POWER COMPANY PRESENTS OFFER TO CITY COUNCIL Virginia (ionct'Nl Would Buy PriiMMil Plunl Out right, or Would \\ liolr toalc Its Current to (!it\ TO IIOLI) CONFEKKNCK IVlayor Demands I'ayiiM'iil From I'olicfMiiau Twiddy For W iii(loK<? Sma-hril by (iolorril Autoi?t Negotiations with a view in tin possible purchase oi cIiti ric pow er un(Hidi> Elizabeth City wen be Klin last niuht by the Cit> Cntiii cil alter <i representative of i ; Virginia Klcdric A l'ow?r Com pany, now op?'ratini> hiuh [miw< ? mains in Tidewater Virginia. ot f?T**d two alternative profyisa Is to t Ik- Council an a neaiis <*f-&adin>; the way toward an u;;r<-eiii? nt later. Neither of iht? proposals was given in concrete form. i?otli be ing merely preliminary. Tin first was thai tin- Virginia company purchase outriuht tin pr.-seut plant of flu city and build a pow ?*r line from a point mar Ports mouth to tbls city at its own ? \ pense with a view to nperaltng on a long (??rin franchise. The second proposal was thai tin- city buy power whob'-ul*- from the company and retail it To rnii sumers here. In the event this was accepted, the representative. Mr. Throckmorton, stated his company probably would expect the city to build the pow? i line. 'I'll is would cost In the vicluit> of $250,000, he estimated, ill ell her event, lie promised that I he city couid deliver current to consum ers here at a substantially lower rate than at present. In the course of his remark-*, Mr. Throckipoxfon slated his company has recently installed lines to the towns of l-'rauklin and Holland, in the vicinity of Suffolk, and that still others dour ly adjacent to the company's I in**. from Koanoke Cupids to Norfolk probably would be added in the early future. To Meet With Olsen The Council disposed of tin* matter by the appointment of a coin in it ten comprising I). Hay Kramer. E. J. Cohoon and C.ltv Manager Ferebce to investigate and report. in making the ap pointments. the mayor suggested that they have S. H. JoIiiihoii. of the Utilities Commission , ne'-t with them, and that the four ar range a joint conference with City Engineer Olsen and Mr. Throckmorton, of the power com pany, at the earliest date conven ient for all. In answer to a question, Mr. Throckmorton expressed the opin ion that his company would pn - fer to buy out the power plant and installations here, and deal direct with tho consumers. In the event, however, that the oth er proposal was accepted, he stated that power would be sup plied to the city at aboil* 1 ccnts a kilowatt, metered at Ports mouth. This would mean I hat the city would have to carry a Joss of about 10 per cent in car rying the current from that point here, he said, declaring that los* would be offset largely by certain discounts which the company would allow. (inn Menxtlie Pa??*eil Kxcept for Mr. Throckmorlon'a . the Council mphbIoii wfi* un eventful. The lonx ?l Iko iisscrl H?K main ordlntftftv whh passed. re quiring in effect tlial the company put down maina ncc ifw??W- to the Council or Its agent* rind Ir tall connection* to tin* curbing on all streets about to bo hardaurfaced The malarial to bp used for gas pipe* must be approved by insper tor* to be appointed by the rlty. The Council also modified an earlier ordinance with ref?*renc? to the erection of filling station*, changing It to require thai non< be erected wllhltl 200 feet of the Intersection of Main and Itoad atrcetn. Thin action wan taken In NgpOMP to a petition from th* Standard Oil Company to place a atatlon diagonally aero** from the Southern Hotel. City Manager Ferebee reported that gravel had been placed on Cherry street for a distance of fiOO feel; on Cedar for 1.000 feet, and on Kim for 200 feet. if. rer oinmended lhat these be aurfaced with Tarvla or a almllar product an anon as they had settled auf flclently. Chief of Police f Inline* report ed the department had made :"i arrest* durlnK November, result Ing in three acquittal** and 21 convictions. In all. 2 gallon* of liquor were nHz. >| City Auditor Snowden wan ? in powered to borrow not more than IS. 000 to HltOt clt> i> hi ft en In anticipation df tax collections TTint Wlmlow KiiImhIc The (Council referred to |ht> Po lice Commission and Cltv Manac r a requeat from Mayor McCah" that the city help him In collecting $1!>0 which he claimed Policeman Twlddv owed him for d*m;?i:<-a I" the front wlndowa of McCabe * Orlee's store laat month when au automobile driven by a colored woman backed Into Ihem. Coun cilman Anderson expressed the opinion that the city "had allowed Continued on page 4 kii'iiv; imim;o\ks IturwuHli. Sijkhi'x, Kimluitd. Per. K. Tin- m?>diml bulletin In* nod frovi Itiidyard Kipling's home al i loon today huyn thi- I lip anilior, who I.. >nffiTlt?K from hronrn |ui< unutiiia. is maintaining his im proved romlii inn. IS INTERESTED IN WAR VETERANS CoiigrosKoniuii Rogers of I^TiisHuchiisrlts Served An Red (!n?w INurne ll> AI>WAItM I*. TAIXMAN I'.ii, by Th( Advance) ]?oweli. Mush.. Ocr. K. Mrs. Kdlth Nourse Rogers. widow of tin* !?? f ?? Representative John Ja cob Rogers a inl one of the three women members of sixty ninth Congress. is in Washington to car ry out sonic of the things hop hus band was most intcrcHlcil in ? par ticularly to kw that the Veterans of the World War pel a .square deal. Mrs. Rotters, who for years has Ik pii known in Washington as "the1 lintel of Walter Reed Hospital" was drafted for her husband's seat after his death last spring. It was difficult to find a l>emocrat to run against Iter, hut finally ex C.ovornor Kugeno N. Foss was pressed into the rare, only to take a three to one heating at the polls. Mrs. Rogers served as a Hod Cross Nurse during the- war and her late husband unlisted in the Ariny iu a private, hut failed to g?-i overseas before the Armistice was slpned. Mrs. Rogers" interest in dis abled veterans inspired two repub lican presidents ? ? Hording and Cnolidgc, to name her as special representative to visit veteran hos pitals throughout the country. Friends of Mis. Rogers, who was wealthy in her own right before her husband's death, say that she Is admirably equipped for her? work as Cotigresswoman. She al ways has been keenly Interested in poll! its and in government af fairs ami was closely iu touch with Representative Roger's work ill Congress. Washington society is pleased with her inclusion in the ranks of the fiflth Congress for Mrs. Rog er's throughout her husband's term had been one of the leading apirlts in the most exclusive so cial set. NO SPECIAL SESSION SAYS MKS. FEIUJIJSON Austin. Texas. Dec. K. (lover nor Mlrlsm A. Ferguson today is sued a statement declaring that she will not call a special session of the legislature as requested by Speaker |^>o Satterwhlte and oth er members of the House. <:oomim;es uetukn I'HOM CHICAGO TRIP WashinKton. lK*e. R. President. Cool id ge and Mrs, t'onlidge re turtied to Washington today from Chicago, where the President ?d dfMNd the meeting of the Ameri can Farm Rnreuu Federation. roTTOX MXItKKf New York. Dec. 8,? Cotton fu tures opened today at the follow ing level*: |>ec. 20. *6. .Inn 19 4* Mar. h 19.13, Mhv I '? 06. July 1 ft 1 7. New York. Dmi. 8. --Spot cotton, dotted quqlet. middling 20-80. an sdvance of five points. Futures. ? losing bid: I?ee. 28.07. Jan 19 4S ; March 19 4?. May 19.10. July' 1 8.7#. ANNUAL MESSAGE COOLIDGE SENDS CONGRESS TODAY UciK'H'ji INiimlier Recom mendations and Outline* Legislative Program I)o me -tie and International TAX ItEDUCTION Adherence to V urld <>?urt. Strengthening Aviation \\ itliout Itadical (.hHnpi' in Organization in* T>i? Aiuvii'rd T'rn* I Washington. Dec. S?Rfnewlng a numkor of recommendations he already had made 10 Congress. President Coolidge, in his annual mmaR^ transmitted tndav to the House and Senate. outlined a mm prchonolre legislative program dealing with pressing domestic and international problems. His suugest ions included: Tax reduction along lines mapped out by the House Ways and Means Committee. Adherence to the World Court. Continued effort to strengthen aviation, without radical change in the organisation of the Army and Navy air services. Cultailment of the Shipping Hoard's powers, with the govern ment fleet under the control of a single executive. Increased authority for the President and Departments of Commerce and Labor to deal with labor disputes in the coal Industry. Kncouragement of cooperative marketing as.an aid to agriculture The President devoted a section to the prohibition, question, ap pealing for law observance by the public and vigorous action against violators by enforcement officials. He also renewed his advocacy of railroad consolidations and devel opment of Inland waterways, rec ommended retention, for the pres ent. of property seized from aliens during the war. reiterated that re organization of government de partments should be authorized, and declared that states and local ? ouimunities must cooperate more with the Federal C.overnmnt In re clamation work. I'rglng sale of Muscle Shoals to the highest bidder who will agree to produce nitrates primarily with power development Incidental, he contended that the Muscle Shoals problem had "assumed a place all out of proportion with Its real im portance." "It probably does not represent in market value much more than a first-class battleship, "he added, "yet It has been discussed in the Congress over a period of years and for months at a time." Prefacing his recommendations with a statement that "the coun try does not appear to require rad ical departures from the policies already udopted so much ss It needs further extension of these policies and the Improvement of details" and an appeal for con ment of . JA wa.u 'gKTAOINN tinned vigilance against extrava gant governmental expenditures, the President emphasized the need for further tax reduction and de clared he approved "In prluciplo" the bill drafted by the Ways and Means Committee. ARMY KUO SUNG UEN MARCHING ON MUKDEN Toklo, Dec. 8.? I?atest dis patches received by the Japanese foreign office declare that the army of General Kuo Sung Lien, former henchman of Marshal Tso Lin. Manchtirian war lord. Is ex pert cd to enter Mukden, capital of Manchuria tomorrow. FI.KKTWOOI* FARM TO I1K HOLD THIN U'KKK Hertford. Dec. 8.? The J. J. Fleetwood farm on the Hertford New Hope highway, sbout two miles from Hertford Is to be sold at auction on Friday. December 11. it has been learned here. LKTTI'CK II Y CAKI<OAD Los Angeles. Dec. 8. ? First shipments of Imperial Valley win ter lettuce crop are starting east In carload lots. Fancy prices are being offered. (Oil if HI A MA'S IS KILLED MONDAY AT (DI\J(Mk HHUX.E Colnjnrk, l>w. H. ? Jerry l,:<4 Iif1?l?l of < oliiinhla WR1 kllM hrtf Rbtnil I )?? trnL*> iiioiiilrMt w*hrn the Cotn Jork hrl?lu<* n-H?h?l upon htm. Mr. I.Hrhft' Id w?? In thr Iiohm- MH-lloti of a Hh rur which wm hrlnu trmwl ia Norfolk b) a Norfolk Imat. Thr harxr not llultl?il nml Ihf hrkl?e tm ?h*r <ll?l not A09 thnt Ihr hon t hit ?l a ha mo In tow and ?i?imI thr brlilifr (fciwnwiril mm mon ah ihd h(Ml IumI |m<mnI ft ml tt vini?"h?l Into Ihf barfcc Jnwt mm it (M?u*(l tindfr, Mr. l.HrhArld. II In ?aM. WM on hit hhv to a Norfolk hos pital for trratmmt. . Thr hrhlirr trndrr at < oln jock hao a rr-furtalkm for hrhiK ver> rarrful ami hr not hUmrri for thr aaMwit. B. P. (X Elks Offer Reverent Tribute to Their Deceased Brothers at Sunday Service Reverent tribute to those who hud passed across inlii 'the was paid by 111.- member* of KlU abeth Oily l-odgc *5?. and Protective Order of Mk?. ?? the annilHl t-odge of Sorrow Sun day afternoon al the Alkrama. There were the usual itnprenlw ceremonies and an address by the Hey F S l.ove new pastor of the First Methodist Church An ap propriate at P'oKr-m *?? given b> the f"' Methodist ' hTbe Kev Mr Love discussed In terestlngly and at aoine length the cardinal principles of the charity, brotherly love. Justice and fldelltv The service was attend ed by "some ?r. Kilts, who marched to the Atkrama In a body from the ? club, led by their officers Many other Elizabeth City residents wore present also. ? The service opened with ?n Jn* vocation by the Rev. G. h ' rector of Christ Church and ' bap la In of the lodge, and tl?e roll call 'of deceased brothers was read ?> C B Wood, secretary. These in cluded l^ouls Selig and N fcarle Griggs. who had died during the past year In all. ^ member* have died aince the formation of the lodge in 1903. One of the moat impressive ? number* on the program , wj?? tbj > alnglng of "The Nacant < hair, by the Klks* quartet, comprlalng it G Kramer. W. C. .Sawyer. L B. Skinner and W It Foreman Past Grand Btalted Ruler B <'?y Brocket! presided at the service Offlcera of the lodge are: J T. McCsbe. exalted ruler; W. t . Daw Hon. leading knight: \N II /oel ler. loyal knight ; C\ D. Gallop, lec turing knight; C. B. Wood. tary; Ray Toxey. treasurer; C . Parker, eaqulre; R. M. Jennings, tiler J. R Bowden. inner guard, and the Rev. Mr. Hill, r ha plain The trustees are T. P. Nash. Brad Sanders and Br. 1 Members on the committee on program and music for the me morial service were W J Dr. J. W. Kellg. M H r' Mayor A. G. McCabe and W. C. ! Sawyer. Club Stockholders Will Hold Meeting Festivity and business will be combined by the stockholders ami directors of the Elisabeth < ??> Country Club at a meeting to be held on Monday night. December . 21 at R o'clock for action on a proposal for the authorisation of nn additional bond issue of 000 to $25,000 for further Im provements on tiie club property. The meeting was called today by W P Buff, president of the clun. on behalf of the board of dlrec OIReslde? the proposed bond Issue, several relatively unimportant modifications of the club s by-law* will be considered. A special In vltatlon has been Issued to lite wives and "lady friends" of club members to attend also. It Is announced that the board of directors will meet Immediate 1y after the general session of the stockholders. and In order that an action taken may have the approv al of as many members as possl bit*, all Who may not be able to at tend In person have been asked I" mall their proilea. properly filled out. to t: W. Hell, secretary. Improvements tentatively pro posed on the club property Include the extension of the present nine hole Kolf course to IS holes, iitldl tlonal work on the grounds about the club house and on the road leading to It. and possibly later the erection of a suitable dock anil im provement of bathing facilities on the clubs waterfront on Pasquo tank Ulver. Fr.N'Kll W. I.ITTLK HON Wanchea*. Dpo. Tlw funer al a#?rvlc?*a for Arthur Harold llal laid. Hie four mnntha' old won of Mr. and Mm. Claud HhIIhuI. wtiri dlfd Friday night at x o'clock. w?*re conducted Sunday aftrrnoon at 2 o'clock bv Itrr. W. It. Mar doatv. Ilia hod v whk laid to rcxt In th?* family bury Inn around In a flower rovfrod xrav<*. UK All HIS HOI* IMHMT Hertford. Dec. X. Quit* m mini her of Kllzahrih City people wen her# Sunday nlaht to hear ltl*hop T. C I )a rat . who preached at Holy Trinity Church. Hev. 0 V Hill of Elisabeth City BHHlnted the Itiahop In Mm aervlrea In the ahNenre of the roc tor. Hev Mr J T Dlllann. who wan III at hN home here. Amonc thoae here from Klixa heth City Wflf Mr. and Mr* Mar* whul Pool. I>r and Mra. A L, Pen dleton. Mr? O. K. Hill. Mr* T 8 Harney Mr*. C. O. Rohln*on. Mra. T W Itaxter. Ml** Hat He Harney. Ml" Mh>- Selden Mr an*1 Mr* Mill* Bell Mr and Mr? Wil liam Hklnaer. Mr and Mr* C. W. Melick . Mr*. T (i. Kklnner l)r and M ra. Mora Halla. C. W. flal ther. Will Oaltbav; iflaaaa Halaa Oalther Rill y Mellrk, laahell* Jennette, loin Hathaway. Joanne Houu. Dinner In Headlong Flight Retrieved By Deft Dive Citllltltlf Y I ti II a . I ; ? ?' i de|;| o| ! I? i ? cilv Ti.?-d. ? 1 1 ? ? 11 1> aftt-r noon, in lull in* - ?? > ? I n scarcely liail r li ? ? souil" : >!?? . >v. ?m d1*ast-r ?*m* *i 1 1. 1 v. ! -i .,!?( from uii un?vpc:?d si.isi'i'i* peno-d ill- - i-l.m.l Tin- ruliirnl man w .? ? v. I. si.-< down Waifi sir?-i with u i dinner t ii r !{???! ii ti?l> -i liih .ni l safely. ho iIiihikUi. "I In- i?i?:isi H'ilM in I li?* sh.:|M ;i I : \ < and very ai'llvc chirk ii a lit f *?- Marl hen. As In* ncared Ma'ii "I till* ?llf i;l< 4*11 I'tiQlnil ' 1|.m| ll d squawking. Tin dmii> r ? ??! ? ? 1. 1 in pursuit . I>iii In- wax no iinlc h lot the I t ? -ii ? -<| fowl. The ' in 1 1 1 ? were Hfitch< J .tu.iinsi Ii i ii ? A I tl?i jtllirtun. i?l"i,^ c*ii !??? H? i iiian Moadii, wlfi wa.s born and rrurcd nu ? farm in Sound N> ??!; . live Or h!\ Illile.H liehiW W- '-r; * vtlle. Met man has a way villi chicken* at I?-hhI. of Hie t ii - ered varh'.y. ObRt rvlim 1 1. ?? col ored ma n V itvc'llt'iiniciii. In- went lo lie rearm Tin chicken p< -relied ? -ii a i'i i- ? , of dill left liy h-wit workmen in the Mi'i'ii. fly a carefully iim<d' dive. Mr. Miads <!? fl I v ??;? |?J ?i r* I her, and restored lor in her own er. "Iloss. viu'ri- e?-i lainly t!.? stuff." lb ? i'n|?r?d man coir m-*nd ?d. Ii in face wreathed In a ureni. Klad nrln. as In- reeriv d his i r rant Sunday h-jwhi Mr. Mead* is oinplnyi d ill Hi' Hllzalx'ili *'iiy poatnffice in t hi rapacity of carrtjik'r of llii b-iild InK and grounds. "I'v?- e.miihi 'cm that way many a Hum at home," In* ??\plaiind nimlr ily. and walked away. TICKETS I- OK IONCKIM on sai.k at mtnarrs Tlrk' tR for the (???ii'? rt Thurs day night in tin- liittli behind audi torium by the All Slsb-rs Quar tette will ko on sab- ai Itiiuht Jewelry Companx stor- Wi-dm-i day. ? Thnni- who ha\e mil veil rod their tlckeis from numbers nf tin* Woman's Club lliay Ret tln-m Jit {(right's arid those who In.v IioiikIiI their tirk?is may have their seats reserved there. The All Sisters QnarlHIi' will Klvc a pro ma m built on populi lilies without being cheap Th:*ir vocul work cimdsts :>f !?i>Iom, duels and qua' t? -lies. both ballad* and lighter numbers. TI instrumental work featured .l?v this company Is 11m- p'ii\a phone ? i. - senible. and some splendid c|T??-n are obtained. A clew t dramatie sketch. ' \ Child in He lions.-. 1 by Marjorb- lli-nton ('ooki*. i^ us?-d In which nil f??tir of (li>- \fniu ladles lake pail. This sk> leb oi l-laylet never falls to ? r? .?!?? ? >i tliUHlaKiii. A h-sson lot tin- pres ent am* Is forcibly pr?s"iiled tn this playlet 44 MORt OPPOSED TO l-'EDEK \l BIJiK SKV ST ATI II. 81. Pelpribiirir. Florida. !????? s Oppn*lt ion in t li?* Federal blut nky statute Is voiced In ili?- report ?f the committee on sernrlt|f? pre* 'Hpntpd hero today to the InveKt mant Hanker* Association of Am erica at the second day of li* four teenth annual convention. BEKEINtiEK << (MIX. SKK \BO|'T DEBT Paris. !???'? $, RcMlol Victor Henry Rerenger whose notnlnu lion an ambassador lo the l'iilt"?l States *??? approved at a ?ablnef council today l* koIhk to VVa?l?lti* ton with n nperlal mli*?loii of *?l illng the Freni h w.ir debt to Am erica, It WMd der|ut?*d In offi? l;i| circles this afternoon. NEW CHILD I Alton AMENDMENT SOI Gil I Washington. I>ec * New <-hlld lahor am' iMlni' hi to i lu* Constltu Hon In sought In a Joint resolution Introduced in ihe Hoime today l?> Representative (irlffln of New York. The amendment would pro hlhlt persons under 14 from work Inn In mine* ^fterrfcH, mill!*. fa< lories, or like Industries. CONGRESS HAS BEGUN TO HEAR LAMENTATIONS ll-rrr'H li?- No I !?'%?;ilion I iitil Mihi^ MmiiiI !Ni?\I .1 i i I \ \\ Inn Soiim'ImmIv Mom- t?> Vtljoiirn < iniri u\ ui I I Kitn Mc m!' uI ! Itrnl !? Inh'iid Mih Ii of Tlveir I ;ilk for tin* Mirrclor of lii?- lliiil;::*l lit i:oiti:i;T r. mi \ 1.1. Iiec. \ rmierPMK ? ?n i? ii - 1'iltl) iit-n- Iisih already Im'I'I'ii t ? ? lli'lir lilt' laitl' lit ill tolls of W i. -!i i ?? iM mi These cries fVohi the *i | li|? l :i . n' |..liyriullli.i|| KOVITH I?h-' f I ? - 1 v ?? he* ii : mill* r ta?* ail" of 1 1i ? ? ?;i| im1 I ?r l?i llii-w mati\ teoii * li ?. I?ti i i *i 'iiirri'SH lias been li? *iia>* ..il l roii.ii?* ha* not mri'il ? ? i ? l.ti.e-M it inn < are hciut; ? I i ]? oh I lie I !i I ??>ln 1 4 1 of Sfii.ili* .?.ml 1 1 1 i!i?>?? an. I there will lie no ? .ili-'ii iiiiltl .iIdmv about next * *t I > stjme on.* move* !o adjourn or a< -oiini ?.t i in* hut weather. M..i? Ii rain tim-d fall much snow in ii ^ i 1 1 > in (!?' Ii wind inist blow before I liar happy milestone Is !'? a< Ii> <1 i?n?l meantime there w ill be rlic annual ha I tl?* bet ween i Ii?* I'ltMitiv. a ml i>xiui ive brunches ? i i lio Kovi-rii nn-nl. ll.iHiiMi?i! heads of depart incuts are compIaiiiltiK bitterly of I'mi t- i?-r * i'Huil iii'KltTi. Probably mm h of klic Maine wli i?'li is lie iiu' passed oti Iti Congress really Ik intended for (Senerul 11. M '?"ill. ill" l.onl IiIkIi executioner ol I In* llmli!"!. lieucrnl Lord bus a siiifkersticf* w|ii*-h lashes nut to l In* ii*.* lit ami It'll. beheading ivory ptoposcd expenditure In sight. Tin* general feels that Home nay tlii* entire country Ih going to arise ami cull him blessed for ht-ldine down cxpemllt uren and enabling Congress in rut i lie on rush taxes uhiili have been heaped ?I poll the people ever wince the opening days . . f America's parti cipation in the world war. Hut until that Utile arrives the gener al in '1st endure the maledictions of cabinet officer*, under cahlnet officers. bureau 'heads. chief clerks janitors ami charwomen. They are .ill hot tin his trail.' Kven t'on cress i* hi-ciniiint; to lonk a little more than askance at the director ol tin- budget and there Ih no i|i|esf it'll hilt lh.il ll the sit tl at ion v't-iM loo hot fur Congress to hitn dJe the general will |ji' Idaim-d as loudly and as soundly on cap |t'?| hill us lie is being hlanted ill ih" executive hratirh today. The cahinet and other execu tive m'fhcrs ilon't dare openly to Maine f'etit'riil Lord, for he Im the rii:lit li.uid of I'rcMidfiit Coolldge himself and therefore Is a part of the executive branch. The gen eral is MitiierhiiiK t?f an i* ni pli 1 lilau. lie not only censors the est i mates i.f the varhius executive depai t tiieuts. hut lie exercise* u dett-reii' influence on the legls latlve branch iih well. When the disaster to the Shen andoah. followed by the Illlly Ml'chel outburst at Sail Antonio ItroiiL'hl something of a crisis In i" Hi" aviation affairs of the country and set several Investi gations under way |t was stated in ihese dispatches that conditions in ih'- army and navy IcmlliiK lo low morale and something of In- ' efflt h ncy were due In large part . I ? Hi" p l r* I til Oil V of hot h CollKteNN and the director of the budget, llfder the iirKltifcs of .Mr Coolidge himself It was stilted that appro priiiflon? hud been cut to kikH an extent I hat both army and navy I- it the people of the country nti lotiK'-r had any Interest In them or in i In- prcphredncHx of their cou ill i y for national defense. Army and Nayy offiror# have I ? ? -11 loalb io row on' willi *11 r?M-l af'.irkrt on I^M and CutiKrcj"!*. I?u ? l)if |r opinion* In it n (iiiHonxtitlonnl hut nonetheloKM **ff?*rtivi* w ii y have lii>cii written into i lie rpi'orils of a vliil Ion in i(iililr>s and Mi?' Mitchell court martini Tlio i'"w Hwri'tnfy of war l?ttlftht llavi* ha* no! IiphI liilO'l in hi* very flr*i annual re port to iiir I'ri'slilniii of the na I tonal di-f?*ni?- ?M of I !? 2??. II h f a II - lire it* provide proper IioiisImk for llif sollilfr of I Ik* r-tivllitK skH''lon jinny. and 1 1 v roKponalbllit y for the low niorah- iircvHlllnit In certain unit* and branch**# of the Army. A *1 Mill :? I Kb?*rli\ chief of UNVhI opi*rat ha* not Ji?'-tt.it?'f| tr> idntui* ('oiiiirinw for ii? failure lo provide i-noiiKh helium *??< to' Veep ? h" Sli< n indofth and i )??? l.o* An fr.*S?.? i In* twrt illrlif ll?|r,it hi one t'lni- n:?? -*?(! by ihe Navy. both In ?-.?rem i??:<ion. The Navy w ?h able i.. I'liiii'ifiK'lure helium only for ?i:?- ??Iiip und thl* km> had lo be tr hii* ft rr?-d from nnc lo another of 1 1"' -k v vohmcIm In mi i-fforl fo keep I Ii?- ? r *w* of both <?hl|i? In training There ban been mu*-h ( Mlk of a roiiKrrvslonal lnt? ?i iiral ion of the Nim,\ and Nnw Both the Army) and Navy hop** th?*ro will be one. Then ('onirreM will hear more about Ifaelf. . . New Envoy Sfdiiinr llcnii lVronifi" ??f Kram* will Ik? iho n? xi Kremh ninl?witl?i to the 1'ntiH Slat'"*. Ho ?UI r ?? I ho |iivN<-n( nivuy. Km!! piK'^ lmrr. ulci I* l?l.nn?*?| in Pail* for tin* fallurv of tin I'ioih h ?M?t (iiii'ltnit *oininlM?i?m to r?Mili on ngi'i'fiiiviil v?lili .\iii> n an cummin aiiMii-i n. HIT BY TRAIN, WILL RECOVER Klilrrly Hertford KcNidrnt Tmlay Apparently Not Seriously 1 11 j 11 r?*?I Hertford. Dec. K Despite the /m l i li;it he was. dragged Ul least 7 r? yards In a Ford coupe along th?' Norfolk Southern tracks aft er li In cur had been struck by a yard engine at the (irubb street crossing here yesterday afternoon. Wlllloiii II. Cannon, 69 years old. appar'-ntly has every chance to re , cover. II l?* rar watt wrenknil In the collision. hut ho was ahle to clamb er out of the wreckage and walk to hi* home, two block* away. Mr. Cannon sustained a severe cut on the right temple, a broken rib. and relatively serious bruises and lacerations on his right leg. lie wan treated by Dr. C?. K. New by. who stated early today that thus far the patient had developed no symptoms of Internal Injuries. Persons who saw the accident claim the bell on the yard engine was not ringing at the time. They express i he belief that Mr. Can non observed the engine casual ly but. hem-lug no warning sig nal. took for granted that It was at a standstill. COTTON PRODUCTION FIFTEEN MILLIONS Washington. Dec. 8. Cotton production this your will amount to I f.. ft 0,1.000 equivalent to 500 p??und bab's exclusive of llnters, the Department of Agriculture an nounced from the December I condition. An estimate of 15. 298.000 bales was made from the November 21 condition. Last year's crop totalled 12.237.000 bales. Cotton of this year's growth ginned prior to l>ecember 1 amounted to I3,857.tl8ft running bales counting round as half bales and excluding llnters. compared with I2,287.flfift hales to that date last year, the Census Miireau to day announced North Carolina glnnings prior to December 1 to talled 1 .030.000 bales. hi v < \i>: M. (J. Grundy and K P. Owcnn tlHVf bought out til" IvHKli' Cafe, formerly owned and operated by Claude Ivea. or Ihft firm of Aahen* A Ivor. M. (!. (Jrandy recently operated t he iJeLuxe Filling Station and K. I'. Owen* ha* for threo year* been In the employ of Sharher A While Hardware Company. Hoth men are orlKlnally from Currituck County and wer? rained within two mile* of each olher, Mr. Owens* poHlolTIre waa Jarvlnbur# and Mr Crandy'* waa Cirandy. The new management I* mak I n k a number of Improvement In Ihe Cafe and promlae to have one of the cleaneat place* In Ihe city. NKW \MIIASSADOKTO I . S. IS APPOINTED al'll*. l>eo. * The appoint inent of Senator Victor llaren**r a* Kt?*nch nmba??t>ador to t*v I'nlt'd Stafo* wa? approved todat by Ihe Council of Minister*. I MT Kit STATES IS is KM) PARTICIPATE lUt. M ? The o f Nation* <'<*11111 II <l?*? l<lr<| to ?Im> lo ImHr Ihw I olt???l Htnte*. Itn*?li% himI Onimni to pari I rl|mf*> In the work of thr <pf Ha I loinrnlMlf m whlrh Into pre |Mff for an IntrrvMtloftnl ?IU mmiimrnt rnnffmiff. FORD CASE ENDS ABRUPTLY AFTER TWELVE SUBMIT P. (i. Sawyer Din mittftc* (!liarpi's of limiior alily unci (^amldin^ After Strong Defence I'lea ALL TiV l*AY* FINES 4 .mint > Engineer Taxed $2.) and (/Mm on Liquor (.on ill, and All Fined for Disorderly Conduct With a sudden unexpectedness that literally look away the breath of many courtroom specta tors. ihi' cant' against Jess R. Ford. County highway engineer, and 1 1 or his guests charged with a variety of offi nwH ?m the out come of a raid liy police early Sunday morning a week ago, came to an end late yesterday shortly after the State had put on its last witness. The court dismissed charge* of immorality against two of Ford 'a guest*; of gambling against ten of the defendant*, Including Ford; and of runnin g a disorder ly houae. which had been pre ferrcd aguinst Ford. All 12 submitted on a charge of disorderly conduct, in violation of a city ordinance, and were lined $10 and cunt* each. Ford submitted on a hIiiii'I1' charge of having liquor In his pobseaalon and was lined $25 and costs. Thus the caae ended. .No Motv "Wild Part lew" "I am very sorry a case like thia had lo be brought before me," County Judge I*. Sawyer, preNlding over recorder'* court, Haid in pronouncing Judgment. "If I should dismiss every one of the defendants. I would feel that they had nulYered enough through the publicity given them, and through having hud to gc? through thla ordeal. 1 don't think we'll have any more 'wild parties' at Ford's, or on the part of any oth er* Involved in llila caae." "A little too late festivity, and a Utile too nolay disturbs nee of the neighbors' right to sleep," was the way J. C. II. Khringhau*, of counsel for the defenae, summed up the situation In an ap peal to the court to dismiss all except the disorderly conduct and liquor charges. Mr. Khringhaua argued that the State had failed to make out a cam- of Immoral conduct, or of gambling; and , Judge Sawyer agreed with hlin on those points. The court sus tained him also in his contention that there was no evidence that Ford had liquor in IiI.h home for purposes of sale. "I don't believe anybody in the courthouse believe* he had." Judw Sawyer commented In touching upon this phase of the situation. The State nw.nl at 4 o'clock* Hi I hi* clowc of testimony l?y K. S. Cheiion, Jr.. a neighbor of Ford's. lo tin* effect I tint lie had been awakened on m*v?>ral occa sions I ? i ? ? In the night l>y the light* of automobilea flashing on hla sleeping porch a* they were leaving Ford "a home. "I) It. leave mi- alone, I'm nol drunk.'' Mr Cheaaon quoted aa having heard some one, pre auuiuhlv a woman. exclaim at Ford "a home on on?> occnalon. The witness declared ho had never wen any Intoxicated Individual entering or leuvlug the houae. l<t'l(o) 0|>|w?m*m Motion I'roaerutlug Attorney J. H. Le Itoy. Jr.. vigorously opposed the defense's pl<-a for dismissal of any ??f the charge* agalnat Ford or hla Ktieata. arguing that the State had offered evidence lending to con* vlet the defenriMnt* on all counts. II ?? quoted ;i Kentucky Judge to the effect that it was harder to convict ojj ^a gambling charge than one of homicide "I don't think the State haa made out a case of gamhllng." Judge Sawyer declared. "You haven't got the evidence. It'a not your fault, or that of the officers. Probably they couldn't get It." "Nobody, particularly a young woman. should he prosecuted on evidence 1 1 k ?* that." .Mr. Khrlng* hail* aruued in dlacuaainK the Im morality charge. "It la a grave Injustice to the young girl ac C lined. There la no evldenca that there wax a man In her room, or that there had been." The tes timony of the pollco was that Wil fred l>eans coatleaa and stocking* footed met Police Officer Hough ton at the head of tlie stairs near the door to the room where the lady in question wan found on a bed *U'i\ tumbled bedrlothea and with ahoea that I>eana later put on under It. Ford. Ih# dWendanta in th?* varlou* caaea w??r?' W. W. Dudley. Wilfred Dean*. Mr. and Mr* W r Topping. I'arktf Mor khii. William CnttPr, Frank I'ayne, Harry C Jonca. and thre# yoitnit unmarried woman, .two of whom worn rlo*e|y related to Mr*. Topping. Thua ended the Ford caae, with out i wtmew* having he?n put on the aland by the drfanae. Hearing of ih'> caae ha<J be??n twice con tinued. at flrxt from th? Monday morning after the raid to laat Saturday, and again to yeaterdar morning (Jeneral Interest In th# outcome waa Indicated by the fact that the courtroom waa rrowd*d Continued on p?fa 4

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