NO. 53 Oil King's Millions \Massed Behind Assault on Age-Old Curse of Carolina Swamps Hockefcllrr to E?taiblitth I -ulioralorii'- a! Kdonton in I ^ani psti^i . Against Malaria EXEC! TIVK Bom \n>" Director ami K.\ pectrd In \rri\r in N?'\l Few I>a#?; Will Slinl\ )lo>qiiil?\ Ilaliii* fj ? Systematic warfare on ma Inaria. the age-old curse of 1 *? i ? ? swamp country, is to 1?*. waged by the Uockcfoil?r Foundation from laboiv.tork.* and a bureau of research ? Ije established in Kdenton this .spring. Gdenton is :?n t:.ilea west of here via the Atlantic Coastal Highway. i. closely adjacent to ihrn^nds of acres of lowljm!* wliif'j skirt the south I i.?!s *i: K?*arcb bureau a< KUi?m?? w..a rcachi'd by t|n* ? m fUllvi- rcmiiult t?*? of lh?* Rock? i?-||?-r Foundation at a meeting in Ni-vv York a i,->v day* afro. III. Mark I- . 1 1* ?>"?! . ??t lacbed to th?? International It ? .1 If i. Hoard ol lh?- J'n'indat I* ? parted to arriv** in Kd?-ntosi m nt-xl few dayu. to In yln n : . ;? :? ? ? - ments for c??tnb?lidilnf; tl.. Ij.Ij.u. lorl-M and i?'H?-aroli d?pai: uietn Dr. Fred?-rirk !?*. Rutuo 11. t. 1 - era! director or th. IntMiUiim.i.-i Health Hoard-, and Dr. J?'ini \ KerrHI. director tor tit- I : ?i State*, were In Kd?*nirn ' ' uary. in\ ?atlsatlnK condition .-i.d It Ih und?'i?tood that tb?? or the town by the i-x?-OAi : ? ? ? ? tnitlee wax upon their i? ? i,|-'?U' i? dKilon. While in Edenion. 1 1? ? stated that. It van Inn aded ??? study the malarial moaquit* iroin avery angle and to dlsci>vtr, it voeslble, a workable mean* ??: ?\ tjrmlnattnx the insect. an **ell us k ll investigate conditions rondu civ? lo malaria with a view to cor renins them. It was stat'd silt?o that a general sdrvcy was ??lai.? <1 which would require from lun to 'three year*. The staff at the rnaearch Mo tion la to comprise a dhector. four investigators and three labor atory assistants the year around, lo summer, a group of I ?> Ibid worker* will bt> added, it Is an nounced. The * hob- cost i?f lit investigation la to be born** by the Rockefeller Foundation. In a recent visit to Kdeulon. Dr. Boyd stated malaria bad b*-> n driven from the coast lands ??i tl? Cnlted States from Virginia north ward, and that extensive work along 'he same Hue had be n don" in Georgia He left th< Hit pi e*, slon that tl>. campaign t<> ? radi cate malaria alons th? Atlantic Seaboard would b?< compbfed In North Carolina, from the Kdentoii station. Before deciding upon Kd?-nt?m. the investigators are said to l?av?* examined conditions 'ja round Suf folk. Va ., and to have found that the territory nearby whs ii"t ho well suited to their work a* that In thr vicinity of the North faro Una town. News that the Rockefeller m!J lions are to be msssed behind an organised assault on malaria, on* of the most dreaded foes of l.? alth along the 'Carolina coastal plain. Ih received with high elation in Ihl* section. Edfnton resident re eagerly awaiting arrival <>f l>r. nyd and his assistants. VISIT ( KIKK HOLMKS Officer* o n. Dun ii ami I' M Hnydei. attached to th?? u?otorr> ? ' Pool, colored, on Sh' p.ud atr>?t. The damax^ wan j*ll*1: in - ' **minit to l?i , W Illinois Oru? M* Inn** i* ilwtarwl f" bnxe ***?! ltl't* J'HV# Five houjos rurii^h d !?> !?:? ur. ?mv i. ??,!!.? ;,: rt ilire# ? ? i Ij ? i :? th* hi m? -1 * -?rly Tr-V. ? . i!l ? l:.- 41. 1 '? ? -I ?< 3' tit v. i . i !i i.;:- ? ???. ii ;????? : ii i lly Li s. * : . i.v,*tIi*. 'i"!n* !ft.. r.U '- .! J-. :? n:n i . i! ? ? f. ?? ? ??i w!rO-n:ol ".:i in* -i ;(il"iv? ii. ami I J.t - ?? <1 ih> si w. | . j.rmH< ;?'?> ?i. ? sii '.n'i! ?>li...?iv l"li ?? iir?- v. a f. i'H I i. kiriin. II u i lli -iK"!: I'Vi.A. ill I'ii- v*?-? :i ? t > or III- Sm : i Nm ma I Sehool M'li- alarm was_lUKind T. i"' 't o (liuki I J ? ? pond tiii ;?i . isi fitly. In-adi-d hy ?'!?!? 1 I I'mTI '|Uli-kly riiDlin-l' tl I'll* u/*i>ai : iiii-ni V- n>o puttiiM and i fi i ?**? Ihits ?*f In si* from iiMrliy 1; v. Irani. ; 'I hi vv;i t<' r prossur" w;: ?* l.#w. rtilol Flora staled. |-rn?siiik the ? {?l!ii'iii itnit. e>.r pt in! Ill" pump* i'Ma ill. ? 1. 1 i :? rov. tii li '!.-? - WiillM 1 1 :? v ? !???? n w Ijii-d I Mil. Tin I ? : ? ? ftuKiiKiti d fruni an i:a*l ?? i mined cause in a hoi*m' v:i Hii I V'si^'i'liiV ??>' Ike Tiinji-r. Tills house and oth*-i> ucciiH"' Mary Mill# r, Charhs Turner, Frank ttryant. and llolwrt Copo Innd wi'f destroyed. Of hoi s nc cujiEimI hy \V II. Durham. I'cl?r IN i ry and John ? Hrown liaist.alned;** ranslDv from i > $20^ r-aeli I'litef Flora ??stlmnt^n -rotal Inn:; :tr fii.fiQO to $7,000. Two colored women narrowly (M'ji)m d ?I ? -:i t h front l In* (la rues, a ceoi Ul in ? to (Tit* -I Flora. On-1. Mary Mill?i\ nluriiliin io h?*r homo io a sum ?>f inoiu-v whirls flu1 had l?-ft teliiud. was (lupin d on iln> second story hy th<* tapidly mu-.-jiiIiiju llanos. and leaped io sul?>iy in Ho* alius ? I Tom Clover.' rri'i|, who wait standing on the ground Ivlim . An > oilier, whose name has not been '-learned. wi-ni into lier uiirninu lionii' and r- ^oioil three Hitldrcn Thlukiui: a fourth rhiid was still In ilo- building, >*he returned, and ufter a hurried. desperate smirch, found that tin* child had. Ic*f I - Hy ihaMime lh?* house wan In a mans of thuiH'f. She rushed out. ??sraii ItiK with minor hums. The housese wi'ie narked clow ly together, as Is usual in colored sMtletiients. and this rmniillrulcd the Unlit for ill*.- ftrnnirn. All. howvi r, wi i-?* on th?- south sldo of th*? hIit' l. with Harrington (!n?Mk to tin- rrar of thctn. and th#? north wont wind fanned thf* flann-s away from thn bnildinj^ on tin4 north aldo. thnn-hy prrhaps av?-M lni: a decidedly nior** serloua eon flauration. a^cordinu Io Fhlr' Fh?ra . Fremon. worklnv en<*r>tPll*>|inK t ha t wherr prleo* run to extreme*, s?*t hark a are In ord*r Slump* and boom* follow i-arn other, tin- Sec retary hold*, unill Hi** normal po sition If found In all period* of prosperity, he contend*. t?'inpor :>ry H'lWiirl.s nr. < ()(?!, I IX, K HOUNDS HIS FIRST YEAR Washington. Mar I nl ?'nollr th?* Whila Hoi:*o In hi* own right In all lie ha? >?fr*v?'?l iiiorr than I wo uml it !?;i I f y?ara an <*hl? f KvfullW'. hi fhvaflon to (hat offlci ti|M>n ih?' d?nth ??f Wnrrcfl <1. H*r?llrm prr^'fUnn hy t*< nv wlkct .took iiot hot* al ri?U?-tm through c Si** i t !?? .?? Itm.,. at tit^tst. w.?? Miiully i j?*c-t n t *? <-t 1 ? i ? n tn In |iul)'i?1 will: a in*- i I:: tin r? n*? t I. IJnss -si ?* li . i.ii)\va> il?i?*iiv ;?! Cu'iiK.I I:!uii<. whom ?*ai shot iiv?- tiiir . '? ?? \\h?. 1".\i i ?.til I'K'iiisciivi <<|! 'i*ia !> ? .ili a U^ciii'iliii or ? ut. i n..,: 1 d i ! . ? 1 1 1 i?*r t* ;i : i t Hi&h Court Dismisses Action Against Game Laws Currituck Count) Slat ? !:uprt r.i?* Ti'S!m;h;j1 K?'v?'r?c.? \\ i Injunction A^uin-I Mil. forcemnil ! -f^irnlu! ion > \L!WTY IN liOHItT Not lliuniplil Into Question. Say* Conrl, liiul Have lo be OeterniFned in (!:h' of \ ioialton l.:m (II ? T->* .\>M? ? <1 l*lr.? I Italcigh, Maivh l. ? Judge James 1,. Welib's action i;i granting an injunction for bidding the enforcement l?y the Currituck (J ami- Commis sion of game laws passed by the last (ieneral Assembly and relating only to Curri tuck County was overruled and the action, brought by Moore et al vs. Hell ei al in the courts of Mecklenburg: "County, was dismissed Wed nesday by the North Carolina Supreme Court. The caw- was dismissed. the Su preme Court opinion stated. be cause of the fact no irrepjr able damn go or loss was shown. Such damage or Ions win* held In be a requirement before* a re Hi raining order ran be issued Tlit- validity of Ih" law itself wax not brought into ihu uuemlon. Hays ill'* opinion, by thin appeal. It's validity eonld be determined, the court pointed out. in an appeal in rus<* of prosecution for viola tion of the law or by paying the> fiw under p rot est mid then bringing huIl for recovery of the amount paid The law. which provide* special hunting privilege* for residents of Currituck County, divide- all hunters Into three clMMtf; name ly. resident hunters, non resident hunters living In North Carolina: and non resident hunters living vld*n11jr Mir propnrty of n nmnan, w;i* fountt on tli<' WV"k?villM Highway Th"ir?day morning bv fllvhwuy Knuln*" r Jrw* For?l it contain- ?l a autn of nmnry wlifch Mi ford, not hHn? In th* nnlllonalf r i???- . n-yaxl'd ** 4lt<*nhW>. to tv th? !????i< < ii scl ni?-?n un'l 'V?(h arcd ;.s j.i iih.iihIiu witncn- .ii..iins: U Jti: tin rt.'.j.d, iliUV.-l wuh a^-anil. J rdan nu* d $:? and im>Ih j-iiil l>.?\ l-*^, binix* If ;? tl? iViiiluiit '-ii ii eh.xtA >? ??f-iii i dii) uk, ]?:? l?l si 1 : k ?? tine llavlf Ivsilili'tl f ti?? ? and n Iriflli). I?; ?! f i nl?.r? III l?\Hf< Ui:d? V Ilit* lrfli.?ac? of iMjttoi. i.'i-ro In Jin* cafe in ?i of nun*. an! thill trill! Mill I'f ill) 11 1 " t**rcatlon Willi th- piopileior Jor dan. Vik lo hi* h'clH and mad*' .1 clean peiawuy. |);ivin d*"*d In- was 1- fm lunate. Il?- claimed :? crowd ??: in 'Vim** rhr.Hed him, overtook bin. ?hi a lirldK** It'll K?r from I lie c:if?-. am) KHti l?t in a tHviliiK. H?* ?*.' una hi.* ? ti? id* m if y any of hi* .?! It*i;?-(| iiHHiiiUit'A f\ci'i?i Jordan Tli?' cilfi- is Maid lo In* Hill ??> Wil .on Winxlow, colon-d. Ownr Si loud. charged with !?? in c drunk, wan Hin d $.*? aad co- 1 III M\N l l.%" sriilJM l.i:i? IMIWV TOWN ON |KII?\> Pol Ivy. ??lxl'd "tin1 l?*i man ll>" and known in Rllxalr?ih rily. Is *ch> duled for another aj? p?-arunr< her?* I'rlday afternoon according In Ion* distance in 1 ? - inaiion to Tim Artv.ince today "Tli? litunan fly" will < ii i.? ' ? :? down town ImildliiK at & o'clock in the afternoon. accordlnK lo th? Information civi-n this tiewnpa; i \N ri-sMt (HiMMi TRK VI \ SlltNKII WITH < I Havana. Match 4.- Aflll-Minu' iMInu treaty b'lwpen the 1'iiiid Stat* .4 and Cuba wan i** of ili?- hotin* for I h?* aK"d and it firm membcra of the Otdt*r "> Hallway t'onductors, President l.. K. Sheppard aiinnunrid toda\ ?' tor a vote of th. hoard of di tor*. f*on?trucllon of the hoi. ? will atni i thin year. It It; itwh* MBiuJV N* w York. March 4 A in* ' 1 nf th- National City llank "f N* w York and flu? People Trui*' f ?" ? pany of Itrooklyn brloKtnK tm * ' ? r two iiiNih'jii'>n? with rombMi d ro?ourc?':? '>( 1 1 . 2 ?? I .onw.onn .. ?i dfpo.-ii ? .if 430.000 ?ai* noiin?-rd today. Tho connoli.! ? ,-fi ifrpnicth is thr* position ? f national ritv oruanlatlon .** ? ?'*?n I{> toluil-in by thi? Noith Tai Hocloty in Htinual ronvofttlon 1 today. I I Ni ; \ t >tl(s. mm M '' wirrh|n* for Mr fine Ddw-ird*. who dlcd -i ' l' Monday at her hi:fur> m ' < " Will l?a<.tl?: ( hurth Ti?..*l '* t? t n'Hin a i :iu o clock ?>* ' " K \ A. It Outlaw, fh. ,H him i ial niualc by tbc chur< l> ? ,ir' Ctirial wa? In Hollywood * ? ???#* 1 tcry. Caught Sniper i ir. Itr.iff, raiSt.iv I on ror. niHh .ii Itartloit. I i\r.t* f'ft*; nlzt'l Tar.. :i . ? .,? por. ,is ili?* {.mi i ? w ??!!??-:? a I *.? i f I* 41. !? 1 '? four: hen* Thursday nioiV.iim. in tin courts of a l.i'arir.t: ?Mrh >?!??? anil on* I. I. N;i.-!i. I.. L. Nolaon. w? i" rhnii'-d wirli I \v ? offfn*":; involving a hr*arh of llii> nioiii! roiiv?'lilloik.H. Tin- .Kill wax kIvcii mi Imlt'lprminati (itiii ??f nni* tv ihr?i* >i?ir>* in Sair.ari'ard. NcIkoii ??;?? M-nti net >| t ? 1 a y-.'.r In jail J'nlh an- Maid In h?* n.itivo* ? r Wayne C'minty. Tin- two v. \ tor atroi-t Wodin-rtdav night. an?l wnro plan-d In jail, arrived of having (alsi-ly as mnn anil wlff, and of an all'-U'-d ??f (?>nw<. Iloth plo;nl?d KUilf) In III" rharRi f. Ni-Ipiiii admitti-d a wife anil t h 1 ? ?aljll?lri*n livln In Goldiilioro. Th#> girl told pnlicp that ?'?? ?iiK an orphan. at.d '.1.11I b*-? ii I In ward "f an iiim l?- in tJoldnlioro. WHi'n win- wan IV alio nnld. *ln' wlido-d to marry a young man liv ing thr-re. "Hi r hinnllnn lilorki il Hi'- \v> tiding. M.iH? : ? wi nl from had >') woi?'. In a way ai old an mankind. F??r four month* pnat, thi- coupl* admitted tiny had b?>n living uf nr.* i? ;ind w|f?- Hot )? hit' aiTlk wiih a in:1 \ rro.,? In 1. to t Ii** in ? I'' 'I ? ?? lilwl III ill '.1 il-. . 1 -? Join nal corfoapor.-! ? ? ? =": ???'til" monopoly 01 ? ? I In:; for mod. *\t M?Ki;. Hlf'M'tlVi Thp nmdl'i ? ? ' V. " Sn?t:?" d#r*. editor i 1 ? ndmf. who ha* l?. . 1. 1 v. from pneumonia, v . ??? o> d?0ld'(]|y in?, *1 >' '? rnlnx. Ho wnn ? ? hi'' ?" ?'"t today f*?r :i, ' 'tl" IHhim h'Ofu.. 'i'i ;,!? parftitly Wiik 11 *?.v to ward l< C?>v. . O110 of tin of having a h ?? yntl ran got n?.< ? oyator atow ? jdvanincta n( yolir own In oy^tL'm In your CHOWAN BRIDGE ERECTION WILL mm April \ (Niin in;: of <"oiH*rel?? I'ilr ( ndor V* :.i ( Innlrtic lor-* Work (lump on Sliurr of i'kirnttin l>a\ I. VKCK CiiKW in Test Piling Driven SVi'lini* iliui) to Actuul ( itdifirur* tion Disclose.*. 1 ni"\jjrol c?l ( .oii(!ili v.m: juvliminan in I'Vcdion of the t'howiiti niiils*-. i ? tlu? Ioiik^i t'llll'l lliv ft tin* .>vt*r n;ivkKiililo w:ii?r fruit \i ?iii? In J- i n il iH la.-i link 'In' "1?>M |iro\ In. ??:?" ?>1 tK.- northeast with th?* rninuiiul ? i of th?* Stuto. Is actively un?l?'r ui.y at Ki!?Mtl?*n A? m.?l ??umtrur ut th?* forltlg" I* In liontn hy - V ;> i i I I. su-ronllin; In T. A Sirwo. ? imitu'-iT in ''liurKo. - ( 'hiiumi liridKt* is to ? I'm* 1 >wim t ho\v:in lilver at a imimii i wo anil or*.* -half inilen above l-M? sunn. The till lj?o *s to !?.? i little ovi-.r o nil!** ami a hi. If long, ami is td l?e nf ?-on?*rete and steel ? .in ;t rio t ion wlili ? tiuib-r "ilorlt." or driveway, i ti In ?'ovi,rc?l *?*h i*'ii .lu lu's of iinphult. Tin- niK! ?ii >:?> r?.rtsirm lion is ??np?h,io,I *?? mil rl?:i> Uaif a in li I i> ceedlng wicadllv. Tlili ly-ihn *? fin* bdo-d plbh art' laid nut in rows, undergoing t li?" dr>ing |?roiv?n Hit lib iiiu-i continue 3? da>s !??? for t hey are driven Into the san d> Uiillnm of I'liuti'aA Hiver. A large force nf men in at v:ork , In all, hIioiii 1.20b I'liiicroto juli's will be turd In count met Ion ?if iln- bridge. th?-M? tn rangi- I roin 2s in To or 7.1 feel In loiiKtli. uk romlitlonx eneouuterud In tlu- riv er may demand. The piles are re inforced wlili HtO'l. and are re rard?'d uh vlrntallytrirHitrTirtlbk As ;r preliminary to oreefion of the I. ridge. dozens of tent pilert have heeii driven ;il??ng thw courwa ii will fol'nw There haVe di?*? rloM'ti , according in Mi. Street I. tha' over a long stretrli ?ii uhkh I; had heeii though that iiJi-foot pi 1 1 ii g w.iuld he 'llffb lelttly long, lengths i.f ?u io 7 feet will be re ?luir.-il. somewhat ItureuHing tint rosf of the Miructurv. At I li?? pollil Where the bridge will i iu!H the usiml path of navi gation. a Hleel swing draw JiUl fw| long will Ik? IliKtalied. ? oiit rai'iors foi I'onnti ii?'iti>n of ih" brlilt:" are Haiiford *? Mrooks, oi llnliiioor*', Norfolk and t.'hatbs toii Com rail for ilo- Hruetur" was |el by tho North Carolina Highway Coram i-H?iiin late In De cember. Ii was authorized through an a? t punned by tin- (Jeueral As sembly of 1 92fi p?-r in It 1 1 nit lli? Im Ktiaun* of 1 600. mm in bonds. io 1 -? 2 f* permitting the isMiiinre of he repnhl hy collection of tolls. When the hands havi* been re lire. I. Mn- IoIIh me In hi> removed. NONE SENT HOME FROM BESTCITY I.iM'ul iliuli llax Rent Killing l.iveii l>y Slate Oipnrl inrnt of Kriiimtinn "The KlltaliPlh City nrhonl In ? ongratulatlng It today." aaya Supf S. L. Hheep. "that nlthongh practically all college* In the State have ?ent horn" nnywhirc from f??? to Inn freshmen iMTnniw they failed to pan* a sufficient ntinilwr of at tidies at the Mid of the first ?l?iart?r to nllnw thein to be re tained under tho college rule*. yet none have heon sent homo who were graduate* of the Klizaheth dry High Hotfoot ' The High School ha* the highest rating given any school hv the Stale Ik-pan tnent of Jidn < at ion With the gr^at Increase In col lege attendance In the State, these Institutions are making their re quirement* for udmlffllon very ntifh more strict as well n? re ?lull In*; >i hl'th1 r and more thor ough ar holarfhlp Not only in it more difficult to r.iiu admission, hut ft ?i -mand* Hie |n<<.iln(, of the '??ill tind < .imitM'I'ui:' with high er prndft I: Mi- pt'ident ? t|npin to remain in college It mean* our school* muM require more thor ough preparation of all student* "Parents would do well to note these new condition* In the ml l!i*iliilit> \ I I II M.i OIM) Particularly I'rotid ?? I* la\ Kcdmiioii and W lint He Krganln u- \(?lii?'vt*in?'ii( in Econ:mi\ (vovrrmticul it* imviii i. \\\ hkm t: Warillll.'-itOII. M.1I. -i ? -i'l'M : l wtildK ? im?H t ? r It'..! v 1 1|. ??>.*;!?? . nd'.n: *i*:eMl:iy as In- lit r y-ar hi ? rtte. I'ri'M to il;..? t"i*. I ? ? ? Ml <1 II I 111 V ll?-; N? .' Jlf". i) month ? ?I *e:vic>' 1 1"* luuitr.ii #.v? i f hi ? |,w i uril.l ' ad> to be held cuiutabh* pnliueajiy t;?r his ??*?!.? ?ji comiulnalon niul iiiii4hhI?iii for (i ti 41 yeai ? Swtn?' ?;t ni?? lib-nd* ? 111 (ilut this because hi th..y will regard htm a* having i?? ;i s? Ilrti* sel*ed M filial'' I ? ? r I U ull.l there lore i-IIkIIiIi' to reiiouiluailon. Mr. (!n(ili(t<'C tak?';< pi tde in 1? 1?* first y? at'. He feels part leuiarl* ihnt 1 !??- lineal aid'.' of lli?* :* r any" 1 itiue may 1"" a mallei* oi dtspui" among econouilats but tin- politici ans of both sides do not hesitate to attribute the hlunu for "rainy ' ?!ayV In" nit administration In powiT Just a* much an lit'* party in ofTlce insists thai ."prosperity" is u direct result of th- efficiency of the admlnlst ration in office. I'erhap* the oiitHlnndliiK fesiturv i?t tin* Coolidge udnil'ilairatlori I thus lar l? the extent t ? which power has bnn delegated to the heads of I he executive depart ment*- This has not only saved the tim" s ml energy of the t'lib 1 Kxecutlve but it has given no ni ??.rs of the Cabinet a prestige ltd atively greater than Ihat enjoyeii bv infill* of their predecessor* . * eii under Republican uilnilnlstra llonn |h?|uirtniontal to -organl/.a I lions ha v been carried on during th?- piisi year and i?> "o *?n?ll ,v t .-nt thin in duo ??? ih?* Introdue I it m i.r I ho budget bureau info Government. Mot*** and mon-. Iho Director of the lludKet is com in 1; , t? occupy a |>lar?- s? cond in lin ' porta lie* only to tin- Prpnldont hlnisi H IIhvIiik the close ro-op imtion Of til" Chief i:\ecullve. Ih"' Director of the lludxet polnlM otil Inefficiencies her. Mild IheVe as they relate lo the UH- of public funds, but this In In km t? Hphi ad iiiitdHtrulive de/?H?ii*. 1 he relationship ??f I'resldeul CoolldK*' 10 t'miMi ess ronialtis yet to tie defined Con^ns* hns t ot been in session Ioiik eiionnh dur: itiK the first CoolldKe year to d ? teriuiiie Whether H Ih Mr. Cool IdKe's leadership or 11 reroKnitiort by the Senate und House of their n^potiHlbiliibs which i earryln*; forward the proKiatn oi leuiala t ion I'ertainiy Mr. 1'oolidi e has In CoujiHSH now sympathetic Jeadeis. men w|r? do not hesitate to keep him advised, men who do not fall lo tell their colleagues that they must follow the I'resl detit's r? rominendiitlons il I hey a,., t , b< sided next autumn by the politieal presllKe of Mr. Cool The insistence of Mr. Coolldue that Conftreas take a lonn recess is pointed to by his friends as h valuable contribution ft. the sta bility of business. Mr. Coolldae has nut the brakes on "'""V things l hnl iiiIkIH have disturbed buslneis but he has not yet sue r?M d< d in sUppresslim till llo- va rlous arilvltl? s of lh? Con?;n slon si Invent inatiftic commit te? s or tie IndeiM ndet.t ?stabllshno n' Ihl - may *?' pi ?>*'? to be th' principal Ikhu> of the eomiim ConKf' selomO rant |?a lull while such a p ia pop'ila ' with lame busln -sa i'? icrests. it furnishes ah a rub ?m? Munition tor ,u" uiinoritv party and insuineols. t;. n? rally apeakinu, r;r?sv and the e\rcullv? hare worked tpfprher ??n revenue leulalatlon and appropriation bills. 'I'lio .era of noii-parflsanshlp began *eltti Hi.- coijt.lderation of th? t.ix r? due tp.n bill Now that this if! out of th* way I he tlreworka of pailwttu warfare will begin. Tin llepub I lean frleods of the I'iPSid-ut f" 1 he baa made an evcidlenl -ft? The Democrats inrl^t that l.n 11 unl fifst v?ar known as a * !?' I ????! honeymoon" ha^ been In f?io resx and that with Ihe ? unfavorable turn In cconohllc con dlllnns their own bombardment 01 the admiulsi ration will tw?*ln t?' receive attention from the conn , try. Ke pre*e ntalive I. i n d ti a y W arreii (?ivr? \**tirunce of \ iial InlcreM in Patta* in^ Measure III- : MCIN<; AT MUKDEN'S \ eleran Hunter* and Kixli< eritien Appear Before \\ ar Department Kngin* m; No Op|K>Mition * Assurance by Representa tive Lindsay Warren, of the First North Carolina District, that ho was vitally interested in a hill now before Congress to provide for re-installation of locks on the Albemarle A Chesapeake Canal at Great liridge, Va., and that he would do everything possible to fifed e.vrl.v passage of the measure, was the outstanding 1 feature of- a hearing on the matter at M linden's, Va., Wednesday afternoon. Jt was presided over by Major J. A. O'Connor, of Norfolk, district engineer of the War Depart ment. Tim hearing was attended by some 2oo persons from Currituck County. Kllxabeth city. Norfolk, and adjacont Virginia commanl* tics, iii opening it. Major O'Con >i??r announced that he wished to obtain first bund information on conditions to be affected through tlu<:r>m?nt the Iock?. Veteran huntsmen and flaher meu of upper Currituck 8ouud and of the Hack Hay region la Virginia testified at the hearing i hui (luring the lust five years there hud boon u gradual decrease in wildfowl and fresh water fish by reason of the Inflow of salt wg ter from Chesapeake Bay. The locks which formerly were main tained at Ureal flridgo. it was ex plained. ware removed when the canal Was taken over by the flov ernmutit an a part of the Inland Waterways, and was made a sea level traffic artery. Navigation interests were de clared to favor the return of the locks because, since ihelr removal, the tide has run ho strongly through the canal that veaaela have often been forced to tie up in stormy weather to avoid being dualied against the banks. Representative Warren went to M linden's from this city uccom pa n led by Solicitor Wulter Hmall and W. T. Culpepper. Elizabeth City business man. He returned to Norfolk Wednesday night on bis way back to Watihlngton. K* nininallou of wi'tiesnen at the hearing was conducted by him, with I He assistance of Hollftltor Hmall. Included In the Currituck del egation were Norman Hallance, Thomas Brumsey. Jasper White, W II. tlallop and Dr. J. M. New born No opposition to rc-lnsUI lallon of the locks wan voiced at the hearing. In connection with the prospect foe curly passage of the bill. Mr. Warren stated that It already had been advanced two uml one-half years on the CongrcRMlonal calen dar. and probably would be paseed iii the early future. MIII.IMiKN TO KHECT MONUMENT ??N CANAL School chlldnn living at South Mill*. th?- aoutherly (crminua of tr>?- Oeorge \Vanliincton Highway 1 1 !\ rough the Great Diioiial Swamp. 1 .lie forming mi (ot.xorlation npon no rod by the Kllza belli City Cham i"'i of Commerce with the purpoa" of oroctlnK ? 'tillable monument iit the canal bridge there, com '.-i moi *4 1 1 ii ik COMMITTUS RK'KliMTM ITH < H.tlKMAN Waahlngton, March *. ? ? With; l(eprei?cntatlve sill, Itcpubltcan, of Maryland unanimously reelect ed i.'halrman the unofficial HoiN committee for modification of the Va Intend art will hold It* own op ening hearing on March SI pr? litnlnniy-tn drafting a bill to ro viae the prohibition law. 'OIION M MlKKr New York. March 4- ? Cotton fti'ur> ? opened today at the fol li i w In g level* ; March 19.24, Moy IV July 17 ft*. Oct. 17.33, Owe. I 7 07. S'-vr York. March I -Bpot ?M>t fon rloRed quiet, middling It. 66. decline of 10 point*. KutiirM. .lotting bid: March 19.30, May 1H.72. July 11 05. Oct. 17 SI. Dnc. I7.0&.