PLENTY OF FUN MARKS KIWAN1S LADIES' NIGHT Man> Original Siunu Mark Annual l.i'lrliriilinn in So rial Hall ihi* Kir<*l M.'t^t ( liiircli si ni>a> sciiooi. ikay iialtlr for < :ll;illi|ii .Merriment A I occasion conspicuous i'iiuIm of tii.. M-ar'ti events k,n,l the celebration " ol |.:id!es Night lay ||?. K1IxmIn.mIi "V KlWalii.< dull in II,.. ha I "? tin- .\|..|hodisi ( lunch Irlday nil l,i h, M|l. I 4n Kiwar. m us, Hp ii ladies anil ? ? li.-t- invit ' w. re nf for a pro Mum ili.:? was bright, original Mini ?< Mi rtainlng fium beginning ??> end. a delicious iurke> aup PT w.,s ?? rve,| by tlx ladle* of lite hirst Ai'MlOMlist Church. iVrhaps ih? ui on ? in- i taining slum o| il?. ?>v?*iilim was a com hut Idmw.iii iwit liuiuiny liiMilets. ? iji pi?. * i*?d cut brooms, to decld*- " the cSi;Ut'pi!>us{i.|> of II,.. Sunday >cl?oo| I., a; u. Tlu y r. pr. s. uteil lli?* l iisi I lii pi 1st and I'iiht Meth odist Stmi!a\ Schools, r> 'Kp.'Ci j ? ?? l.v. and w. n- op. rated iium be hind a MMfvn I y Cnliiu und lina i.-r J. f 1, r?* I J ?mi|m r sup. in.r. i d.-iiM. ?> -|- r-ti\ . |v. ol I ha I wo .Sunday schools. This provoked nt ii'-li in . i ri in* nr. Tin* winner wan m?i announced. M'i.-Sc was luruisin-d ai Inter vals throughout rhc eveuing by lhi? High Sellout OrchcHra. The work of ihcse >ming musicians ai tlaci.d nr. K'li favorable comment. Tlu'l'j' w?'ry pleasing sob's by Mis, J \V. Foreman and Mrs. E s Love, wif?- iM th. ii. w p:isii>r of the lirsi Methodist Chinch. Illackface ?inicriaimn< nt in a varied repertoire nf ski:s and songs was ;? lv"ii in abundant tin a Mite by Ail ken and Kure, a team of entertainers from Portsmouth. Mrs. A ilk en way accompanist at* (he piano. An entertaining iind instinctive talk by r. H I'usfh, retiring pres ident ol th. club, on the princi ples of service clubs generally, ami of KlWanls in particular, was' a feature nf mu"h Interest. The newly elected officers of the cluh wire introduced in appropriate fash Ion. Kllzabeth City's two nev.- Meth odist ministers, the Rev, E. S. : Love. Id the yirgt M, . I hod 1st < lunch, and tl.e Key. .1 \\\ Hnr rell. of City lioad f'burch, were Introduced In an unique way. They wer?- asked to guess two numbers, with the understanding that the one nearer to a number previously selnrted would respond to the tons I: "The Impressions of a Stranger. " Mr. H*rre|| won.' and in impromptu fashion e\ p reused his pleasure in being in Elizabeth Cltv. lie Muid he had heat d many nice things said about this city h< fore he came, and thus far everything had measured up to what Im had been told. The social hall of the church was beautifully decorated in Ki wanis emblems, including hand some American and Canadian Hags, nnd with cut flowers. At each lad \ '.?? plate wan M cigarette W'hlch, upon examination, turned out to be n noise making device. An abundance of confetti added much to Hi.' fuiimakliig of the evening. MIGHT SIGN I'ACTS in mov ik sirnios I.nndnn. Drc. 1 Tin. signing of the fnn PiDiniM1 Thai He V> ouldn't Have \ny More l*artie> STATEMENT ISSt EI) l'a*<|iiotank I !ii Keprhiiamls Knr<], Willi Only One Member Op |>o*iiif; I lie Action Taken Ji'NK II. Ford. County highway I eueiiim, was the recipient of a lit ? lo spanking. figuratively speak in K . at the hands of the Pasquo tank Highway Commission in called session Saturday morning. This wax administered by the com - mission in connection with a party at Ford's home mi the night of November 2S which lermlnated when four uninvited guests in po lice uniform* arrived. Ford and eleven guest*. Iiiclud in K four young women, were ar rested oil a variety of ct tar Ken which simmered down iu record er's court lu dayit after to fines of $10 each for ull charges of dlsor derly conduct, and ati additional fine of $2i? and cost s on FoVd for huving liquor in ht<* possession. According to a statement given out by the commission at noon Sat urday. Ford was reprimanded by each of its members, ami was re tained as County engineer upon his promise that there would not be "a similar occurrence" while he continued to hold his present posi tion. The authorized statement follows: "At a call meeting of the Pas quotank Highway Com mission De cember 12. lit 25. for the discus sion of whether Mr. J .It. Ford should resign as engineer or not and after each of the members of I he Hoard had reprimanded Mr. Ford for his action in allow lng a party at his home, which was con sidered s nuisance by his neigh bors and the lown authorities and after a thorough discussion by the entire Board in the presence of Mt. Ford and with a promise from Mr. Ford that there will not he a similar occurrence while he is In the employ of the Pasquotank Highway Commission. it was moved and seconded that the Hoard retain Mr. Ford as Its en gineer Motion carried with .1 W. Perry only voting against it "Motion curried thHl a copy of the action of the Hoard of the Pas quotank Highway Commission in the Ford matter be given to both the Advance ami the Independent for publication." "Pasquotank Highway Commis sion. "Hy C. C. Pritchard, Secretary." FKENT.H I.OSK MANY IN MONDAY'S FIGHT Jerusalem. Dec. 12. ? Loss of several hundred French troops lu a battle with Druse tribesmen near Damascus Monday Is reported in advices reaching here today. Ac cording to these reports the battle Mas waged all day Monday. TO CHANGE SYSTEM OE COTTON REPORTS Washington, tiec. 12. ? Special committee to draft a bill provid ing for changes In the present sys tem of cotton production and gin ning reports was appointed todav by a conference of Senators and Representatives of cotton produc ing states. Senator Smith of South Carolina was named chair man of the conference and j*ob ably will be chairman of the com mittee which will he composed of one Senator and one Hepresenta llve from each cotton producing slute. KCt KI.KSS IMCIVIMi < %MK is |?|s>tls^i.|> Accused of reckless driving and of st-veral minor violations of the traffic laws, C. W. Mears. of this city, was dismissed after a hear ing in recorder's court Saturday inorninu in connection with an automobile accident at South ' Kond and Sh |?ard streets about 10 days ago. in which a collision occur rod between a car drlvrn by Mr. Mears and another owned by Dr. (5. W. Card well, colored, and operated by Charlie Morgan, col ored. Evidence in the case> d that hoth drivers were at fault. Itotb cars were damaged, but no occupant of either was hurt. Demon Statistician Points Out That Thrifty Granger Will Be R ich In 1 , 000 \ ea rs Thin Horrible Example of Saving Wmiey Deposit* (hie Thtni*anec. 12. Tlif ilpni* on statist bian of Wall ^tr?-?>t i-unic up for air today with the ohwrva (Ion that Harold "Hwl" Grange, with his gridiron slogan of a half million dollar* by Christmas. was a piker at finance an compared with Mr Henry U. Granger, who has just deposited a t?>n dollar hill In the banco mercantil of HoKota. Colombia. Mr Granger's slogan is five and a half billion millions before 2 9 . 2 ft . The only ndvuntugc Mr Grange has Is that he will get to spelt d bin half million provided he survives his gruelling football campaign while Mr. Granger will have to wait a thousand yeara for his for tune to materialize. "Hut that slight advantage will have been onitrly wiped out In a thousand years." the at a 1 1st ic Ian pointed out philosophically "and then Mr Grauger .will huve all the better of It " Mr Granger. an American rill sen and a Princeton graduate, made his novel deposit primarily for the purpose of aiding in a cam paign to popularise thrift among tile people of Colombia. Hut having set on foot an ultimate fortune that Mtttggem the imagination, he had to make some provision for its ll?e. So he decreed that at the end of a thousand years, his ten dol lars and the $4 .574.523.9fi2.fl 24 . .1 in it will have earned at com pound interest, shall be disposed of as they aee best, by two com missions headed by the presidents DIRT HIGHWAYS IN GOOD SHAPE Pasquotank** I ii p av f il lioad* Put in I'ink of < oiulilion, I'rovu Says I'asquotank's dirt roads are In |H-rlia|w the bent 'Condlt ion ever at this time of inn >ear, according to Superintendent J K. I'rovu, * how fHiicrlal ciiri' they ar?'. Willi favoring weather all week. Mr. I'rovo estimates he has cov rri'd l.'tU miles of flow hiKhwav*. or practically every linpui (ant one in the County along wilh Home not to he classified hh main artcriea of travel. Mr. I'rovo if? enthusiastic over the efficient way in which a new ly acquired rondbuildlng tnarhlne is functioning. This in termed a "road malntalner," and is a con tra pi ion covering 24 feet of road width at a Mingle sweep. It ha* a drau at each end. and in adjust a hie jo pile the din when- It's moat needed and cut away ob ject iona hi" hump* Pulling it with a 10-ton Holt tractor. Mr. I'rovo nay* he can grade an aver age of in mll?H of dirt road a day. In addition to this machine. Mr. Provo In operating three Fordson tractors pulling road drags and other machinery. He employ* a force of nhout ten men. and when he has finished going over llie. roads once, he turn* ahnut and go eg right over tin m again. The "ruad malnlainer" cost $400 and it* rapidly paying for itself, he say*. STII.I-. TIIEY AIM; I K. OVKU KNUTE IHMKNF. riilladelphln. Dec. 12 J. M. Byrne, of New York. Kastern rep resentative of Notre Dame, said here today that Knute Kockne will remain at Notre l>ame and not go to Columbia as announced lasl night from Columbia author It iea. New York. !>ec. 12. James It Knapp. rhairmiin of the football commit lee of Columbia University, said today that Columbia "stands pal behind its original statement" that Kiiule itockno of Notre Dame had signed a three year contract us head football coach at Colum bia. LADY ASTOK DECLARES WOMEN LOST ENERCY l*ondon. I)i'c. IS.? -Lady Astor declared recently that British wo men have lost their political ener gy since they were enfranchised. Their Interest In public affairs has waned, she says, and added that the full weight of KugliHh women's votes can be f?>lt through by the adoption of prohibition by one ?f ih?' parties. Khe is attempting to arouse na tional Interest In the liquor prob lem through a series of lectures In the country districts and speaks whenever the nil gel away from her parliamentary duties I*ady Astor expects to visit her Virginia home during the first vacation of the house next year and to maka a study of the prohibition situa tion In the United Htatea. of tilt* I * ii ft ?>i] Stall's Colom bia. Here ar?* some of the thing the , demon hi atlxi i? Ian figured could j I?m done wiiii Mr. CI runner'* for tune if It hail to be ilispottHl of iixltty. It would proviilt' everyone of the 1.748 .ouo .000 Inhabitant* of the globe- white. black. brown, yel low and all Intermediate sliadt-x - ?i(b a fortnne thai wonlil make i Red Crange's half million look Mck. In round number*. $ .1.1 1 ooo vach. It would buy. lock stoi k and barrel. iT.nTfi countries like the 1'nllv'd Stales. wIium* total wealth, arcordlia' to the latent official en* timutci*. was put at a m??re Son.Kii2.00o. There mill would be enough lefi to pick up Russia and (ierniany ai the bargain figures of S6O.ouO.iMHi.0oo and $ 4o.oflrt.oo0. 000 renpectlvely at which they were lust assessed h would buy everything. Including 'be real ??* tale, oik this globe and ou all the nliniHo ever simiHTied of hclni: in habited- At i In* price a i which pold and silver were mined !n 1!?23. ii would take a little over ten nillllon years to turn out enough precious metal to pay the sum. The demon mat lath-Ian wa<* asked to figure out how much Mr. ('.range's heirs and assigns would get a thousands years from now If "lied" elected to put out bis half million at compound Interests The statistician declined, on the ground that he could not afford to huy the necessary scratch paper. WOODMEN HOSTS HERTFORD CAMP Delightful llamnul (?ivt'u At Hull in Kramer Itiiihlin^ Thursday KwrKii-cn (*aiii|i. Woodmen of flu* World. 'if this rity. cnt? r tained I In* member* of Albemarle ( Tu in t*. W. O. \\\. of Hertford :il ii d?-lluhtfnl liiiii?|ii?'i Thiirfiia> ev cniiiK u! their hall in ihc Kramer lluilding. Slwrt hiiwcIh# wi re tin t?- 1 I II 1 4*H of till' l?all<|ll?'t by both llOMlK H Till VlsilOTH. Among thorn* here from Hon ford ?pp' . .1 S Viol*. |>. .1. Itnf: eraon. J N. Twine. I). (*. I'mph lell, I.. A. Goodwin. II. M. Nixon. Lament Hunrh. J. H. Ilriit. W II. < Itlanrhard. II. Jonen. \V. T. Miller. J M- Layden. J E. l-*oi? - linnd. W. H Miller. A. W. II* f r?n. <1. S. Whitfhld. W. O Hunt i-r. K. i>. Mallh?*wn, John (iond win. ('. A. Meara, T. J. (lOndwin. J. H. Goodwill. J. K. Jordan, \v II Lane. T C. I-ane. J. T llritf. K. K. Goodwin. and J. K. I'liap Americans Caught In China Battle Peking. JJer. 12 Twt nty Am erlcann and aeveral (Krit IkIi* r.?. panaenger* on the international train which left Peking for Th lit Kin yesterday. were cam;ht In llie niidut of a haltle b? tween troops of S? nlK Yinnlaiu; and Chang Tho Lin between Tientsin and I'elit KMDK a few miles north of Tlenl Kin Inst night. The train also cui fled BO Italian marim*.- Th< |IR t n?t rs, Including women and eh. I dren. were re|?orted to have lain between the tracks under the Mopped train to ?ncap?- rhlnene shells. A battle wan raging furl oualy this morning between Thnt sin and P'-htnang * on tin* eon*?. London. Dec. 12. Ncwx of the pi Ik It i ?>f the International train at YangMun between Peking and Tlentnln canned grave anxiety In London mil 11 word wan recelvd that it had been withdrawn h:i f?* 1 > and nobody on board had been in Jured. ENGLAND IS RAISING H ACK OK GIAN I ICSSI S London, flee. I I ? Knglniiil |m raining a rneo of comhaiivc glatitnen*es. I?r. Leonard William* Internationally known medical fipeiiallMt. averted recently. lie said It han become the fanhlon to tearb. Indin e and even compel girl* to play vainen' which were originally Invented for big hoy* and men. ' In tea'-hing and making flrh play then*' games," she claimed, "yoil develop th*? romhatlve In Klini'l and the eombatlve munrlen In thin way you are raining a raee of Riant nen* who are going to hav?? fhe lombatlve ^lapoxliion Another effect of ihln nlf ra-athlei - Iclnm among girls of today In 10 produce a creature who han the male rather than the female chaf acterlnt lea." WATER FLOWING BUT WHAT FI.SF IS IT GOING !)0? (?rl< .1* for tin* (?<>V4'i DKM J.OIMNC rW \ Manx I'otcr.iia! r.iui-iuiir'; ? !tapi .1. i . inn i i. I (CjSVTMM. I-.'N l| *?lr '? U ?? ? ? , New Yfik. I ? 1 sv. '? ? ' ll.iv if) ll w r?.- itil-? * . *r ? I ? ? i Inr'i II ll. II !m 1 i li< . t .ut ' ? .Cnrr.-ltl fr- *111 s: i ? C ! el . ii ?!--*. ? i? |- 1 ? i ? i.i flt-w -still i#ii< : b?- - .1.1. II. I j..i* ?i'I.i ' It iJ?Ut. ?l Cilfu ? m. \ ? : It nm>i build it llli< :?t Ih-IU' iiM-i: ? ? mil it* ??vn; :r? ?i'i. t ?? ??,.n ili -I i ihul in r . | ? ,.i rn I , ?!:? ' m Inn ii] . ; f.? ij,..r,|i . .. ,..x _ , .III- ll. . } it. .in n ... ,, .. 1( )? I v? lupin: tli. II- ,.n ,, ' '1 W 111 I.i I.,, .| | b ?l . -i v\;ii i i .. .. , Hi' ? I 1 U.J 111 i.i til.- I I ln-.ui> till ; h? I ; !? I: Al:i '.iMii. (ii. w i, i.;i . llii- ? --ii |.| lion . . j Ink will it. i \ ?? . i ; l)lil< !? illllt V. ill I'I.i I , O! till III .Ji.mI |..| ; ? j. i;,| ClM> ? ll I It ... | .? , ?? Vl lt?i,> linn! ..I i - ? ? i ; . .. j *?tfj Th. t. will ii I i! ; .i. I.. ; I! 'II ^ ill. Ill- If |,| * I ,i , , .... . ,, . 'JPllell |li;il I ? ; c?J. I I |jf it f (id :l-.- i ? |?i ?, J \ . k* I. in. i:.y. .. , " Nrw Vim k oiiw.- ii? ... ii .? hut I 7'l 1*1 1 1 it . II .|>- till ; i r- 1 1 1 1 c I.i I ?'i v? j. i ;?lud. Hi.- II. n li IJ. ti-ln I,'. i . . . hi i *.i lift . j iiia wiili ,i |ii.-. v|i.] . j 09 clt v ?.f 111 1 1 il I ion "-Hj, i : ? I'u ' l.iiiitliM I i.i s i ii Wi'ii ;:;.t in /tyftUS ii!id I'll K'lOht x j. .J. i.i | Vrvnir Willi | IT n I.; I,:,,.. ' Til* \I;iIk. ii..i | fc. i v, i . which i> huildin. iiit |if.. , t i _ . been ;? hidd |or a"j . lull oik v. , i ; i , Cluifili..- Itlii ii. *i.i ii v. i.i i.i, j * | tt'-is in riirri'i*/ if? i;. n,. . ? \?.i II III- ? ol V ,i I ? - i* ; | | |., , . I hi* rivt r j ?!.. ni ij i ? w ii ii 1 . MlWCl'1 Miiiiili' : .lie ,< | < . , vaat ri\n? riiiir itcii!. ..taimi.,. h i ItOSSihli I.. ..I ,, , . ?""I * I I' ?'? 'I., i. iiiiii- ii, . f >*ani vtiluiiu- ihin'u-||.ii|f v. ? v? n .'it i iiki ? ? ni |nv u.ii. r. j| .lino I'lilllllKil '?* |jt r* -..'.iy t < ' ? jitl il )i;t rv nIi.-ihi filiiin Til llllilll 'M:. |J||;,. . WilK !I-M,s.;i,r\ I., I ? 1 1 \ . . t ".000 |ti'(i|i]i ,i iii] liiii|i| j, i .i [ i.i 1^ ? j thrtiuali :i vic-! i.|i ix-v-r ji-iv' '| |,\ il rcilli ill nil l';i i | ji>|- li? f.ii i . ' ||,i |- ,| IhOIIHUIKl 111* 1) ;i| ? Jif.'A . | J j , ?-l?-:inins t r i i|..iu < t n,. f. >. t .?ir VII lll.-ll III. I lk. I., -V III I, ,.| i| , li-iviu.ibli- ,i itil lliirln. ? . >1 liv I ! Ill In r fir urni- i iii !i-i!i v.)i? n il w;/l rr Ih liiukiil ii 1 1 . Ka>v *t r r-.nv.rlinu iln- in-. . wlil?-h ? uii-| I" CO?'?THf| |?V Willi into llilulici Tin- i'I.i ii t w ill ? ? n v i ? ;i i.'i.-v jI.|. ? i liarily of ixo.iiiio Imr |iow ? i ami W ill lUl lli.-ii 'lO.IMMI i-i'iil :|ii|..i| ,?v Thin is onlv oiir* uf ?i,. ,.|i,nis ll' llIU Itllilt lr\ C'lllCi Jim WltJlJl liriuhl (niN'r-ilil v llrtVr ||S<.|| .Mil Slioals ??nt . Tin- lit i Hi.iii.n lior?i'|mWri unit Uf ||>?. \| i;;,||. ;i. I.i^hl A- I'oHi-r f'oni|iiu.v jit SI. r iiiirlon. \rkaiiKi:-. Im.? jnvi !,i . o|n-i)i?i|. Tiiis i>l?i ni i \i mi;; liv win d' Vflo|i 2n.i,inio hnrm ji'iiv. r. ? .1 *111 furnish |i'jw? i in .\?u* i |,?.r i, L-iiiinla na. Nrkansiis. iiud Mi :-i Hi|i|?i. 1 1 h liins ,'iImi ma ii. hoolc<'d up wiili I Iio?m- uf i-i.i?|i.i .< i?'^ fliriiiHliiiiK ciim nt i?i | In nlhiaH. fW-nr - in unci Vtuham.i.' of ih. iiiipiu tiiii: r-, . ??l I Im? mi. rliiK t'in |M l(l ,r I" hook. <1 ii (i w itli li.vili'o . ii . iri/ I'lantH for tii?- Haiiic fniiip.iiiv .id I* in |]h* h'ail ?t| Mm- na fir.. | t i . li' ld. where las r.'v n. : f ?? it, I ..(? rhi'Kp mill i|e.|H*mh M. f.i I Tl, . .M|HMl|i|ii I'.Mver ( iiiu;> ,n> IM'IrH to cotiljiliji a lllll.f I' V.| ' (i ? eh-rtrlo |il:i ii t mii |?|i|yln a |,r ? '? ItUory at It. :.r I'l '.-K I." - , Tennwwre lliv i wfii.-in thr. ?? yearn. The K. nlnekv llyilio i:h m ? f-'iinpniiy, ronirolle.i hr i ...- i ifilereKtn. I. .IX I.ei-nih coin; ;. !. <1 a Iiiiki- tin in on tie IM |;,- , ,n K? Murky, which f uniH j. . voir ?.n mills lonu. IIKIIKNCkii s\^s in; WII.I, Ki;|.|{| SIM M l. 1'nrin. m-c. 12 Senator VWI.oi llcnry lleren -.-r newly ii|.;ioii>i*' l ? nihimKiidor to Wii,hlni?ioii ?;,m iTt fper.i-h lorfiiv that he Wa-< ??>}?!:? I', tho Cniteil Siaiev i? i,v r. reneni nulla lily till |i,f.-i. ?r France" ami not iner?.|y to h a seriiom. ill of Will- i|A|,|s m iu,\i. OK IlK \|| is TASK minim; I . IW \ nirmlmrharn. Dec. 1 -j Mil rial i he ^,i< to.iny the fm: i. vhii;k Writ* Hill. In if livi'. :;iii| in ' ?' .? of Ititiirc (!? a)f I It- in Sti|i|,:,rj ( hililrfii '' mi h i i. 1 - 1 11* ?| If ?>! irii 1 ' 1 ' ' ? ' - 1 ? -f.? III ? IV . W I'll - ? ?I'd *'**?' 1 1 III. 1 1 \\ I). i U\ in r in ?i?uni iy. " ' ' ' ' ?-?? .|y j.i,. | riish '' ' ' ' " ;;!>?m 1 1, mill, ^ i ||V. 1 f h?; .i nihil ions ' w?m? H l?oi a fm. :o<-ord ?" ??" in II \.i|s ll'oiil till* ? I'.' .1 ;||. S..VI..M '? ?" lit:- Wmnail Iiuh. Hulvvil ? I' ??'?'?in ni i ouilijiiiiiK career |\n i m-.iM. i m.? nl. Mali* Dr. Aiiiih J.I"!!, ;.l|i..|f If -ad ,,f ;|? ? t " 11 ?' i l.iJ m tmo] | :i Miikcciw. >'i- jm:Kn |||f kiilili.s win, Krand llia ' ' I "ttilUt . ? ? II 1 1 J lie KVI'I'flfr 1 ?' i r hair?*d urand i,. i,,. iJiiH.Niai,. A nn-rican ...if-.: i|,tlI| |0 rj,ri, ? I. ? liiiiiri ||*" ?i i i|j j? |ir Sll'oilK. ? v. ? Im.Mi. .? hair. -month ,,H'" '?!>? < Km mi l J|iurk liiiK eyet* i -II i?||ji,v ruuiii??iil In i... "i "1 'an-.irt fi,r women. ? i n?l : . j ||. r ;,a? ail Important .1. lif. .|t(. r... js n,.,, sh(. iH v M.. I | ,;iry .. I :?! .? m.iiv r. "Is Russian* n iihl i' is ? point rr* to many otli t-? ii. ft, in ni Amor Iran |?;i ifii r m mi rwjir mu ii|. < IiIMi'mii wit limit al 1 w n :? ... h. . ..III. if *r v.iiik ami loo ? WiitHiati ihihlr.ii ii?*i I ? in. when h it ar lioitf will lira to! ina." rim say*. ?."?!? rii' - taught lo i*x|io?'| i It ?? mi i f .i !"r? r.i olmy hi-r. Mi !:?. -i..n woni'-n. I'vi'ii those ? ' J.i. h 1-iM'iti work. Madam** , ' / ?? "? work ??vi.rv tiny. .-it i..i. .i po- ji (on in 1 1,.. ,,1,1,11,. ini i n im . i f .,i, anil alio aii.l Iff 1 ? ?.i!.?| live in a tnotli'si a purl - 1 ' ' wi'l? filly oilier fane Sif ?Mir.< no jow>|? and ? . t,o ( II.|?Hh,? wo || . " ' 1 * ?' i v.' Mil alimrniv wlfti <11 ? . I mi. thric j,ro < Itihln n. ' V" . ",r fa t If t arid iiioti.ii- i-oiil rihttfo to fliotr II Hi- liimhaifl is in ,|f> mi.l v!. . ,(> ""i-i"?m iii in || '? K> Ktinli.h h'Nsinin 'o ?? hi . M'?.|ir . who formerly ,i :?!?? nt'H .-pa | ii- r woninu. Pl!(s Take Steps To Ruiid Theater . l.-[i-. I . ? W -? ft | . I t'l l hu, (lf ;i h;lTll| k.?ih.. Mnali r ultf, h.h . T l? Nasli. |?r I. 'mini* Jmd Mrad Snn;i v j 1. 1 1 It v of nif.|, ? {i'.i' i .? n -I n?a/<> a r?'|iort. III.' |<, n H|M>< lal Iv ?nil I'd ?o I. t|f r It jtini ??I Im ? d>:?* ..f Cli ah< lh f 'It y m I !??'!, ' \p.i:,l|lnK lilMlUfNK dln I rn-f .. an. I >?! i-onvmih niiv iick^hI ' 1 '' V' "" " -Mmiii il *iii ,it ivcly I?i\-P- .1 ' I ' ? t',?i HlkK i^i uh .|,i t ho | i ' " ' 'i"iir?<-ri? ha\.- b<-< ii Imino. f'?i H niiiah- r <(f yuam. ? away Hf rum ' " ? 1 '"??Willi Willi i:.< < pa<-iO!lN ,,M' i'k plfMxani Hhado In " ' r ''rliiiTH a i.-ry i ?.? ftldi-i rn,"k :mnMmotif If I. Itl ,, _ -,V|lo|,, |0 ? ml.-rt ak?? tl.o huihMnv; projort now under connld' rai Ion. CAMDEN COUNTY HEAVILY GAINER BY MERCER PLAN Would Not Ont\ Itirrivi' Itoaat* I'ri'C. Hut lir I'uiil for I'rit ilrgr of Vi iuy 8.'iOO,?IH> \\ Mn- trouble to figure out just what -mh a mIi>|i would iiiisiii. I loin a dol lit I'm ami cents staud |n > i ul Hi* i'f?|lu?Hs that Ills name In- vxitliheld. lor the present at IfSIHl \ n,|? r < uusolidat ion. Camden County could have $:iuo.o?hi w 1 1 1* 1 1 1 ii f liardsurfuced highways ill a I ii X tuli* '?i? cents |MT $1U0 properly valiiiiiioii under the rail' Ca iiiiIi'h'h property owners are pa vim: ar present. whcreiiM I'as u not auk's pri'Hi'iii i 'oil lit y rail u . 1 11 1.1 In* iucii<*nscd 1 ??in r il v some 2" crlilM, l 111* Inli.'I'i'sli'il oli M-vvir points out. giyltiK the fig un-H Here is t he way 11 goon: I'asiiiioiaiik'h present ia\ rate If S 1 II Camden's Ih alioui Si! I'aa ?l n ?*l :i n k N paying oil ii property valuation of alio ill iwniiy lulllloii dollars, ami hence is raising about $224. o*m for all purpiine*. Cain ili-n's property valuation is about three anil on*' hall million dol lars Ai lis present rat?\ thut coll 1 1 1 \ al present is raising ahoiit S7u lion The ttKK^'Kuti1 Income of i he i wo count Irs from tills source therefore, is $294,000. A holKl Issue of $.100,000 on I he usual 20 your haslw, currying a siukinu f ii ii <1 of $10,000 a year to retire tin- bonds, and requiring $15,000 Interest ut 5 per rent the first >ear. would mean an initial oul lay of *2?r,onO. Ah the bonds worn r?'t IreU :it I l*o rale of $10, 00 o annually, tip* interest would he reduced $500 each year. At the start, then, and making no ullowaiicc for the Having which would he effected through partial elimination of one net of office holders tin- counties jointly would have to raise their present total of $29 1,000 pills $25,000 for the road bonds. or $2lft.000, On a to tal properly valuation of 22 1-2 million dollars, this would mean a tax rate of aliout $1.15. or Home 65 renin under Camden's prcnent lax rale. In other words, Camden would h?* receiving her paved roads free of charge- and actually, In a sense, would lie paid for the priv ilege of accepting them. Pasquotank r e i m h u rsenietit would route through future devel opment of Camden County, and through 1 lie additional btlHltiess brought to this city by having the joint county seat here. It is ar gued that much Camden County property would double in value Immediately upon construct Ion of si paved road past Ii. or closely ad jacent to It. Should Camden alone. undertake a $200,000 bond Issue for romls. tit us adding $25,000 to (he $70. 000 at present raised annually by taxation, this would boost the lax rate from It m present figure of $L' lo about $2.71, or double the rate the county would have in pay under consolidation. Consolidation could he brought about simply enough. If llic pen- , pie of the two count Ich wanted It. attorneys here explain, since It would b*> necesftary only to repeal 1 he A?t of 1770 under which Cam den County, then a part of I'uh qquotattk. was formed Into a sepa rate county. <;kitin<; to woiik ON MILSCI.K SIIOAI.S Washington. Dec. 12. l'resl (lent Ciiolldge wan assured today by Chairman Snell of the House KuIch Committee that Immediate steps will be taken to create a Congressional committee In line with the recommendation In Ills annual niessaKe to negotiate for the disposal of Muscle Shoals. i*asskn<;kiis iuum AS THAIN OKKAIIII) ) Little Rock, Arkansas. Iter. 12. ? -One matt was seriously Injured and score* were bruised and oth erwise injured when five curs of the Itoi k Island fa*t passenger train No 4 2. eustbound from Cal ifornia and New Mexico points. wer? derailed near Holand 17 miles northwest of here today, ac cordlng to long distance advices. COTTON tfAIIKHT New York, Dec. 12. - Cotton fist it !??<* opened today nl the fol lowlti.: level-! Jan 18.82. March IH. US M ? \ 1 < 7.1 . July || A* OM 1 K 05. New York. Dec. 12. Spot cot ton dosed quiet, middling 19.50. a decline of 20 poinln. Futures, closing bid: Jan. 18.71. March | IN. hH. May IN. $2, July lH.SO, Oct. 17. HS. TRIO OF LADIES ATTRACTIVE IN POLITICS OR OUT No W. .ii.I.i S|>.-ak<-r Nick l.on^Korlli I n*.i*t* i"1 A.I l a? iIi-hoiim'II <>f Hon**-" I'llBKK l>ISTI\l I ni'KS Ami lli? v Have A*?hiii?m1 Hi. il- rlu.?- ill s. li. inr of National l.?*(;i>-lali it, ii.iiii:hi I xMU.i. ic..***., I '?-?I- "?> ">? \Va-.tilliKI?"i. I>*?- I- 'I*'"' ,a( lll?-N "*t Ml' lioll^ i?Oll 1 > I ? ' HS Clll . Th. v ;n ? just ?> attract^* it lit. i .t* could Im* watlo-rcd to r. in politic* oi out or U. Th. \ also ac t In *??? tlisliin-t typ.s. ?.'in ;i U .1 Nirli. I .out: worth Insists iMM.ii calllm. Hi-iM 'I' n?l. -women til tit. IIoum" J?isl ** ???;. ??ijriith ni. n ?r ll?- limine - thf mix ';ik it t??>i?K of ?!??? opinion that in ilitut* d.i>> of *?'* ? ?|Mx,,Uy in** ol.l Malntation ?'l "ladi* ? and n?*n II. nt. ii is mi nuacliionlsin. Anil ii Is |M-rffrlly nn- iliai tli?*y ar?? nth* women. iluw tlir*-*'. I?ut *oimh?w III MllliT II H.-.-IIIH more i, alum I i- 1-aU of Hon, littii.s of ?ii*- iii-iis*' Tiny liit v ?? jfsuiinil lh?-ir in iho nolici national 1*'*!* laliv ? Ihiuss wiih a i ;?*??? anil ,?.M|.st\ ixcdinulv In roinillK an f< mi n i it*' attrlluili * On II"- open In^ .lay of tin- r.-wdnii Hi** iwu l ull' s Ol 11" lit'lHllllliMll Mill* 1*1 ,-uat d 1 1?. ins. I v. s Ki >-ats In the (WO I. IV to**. Tl??* li?l?*' lady or Mi.- i>t miM-rsiiif sld. ami hIii* ih na i?l I"' 'b1' ,ns1 woman ev?r i-l*'cli' 1 lv", JfS j,i<*i*i> ltoii.T?; ?"?! v,'s V""* ?; Nllllllll. Uf N.? J.-l !???>?. *?'" '??' ? ftl.low .it all '?"> ? .M-r r.-.-lly '<1 Iiii?Ikiii'I .'.IV lllill "I"' lnt , .Ml I" W'.v hliiKlwn a""' h?" i..lllillil?l.i th. uniill" >' "" """"I'.ni'ir rr. iiion-ly Hl^ns out: "Kalin, *n" ??Null**"' ii*"* i* " ?y1"'* ?*' ?? ii,.- roll *i.ll >'"???? >>?*' .,,?K.*n hi. l?i i* vlv li.ii lh.*f h??' |?ll?w*.l lh" r.H'lwni "I III" I'*1 i. . i,ti...ii*>r.*.l iiialr .inn**. I "" lv? ?? l,,?l. a.l "f i IniilnK nit ? Mm:. ' i 'I**- "ironlfr .HTKUUHioH mill IllKlvl III**.". WliU'- Ml"" Kalin ami Mis. K?>K . rs In flic Hoiiho a? wld ows ??f forim'r rut-nil" rs It Is K'"n crallv i?><-in:ni/.?* l"v*?l i*> ?" ?'?" I,?. w III". Mr**. Ki* I." I'?< m??r . I ?M flu* iridic * I rtwractw. iu kocnlv ah n and arllvi'. Mr. it?.?*.M. h U.kI I'roHii numj linrli,; lh. wai. lias d. votiil much , M.i.i-y? <" I'll** ni -.l awl lUnnlil*'.! r ?h.- will P?>" II,. lr **l..illi.l* Ml "I"! In '"IffL," Mr, i:iit*.-r. I* n'"*' iu. villi '* nlllllnB. iuilin?t*? .^rr,rrrsi ""mi'-1 S..|I**|| Ii" a ""'iliiir hamlxoni ?"?'*. . r.-i ii v i.i lh" I>?m? ci alio canons of flic limine, B \NI)ITS BOB BANK Klland. II" H Ih-i s hi III lip tf"* n*nk.?lJr,^i ?i io o'clock today, forwd. tin* mshhT Info the vault . anil PfWM** with fa.r.OO, one inhbrr *?? I, bout :tr? v? *r* of and In* olh t-r two about IIO.