvord hi) In I'io: favoring if. What l:< n< w i t out iiiu.ill) ? -in bar i,issln?; :i:mI i?.?uJ;1?mop?!? pr??Mi-i?i for !-.?? '? Hiv un<d Cf-'tir.iy would I ?? ili. po. ? tl . or furcvcr; nn<l persons in in- il i>l hospital rnr-' l?'M lin h ' j ! ? p:y for it Wo'ilrt In- ii#* wir- il flint; it wlt'-ii I hry ii- >1 it hi: i?v ?i ?? f lv Ja?, rom j.H! ri to wail until i;rop' r miHiw i?y roulii In* ??ii|.? in?d, wirli m J oust cf t i - that tnluht mraii th?i dif f tii't v.i'-u l?f. ltd drath. I.ivld niftily. it ts pointed out tliat i'm of f ?? ?? endowment \v uld fall considerably hclow |!i;i' >?( a idir;l?* mil'- of pavi.d Ilir'.iVrSl.V. Iti di.?<vj.-.';jn& thf proposal hiivf; not yi*t );nn<*. d'?. ply into tin' tii i : t ? : 'if fin:. itri *??, it, -I i?> v. ilia: 1 1 - ? m will, in ft . tii?*arijM\ iak?' rip at i'h<*lf \vl)i-ji tJj-- puhl!r is Wild < vi-r to Hi" K! ? .*? f if t'oini; maticaliy tibout th?? ta?k fit em hi x f ?r 1 1. ??*?;. nnforlunal"* whom it would ti I sriMu;MK <;wnr ?i \s ( 1 \l VFi) VNK Kit LK w.>: ' JiKt'.n .VjV. SS... Tl?.? ???*? Mf-tli -Mi . r?f til. I- I .i.ml I VM (t-iard i ill ?!??: d .-.?l I.Vj^rvn n*id ?? i ? ?ii !????? !-ati"<- to pay ii? par rhj-iM.'- drjsv ii u,?o:i liinn, wa* miv t;s d 1 1 d iv . ijpn i.p r ,iu J . TU'O UVE S LOST i\ st; u.atk rm e y. ; ?? i ?.!:??.,?. .Vn. - I ? . I'.i . u- :p I ?? : nhtii '!??? m ? (lie If Mir ? f lli' *. tit ur hriiaio. ? t\ ii. lis* ? > t i>A|-|> ??i ti*. Mr*. ?. <iki?1 (t|. niiij In r fl%< tiiiii?l?oii ?.*???? Intrnril i ? .l-atli. I. t v n?nl .'??! ?? ii-nni'il t>J? ? it .!?! U".j |!ti tils' .- ?!? J\ ! \i!{h ?'??!>? tn'll* ??r Injitrlp*. ; ii -It ? start r?l ; tin :: o'rlorl. : a??l ihf ? iliin .!?? uiiknmtn. Early Night Fire Sweeps North Star Grocery Firm On Fearing Street Tuesday HUGE STOCKS OF SOiT COAL ARE ON HANI) li(*?rr\<* of Itiltliitilioiis Proiltirl \!n*iu!\ Mim-il Mi'iiiur of a Now Strike TWO MONTHS' SI l*V\.\ In Athiilion lo This liurr \rr Knoupli Noii-lTniou Mine** lo Supply (loii^i'l t -ruhli* !'???! it* .1. i . it??i 1 1. ?r-<f?.iiM, t?. l*>? A?s - .?%??* i ( A llllll'l ( t> r- .It Ol .( J-.ll:i? ;r. ili?* Ifiliiii.ii; 'ii > n-riim i- M 1.1 J ? 't ll?'V? III ill Nl.h'IKu' ' f ii< ! v.iHijili'ui J. I'. 12 ?*> l?- points nil l iln.v thai Mock'* of j***f ' ??*?:? I on l< <ii i nt? ?? of sisrh .1 : 1 1 ill". *??!??? It i' tit*"! ? . N- u \mk. Nov. 2"?. lic*?-r. - ? I l-llUlllllM II: mill. alis.tdv total 7 |itiai,iiiiO lui'iit. Tli:.t I .:?*1 toda> look ;t fcood (lt-.il i t l !.?? Itti nari I. i?tl) iIim (i.-t *huk? ii -it thi* ;<1 ? i :.????! h 1?> IV?* i<i?*nl John I.. o| th.' 1'uH- .1 M i n?- Work* ? i.- in Ills |? Hrr lo l'i ??.-.i?l? nt ('mil id* ? a*klim 111*- lait- r to inN*rv? no in t In- M-fr cniil dhpijt I ? r many wwks. k-'H '?-i I pro i!'i. r.fii ' as prociTiJi'iu ..I a rat" In Ui'> n II.OUO.oOO ; ? ?! 12.* OOii.'?hi low.; .i wim1< wJn-i-.-as iionu.il demand i.i uIkjui !i.O *ii. 000 t 'iti.i, K< s< r\* a of iK.OOO.O iiJ to Im.oMVtKiO tony r-pn.-m a uiai;;ln '?>! safety for i ttd n ?try, :ir?\:-rdiiix to Ciuv??rnMi til otti clnlri. II no nit ir*- roal wore luitctl front now. (.upplUM won lit 0?* i-uf flcn-nt f i 'i* i w i ? ni'Mii lis. The lnn,?T portion <'-f lh< pii't? int production is coming Irom non-uni ?n mill's, or thoxi* wlios. workman have voluntarily ko:.?- io. work .it i ?!?* 1 1 7 waw ?:<*a!e wh U'h won lil |tni th* m init<l?!' f l? . ? union |*4i Tin- non-union i-p-valor* i!?* ? claivj today tlo-v w*?r?? euniid* nt 1 hat th".* could jiroiluri' well ahcve ?.0fM).0ii:i tons a w?-?-k with out d ? pi tiding oil any mil. hi hi ??* - ojh. Willi a r? H rv?' wf'Tft.lHJft.'iiift ions and a d? fo'il of only 2.000, ? 000 mm. a w.i-U, minim. ?iik>'? com d?clai< will un?|?b' protection f>-r connim?r* a-^riln r u soft coal shortage until tin* win ton Ih entir-iy pa*t. They |ir?i nt out t fact ?!:*?' tin- UlllOII IllitK'rt now Opi ra1 *1' ?. from wlilcli the nt oi 1 1? ?? minor* cunld call th?* men, r< i*? nut l>ut a Jiuiill portion <f t'n Industry. Many ? f tin min-a an* already entirely uliut down, and oilo r:5 an- oiM'iatitu' on l?art time. Non union op* ral- i. arsert Dial the majority ?*t lho?? union proprrtle* wfilrb : ? turn I'ik out ronl in quantity ar?* thoti* I he entire output of uhich is in!. - en by tin* owner*. In Mi** f niral competitive Held, maiiv I mills and .similar plant!! own lln-lr own niliWN it ml con^Ki" tin* ?-<>.> I mifiMl from them without off-rln;; it t-i tin- general public. Fuel en?im era st.ili'd today that there would be lit 1 1 ? chance of a roii I *hoi'lai;o it dlatt'lbuib?n wort* maintain* d Thfte will In C?ai cnotinh to ?.<? around, pnivM i'l tin* rallroada can curry M around. Min oloac to labor 2 ad* era f?*? I thai it i* ??xti'iio'ly un likely Ihnl the member* of Ho* railroad brotherhood* would Join hand* with the miner* to tin* ?\ t? nt of di r|lni:iK to handle coal train*. The letter "f Mr. I.ewl* kIiowm conclusively th.it In* J* ? n d'avorlnc to Indue* the interven tion ot tin- Federal r.uth'Mi ? The railroad men have been "iil t*|?ok? a in their desire to have Government intei-venti* ji n* i i?r** - f>ent?-d by tie* railway iabor board <11** tinned. It Is* believed by thi* operator* t tin f any action on the pari ?*f t ?* ?? national administration In even! of n bii iiiuinoiirt atrlU" will !??? d? - voted io<;.iid ?'\|M'dltlni; dl*trjbu tion <f f.;il The r itiH-siU'-r. how* vnr, ih 111: ?-1y t-v be bit with coiialdcralib* foire by advance# In rmil prit<* if ii r'tii<** I* called bv t'n- mia * workers Tie* jintlir.icit ?? ?.* r ?!< ?* has alr*adv Indureil an ad van*" in p > ? i i urepnri d bituminous, suitable lor dr.nicitlr use and for cok' ?| !i A' ll 'lt cf rr> ?dd"tit l.ewh wa.4 ??"i surprising to tit" ?o.l la duMry. I* wtiit for- ca;'t i:i Fes" column* u>. .-arly cm Jul;. 1 ASHIiiVIIJ.fi mni)lM. Foil l?2fi COWKMION Minm!. Fla.t Nov. -M<W \v . f ii Atlantic Oet'per Waif ? rw i' A. ^octaltyn in tie- #d?V ii t-. nnni;al convention today nbni ? ?iu*d bii*ineii? f.>r plfaaun and ? ' joyed a rld<- of the lUrv cp> i ? l" t> Af hevillf , Nt rth Car otin - itnd Philadelphia made a bid i >r the 11*26 convention. I'luiiu- Sj.r.ail iUiV Kiar-j llall* lnt<mriw*\ I hroalen in" Vdian nt rroperty; VS .trK < STOCK \ Ht l'l M- | Ki,-.- : in! '"'"yT1 1 lluvi..' V illi Wliolcmde J - l'"l Kaniapf Is : l\ii'ti:t!l> t t?-ii ?????1 v .... . "? 'i -sil.i > niclit vlr- 1 ,..,11 lr..v.-.l 111'1 ol?t?T? 1 croror* of ,1 . ,1 Ml.' l.ulldlnPt . K. i I'nrinK ?*?*? I l.v Mil j"'in Kifltn of A'ij.T , , a , p-.I l.y Wll ' r;Tuu ? . nK M ^ ' Vlr JT i ? ,, <(l itj.- cvi?i,??r> firm. ! II,. ???'?. l.iir-tliiB out , , I,. , ?' -!??? ??*?*' | ???>? ?sr2& i -tit.* 1 in* .t< Th? Mre 1 .. n -t <n- ^ |r j, ,i : u nr. I prompt m'H? ana V, .. ( d'r.tinal ir moment i ui, ,? th - window* 1 in .?*"?' ,l,,! ??'rM hlack 1 iH.nr. <1 ???it ?" ?h?* | Tv,. t?- in *? ' ?>???? headway r ? .? i sv * ? i I ? >t v.ms ion red that I ill.. i.'.rl'lMM- ..?> ? I' of th* ... ..rv Im> destroyed. | ' ' ,.. . w i .,??? ... nuht on ar- I ..." i'.v mm r..ofli.K and the i n, i? <1,.- muMm* i 1,1.1 ? ? nr. ill, I ?',rM1?rtj[?J ; ,,V. I. I.ri.i :iiw. Ill"' I'laio r4 v '",iu l. ?" <h?n ?" I N..t ..??? *?w '*? I.f ?"???? trom the . 1 I.ii ' lli, l.mi'i'.' trnm ????* -j . . nlativi'h in :i II . ->?? Thf i f i t < - 1 i ? ? r "1 ill*' building ?, l.urim.1 from tb? / l,?, k .in I -H ? 'V "? |h" fE2i mi, I da iv. .s ? tiimated by rlre i lit f r!?.r:t art.wnd 3 -?:,00.ft"* u- i? ... t. """7d,s; li.Hi.ri,. "I- vM.- ?? ??? imm'itv ? i ? ? r ? ? which waa , . , ,fu ??? Iokh ??.? * ? nli 4 . f d ii'vav by '????? i?r water |s ; -d i lovered by fii'.M fimr - ^ iliou;:.ind dollHra f, in I ii hiii , n''". ^ WII Ml I III.- 'if i-mrted on . i t ' i fb.ni* i" i'i'IkI and ^ what ,,.i ii irt nut Kn??wn. Sobody ] ; , . i,.. ii.Hi.ii ?ti? ??? ? ? . |.k in M ? ;if..-rii.i."i '} " I.. Ii. v. ,1. ' ? ???? . ? ?h?l ihe hi"9 .1, ?",'.nd floor. , V -- - ... Ill- rour , of rh * buildiiiK "i? this "OMr,.l... | Had 1 h* blayo made a Uttw ^ ? ?i. .?hv..v H win dh?- , ITv,.r.ii ii>?- onilrf block would J h-Mi . rlr- l> threatened. i With the ??. If ??! ? how whn ,] ml..'! I" Hi ,h". "U!S5S bit.- ; of tlx- ..IM.tltllk Mot?' I . ut |. :. II V ?? "? 1" h<"1 "ul,?V k UMI.'. llllll.ili.il ill liiPl'l '"?h* ? ., ?,?1 ,1,, .. I il.llnR W..H ? !**' ; ,.{ pr?. |i ;.??> :.ll lll:,. ti li..-ry with- > ill I. r,-\v imIikiI.h. i-;.rt u . ,'ii' ' , nak.-ry ??? i"0'* : . en ,.r ' . 1 'ii ' ? i.'ii.'.l M.iiii wa? th? i.ii.- . ? in t."1 m"t? ??; III,'.. H"' Mr i nlwrlKht eotO# , rr,.ni iiii i.l."|. II.- dm ,. ., ii ml... II." Ir.iii from II. fr,.ni *111,1". 1.. III1K i>rub?W lli.', i ih. y wi.ulil ii" Hufur In t?" ? ni.li.w "i'"1 1,1 n">' ?tj>? I W.'ll, I'd V.?l(>r si v% it t "l' than fir?\ ' ^'r' * arl" wriKlit I '. w"'"r It ik ? i ii tli" ?'dK?i "f hiH Htore f i* . ? 1 1 1 * Ii rk ki ?? ??nd slorv <tf the RfO- j (civ firm J M. f.ih'M of tli- North star Cro cm> ?r?- ?' W. f-M vi.nH. K. H. Srott. and f II Iliwlc MKMOMI \l, SKItVICR IM I.I) IIV JUNIORS \ hirv.- i. mill)' r ??r im-inb<-rn of tin Jnnioi Orm-i* ;iit.otid**d memof* *J j.i I s. r\ lr. iii 1<1 in (Sic lodge hull in I In Krniiivt WniidinK laat nigftt/ J in trii)iit< lo Hi*- passing of Mix brethren. W T <!;ird. l?onls Hpflg, ? 4; 1. *ln-i I'M-k . s. 1 ! Rdd. Alonao | It id 11 Jordnn, who ! ? ! . 'I <i . ;,r >v.i r. Til# m 'inoiliil iidiii -'^ was ?l?'llvf?r*d l?y fJl'OTRn ,?. pa*t tftalo fi'uH'Hlor >" ?' miKylvunta, and a ? [r ? . t iv? of 1 1). National I < "?m ii?" i I, w.n 1 ? honor visitor of I ti nc'-.i ion. and delivered a short .] nddrr.- on th? u?n?ral principles j of (if ' il : There worn* iMnUfl l.romi'fu ? pi-who* bjr Wat lot 1#. -jo < ml tin- I { ? % . I <1 WlnfHll. 1 rvi' ? ? mi? held annually. . ? ST. (. M m,\s * 111. 3 Sri.\K AT liALElGlfl I'll- ii. Homer ttSfl < .Hid-n*. dire-tor of the Carnoin9j9 Muflcum of Klro Arts. In Pitta-. -?'] hnrtrh. will 'peak In Kiilelgh i?rr rihor 11. it wan an aouncad.I h?-r <? today. Mr St (louden* will *p??ak on I the ev f n Iiik of OwemiMN' 11 at a I ?oint rooming of the State 1*1- j ! n rj and HUtorieal Boelaty. thr< ' Folk Lnrc AR.meiat ion, and the Art Koeinty. Tha ad dross will ho . j made at Marodlth Collars. Tho apeaker's Hithject haa not j y?t hoc-n aunouueed.

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