NO. 52. FERGUSONS SET NEW FASHIO\ W POLITICAL J98S IVIa Admitif Governor am! s?|,<. Think* It's D?miS?v'kV:iaii Job, Anyhow. Sln? S,i\s PiNcmirs ditto ?) ItOIU.KT T. S!IUI.|. Wiuh in *?.>,,.* March T~" Are Mu and l a K. -c :s(,u going m s, : u new ,Mht;.a| .-.recede, it by run nin?r ior k voiii.h' ?,f Ttxu> u< a coui-l. " Mu Ferguson practically did thai !*o years u^,?. Imt then Y'" Slar Stale was divided a* *? whether Ma uas gmng , , l/oveliior i:; her own riplil or Whether I*;? was ROiiiK to li* ? gover nor tor her. Ma iu>\v itisi^.s ihv both Ffi'vnsntis have l?et?ii giver nor an J the j,.b call- for a i,? . ha ?n| utui u wife. The Texas experiment |... reaidy had Its reporcu*.- .1 stale of Pennsylvania li ,< j reported ihui -Coventor au.l Mr*, Clifford Plnchot are goiui.- ??? "ru"i?* for tho Senate, (invcriiwr !'in? ho; has. made nu secret of t.j - fiUM ,]la n* chief executive c.f the keystone *taie h?> has loaned 1?..; v.iv ujto'i Mm. Plnchot in vUom ? p..l;?:-al judgment and sii^-a. -i?y ht 1m 'said' to have unbounded faitli Mrs. I Mu chill air. a :> ha- Mat ed the tanipulKu lor h-r hu-Yu-.t and is mnking sp v, o-s in masiv purls of the state. She j- ?!?! - Ing herself largely to tin women of the co nunoii wealth and i? i-; easily to l?o thai ii \! Plnchot Is ??hi,. uU,.r tll tin- powerful K.-piihUi-un mrifliSn In hl.s home state and wrevi 11 nomination away from scjia< Ueorge Wharton Pepper, Mrs i\ , -. She charge* Mr Mellon With having thwarted atr>nipr<* 1 , enforce prohibition in Pennsvl van fa and .says that permit* issued | VI him have protected maii\ ll I ??al sources of ale:, hoi Mrs p|n ^ floi also accuses the Secretary f'n?w of having smuggled wlni into Washington." She has de manded to know how the Eigh teenth Amendment can ever be i n forced with man like that " ?t the head of the enforcement forces. The experiment of husband and wife control of political off;.,. "?cldedly an interesting one. Ma and Pa Ferguson are go Ink to 1. public sentiment on ih ir share i'i Ihe experiment by running aenlu ihl 'h t **' At least Mtt xvJM iH' "? he ticket as the runner, hut ev erybody will know thai Pa will lo do business at ihe old stand In Austin Just as n. ha dnn, r?[^nce ,h' ""v m? ? The Kreat American pei.ple a p. P*?r to be more startled over the ract that a woman official should 'all upon her husband fur help finnnli 1 'I,?*" tlfOlId "Pf'nly a?k his wife for ai-lM i,r?. Since men and women have mnw to political equality ihore Ih reallv Tw! n.U.rh.it0 rho?sf> fr?'n In iU" two situations. Thcr<. are many Senalor* ?nd R*prffwnt?t|?e, hero |? \\a-hli,x "p"niy ndm" "i-" 'I.-, '>r^?' J?ha ih. i, wivas. to feminine tact, diploma- v and general help. P ' It was even commonly admit |> > far better politician than her J^fMi'l.nt -husband mi had been cr.iihl ever hope to be m.7.f .,laudlI!* hm? wanted to re ??.' l" I" Mr" " Trtlnx ' HoSI. Mm *? Whl,? ,1"""" Mr" ""din* PUI him |,i haM a? ,""""" ?>rl??'l' and "?Id him h-m araln.l hi-. Ifarnt * "HHdraw Mr. Il"d n' " ? drlff.r* J"' ""'""I'lnK ?r war lnd ""r','n? Hal h' ? I h7 '?-?? can attain at the university, lie wai given the I'. J. .tlriKctc memorial ctir> for all round excellence with the Crim en I'- : >?? .'un nnd the Barrett Wendell l>ut for lx-ing the leading vfTii -^ve i- .. r. _ lie lus won letters in l-asebull. football and hockey. Here's One City That Owns Its N ewspape r At Least For A Time I ? ? ? ?t\ 4 .. V. K r IRl b, l?:c K..:u-:th City. Mo.. "Jnroh J; T ? ' "* dry ? u..\ ? i-A n i.i.c of .?* lo.niji iii u . , j |> ?" r,;_ )<|'0|?i-iiy !?'?? IMiri. l .?> hi- caiiiiiij; :<;?riroxim:ito Iv .1 iaiHL.>n liolluiv ;? ywir nud il .to h?? v. ort'i in ? ?i i?n ijiillli-;] il iui > Ity M-'ivl.-iot,* t r iV "Vlll OJ 't. wI.m founded ih?* K. u us City Siur SO .y?-i,-t? ago. and ;? l<-:ix; ion DiillU n ilosliio' worth'. of oiher l?r?|??-r?y, tt. .-?:!>? real !??? <"in-.r ?'> o f Ki io-k.? C?il v wiib ?: . 'h Saturday >?f Mr.J l.nuv;t N-l'.in Jils'i.wood, la >t sin - Vlv'oi iVj Mw II'. I. V tJUll'w tamily. Dim th :? \vi?l be no olpetions to (itcldi ?!"? j). ws? paper's |iol< <"i:\ and otht-r of ficial}* w?Vi ?.? ? railed upon il'-rldf whiit iviialdaloH Ui?- paper \\ ill sii ppo; 1 - ln*iesiri, tha n?"' .? 5 tl ? ni.-: of l!?e Mat'* tiuiv-. -r/ities* ! ???-. They will appoint ' ii'n l ruiiico ? u-lio will IMHI.SK KI'i i SKS TO Mitt'oar VjKasukks Washing! on. March ?.. ? Tbo H'tuw m 1 1 li a i:v ? ?pjmi t too by a in lo 11 vol* <) to r? port l!n?<-. Ii also rc^i" ?l ! v > 1 1 . - r clone vol" to report !?>? i ? pr< ? |HI. Inu fn C-r ? :j t ?? ii It 111 a .ill *?? I vi<"?1 and llk<>\vkt in < iia? of th? board of ?-duCAtloFj < f iiir? f tu j? i l?t Htate Convention in He expert* t.*i > ? ! u i n liom* I rlday. Amonc i)?h"r matt-m. tb^ boaTd In e\pt r.uil to lake* up a r?C'?f su#? ? stlon for il" removal ? f ( hownti ('ollepe from Mnffrppa J> no i *i nti' t irr North CnrflHn? i i i n ptm ? i'H' mi Kt 'i i." dllr^fOrS i f the I'.li v,.'. b- Hi t'ity Country rClub iu?*t Tib adiu night for eonrld^rat Ion of varlou* ronllno matter* and h proposal for oxt<*n*lv< realty d? - v^'lopinoiit adjacent to iho club I tract. No action wan tak-n upon tb?* latter. publish the paper but they are r?v quired by the Nelson will to i*d! ih.- paper within two years. l'roc-i'ds of thnt mil.* und of j:al?r of the oilier property expect itl to total more than $20,000. 009. will invested in HiTurili'"* and the Income ??i approximate^ on- million dollar* a year will h" spent for - paintings, sculpture, tapestries ami other works of nrt for installation lit a municipal art museum. And there will he no rush oi prt--? ii' day artists to Kansas Ci'v ti? stock up that museum. The NVlron will -provides that no art work chilli b?- bought unless the artist has been d'*ad at least .?') yen ra. ICHtniillshinc the miN'mn wi'l carry out a liielonx dream i?f Col onel NVIson. After his death 11 years aro. hii* widow and Mrs. Kirk wood carrir-d hid idetils in publication ??f the Star ns marly as they, could. Irwin ?t. Kirk wood. husband of Mr*. Kirk wood, never ceased to stand guard for the policies that her fattier advo catod when alive. Saunders Passes A Better Night Having passed the nnmi com fortable nlghl since his IIIik'Sh be gan. W. <). Saunders. editor of the I ?mtant . who Iikh l>e- n .sick a week from pht-umonla. wan much Improved this morning. according lo Dr. II. 1). Walkrr. IiIh attend i 11 k pliyaiclau. The Improvement b< gun yoMt rdiy with a lessening of ih" high fever which had marked the earlier stage* of the altark. Member* of ihe family stated thai Mr. Ha under* had begun to tak?* a lively Interesj In h Im aur .roundlnga t hi* morning, for the 'm t |lm< Tliey ||d bottoi* Walker and tfallba were hopeful ;(h:il th?- peilod of gieatost dan* gor had pasiMd. Mr. Saunders Wiii taken ill lar.t Tuesday night, and family and physicians almost d^Hpalr. d of hi* recovery until yesterday. Now. however, barring com pi I - rations, there U every hope for hi* recovery, according to Dr. Walker. I BipliM Sliitlf*ii!? ffavr ' Dalllllr.l Sliuld" (llllli Hocheater. N. V. Mar. %.?? The Rochester Journal and I'oai K* press aaya today thai a "damned souls" society has been formed by students of the University of Ro rheeter. Hnptlst institution. " to prove the necessity of Athelam and to aboll^i belief In Ood and all religions based on thai belief." UKU SAND BAPTIST WOMEN AT MEKTINO ItalelKh. March A. -One thou aftftil ItuptiKt women from all parts of the Htate were In attendance here today at the annual Woman'a Missionary Vnlon invention. '# Tho impurtanrr of .1 modern li < > t ? - 1 for Klizahcth City as an a?l vcrllKlng medium ant! as a menu* ?>f bringing large imliwrt revenue, apart from whatever profit might be made directly from ih opera* ttoii. is stressed by M LelRli Sheep. pr?**ldeut of the t'harobf. of Commer p "Few ol our citlxeti* realize the powerful advertising value of a modern lioiel for this or any oth er progressive community." Mv Sheep declared luil.'.u "III the f.lrst place. such u Xotel is the aliow window i?f u cifv. It dlaplay* to commercial and Industrial rep reaentatlves who are regular visi tors. tourists, and to convention delocateH. the real progressivones* of .*? community. . "Tills. I believe, in especially true of a community which floun ces and builds Its own hotel. it appears that, no matter how many other Rood buildings uttd institu tions there are. the fir?t and often the final Impression of a city la the excellence of Its hotel or the lack of it. Some one has naid ? and truly. I think - that people now travel from Rood hotel to good hotel, and not from city to city. Tourists eapeclally, and ex perienced travellers generally, avoid cities which lack modern ho tel comforts. "Tills advertising feature is worthy of serious consideration, for this makes the hot??| an Indi rect as well as a direct source of profit. Other communities which have finauced their hoteln at home have found that -the profits front their operation have been In many instances secondary to the profits which have accrued ludl 1 ect ly." Mr. Sheep cited the fact that the Chamber of Commerce had re ceived many letters and telegrams from communities that have fi nanced erection of modern hotels. . Allure without exception, these have stated that money Invested, in improved hotel accominodat ions has come back to the Investors with substantial interest. Indirect Value Of Hotel Stressed By Leigh She~p Modern llustelr\ It oiild firing Munx II iio (Hiiernise If ottld Avoid bMzaltrth Cit\\ C.hamher of ( ???*? meree president Declare** in Interview MODERN LIQUOR KILLS QUICKER IVo|>ortioti of Alcoholic Deaths Six to One and Keep# Increasing Ky OWKN I.. StYlTT (Coe?ri|M t?2? By Tl>* AJvanct) Chicago. March " 3.? Eloquent evidence of the death dealing qua 111 lea of hard liquor being con sumed by the public in c?*uthB for the pant year in thin county from al cohol I Bin readied the rather as tonishing total of 2f?8. For the, year ending June 30. 1019, before, prohibition, the number of death* waa 40. The coroner'* cheiniat, William I). McNally. attribute* the grow- , Ing multiplication of alcohol denthn to excessive drinking rath er than to unusually poor liquor. He Maya thai drinkers nowaday? aliow not the slightest caution concerning the volume of their' consumption. Their exceaaes are given principal blame for the high death rate among them. i Thia view, however, la not held ! by other chemlsta who have in vestigated the liquor problem. They claim that the poison* con tained In present day Intoxicant)): an* primarily reaponalhle for the mounting number of deaths. While more people may be drink-] ing to excess, they think that f>w er would loae their liven If con suming decent liquor. Whatever the underlying cause the Chicago figures ? that alcohol deaths continue to lncr? ;?se alarmingly. For the pant yew.- the Incr- fiae wan f?.1 per cent the mini* bvr Juniplnv from Hit; a >ear ago ; to 2f?x for the past year. Winter j months nltow the great number of death* with the average nr???iud j 25. In the summer I hero In n d?- J elded let up. No one venture* lo offer a sure fire plan for cutting down ihe drink toll, no It la taken for mint ed that it will continue to In crease. ANOTHER DISTKHI ?NORTH CAKOIIVt Washington. March 2 -The Senate today passed the hil* of ? .Senator Overman. Democrat of; North Carolina creating an . ddl-J tlonal Federal district for North Carolina. Pev. II W. f'revoat left Wed nesday for Atlanta, where l?? will ! nesalon from March S to 1 1 the j attend a Bible Class convention In i flu pt 1st Tabernacle. DEFENDANT ISES QUEER PHRASM ?N APPEAL TO JURY Jmrp (fOmlHin. I *nv;;":s With K iirjtfi'y, 1- i rn vlct?'?l lie. pit. ' l**?> <*in i en ^Frum^d*" I Sim cocin < ! <);? ??:> Sc**ion? iii (.umliiik r.n livftied l?y Mriiirinc \ : ti dot* and Eiilrrtai'frr*; V* lm|N?rtiinl (iuMS Currituck CoiirihoiiHe. Mai.-'i :: ? (Special i A Mci h;r. jI - ? n:? *idered ihesll'in-.t t?... i'ar tol'- . t ant corvine. 0 that i: i.jy i-i ? win**.* had bwn ubs. ;ii r:i.m t'n n i-:r.y. P wou'd U?tv> far.'il In *n ? In 1 1* St* oili;iiiai i .'. I Je.-tse (ioodvill, def?*ndli!'t d:> l>ar in Currlt.ick Superior < ?o a churii" * ( f??i very ku;o h;i hi* cam- in aii impromptu ? * li? court and jury >i -ii r.l.-'v i: wat? convicted d?-K;?it?- l-is ?.! .i. and wan Heiil'iifed ihr?- ? ?? iinprlNonni'-iH. Uoodwin charred thai I'.. Iiiy <-ni tub . In ("u: rituck County. and i'\|n-w -! ?? RTet llllit ho hud lulled lu the advice of friend* Mini I* \ , the count v. .Court Mii]ourn?*(1 late in t$- ai n-rnoon, att?r a number of ?? ii ; lively ubimpni tant cascx had Im en di-tpoacd of. Noah I'ni'.v I . !:l, convicted on a riiar*;.1 of llm. . lii|uor, nan i'ii t under <: sentence of t wo eoudii irni' I . upon payment of the conn costs. Cherry., churned with a lii;?? t offence. u'lid alao with .inrfuillt. v. nit i acn u it t ed on the latter count, The Jury dittuftrecd on tin* former. and upon tlw udvice of counsel. -Cher | ry enlvirtl n plea of Kuilty and was given a HiiMpcudt-d sentence ?l a year upon payment of t ti?* court ; coat*. Crowd* attending; the court were rebuild duiir.u the noon re cent hy a traveling medicine ven dor who whk accompanied by a pair of colored entei talner*. one a banjo player and. i)i" olner clog dnn'cer. "When I look mil owr ; I i I - crowd. 1 hcc more i heumat bin than I have seen in many a day/ (he to-||er of noMtiuui'> declaimed at one Htaic of the mi**! tainmeiit. 'following up with a KUphic worl picture of the tortuien nw.iiilnu ihot-e who m-Klecled their His. A** a clinch'T for bin "*pl?*|." he ills tributed a pamphlet tnilihd. i "Why Thou Rands Die Kverv Year." Hutdneiut apparently wan ' good with him. I A tetm of Superior Court f?>i -trial ot both criminal and civil caReH will begin at Caiiiden Court house Moudny. If* continue a week. JiidK** Henry A. (irady. ? f Clinton, who pronided over I he Currituck court t??rm Juat. ended. , will hold forth at Camden alao. The Currituck term ended carl. 1 by rcanon of continuance of ali ! civil cam**, thin bavin* been de cided upon hecauae of the bad con ! ditlon of the roada. WARREN VISITS ELIZABETH CITY Rrpreitoiitnlivp from l"ir?t Dixtrirl Alten War ren. of the First North Carolina Dlatrlct. a pent Tueadny Might here. departing Wedneaday morn Inn with JJollcJlor Walter Small enroute to Munden'a. Virginia, for a public hearing on n pr.? poaal to check the fl?>w of ?al? water Into Currituck Hound, am! thereby to halt the exodtta of wildfowl which fe??d on freahwat- 1 er grange* Many realricnta of ('urrlturk County attended the hearing, which wan being held Wednesday afternoon Among othera from that county. K. It Johnaon. rej? reaontai Ivc of Currituck In the General Aaaemhly. was present and exprenvni hi* vlewa on I he subject Government engineer* who recently *iirvcy? ?l Currituck Hound attended alao Thoae urglne protection of wild fowl, which roiHilmtp an Import ant nour.i- of revenue In Curri tuck through th? aflrndlon they hold for aport-nu n from nmnv part* of the country, contend that tho only means ??f checking the Inflow of aalf w i'er la by Instal lation of lock* in the Alb< matla A Cheaap'iik' ( una I Jaek llurnhain footored to Nar- , folk Tuesday "ti ?? bualnoaa trip. 'Framed' by Tia Juana Authorities rimo Kaye Oordon. (tailor In the r S navy. haw tXH-n helil in j.ul at Ti i Jwuti.i. Mcxlco, for month* on a "IranA ii|> ' iuVomIjiiu t<> navy nMli mis Who have InvitlpU)! his cum-. Il?- w.m cmvieHtl o( FlilkiilK a k ir I tn a danro hall and d**troylnj! one of In r ? yes*. I>nl th?- Kiel w Murkinp now la u Tl.i Ju u.a |Mtlor, unhariiV'il. Ktfoitx are l?'in? itm Got don'a-rvUafv. fli> heme is in Cmwloidrvlllf, Itid. Up the Back Dorothy I '.oyer of loin. Kim., iyv?-r v.onii-M n'io.:i dremd button ?t|? t Vau lin k. I lor arm* lire ko limbor that nit<* run ottl to the in her* vlf I'l.oto *>liov..i Iit t!? inoh>-ti'iil> In.- ? I - iWiliilllv i>f hf ? tointn. Hiree Are Killed in Head-On Collision rh ienfco. Mar. Thro: ? r?i in - in * ? ii wifl klll'd :?n?! mi>i*?- t h :? rj 20 iujiii "i. I r, ?;. iioti ly, ih tin- Iwiiti-on <.lli?'fii? of :?>i llllnolM Colli i. *.i ihtii - i ujkI n Miiilji;.,, for the or?s?Ii. A toH'M'iuan nil hi* licl|i r no a i Mm- hi' in* wiv h?Id for '| n < "fit lot: li' ' . I'v :li?* rori in i ' Jury. ELECTRIC power in: mstttmvTM > \o:% hi up surra \: . t ? n." | txnfn .J'.jf-fi.-.l i i i ? ;??, i , - Iir -??! ' ?tor% (h iu *. u \ k J ?' u Mill IJ Ml 1 1 ! * : i I > If f In - Irlr |i u.-r riini: nt s ??f thli rotiriii > will l> * ?? 'ir.lvfn :! i i/t cIm ??? t<"??l I ? . ? r i . f . ntM'TM ls:s I / ??j ? I ??"!? I JMh'***. I ' -lif n?* I I ? \ f v. t . I '? II &?) /. ^i*Hi I, ;? I?. (Ik- I .1 ?? |H ; ? i ? irtji mv in KfH * ' Iflilti -uM?? trl, 1'i.ivi r. ^ i ? . ?;t{f h'J ilM1 ' Mitt* tl? full U H ?M ' I filjl-1-. htM| In1. Ii II ' ' | ? I ? lo mjv i-nilon. 'f ' ? . H*h< it llic |?lni * 1 ? f 1*1 I II W Jtl ? . I III! itir <.nlf to tli< < laiNiiftiii *? " iln. OKKOCRATS ARE CODING OUT OF WINTER HIDING h !?. Hrpoi'lfM] on (hhhI \nlhorit \ I !i;i I iliry'w IlirrtJ ;i Ural l.ivr lliinn !? i?!r I'rc-s Ay:<'??1 DONKItt WVUvl'.NS it\ lumutT r. km % i.i. IL'MIXIII IV.'?i ?V I'll Ad'?INr> W'.t .?!? i i ?- t"u, M'irfli The tin fi-i-liH* clirriiirtH of n-npw?>< of the i>- National < '? 1 1 'i 111 It t e? . I ; . ? \ i v. n ?|?ihMl:tini party Ik about l? ?*?iirin?' from Ii* I- -nr. tt-tntcr iilher n.ilfoi. Ii in ri'jHirKil oil cxi'i'lloni In - "lib* authority iMiu t h ?* iKMiifu-ralH either Ii(ivt> hired. or iiihcrwI.Ht* ob tained a in.'** ii >c ?* ii i 'I'ln- general opinion thai I ho ni'tvi- ha* been niatle noiu- loo ho mi. for llin bur den mid rf'RpniiHilillli \ which con f roil Is the new itiuii arc well nigh overwhelming. To nil outward appearances the |w ni'M-i'iii |i- Nai iona I Committee lias all Ion I ipm-d into itinortiouH demi'-l ml" ? ill - l hi' Inn! ?'ii I I (> iuikK knitting ami ?ew Injs ir? (III hi the: wld?* KiipN |?e? i we* ii ril'tateri l"f !i>rn or oilier > Coin limed on Page I i.\r:?i>si;s aimm. r .i tit Aiiilrpw#' proposal Hint n ?'??. -I I. ioloi?. MaTrh - sir Sidney - fiiii'ftti an'horlfv on ShaK?* ?p> Juiv 17 ???>. oolotx i I* I J. ' t)?" mb' i Pi.fiZ, New Y.*?rk. March 3.'- Spot rot* i.on < h??M'(l quiet. nihhllliiK II IT?, an advaflre of 20 point* lSiluren. (IohIiix ??hl March 19 II. May 1H .IS. .Inly 17. *0. Ot I 17.2r?. |io? , lilt. CONGRESS HAS DECIDED WANTS GET THE FACTS Move I'rwred* From kWet* aiul "Dry" Side* to Rod Out All About \X or kings of tin* \ olhtead Uw NOT MEKK OPINIONS No Inquiry Will Ik* Or dered lining Line Is Drawn Between I'aets and Opinion* '<> IMVII) l.AHItKWK IW. I, " -i * hlnjtton. March 3. _ Whli, ?V lii." ,h<1 "l'?r?"oq Volstead law? ConfrrMa 1., 1, , An<' ">e cor .1 '* l,,ui the move pro "dry* 1m"". ,h? "WM" "?< h,.X""r!'"" S""'"lr> Andrews. of , 1, ,, ... '"'"""ly Department, la milk.- of i?roh 1 bl r loci enforce 1 '"'lined ,?i"" u 1 """nlaalou ?b. lo '?"i|.o?.-d uf men of Judicial ca parity Hll(j Integrity i'"ry M. 11.111 II, Ink. the r" ? """'"push nuie** ? i ?'??"? li. th.- prohibition dl" '"1 makliiK their ?" "H'rpi lUtiiin Aa for Com. i I.ViT.'. "1" Commit!*# 00 i? Retting rratlTa in. "h" 1 lh"" " year it ?urkl? do " BO is to be jjjvt-n them th* ?...her, lh,.y ?? ?"I ?. us I " ", U|"K ?'iy further '? a uatleea committee ? >-'o"-r.??lun,, com. ?? could du. very much In an iim-KliKatlou lavolvM w .hum J"""lrov<'r?l?l la dif. Hi.- i " ,nan>' ?pponeota of Hi. Inquiry ,0 aee u?,, ,h.y ? ?' " it iliai 11 would h? ?"Olicy vvaM.-d, Th.-r. wlll L J? "i'"'ry "'d'r.'d, tli.-ri.forr, uoleaa in.- 1.1 drawn between faetHmuS? ,;ik an oplnlon-slvl^" The ?t pr,?.ot fa como^Si 111 n. .? who hav? rot Mi oil |l,f. dry Hid,, .. what , 1! ,, ,cr?Ur> Andrewa haa la '"?J ? comralsalon which la ?f Con*"*? and to which ?lin?w? may be biouahl whU would be cross cisrulnod not with h. I.l.-n of developing a Dart ten 1 viewpoint but with tha our. >???? .If getting all ,h. "ieaTJrt fuel!, on th.- operation of the lair Hgurea and Kiatlaiica galore L ' prluted by varlout la . p- ml. -tit co.umlhaton* and Insti tution,, hilt I hey usually hare w-rl .... Ihelr own Inl.rpr.taUoJ ' '"4"; Utiiir.-a. Kven ao com ?icllenslve a report aa that Issued 1. lh,- committee of the Federal < ...rchea of Christ evoked oppo 'r0?> various quarter* b*> ? b'llel that th. i?ur? ' . 11 11 "ot p??e eertalik eon iiiMioiiM or opiniouH ?,!ven. 1 It there In a commlnaloD Which cat, out a ..on S port ?t,,| one that will aatlafy aft ?ld.-? aa lo Jiiat wliat the facta ar*. 1," doubt public opinion would be Iderahly lpn?,-nced by the #?. ?nd Cotureaa would la inn, h.. Klven ,, Justification fat .Iinendlnit the law. either making 1.. ,|lt"'k"r or modifying lo It *' w"'th tin- ftolutlona propoae^l. I pr**claely because any com ?m- aw breaking, for hl? cooooru 'ion ai?|)olntfd by (be (Jovern ?oIuk to hav?- weight wllh he public that both ?ld?n ar** raft ? r lo nay jimt bow the commit Hon rbould b?? appoints and what * of the Inv.-Hilgatloa *1 u 1 1 y . |f |M reanon m (bat any publicity alven 10 the operatloaa of the law will i.nd |f. ilincour Nhould be The IntereMlni; iblng Is that ef "". H. COINFERENCK HKI.I) AT CHAKI.OTTft Charlotte, March S. ? The I went y -sixth annual conference Ot the Daughter* of th<> American devolution entered Into actual business seanlona at the State gath ? ring hero today Mra. Kdwin On-gory of Salisbury waa prwrt# Inr. when the conference st art ad wL ten o'clock thl? morning wltli many State report* to bo brougHt 1 before the aa*emh!age. NKIV ( IVMXi PACTOBT A FOB W \s?|IN(JTOJ|, W. C7l Washington, N. C. March, t.? I A new Industry, the Washington Packing company, wfU open for hiialitea* in ihla city Thursday, op erating a canning plant fof the packlnn of oyaters, fish roa and probably vegetables. The plant will also have machine* to mnoit factnre oyster ?hell lime.