GOVERNOR TELLS TO PICK COTTON PART STATE HAD BY MACHINERY IS IN INDEPENDENCE GRAHAM'S PLAN Attending Seaqui-cenlenni al at Philadelphia With Prominent Part on Pro gram Today and Thursday MANY OMISSIONS North Carolina Not Ade quately Oedited by Mom Historian* With Heroic iJ9*eds of Revolution i?Slr^f51^r.Il0,el- K*1"1*!1- Jui*i ]*?? Philadelphia, June 14 ? Gov- 1 If." A w McLean Of North Car- j oltoa u In Philadelphia today to I ? t??rt W'"1 *0"""nora 'roii, oth " atatea at the opening of the? Sesqul -centennial Eipoaltlon. He took part In the Flag Day exer- I claea thta morning, the chief fea- ! 22 ? military ! 'rtlclpated In by historic ?. if, r orsanlratlona from North I S52 wif ^ """tory companies I W'lmlngton, Fayettevllle and Charlotte taking part. They productive of much favorable S2T.kM ? om, ,he ,hron * >h? llaed the nDe of march, their gaily co^red uniform, of , former"^, tbeparade "r "?c,lon" 0( ?.JV/Vs'J' ** ? celebration din the ii. ?on'ght after which U.!?. . ot the Thirteen Orlg rwi^H 1 b" UIlyelled by the respective governors of each state. th e w"l I*** other features on the program each day this week, ?ut of especial interest to North Vail?evnpWI" celebration ,t Valley Forge. Tharaday. June 17 2S"" ' <|,['ock there will b? Nortl> Carolina Bay i Wash?*, e# si" ?' ,be ""'"Olea to waHhiiiBton Memorial Chanel All Of the Original Thirteen 8u7? I ? h<.V??r?"nl"i ,he Cloister of ftfv The North Carolina I Mar r,M <,r?'C <1 during the past Itn. f, ?" m,lde Poaalble by a """'V '"r private ?ubscrlp tiona, directed by Mra 8 Woitrv Sj"'e Asheville, chairman lor Thf exorcises Will K* PTMlded over by the ?t,i,op of ?Bnnnsyivaiila and the ceremonies r **"1^ ?rge part auch aa ?re bulMt.1 0I?nlng of a church ChUJl? L.i -SI,on Memorial | Chgpel be|?g ,tr|||?.d w?h ffc | Pi of Church. The principal Sifl'I!" k 'J? Occasion will be de livered by Governor McLean. TI1" forge la chleily re ? by ,he A"?rt?a peo ?!* " 'b? ?c?n? of the sufferings . ,nd hl? In('tl dur SL i'i. winter of 1778.1 "b'n. *11 hut been de In<t a ? " An'erlcan Congress and American people, will be Andlf.i. T.'"?, by ,hB Governor, j And although all the original thlr- 1 wt,re represented st I North Carolina bore I ? honorable part. The North Carolina Brigade, 6.000 IS!?*' L ' "u,e ln I'm? to Ijjv under Washington at Hran qywlne. where ita commanding of T*,?r'h^r*"/'"..N,,h' wa" killed Tbe brigade then entered winter ?' Vtlley forge and bll2i Je..W,""'r w'? OT,r the arlfade had dwindled to but >00 Th.? 8UII Nor,h Carolina .if <? .. "" ,0mially offered to the Continental Congresa to aiarch ## lo "'e ?'d of ha Continent.' Army, but the of "O* accepted because the Congress lacked the funda to ?oulp and maintain thla force '' 'ddltlon to It, contribution ' lo . ?<(,,J*rr Mclean win call Norlh Carolina, durina U m Jam ft material assistance '.f' h" "ever been thor ZT ,h# hlstorl- ; Hfirtall a a P?MlI>le eaaeption of MpapUln S. A .Aahe. On th# an 1 ?tjorlty of Captain Ashe's History North Carolina, and additional V i>" him. and I" 01 (lie a I., the Htate His | toiical CommiMion. it ia learned! tnit tbe people of Okracoke, Ed I ? enton and New Bern during thin year, began a blockada-ruonldt . SUIhi"" !5al f,rn,"h*<* toon. clothiQK *nd med|r'?^ lo Waah tagton a troop*, bo one occaalon !?"' br'*'d:: ?' "???> Came Into North Carolina to carry back ma- 1 terlala that had been prepared J!!' ,ht Continental armies. All I through the State committees were to make clothing for the ?oldlera, to haul food to ware bouaea for ahlppi^ to the North. I aad Where the aute officers were * PUMhaae food and (lathing, they did aot healtate to "K**" ."UPP"* the people. The Governor wllj also streaa the aolltlcal contribution of North Carolina to the aplrlt of Independ ence, bringing out the fact that not only In Mecklaakarg County ?n Mar. 1778. but In other coun tjaa. auch ai Cumberland and Ihi'mli ,h* pw,p,e expressed themselves aa positively being In '?*?r Of Independence from Eag "? will also strese th, gregt polqt of North Carolina'* eoatrtbutlon to the Deelaratlog of ndependence by citing the Hall R? olulloa of April 11, 1 77? W<MI the Provincial CotgrMi At authoHMd Ita delegate# Id Continental Consr?>MH to eon car with t h <? dstiiaiH from othfi rolooUn Ir dftelartng lnd#p?nd eae*. Thla vii th? flrst formai (Continued on P?f? 4) Stale Commissioner of Ag riculture Has Intereitted Washington Authorities in His Proposal SOLVE LABOR PROBI.EM Most Serious T r o u h I e Southern Farmer Has Is ( >etting Cotton Picked Be fore It Is Damaged Sir Walter Hotel. Raleigh. June 14. ? A definite conclusion on the part of ComtnlBBinner of Agrlcul ture William A. Graham that, in the Interest of financial conserva tion for the Southern farmer, the time has com* fur earnest consid eration of some plan whereby cot ton may be picked by machinery Is shown In an exchange of letter* between him and Secretary W. N. Jardlne, of the United Statea De partment of Agriculture at Wash ington. Commissioner Graham, a* the reply to a letter recently written by him will show, haa In terested the Washington authori ties In his proposal and has se cured a promise of cooperation. He asked that the Federal Depart ment take up and give special study to bringing on the market an effective and reasonably priced machine to aid Southern farmers In picking their cotton without I having to pay anywhere from a dollar to two dollars for every hundred pounds of seed cotton picked. i "This department, of course. Is i Interested, and we agree with you that a successful cotton picking devise would overcome a very Im portant agricultural problem." the Federal Secretary advised Commissioner Graham, i In presenting his views to Wash ington. the North Carolina Com missioner had written: I "In view of the frequent short age of farm labor and the preseut for picking eon tintnti ??i ??? 1 price of fr.itn one to two dollar* for picking 100 pound* of a*ed | cotton, one of the moat serious ' problems of the cotton farmer Is i that of gelling his co'.ton picked I before It damar?? ??? '* ? and we feel tnat the time has now arrived when this difficulty should be overcome by an effec tive machine for the mechanical picking of the crop. "Therefore. In behalf of the cot ton farmers of the South, permit me respectfully to request that your department make a ?u*" v I what has this '17 ueen accnm pllshed in me construction un<* perfect loa of cotton pteklai ma chlnery with a view to using such facts as may have been discovered ! In bringing on the market t ef fective and ????*? "Tivb! 7 priced ma chine for the picking of cotton. This request Is made with the knowledge that your department Is not only Interested In this matter but is In a better position, to make the Investigation than In any oth er department of Government." Commissioner Graham stated, following -receipt of a reply to the foregoing that he was hopeful of results and believed the Federal Department's attitude Indicated that It would go Into this matter which, he believes, will save the Southern farmers much money. RICHMOND MINISTER DIES ON BIRTHDAY Richmond. June 14. ? Doctor Walter W. Moore, first president of the Union Theological Seminary here, died at his home today, his sixty-ninth birthday. Funeral aervlcen will be held at Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Wednesday morning. Doctor Moore was born at Charlotte. INVITRD TO COLLRMR (XAHH RKl' N ION AT MAMMOTH CAVF. Dr. John H Bell of Elisabeth City haa received an Invitation to attend a unique reunion of hla os teopathic college class at Mam moth Cave, Kentucky, on July 3. This reunion will be one of the social features In connection with the International Osteopathic con vention which meets in Louisville the later part of June and early I inly. Many osteopathic college classes are arranging reunions at one or another of the countless spots of beauty or historic Interest in and ?bout Louisville, such as Lincoln's birthplace, and the cabin where "My Old Kentucky Home." was I written. 1 Diagnosis Is to be the keynote of this convention, and clinics of alt kind will be featured. It will be followed by s postgraduate course ot lectures 4nd laboratory work. MR H. FRARINO K KIT FROM KNGAORMRNTH RV INJI'RIRH Mrs. J. 0. Fearing Is confined , to her room by an Injured foot and unable to keep her clnb and social engagements. The Injury was caused by too strong d lain fertint applied to a cut aid It wry ptiafui 24 Pairs M tee Mary Law son of Arkanatii Clt> Ark., hat just bought mnonii other thing*. 14 pairs of shoe*. Hhe tu to b? the bride of Allen B. Whit# of Orove City. Pu.. and will leave with I him immediately after the ceremony . for Talara Ntgrlttoa. In Peru. whero ! he'll be stationed by the Internation al Petroleum Company, tio tlien I laying In a three years' wardrobe. FIVE DIE IN COKE | OVEN EXPLOSION Ten Others Fatally In jured and 64) or 70 I'rnli ulily Seriously Hurl ! Gary. Ind.. June 14. ? Five men fwere Instantly killed. teu other* probably fatally injured, ami Co i to 70 seriously hurt when u roke i oven blew up early today at a by products plant of the Illinois Steel : Company here. ! The explosion was believed to have been raused by gan. The ex : plosion started a fire In nearby buildings of the plant and all avail able apparatus at Gary, nearby [lawns and manufacturing plants was *nm:noned as well as all avall iahl<; ambulances and dortors. The fire was not considered se rious. The injured and dead were bring brought into Illinois Steel ; ' 'omra*** Hospital. More than an nour after the blast occurred the ? work of rescuing the vietoms was {still going on and it was Impossi , hie to make a check of a number | of dead and Injured. The list of injured was later placed at 76. DIXIE'S TOLL IS n DEAD; 263 INJUKFJ) i Charlotte. June 14 ? Dixie's j toll to traffic, lucludlng airplane and railroad' during the pant week was 44 persons killed and 2G3 In Jured. the survey conducted by Associated Press In 11 Southern states revealed. North Carolina had seven dead and 11 Injured. Georgia led with nine dead. MOTHKKH \ N I > l?.\l <JI1TFKH TO COMI'CTK ON COOKKKY Member-* of the girl's club at Newland In I'anquotank County are working for certificates In cooking. Miss Mania Albertsoii says. To obtain certificates, at each meeting the girls prepare and serve some dish that has been demonstrated at a previous meet* Ing. Last week the new dish was white sauce with cheese. It was served with hard cooked eggs Irish potatoes, hot biscuit, lettuce salad, chocolate cake, and tea was served to the mothers of the ulrls who were present at the meeting. 'Miss Alhertson has announced that a woman's club Is being or ganised In this community In or der that mothers may compete with the girls In preparing and serving meals. MAY COTTON HKI'OHT Washington. June 14. Cotton consumed during May totaled 516,000 bales of lint and 69.674 676.799 of lint and <1,962 hales of bales of llnters compared with (inters In April this tear, the cen sus Bureau announced today. Pilot Lives LilM. Henry H. Ogdon. 'round the-world flyer, escaped death at ?n air mwt at Flint, Michigan, when hi* plan** rraahed from aa altitude of ISO feet Thla ptiot o waa taken Juat after he crawled from the wreckage rut and brulaed hut not aerloualy hurt COOLIDGE WILL SUMMER ON THE HOOTLKli TKAIL Similiter White House in Adirondack* I. irs Alii wart I In ICuiu Stream Which Hows K'rooi Canada ITS I.ONhJ.V S4HJT-H Additional (Guards I'rovid ed tor the* President anA lie Isn't t hit Hunting for t lie But t lexers, Kit her l?> ItOtiKItT T. S M .tlJ. < ? ???? I I.*. k> lha A<WHll Washington. June 14.? Presi dent t "oiil lit Im poltiK tu speml the numnwr on the iKiotle* trail. Hi* Ik not filing personally after the hoiit h'KK'TH ami will b** willlnn i to It* t them alone If they will do - the Hume by hint. The bootleggem i will have no business with the summer White but It bo happeuti thai the Kirk wood Camp lip In I he Adirondack* lien ath wart the rum atream which flows into the United Statesi from Caua da. The col tai:** to occu pifd by the President ami his entourage I* Dot on th*> main traveled high-' ways, nor does the houtk-gger In carrying out his Derations trade travel the broad highway. Ho takes to the by-ways and lodges, 'unless lie has things "fixed" along the main thoroughfare, and there 'la no doubt in the mluds of the , 'authorities that the rum runnertt Iby land will take advantage of thul Presidents prea.nce In the uiouu ; taiu* to skirt as near aa possible to Ilia home iu the hope they will not be flred upon. Uut there la every elianee In the world that for the Ikrat time in IiIh life Mr. Cool- j Idge thla aiiiniuer may have a , gun "llred In anger." ?A year or ao ago a New York mate trooper watf sluUi by the rum irunuera on th? Northern New i York bootleg trail and the people I of the whole state, despite their ! personal tendencies to dampness, were outraged aud up In arma against the outlaws of the Illicit liquor trade. Posses Were formed to hunt them out. Hut the excite ment haa all died down now aud the rum hunt haa resolved Itaelf Into a Kit I Ifii but dogged nearch. 1 Every effort la to be made by I the prohibition enforcement olfl ? Cera to guard the Presidential pre a?*rve In the AdirondWks thla sum jmer agaluat bootleg Invaaion and the annoyance of a possible bat tie between the outlaws aud tlo* authorities. All of the roads lead ling to Kirkwood estate will be guarded aud patrolled by men in , high powered autoruobiloa and armed with sawed-off shot gun* In thla way it Is hoped to shut off from the PreAldent all possible contact with the whiakey bandits and even to guard bin ears from | the roar of tlialr uttitiuffled en gines while a pursuit la In prog lesa. Most of the rum ruiiuiiiu business from Canada Is In beer tnd ale. There Ih a great demand for the malt beveraals In New York City and ales which cost 20 I to JO cents a bottle la Montreal are gobbled up at the restaurants and other resorts In the metropo lis at from $2 to $3 a bottle. There is great profit In the busl neaa, but there Is also the dlfTicul ty of hulk transportation. Still the aystem seems s6 well devel oped that there never Is a short age of the bottle gooda In places where the drinker can afford to j pay l he price. I The dry agenta who will |"guard" the summer White Hous* will of course augtnefit the usual secret service detail Which accom panics the President wherever lie goes and the additional agents at signed to guard work when the ?'resident occupies a delaclied cot tage or bungalow. At flWaiupscott last summer a detail of Marinei assisted the secret service work In the Adirondacks the President may also be attended by state troopers. It will be the loneliest spot selected for a Presidential a bod in nioderD times and this will make the work of the guards dou bly onerous. IIKA/ll. HAS KK9IGNKI) FROM I.KA<;l!E NATIONS Ceneva, June 14.? ?Bratll hai resigned from the I?eague of Na tions. This announcement was made officially this morning. COTTOK IIAKKkT New York. June 14.->-Cotton fu tures opened today at the follow Ing levels; July 17.64, Oct. 16 2H, Der 19 27. Jan. id. 41. March 11,1.1. New York. June It.- ftpot cot (on cloned quirt, middling 1100, A decline of IS putniu Kuturea, cloning hid: July 17.4#. October 16.24. Dfrfinli?r M.SIt, Jannarv 18.17, March l?. SI. In Ruaburr. Pa.. Iktecaa ear Nad away a moo poiiM atfa. but a pedlgread watch do? kepi ao <al?t ha **aa'i atom. Delivering the Milk in Style Rvaowillo, Indiana. has a milkman tic luxe. lie's Rompci- My 'ra. who Wi-ars a lukedu while mil tin IiIh roundx. HuW taoiu?*? lie pluyn ??very iiIkIk in a Jazz hand and haftn't time in remove hi-, din ner jacket hefole llit tlttf*. tile milk I'tilllf. MINISTER GIVEN AN UNIQUE TASK Kfv. K. !?'. Snwy??r Oflfiri ulhi ul I' unrralH of Tho of Sum*' Nmiiii' Sam f Ihiy The decid* tlly unusual task of i Officiating ill (lie f u in I ;i Is of two Individuali* of (ho same name, and i only dialantly t *-a . if at all. wH?l to the lot of tin* Itev. K F. Sawyer, Haptist minister here, on Saturday, Mr Sawyer alated to day. Tl?t* dwilfiitH Were iiaiii<-d Wllliaui Jones. On**, a for im r resident of this city. died in South ! Norfolk. VlrKinia. Friday morn- j liiK. and the funerul waa conduct-' ??d at the k rave in Holly wo<n| IVm- 1 etery here Saturday at noon, i Tlie other William Joilea, a prominent resident of Camden County, died at IiIh home Friday , morning alao. and tin* tuneral ?er vlcea were conduct* d there Sat- 1 urday afteruoon at 1:30 o 'chick, I with hiirial lu the family ceme- i tery near Old Trap at 3:;<o o'clock. ? Til** Old Trap .Masonic lodge. of which he wum a member, official- i llealdaa hi* wife, Mr. Jniiea in' survived by four aom;, W. N. and 1 T. N. Jones, of Norfolk. Kenneth Jonea, of Shlloh, Camden County, I and C. N. Jonea, of thi* city; and three daughtcra, Mrs. A. (i. I.eary, ! ??f Norfolk. Mr* J. T. Mcl'lteraon of Camden, and Mrs. Carl Hog . Kard, uf Shlloh. The William Jones who died In South Norfolk was about 7u yearn old and was a native of thin *gc Hon. having RHiVcd (<? V 1 iu i ?? la from thin city some 1 r? years uko. The body was forwarded here on the noon Norfolk Southern train Saturday. Tie- funeral was con ducted by the IC* v J. W ilurr. il, pastor of City Itoad Methodist Church, assisted by the Itev. Mr. Sawyer. Mr Jouea is survived hv several dauKbtera living Iii South Norfolk, one of whom is Mn J.I W. Meads. with whom In made hi home at) the time of hU death Many Wild Parties Indicated In Court Hot weather hai put no damper on the number of wild partiea, it wan indicated in rMofdcr'a (6nH Monday The docket was full, ac cording to the Monday morning precedent, and the cases were u n usually Ion k drawn out A hi k i party wan thrown near the I 'oiks High School at 2 o'clock Monday morning, with plenty of liquor and every one having a general good time. William Swain and Healer Coilitis. i>oth colored, were fined* 910 and costs on a charge; of immorality William Swain was fined $f?0 for carrying concealed weapona, and wan found not guilty of a charge of driving a car while tin der the Influence of liquor. Aaron Hryant, Holla Jones. Frank Ita* nlte and Florence Mvrnun. all colored, were fined $10 and coat* each for Immorality. Florence I.iverman wan fined f.r> and coat a for Rlmple drunk. Narcisna Mod I In, Ollle (lllllan, Harry Cradle and Oacar Houghton, all colored, were fined $10 and coats for Im morality. Will Colaon, white, waa found not guilty of chargca of non sup port and vagrancy. Several wit n e noes teatlfled that hla children were clothed and fed as well aa p< Hm I hie for a man of hla pmiltlon. Willis Weeks waa fined $G0 and , coata on n charge of carrying con cealed Weapons BOLL WEEVIL IS HERE AS USUAL Indicate That IV*t of tin* (lolton Ki?*l?lr* Kxihlx Ah in Former Year* Sir Walter Hotel, Halflyh, Juno 14.-? The result of (hh(h conducted by entoinolugjataof (lie Slate De partment of Agriculture indicate that I li?* eofT'dJl fields of N^rth Carolina will Rtarf off the season wlih about aa many boll woevlla per acre an jast season, it waa t sated at the* Department. About nina-tenlha of one |ii>r cent of the wrhvIIh placed in win ter quarters In wire screen cages at Hie Aberdeen insert laboratory last fall have successfully passed , Ibe winter, expertR said. About the name per rentage survived Ik* winter of IM4-IMG. Iii tl?e spring of 1 !? 2f> thin per rentage of weevil Hiirvival wax r? sponsible for an Infestation of lf<U to 7fi0 weevils per acre on! rolton before It Met any Rquares. | it wuh pointed out by Kntniuologist It. YV. l.eiby. of the State Depart men! of Agriculture. "A similar infestation." lie said. "is. there-' for>'. to be expected thin season It Im still problematical, however, ? Whether the weevil will be aert* oualy destructive thin year, he ra line hot and dry weather during the llrut half of July when the first brood of weevlla usually Im developing In squarea on the ground may kill the grubu In the squares and greatly reduce the 1 Weevil ill llUinbels. "TIiIh condition," he added, 1 "prevailed laat year and turned m M-iiously threatening Mltuallon to one of little consequence. "On the other hand, the pres ent winter aurvlval of weevilR, fol lowed by a moderately warm and showery July could bring about a severe weevil injury to cotton thin neanon. "No weevil* have aa yet been taken on young cotton this seaaou by the ib partineiit'ii Held entomol ogists. Thin, It Im believed, la due to the late Reason ?nd the conae quent slow* r emergence of the weevil from winter quartnrM. PETITIONS DIM Kl I FOR KIMSKIJ. scon Springfield. 'III., Jnne 14. P?- 1 Htiona for a change of venue and habeas corpus filed by Ruaaoll Scott were denied by Illlnoln Hu preme Court today. Hcott la nil der sentence of death for murder of JoMeph Maurer, drug clerk In Chicago, pending his sanity re trial. Pilot Killed Klm*r Partrtdi*. pilot, win k I when (He pint ?< Inaugurat ing th?- Chicago M itinf*a|M?lta air mail a?rvfltfr craahrd n*ar Ht Paul. I* hf|iMv?-il to have fainted and loat control of hln ihlp, which vu a oaw one of bla own dfelgn DODGING SERVICE ON JURY SCORED BY JUDGE GRADY Ominous Si-is (lour! Mr rlures, \\ Ik n Mm Sfi'k to Evade Duty, By Offering Kvciihi** 11 AKT t:\SE THIS WKKK TVIIrr of <!oIoi*?mI Hank Slated to (>o mi 'I rial VC<?iln?kH?lay ; Minor ('asis Dinptisi'd of Uiiirkly The Importance of business men RHrvliiR on juries, an well us tin* farmers. was stressed by Judge Henry A. Grady, of Clinton. in charging the grand Jury al the op ening of a week'a term of Superior Court h?*re Monduv. The first ' days of the week will be devoted to the trial of criminal cane*, anil rlvil actions will be takeu U|i when the criminal docket has been cleared. Judge ('.rally's remarks on lury duly ubvlously were prompted by hternuous efforts on the iiart of nevc-ral business men who h .id been drawn an jit r??r lo bp excused from service "It In n bud sign, when business men ask to be ex cused." he declared, citing au In stance In which i prominent bank-, <*r In K.-iIhIkIi hud asked to be re lieved but had been compelled lo, nerve. having been put (Ml the, grand Jury, which Is on duty for six weeks. A we?*k later. Judge Grady con tinued. the banker came to him aud thanked him for not huvli'ig been excused, stating he had gained a new and valuable insight into huniness through his Jury experience. The case of N. R. Hurt, teller of the Albemarle llank, colored institution which failed last Christmas Kve. has been set for trial Wednesday. Hart la accused of embeizlement, misapplication of the bank'# funds. %nd with having ? made false entries In' the bank> record*. | Hart was arreated and Indicated toward the clo?# of the March term of Superior Court here, after W. 11. Holland, cashier of the bank, had been given a hearing on like charges. The teller was nr rested on the basis of allegation by Holland that he. too. had had a purl In Irregularities which had .resulted In the fullure of the bank. Deputy Sheriff I.em Prltchard 'left for the State's Prison at Ha lelgh last night to bring back Hol land to testify In the case, and was expected to arrive with his prison er tonight or tomorrow. I Several minor cases were dis posed of In the morning session of court today. Elmer Holmes, youth living at Kast l*ake. Dare County was fined and costs n a charge of having operated an au tomoblle while under the infill ence of liquor, as the renult of a collision with a car driven by Da rloua White, of this city, several weeks ago. Holmes also wax re quired to pay t2fi Ofi for repairs to Mr White's car after the accident. Judgement was suspended con ditional upon payment of the II cense fees and court costs In Ihe case of Dennis Houghton, fisher man charged with failure to oh tain the proper State licenses for his nets. It was In evidence that I Houghton and a representative >>r , the State Fisheries Commission had disagreed as to the number of nets the defendant was umIiik Judge Grady ordered that thev straighten out the matter, which Involved a difference of |17. RECRUITS FOR ARMY ENLISTED HEME NOW Recruit* for various branched of the United State* Army are being signed up here this week by Ser geaut Hiawatha Yatea, stationed at Norfolk, who arrived here Mon-' day and may be reached at the Italelgh Jlotel. He will be hern' until noon Wedneaday, when he plans to go on to Kdenton. and to j remain there until Friday night Knllatmenta are open for praetl-' rally all branches of the service, and for atatlona almost anywhere In the United Stales, and In Pana ma, the Hawaiian Islands, and the Philippines. The service now offers oppor tunities for schooling along voca tional and other lines, according to Sergeant Yates, who declare* this advantage has not been af forded before Kullstments are for a period of three years, and recruits are allowed their choice ! as to where they will be stationed. EIXHtlSTS OE SOUTH MEET AT ASHEVILLE Ashexllle, June IB. Approxi mately 160 florists from Tennea- , aee, North Carolina, South Caro lina, Georgia. Alahamp. MIssIshI ppl and Florida mat here today t<>i the flrst annual convention of the Southeastern Florist Association A plant clinic featured the open Ing session The que* ion of In eluding Virginia In the association Was bsfore the gathering also LEAGUE SEASON TO OPEN TODAY WITH CEREMONY'llt < ii> Boy#' Band lo Parade W itli lulenton ami Local Team* an Pre liminary to Kir^l (.ame luticcs to imtch Conger .and W. imsiiiH to be Batteries Vi'lien Kirst Ball t.Oe* Over the I'late; Fast Content Foreran! Cala goings-on will mark the opening of. the new Caro lina League baseball season here this afternoon, when Klizabeth City and Kdenton will clash in their first en1 counter since the league was formed. Hertford and Cole rain will play in Colerain thia afternoon. The game here will begin at 6 o'clock, and that in Colerain at 4:30. At 4 o'clock, ih?* Elizabeth City Hoys Baud will parade through thf downtown district, together with the meiuberH ??f the two Irami Arriving nt the baseball purk . PrtfMldent K. Conger, *of the Elizabeth City Chamber ,p| Commerce, will pilch the ttrst ball, und Mayor Wiggins." of Fdenton. will catch It. Munuger To in ml e Hippie hM been steadily atrengthening waft h pot m ill the lineup, and expecta to have an Impregnable I n Held of the laHt of the week. In today'e ^ame. Elizabeth City'a pitcher probably will be ltrlggs. woo fought his way to a 4 victory ov er Hertford Thursday In IP gruel ling iuiiiuga. Colerain will make Ita boW to EllaaWtii city faudoui In a gam* her* Wednesday. Tha town on th* far aide of the Chowan la declared to have built up an ? xceptionatl/ strong team, and Is determined |o carry ofT the championship honor* 111 the league. With Hertford and Elizabeth City an evenly matrh?d ax their performance In their two preliminary practice gaiuea 1b#** cates. and with reporta from Ed en t on that that town haa built UP an exceptionally Htrong aggros** lion. It la Indicated that baseball fans throughout the Albemarle district will hove plenty of Ural grade diamond entertainment In the hIx or aeven wee k h ahead. The four club* will aettle dowo this week to u atrenuoua slx-gamfe Hchedulc, with three games in each of the tow ns Included In thf It-ague. With Edenton here today, and Colerain Wednesday, tf week 'h menu In HiIh city will concluded Friday afternoon wit a game with Hertford. SENATE COMMITTEE * BUNS III .IN I) TRAIL Washington. June 1 4 The San ate campaign funda coinmlttoe tan h blind trail today when It triad to discover who was expected ul timately to pay the bill* Incurred by the "Republican citizens com mittee" In its support of the Pep per Fisher ticket this yew '4d Pennsylvania. ? William II Kol well. treaauHJ ^?f the committee, aaid that he and Joseph K Orundy bad signed k Joint note for fHO.UOO to make up the deficit but could not say from whom they expected to get their money back . . Questioned at great length, he testified that "citizens of the slate" wer?- expected to pay add a galu that "manufacturera" were looked to to make up the amount but he steadfastly refuaod to men* t ion any names. Aak?*d directly whether he had any member of the Mellon family In mind aa u possible source of help, the witness replied In the negative. ROTAR1ANS ATTEND OKNVKK CONVENTION Itotarlan Prealdenl Elect 8. B. Parker and Rotarlan Franela 0 Jiieocka will represent the Eltaft beth City Rotary Club at the act ing of lo.uou Rotarlan* at DeH ver. June 14 to l?. when Rotary clubs represent In v 36 countrlda. Including Australia. Japan, th" Philippines. Rout h Afrlea. mark and the lliilkan statea f*WI assemble to gain knowledge of the activities off Rotary and develop new energy for the participation of their clubs In their respOcMfa communities. Telegrams from these two Kll** a bet h City Itotarlan*. di*pat?M6 from on board the Rotary "Dlxlia spfc i a I " were read at last Frldayfo meeting of the Elizabeth City Ro tary Club. the principal featota Of the program of which was a read ing by llotarlan Jim Oregory on l he notary Ideal In the Relation of Employer and Km ploy*. " A humorous number by >?? tarlan Fred Houta was also IHM ly enjoyed. All thronee are too able for alttlag parpoaeo

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