Larly Opening of Canal As Toll Free Waterway Urged By John H. Small Former CongretiMiiaii Op ens Negotiations ' ''I' Owners of Dismal Swamp Canal to KIT eel Transfer HOPKS I'OK SUCCESS Woulil Mean Strong Im !j prliis |o Traffic Between Klizalietli City and Hamp ton Koads. It Is Declared Negotiations have been opened with the Lake Drum nionil Canal Company, own ers of the Dismal Swamp Canal, to effect the transfer of the canal from private to Government operation pend ing authorization of an ap propriation by Congress for its purchase. Secretary Job, of the Chamber of Commerce, was informed today in a let ter from John II. Small, of Washington, N. C? former member of Congress from the: First North Carolina District! and long active in behalf of development of the Nation s inland waterways. Mr. Small suniiests If an agreement can l)<* reached with the owners of the canal, it s more than probable that the (.?>? eminent will take over Its opera llon an a toll free waterway some III, I,' before III.- money far It* pur chase- tieromea available. This. It is explained, would b. of value to Elizabeth City and Nor folk tlie two terinSnl of the canal and II. tributary natural Purchase 111 tne canal ?'?? auin orlied al the last ???">? " J' areas at n price of ?500.0t>0. Funds for the purpose are expect ed to be provided In the and Harl?or? BtU lo be passed by the present Congresa, but In lite event the appropriation is made. II Is anticipated that the Itansftr can not be effected before next spritiK or early auuimer. unless by a special arrangement with the owners such as Is now contemplat ed. Whereby the Government would take over the waterway ^ be fore the purchase price was paid ""secretary Job was elected Not l h Cniollna vice president of the National Ulvers and Harbors Congress In annual convention ,n Washington last week, and served on a committee which went b< fori President Coolldge lo ask his J.UP liort for an appropriation to cover all approved harbor and other waterway projects. Mr. J quotes Ihe President ? the committee of lil? inter oat and co-operation In the mat A lecture by Colonel MacDon nld Lee. Vfrginla commissioner of game and Inland fisheries. ?<*?*" pan led by moving pictures of the Dismal Swamp Canal taken from a dirigible. attracted much Inter cat nt the convention, according lo Mr. Job. Colonel Lee also shhwed vlewa of the duck hunting grouuds In nack Hay and t'pper Currituck Sound. The move for early Government operation of the Ulamal Swamp Canal la warmly supported by business and shipping lnter''."'* here, and la expected to receive similar support from Haiupto.. Koads Interest! as well, In view of the Impetus which the step would be expected to give to water traf tie between the Hampton Roads cities on the one hand, and Ellta heth City and other river and sound points In this vicinity, on Mr'^Snigll. who had been presi dent Of the National Rivera and Harbors Congress for seven years, declined re-election at the c??ven I Ion last week on the ground that private business Interests prevent ed his giving Ihe work the atten tion he wished. He was elected n Mfe director in the -organise Hon an bono' which had been ac corded to on!" one other member Senator Joseph E. Ilandsdell, of Louisiana. Mi. Snial ?? ??' coeded by Representative jtlley J. Wilson, of ftushton, I/nililana. aw president of the eongreas. I.ITTI.K. (ill! I. i?K\l? Kuth Frances Jackson, three and one-half yenra old. died Sun day morning at 10:30 o'clock at the home of her parents. Mr. snd Mrs. W. Cleveland Jacknon. on West Church Street, after a week '? illness from diphtheria, flcslden Her parents and grandpar ents. she U survived by two small slaters, Kathleen and Ruth Gwen dolyn Jackson. Funeral services were conduct ed at the grave In Hollywood Cemetery Monday afternoon st 3 j o'clock by Dr. S H. Tem pieman, f pan! or of the Itaptlat Church. k Doctors say married men live longer than single men. We say they do l( they marry food cooks. THIS MOMESTOIS II EEh IX IIISTOKY HUM E. BELIEVED Pii r In. . l>ec. 14.? -The pnwnl week In likely in prove niomen t oils lii French |M>llflrul lilf lory, no extraordinary cluinw*" In I lie manner In whl<*h Knmre lias l>cen itoverneil for I lit* Lint !M year* are n-gimleil as imuil iietil l?> I Im* prt-H* of nil |h?IIiI> r?l hhnileii. The franc continue* to full nnd there In m corresponding rlae in public anxiety which In being fanned by extremely dar ing article* In the newN|ia|M*rM. Home plead for the cMtabllMh* mcnt of a dlrtor*hlp. NEW PEACE EFFORT IS REVEALED TODAY Genera. Deo. 14. ? Existence of a new European peart* effort was revealed today when it wan learned that Spain has begun negotiations for arbitration treat lea with France. England, Switzerland, and Portugan duplicating those adopt ed at Lorcarno between France. Ilelgium and Germany. GENERAL ROBERTS DIES AT WASHINGTON Philadelphia. Dec. 14. ? Major General Harry L. Roberts, re tired. General Pershing's quarter master general in the American Expeditionary Forced, died in his upartment late Saturday night. It became known today. He had been 111 for a long time. ACCEPTS TASK OF FORMING CARINET Berlin. Dec. 14. ? Dr. M. Koch. German democratic leader, today accepted the task of forming the coalition cabinet desired by Pres ident Von Hindenburg to carry out the politics and obligations of the Locarno security agreement. UNFAVORABLE REPORT ON SEATING OF NYE Washington. Dec. 14. ? An un favorable report on the seating of Gerald P. Nye us Senator from North Dakota was udopted today by the Senate privileges and elec FOUND COCAINE IN MAN'S WOODEN LEG Paris. December 14. ? The unusually large number of I wooden-legged men crossing from German? into Franc* recently aroused the attention of French frontier guurds. An a result one peg-leg wus requested by the guard to alight from his automo bile at the customs house at the Kehl bridge over the Rhine. He fumed and raged. Insisted that he was a veteran of the great war and denounced them for submit ting him to such an indignity The officers search him but found no contraband until an Alsatlon guard had an Inspiration. He sug gested that the man's wooden ).*K be detached and Inspected. It whs fuiind to contain more than 100 ounces of cocaine. Wood en-legged men now undergo a more rigid customs Inspection on the Rhine frontier. SACRED GROVE TO BE SOLDIERS' MONUMENT Rerlln, Dec. 14.- -Plans for the erection of a national monument to Germany's war dead have been shelved for the time being. A com mittee hesded by Dr. Otto Gessler. minister of defense, has decided . that the republic's finances and the country's economic^ situation do not warrant the expenditure of a large sum for an elaborate mon ument. It Is now proposed to create a "sacred grove," somewhere In the heart of Germnay which will en close a modest but Impressive shrine dedicated to the memory of those who fell on the battlefields, leading artists have been invited to submit designs for the shrine. NICE NOW BECOMING THE DIVORCE CENTER Paris, Dec 14. -Nice threatens the supremacy of Paris ss the rae< - ca for Americans seeking easy sev erance of the matrimonial tie. The number of decrees pronounced by the tribunal of the famous Riv iera resort Increased 200 per cent ? his year over lftt4. | At least one of the American lawyers In Paris who. like his Paris brethren, specialises In di vorce cases. has an office at Nice, where he finds It necessary to spend half the working year. "The rapidity of the courts at Nice Is their great advantage." he ?ays. "The Paris courts are swsmped with all kinds of eaaes. and prog re** |? comparatively alow. The Nice courta have leaa encumbered docket#." WHEN WEATHER MEN FAIL OUT , IT IS STORMY l,ong Distance Scientific I'rognoHlicators Ought at Least t? Get Ttigether Say* Weather Bureau WHAT CAN FAPEtT? Government'* ' e a t li e r Mail Is Willing to l-ore eaxt Tomorrow or fcven | Nevt Week, Then Stops it, nouKirr t. hmaix.. Washington. Dec. H ? A* u ?" weather ww#'l*' enough anyway. ? J' Washington was in m.irmi among II"' weathei ?h"'> thcnuelves and " the ", { ? proitnoailcaior. tl.ein.clve. fat out. what cnn tin- re.t ol tbe cou? try expect In the way of squall.) and tempests? The fine little row i. hrewln , , -In ract has already fermentcd among the long and the .hort dia '""MwaViT'hTweather has been the main topic of human conver sat ion. , ? M "Fine day, isti t it. i "Yep. but looks like rain to morrow." . ai ?Ma it cold enough for you. I "1 don't mind when it's fair and bracing: If. the damp weather which affect? me." vonr "Well, you remember the >iar of the big wind?" . | And so. ad Infinitum. Already a great many of the Journal, of the country have been so fed UP on being blamed 'oi-wbatthepl na Id on the weather, that they carefully credit all the lnltcd State. Weather Ilu reau where Ihey belong. Now the weather bureau 1. a right in It. way. It trie* lo tell vou what I" "> happen morrow and the day ?"" >on"'r) ! row. It even goes no far as ? l there have been the almanacs which tell you to look for .quail, at certain seasons of the year. Al ,n /here have been the prophet, of the end of the world Hut Just recently the whole school of long dl.t.nce lorecast in It* relation to the weather. A ready the Smithsonian ha. ob servatories in thl. count ryandln South America. Now it la pr nosing to establish one in llelucli Istan It I- claimed that to know your .un 1. to know your weather The Information collected thu. a hv the Smithsonian has been wiu* - Ty il.trlbuted and ha. been taken up by torn' "expert, and madi the basis of a sort of long distance weather service. All of this ha. riled In 1 Weather Bureau- Farmer, and other, through the country ha ^ i written In to demand why tney l.hould poy for t?reca.u wliteh th< 'Weather Bureau should inane, i furthermore they taunt, d the llureau by .aying the longdia tance prognostications # ds t ned sight better thsn the short i0nThe Weather Bureau la' uarf ? being blamed for every thin* ,h"' *oe. wrong from Sitka Ala.ka. to^ K.r Hindu. tan. but the long 4 -?-sra-Jr in independently supported by prl CoolidKe as a farmer and he has Htaved the heavy meteorollglcal hand of Professor Charles F. Mir vfnVthe Chief of the weather dl ""Meantime nr. C O Abbott, of the Smlttiaoalan. I. I" *?'*? * in* about tor another ob.erratory "UThe Weather Bureau claim, the long dl.tanc '? forecaster. ouglU at least to ?el together. To .on* '*1 then. certain m?n storms In 1?I? s1"1 ,n ?,h'? the..' sain- spot, mean storm" 'In lft21 The bureau claims It tries . ' ' . n little closer thsn a yesr or Iwo'.o actual weather condl I tlons. Mlsess Pauline, Catherine and Mary taulse Skinner. Mnwood Simpson. Floyd Ridley of Lynch burn. Vlrglnin and Constant Fear ing motored to Norfolk Sunday afternoon. MORS SHOPPING DAYS Christmas HEARING ON ROAD MUCH DISCUSSED (Conference With C?inmiit*| !*ioii" 'Number of VecHcnN Grow* us Number of Hunters Increase?. S;im Game ( oniini^>iiwn r It) HOUi.WI) \Y?M?ll (CMjrtiohl. I '"J*. ?> 'Kr New York. D> ?. U II.m Na tional Game Protection AsmimI.i :tlon moo!) will be ooiii ; ? J I ? d i "i add i to it h effort? on b?ii.tir of uaiiie* a cam; alpn to mv. hunters fr-un 1 4' 'Xtlticilon i.y each ? i??.-r. it Hi/* pi?*-ni ?rtlan?i!K \inerlr.r* Fnimrods continue* in vivw. ac cording to Wllllai:i I. I*i?i 1* ? v . isaiue commissioner ?( oreuon. who wjh lieri' Willi J*tM? ??? her lov er* of wild li f thin *i'rk. ioi the association 'a annual uieeiinf.;. There is no orgniilaal ion in ihe i I'nltH State* Mr Hnby **:? i?l . | which makes a specialty di t. i bu lla tiiia lli?* number ?>! dr:iih:' and anions injuries attributable "little mistakes" in the forest, i??;v hi estimated t In' nniub. i- i'f deaths ut 75 ;? >v.ii and tin- nam bei of nuriouo injnrb.- ;?! _:??? Tlii number of ii- wn : |?< i?;?* i > ?t with hirdshot Mould run np ii.i j tin- l hoiisnnds. "Wo have ni-ve t'lan oen hunter* ill the 1 11 I T * d Still. ! How. Mr. Finley said, "and llie numher in Krowinu rapidly. Mac; year's crop of nev. hunter: i? li'K^r than that of tin- year be. 'fore, ami ill- loll of accidental ah no i Iuk<*. usually ncoided und-r t h? head. 'mistaken for a il.-or" i< jCrowluK accordingly. I: < "It may conn- in p*> teats to dt'lfriuluc whethei tin ap plicant for a hunter's license hn.> ?ufTi(*i?i>t cool ncMx and self corn , inaiid to deiorminc at all tlm* . r^*l'n hnniinu f.ilaliticK this year In our slate ahuie, and more than a dozen serious uccl dents." However, if KRiii'lhinp Isn't done lo |?n rve name. the hunter lirobh'in will soon settle llaelf. A few more years at tin pre?- mi rat ? and there won't he any came in hunl. ((eduction of the "^-inr hiot" would help sonic hill Ihe hlK thine needed is ihe c.illin:. of a hall In the destruction of name refuge* and hiding placi s. The had luck ahum ii two dol? lar hill Is thai you aie s i li:?h|e t?, paaa II ? fl for a one. Honor Roll Third Month In the Grammar School Following In the honor roll for the third month of the Elizabeth City Grammar School.. ending He comber 4: Fourth grades: Miss Hour man. teacher ? Eliza Cooper, Francis Harris, Delia Mae Lister. Glad)* Prltchard. Jennls Alexander. Cur i tin Cart wrlght . William Culpep , per. Thomas Davenport. Haugii ; ton Ehrlnghaus, Edward Gander son, WIIIIm Robert*. Koger Shan I nonhoiiw, L< roy' Taylor, I^ouis Plummer; Miss Hunch, teacher ? Lodwlck Jones, Claiborn Nixon. Clarence l>ane; Miss Davis, tea< It er* -Lillian lloyce. Hazel Cohoon. Evelyn Crank, Maxtne Daniels. Nellie Mae Holmes, Grace John son. Vernon Chapped. Marvin ( Carmine. Cnbell Gilliam. Selby ( Jones, Roland Mclggs, John Mil der; Mrs. Skinner, teacher- Mar garet f (alley, Irma Hunch. Cora Hill. Faith Hlte. Anna /(ollowell. Margaret LeRoy, Krandt I'sppen dick. Margaret Perry. Rose Saw yer. Dorothy Slowe, Sarah Wil liams. Hobble llarrett. Robert Daniels. Charles Davis. Herbert Harris. Torn King. Francis Moran. 'Leonard Nelson. Tom Peele, Wood row Price. Walter Sawyer. Walter Small. James Tlilffir, Karl We. kK. MHm White, teacher Edith Morris. Lock wood l*nsalt? r. David Hill, John flex Munden. Komi rum White. Fifth grades: Miss Jones, teacher- -Eleanor Aydletr. Kath leen Hrsy, Eleanor Goodwin. I?e:? isle Mae Jf iu.inKH- Msrgsn t Kra I mer. Nannl* It. Love. Mlldtcd Mann. Edith Mldgette, Maxine ' Morrlaolte, Elizabeth Mt'inl< n. Stella Ovininn. Hazel Pendlet'in. Ine* Puckctte. Margaret S?ynioot. I Marguerite Sawyer. Mary Leigh ? 8h? ep, Doris Wilkins, Campbell Connery, Hill l>anlela. L?rry Da vis, It lad's Foreman, Francis Jennings. Leonard Prltchard. Jo seph Self, Thomas Sawyer. Rich ard Thompson, Charlt** Toxejr; Mian Klser, teacher- Willie HIIL Emily Prltchard, Dorothy Raby, Blanche HIkkh, Wilms Temple, Sndlr Wood, Clarence Allcox, Clyde Ambrose. Harold llelaiiKn. CliKBce llark Icy, Mndacjf Hop kins, Leon Lambert. James I'iIpc, Kaynor I'rltcliard. Irvin I loach. Haywood Savtyor, Wesley . Taft, John Watson; Mrs. Sawyer, teaeh ?-r ? -Nathan Korb?s, Jatni'D Airs lander; Mrn. Pearson. I'ach r K.velyn Corbet t. Ktl*.ah<-th WHssht, Thomas Seeley; Mis* S|oil, t*aeh <-r ? Margaret Hamilton. Oliver (Jard. ColumhtiH Leary. Hl.xth prade*: Miss Cartel*. t??! Cartwrlght. .Mar?jjr?t White, Margaret Twlfoid: M 4?>? Hort?n. lyncher Alice ll'ttrlrk. IM1..1 Johnson. Thelma Goodrich. Lelri I'rltChett. Ruth Smderlln. Li*7.le Wlnslow. Forrest Dunatan, Waller I'ishor, Kldon Davis, Copy Greg ory. Rex Mann. Karl I'erry. Har ry Seeley, Aldon Kcarboroupli . Robert Wood: MIsk I'uivIs. i- .irli er- ? Marunr* 1 Cfion-y. Mary ten iae White. Wllma How H u t ?? I ? n Harrison, Lesple Hani", Flora Johnson. Carolyn Kthiikt, M. i ie I.onu. Katherine Mill'-. I'liVJIi:* MeMullan, Maltha Outlaw, Doris Scfley, Julia Hklnner. Kdna Srotl, Mary Sawyer, Jam- Sawyer. Ine* Temph'inan, Osceola W? st J D Wlnslnw. Rot ert Hp ne< Jam** Stalling*. i;im?r I'ayw. 1'ercy Hurdl*-, Edward lbv> up >rr. Clarencp Coboon, Odls Untidy, William ftr?rk. Seventh grade* Mis:. Fellers, teacher ? Raehel Miller, 'Harry. Mldgett; Mlis Harney. ut.j-Iht At ten Harrov.. I'.tiM.i- Hi II I'.r.i . Mary Hunch. I'auline Deans. H? I en Hill, Hut It l?an?a. Sur.jinn- Mel lek. Heiisle 8a wyer. Marirnrct Hy mons, Clara Thompson, Nina Tor ner. Anu tist u Walker. Mnrtcar't Winder, KiiiwH Kvnns, Rlv. .?< Taylor; Miss LeRov, teacher rarma Cooper, Ruth Davrnpnrl, Alice Davis, (ilenna Olover. Hes sle Mark ha 111, Kail- Mnrden: MIsk Moore, teacher Oswald Harrison. 1 Everett Stafford. COUNCIL 10 HOU) JOINT PARLEY ON POWER QUESTION Father*. I I ilit ?? - :iiiccr Ol m m t? Med Kepi rseiilu livi of \ ir;;inia t onipum AS* nKFIMTK OFFICII Oi.tMilr Concern F.sltrclrtl to State Figure ?' Miiila li'tii!. Tension I ???>?? Here Hm" mi? i ?? ?' I I. ..Ill 111 Virginia I'.leeirlr ^ i ii-miml'* J*1'" d'li''.'r> 1 .l.cltW eum-nt 1" K??>?'lh l""y I. ?l?'.h,l.d l?r a Jolnl ui.'.lini: ,,l i'..- < liy Council. ill.- I lilllln i-...iinil?.i-ii. ct.y Knuln-'r o"?' ? and .. i |.r. K. llU?ve ot III- l?wer '?>" -I..v niornliiR ?' ?" ,...rn . nek* d.';;; po?; , . i run.'* .11 I" " >1. Hull' i ,,r. I far IcIKriyof ri-nt it i*i- ?lty limit*. Ihr com-. 1.. huliU and ...all. lain a II...' I . '"e'S . .In uii a mli"1' *??' haidn. ' ?"? . .. .... i- ? >!. . :i I- i'l? doled a'" , II,. .n'liiiin I lain minor- j " -l ... mlv.t!?l< (..Hi.' ????-? r">' ?? i- wln-lli. r outaWi' torn- | .. ?y rat1 .1 Hm . |M"V. i Vi'-r.' root" " I III. I. i> ' ? l'r"d.U^11 ' r"! ' ! 'ii",iri.*K to I Hat -It** will I-. Mll.iuill.'tl ?< ??" ,!! I"... 'P ? THI- ... ? - i Li.-.'l :? ? IV. ' outconiP of a v mi ill. . ..... I l.v .. i*pr.?entatlon , , ,1.1' !' .1 ' r. it'll. any l??l ( . i t . ;lt w I, irli ihe vltillor i". ,, b. M.II "f hi* company. | ... *? II in- rtiy current on tm ' is. or to t?u> out ;t?. .11, ,. tlly acuulred power ( 1,1-. || : rnHllMCtlllUM. ' In It,., . v. nt that an agreement; wlih tin" |onvr concern *? : Hi... tl.ut ?!.'li? ?m ,.? III. .".it'lruf ll.m ?f f, ... It,|.. clt v Int.. rurnl district* In lit. vlrlniiv Tills ha. been i, it.ii. .1 f'.r win" * I ni?' and In , l?rt i >il I't" rt line* Imvr Itetn ? H- ??i"r f'1"" Mill i . :? ft ?-r th<- inr?'t?wry a> n< i a nt ? . .nni.t.i. tt' lit,v" I??lnll.- ? from IN.ti^ntoiitH In th?- eront Ktnrill put Hi" ??"" l'""1,""" , . I initial" u. !>? happen o" raalonnlly. I' I- acclnr'rt Thin runataul ix.snll.lllty. II la arBUed. would tt" - t-Hllaio i." "",ni"r* plant here a? ItiHuraiifP aKnlnai Kilt 'h a rolltlUKPnoy. |t. final u..?ly-l?. Ihe <|ue. ii.,., ?f r?.Ki of clertrlcal produr r. ... lie Ihe inalB lMue !? Hi*, ii. -..Hatlnna will. in. ?ir Klnli. Kle.trle * Power Company. If II is shown Willi KiiHlrlMit defl nlt.'it.'Ks thill Ihe rliy ran huy rur uli.t ti t In 11 y cheaper than It | run In prudueed here li l? re , ichi'ded ?? a foreaonr ronrlaalon that a ronlrart will he entered In n, will, the oul?l.le ronrern. CHAISI.OTTK WIIITNKY (,H\MKI) lilllKAIUM; WuxlilnstoD. Dec II. t'har- . lotti- Anl .1 Whitney. convlrtMl of violating the ('nllfornlH criminal Bynk*. mlrrom and many oth- J er old thing* IDghe?t prion paid. J Mont bo ovar 100 years old or more. Write Box 529. adv Jim Ballard's Appeal Will Be Heard Before High Court This Week Fox Hound Worth Weight In Gold A fo\ houml I luit romi* nrur IwinK worth his weight In jc??Jil In-long* to W. I<. DuvIn, 1 1 n > - KI-?'hh| v?* fmiin-r of tin* Mounil Xti'k community , nom** 14 mil?'? houIIi of Klluibrtli City. TIiIn n'lniirktthlc nvlw NU)'M. FVaring ln?t somebody mom or likMM lucking In ronm'lrnt Iouh MiU|ilp)t nmy take n fancy to the - hc i|ulr?' |M?NN?>MNioii of him, Mr. I>n vltt kec|w? him* Nnfrly locketl up i?t n lit. DIKECTOK GENERAL RAILROADS RESIGNS Washington. Dec. 1 4 ? Jamcx (V Davis, director general of rail roads. presented his resignation to President Coolidge today, having completed his work of winding lip the affair* of the office. SUCCEEDS MOSES Washington. Dec. 14. ? Senator rhippn of Colorado wan named chairman of the Republican Sena torial campaign committee suc ceeding Senator Mohch of New Hampshire, recently elected pres ident pro tern of the Senate. AMERICAN PLAY IS LIKED BY FRENCH Paris, Dec. 14. ? It Is rare that ; any theatrical production, which Is the work, or Is based on the work, of a forclsu artist. Is re- ; celved with such a chorus of praise in Paris as was given to Monsieur Hen urn I re. recently pro duced as an operetta at the new Marlgny theater in the Champs Klysees. The production was advertised as "an operetta" by Andrew Mes agere. libretto by Kivoire and We ber. with no mention of the Am erican novelist on whose work the piece was based. Booth Tarklng ton. This way of presenting the op eretta to the public, together with ItH French name and subject mat ter. may help to account for Its popularity. Few of the critics In dicated that they knew anything of Its American origin. although Tarkington's story has been trans lated Into French and shown here as a motion picture. LITTLE BREAKFAST OF FRANCE DOOMED The Petit DeJeuneur or "Utile breakfast" which has long been the traditional first meal of the day In Paris, seems doomed. Its disappearance will arouse no lam entation among those non-French visitors who have experienced the difficulty of obtaining a sufficient meal in the morning as a start for a hard day's sight-seeing. The continuous day Is supersed ing the divided day In Paris busi ness and Industry and Is proving more and more popular with both employees and and employers. Time was when almost every shop and business house displayed a sign showing that It closed from noon till 2 o'clock, but such signs have become rare. Work from 9 or 10 to S o'clock with a short In terval for a light lunch Is becom ing the general rule. A rool and a cup of coffee, the typical French breakfast, fs found hardly suffi cient preliminary to such a day. ROYAL WINK CELLARS N O W WAREHOUSES Berlin. Dec. 14. ? The llohen xollerns' wine cellars beneath the historic royal palace In the heart of Berlin hsve been rented as a warehouse by the Prussian gov ernment to the wlno firm of Dul ler and Wegner, on whose "weln stub" K. T. Hoffman, the Cerman poet, wrote IiIm famous tales Stripped of Its thousand bottles of rare old WlliN, champagnes and cognac* by raiding revolutionists in November 1918. the cellars con tain few relics of the generations of royal families which drew their ll'iiinr s ii p pi y from the winding underground passages. There remains, however, one carved barrel, hooped with brass which winegrowers of the Rhine land presented to Augusta Victor la. first wife of William II. Re fore the wine dealers took the cel lar over Ihere also were a few of. the imperial wine glasses scat tered about. The stone vault In which the former kaiser secreted his valu able china and silverware when he fled from Berlin. Is now cluttered with barrels. The Imperial exile's china und silver escaped detec tion and later was sent to him at Door ii. (?nit's (bounty NV(jro in Shadow of Electric ( h;iir llll|HS III KsC1I|M> llll|? inl iuji Execution at Ruleigh SI'KCIAI HEARING SET Condi'iiiniMl M a n lenoetl After Ir.ul Low* to lie ReineintiW*" I" Northeastern Carolina With the shadow of the electric chair looming Inrge over him. Jim Ballard, ne Kro from C.ates County sen tenced to die for the murder of Deputy Sheriff W. \ ernon Kason, of Gatesville. on the night of May 5. last will bo .riven a hearing liefore the North Carolina Supreme Court in Raleigh this week. Ballard's appeal is set for a special hearing, along with two others. Incept for these the week will be dovoted to argument of appeals from the Twentieth Judicial District, in Western North Carolina. ll.Uurd *?? aenlenced to the electric chair on June .!?. after ? Itrlul U.ul >?? ^ r.aleii K.ellnR run"'?K hlsh In the county at the tiro ? and there "?? ment uKaltmi tlie negro lhat n?J? ?| the week 'I >? uriiny" the evidence In the ??? w."lhat'thc .loin ?epu? "1.4 5;?;asv/?'r^nr-g t ttnnilv n?v?' up on the 5-.; V"!n carrylnK the I'rl.oner and hl.'^ro,h?r H.he DslUrd.^ ? C*-. srfff-ssss S r-c^r csarti .ir^ aandy i?ndH hloeki-d further Sheriff "??n tl?WS,'l,S, for purntill hy rl""' f, ,rl?|, him to km :1 20 r"h.d any 0?t In the kHUn? havlns had any P?? folio wed It, but admitted hjr. iw. v,'o,?,h., n..h,. thr Bhootlng occurred. REPORT NOVEMBER cotton consumed WaKlilngton. Dec. 14. ? Cotton coimufncd during November to talled &4JI.098 baled of lint and 66, Stiff of llntera ?h compared with G43.S79 of lint and 76.750 of llat era during October thla year. ASKS CONTINUANCE SHIPPING BOARD Washington. Dec. 14. ? The Democratic limurient majority ?C the Mpeclnl lloune committee namel to InvcMlgate the MhlpptnK hoard today reported for ? con llnuance of the board practically under existing conditions. rcrrrox mahkict New York. I>ec. 14 Coltoa *?? turew opened today at the follow ing level*: Jan., March 18.7b. May 18 55, Jttly, 18.15, Oct. 17 83. New York. Dec 14.? ftpot cot ton cloned quiet, mldrtllnc It. St. a decline of IS potnta. Future*, cloning bid: Jan. IS. St. March 18 78. May IS. SI, July Qtt. 17. SS.