SENATE WOULD HAVE SPECIMEN OF DYING R ACE If Whirligig of l-'al Should l?y (hunee llriiu.' George E. Hrennuii itf I! linoin lo I lie Senule BUTLEK NEW l\ I'E Before liallerir* ( i>n!<l Kis joy CompnrUon, Howev * er, Brennan anil Butler Are to lie Elected X. (CcnrltHI IKt H, TM Washington. March S.--IC tu. ?J Mhlriglg* of political fate >.*? ml.! by chancn bring George K. Hn-n nan of Illinois, lo the States Senate, that align*! I?>?! would have on exhibition a s;? ! men of a d.vlnf race ? the r.-ai ..! i time political bosM. The galleries would have a': , ?? foresting tlmo making compare sons between thin typical old b and that uew tj'pe of polili.ii rector. Senator Butler of Mii^ chusetts. Of courso before t V.? can be done Mr. Brenuan must be elected and so must Mr. Hu'ler. Neither 1? racing a path wtrewe with roses. Mostly they see thorns ahead and plenty of tliem. George Brennan would be nn in teracting addition to the Senate There has been no Senator Itlu him within the recollection ot ,h? preaent generation. "Bosh" Tag gart, of Indiana . was In the Sen ate for a tlmo. but Taggart Is .if the Bilk stocking variety of hoan and never admits that ho i., .1 boas anyway. Brenuan is the last person In the world one would ac cuse of senatorial ambition.'-. :t la just as easy to Imagine the late Boss Murphy of Tammanv llal'. coming to Congress. Ever since the death of Koge; Sullivan gave blm his chit nr.- t?? head the Illinois democracy. George Brennan has been one ol the "big three" of his party. The "Murphy-Taggart ?Brenuan" rinu always was the target of the late William Jeunings Bryan The death of Charlie Murphy threw A| Smith, of New York, into the tri umvirate, for Al Smlih has been recognised the country over as th? J leader of the New York lieino. jr racy though he does not have Ui? ^ titular leadership of Tammam Hall. Governor Smith succeeded Mr Murphy nevertheless as a mem be, of the golf threesome which ni'-et ever so often at French l.icl Springs. It Ik the TaggarMircn nan-Smith "ring" now. Oddl; enough Governor Smith wo' thought to be the one of the trl. who would attempt to come to tin Senate this year, but he side stepped the honor and said be wa through with public office - un less, -at course, some one *houl< bring him the Presidential nomi nation on a silver platter. ' The announcement of (ieorg Brennan'* candidacy for .he Sen ate givea an important sldelicb on the Kltuailon In Illinois wu: respect to the Republican imninii tlon. George Breunan ih not political fool Thore Ih moro In1 hind his candidacy than appefti on the snrface. Illinois ordinal U Ih not a healthy place for a l)em? crat to aspire to the Senntorshti And In any event Brennan is m the type to run for office just f hla hen 1th. Evidently (he old. gray fox the Democracy which blootn along the Chicago lliver *in? lis large and Juicy rat Ktid<-ntl ho think* there In going to be much throat cutting In the |{. pa, 'lean race that there will be ;<.>i pickings for a Democrat who both alert and diligent Senator McKinley is being < P?Hpd for the Republican nnmin W ,k)n b> Colonel Krank I. Smlt the *it at e chairman and the frrl has become exceedingly hlttn-. .? hard pressed Is the sitting Sen {# *or that he has appealed to t) w While House for aid .hltikit that the name of Coolldg* w! work the ncccaaary magi' hn> Jim anccess at ti* primary poll oxlcnt' * *ny. ihf 11 "onai admlnlp'rsti6fi will perm itaalf to be drawn iito the par strife remains to be voen Tli far the President up^.ars to non committal although Mr. m Kinley attributes mueh of ii present plight to hl< faithfuluc in following Mr Coolldge vn t world court fight u".!?y *ny chance thi-i should evontulste in sendl m i* Br*nnan to Washington will be a colorful day r - t Senate when he taken the i..>?h office George Qrennan i .. w duct of old time ward p.,li?i and ho might show the amniei of the present Senate a feu tri. at that After all it rather amateurish lot In the Henac iod at that A few George Bream might put a punch in the up. House Certainly there Is sn d position at the moment to vl the posslhllltlea with alarm The broadest grin in Washii ton today was worn by the M-n / Senator from Idaho, the Hon ? able William Edgar Borah It ? *11 because of the tempest In t W f"a pot of the Maasachusette I 1 font in ned on Pare t They Represent Kentucky Two of Kentucky'* mont Iwnutiful glrla will represent that ttata at th* Stone Mountain -Memorial IUU in Atlanta, Ga.. March IT. Each la a dcjrcnd-int of a Confederate veteran and each haa worked to make the frri-.-u memorial prnject a avccesa. Tho large photo ahowa Mlaa Lela Mae Stllcn of^*1 11 * ' 'he inset nhowa Miss Gloria Bradley of 8tearnt. The Daily Advance In National Poll On Prohibition !??? IIIP pt:;)|U<- Ul I !*?? I UIIL'U * Suit? ? ? th* plain. ivry.Jay men] . end v.-? ni* n who pay ilw billy, cai"' : ? tin and nink.' i* tho back-' boti. n t I Ji ' ? n:;t!''Tv -? wunl thv prnfiiliirir.ii l,iw iiiulitifd? Durin ; tin- paat fr\v inunthft th? * arumm-nt ho- pinvn * trivially [ S. jjir l :i<l?-r:; rrh d j " that th?* |i- oph :?!??? an :-ir<?nnly iti ? favor ??i piohibition now hp th?yi * w-.rv uht 11 I law was passed. * Ofh?n haio that th*- pro*' ' !?!?' ar- tiivd of iir(>lilla'loii. Wliit t u i!)? I mill? * lbs- |i.v >'? In con * juiivtbn with N'KA S -rvic ?. I h" I biK^i*>t n?*tt vpaiicr f* ntwv t'-rvio'"; * in ?li* 'country. ;:ninu And out. It 5?; co-npn r tlr.R in a mill-ill f willP li'll'l* ?dUltl ?? of r thai will - fh'iw, iiuti' c.b-.irlv thnu anything ' thai hj!? lir-t'a d cw s-tinrr t!i?- In vr li wi n! into whiihcr th? wii - Hiip'iit 'it th ? |u'(;|t1c Ik for nr. n against any chrtngu In Ihw prohlbl lion (?narini?'tJ a A Nat llrlrrcndiini y ? On Monday. March h. in each ?? ?r u?ot ;bar. Tot) daily n<>wf>pa-' ? p* th lht?<! .. u< ih? ? nilcd Staii . ii ballots wilt pi im< d :?? that tbn i , i'o#di r can sbov hi* pr? f -rtTice. Strict Hup- rviMkii by competent ?I tabulators v.all ;.j ? vr.l "lop^at" i- voting, hut lh" i?illf?tii will b a pilnt'd on Tuesday and W?dn?'? ly day a!?o tbat ?*vriV one can havi? in a chance to vol ? . Th?? votn will ho (Miinlt'd at tli-' ;| .nffJ^CB ??f Tin- Advhllr.. and tllolk i ii nail >n-v. i?b tab ?!'?< ' ? ? '? nnrt" pi ?(f|oes ??f N'KA H^ivu'r in ('lew [ Morbid Crowd Pays To Vitness Hanging '* Levin.* "a. K?*.. Mnr. fi. * Ed Hunb .'icsro. Wi i hunct d .1 I 'a ?k y?-t|i (' .'iity ju 1 1 ??< r? thin morn ?s ing at ?? IT o'ebok. !!?? was con H' vlrti d ul' ?itiar';ln' Mr-,. MntK?r'-t ^ l?rya:-t ??n .'.ur.iary 1 1? . nftnr h* * >' had slain b? r hurhitnd and two ?? childivi. M. - no:',ro Wat* |?ro 1 filing 'I (It-nil ai Thn mirt ??- ?? ??rfi '.van Cfnwrtod with pcupl? i." who wiir.c^Kl hanulni* Tw>: ?> huiulr d "i ijor- p i*oiih w*ic fin cni'd not j;aln ? iittttn?*-' vl 'Wod tbi h 1111.111;-. fron a nearby jtanmc hi at > . m H- .11 Thn |.< nil di( rj n UK III. i.:i;|r;Kfj* v.ithfiJl benrflt ol It rj^rzy. In ? - RK(;iN VOTK MOMIAV OS Ml'SI I.K SHOAI.J ii WNMiiiiKtoti. Mar. ?%. Th?" 8?-n V- atn fdduj MKi'PCil i ? t (111 votini nil on. tho Mho.?li* 1 solution ? ttul am- li'l' >? II' ? liO O'cl'K'l" : 1 Mondv. ftiii rm on t" u?.nlir? oin m < miiRcnt wa ? .btiitn?d on motion o I*. Snnatoi lb din. T>?n?ociMt. of At* ?>w bwnm. iftrr ho had tailed to oh tain rohmnt ;it ?nv ttftie raill i ag. than Monday Senator llownll lot llcptihllcan. of Nehranka. then ho or- Unii a HfM'^rh in ofip'mltioii to I hi jH i?noliition whirh would authorif ho ? J?int Coiinnsaional cotnmlltoi *?. to no^otiatn a private leaan fo M wl" Shnfjtf, land, Ohio. When the count Is J rompleted the sentiment of n lari;e ' proportion of aitlsens in every ' Htot ;? In ili*? union will be dlaeov- ? ??red. It is the larxcfit vote of lui j kind ever attempted. The papers j iliHt will co-ope rata In puttinK the before the public have more than 40.000,000 readers. Neither The l>aily Advance nor XKA S? rvlea has an> a* to ^rlnd In statin* this referendum. When wi- ask you to cast your vote we will not try to influence you; we do not rate how you vote. What we and our auiexiatc editors do want Is to learn tho sentlmrnt of the country on the prohibition law. K\ cry one Should VcHr It is vitally lniportnut that this ?< ntfmeni h?i learned. T\ (* I* no real. definite way to 4ml ou? exempt by a moDNlcr. nation-wide referendum ruch as thin one Here Im why It Ip Important that tin- vol era tlielr opinions. fonercM has already Ihhjd asked to modify the Volstead act Temp ranr<- m g*nl*ntl"n?? are pleading that the country a whole does not want a change. OHht organ i<callona arc plepdlng that the country as a whole doe* want a rhanim Church societlcn have studied the qu eat Ion and some have dtriarod for. some Rcalnxl. the prohibition law. There U no unanimity of opin ion There Ih nothlnr to tell Con gress. or any one else, what the great mass of people In America think. Thin bin referendum will do It W OMEN WILL CALL ON c,om:knor tomorrow ItoMftti. Mar. 5 ? J(cprwr<nta - llv?fi of various wom??n "a organisa tion* In the Stair which hare been advocating the making of a survey of condi'lons of women In Indun- ; try In North Carolina will present ? their env to (governor McLtan to morrow. Thl? anuouticcnirnt van in !?<!?* nt the State House todny TWO CHILDREN I.OSK Lives IN FLAMES Hnndrrtitfnvlllc. N C.. Mar. *?. Two children of Hi'ae Fowlef lost their (ftp* early todny wh>"i Are destroyed the Fowler hom? near here. They were Mildred. , a fed ft. and Ruth. aged four. Twelve persons. 11 of them mem ber* of thf Fowler family. were asleep In the hour^ when neigh bor* give im alarm No others were Injured Ft KM tu>\|<n TO MKKT A meeting of the County Hoard , of Agriculture. which In made up ? I of representative* of all six town ships In Paaquotank. will ho held In the office of County Agent 1 ' Falls Haturday afternoon at 2 'j o'clock. It Is announced. Various * Important matter* arc -latcd for eonMderstl^n. Value Of Modern Hotel In Bringing Covention (h'oups Cited By Winn f/? )ckvnhitr\ llvprcctwlativc Point:: t ? itit'cJ !*roj:t ? ivrruinp hom F isitnrs \Yibh :?> ??/. rid: Other .IrfrKMuurs Mm \ \ ? ?( Olie e, ?!??? RIO -I .* ' ' ?.ir* |- ?? I ? jf ' iiiri-h i f a m.-.d , n i ?i? I 1 94 iJu? i-K rial am! clvlr e?ii? ? \r??!i h l? pr vldnl." ?iys < ! !'??' ? 1 (' W.r; . ltoekenhury r j?i ? ?? ?? 1: n In tiiix rlty. I'M. i? <(!prn in ill f-lK n? d to iiu'iud* .1 r>'i:ih<t ?' ball-room ;iim! h:iriij>i<t linll. uh? ? SOI'lll l.. I I M i-l l .1 ; f?. i, l.i I;; r i*:?1' 1 may l??' h?lt. "In addition f-? ? . rln piiv * (lining ronton and mui.iI pari r pro vl?|c fur 1! r 1 !?:. 1 smallvr xuthii "Trndi- rn?? lo-::: ? "nif. i ard oouv??*irl'-iiH ? t c ivitf. n-ri I nn?l fraternal Iinv ; ? a Knurr** C t' ??;; ??. ? ? r m?i|. rrn hi.t??| :? i..f in a:? I noc|i-ili> a r?? olil . p!ar<<:> wl*h mil una! ?? ??" *?| . ???? -i ?? niodat Sum*. whei.- f udi ront*': Hons oin hi- '?? Ul , "A Htrtklui; 1 \ .1 tui'l of 1 drawing power i f .1 ?i?.v hcii I 11 the I'enn Harris rr llru>int)ii: i . ('??niiHyhritin. I 'rim ?? t build inc o| this linl' I. ?Jn 1 "i r':i* ? t 1111 ni ber of *'<iiivi'nlicj*K h< h! (n tbi i*ll during op" yi-j.r \va?? I:;, a:;.! iln** wrr?- smaller oin'.?. bi? ? ef lie lark acciuiiiiuu*. 1 ion * to t n l: *? ran* of Of larger ti??tv "Slnoi ih.- hrildli.'. hi 1 :. ?? IVuii Harris, tin i?-?i!;r <i Coniiii* rn- ha:, mv . ii?-*l m ? tulnluK a Kri>u(or number n ci>ii tentions Mini tin* eh ?. of II-111 is huru Is now * nti?rti?;r.i ::iwu?l-. ly. more than i'.O r.>nv |-i t'ir.n. In iiddltlon to thiri th?-re at- r nus tiad. and l>Ufi,i> hs ? i-nf'-ri?ni ? in whlrb are n??t tak?-n into run Bid ?'rut Inn. hut. neverthi-leaa. form a Very roi!i?ldt?rabli- snurc*- of ij.i r - ronnpe H? If KiivIvimI "It in i^tliii?r??c| 1h.1t over a half million dollar* or otitaldi* ? money ir. h ft. Annually, in tin - bv thi-se convntlon del?<Kat*a. the 1'niiubhj and publir roocu of areno of ??oartnnt *rttvil>. ? ? .. .. Inj? lo vliilor* at that !iost?-lryip? IMnnetn. duiiri*}'. whJiIjiiu ??.? r? i- ?>?. In addition to tin cnuwiition jwi ron?Ki-. and the reKUlur lit"* rooitnarrlal hunlt?i?HH. mak?- !?:? ho tel the artlv*' nodal and runnmin Ity centcr of tin* rlty. "It Ih pointed out that this pit nation Is trur In every inmhm rlty whrre thi? rommnnPy lln anrrd hot<-l is? plared In opi-ration. II Ih a known fart that hot?l o|? eraiotft. partirularlv the rliMiu op ?rating roinpanl^i*. prrfi*r to in:nt ?kc cominunlty finanred hoti li Tin* ro-operatfon and Inl' p M ' thr I oral rltl/ins la one of tin* f ir- . tors maklni; f *?r th?' soirrr^s o| ih"' Institution Tin- op-iatlns ? l?any. In turn, hoi ka to bi rve th-? ('out Inurd on ? Pski1 I THK COUNTESS VKU \ HAS WON II KK KI<;S" Nnw York. Mar. -Writ. 'ii"i CounU'M of Cathrart. won lv lo rrtnaln In thin rountry i??'lay . whi*n F?d**ral Judce Ilnnd^ '-iis taincd the writ of habeas -;?s after DlMrlrt .Mlot ney Bui '? 0 ? r had enter?*d in the record 11 ?? adultery i|?o? not mnstli'i' 0 rrlno- under thi lawa of lh? unloy of South Afrlra. Tine roUlltiH^ had been r? fused adtnlsKl* n bv IminiKratloii authoritlea 01 the eround of moral turpltud' POWER PARFffY IS POST'Pf^D TO NEXT '::VW ii il> ? *1 I'tUi'.i'* ruiunii^i >21 S|h!<*?! i'? "?Irfi I iichcImj Nifs!it f->r ('?JilVpn?fc to si'inm (.(iMiivi r t'nr iirin^itr* ? i I Jilimlcrd tiri'cn: ^:ra?* iK ?>* the* < if y .1 <iin i * >t> ill -r.#e : >ii hi .? t- ::!:* ronli;.:i i it. s\bii,?;t -I * !?-? Vil r;ili!:i i':n'l;;r \ I* v.v ?V". I'fsiv. ? r. ? i . i . : p?. r iti ,\i r:l? < -r.ili.i.i ; th? '>;?i l>.iniui<-r,. \* Mir'i !?:??! ;.??*? ?? h.-lmli:l. .| : m Tl. Msiltv i.i. V. I.. tw. II 111.* (My ? 'oin.cll III!.: Ill I "l 1 1 It 1 . *> CoilkliliMtoli. was ]?':?! pom d to Ti;?'?i|a> ji! 7 i> rl'Vi'K M it if n ii?i |i ;? ;"i j ? il J?y Uh- Cfllincll 1 1;?- f? minhiahui *a* no! IcHy I i make r?Ti.HMiHMi dntions on li The JM'W io.itl'a<l fk ?1 ? ?? I'*- all i?l >?f l? 11 typewrit t n pat;*:. wi'u s> numb* r '?f I'hnn^' ? from i i ? ? la>( proposal ?>f ih /? r In* r<.:iis. \ii -.wiu other*, <h coiiiii.'ini's r.irrylu^ ChiU KH Of v rt . O || 1 1 :i yeai Ml [ It* transmission line i ? said t *i hav be?n dropp-d ?*ntl?'<'ly. * I'yndlnr- l-maui acilnti. Vh n. cid? d ri'licMire i'v i? tin' run tin l>i of I hi* iif-wlv ilrnv. ii (l>;i'Uiiii'iii. Ma M?r McOab-- declare* in ll'i"* ron lire I ion Ihal aa somi as t*>th hoards have hail opportunity i> discuss i?. the contract will In made public. S- nilnwnt. as . vpn-ascd by lo cal IjiinlnpHN men and c-iln r.'. oh vlouslv Is ov< rwhelmtnfcly In fa vor of I hi- cily hodh IflK up wiih Ihc super-power .-?y.-'O in. pio\ld>d only thai eatistacinry fi-vin* ra* In* vi'H ?*li?'(1 . Il in I -It h*?te" Ilia* the hrin^ini; o| unlhitlnd pow?i wnild piov a ln,ni''t,-l.i,iu' f/etot In (li-vi lopiiju the cltv abuiu Indus trial lines. r||y KnRln'i r fitsrn was In m Friday. ami was ??\|H'r??-d t-? off. r some sustentions tV- in' lulu i of the two hoards as lo the coin** they should follow In ilvir if K" flatioi.K with rli?- Virginia lut?r * *t" In the roiiiif of nn ?nrll y visit. 1 1 1 ? (*\|ir?" ? ?i himself n? iu cllnid favornyV t.-waril super power! / firm-rally thore l? opposition i*? the erection of a rew power plant hero lo cost a quarter nf a rtllll'ui ddlars oi more, with itie disiurb lot; prosprct thai llila plant ini^'il he oulKrown in a few yrars, mcl niii; til tlirrehv i?rjul?- heuvv ,'ijili tiounl exp- -ndliun-f The Impr .Ih exprraned thai tin ?'l:y may' ? ? arb favorabl" t? rnis with ih?* outside ' company In the Immolate lutno . Will Teach Him Mat Game M* *<r.n?t.f" Uwl. ?t"I Umou. trtllVt V?*, nvtcli ?? mi? 1>? '"v?. NvW u...- ?- " . , XI tow *><> l? mini t? n?M ? cMmnon ?( ?p '' i ftrh r??"* ?? ' He ?i >kes a Perfect Lady When Mobile, Alii., hold Its mid-winter carnival, the Comic Cowboy* hoaded tho parade with a flont that Included a female Impersonator ?cited in a golden chariot. Charles K. Hlnnchard took the part for the second ?ucccBbivo year. ? Photo ohowa him in his costume; lnu?t, as he looks Ordinarily.' SMITH I! i\TS MVSU.E SIHtil .>? H)H htliUEHS \\ ushiuvto' Mar. ?1.? Mtt"- | do sli?mls utiiiM Ih? tuin??l m'? ?t:i;lior ??f Miihi Ic Minnl* l? Kl-'ntH-n. S?'.TM?,r Sin It li titan-* tu *i?5 m? tint ? !???> rt**rli:l!' n ?- a miM'* ? 111 " lr? til Mintut^f/. - ii jdiiii * i iiBifN-i'iiuu ritfiMlltiltM* !?? n a |>< \ lure f.?r Miim-Ii' Sh? al*. I .i.l? r l!ir hmlth |!*m Iiii!-'ii I !??? wliol" |UO|l 'l*l> Will !'?' tUI'l?0?l ovfr ti? mnlMililiinl |?r?<*>lt*tll* Aii> |M?\vcr MtiiH niim wonlil ln< rnnlrllHilVfl l? wluhhiiilnu Mitnt in :tn rvfltilNhlf Imv I*. BUILDING & LOAN SERIFS OPENING Kcmurkultlr </iiin in Ah siis lt<'|mrlr<] for I.mhI Hirer Yrar IVrioil A j*uln in a a mi;: of tnfuv i!ian 200 p?T e?nl la Vln- ri ? yi?ura fueled Jjiiiiiiir.v i. lap', l> rt- ported hi* tin* Alln mui '?* llulld Infc ft I. an Anijoelation, of I It 1x Hiy. on the ?vit ??f open In;: the" twi nly fourth Hrrl ?!* of ?>toek S.ii urd*iy. Th* n*?i*ocl?tio!i in Ju:.' eltaliu: !??' tenth y?,lir. having" ho* sun biudneftn op March i. IM'i. In connection wllh fh<? nmarl. - ahle Increaito in hnlldinji mi'l loan ilf&fMn IN' tjoodwln, ?CC n-iMry-iri'Hhur?T of the aiwh-Ii tlon, point* nut Mint on January J. I 2 ."5 . .ihfHf- nni'>ii;ii"<l io lirji, H*7. wh??r?-aa !?> Juni:?i" 1. l'?2G. tin v had wrnwn to a mtll of fi.'l I -a gain ol marly :i iliird r? f a million dollar*. "Slii'*'' 1, hi hnv? patted the tHO.OftO mail;, Mr. dooduin drcl.'irm. "and 1>y t Ji*1 ??n?l of ilw v< jr. w?' hope t?? hnvo n? *"ts of u t hunt In1 t h nillil'i i dol lar." VN> liav?? * tyjH- of rii.rk to iin< j |V* r-fnitrem'-iilH of every In v*-' tor. One of Hi' nx.Kt' In \<-?f liu'iitu offi*i?'d hy Mm- <i.? Hon. Mr tiuodn'ln ihHar . I <? In paid-np atoefc in ni'il* ipkn ??. $ino Thin mo? it dir.*" hi ??????! of .*? i ' cent, Vi'Uh all i.i- pnid ih" ^wodltl' ii, h> ih ?>arnltit power <o ? aleu' 7 ? ? |K?l r III Offlrfva <f t *??- ii*hitl'?n ji|-f : J. C. Xavyr:. p. ? -id?-nt; \V, II 'Zoo|l-r. Pj?? vlc? jifMili-n' : M. Morrl.o ir? . ?vpd vir - itrnlilfnl. W. Il ( 'ih'IkIii. f.-rnmry 1 1 Mar. ii r ' er: und J. li. I?< IkIi. atlonp'y. Th? .association'* dirc?.r* *? r ? ? : J. It i^lah. W. 11 /.??i|. r. A. li lanM r> I', i ' i -N '?*i? foot. A I!. Nlci- '--' i. It i. ?>r, t#-r* l. It < 1 t ? !? 'I <? K ?. ' wrr, V. II, \V" ?ih""ly, .'i . A1. ? Movrl-'tp. \\ >, tl ?4th??r. r. \ lCih? rid ..W I? (ioidwln and I V r'.iwy r. IWV.PSEY II KM ^KS "TO COiSFISlM MKPOKT!* M'irago, Mir h J?r? I>? ni|? 1 t-ry i' fuwd today I" confirm ?' th?t h' hud to mn t t?? n?* TBtHlcv for m 12-rotind no <J. < l.? Ion bout n ''XI A?|?M ?? HoyK'i Thin- Wet. He Loses John 1\ Taylor, wealthy auto ' dealer ??i' Portsmouth. O.. muni ] jiay $7-i,'>i>0 l r? Mtfl.4 Lorrflinoi St lillrhirr, kIihoI tcjrlipr. a jury] him ilnrtdt il H?- luis :? |?|>* .tl ftl th?" \< relief which M1h* SHillchtor wot;, on a rharpn of iirt-nrh of promtNP. i Near East Relief Fund Grows Slowly Total Contributions in C??h Nov/ Approximate $400 la Report Slowly. \riv Hlnvly, t1ir? ,\r?i rc-Hi f luird for I'Mtcinotnnk Colin'/ I* KtOWlOK 'I ? ?t :? I CH < ont rllMiti'iiiH h;nc now rt*uch> d up to i<iM>>-r?xiii|}il< ly <400, |i wah mud ?t lh<* (turoliiiu lianktn*; k Trimi rnmpnny '"Is tuornln^. .\ni-inu < l? ? ? IiHvi i-otitrlhiitioivt i ? M fr. *111 ? ' KlluhMll Oily llifcli School iiiiMMt li'illK to T'U* w||| l?<- . w'nlh-d luir-r by con fi i vi'iii fh?* primary h till ! -Vmh, t*u ? ih<* amotiii; ?i' i! dr nation* from lit* (,'rjii!)' pmol ha* not yet lu i n r?*f>orf< ?l. i I i r Mi?l ??toilll*'?l bcfop- f 1*4 cninpnl'ii * to iMihllHh tli iirt- i i ? ?nfrlbuioiA to tl?r f ind Autt i ? .. "? |n ? t? ; t hai th -rr i'4i?i v!i"ul.l wot apfirnr in the i?*i *?l if- ii ? ?l Imi pIiomM ho advlx<' ( oirnly TlWUlnrer Qidr|? R. Lit lit Ml l|i( * i Hilinu itulih Ml, 1.15 lit ?iil dim In* ufad ?<> i rontrt Mtt John (roiti thoio- who hm r* *?> i :?"t ?{l|)knlii<'d t*? I la Ik find r>r t roi. i Uiirtit' who rf**trr In In <-r? t? . tJi'lj* oil?lnn1 k1(i or Kor Mm*- *h" w?,i||?| llltv to coniilhT to tTu- find In l?a t~K4*r ? in ?????< th-in tii? v cm afford In rifH. I'Oijvnfilonl i'UlnTft ptior h'asi'c* #i* provided nn thni tli<?% may ?*oiiirit#ut'- f; -n. ;? dollar <? f-Mll'h llpVafl f ?? I 'tis . iv.ijM'i'nok !?< a-k^d t,ir n loin! 'I >1. .00 In r.ifh or ph-ds'*. Tin* . nilnl v.! tn ritfi ?' 2ft Hi I1 ?'.??i? ffir ? whvli* y*.fcr. fOI l<?\ M NIiKKI Yorl- VI arch [. O-tton futuri'i' op* ncd i ? -?!?? v ft ? fol I'-winie I voh, March J ?? . ? . M*> IMS. July 19 15. Qftoly i 17 1" I> ccinlfr 17.17. Nrw Voik. Mar. Spot rot ton clo*cd qutrt, middling If*.. 10, m decline of Ave point*. t*ufur< Hosing Old: M?r. I *? . 2 * . M ?? >' 1 M . 0 f; Jtll)T 1H 02. Oct 17.33. I) c*ml*?r 17.01. S. S. CONVENTION BEGINS SUNDAY FOR THE COUNTY Kirst Session of Interde nominational Event to be Held at Three O'clock Suuilay Afternoon EXCELLENT SPEAKERS "Challenge of a Big Task" Theme of Hev. Walter Getty at Kir?t Session of Convention Convening Sunday afternoon at '. o'clock, and continuing through ruoHiluy, the Pasquotank County Sunday School Convention, for Sunday School worker* of all dc? lomlnatlons, will bo held In R I a c k w ?* I I Memorial Baptist Church. Sessions will be hekt Sunday night at 7:30; Monday ?ft?*rnoon. 3:30 o'clock, and night, and 1 uesday night. Taking a prominent part on th# program will be ltev. Walter G?t ly. Richmond. Virginia, dlrectbr K'hiuk People "s Division, Depart ment of llellgloua Kducatlon, Southern 1'rcsbytei Ian Chureh. Mr. Getty in widely known aa a specialist In the work with young people in the Sunday School aM roim-H to North Carolina highly recommended. While in KllsabaCb Cit, h,. will give a series of ad dressee ..0 the organisation nad activities of people In the Sunday School. Mr. Getty will al so attend Himllar m?-*tlngs In Washington and New Hern while in this State. Two other well known spaak* era on the progrum will be D. W. Sims, general superintendent off the North Carol taa Sunday School Asaociatlon; and Mtaa Daisy Mauve. Raleigh. Chiidraa'a Division Superintendent of the North Carolina Sunday School Aa* social inn. Doth Mr. Sftta and Mian Magce are thoroughly famil iar with all phaaea of modern Sun day School work. The committee in charge of th|? arrangements of the meeting feel ????? **itK thn?? three npeahafa 18 rornt?VAVi/<Mn ? XI u A< ? MftlRj will i?e open to the Sunday flahaM work era of Kllsahvth City. During the meeting opportunity will given for all klnda of 8wii|| School problems to be proaeatad and discussed. The program for the scsslona Sunday will be aa follows: Afternoon G. F. Soyffert, County TrealdcnC Presiding. 3:00- -Song. Scripture Roa4< itig and Prayer. ltev. F. S. Love, I'aiiior First Melhodlat Church. ' Song. 3: 10? Teaching the Child. Mian Daisy Ma gee, Raleigh. Children'! Division Superintendent North Carolina Sunday School Assocla i t Ion. 3:40 ? The Challenge of a Bi| > Tank. ltev. Walter Getty, Rich , inond, Va.. Director Young PoO plea Division. Department of Ro ilgloua Education Southern Pre# byierian Church. 4 10 ? Song. I 25 Getting and Holding Ad ults In tho Sunday School. D. W. SiniH. Italelgh. General Supetin* tendent North Carolina Sunday School Association. I 55 ? Announcement*1. ** 5:00 ? Adjourn. X Ight G. r. Seyffcrt, Presiding, 4 7:30 Devotional. Dr. J- H. Thayer. Paator IJIackwell Memnr* ial liaptldt Church. 7 : 15 ? The Four Told Life o( .Youth ltev Walter Getty.. * s 20 Song Record of At tendance. h 25 Growing ? Crop o 1 Trained Workers. D W. Sima. m 55? Announcemcnta. f on Adjourn. MhllTOAOK ( \SF, TICIKO IN Ill-it 'ORDKK'M COVltl A charge ef having disposed ol mortKagid property, preforro4 against Alfred Wllliama. colored i* on ih farm* i on the lands of 0J( F w Lowry, near thla cltr, wa< dismissed by Trial Justice Sawyei after an exhaustive hearing In re eord'i n court Crlday morning. (. 0 JenninK'i. of thin city, w at the complainant against Wllliama 11- testified that the colored mas had given him a mortgage foi about 150. with his crop as ne curlty. and had dlaponed of th? crop without having repaid him* Kvld' nc- in the ess- ws* to the effcrr that others hsd held prldi claims or the crop, and that th? proceeds from Its sale had b#?ai turned over to them. To t.l\ It PKMPNSTHATjO* ? IN I'l.WTI NG PASTt"lA?*l A demonstration In the sowi^j of tarlnu* grasses for permano* pa at urea will be give* by S. J Klrby. extension agronomist o\ the M?at? Department of Agrleuf tu re. Ill the Sound Neck commua It v Monday. County Ageat Fllll announced today. Mr. Klrby also will Inspoet pas tures already planted, and oth*P wise will assist the farmera'OfftMt section in any phases of the wart In which they are Interested, a* cording lo Mr Falla.

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