WHITE HOUSE HINTS DO NOT MEAN BIG LOT And 'Hints All Thai Cauti ous Cal Is Giving lo Indi cute H in Leaning in Re publican Primaries HOT FOR PEPPER Pennsylvania Incuinhcnl Has Hard Figbt on Hand* to Keep His Seat in Up per House of Congress k ?> DAVID UWWWCK ? t come out openlf and asked ?I ir public Hiippott*. Hia belief is Mbal the people are >wt?e enough to take a bint. The dagger of a* direct state ment, of course, Is that if per chance the administration's can didates do not win the result will be hailed, as It was in Illinois, as a repudiation of Mr. Coolidge. ?And that would not be political ly comfortable even though 1928 Is somewhat distant and the pen dulum of popularity can swing backward and forward many times 'twi*t new and then. Mr. Pepper is liked by the Pres ident. He has no particular oppo sition to Mr. Vare who is a pow erful political factor In Pennsyl vania. but be would rather see Senator Pepper retained. Yet the rumors that nave been wafted here from the keystone state are that Mr. Pepper will be lucky to squeeze through and that need be no surprise if Mr. Vare wins by a substantial plurality. Gdvernor Plnchot Is a third candidate in the field who Is bound to draw from the dry side so that the prohibition vote will be divided between Messrs. Pep per and Plnchot while the "wets" range themselves with Represen tative Vare. Under the circum stances the prohlblUon Issue may be the controlling one at the polls, all of which makes today's primary very Important to the wets and drys especially since the wets have been claiming ascend ancy. Kven before the result In known, one might ae well fore eaat* what each side will say. if ?r. Vare wins, the will an V|[er that Pminsylvanla la a wet stale anyhow and that the vote of tie drya was unfortunately divid ed between two candidates. The Wets would proclaim It -as the tarnlng of the tide toward modi fication of the Volstead Act. If either Henstor peeper or Gover nor Plnchot should "In. the pri mary will be viewed as g greal achievement for the cause of pro hibition. The poet-election stato mente could be written no* which means thet on no side Is there a crystalfsetloM of sentiment on Is suea from .which national Itferen ce* can be drawn and the trath Is the. race le a clash of ambitious personalities. .SUGGESTS WAY OUT <>N COTTOfl PHOBLEM Atlanta. Mar 1?* ? Batakllah mctit of foralin branckaa through which aurploa <-nlt#? (ooda alahi ha narketad Inula** of dutaplnr tham upon domaatfo markata and bringing about a paralyala at baa laaaa and prlroaoalow-coal of mannfaetura waa aArocatod hy w C. Vara*a of Moaltrla, Oaorila. pra*M?ni of tha Amarkan Cotton Manafacttirar'a Aaatclatlon hara Ia4ar Nr. Varan in addraaalx lh? annual aonranllon at Iba oranal ?gWoa attfkaatad thff aa a mathod dlapoainc ot tha anuna?aiad prpdactlon vkkout lowarlni do mantle prka. ha low manafa touching on theee matters the sub- I 'committee report says they have no bearing on the Meeklns judge- , ship and therefore do not call for j Impeachment proceedings. PLAY AT NKWUND "Duet of the Earth," a play glv- i en by the B. Y. P. U. of Corinth | Baptist Church at Fork Achool j some two weeks ago. and which I I attracted widespread comment, will be produced by the same east i In (he auditorium of Newland High School Wednesday night. It lis announced. The curtain will Mae ?! 1R o'clock. PASQUOTANK PEA CROP MOVING IN INCREASED BULK Matij^arloiad* Eiprclrd to Go From Elisabeth City in Next Few Day*, With Favoring Weather QUOTED $2 TO *3..?0 Difficulty Experienced in Obtaining Sufficient Ban ketai Peak Looked for Early Next Week Beginning on * major scalp to day, May pea ahlpments from Pas quotank County were expected by commlaslon men and others In close touch with the crop to as cend steadily In volume until the peak Is reached, probably early next week. Norfolk Southern Railroad offi cials here announced today that three refrigerator carloads were shipped out yesterday, although Ave more had been placed for loading, and probtbly would move today. Also they atated that or ders had been received for 16 cars today, and that 23 cars from across Albemarle Bound. In the vi cinity of Mackeya, had been.ro Iced this morning, on their *ay to the Northern markets. Commission m arch a at s . report ed quotations ranging from f 2 to 13.50 a baaket on the Near York market, with no sales reported. They declared the tone of the mar ket was a little weaker, due sup posedly to the arrival of consid erable stock not of the highest grade. -- ?' The heavy volume of May peas now about to'inove from here has brought several complications In Its wake which are causing cqn'r cern alike io 'growers and com mission merchants. The hulk of the crop this y?*r. 'd.ue to weather conditions, apparently la matur ing at one tlmd. ^and this la com plicating the problem of finding sufficient plckvoi. tharo In a shortage of baskais. mJlla here finding difficulty In ttMtfag them out faat ? enough Ui. meet the de mand. For inataaea. two commis sion merchants raporta* having bought 10,009 baskets each in Portsmouth yesterday. Locked Doors Foil Would-Be Burglar; On the heel* of a highly dU . turblng experience with a sup posed burglar which fell to the lot ! ? of P. C. Cohooh. member of the ! City Council, when he encountered a at range negro 4n the d in I n r room at hla home on Ehrlnghaus I atreet Saturday night. Dr. ft. E. Niton, well known local dentlat. reports a similar experience Sun day night. Hearing a noise at the door op ening on the Hide porch of his home on Church street. Dr. Nixon started downstairs, pistol In hand. , to Investigate. The door was locked, and resisted the efforts of . Ibe would-be Invader, who then turned his attention to the front | door. This also Was locked, and by the time Dr. Nlzon had reached the foot of the stairs, the "visi tor" had fled. It was a little af- 1 ter 9 o'clock at the time. Police thus far have reported no progress in the search for th? unbidden caller at the COhoon home. Mr. Cohoon. returning | from downtown, was attacked by a burly negro with a club as he eh ? tered the dining room of his home. He fought off his assailant, and I 1 the lattar eacaped^aa Mr.CoJioon made a daah upstairs for a pistol. MOKVC 4X>MHM TO IvlGHT ABOUT THK HOKNKD HA II Y I H. O. Godfrey, local insurance j ! man. desiring to relieve himself j 'of the implication of having start ed a rumor regarding a negro baby with horns has handed this i newspaper a portion of a latter I written by Miss Nellie Armstrong, 'of Oum Neck, to Miss Eva Cope | land. 17 Fleetwood street, this, I city. The section of the letter re- , garding the Infant follows: Have you heard the latest? What do you reckon? a 1 devil was born at a negro's houae to Cresswell sometime ago. I gaeas \ will tall you the story as i I don't have anything else csp#- ; ! daily to tell you. Rut any waya ! k n agent was going around selling 1 Bibles and he went to this ladlea i i house and aaked her to buy a Bl i ble and ahe said 'dam the Bible. 1 : I had rather have a devil In my houae than a Blblr.' So In a few i days a devil with horns was born I there. I guess God showed her [that she could have a devil there, i But when he was three days old they started to dress him and It1 told them not to dress him thai h?* was a devil and he told them | when he got six months old h<< i was going to take his mother to i hell. And Eva. when he waa week old he got right out of the bed and got In the Are and bfgan playing In It. O, there la a lota I more about It but you Juat can't i begin to tell. About four carloads I of negroes from down hera went Sunday to see it I Imagine It tft a rirfnl." ? ' Ice Pack Delays Fleet of Great Lakes Steamers ' N'?v1y forty hup* Crrat f^kcs I*>und for tho head of the Inkea for oro and grain. ww hold ror a* vera I day* In o si rat If o Jam :.khof??ot of l^ake Erlo. Just outside ItufTaln harbor. Wedged In the tea, It wu many houra before the bo.-: t a could break through and Ret out to op. n water. Thla picture wax tnken from I ' A on Ikj*''"" abort*" before the itontn not 'tut. DEMOCRATS ARE FAST MAKP(6 UF . . i ? ? v McAdoo - Sniitlt ?;|[?nioiii Purring But Ther May, SorMrh Again Later Sir Walter Hotel. Raleigh. Mw; 18 Considerable Interna In hcin* ipunifBHt in Democratic clrclei here In the apparent getting to gether of the Smlth'McAdoo far tlona of the party on tHo ahroga tlon of the two-thirds rtole. Al most without except idtt every on< who has been asked for an opinlnr has been In favor of abolish Inp this rule In National Convent loi procedure. The further fact that Oovernoi A. W. McLean not only Is in favoi of the abolition of this rtjle, but li a pioneer in the fight against li came to light when. In dlscuHHlni the present situation. It wm learned thst when he Wan a dele gate from North Carolina to the Democratic Convention Itt Omahi in 1904 and was a member of thi Committee on Rules, ne Altered ? resolution proponing to aholint the two-thirds rule. "But I did not got very far wlti my resolution." he remarked wlti a smile as It failed to get a second In the committee. However, th< Idea seems to be growing In popu larlty now." That wan hU flrat experience In a big political contention anr he wan somewhat dlftSppointed that the first resolution he had offered had failed becatifce no one would aecond It. However some are Incline) |< look upon the apparent hMrmon> springing up between the Hmlth McAdoo groups with a grain oi salt, holding that it diton not ne ceatfarlly indicate that were Is th? harmony that appears f>n Ihe anr face. But any move that looka toward the creation of greater strength and good will In the Democrats party is generally lo6k'*d upon with favor. HOTEL STO<:MU>LpKI?<&**.- - ? , . . MEETING CALLED - FOR BAIL FANS ? Prospective hour - 1 e a m . League I" l?e l)i*cn??r?l Wednesday Nijihl -j ? ?. * ? r. Haseball fans >?" f""''1 ; the Chamber of Commerce Wed Sunday night at 7 o'clock m Mrm preliminary or?anjxallon with k view lo Insuring "h'? r"* " "';r Into a proBpwttre four-city, leaK < ; Of whirl! i he other members would be Hertford. Bdenton and 8uf folk. All Interested fa"" I'"1" been asked to attend. Ill order that 1 the situation may be gone nvei thoroughly. and thai ImmedlaU ' Hi e pa may be lakeli for formation ' Kdentoii and Hertford are re ported to be keenly Interested In ' baseball Ibis year ^ord received from Hertford Is lo the effect Ihat , 1 Ihe fans there organUetl last week and are already going ac lively ; I about the Job of forming : a learn Bdenton fans are declared to havt ,! taken similar steps Suffolk has promised In let the faua hero know something defl ; nlte by the last of 'l'"""'* "In whether that city would be Inter ested In becoming a ^ proposed league The Suffolk Chamber of Commerce la ta k In R , up the matter with those Inter ejtled in hHHoball thi-re. Hearty support of the Idea til forming a seml pro lene players, similar lo that whl< h provided excellent sport here as vear. Is given by I rati fearing > one of the prime movers In the plan for nrganlied baseball thl season Mr. rearing had ad vanced a suggestion that the nl Twilight l.eague be revived. " I lug that It might be imprac lc. e to undertake the more ambl l.,us type of baseball : but he del lares he Is heartily In favor of setti i pr" bill It that can be obtained heri . Secretary Davis Will Visit State to a distinguished visitor ' on Thursday. May 20, when ?eirelary of War Havl. will come to tb? State to pay s v^sll to <|or' "?*ji He will arrive In "?l,;l?h Thursday morning and torn hr as the gueat of t.ov. motor lo rott "ragg where lbs day will be spent In '"J^ilifio military rowrvatlon. Hp will m tor hack to ll.Mgh that V""1"* with th# Governor nod then turn lo WmhlMton. | I M KM AT HOI TH * The funeral of Mrs Arl Johnson. who died Sunday morn log at her home In South Norfolk, will be conducted from the home In that clly on Wednesday after noon al four o'clock^ M1 Mrs. Johnson was fermeri) nettle Smith of Pasquotank roun IV and la well known and highly esteemed In this section A num ber of friends and "lat ves from thla eUy and County will attend the funeral Wcdnoaday at Kotith Norfolk. , . Mm J nh niton In *irvl**<1 by her husband three children, her I father, four brother*, and two ??? * t?n. i BOB REYNOLDS ON VISIT HERE v*-1 ? r 0|>|H>iirnt of Senulor Over inun in Prlmnry Kwc l'rrdictn Big Victory I'rrrfJcllilK UU n H (It'll I Ij 111 U I ho would win Iii I lie , J iiim' primaries by a majority of"kf I?*hhi 25.000, Rob KrmoLda. of Ashcvillc. ran iiins for rc-vleotlon, Jiald a br?'y visit to Kltaabeth . City , rmisday morning. He planned t<> leave; Wrdiicaday on a short trip to Man t?'Ot returning here the following day. Mr. Reynolds hud conic In from a l rip through Currituck and Camden countlea. In which he shook hands With the folks and made himself generally acquaint ed. Ho said lie had had aasurance i of being Klven a large vote in this section, and that lie was confident 1 he would run mil ahead of Mr. 'Overman here, uh well aa in vir- , tnally every other part of Hie Slate. I "You've got a wonderful see Jtlon." Mr. Reynolds commented, in Ho rou me of u llttlo vlalt to ? Tho Dally Advance. "Visiting these con n Ilea ha a been a revela tion to mo. I |iafl no idea what Kploudid farina you have, and I'm glad to aeo yOu're getting good road*. "Whenever jrou'ro In Washing ton. drop around and pay inr a \lslt." the Senatorial candidate eommcnted with a smile. aa he departed. He Was accompanied by Mayor A. C. McCabe. who la one of his avowed support" rs. and by I). V. Meek In*. managing editor of t lie Independent. Mr. Itaynolda la a tall, broad, friendly sort Of a riiap. who obvl- ] oualy jtrnfera shaking hands with j Iho pdopte to the more formal huslnees of making speeches to them. "I haven't made a single campaign address. and don't ex poet to msk** any," he commented. ItlVAL GOVEHNMKNT | sen up In Poland Merlin, May It. ? Berlin n?w? papera say that a rival Polish Gov ernment has bean set up In Pose n under Genera) llaller who former the Polish legion in the I'nlted Hiatus during the World War. Thla step was tekan after peace J negotiations with Marshal Pllud ' ski's new government failed. Hkirmlshea between the troops of the two parties resulting In eon alderable rasualtioe are reported to have already occurred General Mailer's forces are estimated a* 27.0011 The general la said to have ordered an advance prepara tion for an attack on Warsaw THKKta ON MAMC POM "TMK OVPHV UI KI N Tickets go #n sal*- at Hellg's Wednesday miming at 9 o'clock for the operetta, "The Gypay Queen." to be presented by th?* Seventh Grades I'rlday night In the Orainmsr School auditorium The rurtsln will rHie at *:ll? o'clock and tha entertainment will be made up of pretty costumes, dainty dances, and Joyous chor uses The stars are Alice Har row. Catherine Nlcholaon and Ren nle Williams and thay will be ably J aupportad by a cast of Tl Seventh Grade glrla and hoys. The High Sehopl orehetfra will also assist MERCHANTS WISE ON MAILORDER CATALOGUE WAYS Hill Dollar Inlrrview* Kli/.aUcth < it y Man and llf?ur? Truth Out of Town Sprndiiii.' can pkovk iiis cask lluiuo Town Mrrrlianl Suit That Hp Can Savr Simp |?rr> Money VI 1 1 < ? liny at Home Regularly A merchant on whom Hill Dol lar was calling heard to re mark: "We are careful students of the mall orders catalog We know It heller than most of our custo merit. "That la why we My without hesitation lhat we can do better by our people than they can. There In a whole lot In a person knowing what he In talkinu about when he makes a statement of thai kind. "We believe In the principle of knowing your foe before you fight him. We know retail mall order. We know Its weakncsnes and we arc fighting it an hard as we know how. We haven't the least objec tion in telling you this diher. "Now we are not going to claim that' we can understand the retail mall order houses on everything. Thai would be a stupid fulsehood 'that we would not have any chance of making good on. "The retail mall order houses offer some things way down. These are what they call "leaders." They get a person thinking well of ihem on some thlugs and then soak It to them on others they do not know much about. "We know I his aud we can prove It." "Wo know." contin ued the Kllzabeth City merchant, 'that we can Have you money In 'the aggregate of yt>ur purchases. We will figure up with you on an average month's supplies, and ac tually show you where we can .save you money. "Some merchants are always asking for Justice. We don't want j It. All we ask Is a fair chance to prove lo you what we can do. -WH have no quarrel with peo plo for trying to make their money go a* far as possible. That Is nat ive I and propf-r. W?< have It#' i right to apical tb y?u fbr your tfacfe because we fitted the monfep or on the grounds of Justice. "Rut when we Klliabefh City ! merchants say we can save you money, we have established the right for a chance to prove our case, and when we have proved it i that gives us a claim to your . trade." The Duplin (8. C.) Record com ments on "How Mall Order lluyers |Oet Stung" as follows . "One of ' the best Illustration of the mail order Joke come to our attention recently. A lady living In the small town of Belton In the cen ter of the textile belt of South Car olina ordered some nice towels from a mall order house paying 20 cents each for them They seemed to be a great bargain. "The money went from the town' and the towels came back. Thoy were all that had been Claimed for thom. On Ihe brand was 9 stamp made by Blair Mills. Bolton. 8. C. The lady's next door neighbor ran the mills and she ; could have bought the towels for 11.90 a dozen at home. This Is merely a clear Illustra tion of the necessity for town builders to look around before ?ending money away. It Is also clear that merchants having mall I order prices beaten lo a frazzle will never get 4he business of their i own neighbor* unless they tell I them they have the goods hy ad vertising In their home paper. Ad vertising Is the merchants only weapon against the mall order houses. Mr. Merchant -advertise what you have to sell. It pays the mall order house and it will pay the merchant too." (Copyright 1924 K. W. Mozart) SAYS MKMBEKS OK CIIEW WERE DRUNK New York, May 1* Seventeen of ihe passengers of the Clyde Liner Seneca who were among i hose taken from the steamer when It went agro<?iinK Muration Bcfaiinc TIipv Art- Aftaiml ShI? h Taxes W1I.I, GO ON KKCOKD -viii Merchant* of the State Will IiihihI on ItifchlH mid Bo lif?f They Have (ioTef nor With Them lauiQBDOro; ?|?pears thai the educational for im1mZ ? . baals under the loadeashli TtiTr Chle' ???lWve. Nothing "l??"ld i" allowed to retard or hinder thla progress." Mr. t^onard referred to "tin lh? apodal merchant* ?axea and sales taxes proposed during the last General Assemble** as the greatest service that yoisr Association has rendered (He me I. chante of the State," and poMMR- ? to the fact that "you wore Warned lii your last convention by no lass - personage than the great huainege < Governor of the sute of the.dan. her of further attempts to ftlaee the harden of sales taxos and ?th cr tales upon you." Mr. Leonard next referred .to Ihe ao-ralled "bad chock law" through your effort, dur ng tho ign Legislature." and pointed out that "two Superior '""rt judge, h.v. declared" ,^ law unconstitutionally, hut that & 'Supreme" Court! S real danger of the law being declared unconstitutional. It should he atrongthened In the ''Onoral A??omtily. Mr. Leo nard recommontled. Ho added that he had no fear of the law being irr,,1! , "uconst Itutlonal "If the aptrit of our constitution rather than the latter Is considered by fho Huprrmo Court." i ??K ??"'?Ury reoonunnnrled thai the merchant* should kI r? hearty support to the propoaal U to the "endless i chain aelllng system." and an em- ^ PbatltaUy recommended that * meili" I#' P'ovl^lng for the ' metric aysteg, of We|ghtl tlld meaaures, he opposed ?,..Th*J">?rt r,Tl??s Ihe 10 yaara slnt the accompllahments of the As, " sociatlon during the decade, and reviewed the reaaons for the or ganisation. Mr. Leooard has assumed a militant" attltu'de on a number of subjeetg during the year ha ?Id the Association "One uta right made during the year lg slg ih? Va b*r*u" winning o( h! ?! 5 ^v,d merchants of the State handling electrle" ft] tin*" *,? ##0 "d ??? "in Your association wea larg iy responsible for the securing i a new ruling from the All General ,gd Ihe ?tate Cm _ sioner of Reveuua which rail* " ?<;> aotoallr eng.ged la the electrical business from the m>. mont of the license tales ImpoeM upon electricians. In another In a?!L challenged and con, Sf stgtemants given national ccilir ** l",<' * n,"?agl credit organisation which I co'd slder unfair, unjust, and defama tory m the good name of the merV ?hjn'a of North Carolina." ^s3| The Oovernor la rommended by' ih? report for calling the serve of woman In Induatry. and recommended that the ga making tha sarvey be glrea i ough cooperation Refareaaa J alao made to (ha oppo.lt ton hg < merrhenta during the laat se ?' '^flalanre lo the pr* J? Jl!'? "0,m ?"<" "?ro eetabllehmeats under the | slons of the laws K'ontlntttd on