Perry Puts Michigan Ahead of Dartmouth! fAMES ELEVEN LEADING TEAMS Sport W riler fur Advance NX ho Huh StTii MI I m |h ?r luiit I ram- In Action An nounces lli*. Verdict llv I.A\VltK\<>: I'lltltY I?J. By TIM New York, Dec. 2. ? Jlnro aro tin* r>2." football rankings: First ? Michigan. Second ? Dartmouth. Third? Washington. Fourth -Tulane and Alabama. Fifth ? Colgate. Sixth ? l*ri tin* ton. Seventh ? llllnoiM. Kighth? I?afayette. Ninth? Pittsburgh. Tenth ? West Virginia. Kli-venth? -Stanford. Michigan is rated first hncnuRe in the writer's opinion the Wol verine* were tho strongest all n round root hall outfit in the Unit ed States. No team w.ih so con sistently strong in all branches of the sport. No eleven perfected Its forward passes bo thoroughly. And this was accomplished chief ly through the splendid play of ' the forwurds. The rushing attack perfectly balanced an extremely formidable overhead offense, in punting, tackling. blocking, In following the ball, ihe team \was ubout as perfect as a football squad gcijj to be. And so stroug was tho de fense that throughout a season of games against strong opponents, the Michigan goal line was not crossed. It Is the only footbull team in the country, little or big, that can say this. The one blot upon tho record Is tliree points scored on a place kick by North western. Michigan lost that game a to 2. lint the game was played In u driving rain oil a gridiron ilia I was level with Lake Michigan not many yards away. Nothing approximating real football was possible and the writer discounts tbut defeat even a* North western tacitly has done. Dartmouth won all her games and her list of victories comprises the following: Norwich. Hohart, Vermont, Maine. Harvard Brown. Cornell and Chicago. Of thesi teams none ranked in the first class this season to say the best that can be said for them. Ju. t the same Dartmouth was a great eleven and If slio were to meet Michigan she might defeat her. lint the writer does not think that ibis would lie t lie outcome of j|?e game. Dartmouth was stronger offensively than defensively. Michigan's balance as between the positive and negative branches of football was perfect. It Is one of the liu est eleven* the writer lias ever seen. Washington, despite her tie game with Nebraska wherein the Coriiliuskers in the last K minutes ure said to have stalled with the huddle system so us to run off only eight plays- -and in spite of l ho scanty victory ov^r weak Ore gon. Is eutltled to great respect. The Huskies won the two contests for which they were pointed, the Stanford and California games. Any outfit that defeats this pair is doing something. Tulane is a mighty strong elev en. Scouts of vurious Hlg Ten outfits who saw the New Orleans Aggregation in action against Northwestern say that in all de partments of the game the Green les would be n match for any team in the country. The writer saw Alabama in her most Important game, with Geor gia Tech. and the same can be said for Alabama as for Tulane. Strong defensively, the team lacked offensive versatility. Her brilliant scoring flight against Georgia was a splendid achieve ment. I?ii t question rises how far tho bulldog* had slumped after their greut effort against Tech. Colgate's tie with firown in the "'Rio K-Z W ny I* thr ('-It W*}" Git GIASS (XEANEIt No mil*, hiM, or diN. Ko N??n|i, waller or rhiunolt IKftlDl. (MCANS W I \|H)\VS |.\ KK< OV|>H R. A. Byrum Co. U R O V K It H Phone* 3 anil 57 Cor. Muin & Wulrr St?. NOTICE! TIip Itookx arc now open for rnllrrtion of <-ily and Graded School Tuxr*. Plmr come forward nnd art tic name and oldigc. ii. w(x>n Cily lax (iollrrtor. Protector Carl Wolfe of Rutgers Colknc is thi , besi (lro|>l;k-li(r <>ti the (??oilml suuad. but is ? 0>.u-h Ja?-1? ' Wallace solved the |iti>i<] ^Remedy 0 (Tablets or Powittr) luOur Customer*: li e rig*t. 1(23. fry lit. A ????? 1 New York. Dec. 2. No waivers will lit- asked for Cehrlg. first baseman of the Yankee*. and it Is almost c? rtain that lit* will star! at first base an a regular next sea f son. (?elirig, who in a local New Yorker, la beginning to vie with ltuth for popular attention in that city, and if hi* starts Willi success in 1 ?? 1! t; Itabe Iluth. the home run king, will have the time of ills lift- to keep up with the Gehrig procession. Many New Yorkers, who were 1 for ltuth as long as he could de liver home runs and the team was winning, soured completely on the infant. because they had wagered pretty heavily that the Yaukeea would come back with another championship in 1^25 and they took tin- loss of the pen mmt as well as the (linens of I ? m li as a personal affront. So when he was out auain on ? the ||? Id in the latter part of the si ason the cheers were as much for the former Columbia College first baseman as they were for > Until, and enthusiasm for (ielirig grew constantly because he was improving. He was an awkward and clumsy first baseman when l?e began, lie did not know how ro 1 play his fe?*t. Ity the way. that was one of the things that Pipp did best of all. and it now looks >ns If lie has been crowded out by .tin- l?iu t hewed New Yorker. Whether Huggins will keep ' 1'ipp, or put him out for a trade is something that one or two Na tional League clubs are watching closely. If Pipp's lualtli is in fine condition again, he will fit mighty well with three National League clubs that would go aft-r him in case lie were passed out of 1 lie American League. In his own league, the clubs are fairly well fixed. Perhaps IJrooklyn would like to ' get I'lpp. Fournier unquestionably is i slowing up nnd doesn't cover 1 enough ground at first. The Hos | ton Nationals could use I'lpp. Nev i er mind how good iiurrus may he. ' lie can't play first base like Pipp when the latter Ih fit. The trouble with Pipp going to 'the National League, however. Mould be his mental attitude after : having been with a championship team in New York. That sort of ? an experience converts all ball 'players into merchants, bnnkfTl* and "busts." He's Winner Meet \ WillardTTilil*tM'llarvani'i llltle distance runner, who won a heart-breaking racc from I?ouck* of 8yraru*e in ihi- recent In tercollegiate rros*-iountry champion ship in the eaM. lie bent Uuck* by a scant yard in one o( the most thrilling finishes in the history of the event. Tlhteta covered the ?lx miUs In 30 minutes. 34 seconds. Question Box Question ? A KtatcH that in tho paKt Pennsylvania playera coached at (he l'nlv??r*liy of HMnoix. II. isiutfH thai Illint* f-H was alwayn rom lw ii hy westerner*. Which i? right? Answer ? I/iiiIk DpVuII of Penn coached 1 11 in 1 in 1 Ml# 1 ami Cenrire Woodruff. Yah* Kradualu player and Pen n coach from lsttl to 1 !*o t coachc<| at I'rbana in IttUII. Question ? Have colli ues any ' ruh-H a limit their iih ii plnyiiiK pro foot ball? Atmwir ? If under;' raduate football players play pro football a'nd art* caught at it they art? din- j barred from college Hport. Tho i only definite ri'f' ri'liCf to pro font- I ball which coIIcmh have made lie* j In the Ktlpnlatlon made by the | WoHt?rn Conference iliat official** who work in pro pantrx sb.ill not be permitted to ofliciate in Hit; Ten KaineM. NERVOUS BREAKDOWN The tendency of the pres ent aji? is to live under a y terrific nerve strain. Coii \ tinned living under thin . hi ru ill in making us ;i nation I '?f neurasthenics. In truth, I neurasthenia 1m now calhd J the American disrate, fir r mmstanevs have compelled iih to relinquish the calm, uneventful lit*' of our fore fathers, ami have thrown us Into the turmoil of the twen tieth century. Only an ex cept lonal nervous system cnn realst such ft atraln very lon?. In the end, a nervouB breakdown or a long Hid of nervous dlHordrra Ib our portion for breaking Nature'** laws. The mod ern Individual mimt hav?* bin nervoua Hya(i>m look'd ufter must give It Borne attention. Your Chiropractor Is a nervi* Bp* rial Int. By relieving tin* pressure upon your nerve*. Nature renders your body morn capable of meeting and restating tbe dally nerve Btraln. Avoid nerve dlnordera. Uho the "aunc- ??1 provontlon." DR. S. J. DURHAM CHIROPRACTOR OVKH WOOLWOHTH'8 ft Jk 10c HTORK 311-14 Kramer llullding KIIwiIh th City, N. (J. I'HO.NK 70J1 Style Headquarters for the well drc**r*n r,\ - X. W York. !*?-. *-?."H< ar now lii-ini: (?> mairii Mick- y Walk or a pal list Tommy who is Kuro|H V 1m--i w? U? i* ami iniil(lli'W?'idil. Th?- ? ill v 1 t-4*n !?!? i- that Jack Ki-arns warn- IJlfk aril to |K'<>1 i vmllilnv ??II' his roll liiwhi iluwii to tin \v in ill* ii n|?oo| hi merit st In lin* c? nt? r ? > f it, Winn K< a i iik lost I *?*iii i'-* v ami mhmii im| Walker In* il?-t> nnim-il l.i | K iii lh< mill I?ii?si ii* I i I Iii- was lin lulling a in (?-'!? ;i .1 ot a ln?a\ > w? ii'iil cli.t i ii i ? i ? ? 1 1 . I Thi-i 'ha.; ailii? il lo l\?aiis' uii * |iii|uiiari( y. l>a|.|?i Jail. ?I?m-s imi ' mital that. >?< ? lour. ;in Ik raki*s in tin- coin. ltut i.ow l hat Ii' ha? a Walki r insNail of a l>- y ,i? a I in hi |> rnril In- t* Ilk* l\ to ?? \ ;>iit?lii-il Im for?- In lit T is ph'iily 1 1 f in. .ii. \ | \ it,', alu-.Kl for an* iiiaiiaxt i ?.i a ' ? : 1 ? ? ? ? r Hk? WaU.i, Lilt it is of k'lilt'liiiiL. lli< tifli Willi . how in-r.ail of with io-i. Tin* M?oti. r Koiirn* ural" t'.i* fail th?* it. ii.r h?- will !??? .sii linai.i'ially ami oilur w.ivs. \> mr Millie. in. ho look- lik> a natural. In hi* oin- ^liowlli^ ??l (li?> ^iili* of tin uali r li< wav im |i|'**i\o. H showi'il t i k.iliii i'i.imh.:- miliar ill"- hatiillfai" of ;i h.nlly lusIioI ami wa*l iu'? 1 1 ? ? ariack hall t?liml? ?l 1 ? \ uloiul II. Mill' in a ymui imI> . , i. 'I'liliitii.v, Tim- <|iii>tioli now is 4-ai. In lake it ' ll is ha i?l lo- IM'V li: liar !?? I'll ltoo|ior, which we have just inaugurated, moans to you a more* com plete service than over. Wo jfive you a certain price for the la Ixir on each repair job -you know in ad vance what it will cost, and that we jcuar antoe satisfaction. Auto & Gas Engine Wks. 10.1 NOICI II \\ VI' Kit SI. "Real F 0 R I) Service" Why Not A Christmas Present I II AT TI?K WIIOI D IWMII.Y WOIUJ) KNJO> llavr llir interior of your lioim* fienli l\ |?iiinh'(l for I In1 1 1 ? ? 1 i?l;l \ Sriimni. It will make llir liomr more rlierrful for every Mirinlier of' llir family. When you |iuiait line (MTEWAY'S I'AINT. K. J. (OII(K)N & COMPANY W. I,. ItrotliiTH, I'lionr I I l-W W. Morrinctlc, I'Iioik- I8B-W - (Ills ll I ill w? r. ? 1 1?r? fw?? ?? lil?M't tic r ??;?rn?* H. .,n,. |? |?. ,| 111., s I ti u I ???! .?* I>| ih. * ? nr. Will i K.-aiti* tli#? li'^lii mill !??> siii i liri'-mit iiiimIi'i.i (.? in In- ?|?-im.imI i i ?? I. I ?li? mutch In iikuIi ? M.iy REAL (; ROCKR Y SKKV1CK wlial ymi p'l at TumIiIii'h rtliahlr lirm^ry. ICt'liuMe in |iri<*(\ ill srrviiM'. Krlialtlr in having on li:ati?fl practically ? r y thitif! obtainable in tin* p-occrv line. (i. W. Twiddy I 'or. (Iiurrli Ai INiIimIoUim* Phone* 585 and 185 House for Sale si:\\ it( \<;M.ow on lliir.l Slrrrt. I'lv?? roonift, hiith, two rloR ? In nml imnlry. Mmlcrn riuivi-iii?-tir?-M. Will hi-II nn niu all cauli I?ii viim>ii t . halnnci* mi tlnn>. A IN nl llnir.ain. CIicmxoii (!?., Inc. IMiium* 01.1. V. KiukI Kxlcl. i:ii/jii??-tii < u ), \. r. BALL BRAND and Lamhertville BOOTS fit Mitchell's I'rici'H lower llini) liny slurp. I'iv?? Hidiil lin a?o I look IrxMtiiiM In French l?ry Chanlnu. The co*t wiih $100. NAw I am Klatl to nay wi? cnn f'lt'Un III*' (llM'Hi llri'XNCH or suit* nml take? out water circle*, Ink, ftreaKe and other had plarvx, ('all Hip hlne truck tlinl you nee panning your Iioiimo. Itiorm Oil DOROTHY DARNIT