NO. 61 Albemarle Bank Hearing Ends When Court Grants Motion For Continuance Charges Against N. E. Hart,: Teller Accused with Hol land, to be Aired at June' Court Term CIVIL DOCKET OPENS Numerous Relatively Un-i f important Cases to be' Heard in Closing Days of V Session Under Way 1 Continuance of the case of N. E. Hart, colored, teller of the wrecked Albemarle Bank, in Superior Court this morn ^njj- marked the close of th?t succession of events which be gan yesterday with the trial ahd sentencing of W. H. Hol land, cashier of the bank, to three years and nine months in the State penitentiary. ' ' Hart'a cue wa? continue to the term of Superior Court lo br gla Monday, June 14. He wa. represented by Aydlett & Simpson, and aaked through counnei for continuance In order to have op portunity to prepare htB defense Thta was v ranted readily oy Judge Henry A. Grady, presiding over the court. It was Intimated that an effort would bo mad" by ?ounwl for Hart lat^r In the day to have his bond reduced from flf/DOO, th?? amount act when he waa arrested the day before. Continuance of the Hart rase marked the end of the criminal dOfcket for the present term ol court, and the remainder or the week will be devoted lo disposal of varloua relatively unimportant civil caaee. At the openlug of court today, a divorce wa* > iain ed James Himmona, colored, from hit wife. l?vle Simmons, on the ground of Ave year*' separation. Am had been the case yester day, A go od Hired crowd wan on haad when oourt opened, in antl j dps lion of further development x r IB Jtoe Albemarle Bank InvestigH Ff Hop. Again, also the colored fcyteetators outnumbered the Whiter The crowd dwindled to almost nothing, however, when the motion for continuance or the Hart cane had been granted. Bart, arrested before noon ad journment of Superior Court yes terday on the basin of allegations by W. H. Holland, caahler, that hal' waa thoroughly conversant J 1th the irregularities In t[ie con uct of the bank'i affairs, was in dicted by the grand Jury later in afternoon on charges of eni btgriement and of having receive:, deposits for the bank, knowing I* be inaolvent. In the Oourae of the Holland hearing yesterday. It wss brought out that the cashier had cloned the bank's door of bin own voli tion when he no longer was sble to cash incoming checks, snd hsd wired the State Corporation Coin rthaJou to send a representative to audit its affairs. He then had left Elisabeth City, going to Ev anavllle, Indiana, to vialt his in valid wife but had returned a few days later, also of his own accord. and had tendered bin ser vices to W. 8. Coursey, auditor. IP .clearing up the sltuutlon. Wbcne |H?t Money ? Nowhere in the bearing did the State offer evidence tending tc show where Holland had spent a slngls dollar of the money which he bad been accused of taking from the bank. While Mr. Cour aey was on the stand, lie testi / fed that If Holland had destroyed ?