Chowan Bridge Letting Marks Culmination Of Long Fought Campaign f Contract Let by State High : way (lomiui^ion for Structure to Link Albe marle and Kent of St?te IS LONGEST IN EAST Will C ross Mile and ? Hull of Navigulile VI Hters, uii'l I? Important Link in At ? 1 luntic Coastal Koute Culminating a campaign that has. stretched over three years, and in which the peo ple of Elizabeth City. Hert ford and Edenton have co-op erated as never before in their history, contract for construction of the Chowan Bridge was let Wednesday morning by the State High way Commission. The suc cessful bidders were Sanford & Brooks, of Charleston, South Carolina. "We kuI u splendid bid. Highway Commissioner \V. A. Hart stated in a wire on the bridge letting to Secretary Job. of the Chamber of Commerce, Wed nesday morniug. Mr. Harl failed to specify the amount of the bid or the type decided upon. The Chowan Bridge will span Lower Chowan River at a point aonvn three tulles from Edenton. It will be the loniMrtit structure of the kind over navigable water from Maine to Florida, with a span of 7,800 feet, or nearly a mile and a hslf. From the Bland point of Northeastern North Car olina it will constitute a vitally Important link in ihe Atlantic Coastal Highway, the shortest North and South motor route on the Atlantic Seaboard, and said to be the one having most miles of hardsurfsclng. Construction of the bridge will be financed through a bond issue not to exceed fhOO.OOO authorized by the last General Assembly through passage of n bill Intro duced by State Senators I*. H. Williams, of this city, and J H. McMullan, of Edenton. The bill was endorsed by the road commit tees of both Houses without a dis senting vote, and was passed unanimously by both the House and the Senate. Will Collect Tolls This bill stipulates thai 4'unl<*s*j and until otherwise directed bv the General Assembly." the State Highway Commission shall collect tolls at sufficient rates to produce revenue enough to pay the prin cipal and Interest on the bonds until maturity. It Is directed al so that the bond Issue shall ma ture-riot later than 104'i. a period of 24 years. The bonds* are to draw not to exceed 5 per cent In terest. The Chambers of Commerce of Elisabeth City, Hertford and Ed enton, and similar organisation* along Route 30. which follows the North Carolina seaboard, have been actively at work on the Cho wan Hrldge project for several yeors. The Route 30 Association, of which Charles W bed bee. of Hertford. Is chairman, has had a conspicuous part in putting over the enterprise. Representative Mndsav Warren, of the First North Carolina District. has helped materially, an have also a number of private cltlsens of this part of the State. ? . "There Is so much glory in the accomplishment of t h " enterprise that there is enough to go around for all." State Senator Williams commented, when be learned that the bid had been l?t. ?*in i Her Project Dropped The suggestion of a bridge acresH the head waters of Albe marle Sound hss been agitated for many ye*rs. At one time a*-rlous consideration was given to a pro posal to combine the Norfolk Southern Railroad trestle from Edenton to Mackeya with a vehi cular bridge This, however, was abandoned largely on account of the excessive cost It would ln tolw. . . it A Desultory agitation for a bridge gained strong Impetus after Sec^ retary Job. of th.- Chamber or Commerce here, while at a rntc meeting In Goldsbrro some three years ago, learned of the existence of the South Atlantic Coastal Highway, then running from Washington. D. C . to Honda This highway was to follow Route 40 through North Carolina. Route #0 runs through Weldon. Rocky Mount. Wilson and Golds boro. In the Piedmont section of the State, many miles from the cOSSt. and then swings eastward, terminating at Wilmington. ? Route 30, on the other hand, passe* through the Albemarle counties. Washington snd New Hem. sll In th?? coastal country, and ends also st Wilmington yRecretsry Job snd Harry Barlow. M then secretary of the New. Itern F Cbamhoi of Commerce, conceived 1 Continued on Page 4 Chowan Bridge Cost $432,422 llalt'lich, I>, of Charleston, S. at 94.12, or considerably In-low the Mate Highway t'oinmls sion's estimate of 952SJKNI. The bridge will Ik* alniut a mile and a tuilf Ionic, with a swing x|wn of ?00 feet. Hid* won* o|>encd ynttcnlAf. HifU on a bridK?' In two sec lions connecting Morrlinid City nnd Ileaufort were mvlvwl al m?. Tin* low figure was SOI'-, 2**1. ROADS ARE GOOD BUT BOYS FIRST Kil^ar Biimly lVlls Rolur Sun* Should Not Neglect Boy? for Rond* Roys, |>oy life .'llld hoy problem* have been topics of discussion at meeting* ol t !n? Elizabeth City Rotary Club tor ih?v last four . weeks. Next week's mePliiiR, In view of the fact that many boys are home with their dads for the Christmas holidays, will be a lath *t?r and son day for the club with , every Rotnrian entei tainiuK as his guest his every son of 11 years of age or older./ Roturians who have ' no huiis of their own, such, for instance, as Howard Smith, Julian S*-llj4 and Sam Parker, will have tho privilege of entertaining some body else's son for the occasion. Tom Nelson. Southern Hotel man ager, expects to bo culled on to lay covers for close on to 100 at next week's Rotary meeting. A most enjoyable feature of this week's Rotary luncheon at the Southern Hotel on Friday wfr ?.e\eral aelections from the Rotary quartet, Kennedy Houtz. Miss Jeanne Houtz. Hitch Sawyer and Francis Jacocks, who have I not appeared at a Rotary lunch eon in some time because of the fuct that one member has been ? away p.t school. Speakers foi the day were Ed gar Dundy of the I'eniuimans County schoolH. A. R. Combs of the farultv of the Elizabeth City ? Hitch School, and Rev. J. W. Har . rel). pastor of City Read Mctlio- I dlst Church. S?*cretary Job of the Elizabeth 1 City Chamber of Commerce read the telegram from Highway Com missioner Hart announcing the letting of the contract for the Chowan River bridge. it was Mr. Jlundy, speaking im mediately after the reading of the telegram. who struck the key note of the proKram. ?'Your roads are fine, and the building of this bridge acroia t ? Chowan River is- line, and your country club is soim>thing to be proud at," he declared, "but un less you give some time and at- : tention to your boys and provide them or place to play and afford them, some outlet for their activi ties your automobile:* and your ( good roads and your bridge ncrosa the Chowan River will brinu you only Borrow and anxiety and an nulflh. for they will only serve to hasten your boys to destruction. Our fathers and mothers had no automobiles and no paved rnadw, ; but they had time to give their , children and to gather with them around the family altar, and th - irsting they gave iik ha* been of Inestimable value. But I know folk!* right over In my own town of Hertford who are neglecting , their children and permlttlm; them lo Htray Into vicious habltA and practices simply because they have an automobile and a little co(t>n." GIVES NEW IDKAS ON BRAIN FUNCTIONING London, Dec. 2.T. ? New Ideas about the functioning of the brain vi re net forth hero by sir Oliver Jjodge. the noted scientist, who contended that the popular theory that the brain fecli Ik entirely in correct. "The brain do's not pee or hear or feel, nor does it plan or hope or love." said. Sir Oliver in a lec ture. EIGHT KILLED WHEN MINERS ARE TRAPPED Ilellalre, Ohio, Dee. 2.1. Eight men ar? known to be dead In a fire which early last night en tombed 79 miners In the Webb mine, aouth of here, In UHniont County. Seven bodies were taken from the bottom of the sir shaft st ; mldnlKht. John Ferry wan taken from the mine alive, but died a I ahort time after reaching the top I of the ground. Dixie To Have A White Christmas Atlanta, l>cc. il. ? IHxio to day wan |?n*|MirliiK to tin* kiml of fhriatinaa ofton read aln?ut but exiMTltnceti about once In j? blue moon, a white < brlstni?H. Snow flurricw un reported from M'vrral m. while one or two tobl of lieav> fall*. A variety of trmirra lure ninKi?K from 14 ilrjjn^H at IjoulKville to W at Miami wa? unofficially tabulate! at I o'clm-k thta morning. AMERICA LIKELY TO PARTICIPATE Indications That Nation Take Part in l/fa^ur (Conference Washington. Dec. 23.- Presi dcui CooIIdge has progressed so far In h In effort to find a way to accept the league invitation to the preliminary disarmament discus sion that he has asked Congres slonal leaders whether au appro priation would be necessary. Washington. Dec. 23 ? Develop ments here today pointed with ln i Teasing deflnlteness to American participation In the preliminary League of Nations disarmament discussions, if a feasible way can be found. Both Secretary Kellogg aud Chairman Borah of the Senate for eign relations committee conferred with President Coolldge today and 'there were Indications that a deci sion virtually had been reached al though the American reply to the league invitation would not be forwarded until after the holidays. I Senator Borah said as he left the White House that he was in complete accord with the Presi dent's views but he did not indi I cate definitely what those vlewB were. In other quarters It was sug gested that Congress probably , would be asked to express Its opinion on the subject, at least to the extent of making an appro priation to defray the expenses of the American delegation. LEAVE CAR HOME CHIEF COUNSELS Holmivt Atikii Loral Resi dents to Help Relieve Parking Situation Anticipating the usual Christ inas Eve crowds here tomorrow. Chief of police Holmes requested today that all Elizabeth City res idents who could get along with-, out their cars leave them home tomorrow morning, in order to leave as much parking space as possible for the use of visitors from out of town. Thirf Is especially important, the chief reminds, because cf the number of streets torn up in con nection with the Icvlug of water pipes. At best, there is but lit tle room to park cars. In park ing, all motorists are urged to drive as closely as possible to the next parked car In order that no space may be wasted. A careless ly parked automobile often takes up space that might be sufficient for two cars Instead of one. Chief Holme* asked also that patrons of the iiiovlus on Christ mas Day. which falls on one ol the Fridays on which free tickets given by local merchants will be mfieh In evidence, line up on the east side of McMorrine street from Main street to the Alkiama en trance. In order to avoid confu sion. Persons leaving the theater are directed to turn to the right and proceed to Matthews street. Thus the lines of those going and those departing will not conflict. "If the public Will follow these suggestions, there should be little difficulty. " Chief Holmes de clared. One or more members of the police force will be on hand to assist in maintaining ord*r. the chief slated. INCOME TAX RUINED SUCCESS OF ONE GIRL London. Dec. 23. -- Eighteen year-old Marian Wilson made fftS.Oftn on her production of "The Beggar's Opera" and lost It all. and more too. on "The British Mallett." The Income tax got the girl pro ducer. While money was rolling In from "The Beggar's Opera." she forgot all about the Income tax and did not lay any of her money aside. Instead the put It Into a new production which was not a success and when the tsx collector came round she faced disaster. So the ambitious producer went back lo work as an actress Hhe danced for a time In a cabaret at Nice, then Joined up with Ben Greet 'a Shakespearian players and has been playing all over provin cial England. It Is her ambition to become a comedienne. She never wanted to I be a producer, but her father oh ' jectcd to her acting and gave her fl.000 to use In producing. HOLIDAY EVENTS SCHEDULED FOR NEXT FEW DAYS Christmas Carols to l>?" S11114! Tomorrow Niplil by Mussrd < lioir 111 Front of Elks' llomr Hiw BIG DOINGS FOR KIDS Meinlx-r* ?.f Froternily Busily Preparing for Cel ebration for Younpster* C.hristmus Morning Two till! h"ll*l?y events are scheduled for the Yulctldc here, and hoth will be pulled off at the Klk.i' Home, at Martin and Ke?r Inie The II rM will he the tinging of Christinas enrols by a masred rholr tomorrow night, th night before Chrlsim??. from 1 ? to D ."III o'clock. The second will be h gav celebration for the children on Christ man morning, at w hich gifts and confections In wide va riety will he distributed. The massed choir whir li will ulng the old time carols on I'hrUt mas Eve will be made up from the choirs of ull tho churchea In the city. Those In charge of the event have broadcast an invita tion to everybody to lake part at least, all those who have even a remote suspicion that they ?Ung rholr leaders from ?l? of the city's leading churches will direct the program, and assurance la #ven that there will he an abundance of leaflets benrllig ' Ju' words of the eight carols to be sung. All will be old. tanilllar Yule airs, of the klud thai hold hii enduring place In the hearts of folkH. . The Rev. G. F. Hill, rector of Christ Church, and chaplain of the Elizabeth City Lodge of Klks. with the assistance of the Rev. A. II. Outlaw. County Welfare Officer, has collected a list of about 200 children lu this city and vicinity who might otherwise not have ha-i | a very merry Christmas. Mem bers of the Klka' Club were busy today touring the city. Invltlug I their prospective young guests ' ond notifying them where lo as semble on Christmas morning. When the glad day arrives, the Elks will assemble In automobiles at the club and drive to the va rious gathering places designated. The cars will assemble at the club at 8 o'clock In the morning, and ull ElkB have been asked to be on hand with their machines at that hour. The children will bo .rans ported to the club home, and when the celebration in over. I hey will be taken back to their own homes. Members of the Christmas tree committee of the club have checked and re-checked their lists In the hope of Including ev ery underprivileged child In the city. They ask. however, that If anvone knows of youngsters who should be added to the roster, the names and addresses of these be given Mr. Hill or .Mr. Outlaw. house boat found West Palm Bea ordin ary commercial market exist:1. e\ cept for the leather and bj-pred net value. Dr fci. P. Chase. Portland cltv veterinarian, har added to the In dictment against the mttstsh;: '? charge that It spreads contsr.lott* dl naseo am'>ng cattle snd sheep. i,i\i v JAM miMH tnsble lo pay small fln-s. V.'l Us in Jasper nnd Clarence Haw- J kins both colored, war.- srn fenced to :!0 days In Jail each In recorder's court thla morning. Jasper bsd b?en find $10 and coats Monday morning on a charge of being drunk nnd dls orderlv Hawkins was fined fl snd costs In recorder's court yw- : terdsy morning for frequent Inn ?' poolroom while under age. Stacy Wade Gives Warning About Holiday Accidents Kui|i!imm?C* l);m;.vr fLiMnn to Have I'irr Horks Mentions ( iiri-tma.- unci Miiko Suggestion. for f'je Prevention of Fire Ital- ifsli. It- 2 :. ? A |?J a f u ? use cf cniitiou d'jis.:: II." Chi i'-l holiday h n. 11 or dvr that "lirea n?id r?*aullani tr.iv ? dii'<" may _ b? piwi'tit *1 w.i? Vo!c? d luTtf bv Sta;- v W. V." (?'ail 'uiirt* i''.uiRii?* ?? ?.i iii? ?'alt*. Mr. Wadr omphasl^d i!u> ?-r 1.1 allnwin'i children !?? )i;iw fln-worU, itain'.'ii ikii tit d . ?i :*? r of cai!>1l"s combit?tihh- uiui- ? ou t *li s> in '*s, ai d i:i.n!i' ..-Hon. for ?;.!< luiardti: :: li.. ami property during tin- u. "Candl?*M on flirl inri)' tr?i? s. QIi'ikv, combust ibl" d? ??? -r-' I ior..* ar.d r. reworks huv*? alt turned CVrUsuuii mirth and merriment ip'-i forrcir and "lf>- 10 bv r;ii?.dtj ; lit-, d.irlnv th- Vul?!,lilw 01 tho l-u?? ' Tl " lnKiiriiu*-? *'"ii;Htb. :i in r cnito.ualzed In this Kt-.m m? rit ill exri'i-nienl of childi u durlr.u I n ?? Clti 1st mail holidays. end ?:?i?iriaJly on Chtlatmas mornln;. Mid ur- vd III i* importance of par ?t *' rli s ? ly watching I bom. "Christ in:?n ?:i 1 !? 1 v.lil 11 liaro conn* and koik*. " reads ? li ? Inruiaiice Comiiitsalrr.'-r's :?! .? f ? ? ?? a i"af ? Christmas, "ihcreiore mav the Christmas J ?>*. huppim**. and content nr-iit h?* iiiir hi lj? hi In-.:; ihiMr' iimdliiiitu. lei us be careful with i-vitviIiipc that u uds l ? tt?l nsiiltitn. iranodlt's out ? I lb homo during the Chrlntnna holidays i*i *?11. eliminating, a;< f ir an practicable, ill" Cannes which have !???? it lb hr^innlir; cl Mich iiji'lirnnri'S l:t ill** |ASt. idicn, and lh< amiwcr to this \< obvinuH. Do not let the children have fireworks. and to keep them from ha%ing them, 1(11 ibcm "of It* danger and ?f tht depravity of iifinu them an .t moans of n l "brai'rip th?* birth c.f Jesus. Add ti thi; a little v.*airlifiiln?aMi*. "NoM In nr'b r. crnies l'i" Chriflima.' tre?-. i:: my <))?Im1? >11 o;i?* ?f tin* moHt wirpd and hcniitlfui cuatonia of 1 in- l.on.:-., "A ureoii i?iio sn-o will not ? ?urn rapidly and H^bt on ir mak?s a bfatiiiful r? Ib-rtlon. Cular and holly will both bnin rupldlv. anil should n?vor hnvr hluhly mlliiM mablo decorations. I'ntrrat* <1 cotton : com t ions. him! ilr?'W.?riin. have nil turned mirth I'Ji J merriment hno ; t-r.*u\\ itn?l kIix tii by caur.tnu i:r? * lim ing the Vulfildt * of the !?.. . To what (Mint and whor-' till.- .??i?r*ll b" in lit pendK 011 f.irli ??!!? ef ur all of lis. Will *yiM. il.t >ottr pi* 1 1 to prev at It? "lilectrle llclit.? hi*'* fin bettor t*:ii : i':ii:i!I?s, bin If a long strlnu ih ?i.- I. have th? wlrltm Insp-'ft ci| by :: (iiiupt'enl pel ben before iiitin Sii:tK. Tl.l* will tliriinale ov eihridiiv-; tii ? v.'lres and inn-*. It in dangerous to line 1 4 u M 1 ? ?l r;:li* dies mi idar and holly. "If ilifri* Is ait o|m n fire or iu ilit* r> H*iii where ih>' tree Is. It v. :!d !?? I.esl to It with m>-tal iih Mid be \? ry. ' V< I'V iMI'liculfll wh?>tl the 1(1 ? If t II- *v .-i i:i whiter pajamas nr.d nlulith'M run in ? hi i.-tmas morn tii'j. Mild do not 1 t tin in uet rlone In tli?* op n iii e or hot ytov wMIr mi ill' '>u il. av I'l. j' rlotliint: inkht catch lire. "loy f II be highly e.rlt?d. t:o vi ji' must looU lifter them. "Take care ?>f the |i:t|ier and other inflammable wrapping when ifKi-:i from around II' pnrkuKca when ?m?? nod. and do ml I- t this accumulate anvwh- v in th*? lint *e. e that the furnace rot lit. i? you have a furnace, Ih ir i tii'kii ? a rereptacl ? for such wtapnlnv* and l;oep It clean and < I-. .ii of : II lubhiHli during tblN M-annt, win ii you will have hiK i:r. ? uolnu. ' l'\ ail iinaiip have the ChrUt* tree erectid by a Kruvn per k'ti and made a?*ure. the f illing CluiHt man tie ? b- itiK the cr^at danu"r, and at far ax |i mslble. let K row n |m-i. son* detach f Ii :* pres 1 1 1 h, i.iatead of letilnu tL chil li n a til}: and snatch at the tree. "If. after nil the warnln^you ?h.'V - had. you Mill persist Ii) uniti* , liuliled randier, do uot lei the (Children Ik'ht III 'in. and do not leave the mum while they are lighted. "I'ml. r all circumstance*. have a Are exilnrulshor or buck" I of wat? r with a that ii the tr? ? calcheg bn . you will be r ady Intdaiilly. "I'lace the tree near the center of the i"o:?i. xr? that you can net to all sidea oi It. ami he certain t'uit It Ih away from any open tit er hot atov*N "Ke?p decorations away from n'l 1 iul? t mid flr?* and remember t ii;ti an eb-ciiic lluht bulb will !i< t tlr.HUe paper on ilr? . Do not wrap the globe*. lr ae Dlrrclor of I'wlt li<- Safety, effective at noon. DECISIVE VICTOHY FOR TIIF, V, AH LOKll Toklo. Dee. -S.- Vernacular newspaper and war office from Mukden today stated that Murahal ThoIim, war lord of Man churia. ban defeated 'Innpnl Kii'i II utipclln and occupied I'alklpu and other ponltlonn neur Kinmin Fu. Advlcea here are nomowhut eon ili? tinr but Inlkitc that the mar* rhal obtained a deciaive victory. EXPLOSION W ItECKS RAILROAD KIR IDG lv (lirkaiarir, w. Vi . !???< S3. An exploiilon damaged t h?* West ern Maryland Itailrond bridge at Itingam Junction curly today. Tbc blunt wa* net off near the middle of the npHii whb-h croaaen West Fork Hlver and canned damag" estimated at several thousand dnliara. I |tl<< i s of nleH w. prcawed th?* belief that nitroglyc erin had been used \\ Ml l l It N t \to\ NK\|)IXI1 iavth ( HKihtmah tiit:.,:i ?\t;s In oider to :-n<">u''u{;c f'hrHl nri:iA greeting mraagKoa Hn \W?t ern Union Telegraph of;; c- her* h?N derided to ? \t nd llo h'-llda / hour* on?- hour In the morning and one hour In the pft< rnoim, Ch rial mar* l)av the offico ? v IJ I lv' open from ft to 1 1 a. tn. and frem 4 to U p. ui., iuHti-ad r,f f> to I ?J a. m. and 4 1 i 5 p in., It it ually la on ftundtiya and holl lav K*tra tneaft'-nK r boyn will b on duty during the opening houn and J. I). J-'yk*'*, niftDiter, n?k< every on?? to file hi* ni *f?ag"f< ? ally and not wait until the clon ing hour. Mr. Syken In tn a nhnrii ChrlatmwH greeting* gelling con fer with oth? r Weetirn I n1 ?n Op tra tor* In hi* district and hat work fd hard to make a good Ah owing. Congress Takes A Christmas Holiday Washington, Iter. 2'1 f'ongreaa b"j?ji II ll? 12 flay vacation today, cloning u bimy two week* In which it laid lulu h of tlx* grouiul work for it long ami spirited mchhIoii. PRISONER AWAITING 1 RIRTII EIGHTH CHILI) I), r. 2.*! Jem>e II. Wy 1 iilt, |i?rm?T e t pill in of (lot4-c(lv('n ill (In* Itiil aii;h pollri' forre, was \ I'-rday nroi'i-d a atay of prlii 1 on from January 2 fo .Ma n li 1ft. |m nwall tti?- birth of ; III.' eluhi Ii child. Wynlt waa kIv- t ? a un ? 1 if l? ? to IK months' t ? 'tin f*ir mtiiMailghliT after kilting Hi i?hi n Holt. Koilthfl Id fttorney, wliom In- mlr-took foi a tuiu run ner. . I'ollr ? who a? rved with and tin ' <1 r I'm- fcrni*-! captain l?aVt? raised .i fund t*? provide Christmas cheer fir tii ' Wyatt household. PROHIBITION AGENTS WARNED BE THRIFTY Washington. Dee. 21. Prohlbl ilon agent* were warned today that "n-rklMi. unjustifiable ex pen ' dilutes" during ih"lr work In the ftfliiro would cause their dismissal ? from the enfr.rcement aarvire. I I v ERAL I IF MUNSEY THURSDAY MORNING ' ! 1 - York, V' 2" run* ral M>rvli f l Km ? a RJUMey, v?t i-ian pnMl.hcr. will l?" held In the t'.tlhedial of Hi. J'iIiij the |>lvlne. YhiH.'.ilav morn Mr;. Mr. Mil' s d< uth hiouaht lflr!;il? ihroufth'tut the ronnfry. THREE CHILDREN ARE TH \MPLEI) TO DEATH KjI-. Pa . Dec. Z'\. The laugh i ter and mirth of "?.000 children i attending a or* < hrlfftnta* ppr ? lorin.inri' In tin Krle Arena late ynnterday suddenly changed to i crle* of fear an a email bench on which three of the yoiingnter* 1 wit" seated broke. raiMlmt a psn- 1 i Ir In which three rhlldren were I trampled to death and seven In-' jured. one seriously. MORE Suodding DAY BIG CHAIN STORE WILL ENTER CITY Meridian (iompany Kent* Large Hour Space in Hinion HuiMin^ I .e rise 4i f two stores in the Min ion Work to the McClellan* Stores Company. of New York, for con version* Into a slugle large estab lishment wan announced Wednes day by the Carolina Hanking & Trust Company, present owners of the building. The McCiellun company ruiiH a system of chain at ores dealiiiK In a wide variety of merchandise in a price range of five cents to a dollar. The stores to be combined and used by the ney company are the present hi and of the Duff Piano Company and the adjoining one formerly occupied l?y the Kpoucer Walker Company. The lease Is to run for a ten year period, with privilege of renewal when it ex pires In commenting upon the transact ion. bank officials stated that the rental was aubstant tally higher, even though on a long term basis, than that paid by oth er stores In the block. Opening of the first music de partment store In Kllsabeth City by the Duff Piano Company about February 1 Is announced by W. P. Duff, president of the company. The new store will occupy the Flora building on Fearing street, between Poindexter and Water streets. This structure will be re modeled entirely, Mr. Duff an nounces. adding that an exception ally wide and attractive range of things musical will be carried In stock. The McClellan Stores Company will spend about Slu.000 on a modern lighting system and oth er lmprovement HOIIKHT T. SMALL IKS. fcy A #?????) Wushlngton, Dec. 23. t ho fight for President co?Ui??J world court plan on the Republi can fide of the Senate chamber la a man buffeted by one of the must cruel turns of fate that ever befell a human being. Thla man Ih Irvine L. l^enroot. Senator from ti e Mate of Wisconsin, who by all I he rules und orders of the O. O. p. should today l?e the occupant of the White House, forinu latin* his own International plana and policies rather than attempting to curry out the diet urns and dlctatee of another. ' Fortunately for Senator benroot he does not appeur to be a atrong ly introspective man. He aeema to shake things off rather eaaliy, and yet. as he sltB there In the Senate, day ufter day. one cannot help but picture the thoughts that must ko through u head wh>ch " culled by some one of the ableat in the upper house of Congreaa. American memories are not very ion*, but there are atlll plen ty who recull that at the Chicago convention of the RepublUjM* part* In 1920 Senator I ..en root waa "slated" t o be the vlco-preatden tial candidate with Senator Hard ing of Ohio. The Hlate had all been arranged. Supposedly U wee copper riveted, as things gener erally are at a Republican oo?* vent Ion once- tho "steam roller has beon wheeled Into action and the organization whistle la tooting Its signals to stop and go. Mr. Harding had bean nominat ed after a somewhat hectic strag gle between Former Governor Fruttk O. Ixjwden. of Illinois, end Major General Leonard Wood. The Wood and Lowdeo forcea vir tually had deadlocked the conven tion and there was no Indication of surrender on either side. Both of these aspirants were given ev ery opportunity to demonstrate their strength and neither had suf ficient. Therefore at the end of the week, the leaders got er and agreed upon Senator Hard ing as the compromise candidate. At tho sume time It was agreed that Senator ben root of Wiscon sin. representing a supposedly liberal wing of the party, should be the vice-presidential csndl ln'' The Harding nomination went with a whoop. Tired with their all-night and all-forenoon conferences, tho G. O. I*. lead ers drifted out of the convention hull. It was supposed everything was "fixed" for Sonator benroot. There was no noed to wait for that part of the plan to be execut ed Vice presidential nomina tions never receive a great deal of consideration from the delegate? on the floor. Kverybody la anx ious to go home. The honor of nominating Sen ator benroot had been placed In the hands of the lute Senator Me dlll McCormlck of Illinois. Medlll for some reason unexplained, wae quite u few minutes late In reach ing th eplatform and the dele gates were a bit restless. Medlll made a more or less perfunctory Npeeih and then stepped aalde to let the voting begin. Somehow or other the situation was bungled. There was no spread of benrbot wild tire on the floor. Then came tho memorable In cident when Wallace McCaraailt, 1 delegate from Oregon, leaped lo a choir on the convention floor and placed tho name of Calvin Coolldge In nomination. L'p to that moment there had been no thought of Coolldge for vice-president. The Massechtt setta delegation had been backing him In a more or leas deonltory manner for the presidency, but It never occurred to a single mem ber of the Hay Stale delegation to propose him for second place on the ticket. The rest Is history. Mr. Cool ldge was nominated. Mr. Hard ing died In his third year at the white House Mr. Coolldge stepped Into the Amerlcen hall ef the Presidents. t . ? Mr benroot might have had all this If something had not gone wrong with the "machine.*' Mr. M< Cement has been appointed a Federal Judge in California. Mr. 1 .enroot has the fight of bte llw on his hands to try to come been to thr Senate next year. v' POPULATION HIM, EH IN NEW YORK STATE Albsny. N Y , Dee. 33. ? The population of New York state le i. 11,1 62,1 61 . according to totals of 1924. the state cenaua bureau an nounced today. This repreeenta a gain of , 000 since 1920.