1 WOMEN'S INTERESTS k : AMERICANS ATE I GALLONS GALORE ?OF ICE CREAM When Hewerl Finished ? New 1 car"* Km- at l.pusi 300,000,(tfM I Gallon* Hail Been Ab^orlx-d OtIALm IMI'HHM I) With Advertising (Unit pai^u Stressing Dietari Value Product .Standard ised and Made Better K\ 4. C. ICOVI.K f ' CC and there are no indication of an early halt In the increase in coti aumption. Plana for a nation- wide inergci of condenaed milk companies with the Weatern Reserve Condensed milk Company of Cleveland as a nucleus are under way. Ths new company, to be known aa the United Milk Products Com pany. la expected to take In com panies from New York to tho Pa cific Coast and will noil only at Wholesale largely to big baking companies. Ice rream manufactur er* and confectioner*. fr Might jkwkih mkkt The Bright Jewels of the first MoCbodlat Church will meet Kun flgiriifternoon at the church. All members arc a*k?tl to ?? present and to brine their mite 1 Mian Virginia Askew has re lumed from Norfolk, where ahe Mint a few days with friends and relatives. Glimpse From Real Life Of Gov. Miriam Ferguson Site Likes torn Hreatl and Turnip (in ens Jityf I. ike a tic tilt far Southerner and Sometime* 'i'eH& tier Hitfibatnl II hat lie Outfit to />?> A u* tin. Tcn . Jan 2 - The homely cackle of the chit-ken yard or the quiet of a roue garden jive Mir i.i in A Kergitaou surcease from ili*? turmoil which sometime-* swirls about t he governor's chair. A glimpse of the intimate life of tli?- woinun governor wan caught v h? i!. at tl:?- lit iicht of tin* politfc'i Mgltway controversy. kuv slipped away to trim her rase l>u*ho?. buy ? Iotit*h In Temple her hoiu* iowp. and Incidentally pay iter poll tax Despite the fairy atories about MY*. K> i ftui'on. Itom* I y and beu'i tiful. hit. ami liifle. ignorant and intelligent. here ere soiio actual facts about he? : Slit- leeds her clibks. Knts "poor man'x broad" and turnip greens. Wears low-hfeled "hoes. Drivr? her automobile Does not wear bobbed hair. Spreads on a little rouge. Does not ? thai w?y h* brought before It. will b* held nt It* bnn k In k hounn In ttll/nb*! h City. N (*,. on Monday. Jnn irtiry 11, 1026. b4?tw?v?n tbr hours of 3:00 nnd 4:00 P. M. If. G. kK AMEK. DMfrolMr 2ftth, I!?2fi. Vlc? President nnd Caahler. SMW'K GAINS ITS OWN PL ACE WoiiM'ii W i?rk< r> l ine! h Jn*t IC isrlii for 1 i?ok- and I'rdtiviKin 1?> AII,1"*:.N ICi 0? TV Ni?\v Y??rl: . Jun. - -Thi- iniork has gahifd y <1 1> t f t)? i plu<-.- in ih? dr?>KN of American wnnirn lu ih" Inst month Women worker* in \mei lru his v** jiIwkvs I??m>h rpuml cd us the best dressed In t ti?? world When one Wall Street house put l:> men niul women workers Into smocks. during buslitesH IwiimJ th?- women workers of this and other cities *cr< quirk to see the advantage this garment offered {i lid to adopt it. Before tin* Christ man rush was over nearly half the Individual clerks of the smart shops had vol untartly adopted this cost nine dur ing working hours. Tliey found tlint it presented a smart crisp, i business like appearance and ui the name time allowed ttfe wearer to don clothes beneath it which I would have been anything hut ap propriate for business wear The anthracite strike with the Increased use of soft coal and the dirt attendant on Its 'uses played a I part in this fushfon movement. For coKtunifS of such chaturier as to ] be readily changed or ml. as smocks are, remained^ Vs fresh and attractive at the end of the business day as when they were donned. Manufacturers are taking full I'dvautage of the move here and are preparing to furnish smocks in practically every tint and shade to women workers throughout the country. They count on a large demand from Washington and other ccnters where thousands of women workers are employed. They say the fact that a smock ^111 allow the workers to dress for dinner, theater or a party and still present a trim and business like appearance during office hourn will Insure a multitude of allows her $5,000 a year expen ses for the mansion. Including maintenance of the grounds. Ice., fuel and light. A <> 1-41 U|1 Photograph thin (Illinium* tvlule \he family in here. i V' ? on may never lie together aguin. Mude either at Mii tlio or your home. Phone ZOELLER renders ^^I LOW FRONT STOHf* HLACKKYE I'KAS. Il>. 10,. NAVY RKANS. ?I v 7>/u Opposes "Ma' Henry W. Zwelfel "of 1 Fortl Worth Tex., la being roomed as a auber ""ortal . candidate j by,? prominent I>xas\ republicans. f He la a U 8 district attorney who iralned fame In prosecuiin* oil swindlers. and the n?ratfoiis when in ? H'K I.AIU.K December Business IMMiVKM ! .?' .T SKI M ' K!( V \ ! ( : . > t*: s n? or ou llifir farm one of Hi.' Muurtent hiio|?? in nrth Ave nue liax always drrss.d 1(h pm i?loye* in tun line Karuientx of This character. More -iciiiliraiit till* lattliion hUf spread lu house wlve.s as well un office worker*. Then* t* ulttioxi no limit a* to ronl. Ih?- cariu-iiif ihmv b. ux plain mm po*x||>i<. a uit us for mater ial Home already allude to them an indoor overcoat x. On ,u.. other hand. liny ma\ |><- rf tmi.-m lion with raKKotine ami smorkliiK mo eialtomto ?s to involve no little ex pense. Hosiery Si>H. lust roil* silk 1 | |,JIV.. all j i,.. gj,.w s in ^iiorl full fashion* ii >*,lk ihrcttU unci cliifion hour. M. Leigh Sheep Company Wnmaiib VVi.l) Shinuk' Mill in '111 I - Serf inn UieSMIIl M ffS. (io, l.liAMlH'lll (;|||, \. Paid for Reading Advertisements IT HOSTS ;i small fortune to makr one watch, automobile or fountain jmmi. it takes a large (Kirl ol the brains and of the factory to make* just one of an> manufactured product? but if a thousand or a million can he made, the cost of each conies toppling doHii. Vdvcrti-ing, I?y multiplying the number sold, makes it .|H>ssihle to slash eosts. Advertising, by opening up undreamed-of markets, has brought within reaeh of the people thousands of things which formerly were luxuries only of the rich. When you buy an advertised article, you join in the |mpular movement to cut down pro duction costs. America's millions of shoppers, by buying advertised goods, are every day forc ing factories to he made larger and commodities to Ik' produced for less. To buy advertised good- is to start tavings 2?. Jan.1 ,2n STOCKHOLDERS MRETINO ? The regular annual meeting: of the Stockholder* of the Caroli na Ranking & Truat Co . will he held In It's Ranking limine In Elizabeth City. N. C.. on Mon day. January I lib. 1926, at 3 P. M . for the elscllon of Direc tor* and such other bUMlne** as may properly come before the . meeting. Tbia December 2* l 1126. (l it. Little. Cashier. 28-2n ,1* 1 ?Ol are run down and con stipated eat three grapeftults a day. It will sure do you good. J. W. Stokely has tried It. an 1 ho knows what h* l? talking | about- 2K-2n FAMILY WASHING ? Rough dry and damp wash. Men's work a specialty. Albemarle Laundry Phone 125. Elizabeth City, N. C. Gtfnp. WiS BUY Second Hand Furniture. The Auction Store. 140 Polodex ter street Phone 772. tf Ixwt LOST ? Pair of rritiirrel lined gloves Sunday nlghi Finder please rail James Fearing. Jr.. 657-W or 638. 20. Gn Bargain Counlpr 27 WHIT* PAPER in rolls, same as The Advance Is printed on, for sale at bargain price*. Cheaper than old newspapers. The Ad vance Office. tfA For Rem ]0 FOR RENT ? Place of business (brick building) North Polndex ter street, at very reasonable price. Also half of large office, second floor. Hlnton building. W K Dunstan. 31 -3n HOUSE FOR RENT on North Martin street. $20 a month. Ap ply R. N. Dfcvis, Kramer Bldg. 81-Sl. FOUR HORSE FARM for rent? Mt Hermon Township, near State Highway. Also fine Jersey rot for sale. K. Coppersmith. 3I-6n TWO :s UOOM apartments. wa ter an?l lights, rooms communi cating. for rent. Phone 104-.I 29-4n. i FIVE ROOM APAKTMENT. wlltl water and lining. for rf?n(. Phone 104-J. 30.5n For Sale ? | J <1.00 S.-VLK on ladies', misses' and children's hats, cnps and bonnets. Wry good values, i Walker Co.. lift Poindcxter St. jan.1-7ptr FOR SALE? <*3od five passenger Reo car at a- bargain. J. W. Sliaiinoirtiouse. Phone 187. 22tfn HAHDAVOOP/, well reasoned, cut in short lengths and split. If you need i;ome, call 899-J ? I. J. Ft. Iirltc. 2*-2p wT irr vTv A PER In rolls. same a* The Advance Is printed on, for sale at bargain prlrea. Cheaper than old newspapers. The Ad vance Office. tfA ONK OOOIl POIID COUPE for sale cheap. In good condition. Phone 398 -W. 30-f?n FOR SALE-- House and lot. 225 [ North Road street. Apply to I. W. Flahe/. 29-?p FOR SALE? L. C. Smith Type writer. first class condition. Ap-' ply Coast Ouard Office, Hlnton i Rulldlng. 29-0p Swond Han:duratian of 4'umdtti Ootmtr ; ?nll nif|i? Wparal# bid? for ?!??- arorral cam r tran ilir beating fMMiact. and H10 pluarfrta* ; rtmturt. Ubi H.iWw NcSiool Hmi.f I'lanalnir. Ital rrilfltd rhH* for iVt.W racta Cber*< aba II ! br niadr n? t|H> Huprrlw ("mux of PM County fr-r the i>uipn?> of obtaining I dWofra from (tit. binda td ? ? ' " thr H'lo'i* and iWrndaM : ? . .... mat ?n tin- tad da> Kf >/ah?|ji r..?.nw , (?? a ntf >a>fw or dMmr ?? lha ">mi>iaini In U?r .aid a>nai ar th. !I "?* ,or tha ralM , vmaMM UI ||k?. rnfnrUb*. lb la |al da. Januaiv 1?JC . , KRNKHT U IUVTRR. KOHT II Mmnv link of tk? CMfi. Altoraay fa, I UIMUT lM.IAII.lt &OROTHY DARNIT By Charles McManus VIMATS THt MfTTSf7r~T *?|TM THUlVJ? v I OONT VMN T TH?SE EGOS TMCY^e l? Dock TH^TS WHAT * r Duct^ ? E.GQS I WHY we fc^Kcef *