MANY PAY LAST TOKEN RESPECT MEMORY JURIST Wrought Mightily in Hit Day and Has Won Lutlinc Peace Declare* Thief Ju?-I tire Stacy, Supreme Court McLEAN PAYS TRIBUTE Judge Geo. H. Brown ofj Washington One Greatest Lawyers State Hat* Pro duced, Declares Governor tWasljIiiiftoB. N. C.. March tg. ? orth Carolina today pauses and ?wa her head lu grief at the pasa ?lag of Judge George H. Brown, whose body waa taken from his home today to the Episcopal -Church where services were con ducted by Rev. Stephen Gardner and burial made lu the Oakdule Cemetery, Governor A. W. McLeau. Chief Justice SUcey and several Judge* of the Supreme Court, IJrown Sheperd, attorney, James G. Brown, president of the Cltlz? ns National Bank of Raleigh, and a Dumber of other prominent Ita- ; lelgh men attended the funeral. The business house* of the city dosed from 12 to 12:15 In re-: gpaot/ul honor of the occasion. The following were asked to act I as honorary pallbearers: Gover nor McLean, Chief Justice Stacey 1 of the Supreme Court and other judges of the State who were pres ent; Colonel Harry Skinner of Greenville; Joseph G. Brown of Raleigh, Francis D. Winston of 1 Windsor; Colonel W. B. Hodman of Norfolk. Hon. John H. Small. ! Arthur Mayo, S. R. Fowle, Dr. D. T. Tayloe and the members of the bar of Beaufort County. . The active pallbearers were: W. B. Rodman, Jr., Frank A. Moss, Lindsay C. Warren, John H. Bonher, Elbert Weston. Dr. D. T. Tayloe, Jr., Jesse B. Ross and Edward C. Seawell of Raleigh. "Ha wrought? mightily in hit day and has earned u lasting peacn." #ud?rn Htacey's Tribute ftudb was the tribute paid to Judge George H. Browu. formerly | ga aasociate Justice of the North iQtfotlna Supreme Court, by Chief " Justice W. I*. Stacey Wednesday. Judge Brown died late Tuesday in 'Washington, N. C. Justice stac eyl s remarks were made on be half of the court, from the bench. Said the Chief Justice of Judge Brown: "Gentlemen of the Bar: Before proceeding with the usual work of the court, we pause to express the sense of loss and sorrow which haa come to us In common WtU? all the people of the State la the death of Judge George H. Brown of Waahlngton, N. C.. for merly an Associate Justice of this oourt. For sixteen years lie bor * the burden of Intense judicial la bor as a member of the Supreme Cdurt. and his opinions, always forceful and characterised by clearneea and aptnesa of phrase, aro to bo found In 44 volumes of our Reports, beginning with the 137th and ending with the 180tlv. The law of the State has been en- 1 riched by his untiring efforts, as both bench and bar will readily , attest. His ripe learning and massive Intellect, logical and or- ( derly In processes, were dllligent ly employed, over a long period of , time, in writing Just Judgment*! Into the Book of the Law of n great people. For the profession ho served so long and well, his work will stand as a monument, lis wrought mightily In his dav and haa earned a lasting peace. "In recognition of his great worth, the Court, when It ad journs today, will take Its ad Journment out of respect to his ; isemory." r "Groat Lawyer" ? Mc.Lesn V Governor McLean, speaking of Qie death of the late Associate Justice George H. Brown, said: "Judge Brown was one of the greatest lawyer* our State has produced He had a legal mind. Hh mental processes were loglcnl and unbiased Ha posseesod in *? vefy large degree the attributes necessary to make s great Judge, and. among these. unusual poise and Judicial temperament wer very 00asptoU0U? The Impression he has left upon Judicial annuls of the State Is worthy of the greatest lawyers of our time. As a roan he was upright, courageous, sno always true to his convictions of duty. I feel, snd I sin sure the people of North Carollns gen e rally feel, that Jtfdg< Brown, on account of his greet ability and high character. Will be appraised ? s one of the greatest Judges our 8tat" has produced." The distinguished Jurist known through the entire 8tate for the SOandn*-** of his opinions and hi* Marring judgment died at hi hooie at 112 Van Nordea street at 9 o*clo<- k Tuesday ??venlng. Th end nine peacefully. Judge Broan having been seriously III snd hi* Mia d?si*?lrt-d of for many days The caus. of his death was bron chial pneumonia which developed fallowing a chill Friday night. Mis last dsys were marked by JM'ttnasual vitality which pro ?*"*t*d his life- Since Saturday rhla Physicians Drs. Dave snd Josh Tayloe, have despaired of his r*c every. Since that Urn a he failed ConMD'fd ?n Page 4 Gets Tough Job Benjamin L>:.> . shown at his desk, Is to bo Ni'W York's new! Immigration commissioner, in , clmrm' of Ellix Island. Ho sue- 1 coeds Henry H. Curran, who r*-| sinned following the Counto?a Carthcart furore. WOMAN IS GIVEN ANOTHER CHANCE Mm. Will Mrlarluml Put Under Sus|>riiiird Sen tence l>> Judge Grady Many minor matters were dis posed of In the closing hours of the Superior Court term which ended Wednesday afternoon, with Judge Henry A. C.rady presiding. Judge Urady left Wednesday night to spend a few days at his home in Cllntou. Sampson County, before returning to open court In Calesvllle Monday morning. Mrs. Will McFarland. who pleaded guilty to a charge of un lawful enticement of a minor fe male child, was given a term ol a year in jail, suspended for five years upon condition that she pay the court costs, and with the pro viso that the court or solicitor might at any lime In the flv? year period order that she sorve the sentence. She had been Indicted In connection with the flight of a young girl from the Anna B. I?ewix llunie, at Nlxonton. several weeks ago. C. F. Shelby, of Charlotte, who failed to comply with h summon* to appear before the grand Jury In connection with a case in which J. J. Davis, of Helhaven. was charged with Irregularities in the handling of Insurance policies, wan fined $#n and costs. The Davis rase was continued to the June term of court. In a civil action by Herman Newborn against the former Fish er-Morrlsette Produce Company. Mr. Newborn wax given a Judg ment for 9233.29. In caxex by M. L Davis and J. W. Davis against the Pasquotank Highway Commission. It wax or dered that the defendants recover all costs Incurred since a preced ing Judgment. W. A. Brock, defendant In a suit by the Illinois Central Hall road Company, recovered tne costs of the action. A verdict Manuring the equity of Mrs. Mattln l<. King in a farm of About five and one-quarter acres purchased by herself and her hus haud. Herbert L. King, was given by the court. It appeared that Mrs. King had paid seven-tenths of the cost of the farm, hut that the deed for it wh* marie out only in her husband, who had paid the other throe-tenths. In an aclion by Mrs. Sadie Parker, both of Currituck County, against the Kllzabeth City Boat Mne, the plaintiffs were awarded a Judgment of 148.36. II. F. Sample, receiver for the Farmers dinning & Produce Com pany. won a Judgment of S21.42 In a suit againat the Norfolk Southern Kallroad Company. N. Howard Smlih was winner In a case In which ho wan sued by the J. P. Hatch Company, the court ordering that, the plaintiff having withdrawn an earlier ap peal, the defendant recover 1200 with Interest from December IS, 1824 TWO AIIK HEM) FOB AG KD MAN'S MCKDKK Albemarle. N. C.. March IK. Slgn?d statem* ntn were today l*i the bands of the authorities In connection with the slaying of Dad Watkln*. aged man whose charred I body was found In the debris of a burned barn. John Cray la al leged to hav?- ronfeant'd to the killing, hla motive being robbery, with Carl Sweat also Involved. : Both are being held. | There Isn't one man out a thou sand who realise* that he ceil be on? man out of a thousand 4 ?* GAITHER TO HEAD SALES CAMPAIGN TO ERECT HOTEL Vice President of First & Citizens National Bank to Direct Drive for Com munity Enterprise WILL BEGIN SOON Kli/alx ill City Dealers to Be Given Preference in Leltiiif; Contracts Inci dent to (^instruction Appointment of W. G. thcr, vice president of thi First & Citizens National 1 Bank, as sales manager in the approaching campaign to finance Elizabeth City's pro-, posed new community hotel, lis announced by C. 0. Robin son, general chairman of the hotel executive committee. Final arrangements for I ho o|? lening of the campaign art* und? r , way now. It in proposed to build la hotel of 100 room*, to cost I450.00U, including the site, on ? tho Bradford property at tho rear I of the Flmt & CM inns National Ilank. with an arcad** entrance , from Main street. The tract In ait ;uat?*d in tho heart of the down town retail district, and la regard ed an flte beat available for the 1 purpose. i Membera of tho hotel conimlt , tee state that In letting contract.* [ for construction materials and I equipment, preference will be ; Hhown Klizabeth City deahrs. oth er things being equal. It la de clared that in tho building of aim ! liar community hotela. notably jthoae recently erected in Alexan dria. Virginia, and In Newport. Rhode Inland, more than 80 per cent of all auch expenditures were inado locally. Until details of the financial campaign have been worked out and the drive la well under way. no further atepa will be taken to ward adoption of structural planB for the hotel. It la announced, members of the committee taking ; the attitude that to Invite aubmla j ?lon of auch plana now would tend to handicap the committee In [ financing the project. The need for a new and thor oughly modern hotel Is recog nized generally on the part of the public here, and a strong senti ment for It Is manifest Hence, committee membors express the opinion that no undue difficulty will he encountered in disposing of tho stock, which will be sold in blocks of two ahares of pre i ferred stock and one share of com mon. at $200 per block. The i preferred stock has a par value of i$l00 per ahare. and drawa inter est at 6 per cent. The common hns no par valus. but will partici pate in all earnings of the hotel after expenses have been met and the 6 per cent dividend on the preferred has hen paid. The new hotel will be operat ed by the William Poor Hotel Op erating Corporation, of Rlehmond. | This corporation at present Is en gaged In planning a new three million dollar hotel In that city, ; according to newa dlapatches re iclved here, and la intereated In a similar enterprise In Danville. Program Given Out For Friday Night ! Address by Gil more and Playlet Outstanding B. Y. P. U. Features Plans are rapidly itearing com 1 p|?>llon for the regional II. Y. IV jlJ. Convention to be held In Hlackwell Memorial Church of , I titn city. beginning Friday night nnd extending through flunday Four or five hundred young peo ple r? pr. anting all Northeastirn North Carolina are efcpoctlng to j [ attend the meeting. Features of the Friday night program will be au address of welcome hy Hoseoe Wyun of Kllzabeth rity, a response by Mis* Susan Barnes of Chowan College an address. "The High Cost of living." by lit*. W. M flllmore of Kulelgh. and a playlet by Itlch Kquare seniors J. f>. Ifamrlrk of Wake Forest will be leader Friday night with Miss Madle lx?e Wade of Chowan College, pianist All young peo pie of the city as well as delegate to the convention are Invited to attend these sessions MKI.M>N AHKKJ) TO VVOl XT MMl MIVCLI SHOU,M MOJI KY Washington. March 1A. tfeere tary Mellon wan directed today bv the Heaate to report as to cxjhmi dlturee made from the ?20.o00,-: 000 Muscle Hhoala fund provided! ? for In the National Defend Act of 1?1?. ! Our philosophy la that the] world ends sv?ry night And starts ont new again every ?*rnln. BROOKHART IS A REAL JONAH FOR PARTY IN POWER Mis ( (illi'upuf* iu Semite Don't <!ar<' a Kaji Wh;>' Becuiiifn of Hint, Put ar> ('onccriifd for C uiuuiiu OUTCOME IS DOtBTFl'l Sulwoininittrc Has Volfil Unseat Iowa Senator bn! What Senate as a W hoi" Will Do Another ^ur?H?n 1'NTHI'K S\YS I IM.MINS WaMliitiKloii. March IK IIIk inu to III*' ipii'Mion of iwisonnl lirlvlli'C*' for flu* ttrxt liuit* in IiIh long ScnaU* cnwr. Srnator Cummins. I(? publican, of Iowa, today diTlaml "wholly utterly untrue" reports widely print ed thai his Senate friends might cnn*ld?*r the eHect on hl.i own |?THonal and political for tune* In d*-cldlnu the Si?ck Drookharl election content. Ill l>A VIM I.AWHKM'K I <Cwy>?*<. l?t h TM MilK'l Washington. May IH. -Thi- R'1-! publican party lias a real problem on it s hands in handling the ram* | of Senator Brookhart of Iowa whoso flection haw boon contented , by Daniel Stock. Democrat. A 1 subcommittee ha* voted to unset Mr. Brookhart. The full commit tee Is expected to do the Maine though the vole will be clone. 1 What the Senate will do la unoth- 1 er question. Politically the hit ideal may grow in importance for If Mr. Brookhart is unseated he will un doubtedly run in tho prlmarlns J hi* year against Senator Cum min*. Republican. Judging by paMt experience. Iowa votes into office a radical at a time when agricultural discontent la at Its helghth. Some Republicans are afraid that the unhealing of Mr. Brookhart means the defeat of Senator Cummins. And Iowa Is juat now the focal point of the whole agricultural trouble of the Coolldge administration The subcommittee which litis decided to recommend the unseat ing of Mr. Brookhart believes the intent of the voters must be con sidered in examining the ballots This Is a broad quqostlon on which there Is room for differen ces of oplnlou. at loast Senators have argued on both aides In oth er election contests. When the vote Is finally taken it would not be surprising to find the Democrats supporting the election of Mr. Stock because it adds one more to their party in the Senate. In the event that Mr. Brookhart is unseated, it might mean the addition of anotlie' vote to the Insurgent group if Mr. Cummins Is beaten and Mr. Brookhart takes his place as a re suit of tjie election In the autumn of this year. This would mean that the new Senator would take his seat some time after Man li 4. 1927. The regular Republican*, on the other hand, have not felt that iu Mr. Brookhart they had a sup porter at any time. He liati fought the regular Republicans nil along the line But their prob lem Is: What effect will the un seating of Mr Rrookhart hare on the political fortunes of Mr. Cum mins, a tried and trusted warrior of the Republican group In 'he' Senate? There are some suggestion* ex pressed here and there that Mr.! Brookhart might be a better Re | publican. In the regular sens# if he I* retained In the Senate through the votes of hla Republi can colleague*. They reason 'tmt I Where President's Dad Battles for Life Snowdrift* iM.ilalr t li ik m-tf- i i cottftuu war Plymouth. V?r mont, i;t uliirh <*??!? -n -l father of th<- l'r?'Kld?'iit. I* liati Ihif for his lil? . Elder Coolidge lias But Short Time To Live Plymouth, \l., Mar. W>. roloiicl John I!. I idge Iimh from 21 to IK hours lo li\?\ hi- |>!iy*ician. I>r. Albert M. dram, said today. The aged father o< the President has *?i(Tere?! two seri(Mis heart attack* since yesterday. Washington. March IS. ; Alarmed over the condition of his father President ('ootid#1' will leave late, today for Plymouth, Vermont. An an nouncement of the President's , plans arc withheld, but it i* unde r s t ood arrangement* have been made for a special train to take the President and Mrs. Coolidge to Ver mont They should reach : Plymouth, if they go by train late tomorrow. Plymouth, Vf., March IK. Colonel John Coolldi;e suffered a sinking spell mrly today and his condition was very critical. Mri. May Johnson. niirxi; in charge, summoned Doctor Albert M. Cram of Itridgewater when her patient's heart showed alarmlni; symptoms at. ?: no o'clock. The physician arrived at 7:20. The attack was similar to that of laHt Thursday win n the t'olon 'ffi'i pulse went to 140 After the doctor had been with the patient half an hour It was announced that his heart action was some what accelerated. Deputy Hherlff Angus Macaulay. bodyguard lo i Colon -I Coolidgo, ?.i|iil Mint ih> White Hoilhe had l?e? n notified. th? close vote is sufficient Indica tion of how tht* regular Itepubll catm iii Iowa fell last year for it is known that th" l>emocratle nominee. Mr Stork, drew u large nunilicr of Republicans ??otes. Otherwise he wouhl mil havi? heen so close a contender for Ir Is .not | customary for Iowa to dec! Dem ocrats to ilie fnlled Stales Sen ate or to cast elei r < > r r? I voea for a Democratic Presidential nominee. The final vote o)j the Ilrook hart esse will he Interesting for political analysis. The junior Iowa Senator has many friends In the Senate, particularly In the insur gent Republican uroup, and weri It not for the party loyally which many Democrats will feel hinds I them lo look at things from Mi. I Stock'* viewpoint, there wouhl be > no douht ahout the Keating of Mr I Ilrook hart. Veteran Blames New Stomach For His Craving For Liquor It) JOHN K. Ml(.i; (CoyniM. I1H. k, Tk* A4fPlt> I?os Angeles, March iJi. !?ocal physicians have hccom? Intensely 1 Interested in the strange ; Victor M unlock, former soldi* *, who claims a French st"ii'?<*h whlrli he *?cur?'d as the r?*ui: i f an niM-mtioii following S'-rloN in jury In fho World War, hn.n l' - ii him a ilo?>lr?' for liquor. They 1 '? ; askod Murdock to (iWnr h 1m? ,?i tal. whoi- ho btf can jfull* sorred and possibly treat* tl that h" will have li-sa trmihl in j IIt'hr with his "IlKht win?? d? IgostUr <rgans in tills Voiati ?dmii country. a irtfeiplafited appetite f"i .1 .cohollc lM-\?raK?u ? trafti.1- > 1 ! (ton or n fotmer Ansdp-ftaxon ? | p?ram<'iit Into ??n? with I > < proclivities la seriously allr >;? ?? J-'J 1 : have rasultcu .cum Murdoi 1 ??'(? oration Murdock. arrestd * ' ??? J Intoxicated. fold ao straw ?r-j | ward a story. hack<-<l by ni'dicall ; records that tho judge ?" lor'' I whom ho appeared was *> 1 i????fsly \ Impressed. ! The judge said he r..n-. [vliced that a foreign an* I c n 1 1 y wlne?lovlng stomici which Murdock hid acquire, ha the man an Innatlahl* 1 for liquor whloliji'- hnd not p??mmi?h'i?*'I f Whi-n hi- was SHllnrvlllK t ho fit ? Klr?*ji of hi^ iiitiirnlly in>i ? f i I ? ?l 01 J Kan. In nif'i-r word*. forni' ? I lit Hon hail In ? n piifUlly g.illi< ( Ih?- jm'I !?? U' %> . I Murdo<k mi I oourt ? l?.**? whrii ho. *;i iilHHii to ill" from whiiikIh, He \rrny iliH't'?r? lt>tt?l?' horoli- effor to :avt? hi* llf" "Th#y took .111 my ftionmoh whlrh ?a<i |n? t urod hy hullot*" ho nh Id, "ami ?*?l l? with that of a mortal! vniiii'l' <1 Kronoli man. Whrii I ;? it will I hud a doalre for that I lmv? foouhl hut ?. i ? oft?Mi koIh I h?' boat of fn" I m ii IImnot* ltav?? a vory unrosi npp?-f?l to wo." Mtirdook'n % ^ dl^-har**- |>a ptri IticlNoeii ?>r?| of the op ??rut Ion ho d? k??'d Th? JuilK'* ? ?"?"'HI Ih-IIoI Iii th? Tirana** *t ??u?po?tdod H 9? day aantoii" ***? tho pox aosaor of th? "'?? nlomnrh a Hit of advice t> llcrPiftrr hoi Mid. "I wo ii i atii-mpt a llttlo I Amarloanlta' > work and toach niy Interior of tho locally ; accepted w? f tl?? ITnltod T Hlaton ?? Mm r promla*d to do >*o and phy?i'i:<M no* want to alndy hW ca? '? halp hint Am "rfeanu* k\" ?'d?.'T BOND OF TELLER IS REDUCED TO SUM OF $5,000 (irady Acirdrs to I 'Ira of (iotuiM'l for IN. K. Ilurl, ArruM'd in (Tanh of Allirniarlr Hank MAkKS INICJIK OKI KK Attorney, llowevrr, Di1* rline* Opportunity to I'rovr Faith in Good In tention* of C.olored (ilirnl Hond for N. K. llart. accused t filer of the Albemarle Hank, was reduced to $ si .000 lute yesterday f?y Judcr Henry A (Jrwdy In Hupcr-^ i< ?r Court here, after adjournment ? if court. ;? ml in response to n plea liy K. F. Aydlett. of tile law firm or Aydlett & Simpson, counsel for Hurl. It hail hoen fiketl at $15. ? ooo when llart was arrested Tues 1 day ii*? result of accusations filed against him by W. 11. Hol iland. rashlcr of the hank. ' In hi* appeal. Mr. Aydlell rep resented that Hart had remained "here of h Ik own aeeord through all the invest tgai Ion of ihe Albe marle Malik's affair* and through tlu trial of Holland. He offered this as evidence that Hart would iioi undertake to make a getaway, 'even if released from jail under a ? nominal hood, and auggeated that that he fixed at $2,000. When Mr. Aydlett had closed. Solicitor Small stated lie thought M would he unwise to place Hart'* hiind at a lower figure than $10. 000. due to the aeriotiH character of his alleged offenses. He Is ac cused of emlnrczlemeut, and of ac ? epting deposit* for the hank while knowing It to he Insolvent. Judge (Irady then moved an though to Ox the hond al $7,500. and again Mr. Aydlett demurred. "Well. I ll tell you what I'll do." the judge countered. "I'll make his hond. *5.000 if you'll sign it. You nay he U such u good negro, you wouldn't '?? taking any risk." This, however. didn't suit Mr. Aydlett He objected that he wan iue||g|h|<' to sign the bond, where upon Judge (irady offered to waive any Ineligibility writing from the fart that Mie attorney was representing Hart. But Mr. Aydlett did not display any eag erness to avail himself of the court's favor. Finally Judge (irady fixed the -bond at the figure requested, re quiring that a justified bond be givey., or in effect thai Hart's ? bondsman, or bondsmen, he re Miulred to stale under oath that [they were worth a* inurh as 15. 000 exclusive of homestead and other ? xemptlons Hart Is lo he tried before Judge (irady In the term of Superior Court beginning June 15. Ill tllKMiMiint: I He nil Hal Ion with regard to the dlrcrton of ihe Al hetnnrh Hunk Judge (Indy ??* pr?*m?-?| the opinion that. while th? > were rlvllly I la hie In the failure of Ihe hank, fhejr were not eriminiilly t?i fiiuli. Ho ainlerl aI wo lhal lie hull ?n*lri|'tof| Solic itor Small not to proRiirttii* i hem tin I"m? It hiippfiii'fl thai other evi ilenee turned up later. funding to In' rlmluiit" then. SAX M?KI(S Ol r A?iA1\ W. O Snutldera, ? tlMor If Ihe fndoj>eudent. ?mJ v iflnly known hy rcMKon ' ' IiIm uiMuaxlne w rii Inun. tool, hl*< fti?t walk downtown Thitrtdnv hliire he w?n ?<trlrk?? Willi |?U' 'imonla revernl wrekn ago. mid r<*c?lv< d many frllcltr I loii'i on hla rernv-TV. ? >(>? Kirlc of m certain weak tie *m in the kn'w. h?* MM 1 ? f'-lt thottl a.* yood a* er-r. < trrniM MAIIKKT Ni ? York. Match I* -Cotton futnr'-s "(Mined lo>lny a: the fol lowing hvaltj m- l*.?5. July 1*.17. 17.64 l>" 17. IK. Jan 17.19 New Yoffc, Mkh i IS Rpot coltni) loaed nut point* tin chauR'<l. m t<IH ii ii 4 If.lo Fu turoc ? loalag hi? May lH.*r?. J?lr 1* 1*. Oct 1 1 17. U, '?? >1 Judge Grady Backs Up Appeal By Grand Jury ? i For A New Courthouse- 1 Chairman W.T.Love In Hearty Accord With The Judge Judge Henry A. Crady's letter, to tin* County Commissioner^ . urging uotiou <iii providing ado- 1 qnr.te courthouse quarter* here. 1" J published herewith. at til* request, j In commenting ii poit tli?* Judge's j action. \V. T. I?vo, Sr.. clia trinaii ) of tin* Hoard of County t'ommis- , ?doners. nta ten ho in heartily In ac- I cord with It. uitd iliHt since lu> has, hold hit* proton! office. he has lie- ! conn* Ktoadily more firmly con vinced that bi'tli'r courthouse fa cll'tlea Hhould ho provided here. Mr. I?ovo in of I h?* opinion, aim,1 thi't then- Hhould ho a closr r unity ImIwii n city and County covcrn no-iil. and Ktlggosli* that It might . h?- feasible, In enlarging or re building the courthouao. to coin-' bine tho^clty and County ?juar-< U'r* under one roof. He quntin 1 City Manager Kerebeo as being of; a similar opinion Tlio close Interlocking of tin* j int< ro*t* of city and County Is citrd by Mr. |.ov<? aa one of the j I reasons why it miuhl be found al together practicable to build along ? that line. "I don't believe it would lie I ; feasible to enlarge the present I . court house," Mr. I?ovc declares; i "but I shall be Kind to hear any j 1 sulfations that any taxpayer In I the County, may make as to lueet I Ing the p rotten t situation to the i best advantage." i Judge <; rady's letter follows: i Gentlemen : 1 call your attention to the very! J mac* I lent report of the grand jury. : made at the prevent term of court. | lit shows k roat rare and a consci- ? entious effort to perform thoae duties which the law "placer upon I them as the grand inquest of the | County. It la more plxaaant always fori ) tlio various departments of Gov iernment to function In concert; .but I regretfully call your atten tion to the fact that a* many asj four grand Juries have made rec ommendation* similar to thoae in I tin Instant report and. apparent-; ly, all of theso recommendation* j have passed without the allgbtcat notice. I I sincerely trust that by the, ? time I coine to this County In | -June, there may appear at leaf : 'an effort on your part to auhatan jtlally comply with the gran'l 'jury's views, which views are most heartily shared by mo. Very respectfully. HENRY A. (lit A DY. | Judge Prodding.; March 17, 1026. LOCAL BASEBALL FANS WILL MEET ; Guarantors SyracUHivNoi folk Guiiif Her#* ut Southern Tonight I Tliu guarantors of the Syracuse- j Norfolk baseball Kumo to be i played here on Friday. April 9. ['meet at the Southern Hotel to nllChf uf 7: 30 to perfect arrange i monts for the hundllnK of the game. j l>ave Robertson, munuKcr of' the Norfolk (cum. was in the city last week and assured the local guarantors of a fast Kumo stating that lie had recently acquired some new players from the Now York CJ In ii t h who aro now of IiIk Immkui* caliber hut were farmer! to him hy Mrf.raw for Juki a little more Masoning before perimoitly settling with the bin leaguon. Rob ertson further itilMl that the 8y racuMS team had several major J league playern on Ita router thin yur among whom are Shot ten and l>i<-k?-rman. both of whom were with I ho Ht. Louis Nationals last year. Tbevehow. shortstop of Iho , Syracuse tram, was also a mrnt- j l?er of the St. Louis team last year' and was returned to Syracuse this year for more seasoning All of iho?;e stars, as well as numerotis| others will be Been In art ton here on April iMh. Discuss American Court Adherence Cffipva. Mar. 1* -The liflwuo of Null/inn council decided this morning to dlacu** at It* after noon m?'miIoh on the question of ^mnrlcA'i adherence to the perm; .nient court of International Jua il-r including the reservation)* ni tu< hod by the Senate. The <b? c In Ion. which waa unexpeH'-fl. waa taken on the motion of Blr Aunten Chamberlain. WaahlnKton. March 18, ? Indi cations that the League of Nh (lona may aak that the re pre urn tatlv? of the Waahlrigton Govern inent explain the American rwp> vatlona to tht World Court ratIA cation cuuaed great nurprkw to day at the State Depart nient. Bulwarks Report With Let I?t to County Coinmi? sinners, Strongly Endors ing Itccoinniendution INSISTS ON ACTION Kent iiid* Commissioner* Tliut Four Previous Crand Juries Took Same Course, Without. Kesult Pasquotank County is to . liavc a new courthouse, or the present outgrown structure ir to be remodeled and enlarged so as to provide adequate quarters for the transaction of the County's business, i? the Board of County Com missioners pay heed to a rec ommendation by the grand jury of the Superior Court term just closed, and an ac companying letter by Judge Henry A. Grady, strongly en dorsing that recommendation. In discussing the need for a new courthouse here, or for enlarge ment of the iirmcnt one. Judge Cindy remarked after adjourn ment of court Wednesday that at leant four grand Juries already : liHd made a similar iccouituenda tlon, without result. He expreaaed I the opinion that Pasquotank | County, with an IndebtedatMl {equivalent to 8 per cent of lta taxable wealth, could well afford | to Increase that Indebtedness suf I rtclently for the purpose at hand. "If I didn't owe more thaA I per cent of what I had.** , I'irady commented. "I'd feel that I was In pretty good financial eon jdltlon; and there are plenty of . buvlnosa men here, and avery I where el?e. wJ?o would feel the same way." Ho estimated that the work could be done adequate , ly without Increasing the Coiiaty i debt more than 2 per cent, at the greatest, and voiced the opinion that tho taxpayers would make no ;klck on that. I In tho grand Jury's report, aa i submitted to tho court by C. W. Melick. foreman, It was set forth that the courthouse, built In 188S and entirely adequate then, had become "too small and entirely |unuulted to a progressive County [like I'asquotank," and It was rec ommended that an architect be I employed to draw plans- with a view to providing suitable accom ! modations. With the County's taxable prop I erty valuation totalling about ? $20,000,000, It Is explained that j an additional levy of 2 per cent i would make available a total of $400.000 ? amply sufficient to build a new courthouse on a scale i to take care of Paaquotank'3 courthouse needs Tor another it eration on the basis of the nor mally expected growth of the city and County. Tho Krand Jury report remind ed the commissioners that at prea jent the off ken of the County su ! perintendaftt of school*, farm aad home demonstration amenta, wel fare and health officers are now necessarily maintained outalda the courthouse. I The report gave clean bills of heulth to all the County officer*, I the Anna II. l/owls Home at Nix onton, the almshouse and tll9 Jail, except that In the laat. the Krand Jury discovered that a quan tity or bedding was insanitary, and that sanitary facilities In the courthouse and almshouse were In decided need of Improvement. It was recommended also that a yi reteh of County road from Carter's Hhop, In the fork com munity, westwardly to the C. W. Ivea farm, bo drained sdi*qtiately. the report setting forth that that road had been In had condition for a long time. WOllKKItM I'ltKSK Vr < Ol NTKir I'llOPOHALM TO K\|) MTItlKh Washington. March 18. ? ThrOc counter proposals for ending th?; New Jersey textile strike were submitted to the l*abor Depart* ment today by the commltt'-e representing the 16.000 workcra now on strlk*'. I I NKItAI, J. W. < \\ ICT WriHlHT Thfl funeral of J W. Cart* wrlKlu. who dl??d nt the Kllsabatll ICIty Hospital Monday night at 9 I o'clock, wan conducted at Itlrer , Nlde Baptist Church by th* pantor lU-v. M . K. Iloo* Wednesday mora ine at II o'clock and burial was made In the family burying ground near the church. Mr. ('srtwrlght was 74 yaara old and suffered with high blood prennurc. Ilia d?ath was cauaod by a hemorhage of tho brain Moa dny morning. He Is aurvlvatf by m ulster. Mrs. Jeremiah Sawyer of this city, by a half brother, J. J. Cartwrliht of Norfolk and by Mf> oral niece* and nephews. Keeping your feet on your desk ?i<?*>#n't hurt It much, except the j -hrrl* la liable to come and gat It.

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