Courthouse to Remain On, Main Street Tract, County Board Decides I ?iiiinisxii>m*r> ( unci ud?* I lo Sritie Question Them selves, Convinced Voters Would Approve Action LOVE FIGHTS TO END j Chairman Asks That His Vote he Kerorded us Against Ownley's Motion ? to Dis|M>se of Matter Tuagedy, brutal and cum- i pletC' overtook the sugges-l tkm that the Pasquotank [ County courthouse be moved | from its present site, when J the Board of County Com- i missioners met to consider; the question Thursday; morning. After extended tlincUBBloii. the Commission passed a motion to leave the courthouse on Its pres ent aite, regardless of whether the present building Ih enlarged, or a new one Ih built. The motion wan offered by Commissioner C. A. Ownley, and wan seconded by j Commissioner C. B. Munden. Com missioner Cartwright and I'rltch ard voted with Messrs Ownley and Munden for it, and Messrs Thomp son and Edney voted against. The two opposing commission * era explained that they were not votiug In favor of moving the courthouse, but that they opposed the motion to let the Board decide the question because they pre ferred to let the people vole on it in the June primaries. Chairman W. T. Love. Sr.. put Mr. Ownley's motion with obvious! reluctance. "I want you to know you're losing $100,000 when you | pass It," he remarked, adding that , he was not the sponsor of the ( proposal to build the new court- ' house on the South Road street | ^^^ct; that some one else, whom 1 Mu did not call by name, had sug- I Vaifited it to him first, and (hat ho i r^iad oflmo to approve it heartily., after he had made a careful study of It. After the rote had l)?on taken, Mr. Lore asked that hl? vote be recorded nsugainst Mr. Ownley's ; motion. Ill* request was granted. A good sized body of spectator* wuh on hand for the meeting, and fr(>m every aid? wan expressed th? opinion that if the matter of muv- 1 IPi the courthouse wan left to the : people, it would be defeated over I whelming!)-. In offering h In mo-] 1 t ion, Mr. Ownley expressed the opinion that such would tx? the I ) cane, and to put the qu^rtioh to a! > vote therefore would bnly be a I waste of time and a useless com- i plication of the primaries. C. A. Cooke, chairman of the County Democratic executive com- | mlttee. Trial Justice i\ G. Sawyer and Representative J. Kenyon Wil son addressed the Board briefly during the course of the dlscun slon, thft first named 4 wo express ing the opinion that public senti ment was heavily against any sug gestion to build the courthouse elsewhere than on the present site. ; Representative Wilson advanced the suggestion that the courthouse property be sold to the city with the Idea of using the present building as a city hall, and that the new courthouse be located eloecly adjacent to It. preferably on the. square to the rear. He explained that the city already had ! a three-fifths Interest In the t courthouse and tract, through the t that Its property owners al uty paid that proportion of the u?ty taxes, and that therefore y a small outlay would be In volved in purchasing It. In presenting this view, Mr. Wilson pointed out that by auA a course, there would be no prob lem of finding a storage place for the Country records to be met when the new courthouse was In process of construction. This had been one of Chairman Love's prin cipal arguments against building on the present site. After the meeting, Mr. Love i stated that he had been made a tentative offer by an outside con- < tractor to move the courthouse to the aide of the present lot for $6.- i 000. In the event this was done, there would be no difficulty In , taking care of the records while! the new courthouse was being built, it was explained. The Commissioners, as a whole, apparently are "aold" on the Idea of building a new courthouse In preference to enlarging the pres ent one. Memberg of the Board quoted one visiting architect aa declaring that the new courthouse could be erected readily at the rear of the present building, mere ly by removing the two rear of- ( flcee occupied by the sheriff and , County auditor, and that th*a the | records could be preserved until 1t new building was ready for n. Then, the remainder of the | building could bo torn away, the gro?tids properly beaut I i i discussing tentative altea of fered as suMabte for the new court hrtuae. Chairman Love stated five In Limelight Central figure in one of Eng- j lami a most famous law suits Is'j Master OeofTrey Russell, whose latest picture la shown above. He Is tht; only child of the Hon. Mrs. John ItUKgell, who defends his le gitimacy In a suit to establish his rfcht to the Ampthlll peerage. Trial of the case will be resumed soon. Ancient Sentinels State Capitol To Come Down Sir Walter Hotel. Raleigh. May 13. ? After having stood as sen tinels In the Capitol square for centuries, silent witnesses to the notable events that have trans- i spired in the seat of the state's government, three of the oldeMt oak trees in t lie Capitol grounds are being cut down, as a safety i precaution. These aged oaks, under whose I branches the lawmakers of many j generations have walked and dls- 1 cussed matters of legislative mo ment. have now nearly succumbed to the ravages of time and the ell - meats and no longer are able to be aided by the tree surgeon's art. With only a few sprigs of green visible here and there on their scrawny branches, their trunks hollow and weakened from the countless storms they have weath ered, the custodian of the Capitol grounds decided that they must 1 come down, as they were likely to i blow over In the first severe storm ' that struck theru. Hence, for the last two days, ' workmen have been busy remov- . Ing the upper limbs, piecemeal, so that the other trees would nut be damaged should they be felled as they stood. s NQIARHI.K OVKIt WOMAN LAMM SWAIN I.N tXHJRT Ilecause he stopped an automo- 1 bile in which Florence Sylvester, whom he claimed as his ex pec in I lady friend, wan riding, and be cause he threatened to shoot her two masculine companions, Wil liam Dell, colored, was fined 96 | and costs In recorder'* court Thursday morning on a charge of I assault. All participants In the episode are colored. Alpheus Holmes, resident of Kast I k e, was fined $6 and costs on a charge of btlng drunk. said he bought his liquor in Ed tfnton. ? A* t had bee h sunitcsfed to hint. Ife named these, In order as the old Kramer mill site, on North Martin street; the Overman tract, on South Road; the property on Mat thews street bounded on the east by Martin, and on the west by the alley separatelng the Albemarle Steam Laundry and the Elisabeth City flaggy Company; and the va cant lot on North Road street near the Road street Orocery. Representative Wilson inter posed at that Juncture to suggest that the courthouse might be lo cated near the old Commander mill property or the tract across the street from the old Kramer mill site, running through to Pool street, and Including the former public school lot on thst afreet. Having disposed of the site question, the Commissioners, in concluding the session, manlfeated a disposition to take up definitely |h? erection of a new courthouse at their regular meeting June 7. / PEPPER-MELLON FIGHT SOON TO COME TO CLOSE Itepurt* Sprrad Thai See retary ?>f Treasury 1* , AImiuI h? I-UV Down Hie Arduous I) 11 1 it's WOltkS FOK PEPPEIt If Mr. Pepper Win* in | Three Cornered Kace See- ! retary Mellon W ill lie Ex- I ailed to Dictatorship 142*. hy Th* *? cati voters of Pennsylvania like machine politics and machine can dldates. .. . But rogardless of the 1 ennsyl van la [irlmarlf. there I. a {J*''"* - In WaahlnKton that Mr. M'llon loon will ..k Prealdent Coolldge to relieve him of hi. Cabinet port folio. Mr. Mellon feel" he I. en titled lo Ihl. releaae ?nd c?n K" noon without ?ny real embarraaa ment to the admlnlatr.tlon When Mr. Mellon nee. the French debt aettlement through the Henole hie work of an International character In funding all of the Important war debt, will be at ?nd In the preaent Congreaa Secre tary Mellon reallfed hi. ambition of writing hla own kind of Federal tax law upon the atatute book*. A Congreaa which had been hoatlle to bltn. eren on lla Republican aide ever alnce he came Into th* Cabinet, auddenly capitulated, ev en on the Democratic aide and | told the Secretary to write hla 1 own ticket. Thui Mr. MHIon has attained about all the glory that can come to a man In hi* position. Hi< daughter, who has be*n hla con stant companion In Washington. Is soon to wed. This would leave, Mr Mellon vary much alone In . capital. He may wait for that I event before ending hla Treasury I career. That he will not serve 1 more than a few months longer seams asaored. They* Wear No Man's Coliai Theeo two Manlatre. Mtcl?. girls have Introduced ? new fad <1l to 1 1 1? m i liitl i n;z Torius I?oudon. May 13. ? Tl? e trades i union' congress will have no altcr-j native but lo reitlnl to tin- utmost < "any attempt to i iii pout* humiliat Inu terms on Ihi' workers." A statement to this efTect wan1 tasued by t b* ? trades union con- 1 Kress today after a special meet-] Ins called to cnmdder failure offH the employers to re-engage work- j er? throughout the country. "Our rivltilhiK |?ower in unlin- 1 palrt-U." the .i tai< ment continued.! "Wi- cannot tolerate the imposf-l lion of conditions di'slgurd to de ?troy trade unionism. Peace with-! out vindictiveliosH it; InipOsslhie unlcH.s attacks an* ended Immedi ately. Work era will not aurren dcr their hard earned Kalnu." London. May IS. An official of the Kailwayiueu'H Union today asset ted that in view - ' mi nil railway men to continue, t lie strike. until they receive sal ; Isfnctory assurances ?from their ! employers. Infant Willi Horns Reported l?orn to Camden Woman f Just about the wildest story t lint linn been Im si r d here in a decade wan ourniit on tin* Birentu here today as having emanated from lower sCamden County. At the Ntart, It may ax well In* said that Camden Coun ty residents. Interviewed alioul It. profess to know nothing whatever n bout the affair. A colored woman living in lower Camden, the story runs, has J nut given birth to an in fant bearing two well developed horns. sprouting froru Just ! above each temple. Otherwise, the child is not ma I. It Ir declared that about a month before the remarkable i child wan born, a |x dlar stopped at the woman h hotne. and un- I dertnok to sell her a Bible. "I don't want It," the woman Ir quoted as having told him. "I'd rather have the devil in my home." A month later, the child with th?- horns is Mid to have air- ? rived, lacking only a pair of cloven hoof* jind a forked tall to complete the resemblance to His Satanic Majesty. Oil, HTOVK IlLARK A badly stnoking oil stove, threatening an Imminent confla gration at the home of James Hyl irester, at Martin and Pearl streets, brought out the Are department under full steam Thursday morn ing at 10:30 o'clock. Firemen iash<*d Into the kitchen, brought nut the offending stovo, and put nut the blaxe at their leisure a privilege that seldom falls to their lot. I'MUm M lUlfif New York. May IS. Cotton fu lures opened today at the follow log levels : July IMV Met. 17.6S, l>ec 17 ?0. Jan 17 ??*. Marrh I? 70. New York. May 13. - Spot cot Ion closed qnlst. middling 1 *.#!>. s ledine of I "? points. Future*, "losing bids: July f ft. 3ft. Ort. 17 41. I*r 17.6#. Jan. 17 44. Ma r Mr. and Mro. James Dnv. n part : ind Husaell Davenport ?>f Coluin! Dia werf the giieata of friends here1 lYcd*ee4ay. I?irai (>ilnc..>r Oeorxe paator of the First Haptlsl Church "f Lexington, K?ntuc*y. read the i-niftlndei of a memorial attack ing Ihe position of Doet< r K Y Muilina. president *>1 the Southern I lapt 1st Theolalcal Seminary at Louisville. and (wo profensora of ftiit Institution. * WOMAN SAYS SHE DOES NOT CARE WHAT THEY SAY Hul Hill Dollar Say* She l)ur* <4ir?? and Vuu ( an Tell How Much She C.arr* Hv How She Buy* TO FUKN1SH MOM K Hill Think* Anybody I* Inolirli I o Huy "Si^hl 1 u ni'Pir and Expert Any Sort of Harmony "I don't care what the neigh bors think." said a woman yes terday In the heurlug of Dill Dol lar. and one#t Bill's brothers, who had been out to that woman'* hmiHf. spoke up. saying. "Oh. yon. she does care what the neighbor* Kay. because all of the expensive curtain* are on the front wlndow? of her home, and the rugged cur tain m are on the window* at the rear." "Hut It may be true that idie doe* not care." he continued, "be rautu- Hhe buy* ho many thiugs out of town, especially her house fur > nhhiiiKs. and her lack of thought and cure Is reflected In her house." "That's a subject I'm very much iiilHiu?i?d ill." said "Bill" Dollar. "If a person Is not careful in the selection of household furnishing*, a very Inharmonious condition re sult* In the house, which Is bound lo result In a strained feeling re sulting among the human being*, who have to live In one of those paM-h-work houses. "If you are trying to furnish a house that will be a credit to your luste and judgment. " said Hill Dollar, "It is practically necessary that you see each article before you change good bills for them. The logical way la to buy every thing that goes Into a Kllzabeth City home In stores. "The woman who buys one or two things at a time ha* a chanc* to study and select. Hhe builds up her home just us an artist lays on his colors until they harmonise. In making her selections she is a foolish wotngn. Indeed, if she buys anything until she has seen It; has matched It with the surroundings Into which it must fit if its posses sion Is to make her happy and her house homelike. "There are people foolish enough to try and buy things, sight unseen, from some out-of town concern. They don't know bow i hey are golug to look after they get them. They don't know how I hey ure going to harmonize with their surroundings. All they know is that they will have to keep them, whether I hey fit Into the house or not. There Is no.chance to exchange them. Kven though the things may be all right las to quality, they cgnnol ?>.- ?? ' changed. They must stay In buying by mall there Is also the tempiat Ion to buy trash. Kv ery body has to save and figure in this day and age. Hut there nev er was a good Idea yet that i couldn't be mado a detriment If carried loo faf. "You want to buy as well as you can. but you pint to buy wisely I too. A low price of?en means In ferior quality. In fact, when sur prisingly cheap It always does: und that is the dearest stuff In the long run. "Taking all of Ihese things Into consideration you will find the best place to buy is In the stores of Kllzabeth City from the mer chants of our city, where they can see the goods and know they are good as well as cheap. "Look around and buy where you can buy beat. Buy the things 'bat you know will wear (for they ure the cheapest in the long run! and will fit Into the kind of home you are trying to furnish for your family and yourself. "You cannot do this II yon are doing business with someone hun dreds of miles away, who Is not anxious about you or your wsl fare." concluded Bill Dollar. (Copyright. It 26. F. W Mozart t IIKIITIK IlKf) CROHN III-: H(WT TO ("OXt'KHKSCK A repreaentatlve of the Ameri can Red Croaa wan In the city Thufudijr conferring with officer* of the local chapter relative to a regional Red Croaa conference to be held at Wlndaor next Wednea day. The flertle Chapter of the Red Croaa will he hoat to the confer ence and a picnic dinner will In provided for the ocoaalon. Judu? Francla I) Wlnnton Will be matter of c^remonlea In connection with the conference. Invited to be represented In th< conf^rence are all Red Croaa chap |6fB In North Carolina eaat of Naah and front the Virginia line through Hyde County. Hp*akers of national note an on the program. 110*4)11 MKMOItY Ol f?K\l? Memphto. May 13. Delegate to lhe general conference of the Methodlat Episcopal Church. 80111 h . turned Worn transaction or bunltieaa today to honor the mem ory of the lat?- Ulahop Jame* At Una. John C KllgO, W I' Mur rah, and R. G. Waterhouac who have died since the laat general hM ???? City Council Takes Step To Hasten Street Paving Program Lately Adopted RAILROAD BILL IS RED HEADED STEP CHILD NOW Hilt if It Works Adminis tration Will Promptly Point With I'ridc ami Cluim It us Its Wry Own IH'BIJC HiNPItOTKCTKI) Purly of Tliirtl Purl Not lw KeprwenlMl (Jndfr N<>ari>d froin ; a Washington -Norfolk *t<-ainhoiit t aevcral w<-eka ago, wan found thin i morning in u flail net n<*ar lluek- ' roe flcach. It wa? Identified by I>oetor Oeorge K. Vanderallce. GESSLER IS ASKED BECOME CIIANCELLOH Hrrlln, May 13. Doctor Otto | (Jfioiler an senior iim-iiiIht of the rcnlgned Luther rablnet waa dea I dialed by Priftldi-nl Von Hlndcn* burg today to aruminc tho chan ei'llorahli) temporarily. SEEK O/'/V/OV on TID4I. LOCK Of INLAND WATERS Wa?4iln?toii, May IH. ? Army r*mine*r* have rn|iN><>?? tract l^'t for Ke^urfaeipf I'art of Poiinlexler Wither people - want street .tfft I; preveinenls. or tney don't. Wither 1 1 hey will got them, or they won't, i And t hut applies particularly and specifically to Main and Ro?d I .street m at present. Tired of dilly-dallying along and getting nowhere with street petitions which have been Circulated In deanltory fanhlon here In the last Tew weeka. and (which lu many Instance* still lack the bulk of the necessary signet*, i he members of the City Council laet night agreed to go out and make a personal, house-to-hoaaa canvass of the two streets. MayOr McCalie will assist personally. They expect to finish the Job to day or tomorrow. The Council voted sometime MO lo pave Main and Hoad atrfWi ? with asphalt on a concrete baae, with the idea of using the brlck> now on the two streets for paving in other parts of the city. Before their decision becomes operative, a majority of the property ownera must sign petitions asking for this type of street; and until ?uca petitions hoar the necessary alg natures, or until they are turned down definitely, the entire atreet paving program Is "In the air." The reason for this la that ua til Main and Hoad atreeta are-dt* posed of. the Council has no way' of knowing how many brlcka will Ire available for other atreela* I llenuc. It hus no definite basla up on which to determine the coat of the Intended Improvement pro gram, and none upon which to la sue bonds. ' At a meeting In City Manager Ferobee's office last night, the' Council accepted a proposal from F A. Haycox, of the Haycox Com pany. Inc.. oi Norfolk, paving coa-? tractors, whereby Mr. Haycoa agreed to resurface Polndaxter hI reel, from Church to a point north of Matthews, where a or Installation Is to be made. Mr. Haycox will us.. Kentucky ro?* asphalt . and will put it down *1 a maximum figure of fl.le a square yard. He agreed to wait for payment until the Improve meni program was completed, ana In the event other contractor happened to make a lower prloe than ! 1 .36, to accept payment at the contract figure. "When I am through with that, I'll know the best price I can gl?e you on tho resurfacing a? a whole." he explained. "That a why I'm willing to make you thla kind of an offer/' He Kald he ex pected the material to arrive ks eight days, and promised to fin ish I he work as soon afterward aa was practicable. A plea for the use of additional brick paving was voiced by W O. I'erklns, chief engineer of tip Kastern Hrick Paving Maanfgaft-. urera' Association. Mr. PerlMae claimed lhat brick, properly laid, made as smooth a type of paving mi any other, and waa far mot# durable than concrete or asphalt. "When you've used It 25 yedrt, you can turn It over and us? If. fpr another IS." he declsred. recoair mending that the city give I 1-* Inch brick a tryout. In discussing the removal, pf the bricks on Main ?'?d Hoad streeta. City Manager Ferebee explalaed lhat the residents on the two streets would be given credU fqf them al their coat price of 71 cents a squar# yard, and that t key would be charged against the ntreets on which they wer* re laid at the rate of ft. 2 1 per square yard, the additional fO rente tak ing rare of hauling and re-laylag with asphalt grouting. ??I don't think the landowaeee should pay half of the coat of tke paving on Main and Itoad Councilman Bright objected, ap rause they are part of the Btate Highway. "'Hut they will be getting ( Continued on page four) < AllO|,INIAN |*KKHII>KNT OF I'JIIOII HKMINARV I Hlr Walter "Hotel. Ftalelgh. ltffljr 13 l'n