CIIM T N ATION* WEDNESDAY 3.051 Copies I UK WKATHKB Rain tonight and Friday. Cold er Friday. Mo4-?.?:.? houtli went tft north and iiotlli*.i>t wind*. VOL. XVI. FINAL EDITION ELIZABETH CITY. NOKTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 21. 192C. SIX I'MIPS NO. 18. Coast Guards Absolved Of Blame In Failure To Rescue Stranded Youths 4 Superintendent Price He-; turn* from Investigation i ?f Near Tragedy <>n Wi?le ly Finned 1 lutlerat* Hunk* MANY IM KKVIEWEO I . Ni.Ii.kIx There Except j * Stowe llUiximtl to ("en L cure (-rcHs of Station*, lie, Oeclare?., Citing Finding*' | Exoneration of the crcw.J of IJin Kimiakcel and New Creed's Mill Coast C.uard sta-! tiotis. on the llatterns Banks,, of all blame in connection with their failure to rescuej Jloosevelt Stowe and Milton! Jlaskctt, huth of this city.[ who were stranded foi- 48 hours in a small speed boat in I'amlico Sound during the severe cold snap immediately after Christmas, was an nounced Thursday by Ensign J. A. l'rice, superintendent of the Seventh District of the Coast Guard. SuiHTfuiciuliMit Price rotnmod Wednesday niglit from a week'a trip to the llatterns Hanks to in-1 veatigate charfics of negligence filed by Captain D. F. Stowe, of Hatteras, in connection with the' incident. He interviewed the en tire crews of both stations, lie f nays, along with u number of pri-; vate residents of the banks coun-j try, and in not a single instanco did heflnd blame attached to the | Coast Guardsmen for their failure to discover and rescue tin two; youths. In IVs|M>iat? Htm It * Stowe and Huskctt were rcs ^ cued Monday afternoon. Decern-, ber 28. by the former's brother.! Samuel Stowe, who had gone out! to search for them alone In a i small Kasboat. They had been > stranded on Clam Shoal, off ltux-i ' ton, since the preceding Saturday ufternoon, and were in desperate straits from exposure and lack ot j food and water. It was upon their statement that they had! fired guns, had burned Hares on I the dock or their craft, and had shown distress signals that j Stowe'a father. Captain II. F Stowe. filed charges against the Coast Guardsmen at ihe two sta-1 i* tloiiB nearest Ituxtou. j* Examination of Government j charts today disclosed that the j point at which the boys' boat was i ' stranded was Ave and one-quarter i nautical miles, or about six land ; miles, from Big Klnnakeet Sta tion, and a fraction (?f a mile far there fronv New Creed s Hill Sta-, tlon. Superintendent l'rice stated. At that distance, it would have been Impossible for the Coast Guardsmen to have discerned the spoed boat with the naked eye, he declared. remarking that In three days spent there, lie was never able to him* two buoys with in 150 yards or so of the spot where Ihe boat was. Superintendent l'rice reminded that the buoys are conspicuous objects, 10 feet high, and palntid black siid ml. whereas the cabin [ of the boat was painted white, I and. was not more than five feet above the water level. "The* sound was full of floating Ice at the time," he reminded, "and that would haVe made It all the moie. r ^difficult to discern a small boat of almost Ihe same color.' ' | The investigation disclosed also that the crews of the two sta tions had liHd no word that the) boys w< ri? mission. Kupt. l'rice! | said, adding that Captain Stowe j had got In touch with the tele- j graph operator at Cape llatteras, on the M< nday that the boys i wero found, and that the latter i had communicated only with j Chlcamaconilco Station, far up i the banks, having no Idea that Ihe | boys' boat was ho close at hand. A searching crew went out from j that station, he stated. First Word Monday Supt. Price explained further that the first word In* received that the boys were iri!ssing wax brought him by L. C. Lasslter, of i this city, brother-in-law of Stowe. that Monday afternoon at 1:45} o'clock. He stated he Immediate- : ly sent a telephone message to ail station? along the beach, bul that It somehow became garbled i In p laying, and |)y t ho time it reacte d the Haiti ras Hanks. It was so i?ng!#d that no importance was attached to It. A phone mes-, sage from here to Hattera* must go via VI? .'Inift Heacii, he ex plained. "d thence from station to station along the ^oast. each station k- per phoning It in turn to the next. The boyn were res cued about l o'clock Monday af ternoon. a ft ' nee suffered little or no add> <1 hardship througn failure of tlii message, he de-1 Oared. "From thai distance, the firing of shotguns couldn't have been] Continued on page 4 t PERQUIMANS TO BUILD NEW ROAD REACHING GATES Winfall - (ilidcik- (ialt'itvill?' High way Will In- ? :????> pniiiou lo Prwent IJuiils' Via Acorn Hill SAID TO BK SHOHTK1C Distance Between 4?ate* ville and Elizalielli t.ity Several Miles I^ess Tlial Way, McNider Hnliln A companion highway for tho Acorn lllll Hood. giving Gato* County resident* roaily access to the counties to the south. If as sured through the Kale of $200. 000 In certificate? of Indebtedness by the Perquimans County Com mlssloners. The money will In loaned to the State Illghwuy Commission for construction of a Hand-asphalt highway northward ly from Wlnfall to Gliden. a dis tance of about 12 miles. It will he 1G feet wide. It in anticipated that contract for tho Wlnfall-Gllden road will he awarded at the regular State Highway Com mis? Ion letting In February. The road will pass through Belvldere. and at Ollden will connect with the present State Highway from Kdenton to the Vir ginia line and thence to Suffolk and Norfolk. Gate? County residents are de clared to be at work on a pro posal to lend the State Highway Commission funds for construc tion of a paved road from Gates vlllo to Mitchell's Fork, near Gli den. which In effect would be a continuation of the Win fall-Gil den road to Gatesvllle. Wlnfall Is about a mile and a half by con crete highway from Hertford, and the new road system, therefore, would In effect connect Hertford and Gatesvllle. From Gatesvllle to Kllzabeth City via the Acorn Hill road Is a distance of 36 miles. The distance between the two points over the Wlnfall-Gllden road will be sever al miles less, according to J. S. McNider, Hertford attorney and good rouds enthusiast, who quotes highway engineers on the subject. Mr. McNider points out further that the latter highway will be hardsurfaced. or approximating hardBurfaced construction all the way. with the possible exception of about two miles between Gliden and Mitchell Fork, whereas many miles of the Acorn Hill road are of unimproved dirt construction, and may not be hardsurfaced for years ot come. Perquimans County's certifi cates of Indebtedness will draw In terest at 5 per cent. They were sold to a New York concern a few days ago. under an arrangement whereby the county will receive a rebate of 2 per cent on all funds unexpended after a period of six months. Tho certificates were Is sued on a short term basis, with the Idea of the State redeeming them before they fall due. In the event they ar not thus redeemed at maturity. It Is anticipated thai Perquimans will Issue bonds to re tire them. To offset the Imminent prospect of keen competition from Hertford for Gates County's trade. It has been forecast that Chowan County, with Kdenton as Its county seat, will construct a hardsurfaced high way to Gliden from the point where the present paving stops, probably doing this also on the basis of a loan to the State High way Commission to bo repaid at some future date. Search Is Widened For Missing Girl Charlotte, Jan. 21. ? Officers were today widening their search for Jessie May lllcks. 12 yeur old girl, who disappeared from her home at Lakewood. a suburb, yes terday. City and rural police Who were Informed of the child's disappear ance today were without any in formation as to her whereabout*. Her father. Henry Hicks, was today en route to Gastonla seek ing to find tUtf ehlld. She wan last seen yesterday nfiernon when she tried to buy candy at a neigh borhood store but had no money. I'lfCDMovr fWHmmtH akk MKKTl*4i AT NtlJHlll lll Salisbury. Jan. 21.---Represen tatives from 13 Piedmont towns met Wednesday for the purpose of perfecting an organization look ing toward mutual Interests and Industrial developments of this section of the State. The meet ing went Into executive session ' this afternoon. Finds Her Daughter at Last After wven years of searching. Mrs. Sam eel Pulllm of Term Haute, Ind.. has found her daughter. Beatrice Tanner. 11. and tiaa taken h??r homo with her. Mm. Pulllm was obliged to Rive th*? ?ctrl up In lt?is. when her Aral husband deserted her. and after her marriage to A!r. Tulli.-n rhe could not locate her. An advertisement In the Salvation Ariny W,ir Crv. however at last led to discovery of the ctrl In an orphanage In Ura J lord. l*a. YoungPasq uotank Farmer Tells How He Built Big Business From 12 Hens The utory of ono young P.ik?ju i- ' tank County Farmer'* mircc?? i no of that iiubllcatlon. Here Is Mr.'s ?lory: While visit inc t hut very tuipor lor farming h or I Ion that llo? ti?rili anil south of Alhrmarh* Sound in the northeastern corner of North Carolina recently. wo wont to ?-???? the Jeunlngt Poultry Farm war Kiizabeth City. Wo found Mr. Carlton Jim*.nine ?. the hurtling young pmprlotor. busy culling a fow hundred hour, anil asked if ho thought t lion ih> best i lino to cull. "Any tirno fa a Rood Mine in rull when you have stalkers in the flock.'/ was his answer. "Now 1? a Rood timo and it's t ho bogt t i fm- for thin ' ,of culllnr. 1 have a lot of Imnril or* In this flock nnd I havo !??? -ri following t ho |dan of culling any time I find that ?uHlju: Is lioodi'd. I havo put this flock to work nnd (t 2^ por font of tlu-m do not lay. thon t sinnd to lo.*e 20 por cent production a lour '.vit h labor ami food. too. I cull all the tlmo almost dally In fact, and find tkat It p.i>*." Megan With Do/in licu? "What led you Into the poultry business?" wo asked. "The start was wlo n iny nm*fi gure mo 12 hons. They were mini* ? not a loan. 1 was proud o' owning a do/on hen* and nt o?i'? began to taku a kern lnter?vt in tlu-m. I took a keener lnt?r???: In them when ( font.d out lini I had to euro for them. It. was tb"ii that I de? iiN in ?1.? Fr?n?e experi menting. 1 fed'?hew the l?e*t ra tion 1 knrw, nml houii realized iliat I know very little about ehlcke:;H. I readj ?iiMifd. and wuhIikI. The first year I until onourli pi:?y from my 1- liens t? pay for iholr f??-??! ami lento a .profit n? r hen 'if 5rt.71 I tlien bosun t" fixnrc ilie profit on inn |.eru?. iUid im \i ? n l.noft hi :is. Times wore hard In 1 fi 20 and IfiSt nt*d linr?l time* and a natural desire to work with poultry push ed me Into Him business almost before I km w it. Mr. J* nninu-? i.-? obs-ns? d with i ho idea of breodiiiR and has budt up a remarkn bly efficient flock. I. liircliiii; Iim considers: nf tlr.n with ?I'll h'-ns. Individually pedirreed. Th'-se liavi? n 'rap nest record. There Is nrollicr breeding fl??* I: of tn Ku h 'liH v,ith a record of from 22 1 to 2Tin #>^uk per ye;??-. The record of llie 40 trap n ?t hens rancv* from to 2.*?? to 2*6 mik*. All male birds ar? from hens that have laid 2T.0 or mut'o cpc in n year. Th J? liidne..-' Hoc';* Inclril- al together JI.OIIO beti? The ei|iil|>* tneiit Im modern and Is helm* ?oii stuutly Improved and expanded an the business ttrowH. The Iih-iiIm tor hn* a capacity of lO.StiK or?'. The hroodec house capacity H 12.unii chicks The hlK lil? uhntof has f??iif rem purl men! s. an I on* third lis full enpnrffy I? set eveiy Monday. Tin' lust Season' : ha?'h had im;h h' d 7'. nou. |i:.hy chb k* .?ml pull? in 8. 12 and 1wt-?-kH old Ji re so^d. The .1? linings Poultry Farm h >1 t '"?i t In tied nil piiKi: -I Coolidge May Hav? Two Campaigns On Hands IVI, k? T?? Aft.?V.) Washington. J .ill. 21. It ho rins to look now n* If Prryldent Coolldgc would huv two person ally rondn.ted *#n.iiorlal mm* paljrns mi hln hand* till? fall, and that ho may have In lf?k for n now private secretary. Tho report In quite general around Washington that Kverett Sander . pe<*rctary lo I ho Preflldent, In aerloualy conoid* erlng entering the Repnhllean pri marie* In Indiana for one of the nenatori?hlpa to ho rol? d for In No vember. President Conlldgr'n other nen aiorlal fight will h.. n fliotf- fn m :i ot#?* poii'iil v. r<* fired. Tl'" lt<" <*?e. which H valued about SL''?1.000. want ?wn?'r Ih unknown to the p' and flr?d ?"> ?lio? tu ? her how, Tiif iiik put mi : |? ? 1 A polico lannrh hrt ? riiitf ih. Umi joined In lht> rhu^. Wtom mpHired the four nvn aboard etit fiHh-rcd. tu \\h s<>\iKitoii\ m \ITKR MINI l,l: KIMAM v hlnffton. Jm, 21. rhiilr n> Norrls of the Beflftln aierlrnl ln? ?nrntttee natd today In a ?i. ? vnt that it wan "^iWMlp^d ar< ? l ?ho C'upttol thai o;i" ??' l-voi la i "?^nufarturin< Interen? are J uiKi'p'lnc ? new grab at Munrle Ph?aU.** NUMBER FARMS | IS ON INCREASE IN THIS STATE Only ('<10illy in Allxkiiuirl?* S honing DrrreuM* Is < Cur rituck Where State I la* Lai. Position as Seventeenth Th?uiutubec_of farms in North-' eastern Nurili Carclina I? ???? tli?* Increase. PigiVri** recently Ikhii?'*! by the I'li it I'd State* Census r.u reau uf iti<' Department of Agit , culture show i: with umuidakahle clear near. Only om> etiumy m it??' rntin* Albemarle District allowed a de cream1 in the nuuiiter of cultivat ed furiiiK during tin- five-year |?t rlod embraced between ly2tl mol 1925. Thai county Currl ? tuck. It Ih si t ii i lica n t that Cur . riluck is one (iiiiiily in this Im miHliulc m rlirn in wliicli tin- Slat" ,liad not laid a foot uf paved road/, j Chowan County had.? all the . Aloemarle counties in the per ?conta'ii* of lucrea*?- during th* [live-year period in the number ?t ? its farms. Chowan's pern-utaja* of incrr.i?c wus IK.l as acuiniil 12. 5 for Pasquotank. Chowan's rank In tin- Slate ia sixth, as again*! seventeenth lor Pasquo tank. Hoke (bounty leads the State, with 2.127 faiins, a per centage increuae of 43.5. Currituck's percentage of de crease, namely 11.4. was very nearly that of Pasquotank's per centage of increase. Oatm was the only county in the State in uhich (hero wj?s no change in the mini , iit-r of farm* owned. (lutes Is an* olht-r county of ihe district where I none of the State's money has been spent, thus far. for paved voadfi. In Perquimans and Dare th< percentage of increase was very slight, less than thr?-o iu each case. Hyde is next to Pasquotank in rank anions til*- Albemarle counties. Camden next to Hyde, and Hertford next lo Camden. ' Then coniex. Tyrr -li. followed by Pitt, licit if, Dalo and I'erqul mans. | The standing r.f various coun ties in Northeastern North Caro lina tn the number of furuis op erated is indicated in (ho follow ing table, lifted from the coinph-ie talile of all I he counties in the Stall* published by ITniversity News 1* tt?r: Xo. Per tint I n mis liii'11'H.'H' Ibutk. I 'miiitlcH I lir. I020-2T, 6 Miowan 1,261 1H I ' 12 lieuiifort ..L,.3,711 14.!? \ 13 Washington 1.273 14.7 j 17 Pasquotank . 1.530 12.5 i 3? Hyde 1,2(K * 7 3? Camden 03ft 7.2 44- Ib-rtlord ..2.213 6.2 50 Tyrrell ... r.7 5 5 o ?52 Pitt K.22R 4.1 GO Itcrtie 3.4 4 4 3.1 ,65 l)are 70 2.? 0 Perquimans 1.4ft G 2.3 :7R (Sates 1.5H4 0.0 *&8 Currituck . H73 11.4 Waters From Lake Are Menacing Mills Ashevillc. Jan. 21.?Unable to. withstand the force of waters, brought down from the hills by re- ' ceut rains and snows the main ? dam at I?ake hauler near Tryon Kave way today and sent a flood of water Into tho lands heluw , which threatened at noon to over flow into a number of small towns ' between the lake and PmoM Itlver volley in South Carolina. ' I Charlotte, Jan. 21. Trains on the Southern Railway system l?e tween Spartunhurg, South Caro lina, and Hendcrsonvllle. North Carolina, are being det on red over tho Carolina Cllnrhflcld and Ohio railway, officials of the Southern system lien announced This ac tion was taken because of the washout of Hie wooden trenilo near Tryon. Spartanburg, fj. C . Jan. 21. Warning that water impounded by tho huge dam at hake Lanier near Tryon. North Carolina, ha?* broken through Its barriers and may flood Pfccolet Itlver 'Valley upon which some of Spartanburg's larg est mills are located. w?s ImmikmI this morning by Lake Lanier He velopment officials. Officers of the Southern Hell Telephone Company nimmed iately asslgm-d by call 1? Harks dale, manager of th- local office to notify officials of ' very mill along the#b:mk? of th" rapidly* rising streams. llltfc.tKN A KM IN IAM? Walter Overman Is under treat ment at his horn*' on Cypress slreot as a result <>f ? fill from a ?tep ladder In th. n*w quarters of the Mrl?Hlan Stor Company. In th? Carolina Hank Building. Tae* day afternoon, in which he broke bta right arm Thousands Swan Counted In Wa ters Cu ni tuck Sound Thv ('.mint II n? Mmh- hy llinlttgical Survey ri> *.muted The I'omit ?ai m;nl l>* ox port* of the bi?*lo?rlr:il ' ?"i J of the | I'uited State* I'- nan men t of Airri 4'iiltur**. ami t|?i .. ,j??rt of the mlini in a ln'li-? .1 of t ho depa r' - iim'TiV Ik.iM Just *m*?*ii r?Ti'lvod Jmre. I*rn<-lh'ulSv -ill of ilu* ?wuu |hiiiii lutlon of 4>uHi?>ru North America rotirent rater. f.?r Vlitter quarters in t'lHNiJH'ikc Hay. M?l . Itacl; l!:iy. V:i.. and Currituck Sound. N and udjneeiit waiori. nay?? t ho de partment. lie*re they ran he count ed with reasonable oci'uracjr. uii?i the export* found a total of 14, fii!?. Tl?r proatesl number was found on t*he>-apeako Itay. Includlnu the SiiM|U?*hanii:i KltlH. wIuti? fi.HJO wort* counted. On Hack Itay, Yu.. 2.old were itbt.i>rvi'd. uml on the I'olomiii1 Klvfr, near in in not ion with tin* t'liosnpeiiko. 10'.? *cn' counted tlnrkni: tin* Klinu* con*u*. This Ih tin* first f:iirly roliiiili't?' rcnHUM of these hird* th# hiirri1)' has horn a lih* to niakt*. say* tin* hulh'tin. and. for this rt*nxnn. litth* ran ho ?ahl with certainty n* to tholr i m-rouse or ilccrcaMi*. There 1? litth* doulit. however, it add*.j I hat the MwaiiH have liorome hold* ??r in i he presence of man. as a; natural result of the protection i r.iven them over a 10-yenr period 1 whi?h will expire on December I I'lult'r l||e provirthillH of ill?' Iti?. the chitted MfiiHon will run* t Inue after lit** Hi-.voar term until :I'Kiilu?ioiiM ar?? promulgated l?y Hi'- Prciddciit allow-itiK ail ?ipeit H??aMon ?lurltig will? h IhcHf birds limy bo hunted The greater familiarity of lin* liir?!.". haw hroiiKltt them luio feed I it k area* formerly 111 tie u*ed l?y llirill MU? h UH ?lllKllillK pondn Oil ? lull preserves. and t H?- ilepart iiK'iii lian rwelvwl ?'oni|il:ilnt of liter <' to renew Mi?' : country by storm. and will have all the newest HongH. A muHlcal comedy, with practically every so ciety girl here participating, will feature the second act. Reserved Meat? will go on sale nt Hi'lIgH on Friday, January 2f?. The KIKh* booster of Tho Dally Ad vance will Imj Issued on Junuary 2!? also. KeliearxalH aro going along nice ly. While several masculine mem- , hers of the cant were on the Hide- I linen last night, awnltlng their cues. Hill Duff is said In have i dropped III with a box of his fav- ; orlte cigars, mid to have offered , a saxnplume to anybody who could ' smoke seven of them. John llray took li I m on. the story runs, and after smoking five, railed for a ' liarp lie was revived however, and Is expected to recover entirely j In several days. Details of the in f blent were reported iiy Dr. J W. Hellg. an active member of the minstrel cast. hi-ji t).\n i?K\n?\sinvn(t\ ?IV Dlt. M.xos is A*Kttl> Ait Imitation to kIvo n demon Pirnlion of n ni?ival?l*- hridu? work iii. the oiti'iiitl n.iiM-nllon of tin* Virginia-Carolina Dental Society Iti Itlehmond in April wna I? n >. 11 ? mvh j i \p. mi'M'hIH i demonstration. or clinic. tli** | Itlrlisiiond ui-M-linu. WOKI.D rol'RT WollKMIM WILL NKVUK <.l\ *: IT VV I ? Washington. Jan .'I Falling I to obtain nn iircpflM-n' f??r defl iiltc rI for a year or more. ? ml the hoy for alnxil two mnnih?, iio-ordlnK to Mr Outlaw. The Klrl la IC yearn old. and Hip hoy la 11. \ m IRK i New York. Jan. 21 Coi|r polni n. Kutn.en. loaliiK bid: March 20.17. May j i? ?2. July 19 00. Oct. 11.21. Her. 18.00. DIFFERENCE is matter only OF 26 MILLIONS AihI II,jt \?, S(J B; ^ j. ""'i 'V" ''?vi rnnimi 11,1 "IKHK'S I liK Ia n SV W ithhold J'i.Ikiii.-.m Uniji Tax Hill L"1T'?'I,y ?>"J ?"? * oi.fcrc.oc ? Si l> l Vlll I. tWItKMCK ^ ' v- ?? r.?(r. i ho dur.I1"11"? r"|,r???t I , '"n 1|1" amount .No" ? "r ,ry M"Mu" "" ?'< I,l,ou' ??> "port ?'fifSKZZ icST"" '*? '! , ".s ?'1I lf|<* I||.VI II. . u In m..,,.""" ?? bringing IIuhIimms n.iM.L'rf Mm,. .in, . a I w?y8 |m. mm.. w??7,Vy',- *" 'J?r ?""I" In InrL" lo ?? 1 SSii;'*"" ??'""?i??.55: I risk! ra" "*?"? -K* .?l r.iT'.'r ^ i ??ry h h tioij ncvii Mint i< rreaa W.:m?"m5S!,SLS ar ".'.v.vrv.r .lllninlMl,..?! Va,U j'.flS" >y luni ,,ptor|"B^1A,??to Iieanury e\pt,iH ~ ,na I markubjy accural?. **" '?"?moh from pJrt '?. ? "r,dl?'?* , ,lic ni W 1,111 ..J ,r Kroupa? ?"? *> <?? abirnrl. ?'i; uoo onn """" "?? ?330.000.ioo Nn'i "?? h, ??'??? ra,d? ????-. nm< nth-rt ?? ? '? ?o? ?'?Iiiuoni or runi-?, .. . tne Oov ! may I,,. th?n It rSaafSRS anil MiH"*,.,1,blTBln0t " '*r|[* '>? rimrratlr 1. , *h?? ftriiiuiif,(, . ' finance oaooui' "V ,M" *'r the'e$S4#". ,.'i ?lirr?ToniU? VJLj ??? /w ?p iiaior .Siiitmoiin htkiiom th.? i#la n . r i' Mellon'? ?"'*|?S r?;,d"L, yy^-'b? ". ..,ury iL, T'ruYd"^ SS&SrpaarS Ui'.''' dniu'r' |I!"7'l'i17ln," P0W,r ' nhotild ko, |o pur, II would require the luir den of taxation in retiring the | public debt. In th?' opinion of Tr?imnry TIm* ;? ?lniii?i? (ration, of eouiw, lias alw.iyv felt thilt It ihoiril liav?- fl' viUllltv on debt retlrcmsnl no thiit If p? ri hnnro the *t I ma tea on r? c?-ipfa did not r ?me up to ?* l> ct.itlon: du?> to had bunlntaa condition?, tli ?? would nlwajra fee i cuahion to f?.lt back on thr??ucti tin di'ii.iinl di< d p.iymenta on th# puhlic dcM r ?r ji ulven year. flet tlnK a $::&O.OOO.OUO limit would inn!?" tli< debt r?-tlrett?at policy il.';l?! Tlu-rc ?r?- in d lent lona, Ml th?> other hand, thnt Senator 91m tnoiiH will ? vj'ialn hia view? to the Mi nut?- In th?' Imp* of converting Mi r i Man in Washington < laima hill doK Kmokea. Bettrr look onlJ^H he will learn to shoot pool.