of t ii ^ con C00L1DGE SEEKS NEW REMEDY FOR RELIEF FARMERS No Indication Opposition Administration to HuU|l en Meaaure Abated; Sub stitute be Welcomed HEAKS HAIJGEN And lmpreaaion Prevail* That Hope of Framing t Measure Acceptable to President Not Abandoned By DAVID UWWiKCE HiMtrMH ItM am Th? Waahlogtoa, June 12.? Preal i>rt CooUdce Ims determined that If there to e chance for a con structive proposal for farm relief to be adopted at this session of Congreee. he will five It every en couragement and support. The visit of Representatives Hnugen and Dickinson of Iowa and Representative Anthony of Kansas to the office of Secretary Mellon Is the firs* step in a get-to gether program. The meeting arranged through the good of fices Of Representative Mengea or the Pennsylvania delegation. The purpose of It w?b to exchange views on the economic phases ox the various suggestions that have been made for farm relief. Mr. Mellon on his side was an xious to get first bnnd the views of those who are advocating an equalization fee and subsidy pro gram. The Secretary listened carefully to the arguments pre sented and aatd he would study tile problem further and perhaps make some suggestions. ' The President has been exam ining many letters and memor anda on the subject. In tact has been ?lvlng his time In recent weeks mostly to farm relief pro posals He Is definitely con vinced that the proposals <bua far made would not benefit the fawn ?f to the extent that Is claimed. Oder the various pieces of legis lation proponed |ie tee Is that the rplus will p?k? oil Of the hands the farmer whnn the time cornea for the atportla* prlea to be Hied. In other word*, assuming that the entire aurplaa la handled by an eiport corporation. .tM ?ue*" t ion la raised that the Tarmer wll have sold his grains and will not have any further control over the price that will be obtained In the export market. Mr. Mellon's Interest In the farm problem la frota ifce finan cial standpoint. He wlaaes to sat iety himself as 10 the Mlent to which the Government funds Would have to be used ill financ ing export operation?. It can be said authoritative!^ however, that there Is no likelihood that the principles hitherto advocated by the Western Republicans whohave been championing the McNary Hgugen plan w|M be accepted by the admlnlstrstlo?, U ItjOn the other hand, very probahib that analysis of the scheme will be forthcoming from the administra tion very soon U will be recalled that Vice Preelden* Dawee has Men In consultation recently with advocates of farm relief legisla tion and that be ha a declared thai a plan could be developed which would be economically soubd. , tlr. Dawes, who was st the bead ef g big bsuklng Instltutloh be for himself considerable preetlge fore h ecame to Washington, won as an economist In connection Tjlth the lettlement of the Oerman fep a re t ion problem. News of hw leaning toward the plans of the western Republicans has created Mftucb talk in administration circles [where It la feltithat something ^ught to be said as to the merits of the various schemes proposed sad that Secretary Mellon la the man lo any It. because of the rwpn tstlon be has -11* the country at large as a sound sdvtoor on thei ftsoel policies of the Oovernmeht. Whether the efforts to reach n compromise will succeed Is not so important at the moment to the administration as the manifesta* t Ion of n desire to go to the heart of the problem. The admlnlatrn* t Ion up to this time hs? kept ?-i leat but will not heftltate hereafter to assume the offensive. The speech made by Senator Feaa of Ohio has rsther atrengthened the ?lew thet If the admlnlatratlon leaders are not going to permit the 1f4Nary-Haugea plan to psss they should explain their reason and offer a constructive alternative. The creation of a Federal farm board io coordinate the work of cooperative farm legleletlon which la turn shall have the sole respon alllblt y of the handling of the sur plus problem is the line of thought on which the administration Is working. COTTON M4KKKT New York, June 11. ? Cotton ires opened today at the fol log levels: July 17.79. Octo ? It. 3ft. December 1* 37. Janu r 1ft. 11. March 1ft.lt. Mew York. June 12 -?pot cot ton closed quiet, middling 11.00, i a decline of 16 points. Futures, ? July ll.it, October 1*.I4. December l? tl, isansrt ll.1T. Mare h 11.11. Just Try It The 3 2-pounU aingle shell la the t eaaleat of all boata to rock, but) Johnov Schultz, &0-year-old I ?port. ^man. gets away with It. Ifa ? i a trick even to ait In thia boat.) and look at Johnny! Photo was, taken near New York. GOOD PROGRAM MOYOCK SENIORS Followed by Addrean, Di plomat*, and Delightful One Act Play ? i Moyock, June 12. ? The gradu- I atlng exercises of the class of '26 | of Moyock High School cam*' 1 Thursday evening as a final chord , in the school activities for the ; year 1925-26. The loyal patronu | and friends that had attended ] throughout the week filled the ' j auditorium again that night. , The seniors appeared quite jstately in their capn and gowns. (The opening chorus. "Come to the Keaat of .Song,'' b j R. E. De i Reef, wan sung by the High School Glee Club. The invocation wih rendered by Rev. 8. U. Swann, pastor of the Moyock Baptist Church. The salutatory wax glv 1 en by Elisabeth Jones, the second ; honor pupil of the clasi; the poem by Lydia Sawyer; violin selection, "Habanera," by Oartarls, by Mar jorle Ferebee. accompanied by iMIs* Minnie Nash of Elizabeth City. The glftory was given by Vance Powers. It wsh altogether amualng and quite clever. Such Incongruities as presenting Ijiw rence Powers, the six-footer of the class, with stilts; and the liberal contribution of the clasn to send Elolse Marslender to a health re sort to gain more fleah, were poal Itlvely absurd. The valedictory, the last farewell of the claas. wss given by Marjorle Ferebee. the honor pupil of the class. This was i followed by a piano solo. "Remem ber Me," by Aldrlch, by Marjorle Forbes. ."There Is no better community in the United State* than Moyock and there Is no county In the State that offers you greater opportuni ties than Currituck." said Ouy T. ,Horner. Norfolk attorney. In de livering the commencement ad dress. "This community and thla coun ,ty has a wholesom** atmosphere? 'an ideal atmosphere In which to raise children who will make the Mdeal type of cltlten for our com monwealth. "I like to see every young per son ambitious and I would not discourage any of you In attaining the gosl of life which you wish to rftach. Hut I believe there is s greater future for you in your own community and county than in Norfolk, New York or l^ondon. ? "All of you cannot be a Wilson 'or a Rryan or a Coolldge but (he man who lives In the house by the side of the road -the man who tills the soil Is just as necessary and Jum a* much a part of the commonwealth as the lawyer at i (Continued on Page 4) PICK It Y (WT <KKM> VOTK Among the out-of-town visitor* , In the city Saturday were R. L Griggs and W. L. Perry of Har binger. Mr. Terry was one of the defeated candidates for township constable of Poplar Branch, but be was accepting defeat philoso phically and expresalng apprecia tion of tho support of tire large number who did rote for bin. UNCLE SAM NOW READY TO QUIT AS PEACEMAKER Hints From Semi-Official Source* are That America Preparing Withdraw in Tucnn-Ariea Feuil PLEBESC.ITE IS HUB General Lasalter N??w Quot ed an Supporting Penh-; iiifC View That Plebencite In Impracticable By CUl'DK O. PIK K 111 Santiago. Chile. June 12. ? Un cle Sam's role of South American peace maker may be near an end. Semi-official source* here are hinting that the United States I" ; quitting Its ten month effort to \ solve the insoluble Tacna-Arlca feud. Whether this moans that Presi dent Coolldge has decided to close the plebiscite chapter but continue efforts at a diplomatic settlement, or whether It meaus a complete withdrawal, is not clear. The press Is publishing general Lasslter's reported refusal- to pro ceed with the plebiscite election, suggesting that Tacna and Arica registrants appeal io the League of Nations. It is expected here that President Coolldge will up hold General Lasslter's action, which is In line with the report of General Pershing that a fair and honest plebiscite la impossible. Unless Chile tardily accepts the proffered good offices of the Unit ed Slatea. a delicate question will arise as to the status of the disput ed territory ? whether it shall re turn to the former conditions. It Is possible that Chile, seeking vin dication. may decide to proceed with the plebiscite. calling lu some other nation Instead of the United States to supervise It ? possibly Bolivia. AITTO CRASHES INTO TREE; FOUR KIIJ.ED ! Guilford, Conn.. June 12. ? A speeding automobile which crashed into a big elm tree here early today brought death to four persons, two Yale students and their women companions. The dead are George M. Kopperl. Gal veston. Texas, a freshman and driver of the car; William H. Cushing, Brooklyne, Massachu setts, Yale junior and baseball let ter man; Mrs. Edwin R. Reeser. New Haven; and Dorothy Kernlan, New Haven. The party was hurrying home from a dance. Cushing was the son of Doctor Harvey D. Cushing, famous brain specialist of Hsrvard Medical School. KHTITAL BY PUPIIJ4 OK MR. DAVIS IN KKJOYKU An appreciative audienoe en Joyed the recital glv??n by pupils of Urner Ge Davis Friday nlglit at 8 o'clock In the Methodist Sunday School andltorlum. Each played well and was warmly applauded, first year stu dents showing the painstaking training of their teacher, and old er boys and girls rendering dlffl cult and beautiful selections In a truly delightful manner. Following Is the program: Ma Chere (Bruck) ? Miss Isa bella Jennette, Francis Jacocks. A Pleasant Walt* (Gurtitt; Miss Kathleen Mldgett (plano t Walts In G (Streabbogi ? Charles Davis (piano). Whlppoorwlll (I Grande) James Thayer. Jr. (piano). Melody In C ? Tom peel? (man dolin). Playground March ? Miss &iar-' garet Kramer (piano). Valse (Warner) ? Buster Brock (saxophone). At the Brook ( Franx )? - Miss Sarah Williams ( piano >. Saint d'Amour (Elgar) ? John Peele (violin). Barcarolle (Offenbach); The Rosary (Nevln) ? Miss Phyllis Mc Mullan (piano). Edltha Walt* (Evans) Sam uel Twlford (violin ). Recess March (Martin) ? Miss Sarah Dillon Walker (piano). U Fllle Du Regiment (Donlset tl); Melody of Love (Engelmann) ? Aubrey Gallop (mandolin) Hcarf Dance (Chamlnade) Miss Augusta Walker (piano). I^onglng for Home (Junguiatin) ? Mlaa Flora Johnson (piano). Always (Berlin) Aubrey Oal lop (saxophone > A Floral Idyl (Kggellng) Miss Carolyn Kramer (piano). II Trovatore, Fantasy (Verdl Dorn) ? MIhh Iks hell Munden (pl ana). Berceuse (Godard); Danse De Fete (Tolhurst) ? Miss Isabelle Jennette (violin). Con Atnore ( Belmont )~ Miss Lucille Oregory (piano). Kb n t ass Caprice (Rolfe); Tar entella (Paul du Val)? Miss Lu cille Jennette ( piano >. Nocture Op. # No. S (Chopin); Serenata ( Moatkowskl) ? Francis Jacocks (violin). Rapsodle Mlgnonne Op. 419 (Koelllng); selected- -Miss Jeanne Houta (piano), Spring Miff (TflHinrot) ? Mlaa Isabella Jennette, FranHa Jacocka i All Metftl rhoinaa bU.de la trylnj t# d?Y?lap * r.o* all ti * U. I. (OV*rnm?n( **ih?i Imkm?| atMivn IW ^ Aitfiltj. 1J?? m*>v?i Mm ?rtih . mod.1 of ? crtfi lh*? U *.Jfe 111 fMl hMiv. || fe?t wl4?, k?*4 ? l p*r J of II inlKa an buur Cttffg iv oaurniim Architects Offer \ Courthouse Plans! To Commissioners Perhaps impelled by the Immi nence of the criminal terai of SuV parlor Court which will open hera Monday, the Itoard of t'oQnly Commissioners spent iij out of Sat ' urday in lifarin;; suggestions from ' various aicliltecta uii the ruiiHirun t Ion of a in * court houae, w It ft% tentative estimates on the crm| whirli ranged a? high as fOUO.Oowi No action on the matter was tuk* en up to early afternoon. The Kraud Jury al the March term of Superior Court hrr* rec-. omnieiided that the rotmohuiiuuerfc] ! build a new court house. A llko* recouinieiidail jii had lieen teiigj 1 dered by al leant four earlier. I grand Juries, but uotbing had I been done about it. and Judge Henry A. (Jrady. preying at t ho' March court, Intimated to the 1 commissioners that unles** they be stirred themselves, lie mlKht take steps to bestir them when he re-, turned to opeu the criminal term. In June. He will preside over the session to begin Monday. , Chairman W. T. I>ive. Sr.. *and> the board an a whole have given xeriouH consideration to the court house question aluce tbat March terih of court. First they threshed out the question of a charge in site, which was advocated by Mr. Love. Anally voting to keep the courthouse on the preaent tract on I Kast Main street. Within recent weeks, member*! of the board have manifested au I increasingly strong dls|K>sltlon not to undertake the construction of a new courthouse at present, by rea son of the anticipated heavy cost jaud Its consequent Inevitable boost to the tax rate. They hold that It would be better to wait several years; and that while a new court house may be needed, that need Is uot imperative at present. TKIJ.S HOW KAISKl) CAMI'AIGN MO INK t Washington, June 12. ? Told that the Pepper, Fisher, Smith, Woodward campaign chest in the resent H e p u?b I ic a ? primary amounted to at leant $1,#46,000, the Senate campaign fund commit tee today continued Its efforts to learn how the money was raised and how spent. The first wltn?*ss of the day. Colom-I Robert Gllndeaaing. Phil adelphia banker, explained that at the start he was chairman of Sen ator Pepper's campaign (inane, committee "informally organited" last September. "Ihrerybody I thought was good for fl.fOO I put on the committee, " It# said, lie, said hs got 30 or 40 on the com-] i mlttce. SUS ANNE IJCNGLKN IS STIIX SUPK EM K Paris, June 12. Huaaaoe Leng len Is stfll supreme. The great French plsyer today defeated M Ims Msry K llrown, t h r lee Anierlcsn title holder, in the singles final of | the International hard court ten nis championship. The score was fi-1. 6-0. W T Harrison B?? I Thursday' In Norfolk on business. TRIAL OF TELLER HEADS DOCKET IN SUPERIOR COURT Audit of Affair* of Drfunel Albemarle Huh k Shortage of S50,4HH), Plus Worthies* Paper TEK M OPENS MONDAY Majority of Case* Involve IC< lutively I'liimporlaiil Infractions of l.aw; Judge (irudy Preside* Hearing of charge* against N. K. Hart, colored teller of the de funct Albemarle Hank. which t-losed Its door* on Christ maa Kve. In scheduled an I lie most import aut action to be taken u|> at the criminal term of Superior Court which will begin hen- Monday, with Judge Henry A. Crady, of Cilntou, pieaidiug. The court con eluded a two weeks* term devot ?d to civil cases Saturday. Shortly after tin- failui ? i.f the hank, which waa run by and for ^Colored people, ita cashier. \V ll /Hollaing. was arrested on a charge |pf embezzlement. When h la case fjianie to trial ut the Mun-li tiriu ,of Superior Court, h ? pleaded guilty to tecnutcal irregularities in Ih.* handling of the hank * funds, ?hut denied criminal intent, or that he had proiiied from audi irregu larities. in i he courae of a alate lllent oil till- WitU.MH st.1 lid. lie nude declarations tending to im plicate Han. and theae reaulted in Ihe tellers a r real and indictment I by the grand jury. Hollund was [sentenced to t h ret- yea ra and uiiie months in the. Stale pi latin. ? Hearing of the charges against Hart was cominucd to the preeeut ;terni upon the regu eat of hie coun sel that lie be allowed time to pre pare his defenae. He was put un der 96.0OU bond. In default of Mhlch he baa been in Jail since hia rarrest. An audit of the hank a affalra, recently completed after long and tedloua iiiveatlgatioii. discloses I that the ahortuge in ita funds is approximately 9&O.000. according to State Senator I*. H. William*. I of thia city, who waa appointed re I celver by the court. In addition. I the bank waa carrying II5.0UU to i*I20, 0U0 In worthleaa paper, ac cording to Senator Williams, tin latter Item being represented In the main by notea worth leaa than their face value. Aa partially ofTaetting theae lla I'illtlea, however. Senator Wlllianis reporta having collected $15. 014.80 In caali. and having nu! Ized 93.280.33 In "offset" on notea carried In other banks for the Al bemarle Hank aa aecorily for loana, making n total of $IH. 295.13 In aaaeta already In hand, with a prospect that some addi tional thouaauda of dollars may be collected later. Rxcept fur the Hart caae, the docket for the week comprises the uaual run of relatively unimport ant actions, many of which involve alleged violations of the Ihiuor laws. IMfQBWI ni HAIK TONIC AI.I.OWKIi TO UI'IT 4TTV In court aa the reault of an ov erdoae of an Imported hair tonic, Applied Internally Inatead nf where It was intended, reaulted In the appearance of Jamea Cunning ham, elderly white man of uncer tain addreas. In recorder'a court Saturday morning on a charge of drunkenness. I'olice slated Cunningham hud been In the city for a week or more, had heeii hitting ardejit spi rita a bit freely pretty much all the while, dually had run out of funda, and had been committed to Jail Friday night on a charge of being drunk It appearing that the defendant had no money with which to pay a fine, he was permitted to depart unmoletfted upon hia pmuiiae ^hut he would leave the city Immedi ately. Mlaa Margaret Wells left Wed nesday to vlalt relatives In Wilson. This City to Tell World About Wonflers of Region Tempered with mirh modeaty nx , th?- k ><? w i ii >: I y attractive fact* will 1 Permit, Northeaatern Carolina will "take the air" on Thuraday night. July IS, to tell the r*H?-d State* through the medium of radio fan* JiihI why thin part of the country la the iiioiit d> alrable region on earth In which to live. Thl* miction will hroadeant a two-hour program from Station WHVA, at Klchmonft, Virginia, that night. throuah an arrange ment effected by the Chamber of Commerce here with Klmer F. I lietili, studio rihector of Wit v v. It la announced. The prftRfam la now In procea* of pn^?t%t*>n Among the point" to be ntf?aeed. It la dlneloaed, are Nartheaatern . Carolina 'a delightfully equable ell-: nata, tempered by tire Attftntlc ! ^ . i nnU the Oulf Stream; It* thous and* of acrea of rich farm land*, a large percentile of which "till m wait syntf matte development; lt? j Rounds, rivers and vaat woodland*, offering unrivalled attraction* for m port* men; Ita rich historic a**o clatlons revolving largely about the tragic romane*- of the l*oat Colony; Ita many mile* of paved State and county roada; and the Industrial opportunity afforded through the bringing of unlimited t electrical power to the section I A alrallar program recently wax > put on from the aame atatlon by I the Kastern Carolina Chamber of Comai?ree, and thin prompted the! {beginning of negotiation* which 1 resulted In the arrangement fori , Northeastern Carolina it broad I i caet on the night of July 16. Winning Way to Golf Crown Jrsa Swcfidfr, ??f N?*w Y*'rk. I !??? thui nallvi* Aiii< ihmii ?;? win Itif 1 1 1 1 1 ihIi ainalimr cliuiilj'ioitKhH?. shown a! I It ?? lint It of It i ? I ?*li Willi Robert tfrotf. of KhkIuikI, oil llif Mnlrlh-M, : . 1 1.. ???] . t . m ?. . Swifter won tli** match h> one -trohf, VS l > >*!...& ? : lo>w - Swii-lmT watehinu Scott pun. Winning thp Derhv "Ooronuch," owned by Ijord VVooiuvinr.ton, winning the Knu lixli Derby at K|ikoiii Downs. r lint u wuh aent by rudto ihtohh the Atlantic and rindicd by fun! t ruin k lo Tile Advance. Elders Kansas Town Bari J ?. ? ** i'4ivV? ...i ! 1 ' ' ; ? ? * Matrimony Till Maidens Grow Their Locks Again It) J. I*. WRHJHT t S, Ihf Allm laird I'llilt ' Miinjor, Kansas, June 1 'J .Mar riagt<s, suspended in i his wi'Rlcrn Kansas vilingo the last wvpral months, soon will become a pari of I lit* community life age ill . WedrfliiKH la Munjor, four miles north of Mays. Kansas. stopped when the Iuwu'h elders aged men wlio Kuvvrn through seniority in 'church affairs ? ruled thai no Munjor girl should lie permitted to marry until her hair had reached a length of 15 Inches. That wuh u f fer the elders had learned that an epidemic of that ultra modern evil--? hair bobbing? had struck the towu. A do'/Hii yotiiiK women, who had planned weddings for the mi miner or fall of 11120. thus were Bet hack in their arrangements. At firm iho young women-? ami l lie young map also weut silently about their affairs without openly rehelliiiK against the order. Munjor is Inhabited mostly hy Immigrants and d extend a 11 U of iui iii I K rj? ii t m from the Volga Valley of Russia. Fifty yearn ago the pioneors came to the Kansas Val ley that they might worship a* they choHe and throughout lhat. half century customs of the clan have changed little. Modern whims found little fav or In Munjor. The men wore coats without coliam and the women drensed "plain." Then came the hair bobbing when motor earn brought th?* DAVIS WANTS IUI K IMIOH CI.OSKO A I ?SO Canton, Ohio, June 12 Kxtcn bIoii of Immigration quota restrlc tloiiH to all countries now exempt under the law, opening up of tin semi-tropical soils of the South to the induction of commodities now imported, and furtherance of the policy of Intlff protection wen prescribed ?h aids to American la bor today by Secretary of Labor One of the principal speakers of the convention p#<?*nim of t tie Na t tonal lirotherbood of Operative Potters, Mr. Davis said thai by ramu*; to Impose quota restilc lions on fiunilvratloti frcm the Brltifh. Norlh America, Mexico. Central and Sonlh America. ? h? Untied Slates bad inside I he mis take of "leaving the backdoor to our country open after clotting the front door." NKIMIKW OK MKI.IOfN KI.K4.TKI> CIIAIKMAN f'hlladelphia, June 12 Wll llam I.. Mellon of Pittsburgh, ne phew of the Secretary of the Trra-, sury, waa elected chairman of the Republican state committee today I In succession lo W. Harry Baker i 1 of Harrlaburg, town'* n I r I h tut ?> a cloiw-r cfiiilaM 'Willi I ho outalde world. A fow woekti' of apparent ac? (|uio?e<neo to t ho I'lilvrn' anti-mar riage urdor unexpectedly wan fol lowed by JltliHeriugR of diiiootllolll among (ihc younger generation. "Our hair already Is bobbed and it doott lit l le good to pill a hull on it now," said a Hpokcxm.ui for Itoo. girl*. "It will grow," whm l ho answer hy Iho elder*. "When 11 grown u> I ho required length. Iho woaror ran marry and not imt II Ihon." Hill Iho elder* ordered without roil side r i II K t ho yoilllg men of I lie community. Prohibiting marriag es struck uh Hharply ai I hem an at the giriu- and Iho young men nald t hoy had not offended and should not haw to suffer. J "Anyhow, the girls aro protlipr with ilieir hair bobbed," xald on ? ? buhl fni n re bridegroom and noon j youth and maidens wore outapok Joii in deflunce of the older*. Wedding dalos wore announced and the elders. instead of o*t raris ing the disobedient. met and de rided I he (artful thing wan In iic noro the xll nation. I The rule again*! marriage* hat ! not been lifted but It I* not fcclng , mentioned by the older* and noon bride* will bo marching up Iho I church aisles In IliO latest Hlyle j hob*. Tliero I* talk of a revi*|ou of other rule* of the religinu* com munity that nhort Hkirtx and *uch modernlHin* may not rome under ? the ban a* heretofore. vui MAMSiti iu; is a?;ain ckikiik atino Williamsburg. Vs., Jinx 12. l*or the Mocond time within n month Williamsburg wa*' Iho con t?-r of a *e*<|ulcent< niilal celebra lion with the gathering here today of National and *late figures for exercise* commemmoralliig the one hundred and fiftieth birthday of Iho Vli'ginbi bill of rights. Kxerclm** Included a parade to Die Mile of the historic capital, ad dre?*?-* by prominent speaker*, and luncheon. Governor Hyrd I presided. IHKA8DRY SAYS I I I IN DOLLARS Raleigh. June 13 With but one month more to complete th. first fiscal year of the Mclean ad ministration the Htat?- Treasury on Majr pi ihowad a bala dm of $2, R24.tt6.66. Thla wan i ev? al? d today In lie combined *tatomonl of the auditor and treasurer made public. The Mtatefueiit ahowed receipts f??r th" month were |600,000. while canli , balance the hrat of May wa* $:<. 034,000. making a total of $J. 615.00m. Dlsbu mementa for the | I month of May amounted to |S10, 000. VIRGINIA DARE i TO BK NAME OF NEW HOSTELRY l\lr*. W. J. WtMMllry, Sr., Hcoliiml Winner in Gott te*l t?? (iliriiitcii Thw r.iiy'n 4 loiiiiiiiinity Hotel MANY SUGIiKSTIONS Appellation* T? mlered by Kill runts Kan t*amut of llifttory, (icuItrai^y, Im nrt'HHiveni^ji uii?l So Forth Placing u wreath ?>n the altar i of the Nai lon'? lout lady, and {keeping give? the romantic tradu ctions conterlug about the galiant f Raleigh's I rank attempt to settle l! englishmen In Amerlcn, the dlrac | tors of the Kllzabeth City Hotel L ( 'orporal i< ?u Friday night adopted I the name, Virginia Dare, for j new community hotel to be built i hi* year. It wan chosen at a man ' meeting at the courthouse. \ Queen Elizabeth ran u cloaa , second to the Immortal VlrglAia , . I>are. rweivltii; five vole# lo ?*?? j luttcr's seven when numerous oth i or# suggested uppelation# had beSn I eliminated. Other name# glrdtt 'serioit# consideration Included b'bV j oral variations* of Bradford, qOIll nieinoratkng the name of the lata owner of the property on Which the hotel will be built, and iconoca. Which .comprise# the flfij j letter# of PaHquotuuk County. North Carolina. Thin, the nitygt original of all the eutrle#. was aub uill ted by w. K. DuiiHtao. of tbla ? i Nineteen entrant# In tha hotal I contest had auggo#ted the nama i Virginia Dare. Bach contaatttft < .was given u number, and th*A||JA* l?er* woro dropped Into a hat. LU tl.- Oscar Ow?n#, Jr., draw tha 1 winner, who happened to ba Ml*, w J. Woodley. Sr. The prlia was 1 $20 Id gold. A bewildering array of suggOt Jed name# greeted the hotel direc tors when the envelopes In tb? contest wore opened. Among thoaa based on family name# In thta elty land section were the Bradford, tha N. w Bradford ami the Minerva Bradford, the William Gaston or Hotel (iustou. the c.alther. tha 1 Robinson, the Blck Creecy, tha Colonel Creecy, the l,um#den, tha Pendleton. Ihe Polndexter. tha Klizubeth T<?oUy. the Aycocb, and the William Drummond. . Apparoutly Impressed with tb# appropriateness of the appellatleft nf the O.' Henry Hqtel, in OreeM* lioro. one contestant #ent In thf Mil,.. O Charles Another put U merely The Charle#. For reasons uiiexplaluable, nobody suggestftq Ihe Hotel Charlie, In rommemor* Hon of Charlie (laither# herola sacrifice of hi# shirt tall that tha hotel campaign might succeed, Of the name# carrying histori cal significance, there wer# yh. Dure. Furl HaH'idh. White r??A. Stonewall Jackumi. Duratil, Wood row WllnoB. Holly Ma.llnon. <??? ller, Wlilli) Do?. Hlackbeard, lllurkbetiril lh' I'lrate. Itoanolw, Cherokoe, Vanre Nlmrod. HobM, llood. Robert K. I.i'O. Sutlroyi. I'owlialati Sir (rhrlatophor and *U C Oft. Namh# ruin t *?d directly to Bill* nheth City Included the Progres sive Bens. Kll/aheth. Bet#ytO*a? Kll/.abet ban and Betsy. The Blate wa# represeyted in the Carolinian, North Htate. North Carolina. Loaf l?eaf Pine. Turpentine. CaroUna Virginia Northesstern, Ksstara and Henboard Those who would pay honor to the South as a whole sent In the New Mouth, Hunay Houth. Dixie, Southland, Bouthtrn Oem and Houthern Inn. Ona rapr rehensihU Individual even w?at ao far a# to suggest, after the eontatt, that they should have named, t&ft new hotel the Moonshine Inn, W the Hi .igger Inn Of the names reminiscent of blg nem or Impresslveness were pi^ sent I'd the Famous. Ambasaadar, Nonpareil, Royal. Tie Tanlc. Ma Jentlc leviathan Premier Hojah Bex, Alhambra Imperial, and Col onnade. Obviously casting a boa I ?t'^ah dom. other contestants sent In *iUb name# us the Oriental. Orion, Loi ter, Netherlands. Avoca, Rnt#f prise. Citadel. FafUflle, Alert, On ly. Tourist ami tlood Buslnaaa. ? Mindful of the manner in whttb the hotel was financed by popu^ lar subscription# others offejr?4 Komunltee and Komunlty, monwealth and Common Waaltn With all this bewildering to choose from, the hotel dkrsot tors at last decided upon thftt nam# _ which first was suggested. sad than which . It la generally agrojfl. none more appropriate waa *?**; getted. In all. Ml letters *af* Hubmltted In the cotttatt, * AM through the rlrcumstanca t*at many of the entrants ssnt la mota than one name, there were about 200 suggeated appelatlont. ma*J of which wera duplicated over and over again. ' MIM Kralrn terrfcM telSMl j IB( tk, II Norfolk.

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