m PKKLK. Pab'.latMn mamar PULL u.h. of Th? Aamtotod Pim. I Tb* New York Silllnuin> mv buck chi til* Insldt* o' til* new spa per*, but I doubt if ever git ttwr ole front imuc position bark. Kimer Swank voted this lull jr*t V aee how It would go t* feel free W Independent for ? minute. I Tliuulivgiviiic Make a joyful noise unto tin Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gludiiess; Come before His presence with singing. Know ye that the I^ord, Ho Ih ^God: Wis Ho thst hath made uh and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture. Enter Into HIh gates with thanksgiving, And Into His courts with praise: Be thankful unto Hiin and bless His name. For the Lord is good. Ills loving kindness enduroth forever. And His Truth to all genera rations. A Bit of Fortune Telling ; The Italelgh Timet* taken the ! palm for temerity. That newspa per steps boldly into the Held of ! clalrvoyancy not only, but has the r Audacity to tell a lady reader's j; fortune. Thus the Times: Ab many of our readers know i through having made use of it i and as moBt are informed by per using this paper. The Times has an Information bureau at Wash ; Ington, with a questions and an-] 1 antra department which gladly1 supplies knowledge on divers sub jects to those in quest thereof. At | J the close of last week we could) have truthfully said that, accord- 1 tag to our best information and belief, this department had never once failed to answer the ques tions referred to It for answer. That isn't the case at present. Sunday there was returned to the editor of our favorite after noon newspaper from the Wash-| | ington Information bureau a let ! ter froftt a woman who shoufcr really have consulted a palmist. | clairvoyant, soothsayer or other 1 taller of fortunes- either that, or ?he should have hired a detective and a lawyer. This seeker sfter truth, first ! reminding our knowledge counter' i that "you said you would aim | questions,' queries: y'*l>Oi my husbln drink or is !??? | ifter atfcy other woman? Dos he pind money ou other women or ~ble and if he i? for any other omen will von give me the name "* whtffe th ey live and when h? I be wUb one again? And If he not wilt you tell me what he with the money not spint for i family? How long is ho golnl keep aoin of f every Sunday tying all day? Does he love me ^nd tb<> children. How old wIllU live WIN 1 marry I "tain and if so who will It be ar.d : hen and would they be good to1 How tall am ( and what ; ! of eyes have I? How much \ [do I weigh? How many children have 1 got and how many more tirlll I have. Will (iod bless uh nd make us happy?" The Information bureau havinu the buck back to us. we hoorfully supply answers to all tee questions that may be printed. Yes, your husbsnd drinks. H?' Lao eats, chaws, smokes and j !? He bought a bottle of crush for two ladles la^t afternoon The money s not spend on his family umed In taxes, tobacco and roee*?l?nal meal of sardine* Eheeee He Is going to keep ; off Sundays so long ss you e to ask him questions to those you have asked The nap Is rather worn ofT love for you: he is. however. ! [ of the children, or he would / i nere 's Something Wrong Somewhere (/ \ ' WEU.-"J5eRE'S on<c( ewe ANSwec, we GoTtA GeT Maze i fws . Mw si A SUBSCRIPTION WILL HELP YOUR FAVORITE Seven of these workers will be awarded prizes in the Daily Advance subscription contest Saturday night while the others will be Kiven cash commissions. The answer as to who the seven will be lies in the votes se cured from subscriptions during the next three days. Miss Ednu lioyce, 20-1 Khiiiighaus street 347,300 Mrs. M. A. Davenport, Columbia 344,-100 Charlie Scott, City Route Three 354,000 Jlrs. J. E. Provo, 105 I'.hrl nghaus street 342,100 Mrs. Ida Sanderlin, 1 Panama street 327,700 Mrs. L. C. Fletcher. 515 Morgan street 324, GOO Mrs. Sam llughes, GOO Southern Avenue 356,900 Miss Alethia Iiiggs, City Route Three 337,300 E. C. Gibbs, Point llnrlwr 378,100 Mrs. T. G. Williams, Belcross 340,000 Miss Pattie Reid, City Uoute One 339,300 J. E. Wood, Chapanoke Route One _ 281,900 Miss Alice Lister, Weeksville 275,900 Miss Violet Baker, C04 Sixth street 251,800 Miss Sackie Gregory, City Route Four 235,000 Mrs. Lloyd Caroon, City Route Three 222,800 Mrs. Mattie Harrell, City Route Two 209,500 Mrs. Richard Phelps, 709 North Road street 242,100 Miss Elner Ralph, City Route Three 19G.900 Mrs. J. P. Barnard, Shawboro 212,100 Mrs. L. G. Tadlock, Gregory 165,300 not return Sunday niuht in order lo Ret ready for work Monday morning. You will live, anyhow, until you die. When you get your di vorce. you will marry ir possible. Th?- man. If Hny, though a pow erful fool, will be on Kood to you as you deserve. You are not ko (all hh your ltus hand and nothing; like mo heavy. t>r you would have tony since made him over to your liklnu li lie had stuck around. You've fully am many children a* should he left lo your r^arlnic. You will never bp happy, because you have not Ihe capacity for happln*-**. and you would not rccoKiiIxt1 a bless ing If you met It on the main itreet of Jonesboro. which In not your placp of renld?-nce but clos* lo It. DON'T NEGLECT 'EM! There is no questioning the fact thnt a man's clothes have a great deal to do with his personal appearance. Have you noticed yours carefully? Our business is to make men and boya look their best! Hence, we carry everything they wear, up to date, at low prices. C A. COOKE ( Head-to- Foot Outfitters) TOMBSTONES 20? S. Kna<l si. Elizabeth ( ily Marblr &? (. ranitr ? Work * PENDER? YELLOW FRONT STOHtS YELLOW KKONT COFFEE, Steel CmI, I'ound scaled plvfj. 40c McLEAN HAYS TIUBI TE LATE JAMES B. DUKE Durham, Nov. As apokes man for the pi>opi<* oi Nurtli Car olina. < i nvr rnor .Mcl#ean >p?aklim at mnnorial snrvic?'s f??r th?? lat< James I:. I)uk?-, held in Cravi-n Hall of l>uk<* I ' iitviTSkl.v today paid tribute to Mr. Duke's oi v for his mat* rial eont rtiiutinn lo the State's growth and dcvel opim-nt and to what Mr.- Duke "for tin- soul of North Carolina as i.\ pressed in Its young men and wo men." CO VI. STitIKE STATUS KEMUNS UNCHANGED rhilad'-iphia. Nov. 2?r?.? -Di spit tin* acmitv di various interests to hriuK about r< sumption of vute nt-uotia lions lirtwein representa tive# of tl??- anthracite minora and the opi-tator*. the situation. on the surface at lt?;tsi appeared. ?m changed today. I. I U* IW\ U.KAN THEM There Is* no rink in semi 1 1? u your lineal things to uh. Ami the surprise you'll get In the wonderful work from ?nit- nrw Dry Cleaning cqulp nieH will linger pli-u.-wntiy wilU you lor many nioiill;*:. r do i I lii'llrr1 COOPKK CLEANING WOKKS IMioih' 280 No Cold Fvvar headache or grippal Cold* break in a day for the millions who use HtllY Headache and fever atop. La Grippe w checked. All in a way jo reliable that druggets guarantee ruulta. Coldu are too iirpoctant to treat in leaacr ways. Be Sure ll^ Price 30c CASCARA Hf Get Rk) &<x QUININE With portrait DOYOUNEEDMONEY? We will make you u loan Ihnt von call repay liv the week or month K 1 .OO per work or * ft.OO |>rr mmilii |w,vi n S .10.00 l?uoi. * ll.OO per Wfok or $(0.00 per month pay* a tr' :I.OO per wr?'k or jl.l.oo j**f month pn>n m si;w>.00 Iwut. # 4.00 |?rr u<*ok or Hvfio.oo p*?r month iw*y* ? #200.00 hum. JH .1.IKJ j>rr h prk or R'2T?.(MI |n'i' month |hoh ii iH'i"?0.00 loan. 910.00 per ?(*k or |M*r month pn>* n WOO.OO liiun. Industrial Bank Main Slrcel? Np\I In Srlifj'* - Style Headquarters | for the wrll drownl mon v j-csiu. ;!; Where Society Brand Clothe* Arc Sold FOREIGN OFFICE KIND <.OI!\<; OUT OF STYLE I'aris, Nov. 25.? "For^i-n of fice trousers" anil other accessor ies of formal morning or aft? i - noon dn'ro for diplomat: aie tii>i uoin^ urn of style in international jailor lux* in Kuropeuii capitals, "Foreign office Iroii^rs i* the nani'' j;iven those strip* d . uar ments of hlack or irrav which not mally accompany a cut-away or lrock foal, white or 'gray spat?, an impeccable waistcoat of Kray. blark or white, and. of cnurvi'. gloves and a top hat. A Sardinia in the buttonhole and a mound*' in tin* t ye add areatly to tin- ? (? lect of the ensemble. lint at (lie last session of t li?* League of Nations Council, held in I 'arts, not one of the represen tatives oT the 10 powers having tteals on that adjust hotly won* correct diplomatic ?arb ? not ev en Austen Chamberlain, emissary of that sartorically fastidious land. Knuland. All h?? had of the usual ^?'t-np was a monocle r.nd h? dis carded that for ordinary horn rimmed spectacles whenever he had to lead. Foreign Minister Itriaud. of France, was a usual noticliaiatkt and Demociutic in Til* aatire. Fven so polish ?-d a states man as Viscount Ishii of Japan was in a saek suit, while the two South Ane-rican representative*. Scnor Mello Franco of Itrazil. and Seiior (ruanio of Fruguay, usually t:io.*t punctillious. were similarly airbed. Th" only concession in ti>>* lonuallt i 'K that tin* assembled Myt? sitH' n made v..?s to wear stiff e< tlla?'s and those of rather ancient vintage. t'oiisch niioiis newspaper eor i'i spoadenis who domp d thdr best foimal lo^s in honor of the coun cils, t wore next time they "cov efed" the sessions o; I he Leavuc's governing Imdy they would he curbed in "plus fours." Tao Late To Classify FOII SALK ? Two desirable | ? ? i 011 West Church street. One 50 foot front, one 100-foot front. Address Hon 51. City. 25n TAKKN FROM POItC'II or front iif home bicyele .No. H-23so|. lie ward offered by Tom Weeks. 25-dcc2n A tlOOl) l.'AKKIXd FLACK has lieen fixed for you to park your ear while trading. Drive over and get your beef and oysters' lor Thanksgiving and Sunday. We save you money. Cut I?ate Market, Camden ltridue. 2."?-27-2S House-cleaning Specials ? Mil Itoitdi ('li'Miiscr, ;t cans ;2.V Sm::l| Ortj?K<>ii Snap. H for 2."ii Wa*t|iiiiK I'umln, (i for .AV FA II. a f'?r __.H2c Ammonia, ii for ^.V ililpw). :i for . .Jfi7c For Itulunro ol Week J. W. Sliaiuiiiiiliousi* & Son I 'HONGS 187 ami OKI) THANKSGIVING FOOTBALL GAME II. of Vu. vs. li. of N. G. CHAPEL HILL. N. G. November 26, 1923 ltediiccd KoiiikI Trip Fares \lift NOKFOLK SOUTH KKN Sold Nov. 25tli and for trainx ncheduled to arrive Cliapel Hill l>y noon or November 2Gth. Final limit November 27th. Consult agent* regarding Spe- 1 Hal Pullman S?>rvlr*. "After Six Days " Proves Striking Drama of Israel Woven into a drama I it: se ?l Ueiice that is intensely interest ing. "Six I?a>>." elaborate screen version of the creation and the events of the Bible down to the time of Solomon, held the atten tion of larsp audiences at the Alkratna Theater here yesterday afteriu>on and last night. It will bp repeated' :it matinee and night performances today. Adam and Kve and the serpent In the Garden ?f Kden. and the driving forth of the pair by the Ansel of the Lord form the open iug events in a drama which moves swiftly through. the killing of Abel by his brother. Cain. the building of the Tower Babel. the Flood, and many other stirring episodes narrated in the Old Tes tament. Particularly ftriking is the de struction nt' the wicked cities of Sodom and 4?omorrah. in a ruin of lire and brimstone, and the turning of Lot's wife into a pillar of salt. The burning of the cities and the flight of I heir in habitants Is done with dramatic effect ami in realistic fashion. The stories of Joseph and Moses and the going into and de part lire from the Land of Kgypt by the Israelites are depicted in derail, wiiii attention to thu historical narrative. In present- i Idk the story of Exodus. the pro- , (lucent have avoided the striking scenic effects observed in The Ten Commandments." shown here recently. thereby leavlti: th?' oil server -with a sliuht sense of dls appoint m?*ut . Thw. however, is more than off*<t a Utile further 'aloui*. when the story of th?* mag nificent Solomon N. unfolded in all its grandeur all its reminders of the fallibility of mortal man. "After Six Days" Is thoroughly j worth feeing, both by the student 01 (he Itihle who wishes to visual ize thi- thi'ius which he has read over and over and which lie has pondered often; and for the man of the world to whom the Bible, in the muni, is a i lo?''d voljime. It is dramatic It is effective and interesting. Money obviously j has not been spared to make It j ( everything that a narrative of j sai-reil history should be. -make ideal Christmas present* il car*?lu-lly selected. It is a compliment to your friend's intelligence and an Gvidoncv of more than a momentary thought if you send a book- -if the hook is carefully chosen. Let us help you. \\ c.in linil jHM th-- oh* ne- -ded. If we haven't sent you our Catalog hi us know ami ih? post niuu .will bring it. It is lull 01' valuable informa tion. Any book nut in stock supplied promptly. P. W. MELICK CO. KAMO AND LEBANON BELLE FLOUIt are nhwluirly ?unr? of (|iiallt; *o1<1 l>5- ilic leadline Krocers ? PISTIll lil'TKl> 1!V ? A. F. TOXEY & COMPANY your servm We refer with pride to "our" main-, "(uirM gas plant. "oiii" *v*iem. And they arc our*. f Hill I lie SKHVHIK they provide i* your* ? ju*t u? nuieli u* if >ou |M?rf*oualIy provided it. Moreover, you gel that aerviee with le-w trouble and ineou %enienee than if you had t?? produee it. ? -more eheaply too. Southern Gas Improvement Co. i. T. STAI.LIN(iS, Manager "If it'n done with heat, yon eon do it better with {toy." REAL (J R 0 C E R Y S E R V I C E is what you pet at T? %? reliable grocery. Reliable in price* Reliable in service. Reliable in having oil hand practically every tiling obtainable in the grocery line. G. W. Twiddy (<?r. (Iiurrli ? l'oiiiiiexter l'lione* .?>}{.> and 185 I! K 1) M EN 'S ORCHESTRA I OR HIRE l'liuuc 396- J Man Loses Hundreds of Dollars "I am mii rv I did not hear of Mayi's Wtml.'rful Remedy a few years axo, as it would have saved , iiif several hundred dollars. Five years 1 tut (Ti> red from Indigestion and severe bloating. I grew worse all the time. My doetor said an o??f ration would he all that could | save me. 1 took a course of Yi;i> r's Wonderful Remedy in 1 sti ;h| anu for the past year have ' 'i entirely Wi ll." It is a sim i.J- . harmless preparation that re moves the catarrhal mucus from the Intestinal tract and nllayB the inflammation which causes practl { eally all stomach, liver and intes I tin'ul ailments, including appendi j ritis. One dose will convince or ! money refunded. At all drug I adv. RED PEPPER FOR COLDS IN CREST Kasc your tight, uching chest. Stop tho pain. Break up the congestion. Feel iv had cold loosen up in just a short time. Iled Pepper Rub is the cold rem edy ih.?t brings cpiicJiest relief. It cannot hurt, you nnd it certainly M-ems to ond the tightness and drhrfl the congestion and soreness right out. Nothing has such concentrated, penct rating heat as red peppers, and when heat penetrate* right down into colds, congestion, ai-hiug muscles and sore, 6t iff joints relief comes at once. The moment you apply Red Pepper Rub you feel the tingling heat. ? In three" minutes tho congested spot ia wanned through and through. When you are suffering from a cold, rheu mntisTn, harkacJie, stiff neck or sore wuaclea, just get a jar of Rowles Ked Pepper Rub, made from red peppers, at any drug store. You will have the rjuk'kest relief known. NOTHING CLEARS AWAY PIMPLES | rdrlH wno line 1'oisiam never liav had compie xlons! Itn Booth - it concentrated medication aim i?1y driven pimple* and black l*eada away llkn magic. Try it ' vouraelf. At nil druggists. 50c. To detain Ymir Youthful Itcnut) W e reromiitriMl ilie daily u*e of Which contains 7% of I'tmlam (HnUnttit ^SOAP^i Which oontaln* 7% ?f Po?l*? Ointment STOMACH GAS Don't waatq'tlme taking pllla or I tablet* for uaa on tho stomach whon ximpW* buckthorn bark, luamuniuni aulph. c. p, Rlyeetine. et?., np mixed in Adlcrlka, re moves Kan In ,TEN mlnutca. Often | brings out a HtirpriwinK amount oT ? wh*U> matter nover thought ' waa in your *yatom. No matter what you hav#> tried for conatlpa tlon or allied atomach trouble, Ad Wtka la ao wonderful in Ita QflCK action that you will bo aa tonlahod. Stop* that full, bloat < d r ? .1 i n t- Don't waato time any longer but l??t Adicrlka give your bowela a RKAL rleanalng and inak?- your atomach fael fine! Bold bv all leading druggiata. adr. 6 fill Ih a prescription for Coldt, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Billiout Fever ami Malaria It kllla the g<rrna.

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