ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, Tl'ESDAY EVEN INC. MARCH "J. 19^6. NO. 57 CONVENTION TO COME TO CLOSE THIS EVENING Toiiijt',l"s l-'ull of Instruction for I ti Icrectccl in Sunday Srlnml Work PLANS AM) PKOGKAMS I). \\ . Sims of Kali'igli Giv?'> Prarticul SiiKgt'v lion* on Organization of W orkri'h" Council . I .11 lasl muni li ?e??loll v1. , /iMiuuiutik Couuly Similns' hi-"" ' M'onTrnihin. which 1^ Ufln* h'-l< I" llU.kw.-ll M.-morlal Chur.li. 1> W. Sln.?. ut Kul. ?h. gave an Interesting ?,,d lV.I ' live let-lure on the subject. ian:? un.1* Program* lor hur.'-??f"l Workvrt* Councils. In 'be ad dress Mr Sims said: -The firm question to l?e ?****? I* "What in u Workers ? ounctl . The following In the lieni deflut tion 1 know: First. It is a of all teachers and workers In 'u Sunday School; second. it w ? place where failures are frnnhb faced; third. It la a place where plauH are made for the future, ho the name failures will not be made the aecoud time; fourth. It i* a place where the Sunday School ad ministration becomes a democrat ic proposition Instead of an auto cratic proposition. Dr. Marion Lawrence. who was known throughout the world as tno prince of Sunday School workci. used to say thut a workers coun cil was to the Sunday School what a coaling station and walei tauk were to a train "The second question that is us ually asked about a workers* coun cil Is 'When and how often does It meet?' The days of the week aud the hour of the meeting l> en tirely a local matter, and should he decided upon in the light ?jf lo cal conditions. The meetings ahould be held at least once a m?'The third question Is. "What kind of program should bo tarried out in workers' meetings!' Many of the most successful schools be gin the meetings with supper, and the supper Is usually paid for out Kof a fund arranged for the pur pose. The programs of work con sists of u general meeting In which all teachers and workers take pari, and in the large schools a part of the time Is devoted to de partmental conference*. In the departmental meeting*, the spe cial problems of the department are dlscudfed. In the general part of the program there would be such Hems as reports from the treasurer, the general secretary, from committees appointed for spe cial work, and bo on. There would also be time tor recommen dations, a few words from the pastor, and any special mutter that needed consideration. "The rules for having u success ful workers' council are very sim ple and are as follows: Itegln on time, stop on time, have a defi nite program, stick to the sub ject. Insist ou brevity, and use all the people possible. Continuing his series of address es on work with young people In Ihe Sunday School and other church organisations. Rev. Walter (Jetty, of Richmond. Va , spoke on the theme, "Young l'eoplc Or ganized for Religious Education." oaylng : "This is a most vital question, for If young jwoplo are to mea sure up to this great day. If they are lo live the four-fold life, they must have some form of organiza tion. "Is the Church organized for Religious Education? Is youth jofgniitred? In ev*ry field of en | dsavor we find the spirit of co operation. correlation and consol idation Is this the spirit among our people, or have we so many 'Organizations that none of theui are proving effective? Youth wants to play the game together. It wants In co-operate, and Is awaiting for the Church to offer that type of organization that will meet Ita. needs. "Tho hlstor> of organized Young People's Work shows that one of the oldest organizations in the field In that of Young Men's Christian Association. dating hack to 1*4 1> with a Rove' impert inent having been begun In 1868 Al the present time the Young Men's Christian Association Is be coming In a very real sense the servant of the Churches, and there are large possibilities for the boys and young men In our churrhex to gain the advantage* of these as sociation*. In 1881 the Christian Endeavor movement had lis be ginning, and for 4& years It has been H tremendous power in Young People'* Work. In 1110 the Ho> Seoul s of America became Incor porated and were granted a Ferl eral charter by Congress In l?l? In 1812 the Secondary IRvhlon of the International Sunday School Association was organised now known as the Young People's IU tt>n.of ihe Iniernatlonal Conn |f Religion* Education, and In * a Young Peoples Work nmtttee was appointed for the d*y School Council of Rvange I Denom mat lone, which In Continued on page 2 Here's Jim Williams Williams is the famous cartoonist who now is draw ing "Out Our Way" for The Daily Advance every day. Jim's a mighty lino cartoonist and The Advance believes every one of its readers will want to see "Out Our Way" every day. In his yotiniOT days when rounding up steers oh tin* Western plains Jim jfot the drawing "buic" and spe"t all his spare time sketch Av4mt*'VttE_ ho could lay his hands on. Now Jim is one of this countrys" most famous car toonists. lie has been a cowboy. a shop worker and now he's a family man and all of these experiences have just loaded his imag inative mind chock full of tfood ideas for his cartoons. Subscribe for The Advance so you and your kiddies will be sure and see "Out Our Way" every day and in the comic supplement each Saturday. Jim WlllinniN The Daily Advance Morehead Bluffs On Way To Be Big Resort New Hern. March !t, What 1h said to he the larKPM paving con tract ever let by private Intercut* in North Carolina? if not in the South, with the exception of Flor ida. wan awarded Saturday by Morehead Bluffs. Inc., of this city, to the Simmon* Construction company, of Charlotte. F. M. Slm m0UH, proprietor, for the paving of streets and sidewalks at Morehead Bluffs near Morehead City. The contract callB for the pav inK of over 22 mile* of sidewalks of standard concrete and 12 miles of sheet asphalt streets. Mr. Slni nioiiH will personally supervise the work. Already machinery Is b? i 11 K unloaded on the spot and pre liminary arrangements are being made for the paving to start just as soon as the grading work per mits. Mansfield Boulevard will be paved first, as a double street, with one-way drives and a hand some parkway. The entire pav ing work has been guaranteed for completion during 1926. Morehead Rltiffs Is now the scene of much achievement. The New Bern Electric Supply Com pany. of this city, will begin to Install the white ways on three main boulevard* just as soon us the equipment arrives. A combi nation administration and hostess houwe will be completed wlthiu the next month and plans are also being dr?WII f'?r a private club house to be erected by local men mid Itale associates. TO ASSIST IN I II.1IM. INCOME TAX KETUKNS Deputy Commissioner. It. V. T ?itt !?*. ?f the Stair Department of Revenue. will hp In the office of I W. .Mark hum. Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue. on March 10th. 1Kb. 12lh. and nth. for the purpose of asslatiriK tax payer* In f II in ic their State Returns. All single pttwiM. and all married not livin* wlih husband or wife, who have an Income of 1 1.000 or ov er. are required to file a return All married persons living with husband or wife, and having an Income of $2,000 i?r over, are rn riulred fo file. All Partnershlpa. and Cot poratlona, are required to file return*. Irrespective of gain r?r Iosh . Deputy Tuttle says he will '?hecrfully render any aid within bin power to taxpayer* who rail on him for asalatain-e. STATE OF VIRGIN! \ HAS OPPOSED LEASE Washington. March !?. ? The Male of Virginia In a brief filed with Ihe Interstate Commerce Commission today opposed the lease of the Virginian Railway to the Norfolk and We tern and held that the road could he operated more advantageously from th? public standpoint If acquired by the Chesapeake 4 Ohio NIXK OAMKSTKRS FIX Mt IN KMiOHOKItM (?lltT Submitting on a charge c?f ? ngaglng In s came of chanee. to arlt craps, nine colored offllien were lined $5 and costs each hy Trial Justice Sawyer In recorder** rourt this morning. They were * rested Sunday In a partially burner! house near Overton's cor ner. at South Road street and Roanoke avenue. The defendanta were: llraxton llarber. George Blount. Clemon Harvey, George McCarthy. Krneif Wllklns, Joe Freeman. (Garland Holly. Ed. Jones, and Oscar Ulov STEPSON SUES FOR PROPERTY S. B. kip; lit, of (laiiulrn (lounty, Claim* Father Mentally Incompetent Camden, Mai fit !>. ? Disposing of (lu> criminal docket in record 1 1 m?\ Camden County Superior Court today turned to considers ? tion of civil eases. of which 27 were scheduled. The Ornt talon up wan an action by S. U. Right utfalust Ills stepmother. Mrs. Ma tilda Right, for possession of a tract of 40 to 60 acres deeded to her hy Right's father ? her hus imnd ?who has aince died. The criminal caaea were non KUit-d with one exception. TIiIk wan an action against Herbert Mc C I ease, colored, who was charged with iiaving stolen a rooster und a hen from It. O. Cuthrell. living about a mile from Cuinden Court house. MtClcm wad found guilty, and was required to reimburse Cuthrell for his chlckt ns and pav the court costs. Court officials declared the two chickens coat the negro juat about $2f?. exclusive of attorney's fee*. In the Right caae. the plaintiff set up the contention that his father was not mentally compe tent *t the tim?- he deeded tin property In question to Mr*. Right. H comprised n tract In the vicinity of Indlantown, de clared to be of relatively final! value by reason of poor drainage. When court opened two wP n esses In the Right case had failed, to arrive. Judge Henry A. Crady. presiding over the court, lined them |40 apiece and sent Slierli' Forbes after them. They came In later in the morning, looking de cidedly uncomfortable. Fight To Rescue Entombed Miners Dccltn, VV, V?., March 9 ? With the llm of 28 entombed miner* at ntake, reacue worker* headed by Mate and Federal off l (efl fought today to p?-m-trat?' th? barrier of debrix near the Imliotn of the nhaft of the mine of Crab Orchard Improvement Company near here, where an exploelon oc curred late yenterday. Kcclea. Went. Va., March 9. The known dead In the mine ex ploelon here lant night wan In crease to nine today an mucin workem broke through the bar rier of tfebrla and found eight ad ditional Iwwllen near the abaft bot tom of Crab Orchard Improvement Company'n number fire mln^. Worker* redoubled their effort* to preaa their way Into the dam aged working* hoping to find alive ao ran of the 20 other min er* who were entombed by the bla*t. DELEGATES present FROM EVERY SECTION Charlotte March !?. ? With d< legate? prenent from all aectlon* of the fttate the alxth annual l^eaicu** of Women'n Voter*' Con ventlon of North Carolina opened here today to continue through tomorrow. ItAlMI* ?KKI> Kt'KI. Fre*no, March t. ? Prenaed ral aln aeed ntamp?d Into brick* 19 Inch** nquare Are being dlatrlbnt ?Hi through thin auction for fuel pur pone* After moat of th?- oil and alcohol product ta extracted from the ral*ln need* they arc preawed and bring 9 in H ton a* fuel CONGER ELECTED TO HEAD LOCAL BUSINESS GROUP Sucoettla M. A, I'ret- ?f OuiikI" ' of ConniKTct-; Foreman First Vict' Pr?-Hwlfiit JOB ON SIXTH YEAIl S. II. Johnson ? Wi n So. oiid Vice President; Mar shall H. Jour- 1? Ko-oleft ?| Treasurer K C. Co>il:<,r, general ma no G of the Crystal Ic* k <;??? Corpora linn li'Ti-. wna elected prealdaBt ... II,.. Chamber "I .'..inmcrce hy1',? board ot director* Monday ulkhl ill u ion lie MilccrciN in piH'Ciai w*4'!"'1- . . . , M. l,el?h Sheep. had ftc*- for two yr?r?. . Oth? r officers elecfed were. J uvult'y Foreman. lii*l v'w ?r*?. dent; S. H Jnhnann. (.??co.nl vice president ; Ma rati all H J?"'? treasurer. ami It- 4 Inrv Messrs- Jones and Job f< r and M0?.r? ??'.??a'' and Johnson aucceed Pr. *? " Teinplenian and C ? 11 ' BMCtlvely. Mr. Job will con.plet his Mill. yr*r wl.h the local cam bi-r this month. The director* voted i?? ,t, with Norfolk. Newport New*. Yorkl..""' H.-rt Cord. Kdenton. Waal.lnnl.in, New towns ...id .HI" along llna-VlriilnIn stretch ol II." At an llr Coastal Highway In ,'recl'"L' slunH at KrederickaburtJ. % ir8'",a* iuldlr?ct traffic thin way. They ; ,i? (?. ;.id- vn City. " In *>?? erected throughout II..' community at Important highway '"apX"",". oi ? coninil.t- t. was about to b?- moved to anoth er city. ? authored with a view to having lh. collegebruugl.t to Kllaabeib city, If practicably Tlu- chamber secretary was dl; ,,?d to confer with Harry W. Dewey. superintendent of the Nor folk *? Carollno Teleplioni 4 Ti l 'graph Company. In an elTort to ohtaln more direct telephone communication with ^".la n fin'* Count v. rendered icaum .cceaalble from KllubelJ City Ihroutih the recent completion ol the Acorn Hill road aero," f Great Dismal Swamp It ? J ? that auch Improvement munlcaUon will tend to stmo. en Ilea already rormed bttwur. Galea and ibla city. Thi> director* agreed to |aK membership In the foiled States gJSS? N^ion:. ... SEE ^diTc. A conference between th o'clock", "on vnrloua Intend. . I com munlly improvement., ?l? ? * > to outlining future municipal ac tiviiipH for the chamber. I decided I" hold the n ,.' wcond Tueaday In '?fl' ".'""".' i "h i lunrltion m-hkIohh at Whlfh ac member will pay for hi "eat*." Have You Voted in Prohibition Poll Yet? Here Is Your Chance Have you ni5i yimr hull* i on I !??? prohibition 4| lit Ml in II y l ' \ostiTduy Th? AiMiiiiw prlnt*-i ballots so thai lis i'('fl(l?-r.s could join >u til#' iiaiiim wii|<> |?< ? j I thai is Iwlni; rondioii i| by Too papers hi nil -pari* ilu* ? Did you mark on- .mil mimI it 11^ If iioi. U?? it today. "I !*?? bailor 4. printed loivuim again today, so thai ail who missed it yvsh'nlay will n make their opinion known. Ii provide* lor il.f? e\ pivsslon of on** of iliii f opinions. "i favor Ki'?>|diip ilu- prohibi tion ain?-ndin> nt a" it now Clauds, witli stiict ?*ii I ??!???? m ? -nt . "I favor repintl of Ihe prohih: tion amendment. "I favor modification ol tlo* prohibition law :o as to allow 1 li?* sab* ol lluhl wini' and lo-or." ' Clip oui ihis ha Hoi, mink a cross after tin* hi'iiii-np" thai ?;\ lirwsi'K -your vIi-wh, siun your nji mi'1 and address ami nia'i tin ballot to ilo- Prohibition Kditoi nj The Advance. Seven hundred other newspa pers. Hcaltcied from Main*' to Cal ifornia, an- print im: similar bat Int.s, The r? sulis of each sep.irai ? poll will ho tabulated b> NKA Service. newspaper feature s.vndi cale. ill Cleveland. Ohio, aiui a comprehensive statement of ih?? i nation 'h position on tin- proliib! lion law will be nt hand. voicing of thl* opinion Don't fail lo have a ulimv in il>" Voir now! PROHIBITION BALLOT I'mhiliitioTi Kditor, The Advance. Klizalifth City, N. C. I liav . ir.ark'.H1 below, with a cross my position on the prohibition question. I favor kivping the prohibition amendment as it now stand.*, with strict enforcement. I favor repeal of the pro- I"? 1 hibition a m e n d m e n t. I? ? I I favor modification of the prohibition law so as to allow the sale of lijrht wine and brer. Signed St i vet address ? ? City IH lUI AM COIWTKOTS IX) MOTOIt <;|TKSTH Durham. Mar? It 9 - Out of town KUckIm are vi'tvomv In DurhaUti and when they drive tluou^h In .their machine* and violate the po lice regulations with refereuce to traffic they will not be arrcated Hnther they will be "courteously helped" to comply with the regu lations which they violate. I, "Out of Town Client*. the City of Durham hid* you welcome" reads a pollcc notice which Is at tached to the Nteerluic wheel of an* machine which violate* a city traf fic ordinance. The notice then recite* that police officers art' glad to co-operate In uiding vlsl tor* observe the lawn and advl* e* the motori*t tliat it i* not nec essary to worry u* there in no pen alty for visitors who violate the ordinances but rather they will be aided. The notice (lien recite* in general the parklawM of Durham and clone* with Invitation to the visitor to "rotne again." SENATE COMMITTEE STANDS BY BUDGET ^Vashlngton. March I?. -Th ? Senate approprint Ions comnilttee in reporting todav tin- Independent offices appropriation bill Flood on the budg"t leconiiiHTidat ion of $ 1 3,!?OO,000 Tor the Shipping Hoard for theiiexl fiscal year notwithstanding that the YTouse in passim; the bill liud increa*ed that KUin by nearly .nuti.niin. f PIIIK XT OKISKO Ml. Ilermon, March ??. * Fire, Mupposcd to have originated from a spark from a parsing train, com pletely de*|roy?*d the home occu pied by Paul Whitehead of Oklsko. Friday afternoon. Prospect City May Buy Gas Plant More Remote The City Council Inn I going to btiy th?> ga* plant an long i leant two uombere of that augu?t body can prevent It? or, ut hant, no lonK an the Hit nation remains an II In, according to Conrn iln.an K. J. Cohoon, who In otic o f thb two. The other In Noah Bright, recently elected to the Council to succeed L. W. Anderson, who re sinned to accept the Job of str??*t cornminnloner hero. Mr. Ilrlght al ready han expensed hlnuo If < in phatlcally on the gas plant i|iies tlon. With (,'ouncllinen P. C. Cohoon. 1 Jerry Ifimhcn and D. Ray Kramer; having alnady Mated that they ar?' unqualifiedly opposed to the, taking over of the Ran plum, it ; begin* to look an though that in- : nue In nettled, for the year ah? ?d. at leant. In an interview, Mr. Cohoon plained hla ntand on th?- unlter. "An long an matters remain lik? they are right now," h?- dcchnd.t "I would not vote lo buy the ?-? ?? ' plant. Of course, If If come around to a point where the plant wan about to Ih> cloned down, and the people deprived of ga? I might vote 10 purchase it. if it could be had for $20,000 ot 000 Hut that would be tie- "nly way I would ever vote (o hn> it And Noah llrlght f??els th? ni" way about It " An f :i r back an I&16. wh< n th fiuentlon of municipal own uhlpf or public utilities In *ay < i ??t* or. sewerage. Ilghtn and r wan being agUaled. thee *a? i?ome talk to the effect thai >l???uld the cfly embark upon public own ership of utllltlea It night ? well go the whole hog and acukm?mI up the olT"i. ?ut how far th?> City ta going to b<- ab!?* to k?-i Iii hav ing the ?:i? company comply with Ita rather Mil"..eni requirements ai to the plpin lo In inatallcd OH afreets In tin ?':w improvement program remain- to bo *e?-n. There at?- iimh' who argue that the Council car; not bu> the yen* plant at any ftgur? They bare thin contention tin argument that gaR Ik n*-i -? public necejwlt)' and that t h< r f ih?? Council ha* no right to act la mailer with out a favor In; , by th?* people. On the other h;? imI. however. It Is pointed out 1 1 1 ?? i ? number of towna In Norn; t'.nellna. notably Rocky Mount .-nd Wilson, own and operate ga* r???? along with their other fi* tin t< ?* and xrqulrcd theae u til I tie* without any popu lar referenda From a *?and POlnt of nerei'M v. It In argued In the aame quaM- ? K?? be ?0 conaldered if 'betrlelty ean BE PUBLICITY INCOME TAXES BUT NOT MUCH New l.uw Provide* Tlial l inl ?f Persons Paying I" Available for Inspection Bui Not Amounts Paid H UM) ON I'Alil. PinS These Curious Ones May Investigate l ist nt ri? Paid It, KOIIKKT T. KM At.'. W.mlilnKtnn. Morrli X ? 1 i? v.; b.- -I 'i" ; ? atlir all. Hou'Vit. Ol?r<. I,'. nil in- .l?n?. Til- now ..... ,?,i.lv "llrrt-IH nil ro II fit ii i;. iiii- I. nml (nit Ju-t How much lili nd or i-niniy contrltaiit.'d to tho (lovcrnmi'lil In nt nil ind. piolmbl. '"VnVrTlif I"" "" inr'J"" 'fx 'n-nirnn ?n< avallnhl" only ?" ?'"1 '"J2; mlttw II" Si-MH-; any *1" rl"' in- hbIpcI coinwilti^' HMinjd Onnmin* '? l"'l"lr" ln,? ' of corporation '"?Ty?r ntaU-. on ih? rwineal or the ?ov ..ntnr of the HttttP. All Uonn-lld" *li?r , ?| n fin., of $1.00#. , _ In framing !!"? new '?? ..(toi l "f Ci.n*r. n? w?n direct. d ?? making mailable I" the persona nil "relevant ?nd uatful llonn wnn neither relevant nor, HM'flll. .t,!, H."l, in Coimrmn and nt tl TrMttMinv l>fp?rtmoiil ">? n.. "! u rn th- country in p?b1l*hl?fc nii.ni. during .h- ??>?*? il?t nml ?t aeallnK probably for in tlni. It" rrtnrnn ft?m curtou ""'iV'llV iii wrpupim lt?< mertlT ' oul'ml" d a WW. "? "" turn* Imlillnn oeiialn I III Mi .ll.llr.rtl.ini and com iiartnoii" ? reanll nilghl not ha," ii.-n no *o< .1 Tl... V" " "' the cotinlry did . ti. Lr?VJ- ' ? h?" ; by imblli-hln* vlttvially nil t" r tiirn. "M'lo Thin c.rrrlu- oul of ,hr ln? to tlx loulml ronrltmlon , in I to ?roii?. P"W'* mn? mid to dln r. I. Into ??" ?T;,..: *?'lrb. vmi i itiin, mU*IOK * llnhnl i wo |, wttm r\t rr:-o. c* rrv"n?.ri ?rn?lh4b, I' ubll.llTI.ro agui' of iSatioiiK Oner More VagiiinK llirir Hradn and Saying, "I Told You So" It) I>AVII> liAWUKNC'K l?."? n? TH AlnMt) WnslilriKton. March 9. ? A merl ch limy not be a member of the of Nations, but officialdom here h watching with uucreeo dented Interest (h<> crlala that haa been reached in the organization of the LoHRiit1, Inveterate fof* 'are getting ready to aay that the present situation proven their nropheclea of ronniant Intrigue. Friends of the League arc nenr* j ouh. ? . Winn the situation nil am down mimI n. settlement has been reached fctln r?' will be recurrence of League , dlacusaion. For the league either will have survived the higgeat do ciaion It ban had to make ainc*? i Its Inception or it will have rflc ' sated the structure to a secondary placo In Interna I lonal relatione, something which ever since the Locarno conference ban hardly been believed could happen. The claiuor for permanent acata on the Council of tho League re galia the debates in I 'aria at the time the VersalleM Covenant was being drafted. How watt the divi sion to be made between lark* and small powera? On t hat quae tlon nearly every International lea Kue or organization in paat hla ?tory haa been wrecked. It Wgn thought. at I'arla thai the problem had beeu aolved when arrange | menta were made to neat perma nently Ave big powera- -the Unit* led Htatee, Japan, Ureal Britain. France, Italy ? and the other oa jtlona were to be allowed acuta Ion a rotation baaia. The question would not have arlaen now bu^ for the fact that Germany wOe ; permitted to enter the League. German? la regarded ns u big pow er. A permanent, aeat for Qer many had more or leaa been In the inlnda of everybody In I'arfa an an ultimate goal, tt war Ope of the principal arguments agalnet | the League In the American cam paign of 1920; namely, that with | out Germany it would simply bo a league of victor* and lato allien. With Germany In It, there would be an Impreaalon of fraternity at , leaat. Germany was Anally In duced to apply for membership ju a rcnult of the Locarno confer jence. Now Kuropean statesmen with an eye for poar.iblo contin gencies want to udd to the Coun cil. Trance wants her ally. IN* | land, to become a permanent member. Hpaln la ndvanccd an k possible, permanent member by {Great llrltaln. China la urged a* n member, too. Dlplomata know I how much China ia under tHi' | thumb of the great powers any how. The dispute may be nettled by making the Council much larger than It la. Moat of the decialona of tho Council can be upset by a Mingle objection a a they require niiunlmoua convent. Tho prcaonco of an sddltlotial objection ben Ides that of the ob jecting country, however.' some tlmea removea eniburrassmeuts. Hornet Imea an objection might be made on beiialf of France by nar land, which France herself ntigl>4 not wlah to Interpoae. The en largement of the Council presehls an Issue that will not die down, becauae no matter what settle ment la reached now, tho smaller countrlea will continue to aak for representation. 'Die spirit of Locarno which spread over Kurope for a while haa given way to a rocrudl*e?caeo of suspicion. If the atnte?saeii ahow now that they can handle a controveray of this kind, thetr cauae In the I'nlted Htatea will be materially strengthened but If more evidence of mutual dlatruat la offered the chanreM are the To- ? of the League will get consider able ammunition out of It and that meana more talking poiat*. foo. for the campaign of thoae who are lighting I he re-election of the Henatora who voted for American adherence to the World Court. NKW HIGH IlKrolllM Detroit. March Automobile lompanloa for some rime have been expanding production facil ities. enabling them to ahow acw hlgha for monthly prodactloa. W I LI. >1 KKT W KUN MflMY The Hollywood Cemetery rlety will meet Wednesday .ifter nooii at I o'clock at the home Of Vim IV II Williams 407,l?ena <>|vania nvenue. nrrrox maiimmt New York, March !>. Cotton hituree opened today at tho fd owlng levels: March 11.80, May 19.62. July 18.08. October 11. $4. New York. March 0. Hpot cot ton closed quiet, middling 10.it. an advancc of 15 potata. Futures, flowing bid: March 10.18. May < 18.70. July 10.14. October 17. tt. December 17.03.