Noah Bright as Candidate For Council Vacancy Puts Fear In Hearts of Three Ander*if>n*s Friendliness To wart I Latent Prospec tive Disturbs Kramer, P. C. Cohoon and Hughes GAS PURCHASE NEXT? Citizens Expected to lie Heard From ut Council Se?hion Tonight, When J* Appointment (Monies Up , Evidence* of an unexpected ac cession in Mrength on the part of Noah nright, manager of the lo cal branch of the Coast 'Oil Com pany. and potential suco-snor or L. W. Anderson on the City Coun cil, became suddenly apparent Monday, on the eve of the Coun cil session at which Anderson * successor was to be unpointed. Until Monday, It had been re garded as practically certain that Charlen M. <; t 1kk?. furniture man ufacturer, would be the Council'* -choice for the vacancy. Mr. (irlKK-t was supported by Councilman Kramer, I'. C. Cohoon. Hughes, and, supposedly, by E. J. Cohoon. Now comes the news from what ar? apparently absolutely authen tic sources thai Councilman E. J. Cohoon is pledged to support Mr. Bright, and that Councilman Arm strong has agreed to follow Mr. Cohoon In the matter. With Coun cilman Morgan seemingly also be hind Mr. Bright, and Council nun Davis expected to full in llrte, it looks like a four-three majority for him. Thus far, the only 'argument brought against Mr. Bright is tl?. ' contention that Street Commls aloner Anderson is for hlin. Those who are'opposing Bright* candi dacy seem to fear that his elec tlou would mean the continuation of the Anderson influence on the Council ? and they express appre hension as to the bearing that In fluence might have in the event that the predicted furjher move t?? "unload" the holdings of the Gas Company upon the city material- 1 Uea. i \ Councilman Davis was out of town Monday, and was not ex , pected to return until 7:30 o'clock -the hour at which the Council meeting was scheduled to begin. His attitude on the question of a successor to Mr. Anderson is not yet definitely apparent, and those 'who are opposed to the uppolnl ment of Mr. Bright, knowing Mr. Anderson's friendliness to him. are basing their last lone hope on the possibility that Mr. Davis may pull with them. Councllmen Kramer. Hughes and P. C. Cohoon are expressing a willingness to compromise on virtually any candidate who Is generally known as n progressive and public spirited citizen, and who Is clearly not in any way connected with the Anderson po litical element. They do not know that Mr. Bright la thus connected, hut they fear him by reason of Mr. Anderson's activity In behalf of him these laat few days. There were indications Monday afternoon that a considerable del egation of citizens would be pres ent at the Council meeting, pre pared to be heard from when the matter of selecting a successor to Mr. Anderson came up. IU N< OMHK CM'll (HKlJi HTmV IIKTTKIt HKWI.N'fi Ashevllls, March 1. ? Club Klrls and farm women In Buncombe County are studying better sew ing methods under the leadership ot Miss Anne Ed wards, the new home agent recently placed In the eounty. During the past week Iheri- were meetings of the dif ferent clubs at Jupiter. Falrvlew, Black Knob. Tweed and Sand Hill Mwny of the club girls are learning lo ineaaure for patterns and to draft and cut them for use in sewing. The woin<-n of the Tweed community are also mak ing money waving and selling rugs. ANDREWS W ANTS COMMISSION TO STUM DRY LAW Washington, <>?? tlon of m rocnmi?*i<>n in Mint) lh* prohibition 'titra tion In nil Ha m]n by AwiNtfint Seerr t*rjr AndnVn of ihr.Trfuwry In fh*r*f of elrjr Inm rnforre HHlM. With both Nrnte and Mon?r prr^Mrtiiff lo fak?* ttqiM in In qtttrr Info conditions undrt pin hthltion and with wet it ii? I dr> orgMnlMlioM In blttei r,?ntn.v .o> irree H, Mr. An drews dwUiml that be be Hftnl the tlmo had conn* for a tfmnaiKh itody of tbe rfiir* t Ion In It* MtllMialf, mm-ImI. ami mII othri- pha?ea. I'nwIIIInK to imike iui ?>*t Invite of the tarl (HH fffrft* of tbe law blniHr the Kecn-lan declared that If WfrftrenHnf waa to proceed with ?wcc?? nome artfhn mint hr> taken to quiet fbe |nib!l* mind. WAR MEMORIAL PLAN ADVANCED BY CIVIC CLUBS KcprrKcntuiivos of Kotui*} and kiwuiii* Present Mat ter to Bourtl of Count} ('oinminnioii<'i>. ENDORSEMENT GIVEN Appearing before (he Hoard m County Commissioners. in mom li ly session Monday re|iriwijMilri'<) ; of (lie Itotary and Kiwai:is clubs [Presented preliminary |i.::ns. tor formation of a World Me morial Association h?-re. to spoil i roi erection of a Miii.ihle inemrit i ial of a t>pe d? cided u;?oi? later. T)ic commissioners en dorsed the proposal. remin?ii:it; . , the visitors that (hey already had a committee on it. comprising^ Chairman W. T. l?ove. Sr.. W. II. Perry and Solicitor Walter Small. Tin* first meting of the arso ciation will he Ik Id Thursday 'night. March II. at ?: 30. o'clock 1 I in the Chamber of Commerce* ? rooms, it was announced. In ad-j dition to the organization* named, Iht- City Council, tlx' American 4 legion, the Daughters of the Con-, federacy and the Woman's Clubi will be inviti'd to send represent 1 tut Ives. President J. Kenyon Wilhon. of the Klwanls Club, and A. 11. Houtz. member of the hoard ofj directors of the Itotary Club. up-, peared officially before the com missioners in the matter, asking only for the present that that) body give its endorsement to the plan. This was accorded readily. Mr. Wilson stated tliat it was in tended to raise $2,000 to $5,000 for a memorial, the type of which would be decided later. At l his Juncture. Attorney Wal iter L. Cohoojj, who happened to. { be present, addressed the coiu 1 inissioners. asking that steps be | taken to move the body of Cor-j 1 poral Setli Kdward Perry, killed in buttle In t h?- World War. from | its resting place on the court-. ; house lawn to a suitable ceme- , tery plot. Mr. Cohoon character ized as a serious mistake the bur ial of the body Where It nbw lies, declaring emphatically that pub 1 lie response to the proponed cani | palgn for funds for a memorial would be much stronger if it j 1 were moved. i Corporal Perry was killed while* delivering a message under fire, and after ha ring volunteered for 'the task. This occurred In the] last days of the war. When his body was brought back In 1919, I It was the occasion of a large 1 public demonstration here. and. yielding to strong sentiment at the i time, bis relatives agreed to the, | burial of the courthouse grounds. ' I^ast spring, the county commis sioners voted an appropriation of I $r,00 toward erection of a World^ ' War monument, and there was a i move to raise udditional funds for It. This failed, however, largely I through lack of sufficient organi zation on the part of its sponsors. SEAPLANES HOP OFF FROM CHARLESTON Charlestbn. March 1. ? Two sea planes piloted by Commander John Rodger* and Lieutenant L. W. . Curtain hopped off here today for Fernandlana. Florida, on the way to fiuantnnamo Ray. Cuba, where ?'they will Join the United States fleet In maneuvers. The planes arrived hero 8unday afternoon, .'?from Hampton Roads via More head City. North Carolina. , 1 ... CHICAGO OUTLAWRY SUBJECT OF MEETING Washington, March 1. ? A spe cial meeting of the Senate imml- j gration committee has been called for tomorrow 10 consider the peti tion of the better Oovernment Ah sod-it Ion of Chicago and Cook county for Congressional Investi gation of outlawry m Chicago. ' Chairman Johnson Iqjued a call ? today after examination of a poti [tlon which was presented to the 'Senate by Vice President Dawes. t'xnKitNocrtisiiKn < iiii,dki:n auk two 11%' ci.rn unit* Jackson. March 1 About 30 children who are 10 per cent or more underweight are l?elng stud led by the home economics class In the Rich Square school, reports Miss Mary Sue Wlglet, the home agent of the county. The home economics girls are working with the undcrnourhhed children, ' welching them each week and 1 making growth charts so as to I help them overcome their deflcl lencles. Meanwhile the home agent | and the teachers are visiting the 1 mothers of these children and are [securing their co-operation In 1 [ feeding the proper foods, such as milk and egg*. / WEST IN SADDLE IN SENATE BUT EAST IN HOUSE < Jiuiriiiaii*lii|>* of Senatc Safe in HumU of West Which Mold. Winning Hand in Kank SM ALL POPULATION' Three M??l Important Com in ittce* Presided Ov er l?\ Senator* from Leant Populous Stale. It> ItOllKHT T. SMAl.l. WaoiiliiKlnn, Mar. 1- The ev ieni of i he crip whlrli the far west has. upou f lie United State* Senate is reflected today in the fact thai sixteen of the thirty-three committees of the Senate are pre sided over b>* men from west of the Mississippi Klver. Most c ! them are front points along away west of that ilivhlinK stream. Not only lire the chairmanships today safely lu the h :n>1* of the west hut in the matter of ranking member*, or those in line to suc ceed to the chairmanships. .the west also holds n winning hand. It has ranking members oil no let* than seventeen of the ihirt y-th.'ee committees. . The Middle West, Including Ke'n tifrky. has 'six Senate chairman ships and the Kant has eleven. This is a marvelous change from a few y??ars ago when the Senate vir tually was lu the grip of New Kng land. Hut that tight little section, not 'o be denied its place in the sun. has its first President in the White House for something like 70 years. The most remarkable phase of the situation In the Senate Is the fart that three of Its most import ant committees are presided over by men from states having about the smallest populations of any In the entire American Union. Smoot. of Utah. presided over the all-powerful committee on fi nance. which corresponds to the committee on ways and means in the House. Senator Warren of Wyoming, presides over the com mittee on appropriations. Senator Borah of Idaho has succeeded In the chairmanship of the commit tee on foreign affairs. When It cornea to electing a President of the United Slates Utah, Idaho and Wyoming have a total of I I votes. New York has U. In the house of I- a splendid advertising in eti in in for l-:ilz?hrih City ; i; will aervi to al tract und hold visitors tn ilils cotn inunlty. nnd it should prove a very attractive In vent mem." Plana for the campaign to An ance construction ??r a hotel here, to cost 9:100.000 t<> i r,, ?i? progressing steadily, nct'Oidlng to members of the ceniral hot? I com mittee. of which i It I'iikIi I* chairman. Yatlou* stilt -com si] it - teen are being fornn d. und other preliminaries aie being dHposrd of. Announcement of tin open in*: of the cumpaiKii Is exp?-ct?d In the next few days. Sixty Three Dead Is Traffic Toll Charlotte. March 1?- "The smith's weekly toll from truffle accidents last week was 6:5 dead, nod 320 injured .the Associated Press sur vey revealed today. Florida led with 16 dead and 80 Injured. North Carolina hud 10 dead and lx injured FOUR AKK IIEI.I) I OK MUKDKIt OK A(.KI) MAN Albemsrlo. N. C.. March 1 Three men and a woman iodsy were IteliiK Klven a preliminary hearing In < onuect Ion with the si leged murder of Dad Watklns, aged man who disappeared several weeks ago and whose charred body was lielleved tn have Iteen found lu the ruins of ?? hnrued hsrn. John ?. uy. HW?at and wife, and Tom Drake, are held. I>eputy Sheriff l'M?"wf testified that he overheard tlray tell Mrs. (Iray that h* knew ill about the killing and ?<> NKW Mirinons sr.! Washington Mar li I -The Wat son-Park'' I'll to set up new methods of settling railroad labor disputes was pi -? ? way taken af ter the Ifou"' had defeated 292 to! 1?. A motion bv ltebreaentstive I Hlanton. Pe?no?ral. of Texaa to ' , send the * bill back to the Com merce Commit i ee. SAUNDERS HOLDS OWN IN A BATTLE WITH PNEUMONIA kditor of tin* Independent and W i ? I ? ? I \ K now ii Mu?m zilie \\ riter ItMin^' ( !om lortaldv Today noim; is held ioimii Condition Complicated I?> Uialielir trouble of ^ev eral ^ ear?** Standing. Doc tor* Declare \V. t>. Saunders, ? dilor of I In* Independent, pllldUlled If f, *id"'ly known us a liuciitili" writer, "and candidate lor life House in iiii> General AsKcmMy >n tli'* .1 pproachlng election, In s??-rl ouslv ill with double pneumonia, at hi* home on Flint HtriTi hfir. !!?? I.. Itiliif! attended liy Or. II. D. Walker and Dr. John Sal ilia. "Mr. Saunders apparently in, holding hit own. Dr. Walker stated this afternoon ai twn o'clock. "Ho if resting more com fortably iliuii heretofore. Kor ih?* hist two days, lie has been a very i?i?*k man." Mr. Saund* rs was taken Tues day nUht with a st-.eic chill, l^u !?* < W.diusday afternoon, his condi ltl??n failing t<> Improve under or- ? idinary home treatment. lie called in Dr. Walker, ami later. Dr. Sa iiha also. Saturday lie wan very ?ick. On Sunday iiioriiinit. at the request of intmbets of the family, prayer* fur his speedy recovery j Wi'i e offered 111 the churcheH ot the city. Sunday night, his condition ap parently took a turn for tl'ie het-| ter. lie enjoyed his first inter- 1 val of rest, and apparently was ? holding his own this morning. j Resides the attending doctor* and members of IiIh immediate j family, u trained nurse has been in constant attendance idnce Frl-l day. Mr. Saunders' brother andj Mator. C. '1*. SaunderH and Miss. Frances Saunders. came from | Norfolk Sunday to be at bla bed- 1 aide. Mr. Saunders' condition 1* com- [ plicated by diabetic trouble from which- he ha* been a sufferer for He vera I yearn, doctor* Htated, add* I ing that thin tended to handicap . tin in In fighting the pneumonia. | lie had been feeling better for , several month*. and ,had neglecl-i ed the uhiiiiI precautionary meas-j urea observed in holding diabetes ' in clock, with the result that| when he wan atrlckcn with pneu monia, conalderuble e\ceaa sugar haa accumulated in his system. ? The result wa? that the doctor* were faced with a double fight ? *| on the one hand, to check the dia betic condition, and on the other., to halt the raxaKOH of pm-uiuonia. Kverywhere on the streets this inornlnx were heard expression* of solicitude ovei Mr. Saunders' con dltlon, and the hope that he would recover quickly. African Golf Game Lands Seven In Police Court A gamo of African golf at the stables of t ho tt. L. Williams road construction company on Oyer street late Saturday, In which a pint and a half of moonahln? 11 rjuor Is said to have figured ac * .iMlonally "an makes, resulted In the appearanco of seven colored residents of this city In recorder's court Monday morning, all of | whom were charged with shooting crap, and one of whom faced an additional count alleging posses sion and transportation of whisky. Of tho accused, Wiley (? riff in . William Eason, Weldon Button and Hussell Smith pleaded guilty rui the gaming charge, and wero fined |2 and costs each. Tom Al ston. Lonnic Orlffin and John Staton denied guilt, wero convict ed. and were fined 15 and costs each Sutton was fined and coata additional on the liquor J charge. I^Roy Orlffin. colored boy about 14 years old. was the State's chief witness in the case. He testified that he had been em ployed as a lookout by the crap shooters .and was of material as sistance In identifying the accused. He also gave the names of others who departed before police could nab (hem. It was In evidence that the game began shortly after "paying off" time Saturday afternoon and continued until the arrival of of f leers that night, about 7:10 o'clock. Patrolman ll&rrl*. a member of the raiding purty. de clared that when the officers ap proached. Button made off ut full speed right through mules, carta, wagona and other impedimenta, as though he were traveling an un obstrncted path l^eltoy Oan<1>-r? colored, but not a m-mber of the "golf" party, was fined IB and cost* on a charge of simple drunkenness. When acme factory gets a lot r jf something it doesn't know what'1 lo do with we have a new break-' tut mod. ' | II HEME \ HUE \ iKMW ESCAPE IV EXPl.OSHt V Chicago. Mum Ii J. ? Twelve firemen livlilliitf ? hln/e In -i frame building on the South Side n frw mtihhIs when the liiniltliiut of (he luo-<4or> structure ( I km 11 |o ili?* *treet Just tieliMi- iui cvph*?lou bl?'H the st I'lH i 4i i f into bit*. I In- blast is brlinnl b> miiiic tO h*?P hf?MI mttVtd h\ ||)'||!t* mile. The bomb ^ilinn'riHl ev ery timber hi tin* house. Mike (OMtelli 0|NMllt?Ml A RITN-rrt ill the buihllnu ntiil i?eceiiil? li nt receive*! evturtlon threats. JUDGE GRADY AT CURRITUCK Superior Court Convene)* There Today for ( ritn innl and Civil Ca*e? Ituleigh. March 1. ? Two of I He 17 Superior Court terms opening hi North Ca rolin.'i thin morning will be prc>h|?M| over by emergen cy judges. Governor McI.oqii has named W. II Snow, of Kuleigh. as emergency' Judge to hold the regular Hun combe term of two weeks for I h? trial of civil case?. A special two weeks criminal term which will alrto open In Buncombe today will he held hy Judge IV A McEllroy, of Murrthall. The simultaneous terniH In Buncombe are possible, due to the fart that that rounty huH two court rooms. The other emergency judge who will hold court this week Im Judge ('. A. Lyon, of Klizabelhtowti. lie will hold court in Guilford this week. In lieu of Judge T. II. Fin ley. of North Wilkesboro. who has been relieved for the week. The Guilford term in for two weekH. It will he devoted exclusively to the criminal docket. Judge II. A. Grady, of Clinton, goes to Currituck County this week. Court In Currituck will last for one week. It Is to be a I mixed term. Judge W. F. Harding, who would have held the regular Dun combe term. Is In exchange with Judge McKllroy. and by reason of the exchange. Judge Harding *111 preside In Meckletiberg. That j term In a civil one, to lam two j weeks. Judge Michael Schneck. of Hen- ! dersonville. aud A. M. Stack, ot I Monroe, are ulso In exchange, i Judge Schneck, therefore, will go j to Henderson county, his home, to ' hold a two weeks mixed term, and Judge Stack will hold In Anson. The Anson term Is for one week. I It is a civil term. Another exchange in effect this week is that of Judge* W. A. Dev lu. of Oxford, uud Homulus A Nunn, of Now Beru. By virtue of the exchange. Judge Nunn will j hold the second week of the j Green county term, begun lust ' Monday, and Judge Duvln goes to Durham. The latter Is a civil term, to continue through the second week. Judges Thomas II. Calvert and M. V. Ilarnhill. of Kalelr.h suit Kocky Mount, respectively, in ex- | change for some weeks, return to their regularly appointed courts ! this week. Judge Ilarnhill will ' preside In Wuke and Judge Cal vert In Kdgecoinbe county. The ! Wake Imi in of one week is crinii- ! nul. That In Kdgecombe is -also for one week. It is a mixed term, j In Vance, Judge K. II. Cran mer, of Southport, will hold a one j week criminal term. The Chntham term is also for * one week, to be devoted exclusive ly to the civil docket. Judge N. 1 A. Sinclair, of l ayettevlll*-, will prenlde. , Mixed terms of two weeks each open today in Wilkes and Swain counties. Judge Thomas J. Shaw. I of Greensboro, will hold the | Wilkes court, while Judge John M. Oglesby, of Concord, will pre side in Swain. The mixed term in Onflow I* for one week. Judge W. M. Bond, pf Kdenton. will hold this court. Judge G. K. Midyetle, of Jack son, goes to New Hanover for two weeks. Only civil tunes are on the calendar for trial at this term. The Kownn term will be held by Judge T I). Hryson. of Bryson City. It in a oue-week civil term. Courts previously opened will continue next *eck In Greene. Hobe*on. Kockingham. and Cald well counties, making a total of ? 1 Superior Courts In session during tin' week. | HI GH CHOI' OF 1'OOR lN|*ONie? OF HV COOfM Fresno. Cal March 1. The Run Maid ftahin Growers' Anno f lat ion has mailed checks complct Ing payments to members for the If 2.1 crop, which, owing to its huge slie and |?oor quality has been a problem of the raisin In rluntry for the last two years Fin ul payments totaled nearly ??0 100. TO HfCirr T| RMIMY The Woman's lilble Class the Firm MethodlM SimJay^ TToTj ?rill hold , their regular ntoulhly , . meeting Tuesday afternoon at . ':.1? at the home of Mrs. II s. I ? lawyer on Riverside Drive. All t nemhers are urged to be preaeo' SATURDAY WAS DAY OF triumph FOR MR. MELION SfW ,!,rirri''1^ ,lf Taxation f?p lla, , ?nUw|. pi Knurled IliK, |.aw am| Iiil..Krily ^Jiic halleimed ?vote was close ?'? T..r O.I.. Hl,?r 0f \V 1<;""'linu ^nate Would Have Invalidated Si|u<>lrlij|i? Suit ") I ' \ \ l I? I, V WltKM'K ... "**"?"< "?-? ?. ?. "'"I'tnuon. March 1 8,lur. ?lav mm- bo ?aid t0 havp rairkea 1!" Secretary of ,b, ?;?-> *H",n Not on.y a?. ? I irl|i|,s of taxation which "-ponwd ror Ave ,nn ?? '??. but also ,h. ' dccllncd on thai h"V| "" char?? I I""1 >"? Official p? """??cli action by (he D?. pailliirnt or Jllxfin. J I ?. I . I ., + ic< ln COflHU^I I , ' Alumla " which ho 1. . '?"So atorkholder. Nenator Moh. m ?r v ? , S"w H.rup ousoH M "? ?l*lnelr me Walali of MoataM I "in ??i'rli.K ,1,0 ,UbaL ?; 1 ^."IWko'i'v air1'''1' ''""'OMt | ---" a of", M"VlN - ? rzor^rv"" | another "I"" clone lhal u can h"' V?-e wn" ?? cESSl.'" ,h" fiSTTS li.(? vo'lVni*1 for the"". .7;r ?"T&uj5? < Had thi.r? ? VVnlnh revolution. J" .K.Tna? Republican S,?at?r. would vo.,iaS;;,!i"od ?- ! lut. rl Mirf <1, ,-roo. Which had or- I d red. r. lr,d, ,"*111 ' BliniiH . " "1 S"tll"? "hould j ' \ ? **-*cH?nln#? the fact*, I'aually I ' l "'o?Kh niemho,. have th*.? "' "" "uionrae of a W"l'""' d In.nilry, t|,oy dl> B , ? ? , ' to place th. lonely,., r"' "? ,? bo. n porRlNtcatlv J (?rnclaliiicil licfor- h.nkon. aw clallonr. cl?,?h?i, ?f ? and civic bodlos ao that n ? rr ^ roally foil th, ,.ro.,?,,fr?mbSf i lioino and toolt tho Motion nlanal mom In It. .Iltlr, ,y awf I'lUK II IIIAIIIS IIOMK Klf> of m ii mined orlRlo it | the rofthh-nrn of !>r. H. K. N'lio?, V nu Mmi^h Jloiid Ntreot, n??or th* !?? * H>m?oift>n of Malnj raii?