BOARD MEMBERS DISTURBED OVER TURN OF EVENTS ('oiuinim>ioner? Edney and Thompson Krd Thai Some Have Misinterpret ed Their Vole EDNEY STATES STAND Would Have Entire Mailer Submitted to Vole of Peo ple; Qtea Condition of ( Comity's Finances Reeling that the sudden Influx of candidates for tho Uoard of County Commissioners. dis closed through publlcallon yeater n!"H0l"'e of a" Kho h?<l filed their candidacies, may have S&SX te -? kstss Mon^rn'r^o^^eTay ? before the board, the remain onYh "" house Lr th? ? present site, wheth SJndSl J e*e"' bulldl"K ??? re Modeled, or a new one built, Tlie motion was put by Commission,., bv r?r. ?' "nd wos seconded by Commoaaloner C. B. Mundcn m? 2? W,,h Mewsru. Owuley and CwlwrVh, ,,v?r ,of " ""re Messrs. lartwrlght und I'rltchard. Comn.iaaiouer* Edney and S??K "ted ?aln?t the mo i?'-, ".h explaining at the time to sett I . h re ,Ur ,hc to sett I,, the question In the June primaries, raher than to have the board decide It. Both made It mnif tl"'lr the motion were not to be construed as votes In I avor of moving "!i? courthouse, though the subsequent coming out of candidates against alon th2? ""L" 10 Impres ?Ion (hat, somehow, a number of voters In the city and County have w, '?rl>r"led their action. with Chairman W. T. Love Sr *#',! r'.'i". running through 'hav" ?to Ha.,.eH "J"* oandld?cy UP Kto Saturday night, three, candl -rw? m D"*ri1 of County Commlnaloneca have announced thetnaeivea la Elisabeth City. They are Hilary Cartwrlght. at present a member of- the board, and I., s "nd A. U. Walston. Mr. Walston has announced that he Is runnfng to succeed Mr. l.ove ilioujh. or course. In the event of Ills election, that does not neces sarily mean that he will succeed to the chairmanship The new I,0"1"' wl" elect Its chairman alter it kooh into office. ,.Th'' other new contenders arc >???? r who " running against Cnminluloner I'rltchard, who ?. rC";.T- L- ??rm.? *ho Is opposing Commissioner Thompson. In Nlxonton; and W FdnVv ?? ?"' rho la Mr Kdney, In Ncwland. In u written communion to thla nArJSir" foMots!"* t0"h hl" ?? Elizabeth City, N C ^ May **? 1026 Editor, Tho Advance, Elizabeth City, N. C. Gentlemen: H seems as If 1 have been mls or '"''represented with f emt. 1? my vo,e *" ? County the SH^ ?n'r.?n question of eor^h 'h" ("""posed new court house. To the end that I may be understood may I say here and now that my recent vote as a romn 7 i the "oord ?r County th.T ,i 10 "le effect iShmfJ',''/? D""<'r "hu"ld be submitted to a vote of the people. The reason that I favor submit JP ' JI"', ","?",on 10 ? v?te of the [people is because our county debt is already staggering. The audi tors books will show that the count y now owes $1,784.602 50 Highway Commis sion has recommended an addl ''"n"1 ,(ond Issue for roads of 9250,000. This would make a to 1. 1 of u.o3t.?o,.5o i?" able valuation In the entire coun tZnl "I* ,20'00#000 I respect fully submit that to build a new court house at this time would Impoac a tax burden that should Ptaced upon the people without a vote of the people. As L ,h* Board o' County CommfaaJonera I am opponcd to any further bond laauen union* the people vote the Indebtadnoaa upon n?VP. Lr*^ " "" "?O"1" of i'a> qtiotank County wish to vote ro?. because of my position I shall retire with a sense of duty done an I nee It. '' '?? ??tt?r of figuring to see that our ta?e rate will be higher than we can hear. While I am from the Coast ry. I am call In* the attention of the people In town to the fact that the town three-flfthn of the taxea and that with all the public Improve meata that are now belnf put through the town will be *p preaeed more than the country [nan though the rarmer will be *r,n* burden of paying high *?? with the preaent prlcen of rm product*. , Youra very truly. R. B. EDNET. Moat of tbote nlghlng for the good old daya wouldn't know which epd df t home to crank f NEGRO IS HELD I ON CHARGE OF HOUSEBREAKING George White to Face Su perior ( j>urt Grund Jury in Connection Willi !{?? cent Thefts Here BOND SET AT SI. (MM) Liquor (j|se Scheduled for Disposal ut Wednesday Morning Session of Kc eorder's Court Finding probable cuuhi- for In dictment on charges of house breaking and larceny. Trial Jus tice P. G. Sawyer held George White, colored, for the term of Superior Court beginning June 15. at the close of u hearing in re corder'a court Tuesday morning. He fixed White's bond at $1.000. in default of which the accused was sent to Jail to await the ac tion of the grand jury in the high er court. White was sentenced to f>0 days on the roads each on two chnrge.t of larceny of goods values at less than $20. and therefore falling within the Jurisdiction of the low er court. He appealed from the Judgments. In the arrest of White, police express the hope that they have succeeded in checking the epidem ic of petty thievery which has raged hero for many mouths. the depredations being confined main ly to automobile tires and acees sorles. White was accused in connec tion with the seizure by police of a camera, two automobile tires, rims and tubs, a Ford generator, an automobile horn and an elec tric toaster at his home on Cobb street early Monday mornins. The kodak was Identified positively by Ellis Alexander, colored barber, as one that had been stolen from bis home a few days before. One automobile tire, the gener ator and horn were Identified par tially by D. T. Meads, a traveling salesman, as corresponding with similar equipment which had beeu stolen Sunday night from cars be 1 longing to several of his assist ant*. the cars having been left parked at the side of the Raleigh Hotel. i Lester Winder, living at Road and Cedar streets, testifying for the State, declared he saw a negro of about th?' same size as White passing his home on the Cedar street side shortly after midnight Monday, carrying an automobile tire on one arm. and Romethlng clutched close to his body with the | other arm. He said he coAld not 'positively Identify the passerby as White. The defendant did not take the .stand. His attorney, Walter L. Cohoon, put on one witness. I^ee 'Clement, colored, who testified that he had left s Ford generator at White's home for White to re pair. Clement undertook to Iden tify the generator, exhibited In court as his own. by a "scratch." which he said he had made on it in taking It ofT his car. The court obviously was not Impressed by the Identification. Leroy Duncan, charged with assault on Murdock Olbbs. young white boy. was fined $5 and costs. Evidence In the case wa? that Glhbs had accused Duncan of stealing, and when upbraided by the latter, had offered the excuse that he was only Joking, where upon Duncan had struck him sev eral tltnen. Inflicting minor Injur ies. Judgment was suspended In the case of Dennis Roughton. fisher man accused of having failed to pay the State license on one or more anchor gill nets, on the con dition that the defendant pay the license fee and the court costs. Trial of liquor charges against Abraham Hobbs, colored, accused In connection with the arrest of James Rrown. colored. Saturday afternoon, was continued to Wed nesday morning. Four pints of li quor were seized when Rrown was arrested, and he If said to have claimed he bought It from Hobbs. The letter's bond was Incressed from $100 to $150 Tuesday morn ing. and an addltlonsl charge of vagrancy was preferred against him. TO CHOOSE H ALL MOGULS TONU.HT "Com# up or ahut up." That in the ftlogan of thn*e mom ki < nlv lntereat< <1 In ar mngrmpm* (or a achedulc of worth while lummcr baaeball hm, In urging all atockhold rra and others Interested to at tend a mating at the Chamber of Commerce tonight at 7 o'clock, at which a board of dl rectora. or executive committor, and offlcera for the propound club will be elected. and oth?*r bualneaa attended to. Thoae active in Aliening up .guarantor* for the summar ball loagti* report having ralaed a little more than 11,000 for a seaaon of alt to eight weeka. with every proapect that Hert ford and Edenton will coma In, and with tha poaalblllty that Ruffolk will enter alao, thereby forming a four-team league. Memorial to Hardiixg to Be Erected at Marion Thin Is the $800,000 memorial to the late President Warren G. Hardini; that the Hardini; Memorial Association will erect at Marlon, Ohio, the late President's hoine. with a fund raised by nation-wide subscription Yhe cornerstone will be laid on Memorial Day. with Vir?* I'rcsidriit Dawc* pmidini:. "Bucky's" Fiancee Misa K lira bet h Sutherland. daughter of Howard Sutherland, alien property custodian and for mer Senator from West Virginia, la reported <iikhk''(I to Stanley Kaymond (llucky) Harris. man alter of the Wa?hlnj;ton American .League ha*<hall team. The wed ding la not expected to tak? place until after the preaent ball aea ?on. Harris, too, cornea from Wont Virginia. SCOUTS HELP FIGHT FIRE NEAK MEREDITH Sir Walter Hotel, Raleigh, May 2 5. ? Boy Scouts in Kalelgh were i given an opportunity lo demon Htrate their value bn fire fighter* ; when they wpro called on to help! fight a forest fire that for a time threatened to heroine serious In | the vicinity of Meredith College west of the city Monday. First fighting equqlpmont wan furnished by Htate Forester J. 8. Holmes who welcomed their assistance. Mr. Holmes, aid only by one other man. the caretaker of the grounds of the old Institute for the rillnd. had fought the fire alone on Sunday afternoon and which by yesterday was burning over a front of three quarter mile;. By nightfall, however, thanks to the good work of the Boy Scouts, the fire had boen brought under con trol . VIGOROUS CHARGE RY JUDGE I. M. MKEK1NS Sir Walter Hotel. Halelgh. May 25.-- A vigorous charge was given the Federad grand Jury at the op-' enlng of the three weeks term of, United State District Court here yesterday by Judge M<x>klns. In which he scored attorneys who block the court docket by accept ing caaea for days when they know they will not he able to appear to, argue them, then getting them i continued, thus congealed the' docket. Blgfd enforcement of the Vol stead act was alao demanded by thn Judge of the grand Jury and talk of modifying thla act was characterized as a "amoke screen" thrown up by bootleggers. He said that Pennaylvanlana might have some moral excuse for vlolatlnt 1 the dry law hut that North Caro llnlans had none. The need for better lawyers In the Stata aa well aa far more ( Judge* with a better understand jlng of human nature waa men-, tioned In the court* of the charge! ' hy .?ndr? M??ktnf COOLIDGE GWES WELCOME TO RED CROSS MEETING Del i vera Addretw in Meal morial Hull to Weirding the I'uii-Amcricaii Itfj Crow Omforcnce TYPIFIES PEACE i Organization Et|irr s?en Spirit of Friendly Co-Op oration of All Nations, Declare* Prmidrnt Washington. May 25.-? The Red Cross has provided a means by which the American people may express their spirit of cohsecratlou to peace and to tha rrlendly coop-, eratlon of all nations, President' Coolldge asserted today In an ad dress welcoming the delegates to the Second I'an - American Hod Cross Conference. Speaking In Continental Memor ial Hall, the President described the Red Crosa as "Hi the trueai sense a popular organization." which "springs from the people," and said that In bringing about such discussions as provided for at the conference the delegated were holding before their respec tive peoples "new Ides Is which can not but have a wider and wider re action." "In recent years." he added, "there has been much discussion of international relation. And. indeed, the need for sttch discus sion in apparent. The appll<^itlon of Nclentlflc discovery to commun ications. to transportation, to in dustry. has hound the counties of the world together lo'l degree our' forefathers could never have an ticipated. "Social organization seldom keeps pace with human activity In science, industry and" commerce. The very complexity of modern governmental problem* Is appall ing to those who share the respon sibility. In the face t>f those In creasing problems of International Intercourse. co-operatWh of the peoples of the world milst rest on a broad and fundamental basis, j Mutual understanding, sympathy ? nd tolerance, must grow up among the peoples themselves and cannot be Imposed upon them. "The Ills of humanity are com mon to all nations a&d afflict u* all alike. The chief factor* con- ] dltlonlng human life and happi ness are still natural rather than social In their character. Our chief problem, and the universal dilem ma of the race Is that of perfecting our adaptation to our natural en vironment: of controlling the blind forces of nature to make them serve as Instrument* of hu man happiness; of cfftumvenllng the operation of nataral cause* destructive of our health, our vi tality. or our lives. As mankind learns to devote Its effofts to these tanks, rather than to futile and In ternecine strife. International re lationships will become tftcreaslng ly cooperative and leas conlrover slsl." TWENTY-FOUR KILLED WHEN TWAINS CHASM Munich, Rarnrla. May 2ft. | Twenty-four peraonn wer?? killed and many Injured today when a j paftftnniter train ran Into another train which had atopped In the Kaat station Several cam of the (rain which had atopped ware tele teopad. tXtTMM NIRIKT New York. May 26. -Jetton fu- i turea opened tod?y at flte follow-' Ini lerela: July 11.21. Oft 1* BO. i Dec. 16.24. Jan. 17.2?. Mar. 17.41. I New York. May 26 -Spot cot ton cloaed Htoady, inkMttM 16.tR.| an adrance of 10 >0Wts. Fu ture# cloning bids: Jmf 12.22, 1 Octobar 17.$#, Dwmb-r 17.61, January 17. it Marrh 17. Crowning the Blossom Queen M Is* Beito ItrtdKffl wan chosen qtiecn of tho annual apple bloa Hom fpMtlval at Winchester. Virginia. This' picture nhnw? her re cHvIiig hor crown from Governor Hurry Hyrrt o( Virginia. Mclean states POSITION STATE f lite* Article From State 4>HiMtitutio!i in donnee tion Federal (Mrr Sir Wwllcr Hotel. Italeigh. May 1 25.? Thai the position of North ! Carolina with regard to tho recent executive order of President Cool Idn authorizing tho employment of atate. cfcunty and city official an Federal Prohibition agent, wait clearly defined by the State Con atltotlon. wan th?* gist of the reply made by t?ov. A. W. McLean to an Inquiry by The New York Times yesterday an to his attitude. 'I he reply of the Kovernnr rend* In part: "I have had no time to give consideration to thin matter. North Carolina's attitude. however, seems to be fixed bv flection Article 14 of the State Const it u tlon wtych provides that: " 'No person who ahall hold any office or place of t rum or profit under the 1'nited Statei, or any department thereof, or under thl* State, or under any othr Mate or government. shall bold or exorcise any other office or place of trust or profit under the authority of this State, or be eligible to a seat In either Hons* of the fJeneral As sembly.* "It might he mentioned In this connection thst the Stale of North Carolina has no State Constabu lary or other officers exercising general police powers. The au thority to exercise such function* Is generally lodged In the local police officers, such as sheriffs In the counties and policemen in the cltlaa and towns " Sheriff l> Bryant Harrison, of Wake County, said that while he would be prevented by the consti tution from becoming a Federal Prohibition Agent, he was sdvla Ing all his deputies, who are the only officers who are allowed by tha State Constitution to set In this capacity, to be sworn st once at dry agents. "1 am heartily In favor of the mova, aa It will be of grest aid to tha sheriffs In the various coun ties In enforcing the prohibition law, he aald. He plana to have all his deputies forms lly sworn In aa dry afftata Wednesday morning at 14 O'clock ? JESSE WYATT OUT ON I'VROLE FOR FUNEKAt. Kir Waller lintel. IUIHkIi, May 2'i Jmm Wyatt. of Wake rointfi nerving from 8 In II month* In < lit' State I*i Ison for raannlHtiKhteT. i Ik out of prison today nn a 12-hour parole to attend tho funeral of hla ulster. who la being hurled today j l:i It or k y Mount. Wyatt'* parole waa IffMiied lata yeaterday iifter noon by Oovernor A. W. Mcl/oan. ' on the recommendation of the I'ardona and Parole* It road to the effect that Wyatt wan to ho permitted to he absent from the prlHon from 7 a. m. to 7 p. m . af which time he must report hark to the warden. MANI IM AM. I'ASSES OVER MOREHEAD CI IT Wilmington. N. C.. May 26. ? ' A neaplaite believed to he the1 1 Iltienoa Aires p***ed over here firing low at H : fin o'clock . Morahead City. N May 26 A Riant neaplane hollered to have been t h' ' Buenoa MAm flying from ;New York to the Anientliio paased over fcare shortly after K o'clock thin njornfng The fflane was fly ing closs to the coast line and pro reeding at a rapid rate of npeed. , j FIFTY BODIES ARE RECOVERED FROM Mill) Toklo. May 25. A dlftpstch to Nlchllflchl says that ,60 bodies have been recovered from the mud i and sand of the Hokkaido Volcano which has been In eruption. JURIST AND AUTHOR DEAD BY REVOLVER l#ondon. May 2V ? Kir Charles Walpol". Jurist nnd author, was found rie>4 in his home in Kens Ingworth court late Innt night. A revolver lay by the body. pvnntiAh mkm \um* The funeral of Mrs Mule Moss, who died at the Connty Home Monday morning at 11 o'clock, was rnndarted at the homa at 1 o'clock Tamday by l>r. J. W. Mar | rell, pastor of Clly Moad Methodist) { Church, and burial made In the 'family burying around near Wln ! fall Mrs. Moaa waa 7 5 yeara old and Is survived by a brother, Jim Rel iance of Camden, and by a slstar. | Mrs. Jennie Hurdle of PerqaUn pna county. Stockholders in Hotel Clear Deck For Early Start On Construction C. 0. ROBINSON TC HEAD HOTEL Tnfiily Dollars in to Im' AHanlcd Winner in Nunirsi for fSttntr C. (). CoMnxon. on*' of IIiIh rliy'n !? tiding young* t hunlnrxi m? 11. was elected picHldcii! of th ? Klizahcth City Hotel Coi |i<>r;it (mi Tuesday. m( Hip ilr/t meeting of the board of directors of tin* cor poration, 'flcsldc* iii., business cancellous. Mr ItoMmmn m prea idem of the Elisabeth CHv Coun try Club. Other officers cl?rtod were: J. Wealey Foreman. tirai vice presi dent; W. T. I?ove. Sr., ri-cond vice president; I., c. Hiades. manner, and R. C Job. accrctary. Mr. Joh is accrcinry of the Chamber of Coin more*', and Inn election to the new position wk? made contingent upon the approval oT the board of directors of the chamber It was believed that till* wnuld be grant ed readily, ns It was expected that Mr. Jch would eont.inue as icci\ - tnry of the liitnr organisation. The directors -ilau elected an executive committee of Ave. to condnct the affairs of the hotel In the interim between meetings of the board. The committee com print C. O. Kobimton. J. Wealey Foreman. W. T. I^ove. Sr.. W. G. (iaither and W. J. Woodley. Sr. The board voted alno to hold a conference with various architect* Tuesday night at the Chamber of Commerce for conaidcralion of plana for the new hotel, but prob ably not for a final decision In the matter. The board decided to hold a contest to select a name for the hotel, with $20 In gold as the prize to be awarded the Individual presenting the appellation choacn. The eontrat will be decided at a meeting at the courthouse Friday night. June 11. at 7:30 o'clock. All entrants have been requested to aubmlt their auggeatlona In sealed envelopea to Secretary Joh. and they may begin aendlng them In at onoe. On the night the conteat cloaca, the envelopea will Ik* opened by the directors In the prcaence of the crowd, and the winning name selected. In the event that more than one conteatant aubmlts the name chosen, the allps bearing tho duplicate appellations will be dropped Into a hat, and the win ning one drawn out. Membcra of the board declare that probably a number of tenta tive plans for the new hot?l will be placed on dlaplay at the meet. Ing, fn order that thoae present may look them over. I'KESIDENT SEES NO CAUSE I OK ALARM Waahlngton, May 2b. Coinci dent with the new outburat In ^Congress against the I'reaidentlal ord?r authorizing employment of 'atate offlcera In prohibition en Iforrement, the White Hnuae to day aald the f'reaident wna ready to modify the propoaal If proven oppressive. The While Houae maintained, however, that the f'reaident saw no cauae for alarm In the order and waa certain It did not consti tute an Invaalon of atate sover eignty but waa rather an aid to tho atatea. irvinc. cohh talks ; THEN JOYCE H AW LEY AT HATH TUB TRIAL New York, Ma> 2*. ? T I. r (Government ?prnng m nurprlw n( the resumption of K?rl t'nr n?ir? "bnth tub" party lrli?l I?h dtff by railing IrvlnR Cobb, writer nml gurnt nt t lie pnrly, In Ihn prtmiil. It hail bwn Mnnounrr?| yea irnlay thai i?hIh>'h flrwt wllnrtm w?al<l In* Joyce Hnwl?->, fdtow (Ctrl >?n?l allrfnl ore upnnt of the bnthtuli from whlrh drinks were nnM to have Ikth wrvfrt. Cohh t entitled t lint mm hr wm ihmit to Ifavw the ( m? toll Thea ter eMrly In the morning of lul. Kehmar) 22. < nrroll urvrd him to rem* I n m he wmm "going to pal on n Ntant of n girl In m tuh." On rroMM elimination by <ounM-l for < 'nrroll, who In rbitrged with perjury, t'ohb ?ald hr wm n ? h we |ktw?mI nr> qunlntnnre of thr theatrical mnn m ml mo fur mm hr knew ( 'Mr roll '? vrrarlty wmm excellent. Joyrw HmwIm lintlflwl i*r*t. Mhe mm Id that not onl> or rupWwl the hnth t?ih on the atMitn of thr Carroll Thmtrr hot that *hr wm dtnnk when ?hr go# Into It fro?n Ifcpior MTVftl her In the thmtw. Kb o (MtlAnl that *4ve Imd been of frred |)WI hy mm armorial* of tarroll If 4m> would apprar hr fnra the grand Jury and My there WM HO ? bMin|Mgl>e or whtr wned at the party. Kuard of Fifteen Director* Elected, (Charter and By Uw* Adopted, and Other Business Transacted NAME NOT SELECTED \ irginiu Dare Obviously Preference of Majority, But Action on Christen i tift Is Postponed Electing a board of 16 di rectors, adopting a charter and by-laws, and authorizing the new board to meet with out further notice to name of* ficers for the corporation, stockholders in the new hotel last night cleared the decks for the early beginning of construction of the hosteinr at a meeting at the courf [ house, at which about ipo were present in person, and many more by proxy. The directors elected, and tl f volt'H they received. were: C,T Robinson. 3260; L. C. Blllgifr 3098; W T. Culpepper. $. C. n. Bhrlnghaus. 3228; J. W e?i ley rormun, 2982; W. G. GalU er. 32?fi; M. P. Gallop. 2896; O. F. Gilbert. 2608; L. Roacoe Fot* man, 2671; H. G. Kramer, 31fl? G. R. Littla. 3063; W. T. Lor*. 8r/. 2767; W. J. Wood Icy. Sr.. 3051; BIInIib Com>?rsmlth, It#t \ and J. T. MeCabc. 2428. Theae directora were choiep I from a Hat of 26 submitted by a ! nominating committee, after the Htock holders had voted favorUf-4 directorate of that site. Thoae vot I Inn were glvci? the prtvUac* At < adding any names they and In all. 41 candidates T~ ' voted on. (he others L-;iig '4 White. W. F. Duff. O. 0,/ ham. Dr. I. Fearing, W. P. ner. C. W. Oalther. ?. C. Co.. T. P. Naah, J. C. flawyer, 8. , Johnson. W. B. Foreman. C. Robinson. A. Lee Rawllnga, M. ??. Jonen, W. Is. Small. W. H. Weat* jerly. Sr.. Dr. L. S. Blades, If; LoiKh Sheep, N. 8. Leary, M. 'Clark, W. T. Old, A. B. Houtt, M. (G. Morrlaette. Dr. A. L. Pendleton, Henry Sanders and P. H. Wti ' llama. i o r po ration (hrlMeoetl The nimf of the now company whn decided upon an the KllsabetE i City Hotel Corporation, and it wan votad to flx the maximum I capital Mock at 9450,000. Offleers to be elected aro a prcaldent, oda or more vice prealdenta, a Mcrt< tary and a treasurer, It being pro vided that one Individual may hold the office* of secretary and 1 treasurer, or of vice president and 'secretary, or treasuror. but that one person may not hold all three offices. It was announced that a total of 986 1,000 In stock had been taken to date. The meeting wan presided ovef , by C. O. Robinson, In the capacity 'of temporary chairman. Mr. Roh j Inson had been chairman of the ! hotel executive committee, and at i the opening of the seeslon last 'night was promptly elected to the chairmanship of that. The charter I and by-la wh were presented l?y J, JC. II. Ehrlnghaus. AinonK other things, thf by laws provide that the dlreatora shall aerve one year, or until tfcflir aucceaaora "hall have qugllMl. they to be elected by the stoafc holders In snnual meeting on the third Monday in January each j year. Special meetlnga shall ha railed upon the requeat of one third of the atockholdera. Tha di rector* are given power to ela* i or appoint all neceaaary offloera. make contracta with hotel operat ing companies, flx renta Ik, and generally control the operation a# {the hotel property. A majority of the directors shall constitute a quorum. They are given author ity to appoint sn executive eoas mlttee of Ave members to trans art bualneas between the meetings of the directorate. " ^ Kstnnwmil to Hay Kits The directors sr* empowered to flx the compensation of the hotel officers and of thrmselvae, aad t? amend the by-laws, within aertala rentrlotlna embodied In the 4har-* iter. At the close of the me?&-t log. the stockholders voted feo glee them authority to purchase the j tentative hotel site at Fearing abd MrMorrlne streets at g price fit 9*2.500. and In their dlacretlaii I to buy a aecond lot fronting ea> | I'olndexter street at an option ftg ure of 911.500, both propertied 2V present being owned by Galit* dk Sawyer, real eatate dealers.* lacking adding marhtnee. t stockholders present at tha meet ing tackled a considerable teak when they undertook to eouat tha balinta. Thla look nior? than gn hour, and when It had beea com pleted at U o'clock, only a amatl handful of the original crowd re mained to learn the outcooM^' Hotel Name Contest The matter of naming tha hotaT 1 Continued on page 4)

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