NORGE IS SAFE AT TELLER, ALASKA DIRIGIBLE LOCATED NOT FAR FROM NOME ON THE BERING SEA URadio )1rs?oIEt' Says All <>n ' Hoard Are Well anarl- ; nient at Waahinytoii DETAILS A ICE LACKING Not ViH Known Whether the Norge Has Been Brought to Earth or Not or What (jiused Trouble Vancouver, British Colum bia, May IB. ? The dirigible Norge, from K inns Bay, Spitsbergen, over the North Pole, arrived at Teller, Alas ka, at 2 o'clock this morning. Eastern Standard time. Teller is 75 miles northwest of Nom<\ on Port Clarence, an urm of the Bering Sea. Nome the des tinatlon of the Norge, Is also on the Bering Sea. Word To Washington Washington. May IB ? The War Department announced today that the dirigible Norge was at Teller. Alaska. Communication between Nome and the Norge was estab lished at 11 p. m. May 14, Alaska time. "The office of the chief signal officer," said the department's an nouncement," is in receipt of a message from Nome, Alaska, to the effect that the Norge is at Tel ler Alaska, about 7 6 miles north remerton. Wash., May 15. ? ... i:25 this morning. Eastern standard time, tho St. Paul radio station heard the dirigible Norge talking to the Army radio station at Nome, Alaska. The following message reached Puget Sound Navy Yard station here from the Navy radio station at Cordova, Alaska, reporting a message from Si. Paul Island, which Is in the Bering Seu. 500 miles south of Nome: "Following signal heard LBT from WXY. Signal received all okeh. CI o ahead when you are ready." LBT is the wireless call of the Norge and WXY is that of ihe ra dio station of signal corps of the United States Army at Nome. The St. Paul-Cordova message was re ceived here at 9:45 this morning, Eastern Standard time. All aboard Ihe Norge were well and everything else was said to be okeh. No Indication of whether the Norge had been brought to earth was obtainable here. Was IxmI For Hours Now York, May 4 5. ? At 11 o'clock last night Eastern Stand ard time. 46 hours since it was last sighted over Point Barrow. Alaska, no word had been re ceived here from the dirigible Norge. This was 91 hours since the Amundsen - Ellswort h-Nohile expedition left Kings Bay. Swit zenbergen. The Norge'a radio has been si lent since three Alaskan stations reported receiving fragmentary fgnages from the airship Thurs fcy morning. sS,aoe the Norge was reported o vp*! Point Harrow a storm has been raging over the Bering Sea and part of Northern Alaska, which may have blocked -the air ship from Nome and forced her descent either along the coast or in the interior. it of Nome." All Aboard Are Well CAMP GMSNN NOT BE MOVKI) RIGHT AWAY ItnlrlRh. May 14. Removal of the ulte of ('amp Olenn from the vicinity of Moreh??ad City will not lake place any ,llme aoon. nrrordtnjc to Adjutant General Van H. Metta, following a confer ence with city official* and real eatate men In Morehead City. Gen eral Mctta atated definitely that th?? atate National Guardmnn would hold their regular two we?k* encampment at Tamp Glenn, beginning July 4; It wa* Intimated, however, that the camp alte might l>f> removed to another location before the 192? encamp ment. KKVOMJTION SKKMS TO Itl'I.E IN WARSAW Vienna, Mlf 16. Some I'ollah f^Hernment troop* ar<' reported to taken n? a new poaltlon I tli of Wawow, while other* I been dlnirraed, by the forcr* Marnhnl I'lfcudnkl, who holdt 1 1 ? i *? capital. Volunteera i? flocking to Pll ptidikl'a camp *id Wamnw la re- j ported celebrating h In victory. ! mtonttkt la forntfng a cabinet I His Canine Majesty Dominates Court Session Here ' HIh Majesty, the Doff, was the dominant figure h< hind the scenes , in recorder's court today, all t hi' festivities on the program having been arranged in his honor. How t'V?T, the Hti?rk phrase applied by amateur social writers, "a good time was had liy all," could hardly j bo said to m appropr lately in a description of the entertainment i afforded. Thrw defendants. one white and two colored, wen* haled be fore Trial Justice 1'. ?? Cut, IimHrhoiiI One* Aswrl 101 it ks?:ai*k wr \tii Mayor McCain' anil J.ouit cilnteii IltiIshes, Oavi* ami I*. I? (!oIkhmi iilatl I* ale Wan Kind to Tliem Asserting they victims a piece of spite work, indignant ***? of Wtut Mam street In t^1* area kuuiidfti on the east by Dyei and on the west by the pMM?n?er station. are protesting loudly anu long over t li?? action of Hi** tuy Council Wednesday night In pass ing an ordinance prohibiting park ing in that area for longer than tlve minutes. Some of tin* enraged one* an manifesting symptom* regarti.u as harbingers ol that state In which tin- victim foams at me mouth and goes Into convulsions. All sort h uf acts of reprisal have been threatened, with the possible exception of premeditated mur der. and /ouTTCiUlien who had a part In Vh?* ??aswiiK>rot^the oidt naiice it /?* said to have sTutwti tt'iideiiqjy to run whenever a resi dent of the street appeared in Hie offing. . West Main street folks are sa> - lUK that the Council took ven geance on them because their lady folks wouldn't agree for the hand some elms on the street to be cut down, to permit widening In con nectlon with the new street Im provement program. In the event the ordinance stands that long. It is apparent that a delegation will he on hand at the regular Coun cil meeting on Monday night. June 7. to offer as emphatic a protest as they can. . Not all residents of the area af fected. however, are opposed to the ordinance. Some declare lt s 0 good thing. facilitating traffic mid serving as " measure of pro tectlon or children, who have an Irresponsible way of tliixhlllB oil from behind a parked car without hot hell II K to ?ee whether the street Is clear. Ill general. tlleKe approving one* do not own earn. ?Mayor McCahe and two meni hers of the Council are quietly I" dulglng In ?el f-con k ralu lat Ion the* days. ax the tumult and ?liolTt li.K lncre.Be. The Mayor is piad, liecaioie he left the WediHi. day night session before the park ing ordinance was taken IIP. anil therefore had no part In lt? pass .... Coiinrllnieii Hughe* and U.i tIs voted against It. Also, there i. evidence mat Councilman I . C Cohoon Isn't at all sorry for the altuatlon which resulted from tin Mayor's leaving, and which placed him In the chair as prealdlng off cer. Hence he couldn t vole ellh er way, and thus I* escaping the opprobrium which Is belnK heaped on the others. In offering the ordinance. Coun cllnian Armstrong. It" .'"'J .V,, explained to the Council that thi at reel was entirely too narrow for the heavy traffic It carried, and thai, in III* opinion, the only wa> t? meet the altualion was to abol I*|| parking. Inamnuch a* the peo ple wouldn't conaent i" ?"'"'" of the o trending tree.. He added that on numeroua occasions . ? a member of the Are department, had been appalled over the Immi nence o" tragedy when lire truck-, speeding on their mission of * r vlce had narrowly escaped colli .ion's with vehicles or ?n?; occasioned by parked car* block ll,g the view of the truck driver, ?r narrowing the driving space to the danger point. British Labor Is More Optimistic Ijnndon. May 14. ? The Ilrltlsh Industrial erini* began to clear rupldly today. Hallway men who had remained out notwithstanding official ter mination of the general strike signed an agreement with the com- 1 panle*. Traffic will he resumed I as speedily as possible I*ondan. May 14 ? A spokesman < for the trade unions congress an- [ nounced today that there has b??en a considerable easement In the In dustrial situation throughout the country. The report was baaed on telegrams from general secre taries of the trade unions con Kress In rarloua sections Including Scotland. l/ondon. May 14.-- -Official an nouncement that the railway strike has been settled was made this afternoon. l/ondon, May 14. ? Premier Baldwin announced In the House of Commons today that he had prepared proposals which In his opinion formed reasonable and ftlr baala for art t lement of the oal 4 lapute. Amundsen Goes Over Pole in 2,000 Mile Flight Aljov:- i.-s shown iii o ?l i l*lc Nmiv.i' in which l{;?altl Atiiiuulfu' n tl<-w ovor tli?> North Pol*' from Kind's llay, Sitimlicrni-n, to I-N.lnt Harrow, Ahxk;i. Inrol an* l.inr* oln Kllnworlh ( l?* fl i , IiIk partner; AiuiiikIshii iitiiIi'I'I, am! t'niiiuili I ' in l??-rt ?? NdIiIIh iriuh!). r the 1020 campaign- Amoni; other race tlic C J rl ff 1 1 h nau won il?o Kentucky Jockey Club Htakr*. IMnilico Futurity, I'imllco Homebred Stake* and t h<* San foul Memorial at Saratoga. Canter ran to-cond to I'oin pey In the lldmont Futurity. t!a ntur la a danKeroua contender in any competition. Chief Holmes Issues Ultimatum That New Parking Ordinance Will Become Operative Monday The ultimatum has gone forth, and the day of reckon Iii k In at hand. Chief of Police Holmes and ti In force will begin strict en forcement of the new nrt-parklnic Inw on Wm? Main street blight and early Monday morning. The ordinance, an passed by the City Council Wednesday night, pro hibits parking on the street in the area between lh" intersection of Oyer and the end of West Main at the pnssenger station. Moan while, the protest of resi dent* of the street against new law goes on unahsted: in fact, has been taken up by othem llvinR elsewhere In the city. For in stance. the Rev. Frank H. ftcattcr good. pastor of (!ann Memorial f'reabyterlan Church, announced Saturday morning that he Intend ed to make a test case of It. "I'm going to park my car ?>n West Main street for more than the five minutes allowed, let them arrest me. and refuse to pay my fine." Mr. Scattcrgood declared. "The ordinance Is outrageous. It should be repealed at once." Influenced, perhaps by the at titude of West Main lUreef folks toward the new rulinff. several KKPORT ON COTTON CONS(iMKI) IN APItll Washington. May II. -Cotton consumed during April totaled :.7?? ?t?? bales of lint and '?f llnters as compared with 614. r?t.1 of tin* and ft.l of tin - fers In March this year, the ten sun btireau announced today. IMKM r.% II K HIM, Washington. May 14. ? The House today passed the Renate bill providing for establishment of the Shenandoah National park In Virginia and the Great Hmokj Mountain National Park In Northi Carolina and Tenneaaee member* of the Council are man iteming strong symptoms of "cold feet" over their action, and are talking strongly of repealing II. "I wasn't at the meeting Wed nesday night. and, of course, had nothing to do with the ordinance." Councilman I). Hay Kramer re marked Saturday morning. "If I'd beon there. I'd have voted against It." he added, with a grin indicat ing that, having read the hand writing (in the wall, he was loo much of a politician not lo heed It.. "If the people don't want the parking ordinance, we ought to repeal it," Councilman P t". Co hoon commented. "We are ser vants of the people, and should carry out Ihelr wishes. an far a* we can." Kxcept for one raucous howl from a resident of the block, there ha* been no outward protest over the ordinance also pasted Wednesday night, baunliiK park ing on the south side of Main streot. between Koad and Klllott. t'iit permitting parallel parking on th* north tide This potential source of grievance apparently Is submerged In the greater Issue In volved Iti the other parking law. *0 WATKRMKMINH TttlMY By error on the market page of The Advance Friday I*e?lie He- | lanfa was alleged lo be selling watermelons. Consequently. Mr. Helanga has been overwhelmed with orders for this delicious Southern fruit, and hastens to ex plain that he has no watermelons today. As soon as these arrive on I he market he' will It tlx (net be ? known In The Advance. Sterling at i?ai? U>ndon. Mjy IB. ? Merlin* r.?rh?l parity today (nr lh? Aral llm# I* alx ??ar? , $( Id in Keel Cross Meeting Windsor Next Week Washington, I). C., May 1!?. ? I An iiii|i?rtaiit Hed C roan Hegional j Conference will In1 h?'lern taken dp. the mib-jrade rolled and *anded. and th? brick* replaced the flat way. inatead of edfrawliie flavins completed the** pre liminary task*, the laborer* were ponrlnK boiling hot as phalt on the brick*, and npreiri Ing It over them. About that time. Mile* Jeitnlnft happened ? long. That'a the stuff they white wash hell with," he observed. FAMOUS BRITON COMING ABOARD CUTTER APACHE ArruiiI!?"'?",s ( for Kriiifjiiifi ??f Sir llowuril t<> Virgiui" Oitrr I'.flflirulion AuisiiM COAST TO AIO lt<-<|iir?t ?>f J?l' "'"I NVi"" rt'ii Cruntt'tl Ity ^ nulling tou Offirial?l?Mn; lnt?-r?v?t Shown in Tlii* City Atrainieineiit* 0.aal (iuard O.U. . Ap?rl" <|' li.ll. .1 1 11 brlMt Sir halllc H*\j III It lall limlaH?*?l'>l I" 1 1 : siatea. lo i"k. I"1"'"1 .Vjj 1. , cull. in celebration m "III l'.irl ItalelBh "'I Vlritliiln Oar. liuv. Aiimi'i '?? i.l.lcd, S.rri'lui >' Jul". "I the ,ma chamber ui tN.tiimercc. a 'i'1"'"1 ""while In WaahHilstun Ihla atlcndlnt; ii"' a n luini Vi' ..I II,.. I lllfl SV'V" L . . .. I- lercc. Mr. J..II i"* "?? " mt,i i.*r Will. Uwlsay Wailen "I rcaenlallvc front the H?* Carolina Matrlct. and tot,, tn.r . tl,..y coi.ferr.Kl with ?-'-?, 'J' r,^ favorably out of commit tee .an ?.wHlhly would he !??'??' "" **0n hll'lrlH l" Waahlimton. Mr. Job called aloita II numbd S^ce""^ "'-I" Kl3.ell. City, ami left ? num^r of them on a table In 'J* rPl. Mlatca Chamber of Colin... rr BuildlllK there. Many nicked Ih. 'in U|.. he ami afterwards a.k.d Mm iiueatlona about tlila part of N Carolina. Hi' ?l?o left aoiiic 11' Information rack I " ' lobby of Hie New Wl lard Hole. In Wuahlnxlnn. ami 011 th. Waal. Kr loh're wr., I limlon yealcrday. He report! <1 an . yi i I lent convention, dedal Ina attended by prominent nu.11 from all l'?ria of .he country ami wa? featured will. ; ? In k and Informational I and d IhcuhrJohh. Elizabeth City Man Ready To Adopt Horned Baby The myHtnrioiiM colored lnfani nald lo have been born in the 11k** n?*M of Dip oft -condemned ruler of I III- lnt t ld Friday that lie had hoard It from wvitiI aotirce*. non?* of which wan well authenticated. In II* fMNciitial detalia. It aland* us puhllnhi-d Thursday. except tint the locale In Klvfii now aa Crew well. WauhlnKton County. In aubntanc*-. tin* atory M that an agent atnp|> ?cially averae to parting with no f ear ao m e an offaprlnt;. Trannla Crank, opi- ra tor of a ahoe repair ahop here, and ?o far un bleat. or otherwlae. with children of hla own, ia the applicant Mi Crank Myn he'a willing to take a chance with an Infant that mere ly look* like thi' devil, having i been deceived by appearano ' of I ten In the peart. PUBLIC IS GIVING LITTLE CONCERN TO REGISTRATION l.< ?? I liun 2,"> I'itmoiih En roll, ,1 for j?llr |>rjmar. IIioiikIi l?o.ik? Have "??? II i )|H'II I lli cit W lH-liM M\M A |{ K I I K.IItI K Next Snlurtluv W ill |?. j -loxiiift Day; Second Rec ?Nlruli.,11 i? |?. n.1,1 J,,,, llelore Election,, Although only oni. (Kk |V , ' ,w,",h re?l?l?r for the ..T;'rul1lc primaries bo held ?n Saturday, June r,. and the aub ;-!??,? general election '?"J. r , and although the regis w"nk"" !';rk" l,",vo '"'"n ?p?n teViin.'. ? """"" '? manl 1 m jiil " i snort of astonlNhlng. In. m!"""1. Vls" lo on thai? I . in all. not nioro than 25 luro*H,*y r4",,ered 111 ?"? ' " 1 The Second Ward led the It-t ' a I'ondHOiuo niajority with ?n -tlmatad lotai of i" h?,"i" uT:; hT"" ??'?' ration b?!? rs. H. I 8,?|, h and Old L Pen ? d T*,r ''Vi":,"'"". u-.,., p ' nt^ et i>n * homa on s,.,?.!,. ,"* "'r^1- ">"1 at Mr l"lnde?Jr ' "" N?rth preTa?d ,,?J W ?en? who had registered Tor the y elect Ion lint May were under the erioneoUH Impression I hat thai I ?" 'or the ''"iinty and State election, I hi, year, and for tha! reason hail paid no attention to tha registration ,10w going * c, w,ho ?hould register ln Itlili all who have tnoved from sjfe wm: ;rxi E^iV,r,u,,xrs% ently become naturalised cltl of the United Htate" ' ' In. "rHHllH"?," re",r|ctlona aff.ct II* registration and voting have ? "n removed In recent "f" Instance, |t ,,sed to he lhat nobody m'.l'l . ,0'" h,! h"'' Paid his poll tai and could produce aatla. factory evidence That restriction ha. been taken' In 'ii"r,V ?f""",lon not figura the present re*|,tr,tlon Th """ open to Democrat a and ?? publicans alike, although, of o'irae. the Republicans will have part In Ihe June prlmarlea A second registration will be held inst before ihe November .Ue. .1 I .Heme, the public la (Ivan a double opportunity to enroll since those who do so now ? ra | not repeat the process |? October I The reitlstrurs are paid 13 a day I for their full-t line service on Sat 1 i mm"' ""?* cents a name additional for all who enroll None Of Ihem was giving any par , concern Saturday lo tbe manner In which he could beat to" vest such Increment as would ae irne to him from the ihree-eeat fee per name. M H I IS VILI, E NAMED CONVENTION CITY lloimton. To?.. May M. ? UhIi vIIIh. Kentucky, today wai aelect ?4 i?y the ftoothern Huptlat eon ventlon a* IIim next <>>n vontloB city. The Neaalon will (h* committee on time fend place to* ?lay reported, on May 4. Doctor Wallace Hairnet t of D*l I:?h waec. 17 ??. Jan 17 51. March 17 55 New York, May 15 Spot eOl ton cloaed quiet middling 19 85 ? decline of 10 point* Futuroa, closing hlda: July It. 12, Oct. 17.53. Doc. 17.57, Jan. 17.45, Mar.