\ i' SJI|? 4E& TIIR WKVFHKB Itain toiiuhr ami Stnidajr Some what Wiirin?T loiittrht |it> rpuNinjc liiirth*-.t*t wttul* VOL. XV. FINAL EDITION ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, SATt IJI>AY EVKN1NC, l?K?TMi:Kl: I:'. n.-.V EICHT PACES NO. 319. BOND OF CLOSER UNITY FOR THIS SECTION IS LAID Hertford (.huuiber > r<-|iiweiiiailtri. (r?m the t n.-iinlM is ot Commerce of Kdeii 1 KHx.il.1t It City all. I olher V;""l'*: addition 1.1 a lar*? ?l-li'Katkiti II-,. tu H.-t-tfunl uuii per <|lMmail;? futility. I'ltttm f.,r all tulver! ijilui: ,am. I i' lrtr MIm-iiiiiiI. District at- .1 whole, wltl, t|?. three Cliai,,. i>- r? tu cm, in i, tu..., ? t-ailiiK, w-l Ituinrli.-I. lott.-thei- wlIh a tttlBH-.tluti tl.nt lln Alli.t.iurl. i immlii r of,('?i]i:iii.fP,. lotia ii, ? mil, it* of I- at]?-:-it i? IH? llt s;-" I'll- 1" If .,1. at, e.?lv iu ?i:aJ?ty. Hfty-OllO JHI.s7.HH present the ? ii.'t t*. i i.-ifctH'tl for in,?uL|?.r. j i J* 1,1 fl'?* Hertford Chumber un i' iHl wherebr each i* i'i |#a\ M r. <] K N.-wliy was toast ina?n> at Hie event. and im promptu fjve minute Kpceohog wore made h> many of those pres ent. Including all the visitor*. A delirious turkey *upper ?erved y ?r "?? Welfa re Club, niv InlcrruiMN I'mgrum An alurm of fire midway of the Ivlt Jen resulted ill the " haaty ? xodns of about half the Hertford Ru ok Ik. win, Hr,. members of the Hertford volunteer fire depart we HI. Ft fumed out to l?o only a < Iiiinney h'.axn at the home of K in k7h,.M' 1,1 ha,f "" hour Jill had ieturn?>d and the eveninu'M proRiam win* resumed at Hys point iTro 11 ,,:"1 Interrupted. Th? keynote of the evening was sounded by James S. McNlder Hertford attorney, in ? f|Ve m lu ll lo talk in which he emphasized the n**e?| for Pasquotank Perquim ans and Chowan (o work toRcth er' ^ Ihese three counties will Hliuid together, they ean equal. If not excel, any other part of the State. Others ?hn matin brief Inform al I,,,...,-! w,-r,- It. I, Knowies, ? L- siln,"i II Iil.-nhorc. iii.i h I V' J E M"rrl". H M. Illdtll, k. J. t Hlanrharil. J. J, I K-otw""i|. J Kmtnt-ti Wiimlnw. J. II. Jarvi*. it, t urinti, will K. ifctil, Dr. v Davenport . Atibr, v W K tlit in Biintly. ? it. Whit,.. |)r t a < OX. a ml III.. Hi v. J T. Stanford. An t, in line ,v?rk fnn T I I ' f'lttlniani r'niiiii v's flali- ubt'tcNhnii rampulKn. iami Kllralt tl rett ntij-, ?us Klv,.n hy Mf . iiti'tiKl.. Ilo mated that $Gtio al leatly ll.nl heti, rulHetl toward I he *".t.l of ?3 whirl, k, ?f I"! ranimlKn had ?et n? the niln f',r Ih" work planned, and t-tl that $200 hurl Item prom "> mimed reflltlenta ?r n,,, ftninl;. hy the llrat or H,,,",'! jlt'slUK. he nrgtttl tin, i there lie no Jet-up in thi? rampulRn. Main,,, ? |,? Ovation I>r. John Kallba. one of the vis itor* from Kllzaheth fltv annke mine, Hate'y after the minister had w.?n!" r .1 '"K from yl"? llr Kil',1. ? 1 nrofe?.lon, ? . .. HI V "77"?',l Inltereulnalfl a dl.se, ft. of dirt, dust and dark .l.n.pe" ..... by ???"? H I, minded hi-. Inarnt. that t i, nclKhhtirs health was very mueh ?-Vhtj ImkIv ? liuxine?K. fememher thai a pa I . u"h "'live Itiberenloala spltK nm four bllllo,, (terms a dav - he deel n-etl, ?..,,.1 these Kerms are 1 .'-'l" ttb|e beln.-S on farm They will drink milk, eat Hr S "T ?,her ai-tlt-les of fot.tl when l bey rut, not (end on Jive lb..,,,. They ran survive le ' leniperature of I | -? . de trees Fahrenheit or ."'"?mles Is llfcht . Your -lelKhhot S . I, kness Is your own Mtsiness ??,| m?? no) |>t II, Is rampslKit fall.'* It. . U"1"1,11 "" ""'Ion When ' hoi, ,- not hv the aerid nisi t inn. ?,,i nt It. and that he rho?- Northeast nnd t" .' "'"""ii '"i IU? home ? SO Ai^h'l ?"?' ,h"? also At ,h|? j, met i, re. In New he'T,' ? I"""" lhal . Medical Horiei v bad en tlorse, I a proposal to ereet a ren A'rarsrr :^n' rnrr";',^?:x.;!x rm,m"p A plea for a properly conducted camp."tri, ,.f adrt-ritalnn fur the Albemarle teeth, t, wax rolred by fuJ" -,,V K??h?lh J ' I'll,./ ,.f r?n,n>eree who' Icii '! ,''l"l,",l Hertford t.t,,| ' ElUah' lh City eotne to*ether and I ? Iiisit unity of atnis and ford and Klliabe'h t'ltv was laid Coiilluund on I'ngo 4 Student Editor's Resignation Asked !)u vltlxon. North Carolina. Dec. 1ft "Dim Morning." de*rrihcd an an attack on the ' neck inn evil." has l>? en the )'uum' of consterna tion anionic Havidxon stu dents. It wan learned today fol low inp a request for the rcitlRiia* tioii of <" K. Monk. editor of the student publication in which the article uppeured. President Mar tin described th?* article an one not fit for you:li to read. ? ASSAULT CASE IS NOL PROSSED !Vlob Victim That Warrant* Shciild Br Retracted Washington. N. C.. IVp. 19 Bert Wiitsteud. who requested tin county offic ials to serve warrants i>ll lir.nl v Douglas and Frank Black. charged with mob assault. :ihki'il that I ho warrants lu> re tracted' Friday morning in the re eorder's court. In accordance with their wishes the ease was def initely nol prossed. with the ?1?* fendatits paying the costs of the court. The case arose out of the affair of Bert Wlnstead being carried out In the woods by a mob who threatened hint with Injury un less his ways of living were al tered. About 9 o'clock on the night of Ih'ii-mber 7. Bert W instead was railed out from his house, on the J. 11. lleHpass farm by a group of men Wlnstcad came out of the door lacing his shoos. As noon as he was outside a buck was thrown over his head and he was thrown into a car and carried about a mile from the Respass farm. \V in stead was then taken out of th?? car and tied to a tree. The mob gathered around to hold a coun cil. Some suggested lynching him. others burning and still oth er* thought that shooting would till the bill. Finally one man spoke up and said that he always believed in giving a man a second chance and so the men agreed to turn Wlnstead loose if he would promise to stop drlnkiug and abus ing his family. The terms were accepted and Wlnstead was freed. Itert Wlnstead had the repu tation of being a drunkard and while on these sprees he would abuse his wife and family, al though he Ih a very Industrious fellow. Ill* wife and friends hat ed to see him going to the dogs and ho the plot was hatched by them to subject Bert to some men tal agony by having the sham mob lake him oul. hoping that this would stop his drlnkiug and save his wife. So the plan was carricd out successfully without hurming Wlnstead. COLLEGE LAD TELLS OF CHKISTMAS SEALS Minmiui- of If o|m* In Battle Xualnst the Mr*. JohtMiii Believe* (fiianls Bi'low Par and the S\>tein ^ ronjc Krom the Foundation I p Mrs Kate Burr Johnson. North Carolina Commissioner ??f Public Welfare, write* the followliiR edi toriul on the chain gang in thin wort'? issue of Public Wel fare Progress: lu the last five months there hit v>> .>om- to the attentlou of the State Hoard of Charities and Pub lie Welfare uo less than eight in stance* in which prisoners at tempting to escape from prison camps have been shot by guards, and in five of the eight canes the escaping convict had been killed Two Instances are fresh In the minds of the public. In October a young white man. serving a six months sentence for theft In (.ull ford County, was shot by a guard and died within a f**w hours, and in the same month a negro pris oner serving a 30 days sentence in Wake County was shot and killed instantly, in attempting to make good his esca|H?, . ^ ? In either case, if the escaping convict had been captured and brought to trial, he would has been held for a misdemeanor only: yet under the present state ol affairs, the guard is allowed to sentence the man to capital pun ishment. and to inflict that penal ly himself in the twinkling of an ' >* ln Inflicting lh? death penalty for a misdemeanor, the guard ex erts a power which no court in the land possesses. "The disciplining of prisoners is. at beat, a hard problem, and in this ptesent condition the trou ble Is. as usual with the type of men who serve as guard*. In | recent heating regarding tn* charges against the aupertntend ? ent of the Stanly County chain gang. one of the guards on the witness aland admitted a prisoner to throw human fllth in the face of another prisoner. Think of entrusting such a man with the power of life and death over a human being! -According to the llurca u of Vital Statistics of th? State lloard of Health, there Is no class or deaths which Is more inadequate ly reported than those which oc cur in prison camps. This is typi cal of the generally careless and indifferent attitude assumed by of ficials and others In regard to the killing of convicts. "No report lias ever been made to th>- Bureau of Vital Statistics of the deaths of the three con victs who died while serving sen tences on the Stanly County chain-gang. A true hill for mur der against the superintendent of the chain-gong. N. C. Cranford. In two ol these deaths, has been re ? turned by the giand Jury. "The conditions In our convict, camps which have allowed the un ceremonious and prompt execu tions of five pi laoners. three of which were negroea and two white men. In the l ist few month* can be attributed to two thing*: a general lack of a feeling ??f re sponsibility on the part of the public, and a system which Is a "relic of barbarism." "These 'indirect sentencings to capital punishment' form only one outcropping ol a system wlilc i . is wrong and must be rebuilt from tho bottom up. in order to main tain a fair standard of treatment, all prisoners should be nnd?>r State control, a system which Is need in many states. The State s Prison at Raleigh should be a clearing-house to which nil com mitted men are srnt. Here they should !*? given physical and men ial examinations and classified ac cordingly. Those mentallv and physically deficient and Incapaci tated should be weeded ou* and provision made for carina for them. "IT necessary, district road camps could be formed, and P,'i<" oner?. under State control, could be s? nt out to any county which desired I hero for working cn the roads. , , . . "More Industries should he provided to absorb the merges and time of the able-bodied nor mal prisoner and at the same time provide a source of revenue. Stan. In id* In the way of educa tion training and eharactei f ?r men in chat Re of prisonera should he maintain- d and these men paid ? dec nt wane. ?? \s for the county chain-gang gytteiu it I* hop* less As (Gover nor HICkeM once remarked. 'The only thing to ?!?' wllh It \* to cut Us head off." SOVIKI HI SSI A Wil l. VCX.KIT INVITATION M?vn>. INC. 1# SotIM !??? fitn will Iicr. pl Ihe of N? Hons Invitation to participate in the internal lonal Disarmament Conference as well as the World Economic Conference. Public's Failure to Clean Flues Keeps Firemen Busy IK** pit** an urgent admonition 4 from Klr?- Chn l Jcro tin Flow, ul??l despite also ih** rhief's having set the i lulu Kind of an example by looking after his own flues, many Kiirabeth ? "it > resident* this full again neglected the important jolt of having th**ir thimneys cleaned uut at the r?d veut of '*old ?VHther. Uut of 14 fins i li Is* month thus far. exact |\ half have been caused directly by failure mi the part of residents to huvt* their dues cleaned, Chief Flora reports. A* a rule, chimney fires result 111 no particular dantace ; but every now ami then a roof catches fire utid a home is badly da mapr*-d or burn* <1 to tlie ground simply and solely because the man of the house hus neglected this relative ly simple job. 'I he fire depurt nient was called out for a ? himtiey fire at the home of C. Whaley. on South l(uud street. Friday afternoon at 2:3?? o'clock. un?l f< r another at tho resident e ??f Captain Zeph Johti son. on Morgan street, Saturday mornitiK at 10: So o'clock. In both instances, the fires wen- put out before damage resulted. A smoke scare at the one storv warehouse on .North Water street owned by N. T. Aydlott and occu pied by the Albemarle Fertiliser Company Friday night at H : S?o o'clock ? aus**d much excitement in that part of the city. Firemen . Investigated, and discovered that a quantity of damaged peanuts, had bt-guii to heat, nil were threat ening to ignite by spontaneous, combustion. Considerably steam was arising from them ami was U mlifir from the building. Passers-* by took it for smoke and called out the firemen. Recorder's Court Has Busy Season t.ullty as to t Ivani.i avenue Thursday night, in a rat owned l?y Mordn. in which police man Twidriy t ??stifled lie found a i small quantity of the stun barred .by the dry statute's. ! (ioilfri-y was found 'guilty, and wras flned $a0 and costs. The question of confiscation of the car. and of forfeiture of the two ff?0 bonds in the case, will be taken U]? by the court Tuesday morn ing. Godfrey and Morse had be n suutmor.ed to appear Friday morning. Courl opctied. transact ed its business and adjourned Tiie defendants hadn't showed u;i. and Jud^e Sawyer ordered that their bonds be forfeited. As police and court officers were h-avlug the courthouse. the iwo arrived, loo late. It is indicated, however. | that the bonds may not be lor ' felted It they succeed 111 giving a satisfactory < xpl.mallon for t !i?- i i tardlnexs. ('pan his plea of guilty on a charge of operating an aiitnmobih without lights. Dan Harris, of thi city, was fined (fill and costs. Tin case was the outgrowth ?.! a Thanksgiving nccident lore, in which t wo other cars are alleged to have b? ? n damaged in a colli slon with an automobile optra I ? '? by Harris. An appeal to Superior Court was noted. Grandy F.e.iuun, colored, wa? let off with the costs in n rase ir which Grandy Freeman. of Ni w land, was charged with having kept out of a school ;i child un der 14. In violation of the com pulsory attendance law H?? tes tified that the o!. 1 1*1 in nutation, a girl, had remained at home to care for smaller brother* and sis ters whose mother was dead Freeman admitted that he had tharrled again recently, and tie court order* <1 that the child be returned to school at the exposi tion of the Christmas holiday*. STOHM WAItVIXt; A northeast storm warning re ceived here at it-n a. in . said i "Jacksonville. Florida, to ('up*1 llattcras. disturbance centered i south nf I'ensacola will mote rap- i Idly northeastward with Increaa- i Ing intensity and will cause In- I creasing northeast and east winds, probably reach ing rale force this afternoon or tonight. Small craft I warnings entire Florida coast ex t rept Jacksonville section." Tin Arc- Injured la Train of I In-Ill r ? ri.'li-.V 11 111. i.t "of r?nn"> i"* t ra .ii ? n j -a ? ?' ' liuruli ?a I .?il I. v?.i '??" iiil.at .11. l' ? ???! ?? *' 1 vtr1? to.lay. Hi* Y* * * 1 brought ?? :b?_ ho.-t 1 ? reim<*rs sahl i?ia' Mi" ' \ left i uo "???* ,n 1 ??!)?? . ar 1 1 v?' i 1 ,l do'vn an rm???'iki?i -n SKvn t.K i a "i ? NEW TiSlll-l ' ? ''v V S?-attl?. P- ? 1 ?' N IHtUH an- uimI?t v ? ?? ?lr ' to buy hi- i""1 i- ,v '" l:. ' V, Ktn-i't vut ??? l,!\ 1 . would provide 'li- ?">[' *? ' . v'( lal inllttKt* of t S< ;.Ulo >ecutid only t.i U' ??'?? ? niuuiirSiml truu>lM?l,i,t]"" ",l , ,, ' Tll?? f II V ha.< offered ' ' " ' for ill.- inlVHt' II'"' ur:*i*e AHK < nillKUKII ( 1 .1 ? 1 ?? ' ; ' in MiM*is>i|i"i iH-iidim: i ?? ? ins ??f ;i" in Jin-' ? >i:M ? Allorin-v l.ois O! M \>?! Jnrvltl.urr I*-- 1-1 ' latiKk.1 ??"' '? ????' ?? ? i ^ ?J< V,,k?^s.m' oVV .*P 'i' inri: -till M lured ?.'r> ?' t|,o.( ut day iiii'l .l- '"r"' "" , i.r lout. It*. * Inland "f 11 ;'v Like Hrjrlla ??-?? . / . i!,ir,?i Crti'k iiijriboliiuy. ?hU Uh.nd. who-- riirK'" l ' ill i xln-rrly o?i? of ,V ^r. ' " , till- l?i!> Ol N-P?- ? ' ... Iih i m lninirr^ ? uri.? ^ whom IIoiiht d?'xiTtl? ?? n in* voy?K?'i? ?" I';''; . ",,r nn'ti ami wonn'U from *.?.n .l.spiih , At l.-ui" Karl Anil, i ?> | Anna Tuchol. h??l> lrl> .'j.rh Int. inlliii' mil ??lcl. b.-1-anw "I " ? " ' " III inform IH"?. ? I'.*' Tln*y mi l ?*? ib?' ?liii :s' 1 r roil fid "d in tiirh otli?r Smii. uti j*cr til*' k|M?1I ol <*H|?r1 i* l?'*'i?i I hoy forrot ihclr ormin I ' Don and d?r? hl"il to fu*'1* I'1, together. Wln*n I hoy told tlnir s' Italian ofti.i I ? finunrit! iif'ioo In rt'iurn ?o ?"-i*.^??i> * pvcll lh? III. I'rill?ln>? In ?hr iik'I:-, ktuiHfl i:\\Ks. IImiiU Hti*. hmirn |to? rinln-r 2llli. ( lirUlni i ? l-.> ??. n il Sc ?*. ? f.?llou : 11 it. m. In H f?. in. itml m ?i. m. t ? I'l j?. t.i. Savings Hunk Ar Trust ( om j.fitty ( arniina Rent; in y A Trust t <>tn /tarty first A Citizens \alionai ttnnh Bin!# ;! h Leased - For Factory "T< *"3 t 1 <> 'la.'* j Boxes '?' A ; .!? I f<'l Kll/a < : im ??;?????;: I inn by .1 ? . . .n I. ihi* N?\\vhrrii I'lu . > ? ? . :*! 1.1! ii.?s |... n .% ?? i ; i ? - hnai'il I'ajM-r Itov I f.l Norfolk. . v, v.-ral i : .1 !h lillnl aMli,?uii--?' s 1 1 ? ?. . . !-? itiT?u?h'?l ' . m|h>ii ;i !?' 1. . ?'?* 1 tv?"? ?.f lli#? ? i * i in |i ? i" - racii iii : hi * . i b? :: ii Iti v?-st lu .?t i. *ii . Wit'l 1 ???? tliar Kti/a !? ill t'ii \ lui>i:i . !? . iism ?? 'i 11 :? ?? ' H .. . Ill- b. . ? V. ill b? . I i. . iii ; .'H .i . la?'i?iry "l-:.iu.l h* iv ..ii. i : i . . 4 . ? i ?*. i-m M.- r.i i i I- , ..I l;? bur. Mr. |V|| l;> )? ??? In ??'. ii ii a ?in."'H I I > : -r ?? ? i* . i ; ii \ i - ii .. ; u-r oj" II- :tp M.'- It - . l . ? : r :!ii* jilaut lias l> ? 'I ? i ? ? ? '] . !i I ? Ifc.* *?! % ill l'-\ I ? a !:? vi i- w ilays. 1 ?. i'MIIIi 1 ! 1 lj>* \\ ?Hiilb'.v III. :1m i- . *v !u i u ill li.iu.. Ill*" in i- ?: s-tnry ?*r i*l> slnn Jur : I . : j-i bui li i - 'I..:. | mii I if. in ii la i:\i--t \s; [ i it'.vK\s ! ii(>\ K- I liOITI \R1.K '-il, iul '"ili- it \\ ? 1 1n llrl|M'il t ??:.???? t i lv S. il Sup lnii tin.-. I. i . .?it, I ?. ?? I'.? Ill aei.-killg to - , r Ms. a ? t . 1 1 ? ? t nil I In* M??Mu*rs* \,-1 ! : i ? ? J1..1 nit- ? ?? i s -support iiitr. i ? i i- n: ; *i?t? i?' ' of w?*lfun* 1 . v- I . * r 'I * !*?? in ?. ork ? > ii t vu ?!.??? i i aiiilliiK to I heir in) ;? >1: <;?*mi'k>* |.:iwivnro, i i: | ??. . .1 *nl. of u< lfiiro ill Or Jill ?? ? .1 I .1 h:. rrl. lu lp<*d one ?i ? ' i:. t "i ? ? p ? u'ts of ill i v\ i- i'l ? n? ? Ii Tin1 u ??in. in. ii wMo\T>'d mother, ?.*!?! i??ur ? :n. II ? !i i l?l r ?-ii lias hei-n ; ? ' " I if | ? Ml onh'l' fi? 41(1(1 1" j i . ? Hi. ??in'-: tut: v|i'- hud told Mr. I l . I ? !,l I Villi* >ll? ?-??!! 1(1 ?'?I. : ? I J!' M il?:; il polllld. kIii<*?* > ! i ?? it ... ii in .us ..f transporting tin ii. to .i in 1 1 1*1" niark?*t. Know* 'Iiiii l.i ? "ii!.! >11 i In* in hi 3.*i < . ii p-uini. Mr l.i! w i dice of .'i ? 1 1 ? '?? m !?'? h r In ? 'hii|i ' li.il. ..lid iuvit il Mi*-: Tuttl". . i 1 1' l> r ili.: ??i MolliciV Ail! i?? v. il ti" hiii. 'lit- .M * 1 1 1 ' I ;? y hcfotv Thiuiksfeiv ii j I- . ? is ? !??? . i ills < pV. vvh'i li.nl given or. I i . :i ml i In* ;i***J ?! :? >* a i-lierk ' i n. ' liaii w i- mailed to t; ? ? t fi i. vli?j -.v.is plamiiiiR to ? ? ?? i ? ?? finish litiihlinK her Hiniill 'I III Mir>lh?.'l is I yfiiriit of I h^ l.i ii':> ! ? I'i ri i\ 111", Mothers' Aid : i f "im-1* ( hlhlrl'ii. mid anxious iff iir-. mi.' : If -support hit' and ;? . i v ? ? :????!? Mother.-*' Aid urn m aVHll i Me t<'T .??nte other* mother. She i- p!.innlii| in ?* i Into tin- hii-diics* ? I r ?: i-.i i? >: Hir'rffyit wore ??xtcnHive* !? i i older avoid some of the ii**ii v ?" work she hii.i Iwen tlnlliR on ilo' ii.rm. This p. i st your #1ie raided a bale ' i ' '?Moii. some, wheat. sill tin* corn ? u>*. raised the turkeys and ii 11 ;> in; \n w nil ill I t. I.I IN I'KMI'I.K > i.r.ntii, hie, I :i llenjnmiii II W. ? ii pr'-'-idMit nf tin* local "? . ? I ? ? ,?n?paiiy ii nd niic of it* in* ? proin.n> *ir r?*?. I oxtate n ? ii tn <:?* .i ifla. wan found dead in ! l? toil.iv with :i huilct wO!,i:d In ii if: frlitplQ. : i;iii.m;hii. m .mmv efi'inti ?hi?!in l.'.'if ?*. ? t liv will ? n ? nihil ir 1 1 . :?> ti.ne duu) In i":* . .ii *? i ?>; < *? >iii nt'-i .'??? fjiilM ? '. d r/ it f?*e ii'i.^n at 2 : 3j 0 0 < |.i? : . 1 1 i a Mti'ji t?'.hcar fir t*n ?t? Hln*- ?^t ? ikclil t'i*il * i ? ? .? enrol,. . .? ? lh* Klkn* II Mi.; Itl'.'ht ??fit < *1 rlntnian, .:i J? r , Ji; JJ't i, "I |.|? '<. i ? i rli'nrh rlmit j lia'.** h?*en ;*;?"|i*?.| r? i ;*. ?: ? ? p.. h in the ning ;i::d ii lays*.!' nil ? lid.' m ?? at th'? . ;? ) t- ii. i| is lioji r I * ? >i t.y th?' eholr | 1 ;??!?'? i;? chary- >.f pnpuiatloiia f<>r iho event. ItHHTOf I /'/*/?; 1/ s /> t % / f. S Kf.-yi f.'.ST iunn:\) W I ?????. HI. ? The ' of A|i|H'ul> ol District of tin- < oluiiiliiu h-fUHwl t?xlu> to >? ' .nisiiti-r its holding ialirilH*r> indict incuts . I . I.. l>oll, II. I.. Do I. ???>. Jr., ;?ml Allien It. Kail, toriiii'i- S?H'i-i'tiii*> of tin* Inlrr lot . Tin* itulii t it ion l. s, uhirli K"'W out ?I ua\al oil Iran**, Hi'h* i|Unh|ic<| |i> i Ik- low or rouH on Um- {rrouttd tli.it an agent hi tin< i ii'p.i i t nK'ii t i?r Justin- whs In tin* grand Jurj room illi'i;:illi. 'Iln* iinu'rii* iin nl a|>|M-al?s| ami t It*' Court of .\|?|M?llls ll'l'liltl) OVI'l'I'llllNl till* I'ltti'r mull. I'alls ami th** I hi* |||-II>S iIkmi ask. COl YI V JAILS <.KI MIKITY LOW lUTIM, l'-Tbrr.- "Hit ?( Sl\l>-Nlm lull Ib'loW vvr;ii>>ltvt' Jlil.-iali. l?e.v 1*? s.wuai.v sr. iv:! w It li*U mill- by "I (In* county jails* el ili?* SUH-. Ill tlli'.itlim ikii'I ol 1 1?* ? work heiim ?! mi- liy I. i\ XVIill !??>*. join i Slate inspector ol In ? In and prison iaiii|M* for ill'* llo.it d of Health ami Slate Hoard of Charities iiiiil'I'ulilir Wrltair, arc publlsh-d l>? l??w Tli- aeon* Is mji-I ati- I hoar ha Mr 4 on the :mn I'ai'v iMiirtliloiiM of ihr rou illy ja'l>. rveluslvr of the srorrs IT* l.iini. i' manau? nient. methods hi punishmrnl. ami personnel. of Hi. ??? is ii ' v jails The wurk of inspect Iiij: Jails ami |?tlsnii raiiip.? has hrrii done with .i M< u of ascei talninc, how Hosi-ly i h> > cono* lo fn I Ik I tin k H'1' i ? -?| u iremeni i laid down hy law. One |rii i pose a it.- Ih'.o methods ? i lulflllltm these r. ?jiiirrinnils. The scores of Ihr remaining 31 enmity Jails will be published 'as si urn as thry liavr been inspect id and rated. Out ui thr ??0 county Jails raie?| In ll>r scores madr public today. 4 3 I ill In low 7f?. Out of a pos sible Manila rv .score of 100. only elRht of Mi'- county Jails attained ?i score of '.'O ?f uIjovi . Although the low. ?? wore is :i??. there were ,-lciit jails wlilcli werr scorrd only a f i'W polnis higher than HO, Sanitary Sfiw^ ol County Jails Alamanc ?. 7 1; Alexander, '? ? . Avrry. .1.r?. n? anion. 7X; llrrllr. ??;? llladeii. 7?.; Huncomhe. KlVj: liurkr. r,::; raldwrll. : Camden. ?;i . Casw tl. ??7 : Catawba. 38; Clirrokrr. Hfi: Chowan. 74; Co I ii minis, ?.*; Crav-n. 7K; Cumber land. :iu ; Dan-. M: Davidson. fi.?. Duplin. fCt'%; Durham. M'-ai Kdmcomi..-. Forsyth, franklin. *,.j ; Guilford, ?i n i.j ; Halifax. K4; Harnrtt. 79: Haywood. 36; Henderson. 4 :t : llokr. 77; Iredell. 74; Jackson. 17: Johnston. fl'fci I*"'". f?N; l-e nolr. ;"?!?; Macon. f?2: Madison. 411; Martin. 0?1; McDowell, 74; Mllcli rll. f?7; Montgomery, 72; Moore, 71; Nash, Hit; Northampton. f?0: raM<|iiotank. 7!i; render. Hii, Per ?iiitmaiiH. 42; l?eraon. :i7i3: Itan dolph. HO; Hlchmohd. Hiibrwin. 0.p.; ItockliiKham. 7?.; Howan. 00 'j; Hunipann. tiff: Seol land, 57; Stanly, ?'?S: Hwnln. Transylvania. hm; Vance ?K; Wakr. 07 'j : Warren. ki?; \Vumi Inr.'on. H : WalaiiK.i. ?'? ; Wayn''. 7:t i j ; Wilson. s:c "ii ; Yancey. 4.. KOKNTON YOl 'l II ?H!IIT i\ iinaiw \v ac< idi-.n r llerlford. l?i c 10 Cai.'-M b? Iiralli the sld- of a Inr^e lourln* when it partially overturned on the llerlford hlitl.way. soin I hre. wiles | ii mi WlXliheth I ?!>', early lasTSj.l*hl. Jim Woodard White. HdcimM. y?mlh. wns plnnni hy |he. left l?u for half an liom before riMciiers were aide to re move Ihr car. Tin- youth w.im laken hurriedly lo Hertford, wh* re an examina tion by Dr. . WfVKlns of F.den ton MIhs llensie Wiu^lns, who ?;,? drlvina. lost coni r?l of the rar when il left ihe pavInK and tin- wh? els on one Mid" canuht in , ,1,.. , nil 11 Im ? kl"1 ">"1'1 r'; ?-,1,, r, ill. ?l "I lh' (????rlni; I. III. timcMii.' whlrl.-il ill. l?-lv iiImiiiI an'l hml (iviTtill li'-'l It w.i? iml ilunifl -i*'il limlly. SANTA PREPARES BUSILY FOR KIDS' CHRISTMAS HERE Trw \lrf rit'l* for alt ihe underprivileged children of , i In- oily, Christinas morning prom ises to In* a kIjiI moriutig Imlml \ ?? Ll? *? youiiKNiii") svliii aKMcmlili' in r li ? ? Klks' Home. The tree, a lull '-wiimclrioul n-ilur. Is crwled plreadv in the spurious yard about tin- home. ami hu.s been strung '.villi elect rh- lights preliminary K ? ? iM-inu decorated In keeping Willi i In* on anions. Tin* Klks have gathered the names of some .'mi children to ?whom they w ill play host Christ* 911:1 m Ihiv. So f;u- an 1 hey run as ferlain. they li ive obtained tho (pamrH of all Iti tin* city whom Bun l . might otherwise overlook thot day. The> announce, however, Mini If uiiyone knows of any chil dren who may not have been Mat ed with thetll. they will he glad to have 1 heir uamcs. addresses and aw*. o that suitable provision may be made for thetn. For I hose who will assemble at lh?' htime. Santa alreudy Is gath ering to.vH. frullH. randies and the like in overflowing measure. Fam ilies of 1 he child KUeslH will be not if teil iu the next few days, and tin Klks will a r ran lie to no In au tomobiles to various points desig nated In tho city to bring the chit dren to the festivities. After tho run is over, the Klks will carry them back home. It is untlrlputcd that many of 1 he children. eaK'-r to see the gaily decorated Christmas tree, and feurful that iliey may miss noma of the fun. will go to tho Elka llotne before the cars como for Ilium. However, the Klks give as surance that facilities will be pro*1 vided for every single one who wishes to ride. For the time at least, the Klks have abandoned the idea of erect ing a theater on their property, largely upon the admonition of en gineers and builders that, iu order 10 tin lid such a structure substan tial enough lo support two floora above tin* theater, a prohibitive outlay would lie required. The construct ion of a theater auditor ium is such. i( is explained, that iu order for it to be supported properly, high expensive cantilev er steel beams, girders and tho I i k ?? must lie used. Me 111 hers of the club are muoh Interested in plans submitted by f'aptuin M. IV lllte, engineer, for the ? xlcnxion of die present build ing so as 1 4 > provide roomier quar ters. The plans could be carried into effect at a cost of about $l5,-_ 000, Captain llite estimates, and would ineel ihe needs of the club r??r many years, allowing for nor mal growth. TIih Klks could raise SI G, 000 without difficulty, members de clan-. through Hie fact that their lot alone is valued at $20,000 to S- The present concern is a definite scheme for paylnft off 1 he indebtedness. When a satis factory pcli-me has been worked on), ii is regarded as bordering on certainty that tin* quartern will' be cula rgetl. (OIONEI. ntH SK IS VISITING COOLIDCE Washington. Dec. 19.-? Colonel K M. House., for years President Wilson':; < onflilentliil and uppolnt ed by him a member of Ihe Ver sailles Peace Commission, ia Ihe house uuesi of President Cool Id i?** at -to- White House. The pur pose of his visit bus not been In dicated JOINT COMMITTEE ON MUSCLE SHOALS Washington. Dec. 10, ? - Tho House It u tea Committee today de cided in favor of appointing a Joint Congressional committee to make recommendations for tho disposal of the c.overnmont'a Muscle Shouts properties. I'OSTI'ONE ACTION ON DEBT SETTLEMENT Wash In*' oil. Dec If*. -Action on ihi' war debt funding aettle mmfn negotiated during the Mitnnter. including thou* with Italy niul Hi -IkIiiiii. wmh |w?bi poned today by the llnuw wnya and tni'aiifl committee pending k hearlng rOITOV MMJKKT New York. l?fr in Cotton fn t ii r#?>? op?>nrd today at the follow Inr I ? ? v . I Jan. 18. ?0, March in <7. May I h l. July | $.18. Oot, 17.90. New York. I>"c 10. Spot (At* ton cloned quiet, middling 19.40, point ? tnirhuniced. Future*, clou I uk bid Jan. 18.10, March 18.84, May 18 r,3. July 1*22, Oct.