Quarter Million in Bonds Authorized by Council for Street Improvements Here Noali Bright ,,, Succord L W . An.li-rH.iii in l-our-Three Vole Over Cliarle-. J|, Grifjjj!. NKU lt)\X KI< OFFKII lather- t? I'uk.' I |, I.ale*t lender of Virgiimi Company Vt iih Commi*. >i<>n T)iur>?la> -Night i'assage of an ordinance for issuance of $250,00(1 in Ixinds for improvement of the streets, election of Xoah Bright, manager of the Coast Oil Company, to succeed Street Commissioner I,. W. Anderson as Councilman from the Second Ward, and adoption of regulations gov. c riling the type of gas piping to he laid here in future, and fixing n charge of ?5 pec' square foot for all paving torn up in the laying of pipes, were the principal doings of( the City Council in regular session last night. Ill passlliK III.- band ordinance Hi- Council merely followed up motion mail, at t|?. |ast regular iiH-t-iinK l?y Cotinclliniui Hiulns for imuanco of $225,000 in bund. Tot- str?-ot improvements. in ihts connection. it whs voted also j0 receive bids at noon on Monday. March 15, on 70,000 feet or con crete curbing and glittering to h. laid. in connection * with I lie gen eral paving prog mm. DifeJNMMXI of (Juickl.\ Ah had been forecast yestcrdav Noah llrlght, manager of ni,! Coast Oil Company s bnuicli here was elected to succeed L. W. An derson as. Councilman from the Second Ward. Jiid the election proceeded with a swirtness and well oiled precision tluit gave it \ a "cut and dried" aspect, as far ms the crowd was concerned. T.hu vote, too, was exactly as had b.-. n predicted in yesterday:* Daily \d vance As had been expected. Councilman Davis, arriving late from a bridge Job across th< Sound, pro\ed the deciding factor in the matter. i It was Cohoon versus Cohoon whe.ii the vote came up. K. J Cohoon placed Mr. Uright In nom ination. and I'. C. Cohoon coun tered by nominating Charles M. '?rlgga. Councilman Morgan! Armstrong and Davis voted with J. Cohoon, and Councilman Kramer aud Hughes joined the other Cohoon. making the vote four to thf-eti in fnvor of Mr. Bright. It was all done in a few! minuti-H, and without discussion Councilman Kramer made a mo\e as though to nominate a t li ird candidate a moment before th voto wan taken, bill apparently changed his mind and dropped the matter. The crowd looked,* lis tened, and said nothing. The matter of a new proposal' from the Virginia Electric K Tow er Company, lor installation of a super-power lln** to thin city from a point near Suffolk. Virginia, was brought up. City Attorney Leigh offered copies of a tentative con !kUrl,\ Hn<* ur,er brief discussion, the Council decided to talce up the proposal with the I tilitie* Commission i? Jolnl Bwlon ,n Sk Fere bee *8 otTic? s Ihursday night at 7:30 o'clock. nature of the new contract was not ' utcloscd *ew ''"A OnlliMMice I Tli Council adopted regula tion xiugened by City Knglnc i UIh? n governing future installa tions oi gas piping here, faking action ?ft. r exhaustive discussion. >n this connection also was passed * motion to fix a charge of $5 i?*r so uar. foot for all paving ?orn up in laving pipes. Council man |'. C rohoon explains! to ?J'' crowd present that the Coun cii had no intention of working a "Midship on private cltiiens there ">'? but merely was undertahing . "" r#r "s was practicable, from the continued niiisanco of ton, up streets. ? n his monlhlv n port on gen 17" COndltlons. Cit> Manager r ere bee Injected what appealed to liave been a hit of ntlrely ?inprem^ltated humor by sitting hat the streets or the city *?re in good condition, except w]p ii> tlioy had been torn up for laving s.wcr and water m.rln* At th. request of PreMd.nt J Kenv.., Wilson, of the Kiwaui* Club, and \. n. Houti. of the Ro tarisie Mayor JMcCa be appoim, I City M.hi.'K' i f ere bee rsprcHcntn five of i)i. Council on a Joint commit)- io formulate plana r??r a World War memorial here. I'pon i vt ueaf of John I,. Well-. Councilman Morgan, Hugh?s an. I Kramer n r. appointed ? con,. mlttee with power to act on a '^Uggeafr-d increase In the allow* ? Wi "'Id Mi- n.mk ? ,,0H. Harm-, xireet. for daina,-< E (VinHmieil on pfifte ? Council Acts anc?' of $ ?'i si im |imvi-iiii in Kl'-cli'i! Noal; lirivhf. man UK'*I* *"?>;?. I Oil ( 'i mputiv, to Mirci" il I. \v AmStT-oii on thi? (Niitiifil. | -h (*oiiii:)i.^ioti ii'. joint in*y?l:?n Th i j is ilny niuht. Vot?-il to ;nl\ tin*1 for bills in bt r?T? ivi-il M.ucl: 15 lwi?-ar f.-ft of roinTrti curb and nutter. Adopted ordliianrr iKin.; "p* ri lien lion m for van piping in br liiiil in tb>- 1 11 1 ii i-? . Ki iar< foot for all paving l??rn cp in laying plp?.*s. Nannd <'!;> Man;',;:.. !?". n b?-e art Council r?*pr? illative at War- Memorial tin iinw. I'KESIDENT CHASE DECIDES TO STAY Halclgh. March -Dortor 'Jy ry Wood burn Chase. preside!}/ M the University of North Carolina today declined an In vital ion to be* eoino president of tlio University of Oreitou. At a- railed meeting of the I'nl vtrnlty hoard of trustee* here he Informed thoin that he had derided to remain In this State. It had been known for some time that the North Carolina president had the Oregon offer under consider at Ion and It was only recently thai he visited ihe Pacific roast where he conferred with officials of thai institution. Paring the past week a number of resolutions have been passed by educational bodies urg ing him to rpinaiu in this Slate. NO MAIIKKO < ?l.\X<;K IN H.U NDKItS* CONDITION The condition /if W. O. Saun ders. editor of tho Independent, who has been 111 for a week with double pneumonia at his homo on First street, was virtually un changed Tuesday, according to Dr. II. D. Walker, bin attending phvsi- 1 clan. Dr. Walker stated Mr. Saunders passed an uncomfortable night, but rallied somewhat I11 the morning, and Has resting better at noon. F1 NKIMI. I?KV. M. >1. I'ltKMMKY Charlotte. Mareli 2. ? Funeral services were held here Monday afternoon for I ho Heverctid Henry Mason PrcHsly.RO. one of the best known Presbyterian ministers In North Carolina, who died huri: , yesterday. Mr. Presaly, since coming to North Carolina from the west. has. filled pulpits In Kllzabeth City, Mooresvllle. Newton and Char-' lottc.' He rccolved his edncailon 1 at Monmouth College in Illinois 1 and Xenla Seminary In Ohio. <;koiu;f miim;f.tt i>kai> News has been received by rel atives here of the death of George Midgctt of Manteo, who died at St. Vincent's Hospital. Norfolk. Thursday Mr. Midgctt was con nected with ihe Coast Ciuard Ser vice Hnd wjis stationed at (lull Shoal. Dare County. lie Ik sur vlred by his wife and six children, by his father. W. W. Mldgeit of Norfolk, by several brothers and by three sinters. Mr. Midgctt was a nephew of Mrs. N. W. Dally and Mrs. David Pugh. both of this city, and a cousin of A. W M id get t. North lioad street. His brother. Summer Mldgeit. who Is in the Coast Ciuard Service at Routhport, was called to Man teo to attend the funeral. Prettiest Ml#* JMIly Millar of fVn Moin??. in ; i? on? *>f ?hrc* pmtteftt ?irla ? (, i?rnh?* UnlfWMty. according to * , r ">f rl'i4+ntm ????? m ? ACCEPTANCE OF RESERVATIONS IS NOT IMPORTANT VI lii-tln r I -ill i 11 \mrririin . Acc?*pt i?r Itijc.'i l'. S. KoMTvatioib. Ukrl; lluvr Little KflTrrriih Court I>EL \> MAIN KESl l.T Siiliiiiioviiin 0f |(rH'rvulinii to Mi-itiher Nations unci Action by Their <>ovcrn ""'?lis Bouml Take Time ?) "A VII) I.A WUHM'K ??"* IW IN* ????*<., Washington. March 2. Reports leaching here that several I?atin Am erica a countries do not feel warranted In accepting the reser vation* made by ihc Culled State* Senate to the protocol of admis sion of ih<> World Court mar de velop a disruption as lo just "what errect a reservation will have hi international law. There him been a disposition un til now to re card the American reservation*. to the protocol an In the nature of amendments to the < oust Itut Ion of he World Court it self. This would require accept ance by every rlRuatory power. Reservations, on the other hand, need not be ncted upon but can be passed over and then by inter national custom acquaintance!;, re garded an consent. Some of the Auiericau reserva tions, however. are of such a na ture that Latin-American coun tries may not feel Justified in ac quiescing by sllenco but thev may feel compelled ru make reserva tion* themselves taking exception iVJ ev,?wP?'*?l of the United r, i? V' . ,Some of the conventions miopia bv the H>Kup tribunals ?r 190. anil 1908 nero f|||e(| w,|h ">aerrallon, nullified ihc h... !LV*""" rt-rlal" ???l?lon.. but the general view taken was ' In"? SO()d accomplished b> Partial acceptance than com P rejection Insofar. ihere "? "?> I'nllcil Slates refused to be bound by advisory opinion, of ill.. \Vorld Court which miv be Hon a" f ,he of Na il?, "III lake herself put of the ranee of the conn alto ' bci . Hul In all other reapei l a "here vital chonnoa have been made In International law. Amerl can policy will he lo accept audi decisions as Important precedent, when the League Covenant waa under dlacuaalon there waa ihe aame dlapulc a, lo how far a res crvallon can couatltule an amend me,., and how fur It waa a nulla,. ao the member, of Ihe World Court lo dcldc. These seem, no queatlon lliat after the correspondence be tween ll.e United Stale, and the "''"'l Kovornmoni. I, completed. which may ?k, ? year ?r more. : ?";rl:?n Government will he adnilited but at the aatnc time some nation, will alao Inner, rea polnl "" Amerl' ??" view ?iJh* ?' adntlMlon will sim. I'l) mean that the United State, ba, exxpreased a dealre for limli ed pariic'paunn ,r??U|fl, of the World Court and It will bp no?r^r?,0" s,rlc"> none of the rcerva I Ion, adopted w^ . ;' rlc*n s"""" "" >" ?">' " wl,h ,h" 'r?wlon, or action of other KOvernment* They can only bind the United States Government h-re or its represen tatives abroad Ho far- a* the JndKPs are concerned, they do not represent Kovemuients hut are ?Imply chosen through a machln IEL. *Jl,rh *OVf,rnments parti cipate. Thus an American Judge can act with the other judSe, but bis opinions are not binding upon the United State* Government ?ny more than are the opinions of other Judges. The process will bo somewhat com plicated at the outset, hut ul timately the International lawyers will work It out so that the only resialnt is upon the Aine,|Can .state Department In the extent of Its participation In the activities of the Court Aa for the retxiva lons they can be withdrawn or modified at any time by ,i two < thirds vote of the American Hen 1 ate. CHAPMAN APPEALS TO SUPREME COURT Washington. March 2.- Coun sel for Herald Chapman, convicted of the slaying of a .New Britain. Connecticut, policeman and who Is sentence to be executed April three, completed preliminary arrangements today to direct iii | Supreme Court a petition a>Klna ,for an appeal. Ray M Wiley of Springfield. Massachusetts, repre aontlng Chapman, vlslterl the court I ? V *nd ?rr?nited for V).. /lima I of the papers within thi< Wi few day*. * HTOIKM WABMXi North w**t storm nouth of l>ol awar* Hreahwaifr fa Matt*r??; dtatnrhancft orar Cennerlicui mov ing Northeastward with Increasing Intensity will chum strong North east shifting to Waat wind* north of float on and atrona North went wlnda south of Boat. ?n thin after noon and tonight." in th?- warnlnt Issued thla morning by th# Wrath nf ftnrmiu Champion Indian Pony Rider 'Mary Ride* Fa*t" Is her nam* ? and aha Uvea up to It She's the champion ndlan pony rider on the Glacier National Park reservation. She uaca a awltch cut from a buah In place of the leather quirt her slstera use. ' Members cf Road Body to Pay Visit To Commissioner Hart For Parley On Paving Plans A variety of relatively ?Mtmporl ant mailers occupied the lime am! attention of the IMsimnotank Highway ContinUalon in monthly session Tuesday, together with a discussion of the proapect that too State Hlnhway Commission mlcln refuntl some S4IMIW0 advanced I In the County on the cost of building |>aaquotank's share of the Hert ford- Edent on Highway 1? feet wide. Instead of nine The, comrtn Union decided ttnofij Clally4o send u delegation to Mill upon Highway Commissioner \? A. Hart for a conference on the matter. State Senator I* H. Wtl llama present ui III- " and su*Ke?' " In ft additional State, paviiiK In I -i* nuotatik under /n , airawBenient whereby the would lend the money, to he ribald Ironi Mate funds later. The feasibility of paving ??>< THROW BRICKS OF BOTH KINDS Sun Frunci*coV Mayor llil By Heal Ones ami I If Verbal Variety By ukx o. husk San Francisco, Marrh ThrowinK brick liau al the tn.o a dav or two ami and no liilm ?.is done except to the official chiii'*-. and Mayoral dinnlty In the rase of Ihe literal k bat Ills excellency Maym I llolph. Jr.. and the mui.iipa chauffer promptly clamber. .ill of the Official automobile nun caught the thrower, but wle-i. \r thur II Urines, state supeu ?? ? ilenl of Ihe AnfWUIoon I...""', showered verbal brlrk bats ?? person of the mayor yestenl,. lite civic magistrate was unabl' < ' pursue ihe thrower who left promptly for L*os Angeles Washington. I>. C., pronn ?ng. however, to return. Arthur llrlggs said some i '"" J unkind things about thl* ritj ' a chief executive, to wit Th ? n mayor la directly. personal!* ??"?} solely responsible for fnllun- o officers and courts In thU ne ?? oils to enforce the prohibit ion ?>* Policemen, and not the oHcn^rs. he alleged, are held for t rl.it ??e local courta are loo lenb-n? a no "practically every man In >?* Francisco Is helping to help '? ? ?? leggera tweak the law. All of which the dry blamed u* Mayor Rolph ? i and Indifference.' ' And an . Ing shot . the Antl-Salooi. I threatened to return with ?? ? ?oekMi fnii of Mveft ott clpato in th?- nexi niunlcin '? Hon . The liquor situation win- . being Investigated by V- ?' 1 aleit hj^. follow Ing erltlcl to W asmnH'on. Is brleflv Hi Colonel Ned M Green I* " administrator, has tuk*n th? Mf1 that with his kihmII fore not cope with the many p ' 1 >ri' i ion- but must coneenn. "" the distillers >' violation ,,r h:i ndled by the local poll" ' ' ' i?ne| tlreen has told the w i ? 11 ,l ihl* system has been foim factory and that the poh> '?*vp ...operated well, lln ?!-? .???"? jutlsfactory progress in -"in* ti,< l.?K frVhmr Acorn Hill lload under mii 'i ill) si r - ? ruugeftient was iliwu>'M>il \ iiNo. < 'oil my Hichw?y Kiirineer .l?-ss Ford advised. hoHrvcr. thai in the event i his was undertaken. the pavliiK in Pasquotank extend 110 farther than tin* l>i-mnl Swamp fill, ami (hut tins reniainriei lx> given a temporary coating uf israv rl -ni I'rov.i i-. ie pair alio ut a qiiJ?r ? put in a width of ahull! ten f*c? of pev Ing . thereby io reduce the present .sharp curve there. CROWD SMALL AT CURRITUCK ISrnrly \ 1 1 C.n.>v> uf Sprint; Term (our! of Minor f 'ii r rii tick Marcli ?. With only 20 cases on the Superior Court docket for the spring ti-rni and nearly all of tltej Sawyer of Tulls and hii< reeded in getting a check cashed for *280. ('liable to give bond he has been In Currituck Jail aliice early in the fall. Judge II A Cirady of Clinton. I* presiding ?t thin court. He deliv ered a forceful charge to the Jury at the morning session of court. The only case taken up Monday was that of the State against Noah Cart wriglit. charged with sale and Itoaseaslon uf liquor.' The argu ment Was completed mi 'his e?sc Monday and Judge Crady was to charge the jury Tuesday morning The select Ion of a Jury for the li Iquor case* en docket is hot likely i to prove an easy matter and It is i not believed that the forgery case | will be called before W'-dueaday. IIKCI.IMS AI'fKOVK eaoRi oi in 'ii \w?v W .1.1 , M I ( Tb" H . ate I in hi i . i .if i'M Ceinnii'?rO led !V d f lined ii pro* I I veatlgutlon ?\ ?jiit I.. ?? t y ia OHIfti KO. VAttiKn ; w: -nuis stoi.i v rniKVfs Nc w Y?>f Thre- tap cat rlen va! , . .<;>|im*ltni'lolr 940,000 W. !?' :?'i i , early todav from them i !? < I Mntin. I'rlr * WIIII ? ' the fol h?%lng lev. i !. i< :j July 17.70. in ? t l>e? I New Von ' Spot eot ton e|os? ?J 'iiddllng lf?,4.", a deciln ? i-oima. Knfuret, Hosing bid I H.flf#, May 11 : IIIODKKS , Slalr nil irial ilrri* in Nr\l IVh liny* I<| Pa** I jiosi Sili' CIiom :i l>\ Huaril l!'f < ? lilt':.! lllxli third, uu>l It. Kt hum ti. I'miU'V i cd rational sysi-m. lltlVi* I ?"?-ii hy *l.n i c?n li I > ISoard i ( Kdin'uti-ot. I'i.uiiiv Si: ? pcf'iut. JidclJ. M 'I* .1 lili::r.H an liou in nl | :hI iv. Tin* rm;.i,iii>. It'll $.'i.r?. 7s*? ? tl'lUJihl- ol I lit* (?lie,. lw HiHii'd, ? . til*- iiirorin.il ap ]MllUliu|t I I till- Mil (Mil i?rt H.I ill li j 1 !!?~h iVIiiMtl has li -en :i4i?*|?t - ? ?d c!lit-ially uls'?. "i ii?- huildir.v i> i?i In cii p|> il u;i ji sill- in r li ? \l? ctnlc> ui Cm mill r,.i|tii-i church. ubnui li.u mile: Hum this hiy, and I lie M'himl do li ict i ! I eiu iirai'i* ililtiully all n rural I ?|U?l|Ul.!v i \c< jit i Iiiim* put ts now iiii'oi l?ur.t> ril ' n< tin- Wii'KKvllir a. 'id ,\: n!.iinl limit hctinol district*. i'ouhI j iciIoh Ik lo lic^in by April I. and the ?tri:?-iuie is lo h ? ready li-.' ?. ecu pane;. by Si jii mln r I lor the of- iilru; ol I ho lull school John J. liluir. Stall' dlroctdrs ol wIimiIIioiwc phuiniiiL. Is t*\|M c(?'?1 In i ?? in ill ? next l< w day* lo np< prm- ;i Niii- for a l.?- building. A location litis boon Hi'loctod lentil-, tUely si kliori ilManrc beyond <*oiiti(h Church, (? li ?1 it Is anilcl pulcd thai Mr. Illair's upptoVHl will b< lar^'ly a tin: tier of i In*-. Til* - it'-w, v'clioul Is Id one ? lory lii^li. In ? kt'opliiu with tin latest (lesion in const i union of I l,e Unit, and 1* lo In- ot attmc I ri'itiii-d tapestry hrtrk. li Mill house 17 rla:iHl'oouiM, science ';ilM?l.tt'?ri'S, OSTiCCfi. II fciiliulu" ? ff?' i . mi iiioiii. library, inu-J r.M ins. iiiul an nudltorlom seai '"p v?"* ?? ???ill have iii'mJi rn sanluuy pluinhlii".. elec tric liulili. sit iiia fioul: ami otliir con v.ahiir* a. ('('iitnru wiri- l?-i us follows: <;? kl count ruction. ?i!?,|ija. to John \V. Kurt hiiii. Jr . of Tarboro; loutliiK. ?4.24a. lo It \V. lJlNon. ol WlliuiiiKton . plumhiuf:. Sl.TO'i. to It. W l)lx?>n. Wilmington; ami ulrih*;. $4 10. to l!t>?ri:>' \V. Hal-' laorr. Elizabeth City. ,\lr. Hud son. who usih awarded the cou ir.icr lor tiuiicral construction. n Mtitly receive h similar contract l ?r crcct Ion of a iiluh school near t atmli'ii Courthouse. ami is sulu ' i < hu handling many similar Johs in \arlou j par 'f. of iln State. ? rii'diy ol hidd"i'M wi i<- on hand lor lb*' hMliitf , w h icii continuid w ? - 1 1 into Momiuy ntuhl. In \u i iuus minor details, the original plans were modlliort for urcutcr ??roiioiiiy ati'l convonlonce. with . I ho approval of the architect. 'I her w? re iiIim blddi is on n?n ?*r?l conatrnctlon. ihtlr figures ratu'lnK orluinally fioiu Itfi.lfin lo $r>'.,i;3t; elc\en mi heat In v. ruiinlng from $4,779 i?? IMISl l iulii on pliimhlnu, vnrylii?( troei $1. 7.10 In $".:il2; ami four on wlritiK. rannln* from $440 lninR.of hear ing* on farm relief teRlHlatloa by i he Hoiive avrhuliiiral com ml' lee fulled tM m.iter lull/"' loday A laRt minute lilfl in plana hy farm or K:> nlz&'i'in loaders led lo poiipona merit until tomorrow or possibly Thursday. "Ml Mil *1. IIOM IHK" show X AT A I. It It \\l \ KOII TWO I).%Vh^ A ' mush nl bonfire" put on by lite huff I'ltiuo Compsny. of ihli* city, and r?!??rded by u inovle c.im i.i Hi; ?n i ii Hi I'ox l-;lm Niwh mIII lie shown hi the Al krain.i Theater today mid torn ?r rov , It, roIiBlc'i III with the re? uhir procram* M Slielhy Hurge n . hook hi i: manaaer unnounrrn. Tie Duff I'laiio Company nmvlna to iie^ rfiuartert. and a lip ?f human Interest whs added to th" ceremony hy '?a?in4 Sev ern I members of Kla*'s OrclifBtra , "do fh' lr stuff '??* for?- the mmer* Hep 'rt* from ether cllle* In .e^llrh ? the ple'ttre ha- l?een *ho#? de scribe It fls ? iipro.ii iotialy funny"! Mr Huritcs* -,i*? ?!?*? njel Is of in?- ? ?h?n ni ? l"nr'h Camden To Vote On . Consolidation Wit& Pasquotank June 5 * SAYS CHILD HAS RIGHT 0' W A Y I riM-o (iliilflrnr* I rirml, DclVniU Them \piin>t Molori.sl> II> iik.m k mm: it ?M, IK|, k. iKf AtfvaK*) Sail Francisco, Mar. 2. A'l previous customs. laws and ordi nance* specifying who huR I ho right of way on this eily's streets have been superseded by superior court ruling that the municipal thoroughfares belong to the kid dles when i he youngsters wi'-lt to play on them. Superior Judue Johnson. the children's friend, made ibe deci sion in a lent cane brought to de termine whether the city's board of supervisors have the antborlty to order certain streets near schools roped off at certain hour* lo be lined as playground**. The hum was broufthi by a motorist who claimed he needed the road way and bad the right to use It In going to and from his home. The court upheld ibe supervisors' light. On the result of the suit de pended the continuance of a num ber of elementary schools In the city using roped-off streets us playgrounds. Sail Francisco Is uot ed for Its many public parks and playgrounds, bht the hay and the wean limit the size of the city and many schools liavu been crowded into such small spuce that there is! 110 outdoor, play space. Mocking i of streets during recess periods' has solved the problem. In making his ruling. Judge Johnson left no doubt as to who owns the street*. The supcrvls- 1 ors" he said, "are !u reality add-, lug nothing to the privileges which, as youthful citizens, the children already possess. Hopes, "" ??o r"1*" - ?*? - "***???? noon In the streets. where they have a legal right to be either singly or In groups, anil while they are there they are a precious public cargo." The decision of Superior Judge J. S. Koford in Oaklahotnu uphold ing the adoption of baby Norman llodgkin. one year old "love child" ? of Loraluia Heckwlth. of Provi dence. K. 1. by Miss Anita llodg kin. Berkeley deaconess, assure*; the child his foster home in Cali fornia. but opens a legal fight In the Kast for control and possession of the estate left by thu unwed mother, who died at chlldldrfnV Two Boston attorneys, who were granted temporary guard ianship of the child by a Massa chusetts court, unsuccessfully at tempted to have Miss liodgkln's guardianship and adoption set aside A contest la exported now lo begin In Massachusetts to pre vent the year old boy from Inher iting the estate left by his mother, wiueh consists or one ftuo.ttUo! and one 1200,0(10 trust fund 'ind about $60,000 in other property, t'nder Massachusetts law hii Ille gitimate child cannot Inherit, but in California it ran. Final decision as to the estate may depend upon whether the mother's legal residence Is found to have been In Masiiachusetts. where she stayed on her farm fre quently with friends. In Califor nia. where the child was born: or in Ithode Island, her home from childhood. It is doubtful if an il legitimate child could inherit un der Ithode Inland laws without be ing specifically meiit ioned In the mother's will, which liaby Norman was not. India's Joan Mr*. Sarojlnt Natdu. Indian la h#lnf hailed aa tha Joan of Ar< i*1 India," Bha haa jo at rfplirH th? fa mou? Mahatmi Ohiindi aa leartrj ?f tfca Hwaraj. or Indian nations r* nvf*aa ill y Coiiitiii?Kioncr? in Kr^iilur Snsioil Monday ; Submit Qucstiun to Rrf* ori'iitlum OUTCOME IS IMHBTFUL ?'rolialily Prcpondcrrnce Today Against Coiwolid* lion hut Much May Hap* pen in Three Months . (liimdcn, March 2? On'SMIr urday, Juno 5. the people Wf j Camden County will vote oh j whether Camden County shall become a part of Pasquotank J The Camden County ComnUi- ( oloncrH, In reguiar session MOm* j day, named Juno. 5 as an ct^fon iIhip to determine whether C **r den and Paaquotank shall become \ one county. The outcome of the election, J uncertain. Probably a vote 1 ??n now would be against anafcpt > ation of the two coufftlea btft ft ! great d?sl or discussion on jafl| subject- pro and con ? j?UI tW(A heard between now and Janai^ftj ano just what the attitude oW? majority of Caindenltes will * that time Is difficult to ascertain i now. Camden was oilglnally a part j of Pasquotank County, 'but'lj^ , cume a separate entity In 1 when an act creating ihe County , was passed by the General Asia#* ? hly on the ground that Ihe'tOT-.j liage of the Pasquotank r^lVry . was at times bo dlflieolt and hag* ] ardous as to make attendance ? | court In Nlxonton. then the ty scat, work hardship to ''MNMH dent on the north side of the r||rj ? er. As a result of that act Caft>?- 1 den courthouse was built on 1 within four miles of EltnbWI 1 City. ' "vi'M The river continued to bo an of- J fectlvr barrier between the Mjjaji wW'rtiuHWv MiMmdrts' J5M over the Camden Kerry C??Wfp bridge and road and niadi' bOtn a part of the 8tato4 highway tem Later the road was pavoft 4 across Machelhe s Island and the quagmire Ihni was the rj W swamp of the Camden iniloliofli the State styling the ribbon of i concrete across the muck i a floating road. Though ilaaj I may be said to have demonstrates i that the road will not flool-hnt i% nlowly and gradually sinking, H'| is still, except In times of (tonally high lid-, a dependa!** highway and brings the cdyTlr , house in Camden within 1 6 or -.3* minutes, according to the helgna of the tide, of the courthouse In Pasquotank. - 'J Naturally when PasquoUMM j uiid Camden were united by a free | bridge across the P??9U?UJ* Hlver. the fact that CanidtA be came m separate county from | I'asquotank by fosson of the ?i llcult.v of crossing the river waa , recalled and the Idea ?*n sjMfr 1 Misted that now that this bard