i t IRt't'LATtON TtKHD.1V 2,953 Copies VOL. XVL FINAL EDITION IHK_?lJCATHK* T'.iii tonight Hint Thursday. Not. m iirli rlMliKf in trluporaturr. Mod runt- w'l'.st and iHMihwcsi winds. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 3. 1320. SIX PACES. NO. 136. RESULT IN IOWA TELLS STORY OF ' NATIONAL TREND Effect of Triumph of Smith W. Brook hurt i? Republican Primary Will Be Unmistakable COOLIDGE "SUPPING" That I* Eiicour?I(iiiII Idea L ?/ Republican Presidcn fV-Ual Candidate* Who Are Spreading the News v B>' DAVID UWItliVCK XMnnoi m ,, .. 7,,"I>,nK1?n. Juno 9. -What ac ihJ happened ^ IOW11 "nd Wh?'i the political world will inter! ij? hD1 , m">' ">? two different things but the effect of the trt UBph of 8a?lth W. nrookhart In the Republican primaries against ' 8?na.tor Cummins will be unmls-, IMS ole. "'publican Presidential candidates with whom the wish Is rather to the thought will derive ?jcouragement and will assist In pH.^ 40 lmP"sslon that Pxealdent Cooltdge i? "slipping" political strength. Second the champions of farm rener and meaaurea like the Hau bill will win the support of ' mora Democratic Senators who ?ee the beat chance In two years to split the Republican party at the primaries with the hope of winning Democratic seats to the ,n *utumn elections. Third, the White House will lean less in the direction of the radical farm programs than here-! tofore because with the Iowa elec tion over ? the one contest In Which the administration's sup port of a subsidy farm program, might have done some good ? there is little need for anything of the same kind In other Senatoriui primaries. _ Fourth, the adjournment of Congress will bo somewhat de- 1 jayed as the advocates of farm re Wt mMk9 a '*?? spectacular stand IW the hope of flfampeding the ?d-| ?W"lHtr?tion into a change of ' r fWwpolnt. The affect msy be the passage of the Haugen bill with 1 subsequent emasculation thereof in conference betweon the House and Senate. If Indeed, the House | does pass a substitute measure I like the Aswell bill when a Sen- j ate measure comea over to the House for action. The usual denunciations of the primary system will unquestion ably follow the analysis of the Io- ' Wa primary. It Is a curious turn j of fate that Albert D. Cummins Is now defeated by the very set of circumstances which used to help him. In 1906, for example, when Claude R. Porter ran on the Dem ocratic ticket for governor there ' were Republicans who supported] him because they did not relish I the radical Cummins. Now Mr. Porter Is the Democratic nominee I for Senator and the conservative 1 Republicans are expected to help him in order to avoid the election of the radical Brookhart. Mr. Porter Is popular In Iowa. He came within 20.000 vot*s of beat ing Mr. Cummins for governor In ItOS and that was a time when w" Republican by about 160,000. Several weeks a?o when the Steck-Brookhart content wan go ing on In the Senate, the writer 1 mat Claude I,. Herring, Democra tic National committeeman from Iowa, and asked him what he fore- 1 saw. This was his prophecy: "Brookhart will be unseated ? . and Democratic votes in the Sen ate will help to do it. Cummins ^frill then be defeated in the prl ?fearlee by Brookhart ? and many] ^Democrats who believe In Brook hart will help him win. And then we will elect another Democratic j Senator In Iowa, just as we did 1 Dan Steck, for the conservative1 Republicans will Join the Demo crats rather than re-eleet Brook hart to represeut Iowa once i more." Whether Mr. Herring's prophe-l cy will come true depends on how vociferously Smith Brookhart , makes his campaign an anti-Cool- ' Idge affair and alienates Republi can votes which are pro-Coolldge. 1 Also It depends on how the state and national Republican organise- < tlona develop their strategy for there are a few regular Republl-I cans who are going to advocate making peace with Brookhart In the hope Of getting a Republican vote on matters of orxanliatlon. i assuming, of course, that the po- r lttlcal line-up In the next Senate will be as close aa It was three years ago when astute leaders of i the conservative wing of the party even made peace with Senator I^a Pailette wo ss to retain a Repub-j Ucan vote on questions of com mittee assignment. As for Claude Porter he Ih just the type that would make an ap peal to conservative Republicans as -contrasted with Mr. Brookhart ?a* he was an agslstant attorney vMaeral under the Wilson admlnls ??ftstlon and later general counsel vf the Federal Trade Commission. Weanwhlle Mr. Coolldge Is saying nothing hilt he knows that the ef fort of the Republican party toj retain control of tho United States Senate in Novemfcfr must be a HNivom one. for nla own a4mln-i i oa trial more than ever I COLERAIN TAKES BERTH IN LEAGUE Seanon to Open Officially Monday; Mike Smith Re ports for Game c)rg>Hilzatlon of H four team Northeastern Carolina baxnball league. under an arrangement whereby the schedule will start of ficially Monday, wan effected Tuesday night at a meeting at Hertford, which wan attended by representative^ o 1 that town. Edenton and Coleraln. Elisabeth City wan not represented official ly. due to a prior arrangement for the board of directors of the club to appear before the noard of School Trustees, to ask that they permit the use of Hie high school diamond free of charge. Their re quest was granted. At the meeting In Hertford, a conference was called between rep resentatives of the four member clubs in Hertford Thursday after noon at 1 o'clock, to decide upon a schedule for the six weeks of league baseball proposed. Also, the field managers of the four teams were asked to meet In llert ford Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock for the selection of two of ficial umpires, with the under standing that one will officiate In each game, and that the second umpire for the game will be chos en by agreement of the managers of the two teams playing. The representatives also took up tentatively the matter of provid ing shower baths for the use of the players In each town after the games. As a preliminary to the season, garnen have been arranged be tween Hertford and Klis?l>eth City In Hertford tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock, and between the same teams in this city Friday after noon at 5 o'clock, and between this city and the Newport News Independents here Saturday after noon at the same hour. The Inde pendents are rated one of fastest outfits In their class in Tidewater Virginia, having won all five of the gamea they have played this season. At the Hertford conference, It was agreed between the represen tatives of the three teams that all league gameis would begin at 4:30 o'clock.. Mike Smith, one of the hardest hitters on last summer's team here, arrived at noon Wednesday, in time for participation In the game In the afternoon. He has been at William and Mary Col lege this year, and has been play ing stellar ball there. With him came Tunstall .a left handed pitch er sent down by Dave Robertson, of the Norfolk Tars. Rotarians Enjoy Outing On River Member* of the llnyn' Hand and the children of the Anna L. I/ewla Home were gueata of the Elizabeth City Rotary Club at a picnic at the Home Tueaday after noon from fi:30 o'clock until dark. Planked flah nmoklnR hot and cooked to a turn under the expert aupervlalon of Rotarlan S. B. Par ker were, an at laat year'* picnic, the principal Item on the bill of fare. and theae flanked with pota to aalad and corn bread. made a feaat that was enjoyed by all More than 200 fish and trlmmlntta thereto had been dlaponed of by the Rotarlans and their guentn be fore the crowd had dlsperaed. and that la making no mention of the quantltiea of pop and block ice cream conaumed. A roualntc breete from the river and Ramon In which RotarlaOa aa well an membera of the band In dulRed helped to whet the appe tite* of the crowd while they wait ed for the flah to cook. IIKI AND IIH.IMI TO STAND FOR PRESENT Taria, Jun" f). Thr ninth rov ernment of Arlatlde Hrland atanda united at least for the preaont. The tension cauaed by a thoua and and one rumor* of chanRcn or realRnatlona In the ministry ap pears to have been llRhtened af ter a meeting of the cabinet t h la morning. After the meetlnR It waa declared that there waa no queatlon of a cabinet crisis. IN <X>NHTANTINOPI,F. Edward 9. Bell, known to frionda here aa "Honey" Hell. ha? reached faraway Constantinople In the coutee of a trip aa chief engl neer aboard a large ateamihlp which will take him to Russia and many other foreign landa. Includ Ing Houth Africa, before he re turns home Word of his arrival In the Turkish capital waa received In a latter to his mother. Mrs. J. K. Parker, of this city. He en poets to arrive home In Septem ber. OtHTOM MAflKKT New York. Jqne 8. ? Cotton fu- 1 lures opened today at the follow levels: July It. 39, Oct. 17.40, Doc. 17. tt. Jan. 17. ft. March 1T-M. New York. June 9 Spot cot ton eloaed quiet. I pointa decline; middling ll.lt. Future*, cloning Md: July October ' 17.11, Dooottbor 17. ta. Ja?oary 17.11,1 1 1.%?. - She^Fills.in for Husband ' When her husband, who paints steeples and flsgpolee for A wss hart in a traffic accident, Mrs. F. C. EnsmingT of Bay City, Mtrh.. looked ' 4p his contracts and sot out to AH them for him. She aoon learned that to? oaUlni on her ?erv? '-ouWJ Ar> ?h? Job almr>?t as wall ni h*> could* % Above the ?J ciioxiii p.lntinj a *iftO foot .tadpole ,it Ertltaa. Tea. < HOYLE Sh\h FINDS AN HONEST LAWYER Sir Walter Hotel, Italdgh. June 9.-? The old adau*' thai there Ih nothing new under the sun may be all right for mo m e poople. but not for H. Hoy)* Sink. Commiaaloncr of Pardon* and Paroles. No slree! Thla hungry looking commis sioner. who I* ho easily identi fied aa ht- walks acroaa Capitol Square by the cane wlilrli he toHHi'H about ro playfully, ia ac customed to litttenlng hour af ter hour and day after day to talea of woe -from friends of priaoners aeeklng their parole or pardon. It ia the name old story. Hut now cornea some thing new. flrand new! Mr. Sink made an engage ment with a lawyer who wss to appear before him to preaent an appeal for a parole for a cer tain prisoner. A few daya later the lawyer wrote that after fur ther Investigating the cane he waa convinced that Ilia client <1 Id not deserve a parolf> and that he consequently would not appear in behalf of his client. "That la something new." aald Sink. "If more lawyer* were If k ?- that one we would be aaved a lot of wanted time." RECORDER HOLDS N. C. LAW INVALID Hlnrkii Effort Cirt Rail fihrck Mpaxurc to u Higher < >ourl Stepping boldly into the breach. C4unty Judge P. O. Sawyer hold ; North Carolina'* now bad check ! law unconstitutional In recorder's ! court thin morning, thus blocking a renewed effort to get the North ' Carolina Supremo Court to pass on the statute. The defendant was I David Purdy. Bertie County negro, and the check In quoetlon wan ono given the Atlantic Discount cor poration of thin city County Prosecutor LeRoy asked ? for a special verdlrt so that the I Supreme Court could pass on the' Issue hut his requodt was denied by the court. The new check law. which was passed by th^ last General Assembly, has got before the Supreme Court twice, hut In each Instance the higher tribunal has sidestepped the Issue, throw Ing out the appeal on a technical Ity without passing on the constl tutlonallty of the law. Prank Parker, colorcd. was flnod $f?n and costs of ronrl fOl the carrying of concealed weap on*. Parker claimed that he had taken the weapon ?Jrom another boy at a dance earlier In the even ing and that when he saw the po lice coming he was afraid and had thrown the platol away. N. C. SUPREME COURT ADJOURNED TODAY Raleigh. June 9.-?The State' Supreme Court concluded Its; spring term and adjourned sine die at 12:36 o'cloek thla afternoon [after handing dawn a hatch of de jclalona. The court will reconvene ' August 23 for the purpose of ?*- 1 awltlOf apflfeanfs f *r Jtc*ne*a I _ SURVEY WOMEN BEGINS JULY 1ST Win Inrludr 77,(HH? l?co pic of Representative In- i <lii*lrirtt Tliruotit State Sir "Walter Hotel. ItaleiKh. June 9. The survey o t Women In In dustry In North Carolina will bo undertaken about July 1. and will Include wimp 17.onn people from! all the representatives industries In the Stale, It whs announced to-' day by the Child Welf4+6 Commis sion. under whoso direction the work In to be done. The ComtnlwHlon is composed of Mrs. Kate Burr Johnson, chair man, A. T. Allen. State Superin tendent of Public Instruction and Dr. (?. M. Cooper, of the State Board of Health. Miss Bllzaheth Kelly will be associated with Mr 12. F. Carter, necretary of the com mission making the survey, and will be in active charge of the field work, according to an an-] nouncenient by Mrs. Johnson to- ' day. Miss Kelly in well fitted to un dertake this work, hk she has been associated with the State Depart ment of Public Instruction for many years, flrst as a school teach er, later as m county supervisor in Johnson County and trdm 1917 until Ifi23 xhe has been doing edu cational field work for the tobac co co-operative annoctdtlons. She has been asked to come to Raleigh an soon nn possible sb that the survey may be gotten Wilder way at once. Although the survey #111 not In clude hh many cities rift had been originally planned, it ^ir fit never thelenn be equally as f^pfeaenta- ? tlve as If it took In the original number, it is said. Ttofr survey of wom?-n engaged In th^ textile In dustry will be made chiefly In (rantoma, Charlotte and Greens boro according to the tentative plans of the commlnsldn now. The survey In the tobacco industry will largely l?e confined to Durnam and Winston-Salem. ComHtloft* under which women are employed In laundries will be made In about 1 20 of the large cities bf the State, i RETURNS CONTffttlE OVERMAN# I, KAD, llal'Un, Juno 9. -Flfly-nine complete rotintl?>n and rfftftlal re t u rim from othera Kit f Senator Overman 114,244 vol*"* over 76, 076 for Uobert KcynoM*. message t eli i Of WARD'S WHEREABOUTS Philadelphia, June 9.- A rar rlfr |ilK?'on wan found In ftrynan thyn. Pa., today hearlftft a mea aaK?> purporting to have ne??n *ent by Wflll'-r S. Ward of the Npw York millionaire baking family. Th'> mrnnagM said the #rt<?T w?? held raptlvp In a shark |hr^ mile* Hbovr Trenton, Now Jersey. on th" east ald?* of the l>?fiwire Riv er. Ward disappeared HM months Ago. BKOOKRART kfcfcPS LEAD OVER CUMMINS, Dea Molt) en. la.. June t. ? Col onel .Smith Urookhart maintained a lead over flenator COTfttntfls to- i day with nearly gfnrallty COUNTY FEEDER ROADS RAPIDLY BEING FINISHED l'ouriiii! of Coiarrrtc on SiihoikN (>?rk Itoud <?omp!eted, unci Siiitilur Work Besint on E*lip OTHER IMPROVEMENTS River .Shore Drive . Proln thly to he One i?f Fir*l Paved, if Additional B:>nd I**ue I* Authorized With favoring wmhIIht, 11m* feeder road program now being carried out by tin* Pasquotank Hltchway Commission steadily is Bearing completion. The pouring of concrete on the Slmonds Crick Road, germinating at Old Weeks vltlo. has been completed, and construction force* been n pnurln*: concrete on the Ksllp Itoud Wed nesday of this week. The Job in exopeted to be finished in about two weeks, weather permitting. The next concrete Is to be ponred on the gap left In the I 'ear trek Road near the farm el Pi J. H. White. This cap Is about halt a m I If lonii. and wan bit to permit a swamp fill to settle. The ?Offeactorn expect to no to work MT as soon as the paving or Call? Road is completed. "fhe shoulders on tin- Salem Road, from New Wccksvllle two miles to Salem Baptist Church, hav* been folly grad? d. members, o$ the engineering force report, and the road now is in excellent . cbndltion. In connection with the pavlm. of the Slmonds Crerk Road, the two stores at Old Weeksvllb' w? i* moved back 2f? feet, and the sharp curve In the brick road hi that point was reduced materially. The bridge over Slmonds Creek. near the western terminus of the road. It h 1 1U undor construction. It is to bo almost Identical in roust ruc tion with the Knobbs Creek bridge oa the Fork Road. When the Various down-the County paving pmji-eta have b*?on finished, the hardsurfitring of the River Road, running about two miles westwardly from the ter minus of the Ncwlatid Highway at Ncwland Methodist Church, to a point near Fred Brothers' store. Is to be begun. Contracts for all the feeder roads were hid in by the tlrm of K. L. Williams, of this city. Tn the event that the proposed $250.000 bond issue for additional f?cder road construction Is auth orised by the next General As sembly. It Is Indicated that one of the first construction projects un dertaken will be the psvlnt; of the River Shore Road, from the ter minus of Riverside avenue along Pasquotank River In a loop con necting with the Weeksvllle High way at Bpworlh Methodist Church. The Pasquotank High way Commission has gone on rec ord as favoring this project. Dan Mann Winner In Dare Primary Manteo. June ft. ? Complete pri mary return* In l>ar* County, made available through the ren dnrlnit of return* to the County Hoard of ISIectlons here today, ahow that Dan K. Mann wan win ner In the rare for the Democratic nomination for sheriff. with a to tal of 262 vote*. There wen- two other contendera. C. W. Mann and W. B. Tlllett, who received 17ft and 214 VOtea. reapectlvely. In the conteat for rlork of the rourt. Chauncoy H. Meeklna waa vlctorloua over W. II. Kearlna hy a vot*? of 4f.fi to 212. There were no other contents for county of fice*. For l'nlt?-d Statea Senator. l('*ynolda received 407 votes, an mmparod with 1KB for Overman. In the nollcltorahlp race. Small waa overwhelmingly ahead of l/onx, recelvinK 102 volea to the latter'a 51. SENATOR HOBINSON FLAYS LAWMAKING Durham. June 9. ? The "orgy" of lawmaking that In awefpliiK America piling up irntold "thoua Hnda of uaeleaa statutes" war* flailed hy Senator Joaeph T. Roh inaon of Arkaoaa* In hi* addreaa loday at the c6mmenf<*m' nt e*er- . rl*ea of Duke ifnlveralty. The Democratic minority lead* if of the Senate der|ar<*d that a rommon *fallaey prevail* that for i very aoelal and iiolltlral III which mortal flenh la helr-6> a complete remedy may b?' found' In aome new xtatute. " Sixteen thousand writ ten enactment* of diversified nub |<>c^matter exlat already for re*u- ' latlon of tho averaue man a con duct, he added. RHAZIMAN IS RACK ' AT COUNCIL TABLE June ?. ? Doctor Al frano Metio Franco. Ilr?ill'? rep reaentatlre who attainted hlmaelf fro? the open tun mealing of the 91 Nailonu Council, took lilt MM at t ha conference table Youngest Southern Champ I ? 4 "resenting Mill Marlon Turpi* of New Orleans, new southern golf chanv ion She U only 10 unit la the youngest player ever to win the title. I?peria down aouth believe Mnrlon will be snothVr Alex* Stirling, former Atlanta star, who broke Into the golfing spotlight several years i** II i I. F HOI. I h IV f /' ion nismssio.x ruts k ir am ni> s A Imlf holiday dnilim I ???? MiimiuiM month* N Muk 'll? ch.smnI iircly nitimiu m imi ninl thi'lr <iti|dn\?v4. \Vnh1c-.du3 or *l'l? nf trmooti wh'itii* to hi' hum o sil bf?ctor> i1i.mii nflcinoou to iIiom- wlio have f-j far ??* (inwwvl IlimW'lvn. Friday afternoon, for In utaiirr. Im a very Im oiiycnictii ( lm? for bankers to rlnsr and llir Krorory Klorc miinnucrx ?!?? clan* that Friday is Ihr worst afternoon in (ho wvk to rlose with tlm cxrcjillon of Saturday. Tim ho|>e is adviinccd t li;i ( nil hiihiiH'Hii roiH-rrn* ran ??!????? on llir Kiunc da) for closlnc and thai a larK?*r numfx'r (linn ncr may Join In I lie holiday. riUMJUM IS VARIED AND entertaini m ; Moyock. Juno 0. - Tho com meiicemeiit nxerclura of i h'* Mo yock Klementu ry School were h"ld j Tueaday evening. The pro k rain 1 wan varied and altogether very ?*n t <? rt a i n I ii k The children acquit ted themaelve* w#jll. K row I ho I opening rhorua until tho final drop of the clirtgin the children main4 tained rh?- same m |*1 r It of ehthua laam. A World Pageant. "I'uder the Stara and SI ripen." presented by the pupil* of tho liilnrmeillHiA ami flrammar (iradea wns ditprclally attractive. Tho co?tume? were quite nt r ik in k and (h<- daneea and aong* characeriatic of each nation represented. The following program wan pre sented "We're Mlgh'y (Had to Hon Von," Elementary Pupil*; "Welcome," Julia Godfrey; Too Many fSreen Applea," Primary Iloya. "The Moo (!ow," Mary Crpwkmon , "Vacation," Thoma? Sullivan; "Speak I'p Ike mid "Spreaa Yo'aelf," Hhuiche Lee; May Polo Dance, Intermediate and Grammar (Iradea. Johnny'a Pa.' Klwood Jordan, "We've Clot t h< Mumps," Intermedial*' and dram mar Orndea. "Soap." .Ir-*ae Kver* ett; "Little Waaherwoman." Pri mary Olrla; "Wlieru the Spank weed r?rowa," Kuritiit Murray; I'm doing to Tell My Mm on You. Mary f reek more and Km d Saw yer; "1,'nder the Stan and Sirlpea." Intermediate and drum mar drade*; '.tuat Smile ?md Say dood-bye," Kl?<m?-ntary I i- | pila. TO ai?i?hi:ms ORIlKIt Walter L. Cohoon. of tliia rity. attorney and former general roun del of the North Carolina Highway Commission. will he th?? principal speaker at a celebration at Naah- t ville. S. C. Thursday night, com memoraflftg the nineteenth anni reraary of Naahville Lodge 201. Junior Order of United American , Mechanlra. An elaborate pro- , |ram haa been arranged for the event, according to new* from Va?h*|||# WEARIES OF WAR TURNS DESERTER Privali* (Jure, Mem phi* Iltini* llrld I'risoiHT in Damascus (iladrl fly .IOIIN OlNTHKIl Beyrouth. June X. ? Private < ? 1 1 - bert Clare, 2f?, u Cniverslty ki'hiI uate and the only America n In the French Foreign Loglnn, has rnmn 19 1 end of hla Syrian adven tnre. lie I h hold prisoner In lh? Diunasc-tia Citadel under possible sent ciiee fo death. Clare khw service on the west crn front during the world war and wanted morn advent urn of the Maine sort. Ho joined I h n |og Ion and wax sent to Syria, where he took pnrt In Ihn capture of Sulda. Ah lalo an lam week he gained the pralne of hla command ing officer. Then, suddenly, he tired of war faro and decided to<rit?aort. Tak ing six memhnra of thn legion with him, ho made hla ogcapo toward the trans-Jordan frontier, near which iho legion had boon posted. A French outpour, caught him and h Ik companion* and returned them to headquarter*, where It first wan reported they had been summarily executed. - Now It appears that powerful neutral Influence was brought to bear to aave ("lam's life. Hla dos sier haa been sent to Paris with the possibility that the usual death aentnnce may be changed to jlfe Imprisonment on Devil's Is land or some fit her French penal colony. Clare was horn In Memphis, Tennessee. IIIITH nilYAN OWKNS IS I.KAIUN(; SKAKS Miami. June fi. Incomplete re turns at I o'clock from the I H count b ii of tlif Fourth Congrea Hlonal District give Mrs. Ituth llryah *Ow??n a load of ii?i votes ova r W J. Sears. Jacksonville, Fla . June 9. The outcome of the race by Mrs. ; ftuth Itrvan Owe?>. daughter of t he Inte William J' linings Hryan. first woman to a> efc Congreaslnna I honor# front Florida ? held the ln |er?-st of F'lorlda today as returns from the stale Democratic pri mary were tabulated. With little more than two-thirds of I tie est iin.it' d VOte In the fnurth ''on;; re*sions I district tabul-dcd. Mrs. Owen led Congressman J. W. Sears by about 400 votes. WIIIIMMNi, HOSS I'lUKI) JULY T KUM Albemarle. N. C.. June ft. ? The rase of N C.' Cranford, alleged "convict whipping foreman,' was postpone^ in Stanley Superior Court today until the July term. Cranford la alleged to have , whipped three negroea to the point of death, all of then* dying l??e*. - ? HOTEL CONTRACT SIGNED AND SITE PURCHASED ALSO of Dirrrtor* Knltfy Karlirr Agrcrniriit With l i >or Company, and Take I'p Option on Property ' " I'WKMl YEAH I, K ASE Mil?.* Mrrtinn to lie Held at Coiirthou?e Friday Night lor Srleetion of Name And Award of Prixe Contract (or the operation of ilw now $425.000 community ho tel to ho built here thin year waa lei Wedneaday night to the Wil liam Poor Motel Operating Com pany, of Richmond, on the baala of a 20 year lease, member* of the hoard of directors of the recently formed Elizabeth City Hotel Cor? pnratlou announced today. i -r.. The contract atlpulatea that the operating company ahall hare (all use of the main hotel building, fronting on McMorlne and Fearing streeta, but not of the Main street arcade or of the garages which It Ih proposed to erect on the Pojn dt-xter street aide of the property. The operators are to pay C, Jitf i cnt annually on the hotel Invegtr nient, and are to meet all taxes, depreciation and Insurance coitf. Then the remainder of the Imrtr^g from the hotel la to he divided on a baala of SO per cent to the ho tel stockholders, and 40 per calf to the operating company. jj The William Poor company was represented by C). W. Donnell, gen eral manager, who was in OS^fef* : ence with the hotel directors throughout the day. Signing C?f the lease was In the nature of rat ification of like action taken by i ho original executive committee, which was supplanted by the pres ent hoard of director* when Hm hotel corporation waa formed. The directors also formally pur chased the aiN^<n( the hotel, frett ing on Main, McMorlne and Peer ing atreeta, at the option figure of |52. 500 tendered by the ow| ers. flallop # Sawyer. local reel i estate dealera. They took no aetlOn however, on a second option of $12.500 on a lot fronting on I'olndexter atreet. and running back to the property on which has been proposed the erection of Kit rages to be operated In connec tion with the hotel. Thl? baa been advised by archltecta con sulted recently, according to C. IO Itohlnson. president of the ho Jtel corporation. Mr. Donnell stated that the (company ho represents la contem plating the early extension of It* chain to Include 100 modern ho tels. rnalnly along the South Af lantlc Seaboard. Such an exten sion. It is felt here, should co^ tribute materially to the Income '?f the Elizabeth City hotel, elnefc the operating company advertlsoa extensively. The name of the new hotel will be decided upon at a mass meeting to he held at the courthouse filira Friday night at 7:80 o'clock, St which a contest will be held In which the individual prea#tiMs the appellation choaen will b? awarded a prize of ttO In geld. Tho contest was opened 46vei^| weeks ago, and many entrlea hare been made The general public haa been Invited to attend the meeting Everyone la eligible to enter the competition, the rules stipulating that all suggeeted names be sent In aealed enve lopes. to Secretary Job. of toe Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Job alao is secretary of the hotel, cor poration The envelopes could be j marked "hotel contoat," In order that they may not be confused with ordinary mall While nothing definite haa b+*9 settled upon as to the design of the new hotel, othnr than that'll Is to have 100 guest rooms and an arcade entrance from Main atreet, the dlrrclora have expressed them selves as inclined to put up a structure some ten atorlee high, with the roof so constructed that It can be utilized later aa a roof Kard?n at very small additional cost With such an elevation. Jt' would command an unrivalled vl''W of (he beautiful Pasquotank K Ivor. RAILWAY PANS FDR IMTINO MUNCHES Nnw York. Jnn?* !? -Tti^T Mi* York Central fin I lr<>?k<1 Comfy today announced plan* for ronanl l<l ?? f Iff r If* principal RtihMidlarled. Iho Mlrliicn n Central. th* Clara land. Cincinnati. Chicago ft IH. IjOiiI*. and lhr? Cincinnati Nortlr <>rn ra llrnjirln. through Ions t?rni Ionhou At the Hmc tlmi Ik# 4 pany will Incrcaiio It* auth capital Mock from $400.000.6 to t&oo.ooo.ooo I'INCHOT TELLS HOW f Mrc.1l H K KXPKNDED Washington, Juno 9 ? UOM? f I'lnrhot (old t ha Hon* to campaign fund pommlllM today thai h# and hi* *tat*-wld* organisation had contributed so mot h Ina oyar H54. 000 to hl? unaucacaaftil ftanatorlal campaign agalnat Senator and R*pra*ft<attv# Var#.

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